源码地址来源: https://minglisoft.cn/honghu2/business.html
- package com.honghu.cloud.controller;
- import java.math.BigDecimal;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Date;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
- import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
- import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
- import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity;
- import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
- import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;
- import org.slf4j.Logger;
- import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
- import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
- import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.CrossOrigin;
- import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
- import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
- import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
- import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
- import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON;
- import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONException;
- import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
- import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
- import com.honghu.cloud.bean.DaDaAppConfig;
- import com.honghu.cloud.bean.DaDaService;
- import com.honghu.cloud.bean.DadaApiResponse;
- import com.honghu.cloud.bean.ShopAddModel;
- import com.honghu.cloud.bean.Store;
- import com.honghu.cloud.code.ResponseCode;
- import com.honghu.cloud.dto.AreaDto;
- import com.honghu.cloud.dto.CouponInfoDto;
- import com.honghu.cloud.dto.EvaluateDto;
- import com.honghu.cloud.dto.ExpressCompanyCommonDto;
- import com.honghu.cloud.dto.ExpressCompanyDto;
- import com.honghu.cloud.dto.ExpressInfoDto;
- import com.honghu.cloud.dto.GoodsDto;
- import com.honghu.cloud.dto.MessageDto;
- import com.honghu.cloud.dto.OrderFormDto;
- import com.honghu.cloud.dto.OrderFormLogDto;
- import com.honghu.cloud.dto.RefundApplyFormDto;
- import com.honghu.cloud.dto.ReturnGoodsLogDto;
- import com.honghu.cloud.dto.ShipAddressDto;
- import com.honghu.cloud.dto.SysConfigDto;
- import com.honghu.cloud.dto.TransInfoDto;
- import com.honghu.cloud.dto.UserDto;
- import com.honghu.cloud.feign.AreaFeignClient;
- import com.honghu.cloud.feign.CouponInfoFeignClient;
- import com.honghu.cloud.feign.EvaluateFeignClient;
- import com.honghu.cloud.feign.ExpressCompanyCommonFeignClient;
- import com.honghu.cloud.feign.ExpressCompanyFeignClient;
- import com.honghu.cloud.feign.ExpressInfoFeignClient;
- import com.honghu.cloud.feign.GoodsFeignClient;
- import com.honghu.cloud.feign.MessageFeignClient;
- import com.honghu.cloud.feign.ModularClassFeignClient;
- import com.honghu.cloud.feign.MsgToolsFeignClient;
- import com.honghu.cloud.feign.OrderFormFeignClient;
- import com.honghu.cloud.feign.OrderFormLogFeignClient;
- import com.honghu.cloud.feign.OrderFormToolsFeignClient;
- import com.honghu.cloud.feign.RefundApplyFormFeignClient;
- import com.honghu.cloud.feign.ReturnGoodsLogFeignClient;
- import com.honghu.cloud.feign.ShipAddressFeignClient;
- import com.honghu.cloud.feign.ShipToolsFeignClient;
- import com.honghu.cloud.feign.SysConfigFeignClient;
- import com.honghu.cloud.feign.UserFeignClient;
- import com.honghu.cloud.service.IStoreService;
- import com.honghu.cloud.tools.DadaRequestClient;
- import com.honghu.cloud.tools.JSONUtil;
- import com.honghu.cloud.tools.QueryTools;
- import com.honghu.cloud.tools.SecurityUserHolder;
- import com.honghu.cloud.utils.CommUtil;
- import com.honghu.cloud.utils.StringUtils;
- import com.honghu.cloud.utils.tools.Md5Encrypt;
- import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
- import net.sf.json.JSONObject;
- @CrossOrigin(origins = "*", maxAge = 3600)
- @Slf4j
- @RestController
- @RequestMapping(value = "/applet/storeOrder")
- public class AppletStoreOrderController {
- private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AppletStoreOrderController.class);
- @Autowired
- private IStoreService storeService;
- @Autowired
- private OrderFormFeignClient orderFormFeignClient;
- @Autowired
- private UserFeignClient userFeignClient;
- @Autowired
- private GoodsFeignClient goodsFeignClient;
- @Autowired
- private QueryTools queryTools;
- @Autowired
- private RefundApplyFormFeignClient refundapplyformfeignclient;
- @Autowired
- private MessageFeignClient messagefeignclient;
- @Autowired
- private ReturnGoodsLogFeignClient returnGoodsLogFeignClient;
- @Autowired
- private ShipToolsFeignClient shipToolsFeignClient;
- @Autowired
- private OrderFormToolsFeignClient orderFormToolsFeignClient;
- @Autowired
- private OrderFormLogFeignClient orderFormLogFeignClient;
- @Autowired
- private MsgToolsFeignClient msgToolsFeignClient;
- @Autowired
- private ExpressCompanyCommonFeignClient companyCommonFeignClient;
- @Autowired
- private ShipAddressFeignClient shipAddressFeignClient;
- @Autowired
- private SysConfigFeignClient sysConfigFeignClient;
- @Autowired
- private ExpressInfoFeignClient expressInfoFeignClient;
- @Autowired
- private EvaluateFeignClient evaluateFeignClient;
- @Autowired
- private ExpressCompanyFeignClient expressCompanyFeignClient;
- @Autowired
- private ExpressCompanyCommonFeignClient expressCompanyCommonFeignClient;
- @Autowired
- private AreaFeignClient areaFeignClient;
- @Autowired
- private ModularClassFeignClient modularClassFeignClient;
- @Autowired
- private CouponInfoFeignClient couponInfoFeignClient;
- /**
- * 卖家订单列表
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param currentPage
- * @param order_status
- * @param order_id
- * @param beginTime
- * @param endTime
- * @param buyer_userName
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping( value = { "/order" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String,Object> order(HttpServletRequest request,
- @RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- String currentPage = json.optString("currentPage");
- String order_status = json.optString("order_status");
- String order_id = json.optString("order_id");
- /*String beginTime = json.optString("beginTime");
- String endTime = json.optString("endTime");*/
- String order_id_userName = json.optString("order_id_userName");
- Map<String,Object> maps= this.queryTools.getParams(currentPage,"addTime", "desc");
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder.getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, null);
- }
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- if(user.getStore_id() == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(user
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store != null){
- maps.put("store_id", store.getId());
- }else{
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- /* maps.put("order_cat_no", 2);
- */ Map<String, Object> map = Maps.newHashMap();
- if (!CommUtil.null2String(order_status).equals("")) {
- if (order_status.equals("order_submit")) {//代付款
- maps.put("order_status1", Integer.valueOf(10));
- maps.put("order_status2", Integer.valueOf(16));
- }
- if (order_status.equals("order_pay")) { //代发货
- maps.put("order_status1", Integer.valueOf(20));
- maps.put("order_status2", Integer.valueOf(14));
- }
- if (order_status.equals("order_shipping")) {//待收货 已发货
- //maps.put("order_status", Integer.valueOf(30));
- maps.put("order_status_0", Integer.valueOf(30));
- maps.put("order_status_1", Integer.valueOf(31));
- maps.put("order_status_2", Integer.valueOf(32));
- }
- if (order_status.equals("order_evaluate")) {// 已收货 待评价
- maps.put("order_status", Integer.valueOf(40));
- }
- if (order_status.equals("order_finish")) { //评论完
- maps.put("order_status", Integer.valueOf(50));
- }
- if (order_status.equals("order_cancel")) {//订单取消
- maps.put("order_status", Integer.valueOf(0));
- }
- if (order_status.equals("order_refund")) {//退款中
- maps.put("order_status", Integer.valueOf(21));
- }
- }
- if (!CommUtil.null2String(order_id).equals("")) {
- maps.put("order_id_like", order_id);
- }
- /*if (!CommUtil.null2String(beginTime).equals("")) {
- maps.put("add_Time_more_than_equal", CommUtil.formatDate(beginTime));
- map.put("beginTime", beginTime);
- }
- if (!CommUtil.null2String(endTime).equals("")) {
- String ends = endTime + " 23:59:59";
- maps.put("add_Time_less_than_equal", CommUtil.formatDate(ends,"yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"));
- map.put("endTime", endTime);
- }*/
- if (!CommUtil.null2String(order_id_userName).equals("")) {
- maps.put("order_id_userName", order_id_userName);
- }
- Map<String, Object> list = this.orderFormFeignClient.list(maps);
- map.putAll(list);
- /*map.put("list", list);*/
- map.put("order_id", order_id);
- map.put("order_status", order_status == null ? "all" : order_status);
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(map);
- }
- /**
- * 卖家订单
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param currentPage
- * @param order_status
- * @param order_id
- * @param beginTime
- * @param endTime
- * @param buyer_userName
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping( value = { "/orderHome" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String,Object> orderHome(HttpServletRequest request) {
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder.getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, null);
