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chromebook刷机_为什么Google Pixelbook是价值1000美元的Chromebook



Justifying $1000 on a Chromebook is a tough sell to many, and rightfully so. But there’s more to Google’s Pixelbook than just a high price tag—there’s something about this laptop that can’t be described just by looking at the spec sheet.

在许多人看来,要花1000美元买一台Chromebook很难,而且理所当然。 但是Google的Pixelbook不仅仅是价格高昂的东西-这款笔记本电脑还有一些无法仅通过查看规格表来描述的东西。

Pixelbook:不仅是优质的Chromebook,还是一款真正令人难以置信的笔记本电脑 (The Pixelbook: More Than Just a Premium Chromebook, A Truly Incredible Laptop)

The Pixelbook isn’t just “a really expensive Chromebook.” It’s a useful, versatile, and powerful laptop. The distinction has to be made here, because Chromebooks have always sat in this weird place where many people don’t consider them to be “real” laptops, but more like casual-use toys or throwaway devices.

Pixelbook不仅是“非常昂贵的Chromebook”。 这是一款有用,多功能且功能强大的笔记本电脑 。 必须在这里加以区别,因为Chromebook一直坐在这个怪异的地方,许多人不认为它们是“真正的”笔记本电脑,而更像是休闲玩具或一次性设备。

Still, the argument we often see is “why would I spend $1000 on the Pixelbook when I could spend half of that on the Samsung Chromebook Plus/Pro or ASUS C302?” And that’s an excellent point—one that I couldn’t personally address until I actually got a Pixelbook. Owning this device has blown my mind in multiple ways, as I’ve realized how much of what makes this computer special can’t be justified by looking at its spec sheet.

不过,我们经常看到的论点是:“当我将一半的钱花在Samsung Chromebook Plus / Pro或ASUS C302上时,为什么我会在Pixelbook上花1000美元?” 这是一个很好的观点-在我真正获得一本Pixelbook之前,我个人无法解决这一问题。 拥有这台设备使我产生了很多不同的想法,因为我已经意识到,通过查看规格表无法证明这台计算机与众不同的原因。

And, for reference, I’ve been using the ASUS Flip C302 as my main laptop for over a year. It’s what many consider to be the best Chromebook you can buy, which was the main thing that kept me away from the Pixelbook for nearly half a year—was it really worth the extra $500 over what I paid for the C302? Could it really be that much better?

另外,作为参考,我已经使用ASUS Flip C302作为我的主要笔记本电脑已有一年多了。 很多人认为这是您可以买到的最好的Chromebook,这是让我离开Pixelbook半年了的主要原因-真的比我为C302支付的价格高出500美元吗? 真的会好得多吗?

The short answer: Absolutely. Here’s why.

简短的回答:绝对可以。 这就是为什么。

您将无法以这个价格找到可比的完成 (You Won’t Find Comparable Finish at this Price)

I’ve owned a lot of laptops. Dozens of Windows laptops, half a dozen (or more) Chromebooks. I’ve paid as little as $200 for the cheapest of Chromebooks, and upwards of $1500 for Windows laptops. Out of every laptop I’ve ever owned, the Pixelbook is easily the nicest.

我拥有很多笔记本电脑。 数十台Windows笔记本电脑,六台(或更多)Chromebook。 我为最便宜的Chromebook支付了200美元,而为Windows笔记本电脑支付了1500美元。 在我所拥有的每台笔记本电脑中,Pixelbook无疑是最好的。

You can read about the materials it’s made of and think you have an idea of what it’s going to feel like, but you’d be wrong. There’s something about this laptop that just has to be felt—something that’s so hard to put into words that do it justice. From the second you take it out of the box, the Pixelbook just screams “premium.”

您可以阅读有关它制成的材料的信息,并认为您对它的感觉有一个想法,但是您会错的。 这款笔记本电脑有一些必须要感觉到的东西—很难用语言表达出来,以至于做到了正义。 从第二秒钟开始,Pixelbook便会尖叫 “溢价”。

And it’s just as much about feel as it is about looks. Don’t get me wrong—it’s beautiful aesthetically, but even putting eyes on it isn’t a fair assessment. It doesn’t become really apparent until you start using it. The fit and finish on the Pixelbook is pristine.

