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(2)Windows 10操作系统






  • 检测系统内部是否已经安装好samba文件
#rpm –qa | grep samba
  • 如果显示类似如下的版本信息,则证明系统内已经安装好 samba 服务

  •  如果没有提示上述信息,则要安装对应的包。
# yum install samba


# systemctl enable smb


  • 利用vi文本编辑器打开配置文件/etc/samba/smb.conf
# vi /etc/samba/smb.conf
  • 配置 global 全局变量区域(只需要找到相应的变量修改即可,如果该变量所在的行用分号“;”注释掉,则将分号去掉。没有该变量就手动添加)
  1. [global]
  2. security = user ;文档中存在多个 security 变量,只需其中一个有效即可。
  3. workgroup = wyu :配置文件中所有等号前后加一个空格
  4. netbios name = linux ;建议采用 linux+学号的方式,比如 linux25
  5. ;调试日志
  6. log file = /var/log/samba/smbd.log
  7. log level = 2 ; 一共有 10 个级别,2 是 LOG_NOTICE,3 是 LOG_INFO
  8. max log size = 50 ; 日志文件最大大小,单位 KB


  • 设置Linux普通用户宿主目录文件共享(配置文件的默认设置)
  1. [homes]
  2. comment = Home Directories #对 homes 的注释,以下略写
  3. browserable = No
  4. writable = Yes
  •  设置匿名用户目录(在配置文件中最后的地方添加即可)
  1. [tmp]
  2. path = /tmp
  3. read only = No
  4. public = Yes
  • 设置用户组share的共享目录(在配置文件中最后的地方添加即可)
  1. [share]
  2. read list = @share
  3. write list = @share
  4. public = No
  5. browseable = Yes
  6. writable = Yes
  7. create mask = 0664
  8. directory mask = 0770
  9. path=/home/share
  • 保存该文本文件,重启 samba 服务
 # systemctl restart smb
  • 新建组 share,新建用户 mary,john 和 guest
  1. # useradd mary
  2. # passwd mary
  3. # useradd john
  4. # passwd john
  5. # useradd guest
  6. # passwd guest
  • 新建组 share,并且将用户 mary 和 john 加入 share 组中
  1. # groupadd share
  2. # usermod -G share mary
  3. # usermod -G share john

将 mary,john,guest 加入到 smbpasswd 文件

  1. # smbpasswd -a mary
  2. # smbpasswd -a john
  3. # smbpasswd -a guest

在/home 目录下新建目录 share,将其组属性改成 share 组

  1. # mkdir -p /home/share
  2. # chown .share /home/share 注意:第一个 share 前有一个“.”
  3. # chmod 770 /home/share


systemctl restart smb.service

(6)Windows 和 Linux 互联测试

(6.1)禁用 SeLinux(实验 1-5 均需要禁用 SElinux)

  • 先测试 Selinux 的设置,如果处于 Enforcing 状态,修改为 permissive 或者 disabled。具体如下:
# getenforce
  •  如果输出“Enforcing”,则输入下面的命令
# setenforce 0

(6.2) 禁用防火墙 firewalld(实验 1-5 均需要禁用 firewalld)

  • 先查看防火墙的运行状态
# systemctl is-active firewalld.service
  • 输出 active(活跃),inactive(不活跃)
  • 若处于 active 状态,则禁用。
# systemctl stop firewalld.service


(6.3)通过 Linux 客户端访问 Linux 服务器共享文件,则先在 Linux 的控制台上输入如下命令查看主机 的共享信息

# smbclient -L // -U mary


# smbclient -c ls // -U mary

(6.4)通过 Windows 访问 Linux

右击“我的电脑”,左键单击映射网络驱动器,在文件夹方框内按如下格式填写\\\share ,如下图所示。(假设 是Linux服务器的地址)