- }
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- if(user.getStore_id() == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(user
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- Map<String, Object> map = Maps.newHashMap();
- map.put("store_id", store.getId());
- //代付款1
- map.put("order_status1", Integer.valueOf(10));
- map.put("order_status2", Integer.valueOf(16));
- Integer order_submit = this.orderFormFeignClient.selectCount(map);
- //代发货1
- map.clear();
- map.put("store_id", store.getId());
- map.put("order_status", Integer.valueOf(20));
- Integer order_pay = this.orderFormFeignClient.selectCount(map);
- //待收货 已发货 1
- map.clear();
- map.put("store_id", store.getId());
- map.put("order_status", Integer.valueOf(30));
- Integer order_shipping = this.orderFormFeignClient.selectCount(map);
- // 已收货 待评价1
- map.clear();
- map.put("store_id", store.getId());
- map.put("order_status", Integer.valueOf(40));
- Integer order_evaluate = this.orderFormFeignClient.selectCount(map);
- //退款中1
- map.clear();
- map.put("store_id", store.getId());
- map.put("refundStatus", 1);
- Integer order_refund = this.orderFormFeignClient.selectCount(map);
- map.put("selectCount_refund", order_refund);
- map.clear();
- map.put("store_id", user.getStore_id());
- int selectCount = this.returnGoodsLogFeignClient.selectCount(map);
- if(order_refund == null){
- order_refund = 0;
- }
- order_refund = order_refund + selectCount;
- map.clear();
- map.put("order_submit", order_submit);
- map.put("order_pay", order_pay);
- map.put("order_shipping", order_shipping);
- map.put("order_evaluate", order_evaluate);
- map.put("order_refund", order_refund);
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(map);
- }
- /**订单详情
- * @param request
- * @param json
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping(value = { "/order_view" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String , Object> order_view(HttpServletRequest request,
- @RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- String id = json.optString("id");
- OrderFormDto obj = this.orderFormFeignClient
- .selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(id));
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder
- .getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, null);
- }
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(obj
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- if(user.getStore_id() == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- if (user.getStore_id().equals(store.getId())) {
- Map<String , Object> maps = Maps.newHashMap();
- if(obj.getOrder_status() == 10){
- SysConfigDto sys = this.sysConfigFeignClient.getSysConfig();
- Integer auto_order_cancel = sys.getAuto_order_cancel();
- Date addTime = obj.getAddTime();
- Date date = new Date();
- /*System.out.println(((addTime.getTime() - date.getTime()) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000))/ 365 + "年");
- System.out.println((addTime.getTime() - date.getTime()) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) + "天");
- System.out.println((((addTime.getTime() - date.getTime()) / (60 * 60 * 1000)) % 24) + "小时");
- System.out.println((((addTime.getTime() - date.getTime()) / 1000) % 60) + "分钟");
- System.out.println(((addTime.getTime() - date.getTime()) / (60 * 1000)) % 60 + "秒");*/
- maps.put("obj", obj);
- maps.put("second", (((addTime.getTime() - date.getTime()) / 1000)) + auto_order_cancel*60*60);
- }
- maps.put("obj", obj);
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(maps);
- } else {
- return ResponseCode.buildEnumMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 卖家取消订单
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param id
- * @param currentPage
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping(value ={ "/order_cancel" } ,method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String , Object> order_cancel(HttpServletRequest request , @RequestBody JSONObject jsonv) {
- String id = jsonv.optString("id");
- if (SecurityUserHolder.getCurrentUserId(request)==null) {
- return ResponseCode.buildCodeMap("1111", "userid为空", null);
- }
- UserDto seller = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder.getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- OrderFormDto obj = this.orderFormFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(id));
- if(seller == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, null);
- }
- if (seller.getParent_id()!=null) {
- seller = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(seller.getParent_id());
- }
- //user = user.getParent_id() == null ? user : user.getParent();
- if(seller.getStore_id() == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- //System.out.println("---------user--getStore_id-------------"+seller
- //.getStore_id());
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(seller
- .getStore_id());
- //System.out.println("---------user---------------"+seller.getId());
- //System.out.println("------------obj-------------"+obj.getId());
- //System.out.println("---------seller---------------"+seller.getStore_id());
- if(store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- System.out.println("-----------store--------------"+store.getId());
- if ((seller.getStore_id() != null)&& (CommUtil.null2String(obj.getStore_id()).equals(seller.getStore_id().toString()))) {
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(obj);
- } else {
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 卖家取消订单保存
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param id
- * @param currentPage
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping(value ={ "/order_cancel_save" } ,method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String , Object> order_cancel_save(HttpServletRequest request , @RequestBody JSONObject jsonv) {
- String id = jsonv.optString("id");
- String state_info = jsonv.optString("state_info");
- String other_state_info = jsonv.optString("other_state_info");
- UserDto seller = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder.getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- OrderFormDto obj = this.orderFormFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(id));
- if(seller == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, null);
- }
- if (seller.getParent_id()!=null) {
- seller = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(seller.getParent_id());
- }
- //user = user.getParent_id() == null ? user : user.getParent();
- if(seller.getStore_id() == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(seller
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- Date nowDate = new Date();
- if ((seller.getStore_id() != null)&& (CommUtil.null2String(obj.getStore_id()).equals(seller.getStore_id().toString()))) {
- obj.setOrder_status(0);
- if ((obj.getCoupon_info() != null)
- && (!"".equals(obj.getCoupon_info()))) {
- Map m = JSON.parseObject(obj.getCoupon_info());
- CouponInfoDto cpInfo = this.couponInfoFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil
- .null2Long(m.get("couponinfo_id")));
- if (cpInfo != null) {
- if (nowDate.before(cpInfo.getEndDate())) {
- cpInfo.setStatus(0);
- } else {
- cpInfo.setStatus(-1);
- }
- }
- }
- orderFormFeignClient.updateById(obj);
- OrderFormLogDto ofl = new OrderFormLogDto();
- ofl.setAddTime(new Date());
- ofl.setLog_info("取消订单");
- ofl.setLog_user_id(seller.getId());
- ofl.setLog_user_name(seller.getUserName());
- ofl.setOf_id(obj.getId());
- if (state_info.equals("其他原因")) {
- ofl.setState_info(other_state_info);
- } else {
- ofl.setState_info(state_info);
- }
- this.orderFormLogFeignClient.saveEntity(ofl);
- /* UserDto buyer = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(obj
- .getUser_id()));
- Map<String, Object> map = Maps.newHashMap();
- map.put("buyer_id", buyer.getId().toString());
- map.put("seller_id", store.getUser_id());
- map.put("order_id", obj.getId());
- String json = JSON.toJSONString(map);*/
- /*if (obj.getOrder_form() == 0) {
- try {
- this.msgToolsFeignClient.sendEmailCharge(CommUtil.getURL(request),
- "email_tobuyer_order_cancel_notify", buyer.getEmail(),
- json, null, obj.getStore_id());
- this.msgToolsFeignClient.sendSmsCharge(CommUtil.getURL(request),
- "sms_tobuyer_order_cancel_notify", buyer.getMobile(),
- json, null, obj.getStore_id());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- } else {
- try {
- this.msgToolsFeignClient.sendEmailFree(CommUtil.getURL(request),
- "email_tobuyer_order_cancel_notify", buyer.getEmail(),
- json, null);
- this.msgToolsFeignClient.sendSmsFree(CommUtil.getURL(request),
- "sms_tobuyer_order_cancel_notify", buyer.getMobile(),
- json, null);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }*/
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(null);
- } else {
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 订单退款申请单
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param currentPage
- * @param orderBy
- * @param orderType
- * @param status
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping(value = { "/refund_apply_form" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String,Object> refund_apply_form(HttpServletRequest request,
- @RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- String currentPage = json.optString("currentPage");
- String orderType = json.optString("orderType");
