Public Key Cryptography (PKC), Fast Software Encryption (FSE), Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems(CHES), Theory of Cryptography Conference(TCC)等。 PKC主要接受与公钥体制相关的文章( focusing on all aspects of public-key cryptography),FSE 和CHES主要接受对称体制相关的文章,分别偏重软件和硬件。TCC 是2005年开始的一个会议,主要接受密码学理论和基础的文章,非常难中。
如 CT-RSA,Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC), Information Security Conference (ISC), Selected Areas in Cryptography (SAC), Security and Cryptography for Networks (formly Security in Communication Networks: SCN), ESORICS, Cryptography and Coding, ANTS等。其中CT-RSA是RSA会议中密码学理论(Cryptography Theory)的子会议, 由RSA公司资助。FC 由国际金融密码协会 (IFCA)资助,主要接受与金融密码学相关的文章。
1. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy:computer security and electronic privacy. 2. ACM Computer and Communications Security Conference:academia and industry presenting novel research on all theoretical and practical aspects of computer security