(7)使用 smbmount 命令挂载远程共享


# mkdir -p /mnt/smb/win

 (7.2)将远程共享 share 挂载到本地 /mnt/smb/win 目录

# mount.cifs -o user=mary // /mnt/smb/win/


 (7.4)用 mount 命令查看挂装表的内容

# mount

 (7.5)用 mount 命令查看挂装表的内容 




  1. # See smb.conf.example for a more detailed config file or
  2. # read the smb.conf manpage.
  3. # Run 'testparm' to verify the config is correct after
  4. # you modified it.
  5. [global]
  6. workgroup = wyu
  7. security = user
  8. netbios name = linux40
  9. log file = /var/log/samba/smbd.log
  10. log level = 2
  11. max log size = 50
  12. passdb backend = tdbsam
  13. printing = cups
  14. printcap name = cups
  15. load printers = yes
  16. cups options = raw
  17. [homes]
  18. comment = Home Directories
  19. valid users = %S, %D%w%S
  20. browseable = No
  21. read only = No
  22. inherit acls = Yes
  23. writable = Yes
  24. [printers]
  25. comment = All Printers
  26. path = /var/tmp
  27. printable = Yes
  28. create mask = 0600
  29. browseable = No
  30. [print$]
  31. comment = Printer Drivers
  32. path = /var/lib/samba/drivers
  33. write list = @printadmin root
  34. force group = @printadmin
  35. create mask = 0664
  36. directory mask = 0775
  37. [tmp]
  38. path = /tmp
  39. read only = No
  40. public = Yes
  41. [share]
  42. read list = @share
  43. write list = @share
  44. public = No
  45. browseable = Yes
  46. writable = Yes
  47. create mask = 0664
  48. directory mask = 0770
  49. path = /home/share