- String orderBy = json.optString("orderBy");
- //状态 0:待审核 5:审核拒绝 10:审核通过待退款 15:已退款
- String refundStatus = json.optString("refundStatus");
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder.getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, null);
- }
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- if(user.getStore_id() == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(user
- .getStore_id()));
- Map<String,Object> maps= this.queryTools.getParams(currentPage, orderBy, orderType);
- if ((refundStatus == null) || (refundStatus.equals(""))) {
- maps.put("refundStatus", CommUtil.null2Int(Integer.valueOf(0)));
- } else {
- maps.put("refundStatus", CommUtil.null2Int(Integer.valueOf(refundStatus)));
- }
- if(store != null){
- maps.put("store_id", store.getId());
- }else{
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- Map<String, Object> data = this.orderFormFeignClient.refundApplyFormList(maps);
- data.put("refundStatus", refundStatus);
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(data);
- }
- /**
- * 订单退款申请单详情
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param order_id
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping(value = { "/refund_orderform_view" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String,Object> refund_orderform_view(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- Map<Object, Object> map = Maps.newHashMap();
- map.put("reason","");
- if (StringUtils.isBlank(json.optString("order_id"))) {
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.PARAM_ERROR, null);
- }
- String apply_from_id = json.optString("apply_from_id");
- if (StringUtils.isBlank(apply_from_id)) {
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.PARAM_ERROR, null);
- }
- OrderFormDto obj = this.orderFormFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(json.optString("order_id")));
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(obj.getStore_id()));
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder.getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, null);
- }
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- RefundApplyFormDto RefundApplyFormDto = refundapplyformfeignclient.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(apply_from_id));
- if(RefundApplyFormDto!=null){
- map.put("reason",RefundApplyFormDto.getReturn_content()); //退款原因
- }
- //user = user.getParent_id() == null ? user : user.getParent();
- if(user.getStore_id() == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- if(store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.REQUEST_FORBIDDEN, null);
- }
- if(!user.getStore_id().equals(store.getId()) ||store.getStore_status()!=15){ //验证是否是当前商家 , 并且正常营业
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.REQUEST_FORBIDDEN, null);
- }
- if (obj != null) {
- String temp = obj.getSpecial_invoice();
- if ((temp != null) && (!"".equals(temp))) {
- Map of_va = JSON.parseObject(temp);
- map.put("of_va", of_va);
- }
- }
- map.put("obj", obj);
- String queryExInfo = this.queryExInfo(obj.getExpress_info(), "express_company_name");
- map.put("store", store);
- map.put("express_company_name", queryExInfo);
- //map.put("express_company_name", this.orderFormTools.queryExInfo(obj.getExpress_info(), "express_company_name"));
- ReturnGoodsLogDto returnGoodsLogDto = returnGoodsLogFeignClient.selectByOrderId(obj.getId());
- map.put("returnGoodsLogDto", returnGoodsLogDto);
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(map);
- }
- public String queryExInfo(String json, String key) {
- Map<String, Object> map = Maps.newHashMap();
- if ((json != null) && (!json.equals(""))) {
- map = JSON.parseObject(json);
- }
- return CommUtil.null2String(map.get(key));
- }
- /**
- * 订单退款申请单审核
- * @param request
- * @param result
- * @param apply_form_id
- * @param currentPage
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping({ "/refund_audit" })
- public Map<String, Object> refund_audit(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- UserDto user = SecurityUserHolder.getCurrentUser(request);
- Store store = null ;
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, null);
- }
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(user
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- RefundApplyFormDto refundApplyForm = this.refundapplyformfeignclient
- .selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(json.optString("apply_from_id")));
- //TODO
- //Store store = (user.getParent() == null ? user : user.getParent()).getStore();
- if ((store != null) && (store.getId().toString().equals(refundApplyForm.getStore_id()))&&refundApplyForm.getOrder_form_id()!=null) {
- OrderFormDto orderForm = this.orderFormFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(refundApplyForm.getOrder_form_id());
- refundApplyForm.setAudit_date(new Date());
- refundApplyForm.setAudit_user_name(user.getUserName());
- if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(json.optString("result"))) {
- refundApplyForm.setStatus(10);
- this.refundapplyformfeignclient.updateById(refundApplyForm);
- orderForm.setOrder_status(22);
- this.orderFormFeignClient.updateById(orderForm);
- MessageDto msg = new MessageDto();
- String msg_content = "您订单号为:" + orderForm.getOrder_id() + "的订单退款申请已通过,我们会尽快将" + "退款金额打入您的预存款中。";
- msg.setAddTime(new Date());
- msg.setStatus(0);
- msg.setType(0);
- msg.setContent(msg_content);
- //msg.setFromu(user);
- //msg.setToUser(this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(orderForm.getUser_id())));
- msg.setFromUser_id(user.getId());
- msg.setToUser_id(CommUtil.null2Long(orderForm.getUser_id()));
- this.messagefeignclient.saveEntity(msg);
- } else {
- refundApplyForm.setStatus(5);
- this.refundapplyformfeignclient.updateById(refundApplyForm);
- orderForm.setOrder_status(20);
- this.orderFormFeignClient.updateById(orderForm);
- MessageDto msg = new MessageDto();
- String msg_content = "您订单号为:" + orderForm.getOrder_id() + "的订单退款申请未通过。";
- msg.setAddTime(new Date());
- msg.setStatus(0);
- msg.setType(0);
- msg.setContent(msg_content);
- msg.setFromUser(user);
- msg.setToUser_id(CommUtil.null2Long(orderForm.getUser_id()));
- this.messagefeignclient.saveEntity(msg);
- }
- }else {
- //店铺不存在, 或者登录用户不为该订单商铺
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.REQUEST_FORBIDDEN, null);
- }
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(null);
- }
- /**
- * 退货列表
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param currentPage
- * @param orderBy
- * @param orderType
- * @param name
- * @param user_name
- * @param return_service_id
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping(value = { "/return" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String, Object> seller_return(HttpServletRequest request,@RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- String currentPage = json.optString("currentPage");
- String orderBy = json.optString("orderBy");
- String orderType = json.optString("orderType");
- String name = json.optString("name");
- String user_name = json.optString("user_name");
- String return_service_id = json.optString("return_service_id");
- Map<String,Object> maps= this.queryTools.getParams(currentPage, "addTime", "desc");
- maps.put("goods_type", 1);
- if ((user_name != null) && (!user_name.equals(""))) {
- maps.put("user_name", user_name);
- }
- if ((name != null) && (!name.equals(""))) {
- maps.put("goods_name_like", name);
- }
- if ((return_service_id != null) && (!return_service_id.equals(""))) {
- maps.put("return_service_id", return_service_id);
- }
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder.getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, null);
- }
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- //user = user.getParent_id() == null ? user : user.getParent();
- if(user.getStore_id() == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(user
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store != null){
- maps.put("store_id", store.getId());
- }else{
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- maps.put("store_id", user.getStore_id());
- Map<String , Object> data = this.returnGoodsLogFeignClient.list(maps);
- data.put("name", name);
- data.put("user_name", user_name);
- data.put("return_service_id", return_service_id);
- data.put("store", store);
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(data);
- }
- /**
- * 退货详情数据
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param currentPage
- * @param id
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping(value = { "/return_check" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String, Object> return_check(HttpServletRequest request,
- @RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- String id = json.optString("id");
- ReturnGoodsLogDto obj = this.returnGoodsLogFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil
- .null2Long(id));
- Map<String, Object> map = Maps.newHashMap();
- if (obj.getGoods_return_status().equals("7")) {
- TransInfoDto transInfo = this.shipToolsFeignClient.query_Ordership_getData(CommUtil.null2String(obj.getId()));
- map.put("transInfo", transInfo);
- Map<String, Object> mapa = JSON.parseObject(obj
- .getReturn_express_info());
- //物流名称
- map.put("express_company_name",mapa.get("express_company_name"));
- }
- map.put("obj", obj);
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(map);
