- <?php
- /*
- HttpRequest Class
- */
- class HttpRequest{
- public $url,$method,$port,$hostname,$uri,$protocol,$excption,$_headers=array(),$_senddata,$status,$statusText,$HttpProtocolVersion,$responseBodyWithoutHeader;
- private $fp=0,$_buffer="",$responseBody,$responseHeader,$timeout=0,$useSocket;
- //构造函数
- function __construct($url="",$method="GET",$useSocket=0){
- $this->url = $url;
- $this->method = strtoupper($method);
- $this->useSocket = $useSocket;
- $this->setRequestHeader("Accept","*/*");
- $this->setRequestHeader("Accept-Language","zh-cn");
- $this->setRequestHeader("Accept-Encoding","gzip, deflate");
- $this->setRequestHeader("User-Agent","HttpRequest Class 1.0"); //可调用setRequestHeader来修改
- }
- //连接服务器
- public function open($ip="",$port=-1){
- if(!$this->_geturlinfo()) return false;
- $this->setRequestHeader("Host",$this->hostname);
- $this->setRequestHeader("Connection","close");
- $ip = ($ip=="" ? $this->hostname : $ip);
- $port = ($port==-1 ? $this->port : $port);
- if($this->useSocket==1){
- if(!$this->fp=$socket=socket_create(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)) {
- $this->excption="can not create socket";return false;
- }else{
- if(!socket_connect($this->fp,$ip, $port) ){
- $this->excption="can not connect to server " . $this->hostname . " on port" . $this->port;return false;
- }
- }
- }else{
- if(!$this->fp=fsockopen($ip, $port,$errno,$errstr,10)) {
- $this->excption="can not connect to server " . $this->hostname . " on port" . $this->port;return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- public function send($data=""){
- if(!$this->fp){$this->excption="is not a resource id";return false;}
- if($this->method=="GET" && $data!=""){
- $s_str="?";
- if(strpos($this->uri,"?")>0) $s_str = "&";
- $this->uri.= $s_str . $data;
- $data="";
- }
- $senddata=$this->method . " " . $this->uri . " HTTP/1.1\r\n";
- if($this->method=="POST"){
- $this->setRequestHeader("Content-Length",strlen($data));
- //为了让PHP可以调用API2.0的接口,这边做了修改2012-06-28 CLTANG
- $this->setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");//application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- }
- foreach($this->_headers as $keys => $value){
- $senddata .= "$keys: $value\r\n";
- }
- $senddata .= "\r\n";
- if($this->method=="POST") $senddata .= $data;
- $this->_senddata = $senddata;
- if($this->useSocket==1){
- socket_write($this->fp,$this->_senddata);
- $buffer="";
- $timestart = time();
- do{
- if($this->timeout>0){
- if(time()-$timestart>$this->timeout){break;}
- }
- $this->_buffer.=$buffer;
- $buffer = socket_read($this->fp,4096);
- }while($buffer!="");
- socket_close($this->fp);
- }else{
- fputs($this->fp, $senddata);
- $this->_buffer="";
- $timestart = time();
- while(!feof($this->fp))
- {
- if($this->timeout>0){
- if(time()-$timestart>$this->timeout){break;}
- }
- $this->_buffer.=fgets($this->fp,4096);
- }
- fclose($this->fp);
- }
- $this->_splitcontent();
- $this->_getheaderinfo();
- }
- public function getResponseBody(){
- if($this->getResponseHeader("Content-Encoding")=="gzip" && $this->getResponseHeader("Transfer-Encoding")=="chunked"){
- return gzdecode_1(transfer_encoding_chunked_decode($this->responseBody));
- }else if($this->getResponseHeader("Content-Encoding")=="gzip"){
- return gzdecode_1($this->responseBody);
- }else{
- return $this->responseBody;
- }
- }
- public function getAllResponseHeaders(){
- return $this->responseHeader;
- }
- public function getResponseHeader($key){
- $key = str_replace("-","\-",$key);
- $headerstr = $this->responseHeader . "\r\n";
- $count = preg_match_all("/\n$key\:(.+?)\r/is",$headerstr,$result,PREG_SET_ORDER);
- if($count>0){
- $returnstr="";
- foreach($result as $key1=>$value){
