- select name,population,area
- from World
- where area>=3000000 or population >=25000000
- ------------------------
- select name,population,area
- from World
- where area>=3000000
- select name,population,area
- from World
- where population >=25000000
- select product_id
- from Products
- where low_fats='Y' and recyclable ='Y'
- select name
- from customer
- where referee_id!=2 or referee_id is null
- --------------------------
- select name
- from customer
- where referee_id<>2 or referee_id is null
- --------------------------
- #先把null转为0
- select name
- from customer
- where ifnull(referee_id,0)!=2;

- select customers.name as customers
- from customers
- where id not in
- (select customers.id
- from customers,orders
- where customers.id=orders.customerid)
- --------------------------
- select Name as Customers
- from Customers
- where Id not in(select CustomerId
- from Orders)
- select employee_id,salary as bonus
- from Employees
- where (employee_id%2)!=0 and name not like "M%"
- union
- select employee_id,salary=0 as bonus
- from Employees
- where (employee_id%2)=0 or name like "M%"
- order by employee_id
Update 语句用于修改表中的数据。
UPDATE 表名称 SET 列名称 = 新值 WHERE 列名称 = 某值
1 2 3 |
- update salary
- set sex =
- (
- case sex when 'm' then 'f' else 'm' end
- );
DELETE 语句用于删除表中的行。
- delete a
- from Person a , Person b
- where a.id > b.id and a.email = b.email
CONCAT 可以将多个字符串拼接在一起。
LEFT(str, length) 函数
从左开始截取字符串,length 是截取的长度。
UPPER(str) 与 LOWER(str)
UPPER(str) 将字符串中所有字符转为大写
LOWER(str) 将字符串中所有字符转为小写
SUBSTRING(str, begin, end)
截取字符串,end 不写默认为空。
SUBSTRING(name, 2) 从第二个截取到末尾,注意并不是下标,就是第二个。
- select user_id,
- concat(upper(left(name,1)),lower(substr(name,2))) as name
- from Users
- order by user_id
GROUP_CONCAT( [DISTINCT] 要连接的字段 [ORDER BY 排序字段 ASC/DESC] [separator ‘分隔符’] )
- select sell_date,
- count(distinct(product)) as num_sold,
- group_concat( distinct product separator ',') as products
- from Activities
- group by sell_date
- order by sell_date
- select *
- from Patients
- where conditions like "DIAB1%" or conditions like "% DIAB1%"
- select employee_id from employees
- where employee_id not in (select employee_id from salaries)
- union
- select employee_id from salaries
- where employee_id not in (select employee_id from employees)
- order by employee_id
- ------------------
- select e.employee_id
- from Employees e
- left join Salaries s
- on e.employee_id=s.employee_id
- where salary is null
- union
- select s.employee_id
- from Employees e
- right join Salaries s
- on e.employee_id=s.employee_id
- where name is null
- order by employee_id

- select product_id,'store1' store, store1 as price from Products where store1 is not null
- union all
- select product_id,'store2' store, store2 as price from Products where store2 is not null
- union all
- select product_id,'store3' store, store3 as price from Products where store3 is not null
- select id,
- case
- when id = (select id from tree where p_id is null) then 'Root'
- when id in (select p_id from tree) then 'Inner'
- else 'Leaf'
- end as Type
- from tree
- order by id
- --------------------------
- # 根节点:如果这个节点是整棵树的根,即没有父节点。
- select id, 'Root' as type from tree where p_id is null
- union all
- # 内部节点:如果这个节点既不是叶子节点也不是根节点。
- select id, 'Inner' as type
- from tree
- where p_id is not null and
- id in (select p_id from tree where p_id is not null)
- union all
- # 叶子节点:如果这个节点没有任何孩子节点。
- select id, 'Leaf' as type
- from tree
- where p_id is not null and
- id not in (select p_id from tree where p_id is not null)
- order by id

- select ifnull((select distinct salary
- from Employee
- order by salary desc
- limit 1 offset 1) ,null)
- as SecondHighestSalary
- ----------------------
- select ifnull((select distinct Salary
- from Employee
- order by Salary desc
- limit 1,1),null)
- as SecondHighestSalary
- ----------------------
- select b.salary as SecondHighestSalary
- from Employee a
- left join Employee b
- on a.salary>b.salary
- order by a.salary desc,b.salary desc
- limit 1

