- # Hello World Example
- #
- # Welcome to the OpenMV IDE! Click on the green run arrow button below to run the script!
- import pyb, sensor, image, math, time
- from pyb import UART
- import json
- uart = UART(3,115200)
- red_threshold = [(71, 25, 98, 19, 101, -14)]
- black_threshold = [(0, 42, -84, 19, -104, 32)]
- #QVGA 320*240
- roi_1 = [(40, 0, 240, 40), # 北
- (40, 200, 160, 40), # 南
- (0, 0, 40, 240), # 西
- (280, 0, 40, 240), # 东
- (30,80,300,80)] # 中
- sensor.reset() # 初始化摄像头
- sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) # 格式为 RGB565.
- sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA)
- sensor.skip_frames(20) # 跳过10帧,使新设置生效
- sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) # turn this off.
- sensor.set_auto_gain(False) # must be turned off for color tracking
- clock = time.clock()
- buf =[0 for i in range(5)]
- m = -1
- zhong_x = 0
- zhong_y = 0
- bei_x = 0
- bei_y = 0
- nan_x = 0
- nan_y = 0
- dong_x = 0
- dong_y = 0
- xi_x = 0
- xi_y = 0
- black_num = 0
- threshold_pixel = 280
- uart.init(115200, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1)
- def pack_dot_data():
- pack_data=bytearray([0xAA,0xFF,zhong_x>>8,zhong_x,dong_y>>8,dong_y,xi_y>>8,xi_y,
- black_num,0x00,0x00])
- lens = len(pack_data) #数据包大小
- #pack_data[3] = lens-6; #有效数据个数
- sc = 0
- ac = 0
- i = 0
- while i<(lens-1):
- sc = sc + pack_data[i]
- ac = ac + sc
- i=i+1
- pack_data[lens-2] = sc
- pack_data[lens-1] = ac;
- return pack_data
- while(True):
- clock.tick()
- m = -1
- isten = 0
- black_num = 0
- img = sensor.snapshot().lens_corr(strength = 1.8, zoom = 1.0)
- for r in roi_1:
- m += 1
- blobs = img.find_blobs(red_threshold, roi=r[0:4],pixels_threshold=100, area_threshold=100, merge=True)
- #img.draw_rectangle(r[0:4], color=(255,0,0))
- if blobs:
- most_pixels = 0
- largest_blob = 0
- for i in range(len(blobs)):
- #目标区域找到的颜色块(线段块)可能不止一个,找到最大的一个,作为本区域内的目标直线
- if blobs[i].pixels() > most_pixels:
- most_pixels = blobs[i].pixels()
- #merged_blobs[i][4]是这个颜色块的像素总数,如果此颜色块像素总数大于
- largest_blob = i
- #print(blobs[largest_blob].cx(),blobs[largest_blob].cy())
- if m == 0:
- bei_x = blobs[largest_blob].cx()
- bei_y = blobs[largest_blob].cy()
- elif m == 1:
- nan_x = blobs[largest_blob].cx()
- nan_y = blobs[largest_blob].cy()
- elif m == 2:
- dong_x = blobs[largest_blob].cx()
- dong_y = blobs[largest_blob].cy()
- elif m == 3:
- xi_x = blobs[largest_blob].cx()
- xi_y = blobs[largest_blob].cy()
- elif m == 4:
- zhong_x = blobs[largest_blob].cx()
- zhong_y = blobs[largest_blob].cy()
- # Draw a rect around the blob.
- img.draw_rectangle(blobs[largest_blob].rect())
- #将此区域的像素数最大的颜色块画矩形和十字形标记出来
- img.draw_cross(blobs[largest_blob].cx(),
- blobs[largest_blob].cy())
- buf[m] = 1
- else:
- buf[m] = 0
- if m == 0:
- bei_x = 0
- bei_y = 0
- elif m == 1:
- nan_x = 0
- nan_y = 0
- elif m == 2:
- dong_x = 0
- dong_y = 0
- elif m == 3:
- xi_x = 0
- xi_y = 0
- elif m == 4:
- zhong_x = 0
- zhong_y = 0
- blobs = img.find_blobs(black_threshold, roi=r[0:4],pixels_threshold=100, area_threshold=100, merge=False)
- for b in blobs:
- #记录大于threshold_pixel值的黑色色块的数量
- if b.pixels() > threshold_pixel:
- img.draw_rectangle(b.rect())
- print(b.pixels())
- black_num = black_num + 1;
- print(zhong_x,zhong_y)
- uart.write(pack_dot_data())
- print(black_num)
- print(clock.fps())
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