它不仅与外观有关,还与感觉有关。 不要误会我的意思-它在美学上很漂亮,但是即使盯着它也不是一个公平的评估。 除非您开始使用它,否则它不会真正变得明显。 Pixelbook的贴合度和质感是原始的。

The entire thing is rock solid—not a creak or flex to be found. The aluminum frame is buttery smooth with a pleasant texture. The glass panel at the top gives it a bit of sophistication and matches nicely with the Pixel phone. The overall feel is incredible—but the real value is found in the details.

整个过程都是坚如磐石,而不是吱吱作响或弯曲。 铝制框架黄油光滑,质地宜人。 顶部的玻璃面板给人以精致的感觉,并与Pixel手机完美匹配。 总体感觉令人难以置信-但真正的价值在于细节。

For example, the soft touch material found on either side of the trackpad is one of the nicest features I’ve found on any laptop—it really makes typing a pleasure. The material itself is comfortable when resting your hands on it, but it’s also nice and tacky when you flip the laptop into “stand” mode. The same material is found on the bottom of the unit, which does a great job of preventing the laptop from moving during use, while also mirroring the glass top panel—it gives it a very sleek, balanced look. It also protects the glass when the laptop is flipped into tablet mode.

例如,触控板两侧的柔软触感材料是我在任何笔记本电脑上发现的最好的功能之一,它确实使打字变得很愉快。 当您将其放在手上时,该材料本身很舒适,但是当您将笔记本电脑置于“站立”模式时,它也很舒适。 机身底部也使用了相同的材料,这在防止笔记本电脑在使用过程中移动时起到了很大的作用,同时还使玻璃顶板具有镜面效果-使其外观非常光滑,平衡。 当笔记本电脑进入平板电脑模式时,它还可以保护玻璃。

The keyboard is also something that really has to be felt. It has a super short 0.8mm key travel, which generally isn’t tactile enough for many people who type a lot (I personally prefer around 1.4mm of travel, for example). But this is one of the best-feeling keyboards I’ve ever had the pleasure of typing on. It feel “faster” than most other keyboards, but still provides a very tactile feel. Clearly, a lot of thought went into the design of this keyboard.

键盘也是必须要感受到的东西。 它有一个超级短线0.8毫米按键行程,这通常不是很多人谁型式很多触觉足够的(我个人比较喜欢环视旅游为1.4mm,例如)。 但这是我有幸打字的感觉最好的键盘之一。 与大多数其他键盘相比,它感觉“更快”,但仍提供非常触感。 显然,此键盘的设计引起了很多思考。

Like I said earlier, I’ve owned laptops at nearly twice the cost of the Pixelbook, but I don’t recall ever owning anything that felt quite this good. And that’s not something you can tell about the Pixelbook by reading reviews or even watching videos. It’s a feeling that you get when you use it—the sleek lines and thoughtful touches throughout are truly inspiring.

就像我之前说的,我拥有的笔记本电脑的价格几乎是Pixelbook的两倍,但我不记得拥有任何感觉如此出色的东西。 通过阅读评论甚至观看视频,您都无法分辨出Pixelbook。 使用时会给人一种感觉-光滑的线条和周到的触感确实令人鼓舞。

这是Google的“开发者”设备 (It’s A Google “Developer” Device)

When it comes time for new features to show up, guess where Google starts? With its own devices. Case in point: Linux apps. This is the newest thing smoking on Chromebooks, and for now it’s only available on the Pixelbook (in the developer channel, mind you, so it’s not for everyone).

当需要显示新功能时,您猜猜Google从哪里开始? 拥有自己的设备。 例子:Linux应用程序。 这是Chromebook上最新出现的内容,目前仅在Pixelbook上可用(请注意,在开发人员频道中,并不适合所有人)。

Now, maybe living on the bleeding edge isn’t that important to you, which is fine. But if you’re interested in seeing what’s happening or excited about new features, there’s no better device to do that on than Google’s own, just like the Pixel phones.

现在,也许生活在最前沿对您而言并不那么重要,这很好。 但是,如果您有兴趣了解新功能正在发生的事情或感到兴奋,那么像Pixel手机一样,没有比Google更好的设备可以做到这一点了。

There’s a parallel here: the Pixel phones are great for all types of users, but they’re equally as great for developers or tinkerers. Why? Because out of the box they’re locked down, secure, and they just work. But with a couple of commands, you can unlock them for full access, rooted, and all other sorts of fun stuff.

