Shell Scripts是个自动管理系统软件的好工具,它可以简化我们日常工作管理,入侵检测呀,数据处理呀,而且很多服务都可以利用到它。它跨平台支持且学习历程短(不像程序语言那么难学哦)。
1.1 shell script其实就是一个文档(里面包含很多的命令,有简单的格式,一行一行的执行),可以直接用vim编辑(vim很适合写脚本哦)。
现在我们假设你写的这个程序文件名是/home/dmtsai/shell.sh 好了,那如何执行这个文件?
(1)直接指令下达:shell.sh 文件必须要具备可读与可执行(rx) 的权限,然后:
(2)以bash 程序来执行:透过「bash shellsh」或「sh shell.sh」来执行
1.2 简单创建一个输出hello world脚本。(首先我们就要养成良好的编写脚本习惯,多写注释!)
- [user1@agent ~]$ mkdir bin;cd bin
- [user1@agent bin]$ vim hello.sh
- #!/bin/bash
- #program :show "hello world" in your screen
- #history
- #date:2020/03/30 Jack CentOS7.3 1297824292
- PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin
- export PATH
- echo -e "hello world!"
- exit 0
- [user1@agent bin]$ sh hello.sh
1.3 再来操作一个,在屏幕输出你的名字(程序取用你输入的变量)
注意理解脚本的意思呀:read -p就是让你输入,后面firstname就是获取变量,没有C语言复杂吧,最后echo -e输出,不过注意后面的形式,刚开始模仿就好了,慢慢就理解啦,不要一开始就放弃哦)
- [user1@agent bin]$ vim showname.sh
- #!/bin/bash
- #program :
- #date:2020/03/30 Jack CentOS7.3 1297824292
- PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin
- export PATH
- read -p "Please input your first name:" firstname
- read -p "Please input your last name:" lastname
- echo -e "\nYour full name is :${firstname}${lastname}"
- [user1@agent bin]$ sh showname.sh
- [user1@agent bin]$ sh showname.sh
- Please input your first name:Jack
- Please input your last name:chen
- Your full name is :Jackchen

1.4 come on,再来一个,利用date实现对数据库文件的备份(这样就不用每次就修改文件,脚本啦)
1.5 实现简单的加减乘除 var=$((运算内容))
- user1@agent bin]$ vim mutiply.sh
- #!/bash/bin
- #function:加减运算
- #date 2020/03/30 author telephone
- PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin
- export PATH
- read -p "Please input your first number:" firstnu
- read -p "Please input your last number:" lastnu
- total=$((${firstnu}*${lastnu}))
- echo -e "the result of $firstnu * $lastnu = ${total}"
- [user1@agent bin]$ sh mutiply.sh
- Please input your first number:23
- Please input your last number:23
- the result of 23 * 23 = 529

- [user1@agent bin]$ echo "123.23*23.23" | bc
- 2862.63
然后我们计算pi的值(那个4*a(1)是bc主动提供的一个计算pi 的函数,至于scale 就是要bc计算几个小数点下位数的意思。当scale 的数值越大,代表 pi要被计算的越精确,当然用掉的时间就会越多)
1.6 source执行脚本和前面几种执行方式有差别。看下面的变量就知道了吧(用source可以将变量传送过来)
- [user1@agent bin]$ sh showname.sh
- Please input your first name:Jack
- Please input your last name:chen
- Your full name is :Jackchen
- [user1@agent bin]$ echo $PATH
- [user1@agent bin]$ source showname.sh
- Please input your first name:JACK
- Please input your last name:CHEN
- Your full name is :JACKCHEN
- [user1@agent bin]$ echo $PATH
- /bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/home/user1/bin

2.1 test指令测试:
判断是否存在这个目录,有就输出“exist”,没有就输出“not exist”
- [user1@agent ~]$ test -e /user1 && echo "exist" || echo "not exist"
- not exist
- #!/bin/bash
- #program :
- #date:2020/03/30 Jack CentOS7.3 1297824292
- PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin
- export PATH
- #1 让用户输入档名,判断是否输入
- echo -e "please input a filename,I will check the filename's type and permission.\n"
- read -p "input a filename :" filename
- test -z ${filename} && echo "You must input a filename." && exit 0
- #2.判断文件是否存在?若不存在则显示信息并结束脚本
- test ! -e ${filename} && echo "The filename '${filename}' don't exist" && exit 0
- #3.判断文件类型和属性
- test -f ${filename} && filetype="regular file"
- test -d ${filename} && filetype="directory"
- test -r ${filename} && perm="readable"
- test -w ${filename} && perm="${perm} writable"
- test -x ${filename} && perm="excutable"
- #4.print info
- echo "the filename:${filename} is a ${filetype}"
- echo "And the permission for you is : ${perm}"

2.2 还有个判断符号【】,看一下他们两效果是一样的。
- [user1@agent bin]$ [ -z "${HOME}" ];echo $?
- 1
- [user1@agent bin]$ test -z ${HOME};echo $?
- 1
2.3 shell script的默认变数
- #用file查询这是一个可执行的脚本哦
- [user1@agent bin]$ file /etc/init.d/network
- /etc/init.d/network: Bourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executable
- #这样可以重启网络
- [user1@agent bin]$ /etc/init.d/network restart
- #类似于下面两个都可以,我们到服务器会讲
- [user1@agent bin]$ systemctl restart network
- [user1@agent bin]$ service network restart
- #!/bin/bash
- #program :
- #date:2020/03/30 Jack CentOS7.3 1297824292
- PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin
- export PATH
- read -p "please input (Y/N):" yn
- if [ "${yn}" = "y" ] || [ "${yn}" = "Y" ]; then
- echo "ok,continue"
- exit 0
- fi
- if [ "${yn}" = "n" ] || [ "${yn}" = "N" ]; then
- echo "oh, interrupt"
- exit 0
- fi
- echo "I don't know what your choice is" && exit 0

