- struct cntner {
- int i; char c; float f;
- };
- struct cntner init_struct ={.i=2019,'a',0.0120};
- char *pc = &init_struct.c;
- // 参数1:指向该结构体成员变量的指针;参数2:该结构体变量类型;参数3:该结构体成员变量名
- struct cntner *pcntner = container_of(pc, struct cntner, c);
- // 然后就可以使用pcntner结构体指针寻找其他成员的值了
- printf("init_struct.i = %d\n", pcntner->i);
- printf("init_struct.c = %c\n", pcntner->c);
- printf("init_struct.f = %f\n", pcntner->f);
- static int fb_notifier_callback(struct notifier_block *self, unsigned long event, void *data)
- {
- struct fb_event *evdata = data;
- int *blank;
- struct xxx_ts_data *xxx_data = container_of(self, struct xxx_ts_data, fb_notif);
- ...
- }
一般会使用这个宏接口就行了,若不想放弃请看下面深入探究container_of 宏。
计算出结构体cntner 的地址其实就是通过变量的地址减去自己的偏移量,就这么简单。
cntner_addr = addr_c - offsetof_c
= &((struct cntner *)0)->c
我们看看下面几个container_of 宏的实现:
这个宏定义出自 msm-4.9\drivers\gpu\drm\nouveau\include\nvif\list.h
- /**
- * Returns a pointer to the container of this list element.
- *
- * Example:
- * struct foo* f;
- * f = container_of(&foo->entry, struct foo, entry);
- * assert(f == foo);
- *
- * @param ptr Pointer to the struct list_head.
- * @param type Data type of the list element.
- * @param member Member name of the struct list_head field in the list element.
- * @return A pointer to the data struct containing the list head.
- */
- #ifndef container_of
- #define container_of(ptr, type, member) \
- (type *)((char *)(ptr) - (char *) &((type *)0)->member)
- #endif

- #include <stdio.h>
- #define container_of(ptr, type, member) ( (type*) ((char*)(ptr) - ((char*)&((type*)0)->member)) )
- struct cntner {
- int i; char c; float f;
- };
- int main(void)
- {
- struct cntner init_struct ={.i=2019,'c',2019.0122};
- char *pc = &init_struct.c;
- struct cntner *pcntner = container_of(pc, struct cntner, c);
- printf(" &init_struct = %p\n", &init_struct);
- printf(" = pcntner = %p\n", pcntner);
- printf(" (pc) = %p\n", (pc) );
- printf("((char*)&((struct cntner*)0)->c) = %p\n", ((char*)&((struct cntner*)0)->c) );
- //warning: format ‘%p’ expects argument of type ‘void *’, but argument 2 has type ‘long int’
- //printf(" = %p\n", ((char*)(pc) - ((char*)&((struct cntner*)0)->c)) );
- printf("(struct cntner*) ((char*)(pc) - ((char*)&((struct cntner*)0)->c)) = %p\n", \
- (struct cntner*)((char*)(pc) - ((char*)&((struct cntner*)0)->c)) );
- // output other people
- printf("init_struct.i = %d\n", pcntner->i);
- printf("init_struct.c = %c\n", pcntner->c);
- printf("init_struct.f = %f\n", pcntner->f);
- return 0;
- }

- ubuntu14:~/Codes/test$ gcc container_of.c
- ubuntu14:~/Codes/test$ ./a.out
- &init_struct = 0x7ffe1a9a7d80
- = pcntner = 0x7ffe1a9a7d80
- (pc) = 0x7ffe1a9a7d84
- ((char*)&((struct cntner*)0)->c) = 0x4
- (struct cntner*) ((char*)(pc) - ((char*)&((struct cntner*)0)->c)) = 0x7ffe1a9a7d80
- init_struct.i = 2019
- init_struct.c = c
- init_struct.f = 2019.012207
请参看文章 C语言编译流程)
- ubuntu14:~/Codes/test$ gcc -E -o container_of.i container_of.c
- ubuntu14:~/Codes/test$ cat container_of.i
- ... ...
- int main(void)
- {
- struct cntner init_struct ={.i=2019,'c',2019.0122};
- char *pc = &init_struct.c;
- struct cntner *pcntner = ( (struct cntner*) ((char*)(pc) - ((char*)&((struct cntner*)0)->c)) );
- ... ...
这个宏定义出自 msm-4.9\include\linux\kernel.h
,版本二的 container_of(ptr, type, member)
- /**
- - container_of - cast a member of a structure out to the containing structure
- - @ptr: the pointer to the member.
- - @type: the type of the container struct this is embedded in.
- - @member: the name of the member within the struct.
- - */
- #define container_of(ptr, type, member) ({ \
- const typeof( ((type *)0)->member ) *__mptr = (ptr); \
- (type *)( (char *)__mptr - offsetof(type,member) );})
- #define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) ((size_t) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER)
- int main(void)
- {
- struct cntner init_struct ={.i=2019,'c',2019.0122};
- char *pc = &init_struct.c;
- struct cntner *pcntner = ({ const typeof(((struct cntner *)0)->c) *__mptr=(pc); (struct cntner *) ((char *)__mptr - ((size_t) &((struct cntner *)0)->c)); });
kernel 4.12 的该宏,发现有2个新变化,显得更加高大上了.
- /**
- * container_of - cast a member of a structure out to the containing structure
- * @ptr: the pointer to the member.
- * @type: the type of the container struct this is embedded in.
- * @member: the name of the member within the struct.
- *
- */
- #define container_of(ptr, type, member) ({ \
- void *__mptr = (void *)(ptr); \
- BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG(!__same_type(*(ptr), ((type *)0)->member) && \
- !__same_type(*(ptr), void), \
- "pointer type mismatch in container_of()"); \
- ((type *)(__mptr - offsetof(type, member)));
- // include/linux/compiler.h
- /* Are two types/vars the same type (ignoring qualifiers)? */
- #ifndef __same_type
- # define __same_type(a, b) __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(a), typeof(b))
- #endif

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