- }
- /**
- * 退货订单 审核or拒绝
- * @param request
- * @param id
- * @param goods_return_status
- * @param self_address
- */
- @RequestMapping( value = { "/return_check_save" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String , Object> return_check_saveEntity(HttpServletRequest request,@RequestBody JSONObject jsonv) {
- String id = jsonv.optString("id");
- /*String currentPage = jsonv.optString("currentPage");*/
- /*String cmd = jsonv.optString("cmd");*/
- // 退货商品状态 -2为超过退货时间未能输入退货物流 -1为申请被拒绝 1为可以退货 5为退货申请中 6为审核通过可进行退货 7为退货中 10为退货完成,等待退款,11为平台退款完成
- String goods_return_status = jsonv.optString("goods_return_status");
- // 收货时向买家发送的收货地址,买家通过此将货物发送给卖家
- String self_address = jsonv.optString("self_address");
- UserDto seller = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder.getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- // UserDto seller = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(445L);
- if(seller == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, null);
- }
- if (seller.getParent_id()!=null) {
- seller = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(seller.getParent_id());
- }
- //user = user.getParent_id() == null ? user : user.getParent();
- if(seller.getStore_id() == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(seller
- .getStore_id()));
- // Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(62));
- if(store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- ReturnGoodsLogDto obj = this.returnGoodsLogFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(Long.valueOf(Long.parseLong(id)));
- String message = "审核为未通过";
- String code = "10001";
- if ((seller.getStore_id() != null)&& (CommUtil.null2String(obj.getStore_id()).equals(seller.getStore_id().toString()))) {
- obj.setGoods_return_status(goods_return_status);
- obj.setSelf_address(self_address);
- obj.setRefund_time(new Date()); //审核时间
- this.returnGoodsLogFeignClient.updateById(obj);
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(obj.getUser_id());
- String msg_content =null;
- if (goods_return_status.equals("6")) {
- message = "审核通过";
- code = "10000";
- msg_content = "退货申请审核通过,请在'退货/退款'-'查看返修/退换记录'中提交退货物流信息。";
- } else {
- /* OrderFormDto of = this.orderFormFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(Long.valueOf(obj.getReturn_order_id()));
- of.setOrder_status(18); //申请未通过, 用户取消退款确认收货/人工仲裁
- this.orderFormFeignClient.updateById(of);*/
- message = "提交成功";
- code = "10000";
- msg_content = "订单号:" + obj.getReturn_service_id()
- + "退货申请审核未通过,请在'退货/退款'-'查看返修/退换记录'中提交退货物流信息。";
- }
- MessageDto msg = new MessageDto();
- msg.setAddTime(new Date());
- msg.setStatus(0);
- msg.setType(0);
- msg.setContent(msg_content);
- msg.setFromUser(SecurityUserHolder.getCurrentUser(request));
- msg.setToUser(user);
- this.messagefeignclient.saveEntity(msg);
- } else {
- message = "信息有误";
- code = "10001";
- }
- return ResponseCode.buildCodeMap(code,message, null);
- }
- /**
- * 确认退货收货
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param id
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping( value = { "/return_confirm" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String , Object> return_confirm(HttpServletRequest request , @RequestBody JSONObject jsonv) {
- String id = jsonv.optString("id");
- UserDto seller = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder.getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- ReturnGoodsLogDto obj = this.returnGoodsLogFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(Long.valueOf(Long.parseLong(id)));
- if(seller == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, null);
- }
- if (seller.getParent_id()!=null) {
- seller = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(seller.getParent_id());
- }
- //user = user.getParent_id() == null ? user : user.getParent();
- if(seller.getStore_id() == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- // Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(seller
- // .getStore_id()));
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(seller.getStore_id());
- if(store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- if ((seller.getStore_id() != null)&& (CommUtil.null2String(obj.getStore_id()).equals(seller.getStore_id().toString()))) {
- obj.setGoods_return_status("10");
- this.returnGoodsLogFeignClient.updateById(obj);
- }
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(null);
- }
- /**
- * 卖家调整订单费用
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param id
- * @param currentPage
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping(value = { "/order_fee" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String , Object> order_fee(HttpServletRequest request,
- @RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- String id = json.optString("id");
- OrderFormDto obj = this.orderFormFeignClient
- .selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(id));
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder
- .getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, null);
- }
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(obj
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- //user = user.getParent_id() == null ? user : user.getParent();
- if(user.getStore_id() == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- if (user.getStore_id().equals(store.getId())) {
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(obj);
- } else {
- return ResponseCode.buildEnumMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 卖家调整订单费用保存
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param id
- * @param currentPage
- * @param goods_amount
- * @param ship_price
- * @param totalPrice
- * @return
- * @throws Exception
- */
- @RequestMapping( value = { "/order_fee_save" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String, Object> order_fee_saveEntity(HttpServletRequest request,@RequestBody JSONObject jsonv)
- {
- String id = jsonv.optString("id");
- String goods_amount = jsonv.optString("goods_amount"); //商品总价格
- String ship_price = jsonv.optString("ship_price"); // 配送价格
- String totalPrice = jsonv.optString("totalPrice"); // 订单总价格
- OrderFormDto obj = this.orderFormFeignClient
- .selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(id));
- if (CommUtil.null2Double(obj.getCommission_amount()) <= CommUtil
- .null2Double(goods_amount)) {
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder
- .getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, null);
- }
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- if(user.getStore_id() == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE,null);
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(user
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE,null);
- }
- //user = user.getParent_id() == null ? user : user.getParent();
- if (user.getStore_id().toString().equals(store.getId().toString())) {
- obj.setGoods_amount(BigDecimal.valueOf(CommUtil
- .null2Double(goods_amount)));
- obj.setShip_price(BigDecimal.valueOf(CommUtil
- .null2Double(ship_price)));
- obj.setTotalPrice(BigDecimal.valueOf(CommUtil
- .null2Double(totalPrice)));
- obj.setOperation_price_count(obj.getOperation_price_count() + 1);
- this.orderFormFeignClient.updateById(obj);
- OrderFormLogDto ofl = new OrderFormLogDto();
- ofl.setAddTime(new Date());
- ofl.setLog_info("调整订单费用");
- ofl.setState_info("调整订单总金额为:" + totalPrice + ",调整运费金额为:"
- + ship_price);
- ofl.setLog_user_id(SecurityUserHolder.getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- ofl.setLog_user_name(SecurityUserHolder.getCurrentUser(request)
- .getUserName());
- ofl.setOf_id(obj.getId());
- this.orderFormLogFeignClient.saveEntity(ofl);
- /* UserDto buyer = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(obj
- .getUser_id()));
- Map<String, Object> map = Maps.newHashMap();
- map.put("buyer_id", buyer.getId().toString());
- map.put("seller_id", store.getUser_id());
- map.put("order_id", obj.getId());
- String json = JSON.toJSONString(map);
- if (obj.getOrder_form() == 0) {
- this.msgToolsFeignClient.sendEmailCharge(CommUtil.getURL(request),
- "email_tobuyer_order_update_fee_notify",
- buyer.getEmail(), json, null, obj.getStore_id());
- this.msgToolsFeignClient.sendSmsCharge(CommUtil.getURL(request),
- "sms_tobuyer_order_fee_notify", buyer.getMobile(),
- json, null, obj.getStore_id());
- } else {
- this.msgToolsFeignClient.sendEmailFree(CommUtil.getURL(request),
- "email_tobuyer_order_update_fee_notify",
- buyer.getEmail(), json, null);
- this.msgToolsFeignClient.sendSmsFree(CommUtil.getURL(request),
- "sms_tobuyer_order_fee_notify", buyer.getMobile(),
- json, null);
- }*/
- }else{
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE,null);
- }
- }else{
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE,null);
- }
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(null);
- }
- /**
- * 卖家发货
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param id
- * @param currentPage
- * @param page_status
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping(value = { "/order_shipping" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String, Object> order_shipping(HttpServletRequest request,@RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- String id = json.optString("id");
- String page_status = json.optString("page_status");
- OrderFormDto obj = this.orderFormFeignClient
