- #Python猜拳小游戏代码
- import random #导入随机模块
- num = 1
- yin_num = 0
- shu_num = 0
- while num <= 3:
- if shu_num == 2 or yin_num == 2:
- break
- user = int(input('请出拳 0(石头) 1(剪刀) 2(布)'))
- if user > 2:
- print('不能出大于2的值')
- else:
- data = ['石头', '剪刀', '布']
- com = random.randint(0, 2)
- rint(您出的是{},电脑出的是{}.format(data[user], data[com]))
- if user == com:
- print('平局')
- continue
- elif (user == 0 and com == 1) or (user == 1 and com == 2) or (user == 2 and com == 0):
- print('你赢了')
- yin_num += 1
- else:
- print('你输了')
- shu_num += 1
- num += 1

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