//A inner join B 取交集。
//A left join B 取 A 全部,B 没有对应的值为 null。
//A right join B 取 B 全部, A 没有对应的值为 null。
//A full outer join B 取并集,彼此没有对应的值为 null。
对应条件在 on 后面填写
- select firstName,lastName,city,state
- from Person p
- left join Address a
- on p.personId = a.personId
- select customer_id,count(customer_id) as count_no_trans
- from Visits
- where visit_id not in (select visit_id from Transactions)
- group by customer_id
- select distinct author_id as id
- from Views
- where author_id=viewer_id
- order by id
DATEDIFF(expr1,expr2) 表示为从一个日期到另一个日期的天数。expr1 并且expr2是日期或日期和时间表达式。计算中仅使用值的日期部分。expr1
− expr2
- #截至 2019-07-27(含)的 30 天内
- datediff('2019-07-27',activity_date)<30
- activity_date BETWEEN '2019-06-28' AND '2019-07-27'
- select b.id as id
- from Weather a,Weather b
- where datediff(b.recordDate, a.recordDate) = 1 and b.Temperature>a.Temperature
- select name
- from SalesPerson
- where sales_id not in (select sales_id
- from Company,Orders
- where Orders.com_id = Company.com_id
- and Company.name ='RED')
- -------------------------------------
- select name
- from SalesPerson
- where sales_id not in (select sales_id
- from Orders
- where com_id =(select com_id
- from Company
- where name='RED'))

- select activity_date as day,count(distinct user_id) as active_users
- from Activity
- where activity_date between '2019-06-28' and '2019-07-27'
- group by activity_date
- -----------------------------
- #注意datediff(expr1,expr2)的顺序,为expr1 − expr2
- #数据中可能还有大于 7.27 号的数据,第十三组测试样例就有 2019-8-25 的数据,所以还要保证日期差大于等于0
- select activity_date as day,count(distinct user_id) as active_users
- from Activity
- where datediff('2019-07-27',activity_date)<30 and datediff('2019-07-27',activity_date)>=0
- group by activity_date
- select date_id,make_name,count(distinct lead_id) as unique_leads,count(distinct partner_id) as unique_partners
- from DailySales
- group by date_id, make_name
- select user_id,count(distinct follower_id) as followers_count
- from Followers
- group by user_id
- order by user_id
- select customer_number
- from Orders
- group by customer_number
- order by count(order_number) desc
- limit 1
- select player_id,min(event_date) as first_login
- from Activity
- group by player_id
- select user_id,max(time_stamp) as last_stamp
- from Logins
- where year(time_stamp)=2020
- group by user_id
- -------------------------------
- select user_id,max(time_stamp) as last_stamp
- from Logins
- where time_stamp between'2020-01-01 00:00:00' and '2020-12-31 23:59:59'
- group by user_id
- select event_day as day,emp_id,sum(out_time-in_time) as total_time
- from Employees
- group by emp_id,event_day
- select stock_name,
- sum(case when operation='buy' then -price
- else price end ) as 'capital_gain_loss'
- from Stocks
- group by stock_name
- select name,sum(ifnull(distance,0)) as travelled_distance
- from Users
- left join Rides
- on Rides.user_id=Users.id
- group by user_id
- order by travelled_distance desc,name
- select u.user_id as buyer_id ,u.join_date,ifnull(num,0) as orders_in_2019
- from Users u
- left join (select buyer_id,count(buyer_id) as num
- from Orders
- where year(order_date)=2019
- group by buyer_id) as b
- on u. user_id=b.buyer_id
- select email as Email
- from Person
- group by email
- having count(id)>1
- select actor_id,director_id
- from ActorDirector
- group by actor_id,director_id
- having count(timestamp)>=3
- select name,sum(amount) as balance
- from Transactions t
- left join Users u
- on u.account = t.account
- group by u.account
- having balance >10000
- select product_id,product_name
- from Product
- where product_id in(select product_id
- from Sales
- where sale_date between '2019-01-01' and '2019-03-31')
- and product_id not in(select product_id
- from Sales
- where sale_date not between '2019-01-01' and '2019-03-31')
- -----------------------------------
- select p.product_id, product_name
- from product p
- inner join sales s
- on p.product_id = s.product_id
- group by product_id
- having min(sale_date) >= '2019-01-01' and max(sale_date) <= '2019-03-31';