  1. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.917095, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  2. Processing section "[homes]"
  3. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.917159, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  4. Processing section "[printers]"
  5. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.917195, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  6. Processing section "[print$]"
  7. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.917237, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  8. Processing section "[tmp]"
  9. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.917267, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  10. Processing section "[share]"
  11. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.918513, 2] ../../source3/lib/interface.c:345(add_interface)
  12. added interface ens33 ip= bcast= netmask=
  13. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.918542, 2] ../../source3/lib/interface.c:345(add_interface)
  14. added interface ens37 ip= bcast= netmask=
  15. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.918551, 2] ../../source3/lib/interface.c:345(add_interface)
  16. added interface virbr0 ip= bcast= netmask=
  17. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.920959, 1] ../../source3/profile/profile.c:51(set_profile_level)
  18. INFO: Profiling turned OFF from pid 2970
  19. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.921843, 2] ../../source3/passdb/pdb_interface.c:161(make_pdb_method_name)
  20. No builtin backend found, trying to load plugin
  21. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.945047, 2] ../../lib/tdb_wrap/tdb_wrap.c:64(tdb_wrap_log)
  22. tdb(/var/lib/samba/registry.tdb): tdb_open_ex: could not open file /var/lib/samba/registry.tdb: 没有那个文件或目录
  23. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.958458, 2] ../../lib/tdb_wrap/tdb_wrap.c:64(tdb_wrap_log)
  24. tdb(/var/lib/samba/account_policy.tdb): tdb_open_ex: could not open file /var/lib/samba/account_policy.tdb: 没有那个文件或目录
  25. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.958579, 2] ../../source3/passdb/account_pol.c:355(account_policy_get)
  26. account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32_t failed for type 1 (min password length), returning 0
  27. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.958596, 2] ../../source3/passdb/account_pol.c:355(account_policy_get)
  28. account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32_t failed for type 2 (password history), returning 0
  29. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.958605, 2] ../../source3/passdb/account_pol.c:355(account_policy_get)
  30. account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32_t failed for type 3 (user must logon to change password), returning 0
  31. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.958613, 2] ../../source3/passdb/account_pol.c:355(account_policy_get)
  32. account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32_t failed for type 4 (maximum password age), returning 0
  33. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.958620, 2] ../../source3/passdb/account_pol.c:355(account_policy_get)
  34. account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32_t failed for type 5 (minimum password age), returning 0
  35. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.958627, 2] ../../source3/passdb/account_pol.c:355(account_policy_get)
  36. account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32_t failed for type 6 (lockout duration), returning 0
  37. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.958634, 2] ../../source3/passdb/account_pol.c:355(account_policy_get)
  38. account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32_t failed for type 7 (reset count minutes), returning 0
  39. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.958641, 2] ../../source3/passdb/account_pol.c:355(account_policy_get)
  40. account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32_t failed for type 8 (bad lockout attempt), returning 0
  41. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.958648, 2] ../../source3/passdb/account_pol.c:355(account_policy_get)
  42. account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32_t failed for type 9 (disconnect time), returning 0
  43. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.958655, 2] ../../source3/passdb/account_pol.c:355(account_policy_get)
  44. account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32_t failed for type 10 (refuse machine password change), returning 0
  45. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.962536, 1] ../../source3/passdb/pdb_tdb.c:543(tdbsam_open)
  46. tdbsam_open: Converting version 0.0 database to version 4.0.
  47. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.962710, 1] ../../source3/passdb/pdb_tdb.c:304(tdbsam_convert_backup)
  48. tdbsam_convert_backup: updated /var/lib/samba/private/passdb.tdb file.
  49. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.962753, 2] ../../source3/lib/util_tdb.c:279(tdb_log)