- .selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(id));
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder
- .getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, null);
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(obj
- .getStore_id()));
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- Store store1 = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(user
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store1 == null ||store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- //user = user.getParent_id() == null ? user : user.getParent();
- if(user.getStore_id() == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- Map<String, Object> map = Maps.newHashMap();
- if (user.getStore_id().equals(store.getId())) {
- map.put("obj", obj);
- List<GoodsDto> list_goods = queryOfGoods(obj);
- List<GoodsDto> deliveryGoods = Lists.newArrayList();
- boolean physicalGoods = false;
- for (GoodsDto g : list_goods) {
- if (g.getGoods_choice_type() == 1) {
- deliveryGoods.add(g);
- } else {
- physicalGoods = true;
- }
- }
- Map<String, Object> params = Maps.newHashMap();
- params.put("ecc_type", Integer.valueOf(0));
- params.put("ecc_store_id", store.getId());
- List<ExpressCompanyCommonDto> eccs = this.companyCommonFeignClient.queryPages(params);
- params.clear();
- params.put("sa_type", Integer.valueOf(0));
- params.put("sa_user_id", user.getId());
- params.put("orderBy", "obj.sa_default desc,obj.sa_sequence");
- params.put("orderType", "asc");
- List<ShipAddressDto> shipAddrs = this.shipAddressFeignClient.queryPages(params);
- map.put("eccs", eccs);
- map.put("shipAddrs", shipAddrs);
- map.put("physicalGoods", Boolean.valueOf(physicalGoods));
- map.put("deliveryGoods", deliveryGoods);
- map.put("page_status", page_status);
- //用改方法查询虚拟商品的数量
- /*map.put("queryOfGoodsCount", this.queryOfGoodsCount);*/
- } else {
- return ResponseCode.buildEnumMap(ResponseCode.PARAM_ERROR, null);
- }
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(map);
- }
- /**
- * 根据订单id和商品id查询该商品在该订单中的数量
- * @param order_id
- * @param goods_id
- * @return
- */
- public int queryOfGoodsCount(String order_id, String goods_id) {
- int count = 0;
- OrderFormDto of = this.orderFormFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil
- .null2Long(order_id));
- List<Map> map_list = this.orderFormToolsFeignClient.queryGoodsInfo(of.getGoods_info());
- for (Map map : map_list) {
- if (CommUtil.null2String(map.get("goods_id")).equals(goods_id)) {
- count = CommUtil.null2Int(map.get("goods_count"));
- break;
- }
- }
- if ((count == 0)
- && (!CommUtil.null2String(of.getChild_order_detail())
- .equals(""))) { // 主订单无数量信息,继续从子订单中查询
- List<Map> maps = this.orderFormToolsFeignClient.queryGoodsInfo(of.getChild_order_detail());
- for (Map map : maps) {
- OrderFormDto child_order = this.orderFormFeignClient
- .selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(map
- .get("order_id")));
- map_list.clear();
- map_list = this.orderFormToolsFeignClient.queryGoodsInfo(child_order.getGoods_info());
- for (Map map1 : map_list) {
- if (CommUtil.null2String(map1.get("goods_id")).equals(
- goods_id)) {
- count = CommUtil.null2Int(map1.get("goods_count"));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return count;
- }
- /**
- * 根据订单id查询该订单中所有商品,包括子订单中的商品
- * @param main_order
- * @return
- */
- public List<GoodsDto> queryOfGoods(OrderFormDto main_order) {
- List<Map> map_list =this.orderFormToolsFeignClient.queryGoodsInfo(main_order.getGoods_info());
- List<GoodsDto> goods_list = Lists.newArrayList();
- for (Map map : map_list) {
- GoodsDto goods = this.goodsFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil
- .null2Long(map.get("goods_id")));
- if(goods != null){
- goods_list.add(goods);
- }
- }
- if (!CommUtil.null2String(main_order.getChild_order_detail())
- .equals("")) {
- List<Map> maps = this.orderFormToolsFeignClient.queryGoodsInfo(main_order.getChild_order_detail());
- for (Map<String, Object> map : maps) {
- OrderFormDto child_order = this.orderFormFeignClient
- .selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(map
- .get("order_id")));
- map_list.clear();
- map_list =this.orderFormToolsFeignClient.queryGoodsInfo(child_order.getGoods_info());
- for (Map map1 : map_list) {
- GoodsDto good = this.goodsFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil
- .null2Long(map1.get("goods_id")));
- goods_list.add(good);
- }
- }
- }
- return goods_list;
- }
- /**
- * 卖家修改物流
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param id
- * @param currentPage
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping(value = { "/order_shipping_code" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String , Object> order_shipping_code(HttpServletRequest request,@RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- String id = json.optString("id");
- OrderFormDto obj = this.orderFormFeignClient
- .selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(id));
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder
- .getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, null);
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(obj
- .getStore_id()));
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- //user = user.getParent_id() == null ? user : user.getParent();
- if(user.getStore_id() == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- Store store1 = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(user
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store1 == null || store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- if (user.getStore_id().equals(store.getId())) {
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(obj);
- } else {
- return ResponseCode.buildEnumMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 卖家修改物流保存
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param id
- * @param currentPage
- * @param shipCode
- * @param state_info
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping(value = { "/order_shipping_code_save" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String , Object> order_shipping_code_saveEntity(HttpServletRequest request,@RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- String id = json.optString("id");
- String shipCode = json.optString("shipCode");
- String state_info = json.optString("state_info");
- OrderFormDto obj = this.orderFormFeignClient
- .selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(id));
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder
- .getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, null);
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(obj
- .getStore_id()));
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- Store store1 = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(user
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store1 == null || store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- //user = user.getParent_id() == null ? user : user.getParent();
- if(user.getStore_id() == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- Map<String, Object> map = Maps.newHashMap();
- if (user.getStore_id().equals(store.getId())) {
- obj.setShipCode(shipCode);
- this.orderFormFeignClient.updateById(obj);
- OrderFormLogDto ofl = new OrderFormLogDto();
- ofl.setAddTime(new Date());
- ofl.setLog_info("修改物流信息");
- ofl.setState_info(state_info);
- ofl.setLog_user_id(SecurityUserHolder.getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- ofl.setLog_user_name(SecurityUserHolder.getCurrentUser(request)
- .getUserName());
- ofl.setOf(obj);
- this.orderFormLogFeignClient.saveEntity(ofl);
- if (this.sysConfigFeignClient.getSysConfig().getKuaidi_type() == 1) {
- JSONObject info = new JSONObject();
- Map express_map = JSON.parseObject(obj.getExpress_info());
- info.put("company", CommUtil.null2String(express_map
- .get("express_company_mark")));
- info.put("number", obj.getShipCode());
- info.put("from", CommUtil.null2String(obj.getShip_addr()));
- info.put("to", obj.getReceiver_area());
- info.put("key", this.sysConfigFeignClient.getSysConfig()
- .getKuaidi_id2());
- JSONObject param_info = new JSONObject();
- param_info.put("callbackurl", CommUtil.getURL(request)
- + "/kuaidi_callback?order_id=" + obj.getId()
- + "&orderType=0");
- param_info.put("salt",
- Md5Encrypt.md5(CommUtil.null2String(obj.getId()))
- .substring(0, 16));
- info.put("parameters", param_info);
- try {
- String result = Post(
- "http://highapi.kuaidi.com/openapi-receive.html",
- info.toString());
- Map remap = JSON.parseObject(result);
- if ("success".equals(CommUtil.null2String(remap
- .get("message")))) {
- ExpressInfoDto ei = new ExpressInfoDto();
- ei.setAddTime(new Date());
- ei.setOrder_id(obj.getId());
- ei.setOrder_express_id(obj.getShipCode());
- ei.setOrder_type(0);
- Map ec_map = JSON.parseObject(CommUtil.null2String(obj
- .getExpress_info()));
- if (ec_map != null) {
- ei.setOrder_express_name(CommUtil
- .null2String(ec_map
- .get("express_company_name")));
- }
- this.expressInfoFeignClient.saveEntity(ei);
- System.out.println("订阅成功");
- } else {
- System.out.println("订阅失败");
- }
- } catch (JSONException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- }
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(null);
- }
- /**
- * 快递Post请求
- * @param url
- * @param param
- * @return
- */
- @SuppressWarnings("resource")