- select e1.name as Employee
- from Employee e1, Employee e2
- where e1.managerId = e2.id and e1.salary > e2.salary
- ---------------------------------
- select a.name as Employee
- from Employee a
- left join Employee b
- on a.managerId = b.id
- where a.salary > b.salary
- select e.name, b.bonus
- from Employee e
- left join Bonus b
- on e.empId=b.empId
- having bonus < 1000 or bonus is null
- select class
- from Courses
- group by class
- having count(distinct student)>=5
- select x, y, z,
- (case when x + y > z and x + z > y and z + y > x then 'Yes' else 'No' end) as triangle
- from Triangle
- select max(b.num) as num
- from (select num
- from MyNumbers
- group by num
- having count(num)=1) as b
- select *
- from cinema
- where description != 'boring' and id%2!=0
- order by rating desc
- select product_name,year,price
- from Sales s
- left join Product p
- on p.product_id=s.product_id
- select project_id, round(avg(experience_years),2) as average_years
- from Project p
- left join Employee e
- on p.employee_id = e.employee_id
- group by project_id
- ---------------------
- select project_id,round(sum(experience_years)/count(experience_years),2) as average_years
- from Project p,Employee e
- where p.employee_id =e.employee_id
- group by project_id
- select id,
- sum(case month when 'Jan' then revenue end) as Jan_Revenue,
- sum(case month when 'Feb' then revenue end) as Feb_Revenue,
- sum(case month when 'Mar' then revenue end) as Mar_Revenue,
- sum(case month when 'Apr' then revenue end) as Apr_Revenue,
- sum(case month when 'May' then revenue end) as May_Revenue,
- sum(case month when 'Jun' then revenue end) as Jun_Revenue,
- sum(case month when 'Jul' then revenue end) as Jul_Revenue,
- sum(case month when 'Aug' then revenue end) as Aug_Revenue,
- sum(case month when 'Sep' then revenue end) as Sep_Revenue,
- sum(case month when 'Oct' then revenue end) as Oct_Revenue,
- sum(case month when 'Nov' then revenue end) as Nov_Revenue,
- sum(case month when 'Dec' then revenue end) as Dec_Revenue
- from Department
- group by id
- # rating<3用于判断,小于3就是返回1,否则返回0。avg求平均就跟把1和0求和再除以行数是一样的结果。
- select query_name,
- round(avg(rating/position),2) as quality,
- round(avg(rating < 3) * 100,2) as poor_query_percentage
- from Queries
- group by query_name
- ----------------------------------
- select query_name,
- round(avg(rating/position),2) as quality,
- round(sum(if((rating < 3),1,0))/count(*)*100,2) as poor_query_percentage
- from Queries
- group by query_name
- -----------------------------
- select query_name,
- round(sum(rating/position)/count(result), 2) as quality,
- round(sum(case when rating<3 then 1 else 0 end)/count(rating)*100, 2) as poor_query_percentage
- from Queries
- group by query_name

- select p.product_id as product_id,
- round(sum(price*units)/sum(units),2) as average_price
- from Prices p
- left join UnitsSold u
- on u.product_id=p.product_id and purchase_date between start_date and end_date
- group by p.product_id
- select st.student_id,st.student_name,su.subject_name,count(e.subject_name ) as attended_exams
- from Students st
- join Subjects su
- left join Examinations e
- on st.student_id=e.student_id and e.subject_name =su. subject_name
- group by st.student_id,su.subject_name
- order by st.student_id,su.subject_name
- -----------------------
- select temp1.student_id, temp1.student_name, temp1.subject_name, ifnull(attended_exams,0) as attended_exams
- from (select student_id,student_name,subject_name
- from Students st,Subjects su) as temp1
- left join (select student_id,subject_name,count(student_id) as attended_exams
- from Examinations group by student_id,subject_name) as temp2
- on temp1.student_id=temp2.student_id and temp1.subject_name=temp2.subject_name
- group by student_id,subject_name
- order by student_id,subject_name

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