  50. tdb(/var/lib/samba/winbindd_idmap.tdb): tdb_open_ex: could not open file /var/lib/samba/winbindd_idmap.tdb: 没有那个文件或目录
  51. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.969814, 0] ../../lib/util/become_daemon.c:136(daemon_ready)
  52. daemon_ready: daemon 'smbd' finished starting up and ready to serve connections
  53. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.992873, 1] ../../source3/printing/printer_list.c:234(printer_list_get_last_refresh)
  54. Failed to fetch record!
  55. [2020/10/11 14:30:06.993069, 2] ../../source3/smbd/server.c:1415(smbd_parent_loop)
  56. waiting for connections
  57. [2020/10/11 14:30:07.003805, 2] ../../lib/util/tevent_debug.c:66(samba_tevent_debug)
  58. samba_tevent: EPOLL_CTL_DEL EBADF for fde[0x55c024d44cd0] mpx_fde[(nil)] fd[16] - disabling
  59. [2020/10/11 14:42:37.104664, 1] ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899(send_all_fn)
  60. send_all_fn: messaging_send_buf to 3193 failed: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
  61. [2020/10/11 14:42:37.104795, 2] ../../lib/util/tevent_debug.c:66(samba_tevent_debug)
  62. samba_tevent: EPOLL_CTL_DEL EBADF for fde[0x55c024d44cd0] mpx_fde[(nil)] fd[16] - disabling
  63. [2020/10/11 14:45:07.002966, 2] ../../source3/smbd/server.c:837(remove_child_pid)
  64. Could not find child 3358 -- ignoring
  65. [2020/10/11 14:50:23.242144, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  66. Processing section "[homes]"
  67. [2020/10/11 14:50:23.242243, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  68. Processing section "[printers]"
  69. [2020/10/11 14:50:23.242281, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  70. Processing section "[print$]"
  71. [2020/10/11 14:50:23.242322, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  72. Processing section "[tmp]"
  73. [2020/10/11 14:50:23.242364, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  74. Processing section "[share]"
  75. [2020/10/11 14:50:23.243629, 2] ../../source3/lib/interface.c:345(add_interface)
  76. added interface ens33 ip= bcast= netmask=
  77. [2020/10/11 14:50:23.243657, 2] ../../source3/lib/interface.c:345(add_interface)
  78. added interface ens37 ip= bcast= netmask=
  79. [2020/10/11 14:50:23.243665, 2] ../../source3/lib/interface.c:345(add_interface)
  80. added interface virbr0 ip= bcast= netmask=
  81. [2020/10/11 14:50:23.246253, 1] ../../source3/profile/profile.c:51(set_profile_level)
  82. INFO: Profiling turned OFF from pid 3770
  83. [2020/10/11 14:50:23.246986, 2] ../../source3/passdb/pdb_interface.c:161(make_pdb_method_name)
  84. No builtin backend found, trying to load plugin
  85. [2020/10/11 14:50:23.267425, 0] ../../lib/util/become_daemon.c:136(daemon_ready)
  86. daemon_ready: daemon 'smbd' finished starting up and ready to serve connections
  87. [2020/10/11 14:50:23.286645, 1] ../../source3/printing/printer_list.c:234(printer_list_get_last_refresh)
  88. Failed to fetch record!
  89. [2020/10/11 14:50:23.286713, 2] ../../source3/smbd/server.c:1415(smbd_parent_loop)
  90. waiting for connections
  91. [2020/10/11 14:50:23.303029, 1] ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899(send_all_fn)
  92. send_all_fn: messaging_send_buf to 2972 failed: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
  93. [2020/10/11 14:50:23.303647, 1] ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899(send_all_fn)
  94. send_all_fn: messaging_send_buf to 2973 failed: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
  95. [2020/10/11 14:50:23.304144, 1] ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899(send_all_fn)
  96. send_all_fn: messaging_send_buf to 3364 failed: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
  97. [2020/10/11 14:50:23.304325, 1] ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899(send_all_fn)
  98. send_all_fn: messaging_send_buf to 3414 failed: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
  99. [2020/10/11 14:50:23.304575, 1] ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899(send_all_fn)
  100. send_all_fn: messaging_send_buf to 3479 failed: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
  101. [2020/10/11 14:50:23.304669, 2] ../../lib/util/tevent_debug.c:66(samba_tevent_debug)
  102. samba_tevent: EPOLL_CTL_DEL EBADF for fde[0x557d7162b1a0] mpx_fde[(nil)] fd[16] - disabling
  103. [2020/10/11 14:56:11.602732, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  104. Processing section "[homes]"
  105. [2020/10/11 14:56:11.602796, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  106. Processing section "[printers]"
  107. [2020/10/11 14:56:11.602863, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  108. Processing section "[print$]"
  109. [2020/10/11 14:56:11.602908, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  110. Processing section "[tmp]"
  111. [2020/10/11 14:56:11.602936, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  112. Processing section "[share]"
  113. [2020/10/11 14:56:11.603894, 2] ../../source3/lib/interface.c:345(add_interface)
  114. added interface ens33 ip= bcast= netmask=
