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Spring Cloud Stream - and Spring Integration.

Spring Cloud Stream - and Spring Integration.

Artem Bilan
October 25, 2019

If you listened to Oleg Zhurakousky’s talk at Spring One Platform 2019 about Spring Cloud Stream & Functions or read his recent blog posts about Simplified Spring Cloud Stream and Functional Spring Cloud Stream, you may want to say: “Wait! What happened with Spring Integration support? What do I now do with my @ServiceActivator or IntegrationFlow? I used to deal with the Sink.input() as a channel to consume binder destination with some Spring Integration logic!” As Oleg mentions in his blog post, it is still possible with existing @EnableBinding and so on, but we are moving away from that model, so how can we still benefit from all the features of Spring Integration in the world of functional Spring Cloud Stream?

In this blog post, I expand on the functional features of Spring Cloud Stream in the context of Spring Integration and its importance in the modern function-based streams!
Spring Integration as a Function?!

Yes, we can indeed make a simple Function bridge, which would call a MessageChannel.send(), but we can also do it with Messaging Gateway abstraction in Spring Integration, as follows:

@MessagingGateway(defaultRequestChannel = “myIntegrationServiceChannel”)
public interface MessageFunction
extends Function<Message, Message> { }

Given that the resulting bean is an extension to java.util.function.Function, it is a fully valid Spring Cloud Function and Spring Cloud Stream binding candidate. Its generic input/output argument types are used by Spring Cloud Stream to perform a proper payload conversion before and after. Also, headers are carried from the binder to the downstream integration flow and back. This is good, but we still need to be aware of channels and provide a few SI-specific annotations to connect such a gateway with our flow (boilerplate).

With Java DSL for Spring Integration, we can go further and take away more boilerplate code while gaining the benefit of using functional Spring Cloud Stream. What we need is the same gateway approach but in DSL style. The uppercase sample in Oleg’s blog post would be as follows with Spring Integration:

public class SampleApplication {

public IntegrationFlow uppercaseFlow() {
    return IntegrationFlows.from(Function.class,
                         gateway -> gateway.beanName("uppercase"))
               .<String, String>transform(String::toUpperCase)
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An uppercase conversion use-case is silly enough to implement with Spring Integration, but imagine that we need to do some hard logic like split, scatter-gather with parallel calls to external services, and then aggregate, do some auditing, and, only in the end, return a result from our function to an output destination. All of that and more can be implemented with Spring Integration, its EIP support, Java DSL abstraction and, of course, the aforementioned function wrapper.

The java.util.function.Consumer and java.util.function.Supplier interfaces can be used in a similar way with appropriate logic in the gateway proxy around them according to their contract.

You can see more information about function support in the Spring Integration Reference Manual.
What about Reactive Streams?

Everything we have showed before was about imperative functions, which are triggered per event. The reactive functions are triggered only once by passing an entire stream of events as a Flux into a function. The Reactive Streams support in Spring Integration helps you to write reactive Spring Integration flows, which can be exposed as functions within Spring Cloud Stream.

The following sample shows how to build a reactive function wrapper around a reactive Spring Integration call:

public interface FluxFunction extends Function<Flux, Flux> { }

public IntegrationFlow rsocketUpperCaseRequestFlow(
ClientRSocketConnector clientRSocketConnector) {
return IntegrationFlows.from(FluxFunction.class,
gateway -> gateway.beanName(“uppercase”))

While it is still that silly to implement uppercase over RSocket, the goal of this sample is to give you an idea of how more complex use cases can be addressed with Spring Integration.

Here, we get a Flux passed into a function and propagate it into an RSocket requester for a request channel interaction model. A result Flux is passed back to the function return through a replyChannel header internally in Spring Integration.

Another reactive sample might be like transferring data from a push model to a pull model. In other words represent a stream of event as a Supplier:

public Publisher<Message<byte[]>> httpSupplierFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(WebFlux.inboundChannelAdapter("/requests"))

public Supplier<Flux<Message<byte[]>>> httpSupplier(
Publisher<Message<byte[]>> httpRequestPublisher) {
return () -> Flux.from(httpRequestPublisher);

This way, incoming HTTP requests land in a source Flux for pulling downstream by the output binder destination, honoring back-pressure and other Reactive Streams requirements.

For more information about Reactive Streams support in Spring Integration, see the Reference Manual.

Spring Integration is still a vital part of Spring Cloud Stream microservices development. Its functional support allows complex use cases that fall into the category of Enterprise Integration Patterns to be exposed as Java functions, providing for a consistent execution model within Spring Cloud Stream. In fact, by using this foundation, Spring Cloud Stream App Starters will eventually be replaced with function implementations.

Please feel free to provide any feedback!

P.S. For those who are impatient about Kotlin, I would like to share a recently started Spring Integration Kotlin DSL project.
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