- public static String Post(String url, String param) {
- try {
- DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
- HttpPost method = new HttpPost(url);
- StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(param, "utf-8");// 解决中文乱码问题
- entity.setContentEncoding("UTF-8");
- entity.setContentType("application/json");
- method.setEntity(entity);
- HttpResponse result = httpClient.execute(method);
- // 请求结束,返回结果
- return EntityUtils.toString(result.getEntity());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
- }
- }
- /**
- * 卖家物流详情
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param id
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping( value = { "/ship_view" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String , Object> order_ship_view(HttpServletRequest request,@RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- String id = json.optString("id");
- OrderFormDto obj = this.orderFormFeignClient
- .selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(id));
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder
- .getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, null);
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(obj
- .getStore_id()));
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- Store store1 = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(user
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store1 == null || store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- //user = user.getParent_id() == null ? user : user.getParent();
- if(user.getStore_id() == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- Map<String, Object> map = Maps.newHashMap();
- if (user.getStore_id().equals(store.getId())) {
- map.put("obj", obj);
- TransInfoDto transInfo = this.shipToolsFeignClient
- .query_Ordership_getData(CommUtil.null2String(obj.getId()));
- map.put("transInfo", transInfo);
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(map);
- } else {
- return ResponseCode.buildEnumMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 商品评价列表
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param currentPage
- * @param orderBy
- * @param orderType
- * @param status
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping({ "/evaluate_list" })
- public Map<String , Object> evaluate_list(HttpServletRequest request,@RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- String currentPage = json.getString("currentPage");
- String orderBy = json.getString("orderBy");
- String orderType = json.getString("orderType");
- String status = json.getString("status");
- String evaluate_buyer_val = json.getString("evaluate_buyer_val");
- Map<String,Object> maps= this.queryTools.getParams(currentPage, orderBy, orderType);
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder.getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, null);
- }
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(user
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- maps.put("evaluate_goods_goods_store_id", store.getId());
- maps.put("evaluate_status", 0);
- maps.put("evaluate_type", "goods");
- if ("yes".equals(status)) {
- maps.put("reply_status", 1);
- maps.put("status", status);
- }
- if ("no".equals(status)) {
- maps.put("reply_status", 0);
- maps.put("status", status);
- }
- //买家评价,评价类型,1为好评,0为中评,-1为差评
- if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(evaluate_buyer_val)){
- maps.put("evaluate_buyer_val", evaluate_buyer_val);
- }
- Map<String, Object> map = this.evaluateFeignClient.list(maps);
- map.put("status", status);
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(map);
- }
- /**
- * 商品评价内容查看
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param id
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping( value = { "/evaluate_info" } ,method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String , Object> evaluate_info(HttpServletRequest request,@RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- String id = json.optString("id");
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder
- .getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, null);
- }
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(user
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- EvaluateDto evl = this.evaluateFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(id));
- //TODO
- if (evl != null){
- OrderFormDto of = this.orderFormFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(evl.getOf_id());
- UserDto euser = userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(evl.getEvaluate_user_id());
- if((of.getStore_id().equals(user.getStore_id()+""))) {
- /*mv.addObject("evl", evl);*/
- /*mv.addObject("imageTools", this.imageTools);*/
- Map<String , Object> maps = Maps.newHashMap();
- maps.put("evl", evl);
- maps.put("euser", euser);
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(maps);
- } else {
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- }else{
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 商品评价内容回复
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param id
- * @param reply
- */
- @RequestMapping( value = { "/evaluate_reply_save" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String, Object> evaluate_reply_saveEntity(HttpServletRequest request,@RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- String id = json.optString("id");
- String reply = json.optString("reply");
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder.getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, null);
- }
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(user
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- EvaluateDto evl = this.evaluateFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(id));
- if (evl != null){
- OrderFormDto of = this.orderFormFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(evl.getOf_id());
- if((of.getStore_id().equals(user.getStore_id()+""))) {
- /*mv.addObject("evl", evl);*/
- /*mv.addObject("imageTools", this.imageTools);*/
- evl.setReply(reply);
- evl.setReply_status(1);
- this.evaluateFeignClient.updateById(evl);
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(evl);
- } else {
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- }else{
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 常用快递公司
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param currentPage
- * @param orderBy
- * @param orderType
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping(value = { "/ecc_set" } ,method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String , Object> ecc_set(HttpServletRequest request) {
- Map<String, Object> params = Maps.newHashMap();
- /*List<ExpressCompanyDto> ecs = this.expressCompanyFeignClient.queryPageList(params);*/
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder
- .getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildEnumMap(ResponseCode.TOKEN_EXPIRE, null);
- }
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(user
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildEnumMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- List<ExpressCompanyCommonDto> eccs = Lists.newArrayList();
- if ((store != null) && (user.getUserRole().indexOf("SELLER") >= 0)) {
- params.put("ecc_type", Integer.valueOf(0));
- params.put("ecc_store_id", store.getId());
- eccs = this.expressCompanyCommonFeignClient.queryPages(params);
- }
- /*mv.addObject("ecs", ecs);
- mv.addObject("transportTools", this.transportTools);*/
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(eccs);
- }
- // public int query_common_ec(HttpServletRequest request,String id) {
- // int ret = 0;
- // if (!CommUtil.null2String(id).equals("")) {
- // Map<String, Object> params = Maps.newHashMap();
- // UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder
- // .getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- // if(user == null){
- // return ret;
- // }
- // if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- // user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- // }
- // Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(user
- // .getStore_id()));
- // if(store == null){
- // return ret;
- // }
- // List<ExpressCompanyCommonDto> eccs = Lists.newArrayList();
- // if ((store != null) && (user.getUserRole().indexOf("SELLER") >= 0)) {
- // params.put("ecc_type", Integer.valueOf(0));
- // params.put("ecc_store_id", store.getId());
- // eccs = this.expressCompanyCommon.queryPageList(params);
- //
- // for (ExpressCompanyCommonDto ecc : eccs) {
- // if (ecc.getEcc_ec_id().equals(CommUtil.null2Long(id))) {
- // ret = 1;
- // }
- // }
- // } else {
- // params.put("ecc_type", Integer.valueOf(1));
- // eccs = this.expressCompanyCommon.queryPageList(params);
- //
- // for (ExpressCompanyCommonDto ecc : eccs) {
- // if (ecc.getEcc_ec_id().equals(CommUtil.null2Long(id))) {
- // ret = 1;
- // }
- // }
- // }
- // }
- // return ret;
- // }
- /**
- * 常用快递公司删除
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param id
- * @param currentPage
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping(value = { "/ecc_delete" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String, Object> ecc_deleteById(HttpServletRequest request,@RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- String id = json.optString("id");
- ExpressCompanyCommonDto ecc = this.expressCompanyCommonFeignClient