  115. [2020/10/11 14:56:11.603921, 2] ../../source3/lib/interface.c:345(add_interface)
  116. added interface ens37 ip= bcast= netmask=
  117. [2020/10/11 14:56:11.603930, 2] ../../source3/lib/interface.c:345(add_interface)
  118. added interface virbr0 ip= bcast= netmask=
  119. [2020/10/11 14:56:11.605999, 1] ../../source3/profile/profile.c:51(set_profile_level)
  120. INFO: Profiling turned OFF from pid 4258
  121. [2020/10/11 14:56:11.606700, 2] ../../source3/passdb/pdb_interface.c:161(make_pdb_method_name)
  122. No builtin backend found, trying to load plugin
  123. [2020/10/11 14:56:11.623183, 0] ../../lib/util/become_daemon.c:136(daemon_ready)
  124. daemon_ready: daemon 'smbd' finished starting up and ready to serve connections
  125. [2020/10/11 14:56:11.638204, 1] ../../source3/printing/printer_list.c:234(printer_list_get_last_refresh)
  126. Failed to fetch record!
  127. [2020/10/11 14:56:11.638272, 2] ../../source3/smbd/server.c:1415(smbd_parent_loop)
  128. waiting for connections
  129. [2020/10/11 14:56:11.656495, 1] ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899(send_all_fn)
  130. send_all_fn: messaging_send_buf to 2972 failed: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
  131. [2020/10/11 14:56:11.656902, 1] ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899(send_all_fn)
  132. send_all_fn: messaging_send_buf to 2973 failed: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
  133. [2020/10/11 14:56:11.657209, 1] ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899(send_all_fn)
  134. send_all_fn: messaging_send_buf to 3364 failed: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
  135. [2020/10/11 14:56:11.657404, 1] ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899(send_all_fn)
  136. send_all_fn: messaging_send_buf to 3414 failed: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
  137. [2020/10/11 14:56:11.657595, 1] ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899(send_all_fn)
  138. send_all_fn: messaging_send_buf to 3479 failed: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
  139. [2020/10/11 14:56:11.657622, 1] ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899(send_all_fn)
  140. send_all_fn: messaging_send_buf to 3772 failed: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
  141. [2020/10/11 14:56:11.657643, 1] ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899(send_all_fn)
  142. send_all_fn: messaging_send_buf to 3773 failed: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
  143. [2020/10/11 14:56:11.657731, 2] ../../lib/util/tevent_debug.c:66(samba_tevent_debug)
  144. samba_tevent: EPOLL_CTL_DEL EBADF for fde[0x5601900371a0] mpx_fde[(nil)] fd[16] - disabling
  145. [2020/10/11 15:08:35.849748, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  146. Processing section "[homes]"
  147. [2020/10/11 15:08:35.850320, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  148. Processing section "[printers]"
  149. [2020/10/11 15:08:35.850365, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  150. Processing section "[print$]"
  151. [2020/10/11 15:08:35.850412, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  152. Processing section "[tmp]"
  153. [2020/10/11 15:08:35.850442, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  154. Processing section "[share]"
  155. [2020/10/11 15:08:35.853937, 2] ../../source3/auth/auth.c:316(auth_check_ntlm_password)
  156. check_ntlm_password: authentication for user [mary] -> [mary] -> [mary] succeeded
  157. [2020/10/11 15:08:35.867740, 2] ../../source3/smbd/reply.c:705(reply_special)
  158. netbios connect: name1= 0x20 name2=LINUX40 0x0
  159. [2020/10/11 15:08:35.867830, 2] ../../source3/smbd/reply.c:746(reply_special)
  160. netbios connect: local= remote=linux40, name type = 0
  161. [2020/10/11 15:08:35.870811, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  162. Processing section "[homes]"
  163. [2020/10/11 15:08:35.870866, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  164. Processing section "[printers]"
  165. [2020/10/11 15:08:35.870899, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  166. Processing section "[print$]"
  167. [2020/10/11 15:08:35.870936, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  168. Processing section "[tmp]"
  169. [2020/10/11 15:08:35.870960, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  170. Processing section "[share]"
  171. [2020/10/11 15:08:35.871498, 2] ../../source3/auth/auth.c:316(auth_check_ntlm_password)
  172. check_ntlm_password: authentication for user [mary] -> [mary] -> [mary] succeeded
  173. [2020/10/11 15:08:41.747976, 1] ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899(send_all_fn)
  174. send_all_fn: messaging_send_buf to 2972 failed: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
  175. [2020/10/11 15:08:41.748404, 1] ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899(send_all_fn)
  176. send_all_fn: messaging_send_buf to 2973 failed: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
  177. [2020/10/11 15:08:41.748795, 1] ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899(send_all_fn)