这里有一个相似之处:Pixel手机适用于所有类型的用户,但对于开发人员或修补匠也同样适用。 为什么? 因为开箱即用,它们被锁定,固定并且可以正常工作。 但是,通过几个命令,您可以解锁它们以进行完全访问,植根以及所有其他有趣的东西。

The Pixelbook is very similar. Out of the box, it’s on the stable channel and locked up. But enterprising users can easily put it in developer mode (which does break security features) to allow for advanced tweaks—or switch to the beta or developer channels to get early access to new features.

Pixelbook非常相似。 开箱即用,它在稳定通道上并已锁定。 但是进取的用户可以轻松地将其置于开发人员模式(确实破坏了安全功能)以进行高级调整,或者切换到Beta或开发人员通道以尽早使用新功能。

Now, the same can be said for all Chromebooks, but like I said earlier: the Pixelbook will be the first to get new experimental features, which is a big selling point for those who care about this. Truth be told, Linux app support in the developer channel was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me.

现在,对于所有 Chromebook来说都是一样的,但是就像我之前说的:Pixelbook将首先获得新的实验功能,这对于那些关心这一点的人来说是一个很大的卖点。 实话实说,开发人员渠道中对Linux应用程序的支持真是使我不寒而栗。

即使与最快的Chromebook相比,它的速度也非常快 (It’s Insanely Fast, Even Compared to the Fastest Chromebooks)

Like I said earlier, I’ve been using the ASUS Flip C302 as my primary laptop for more than a year, and I was vocal about how much I loved it during that time.

就像我之前说过的那样,我已经将ASUS Flip C302作为主要笔记本电脑使用了一年多,在这段时间里,我一直很热爱它。

Given its Intel Core m3 processor, I assumed it offered one of the best (and snappiest) Chrome OS experiences. And it probably does, but I didn’t realize how slow it really was until I got the Pixelbook. There was very little waiting on the C302, but I could start to tell when it got bogged down. I’m a heavy multitasker, and given the nature of my work, will often have lots of Chrome tabs open. As a result, I would keep a close eye on everything that was running in order to keep things as snappy as possible.

考虑到它的Intel Core m3处理器,我认为它提供了最好的(也是最灵活的)Chrome OS体验之一。 可能确实如此,但是直到我得到Pixelbook时,我才意识到它到底有多慢。 C302几乎没有等待,但我可以开始判断它何时陷入困境。 我是一个繁重的多任务处理人员,并且鉴于我的工作性质,经常会打开许多 Chrome标签页。 结果,我将密切关注正在运行的所有内容,以使内容尽可能的生动。

With the Pixelbook, that practice is a thing of the past. Not only is is significantly faster than the C302, but I’ve yet to bog it down. I’m able to use the Pixelbook in a very similar way to my desktop without fear of it slowing down.

使用Pixelbook,这种做法已成为过去。 不仅是显著快于C302是的,但我还没有陷入下来。 我能够以与台式机非常相似的方式使用Pixelbook,而不必担心它会变慢。

I just didn’t realize how much of a difference the additional 4GB of RAM and better processor was going to make. What would normally be a marginal upgrade for a Windows machine makes a monstrous difference in a Chromebook.

我只是没有意识到额外的4GB RAM和更好的处理器会产生多大的差异。 对于Windows计算机而言,通常只是少量升级,对于Chromebook来说是巨大的不同。

And the Pixelbook is the best performing Chromebook on the market.


All this is to say one thing: the Pixelbook is a $1000 laptop, but it feels like even a pricier experience than that. To get this level of detail and performance in a Windows laptop or Macbook, you’d have to spend significantly more money—to say “yeah, but it’s just a Chromebook” is an absolute injustice to what an amazing piece of hardware the Pixelbook truly is.

所有这一切只能说一件事: Pixelbook是一台价值1000美元的笔记本电脑,但那感觉甚至比这更昂贵。 要在Windows笔记本电脑或Macbook上获得如此详尽的细节和性能,您必须花费更多的金钱-说“是的,但这只是一台Chromebook”绝对不公平,因为Pixelbook真正具有惊人的硬件是。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/354291/why-the-google-pixelbook-is-a-chromebook-worth-1000/