- .selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(id));
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder
- .getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.TOKEN_EXPIRE, null);
- }
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(user
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- if (ecc.getEcc_store_id().equals(store.getId())) {
- this.expressCompanyCommonFeignClient.deleteById(CommUtil.null2Long(id));
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(null);
- }else{
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 所有未选择的常用快递公司
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param id
- * @param currentPage
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping(value = { "/ecc_saveEntityView" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String, Object> ecc_saveEntityView(HttpServletRequest request,@RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder
- .getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildEnumMap( ResponseCode.TOKEN_EXPIRE, null);
- }
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(user
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildEnumMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE,null);
- }
- Map<String, Object> params = Maps.newHashMap();
- params.put("company_status", Integer.valueOf(0));
- params.put("orderBy", "company_sequence");
- params.put("orderType", "asc");
- List<ExpressCompanyDto> excs = this.expressCompanyFeignClient.queryPages(params);
- List<ExpressCompanyCommonDto> eccs = Lists.newArrayList();
- List<ExpressCompanyDto> execs = Lists.newArrayList();
- if ((store != null) && (user.getUserRole().indexOf("SELLER") >= 0)) {
- params.clear();
- params.put("ecc_type", Integer.valueOf(0));
- params.put("ecc_store_id", store.getId());
- eccs = this.expressCompanyCommonFeignClient.queryPages(params);
- for (ExpressCompanyDto exc : excs) {
- int i= 0;
- for (ExpressCompanyCommonDto ecc : eccs) {
- if (ecc.getEcc_ec_id().equals(CommUtil.null2Long(exc.getId()))) {
- i=1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(i == 0){
- execs.add(exc);
- }
- }
- }
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(execs);
- }
- /**
- * 常用快递公司添加
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param id
- * @param currentPage
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping(value = { "/ecc_saveEntity" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String, Object> ecc_saveEntity(HttpServletRequest request,@RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- String ids = json.optString("ids");
- String[] ec_ids= null;
- if(ids != null){
- ec_ids = ids.split(",");
- }
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder
- .getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.TOKEN_EXPIRE, null);
- }
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(user
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- for (String ec_id : ec_ids) {
- if (!CommUtil.null2String(ec_id).equals("")) {
- ExpressCompanyDto ec = this.expressCompanyFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(ec_id));
- ExpressCompanyCommonDto ecc = new ExpressCompanyCommonDto();
- ecc.setAddTime(new Date());
- ecc.setEcc_code(ec.getCompany_mark());
- ecc.setEcc_ec_id(ec.getId());
- ecc.setEcc_name(ec.getCompany_name());
- ecc.setEcc_store_id(store.getId());
- ecc.setEcc_template(ec.getCompany_template());
- ecc.setEcc_template_heigh(ec.getCompany_template_heigh());
- ecc.setEcc_template_width(ec.getCompany_template_width());
- ecc.setEcc_template_offset(ec.getCompany_template_offset());
- ecc.setEcc_type(0);
- ecc.setEcc_ec_type(ec.getCompany_type());
- this.expressCompanyCommonFeignClient.saveEntity(ecc);
- }
- }
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(null);
- }
- /**
- * 发货地址列表
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param currentPage
- * @param orderBy
- * @param orderType
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping(value = { "/ship_address" } ,method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String,Object> ship_address(HttpServletRequest request,@RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- String currentPage = json.optString("currentPage");
- String orderBy = json.optString("orderBy");
- String orderType = json.optString("orderType");
- Map<String,Object> maps= this.queryTools.getParams(currentPage, orderBy, orderType);
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder.getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- List<Long> sa_user_ids = Lists.newArrayList();
- sa_user_ids.add(user.getId());
- if(user!=null && user.getParent_id()!=null){
- UserDto userParent = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent().getId());
- sa_user_ids.add(userParent.getId());
- List<UserDto> childs = userParent.getChilds();
- for (UserDto uc : childs) {
- sa_user_ids.add(uc.getId());
- }
- }
- if(user!=null && user.getChilds()!=null && user.getChilds().size()>0){
- List<UserDto> childs = user.getChilds();
- for (UserDto uc : childs) {
- sa_user_ids.add(uc.getId());
- }
- }
- maps.put("sa_type", 0);
- maps.put("sa_user_ids", sa_user_ids);
- Map<String, Object> data = this.shipAddressFeignClient.list(maps);
- HashMap<Object, Object> result = new HashMap<>();
- result.put("data", data);
- Store store = storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getStore_id());
- if (store!=null) {
- List<Map> ms_list = Lists.newArrayList();
- if (store.getStore_service_info() != null) {
- ms_list = JSON.parseArray(store.getStore_service_info(),Map.class);
- }
- result.put("ms_list", ms_list);
- if (store.getMc_id()!=null&&store.getMc_id()==22) {
- result.put("scenic", 1); //为景点商品
- }else{
- result.put("scenic", 0); //普通商品
- }
- }
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(result);
- }
- /**
- * 新增发货地址的地区
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param currentPage
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping(value = { "/ship_address_add" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String , Object> ship_address_add(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- String parent_id = json.optString("parent_id");
- Map<String, Object> maps = Maps.newHashMap();
- if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(parent_id)){
- maps.put("parent_id", parent_id);
- }else{
- maps.put("parent_id", -1);
- }
- /*List<AreaDto> areas = this.areaFeignClient.queryPageList(maps);*/
- List<AreaDto> areas = this.areaFeignClient.queryPages(maps);
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(areas);
- }
- /**
- * 编辑发货地址
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param id
- * @param currentPage
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping(value = { "/ship_address_edit" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String , Object> ship_address_edit(HttpServletRequest request,@RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- String id = json.optString("id");
- ShipAddressDto obj = this.shipAddressFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil
- .null2Long(id));
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder
- .getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildEnumMap(ResponseCode.TOKEN_EXPIRE,null);
- }
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(user
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildEnumMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE,null);
- }
- if ((obj != null) && (obj.getSa_user_id().equals(user.getId()))) {
- Map<String, Object> maps = Maps.newHashMap();
- AreaDto sa_area = this.areaFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKeyFullParent(obj.getSa_area_id());
- obj.setSa_area_name(sa_area.getParent().getParent().getAreaName()+sa_area.getParent().getAreaName()+sa_area.getAreaName());
- maps.put("obj", obj);
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(maps);
- } else {
- return ResponseCode.buildEnumMap(ResponseCode.PARAM_ERROR, null);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 保存发货地址
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param id
- * @param currentPage
- */
- @RequestMapping( value = { "/ship_address_save" } ,method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String , Object> ship_address_saveEntity(HttpServletRequest request,@RequestBody ShipAddressDto shipaddress) {
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder
- .getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildEnumMap(ResponseCode.TOKEN_EXPIRE,null);
- }
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(user
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildEnumMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE,null);
- }
- if(shipaddress == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- if (StringUtils.isBlank(shipaddress.getId()+"")) {
- shipaddress.setAddTime(new Date());
- shipaddress.setDeleteStatus(0);
- } else {
- ShipAddressDto obj = this.shipAddressFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(shipaddress.getId());
- shipaddress.setAddTime(obj.getAddTime());
- shipaddress.setDeleteStatus(obj.getDeleteStatus());
- }
- //判断是不是第一个发货地址 如果是则设置成默认的
- Map< String , Object> maps = Maps.newHashMap();
- List<Long> sa_user_ids = Lists.newArrayList();
- sa_user_ids.add(user.getId());
- if(user!=null && user.getParent_id()!=null){
- UserDto userParent = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent().getId());