  178. send_all_fn: messaging_send_buf to 3364 failed: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
  179. [2020/10/11 15:08:41.749115, 1] ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899(send_all_fn)
  180. send_all_fn: messaging_send_buf to 3414 failed: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
  181. [2020/10/11 15:08:41.749422, 1] ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899(send_all_fn)
  182. send_all_fn: messaging_send_buf to 3479 failed: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
  183. [2020/10/11 15:08:41.749645, 1] ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899(send_all_fn)
  184. send_all_fn: messaging_send_buf to 3772 failed: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
  185. [2020/10/11 15:08:41.749909, 1] ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899(send_all_fn)
  186. send_all_fn: messaging_send_buf to 3773 failed: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
  187. [2020/10/11 15:08:41.750552, 1] ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899(send_all_fn)
  188. send_all_fn: messaging_send_buf to 5072 failed: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
  189. [2020/10/11 15:08:41.750579, 2] ../../lib/util/tevent_debug.c:66(samba_tevent_debug)
  190. samba_tevent: EPOLL_CTL_DEL EBADF for fde[0x5601900371a0] mpx_fde[(nil)] fd[16] - disabling
  191. [2020/10/11 15:11:11.685861, 2] ../../source3/smbd/server.c:837(remove_child_pid)
  192. Could not find child 5235 -- ignoring
  193. [2020/10/11 15:18:23.423523, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  194. Processing section "[homes]"
  195. [2020/10/11 15:18:23.423743, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  196. Processing section "[printers]"
  197. [2020/10/11 15:18:23.423772, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  198. Processing section "[print$]"
  199. [2020/10/11 15:18:23.423808, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  200. Processing section "[tmp]"
  201. [2020/10/11 15:18:23.423832, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  202. Processing section "[share]"
  203. [2020/10/11 15:18:23.424922, 2] ../../source3/auth/auth.c:316(auth_check_ntlm_password)
  204. check_ntlm_password: authentication for user [mary] -> [mary] -> [mary] succeeded
  205. [2020/10/11 15:18:23.432690, 2] ../../source3/smbd/service.c:851(make_connection_snum)
  206. linux40 (ipv4: connect to service share initially as user mary (uid=1005, gid=1007) (pid 5696)
  207. [2020/10/11 15:18:23.440260, 2] ../../source3/smbd/service.c:1131(close_cnum)
  208. linux40 (ipv4: closed connection to service share
  209. [2020/10/11 15:20:10.973678, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  210. Processing section "[homes]"
  211. [2020/10/11 15:20:10.973965, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  212. Processing section "[printers]"
  213. [2020/10/11 15:20:10.973996, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  214. Processing section "[print$]"
  215. [2020/10/11 15:20:10.974034, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  216. Processing section "[tmp]"
  217. [2020/10/11 15:20:10.974058, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  218. Processing section "[share]"
  219. [2020/10/11 15:20:10.974939, 2] ../../source3/auth/auth.c:316(auth_check_ntlm_password)
  220. check_ntlm_password: authentication for user [mary] -> [mary] -> [mary] succeeded
  221. [2020/10/11 15:20:10.978012, 2] ../../source3/smbd/service.c:851(make_connection_snum)
  222. linux40 (ipv4: connect to service share initially as user mary (uid=1005, gid=1007) (pid 5832)
  223. [2020/10/11 15:20:10.981980, 2] ../../source3/smbd/service.c:1131(close_cnum)
  224. linux40 (ipv4: closed connection to service share
  225. [2020/10/11 15:21:11.874141, 1] ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899(send_all_fn)
  226. send_all_fn: messaging_send_buf to 5695 failed: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
  227. [2020/10/11 15:21:11.874758, 1] ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899(send_all_fn)
  228. send_all_fn: messaging_send_buf to 5831 failed: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
  229. [2020/10/11 15:21:11.874788, 2] ../../lib/util/tevent_debug.c:66(samba_tevent_debug)
  230. samba_tevent: EPOLL_CTL_DEL EBADF for fde[0x560190037110] mpx_fde[(nil)] fd[16] - disabling
  231. [2020/10/11 15:23:21.060082, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  232. Processing section "[homes]"
  233. [2020/10/11 15:23:21.060177, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  234. Processing section "[printers]"
  235. [2020/10/11 15:23:21.060208, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  236. Processing section "[print$]"
  237. [2020/10/11 15:23:21.060245, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  238. Processing section "[tmp]"
  239. [2020/10/11 15:23:21.060270, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  240. Processing section "[share]"
  241. [2020/10/11 15:23:21.060760, 2] ../../source3/auth/auth.c:334(auth_check_ntlm_password)
