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SQL之exists、not exists

not exists


  1. EXISTS 子查询找到的提交
    NOT EXISTS 子查询中 找不到的提交

  2. 建立程序循环的概念,这是一个动态的查询过程。如 FOR循环 。

  3. Exists执行的流程Exists首先执行外层查询,再执行内层查询,与IN相反。

  4. 流程为:首先取出外层中的第一元组, 再执行内层查询,将外层表的第一元组代入,若内层查询为真,即有结果时。返回外层表中的第一元 组,接着取出第二元组,执行相同的算法。一直到扫描完外层整表 。

for(int i =0; i<>EOFout;i++)

		 for (int j = 0 ; j<EOFin,j++)
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Not Exists示例1:


INSERT INTO fruits (id, name, class, count, date)
(1 ,'桔子', '水果' ,20 ,'2011-7-2'),
(1 ,'香蕉', '水果' ,15 ,'2011-7-3'),
(2 ,'白菜', '蔬菜' ,12 ,'2011-7-1'),
(2 ,'青菜', '蔬菜' ,19 ,'2011-7-2');

SELECT * FROM fruits f
WHERE NOT exists(
    SELECT 1 FROM fruits
    WHERE fruits.id = f.id AND fruits.date > f.date  # 子查询找不到的提交

等价于(not in):

SELECT * FROM fruits f
WHERE f.id NOT in(
    SELECT f.id FROM fruits
    WHERE fruits.id = f.id AND fruits.date > f.date  
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  • 拆解:
    SELECT f2.* FROM fruits f1,fruits f2 WHERE f1.id = f2.id AND f1.date > f2.date; #子查询找得到的

  • 最终结果就是:

Not Exists示例2:

#查询 a表的name 不在b表中的数据
SELECT * FROM tableln a
WHERE NOT exists(
    SELECT 1 FROM tableex b  WHERE a.aname = b.bname 返回A表中A.aname与B.bname不能关联上的数据
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select * from tableln A where not exists(select * from tableex B where B.bID=1); ---A表不返回任何数据

select * from tableln A where not exists(select * from tableex B where A.AID=1);---返回A表中AID<>1的数据

select * from tableln A where not exists(select 1 where A.AID=1); ---返回A表中AID<>1的数据
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 查询 b表的name且在a表中的数据
SELECT * FROM tableex b
WHERE exists(
    SELECT 1 FROM tableln a WHERE b.bname = a.aname # exists返回 b表可以关联上a表 的内容
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select * from tableln a where exists(select bid from tableex );---返回A表所有数据

select * from tableln a where exists(select * from tableex where bID=1);---返回A表所有数据

select * from tableln A where exists(select * from tableex B where B.bID=2);  ---返回A表所有数据

select * from tableln A where exists(select * from tableex B where B.bID=3); ---返回A表所有数据

select * from tableln A where exists(select * from tableex B where A.AID=1);---返回A表中AID=1的数据

select * from tableln A where exists(select * from tableex B where A.AID=2);---返回A表中AID=2的数据

select * from tableln A where exists(select * from tableex B where A.AID=3);---返回A表中AID=3的数据
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create  table test.tableln
(aid varchar(20),
aname varchar(20),
asex varchar(20));

create table tableex
(bid varchar(20),
bname varchar(20),
bsex varchar(20),
baddress varchar(20));

insert into tableln
select 1 aa,'张晋娟' bb,'女' cc from dual union all
select 2 aa,'张翠兰' bb,'女' cc from dual union all
select 3 aa,'李海滨' bb,'男' cc from dual union all
select 4 aa,'马艳艳' bb,'女' cc from dual union all
select 5 aa,'邓事文' bb,'男' cc from dual;

insert into tableex
select '1' aa,'马艳艳' bb,'女' cc,'太原' dd from dual union all
select '2' aa,'谭建军' bb,'男' cc,'长沙' dd from dual union all
select '3' aa,'李红军' bb,'男' cc,'长沙' dd from dual union all
select '4' aa,'丁秀娟' bb,'女' cc,'北京' dd from dual union all
select '5' aa,'邓事文' bb,'男' cc,'深圳' dd from dual ;
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