- sa_user_ids.add(userParent.getId());
- List<UserDto> childs = userParent.getChilds();
- for (UserDto uc : childs) {
- sa_user_ids.add(uc.getId());
- }
- }
- if(user!=null && user.getChilds()!=null && user.getChilds().size()>0){
- List<UserDto> childs = user.getChilds();
- for (UserDto uc : childs) {
- sa_user_ids.add(uc.getId());
- }
- }
- maps.put("sa_type", 0);
- maps.put("sa_user_ids", sa_user_ids);
- List<ShipAddressDto> queryPages = this.shipAddressFeignClient.queryPages(maps);
- if(queryPages.size()>0){
- shipaddress.setSa_default(0);
- }else{
- shipaddress.setSa_default(1);
- }
- shipaddress.setStore_id(store.getId());
- shipaddress.setSa_type(0);
- shipaddress.setSa_user_id(SecurityUserHolder.getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- shipaddress.setSa_user_name(SecurityUserHolder.getCurrentUser(request)
- .getUsername());
- // 根据行业 决定是否需要创建达达门店
- if (modularClassFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(store.getMc_id()).isTimely()) { // 若为附近配送,
- SysConfigDto sysConfig = sysConfigFeignClient.getSysConfig();
- if (sysConfig.getDada_appkey()!=null&& sysConfig.getDada_appsecret()!=null) {
- // 1.初始化配置(isOnline表示是否测试环境)
- DaDaAppConfig appConfig = new DaDaAppConfig(store.getSource_id() + "", sysConfig.getDada_appkey(), sysConfig.getDada_appsecret());
- // 2.初始化model
- ShopAddModel shopAddModel = new ShopAddModel();
- if (StringUtils.isBlank(shipaddress.getId()+"")) { //不存在走更新
- // 根据实际信息来填写门店地址
- String order_suffix = CommUtil.formatTime("yyyyMMddHHmmss", new Date());
- shopAddModel.setOriginShopId(order_suffix + store.getId()); // 门店编码,可自定义,但必须唯一;若不填写,则系统自动生成
- shipaddress.setShop_no(order_suffix + store.getId()); // 保存门店编码
- }else{
- shopAddModel.setOriginShopId(shipaddress.getShop_no());
- }
- shopAddModel.setStationName(shipaddress.getSa_name()); // 门店名称
- shopAddModel.setBusiness(13); // 业务类型, 13 水果生鲜
- AreaDto area = areaFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKeyFullParent(shipaddress.getSa_area_id());
- // shipaddress
- shopAddModel.setCityName(area.getParent().getAreaName()); // 城市名称
- shopAddModel.setAreaName(area.getAreaName()); // 区域名称
- shopAddModel.setStationAddress(shipaddress.getSa_addr()); // 详细地址
- shopAddModel.setLng(BigDecimal.valueOf(shipaddress.getSa_lng())); // 经纬度
- shopAddModel.setLat(BigDecimal.valueOf(shipaddress.getSa_lat()));
- shopAddModel.setContactName(shipaddress.getSa_user());
- shopAddModel.setPhone(shipaddress.getSa_telephone());
- // 3.初始化service (门店新增比较特殊,是一个批量新增接口)
- List<ShopAddModel> shopAddList = new ArrayList<ShopAddModel>();
- shopAddList.add(shopAddModel);
- String dadaUrl = null;
- if (StringUtils.isBlank(shipaddress.getId()+"")) {
- dadaUrl = "/api/shop/add";
- } else {
- // 更新门店信息
- dadaUrl = "/api/shop/update";
- }
- DaDaService shopAddService = new DaDaService(dadaUrl, JSONUtil.toJson(shopAddList));
- // 4.初始化客户端
- DadaRequestClient dadaClient = new DadaRequestClient(shopAddService, appConfig);
- DadaApiResponse callRpc = dadaClient.callRpc();
- if (callRpc.getCode() != 0) { // 不成功 ,返回错误信息
- return ResponseCode.buildCodeMap("100", callRpc.getMsg(), null);
- }
- }
- }
- if (StringUtils.isBlank(shipaddress.getId()+"")) {
- this.shipAddressFeignClient.saveEntity(shipaddress);
- } else {
- this.shipAddressFeignClient.updateById(shipaddress);
- }
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(null);
- }
- /**
- * 发货地址删除
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param mulitId
- * @param currentPage
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping(value = { "/ship_address_del" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String , Object> ship_address_del(HttpServletRequest request,@RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- String id = json.optString("id");
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder
- .getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.TOKEN_EXPIRE, null);
- }
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(user
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(id)) {
- ShipAddressDto obj = this.shipAddressFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil
- .null2Long(id));
- if ((obj != null) && (obj.getSa_type() == 0)
- && (obj.getSa_user_id().equals(user.getId()))) {
- this.shipAddressFeignClient.deleteById(obj.getId());
- }
- }
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(null);
- }
- /**
- * 设置默认发货地址
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param id
- * @param currentPage
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping( value = { "/ship_address_default" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String , Object> ship_address_default(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder
- .getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.TOKEN_EXPIRE, null);
- }
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(user
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- Map<String, Object> params = Maps.newHashMap();
- params.put("sa_default", Integer.valueOf(1));
- params.put("sa_user_id", user.getId());
- List<ShipAddressDto> sa_list = this.shipAddressFeignClient.queryPages(params);
- for (ShipAddressDto sa : sa_list) {
- sa.setSa_default(0);
- this.shipAddressFeignClient.updateById(sa);
- }
- String id = json.optString("id");
- ShipAddressDto obj = this.shipAddressFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil
- .null2Long(id));
- if (obj.getSa_user_id().equals(user.getId())) {
- obj.setSa_default(1);
- this.shipAddressFeignClient.updateById(obj);
- }
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(null);
- }
- /**
- * 设置修改收货地址
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param id
- * @param currentPage
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping(value = { "/upShippingAddress" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String , Object> upShippingAddress(HttpServletRequest request,
- @RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- String id = json.optString("id");
- OrderFormDto obj = this.orderFormFeignClient
- .selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(id));
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder
- .getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, null);
- }
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(obj
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- //user = user.getParent_id() == null ? user : user.getParent();
- if(user.getStore_id() == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- if (user.getStore_id().equals(store.getId())) {
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(obj);
- } else {
- return ResponseCode.buildEnumMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 设置修改收货地址保存
- * @param request
- * @param response
- * @param id
- * @param currentPage
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping(value = { "/upShippingAddress_save" } , method = RequestMethod.POST)
- public Map<String , Object> upShippingAddress_save(HttpServletRequest request,
- @RequestBody JSONObject json) {
- String id = json.optString("id");
- String receiver_name = json.optString("receiver_name");// 收货人姓名,确认订单后,将买家的收货地址所有信息添加到订单中,该订单与买家收货地址没有任何关联
- String receiver_area = json.optString("receiver_area");// 收货人地区,例如:福建省厦门市海沧区
- String receiver_area_info = json.optString("receiver_area_info");// 收货人详细地址,例如:凌空二街56-1号,4单元2楼1号
- //String receiver_zip = json.optString("receiver_zip");// 收货人邮政编码
- String receiver_telephone = json.optString("receiver_telephone");// 收货人联系电话
- String receiver_mobile = json.optString("receiver_mobile");// 收货人手机号码
- String lat = json.optString("lat");// 经纬度
- String lng = json.optString("lng");//
- OrderFormDto obj = this.orderFormFeignClient
- .selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(id));
- if(obj == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.PARAM_ERROR, null);
- }
- UserDto user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(SecurityUserHolder
- .getCurrentUser(request).getId());
- if(user == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, null);
- }
- if (user.getParent_id()!=null) {
- user = this.userFeignClient.selectByPrimaryKey(user.getParent_id());
- }
- Store store = this.storeService.selectByPrimaryKey(CommUtil.null2Long(obj
- .getStore_id()));
- if(store == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.NOTSTORE, null);
- }
- //user = user.getParent_id() == null ? user : user.getParent();
- if(user.getStore_id() == null){
- return ResponseCode.buildReturnMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- if (CommUtil.null2String(user.getStore_id()).equals(CommUtil.null2String(store.getId()))) {
- obj.setReceiver_Name(receiver_name);
- obj.setReceiver_area(receiver_area);
- obj.setReceiver_area_info(receiver_area_info);
- //obj.setReceiver_zip(receiver_zip);
- obj.setReceiver_telephone(receiver_telephone);
- obj.setReceiver_mobile(receiver_mobile);
- if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(lat)&&StringUtils.isNotBlank(lng)) {
- obj.setUser_lat(CommUtil.null2Double(lat));
- obj.setUser_lng(CommUtil.null2Double(lng));
- }
- orderFormFeignClient.updateById(obj);
- return ResponseCode.buildSuccessMap(obj);
- } else {
- return ResponseCode.buildEnumMap(ResponseCode.FAILURE, null);
- }
- }
- }

源码地址来源: https://minglisoft.cn/honghu2/business.html
Copyright © 2003-2013 www.wpsshop.cn 版权所有,并保留所有权利。