  242. check_ntlm_password: Authentication for user [YANG] -> [YANG] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER, authoritative=1
  243. [2020/10/11 15:23:21.060809, 2] ../../auth/auth_log.c:647(log_authentication_event_human_readable)
  244. Auth: [SMB2,(null)] user [YANGJH]\[YANG] at [日, 11 10月 2020 15:23:21.060793 CST] with [NTLMv2] status [NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER] workstation [YANGJH] remote host [ipv4:] mapped to [YANGJH]\[YANG]. local host [ipv4:]
  245. {"timestamp": "2020-10-11T15:23:21.061222+0800", "type": "Authentication", "Authentication": {"version": {"major": 1, "minor": 1}, "eventId": 4625, "logonType": 3, "status": "NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER", "localAddress": "ipv4:", "remoteAddress": "ipv4:", "serviceDescription": "SMB2", "authDescription": null, "clientDomain": "YANGJH", "clientAccount": "YANG", "workstation": "YANGJH", "becameAccount": null, "becameDomain": null, "becameSid": null, "mappedAccount": "YANG", "mappedDomain": "YANGJH", "netlogonComputer": null, "netlogonTrustAccount": null, "netlogonNegotiateFlags": "0x00000000", "netlogonSecureChannelType": 0, "netlogonTrustAccountSid": null, "passwordType": "NTLMv2", "duration": 5293}}
  246. [2020/10/11 15:23:37.829519, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  247. Processing section "[homes]"
  248. [2020/10/11 15:23:37.829607, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  249. Processing section "[printers]"
  250. [2020/10/11 15:23:37.829636, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  251. Processing section "[print$]"
  252. [2020/10/11 15:23:37.829672, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  253. Processing section "[tmp]"
  254. [2020/10/11 15:23:37.829696, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  255. Processing section "[share]"
  256. [2020/10/11 15:23:37.831404, 2] ../../source3/auth/auth.c:316(auth_check_ntlm_password)
  257. check_ntlm_password: authentication for user [mary] -> [mary] -> [mary] succeeded
  258. [2020/10/11 15:23:37.840721, 2] ../../source3/smbd/service.c:851(make_connection_snum)
  259. yangjh (ipv4: connect to service share initially as user mary (uid=1005, gid=1007) (pid 6067)
  260. [2020/10/11 15:26:11.718233, 2] ../../source3/smbd/server.c:837(remove_child_pid)
  261. Could not find child 6260 -- ignoring
  262. [2020/10/11 15:27:37.585791, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  263. Processing section "[homes]"
  264. [2020/10/11 15:27:37.585872, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  265. Processing section "[printers]"
  266. [2020/10/11 15:27:37.585902, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  267. Processing section "[print$]"
  268. [2020/10/11 15:27:37.585938, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  269. Processing section "[tmp]"
  270. [2020/10/11 15:27:37.585967, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  271. Processing section "[share]"
  272. [2020/10/11 15:27:37.587005, 2] ../../source3/auth/auth.c:316(auth_check_ntlm_password)
  273. check_ntlm_password: authentication for user [mary] -> [mary] -> [mary] succeeded
  274. [2020/10/11 15:27:37.609960, 2] ../../source3/smbd/service.c:851(make_connection_snum)
  275. (ipv4: connect to service share initially as user mary (uid=1005, gid=1007) (pid 6370)
  276. [2020/10/11 15:33:41.937227, 2] ../../lib/util/tevent_debug.c:66(samba_tevent_debug)
  277. samba_tevent: EPOLL_CTL_DEL EBADF for fde[0x5601900353e0] mpx_fde[(nil)] fd[16] - disabling
  278. [2020/10/11 15:41:11.761800, 2] ../../source3/smbd/server.c:837(remove_child_pid)
  279. Could not find child 7264 -- ignoring
  280. [2020/10/11 15:44:00.858884, 2] ../../source3/smbd/service.c:1131(close_cnum)
  281. (ipv4: closed connection to service share
  282. [2020/10/11 15:45:46.229500, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  283. Processing section "[homes]"
  284. [2020/10/11 15:45:46.229593, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  285. Processing section "[printers]"
  286. [2020/10/11 15:45:46.229627, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  287. Processing section "[print$]"
  288. [2020/10/11 15:45:46.229662, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  289. Processing section "[tmp]"
  290. [2020/10/11 15:45:46.229684, 2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2803(lp_do_section)
  291. Processing section "[share]"
  292. [2020/10/11 15:45:46.230623, 2] ../../source3/auth/auth.c:316(auth_check_ntlm_password)
  293. check_ntlm_password: authentication for user [mary] -> [mary] -> [mary] succeeded
  294. [2020/10/11 15:45:46.233804, 2] ../../source3/smbd/service.c:851(make_connection_snum)
  295. (ipv4: connect to service share initially as user mary (uid=1005, gid=1007) (pid 7621)
  296. [2020/10/11 15:46:11.988168, 2] ../../lib/util/tevent_debug.c:66(samba_tevent_debug)
  297. samba_tevent: EPOLL_CTL_DEL EBADF for fde[0x560190036e50] mpx_fde[(nil)] fd[16] - disabling
  298. [2020/10/11 15:47:10.780679, 2] ../../source3/smbd/service.c:1131(close_cnum)
  299. (ipv4: closed connection to service share