- if(strtoupper($key)=="SET\-COOKIE"){
- $value[1] = substr($value[1],0,strpos($value[1],";"));
- }
- $returnstr .= ltrim($value[1]) . "; ";
- }
- $returnstr = substr($returnstr,0,strlen($returnstr)-2);
- return $returnstr;
- }else{return "";}
- }
- public function setTimeout($timeout=0){
- $this->timeout = $timeout;
- }
- public function setRequestHeader($key,$value=""){
- $this->_headers[$key]=$value;
- }
- public function removeRequestHeader($key){
- if(count($this->_headers)==0){return;}
- $_temp=array();
- foreach($this->_headers as $keys => $value){
- if($keys!=$key){
- $_temp[$keys]=$value;
- }
- }
- $this->_headers = $_temp;
- }
- //拆分url
- private function _geturlinfo(){
- $url = $this->url;
- $count = preg_match("/^http\:\/\/([^\:\/]+?)(\:(\d+))?\/(.+?)$/is",$url,$result);
- if($count>0){
- $this->uri="/" . $result[4];
- }else{
- $count = preg_match("/^http\:\/\/([^\:\/]+?)(\:(\d+))?(\/)?$/is",$url,$result);
- if($count>0){
- $this->uri="/";
- }
- }
- if($count>0){
- $this->protocol="http";
- $this->hostname=$result[1];
- if(isset($result[2]) && $result[2]!="") {$this->port=intval($result[3]);}else{$this->port=80;}
- return true;
- }else{$this->excption="url format error";return false;}
- }
- private function _splitcontent(){
- $this->responseHeader="";
- $this->responseBody="";//有Header的返回体
- $this->responseBodyWithoutHeader="";//没有header的XML
- $p1 = strpos($this->_buffer,"\r\n\r\n");
- $p2=strpos($this->_buffer,"<?xml");//第一次出现XML标记的位置
- if($p1>0){
- $this->responseHeader = substr($this->_buffer,0,$p1);
- if($p1+4<strlen($this->_buffer)){
- $this->responseBody = substr($this->_buffer,$p1+4);
- }
- }
- if($p2>1){//构建只有XML的返回体
- if($p2-1<strlen($this->_buffer)){
- $this->responseBodyWithoutHeader = substr($this->_buffer,$p2-1);
- }
- }
- }
- private function _getheaderinfo(){
- $headerstr = $this->responseHeader;
- $count = preg_match("/^HTTP\/(.+?)\s(\d+)\s(.+?)\r\n/is",$headerstr,$result);
- if($count>0){
- $this->HttpProtocolVersion = $result[1];
- $this->status = intval($result[2]);
- $this->statusText = $result[3];
- }
- }
- }
- //以下两函数参考网络
- function gzdecode_1 ($data) {
- $data = ($data);
- if (!function_exists ( 'gzdecode' )) {
- $flags = ord ( substr ( $data, 3, 1 ) );
- $headerlen = 10;
- $extralen = 0;
- $filenamelen = 0;
- if ($flags & 4) {
- $extralen = unpack ( 'v', substr ( $data, 10, 2 ) );
- $extralen = $extralen [1];
- $headerlen += 2 + $extralen;
- }
- if ($flags & 8) // Filename
- $headerlen = strpos ( $data, chr ( 0 ), $headerlen ) + 1;
- if ($flags & 16) // Comment
- $headerlen = strpos ( $data, chr ( 0 ), $headerlen ) + 1;
- if ($flags & 2) // CRC at end of file
- $headerlen += 2;
- $unpacked = @gzinflate ( substr ( $data, $headerlen ) );
- if ($unpacked === FALSE)
- $unpacked = $data;
- return $unpacked;
- }else{
- return gzdecode($data);
- }
- }
- function transfer_encoding_chunked_decode($in) {
- $out = "";
- while ( $in !="") {
- $lf_pos = strpos ( $in, "\012" );
- if ($lf_pos === false) {
- $out .= $in;
- break;
- }
- $chunk_hex = trim ( substr ( $in, 0, $lf_pos ) );
- $sc_pos = strpos ( $chunk_hex, ';' );
- if ($sc_pos !== false)
- $chunk_hex = substr ( $chunk_hex, 0, $sc_pos );
- if ($chunk_hex =="") {
- $out .= substr ( $in, 0, $lf_pos );
- $in = substr ( $in, $lf_pos + 1 );
- continue;
- }
- $chunk_len = hexdec ( $chunk_hex );
- if ($chunk_len) {
- $out .= substr ( $in, $lf_pos + 1, $chunk_len );
- $in = substr ( $in, $lf_pos + 2 + $chunk_len );
- } else {
- $in = "";
- }
- }
- return $out;
- }
- function utf8ToGB_bak($str){
- return iconv("utf-8","gbk",$str);
- }
- function gbToUtf8_bak($str){
- return iconv("gbk","utf-8",$str);
- }
- ?>

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