- #!/bin/bash
- #program :
- #date:2020/03/30 Jack CentOS7.3 1297824292
- PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin
- export PATH
- read -p "please input (Y/N):" yn
- if [ "${yn}" = "y" ] || [ "${yn}" = "Y" ]; then
- echo "ok,continue"
- exit 0
- elif [ "${yn}" = "n" ] || [ "${yn}" = "N" ]; then
- echo "oh, interrupt"
- exit 0
- else
- echo "I don't knoe what your choice is" && exit 0
- fi
- #!/bin/bash
- #program :
- #date:2020/03/30 Jack CentOS7.3 1297824292
- PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin
- export PATH
- #告知
- echo "now,I will detect your linux server's services!"
- echo -e "The www,ftp,ssh,and mail(smtp) will be detect!\n"
- #start detecting! and echo some info
- testfile=/dev/shm/netstat_checking.txt
- netstat -tuln > ${testfile}
- #先侦查,再判断
- testing=$(grep ":80" ${testfile})
- if [ "${testing}" != "" ];then
- echo "www is running in your system."
- else echo "www is not running"
- fi
- testing=$(grep ":22" ${testfile})
- if [ "${testing}" != "" ];then
- echo "ssh is running in your system."
- else echo "ssh is not running"
- fi
- testing=$(grep ":21" ${testfile})
- if [ "${testing}" != "" ];then
- echo "ftp is running in your system."
- else echo "ftp is not running"
- fi
- testing=$(grep ":25" ${testfile})
- if [ "${testing}" != "" ];then
- echo "mail is running in your system."
- else echo "mail is not running"
- fi

(1)while do done,until do done(不定循环)
- #!/bin/bash
- #program :
- #date:2020/03/30 Jack CentOS7.3 1297824292
- PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin
- export PATH
- s=0
- i=0
- while [ "${i}" != 100 ]
- do
- i=$(($i+1))
- s=$(($s+$i))
- done
- echo "the result of '1+2+3+...+100' is => $s"
看个例子(for循环和if判断一起用的例子->侦查192.168.1.1~的主机 )
- #!/bin/bash
- #program :
- #date:2020/03/30 Jack CentOS7.3 1297824292
- PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin
- export PATH
- #输入选择
- eat[1]="麦当劳汉堡"
- eat[2]="肯德鸡炸鸡"
- eat[3]="日式便当"
- eat[4]="黄焖鸡"
- eat[5]="大排面"
- eat[6]="脆皮鸡饭"
- eat[7]="蛋包饭"
- eat[8]="吃泡面趴"
- eat[9]="各自点外卖趴"
- #需要输入几个有用的餐厅数
- eatnum=9
- #RANDOM随机生成0 - 32767之间的整数.
- check=$(( ${RANDOM} *${eatnum} / 32767 +1 ))
- echo "you may eat ${eat[${check}]}"

- #!/bin/bash
- #program :
- #date:2020/03/30 Jack CentOS7.3 1297824292
- PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin
- export PATH
- #输入选择
- eat[1]="麦当劳汉堡"
- eat[2]="肯德鸡炸鸡"
- eat[3]="日式便当"
- eat[4]="黄焖鸡"
- eat[5]="大排面"
- eat[6]="脆皮鸡饭"
- eat[7]="蛋包饭"
- eat[8]="吃泡面趴"
- eat[9]="各自点外卖趴"
- #需要输入几个有用的餐厅数
- eatnum=9 #定义变量${eatnum}为9,即输入有几个可用的餐厅数
- eated=0 #定义变量${eated}为0
- while [ "${eated}" -lt 3 ]; do #${eated}小于3时即循环
- check=$(( ${RANDOM}*${eatnum}/32767 + 1 ))
- mycheck=0
- if [ "${eated}" -ge 1 ]; then #判断${eated}是否大于等于1
- for i in $(seq 1 ${eated}) #对于1-${eated}的连续的几个数
- do
- if [ ${eatedcon[$i]} == $check ]; then
- mycheck=1
- fi
- done
- fi
- if [ ${mycheck} == 0 ]; then
- echo "you may eat ${eat[${check}]}"
- eated=$(( ${eated} + 1 ))
- eatedcon[${eated}]=${check}
- fi
- done

- #常用就是-n这个参数,检查语法有没有问题,没有输出就是OK的
- [user1@agent bin]$ sh -n random_eat1.sh
- #-x检测脚本执行过程
- [user1@agent bin]$ sh -x random_eat1.sh
- + PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/home/user1/bin
- + export PATH
- + eat[1]=麦当劳汉堡
- + eat[2]=肯德鸡炸鸡
- + eat[3]=日式便当
- + eat[4]=黄焖鸡
- + eat[5]=大排面
- + eat[6]=脆皮鸡饭
- + eat[7]=蛋包饭
- + eat[8]=吃泡面趴
- + eat[9]=各自点外卖趴
- + eatnum=9
- + check=8
- + echo 'you may eat 吃泡面趴'
- you may eat 吃泡面趴

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