Aubo 协作机械臂正逆运动学包-python 版本(一)这篇博文已经对奥博协作机械臂正逆运动学进行了求解。由于代码相对较长,就分开两个博文分别更新。本文主要会根据官方代码,及官方推荐的最优选解器更新一个Python版本的正运动学包。这里最优选解器的核心和UR的一样,都是选择和参考关节空间最接近的一组解作为最优解。文中代码喜欢的可以直接拿去使用,有问题或者对于代码不理解的地方,欢迎添加关注和微信公众号询问。
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from math import * import numpy """ a2 = 0.266; a3 = 0.2565; d1 = 0.157; d2 = 0.119; d5 = 0.1025; d6 = 0.094; #endif #ifdef AUBO_I3s_PARAMS a2 = 0.229; a3 = 0.2015; d1 = 0.1395; d2 = 0.11055; d5 = 0.08955; d6 = 0.09055; #endif #define AUBO_I5_PARAMS #ifdef AUBO_I5_PARAMS a2 = 0.408; a3 = 0.376; d1 = 0.122; d2 = 0.1215; d5 = 0.1025; d6 = 0.094; #endif #ifdef AUBO_I5s_PARAMS a2 = 0.245; a3 = 0.215; d1 = 0.1215; d2 = 0.1215; d5 = 0.1025; d6 = 0.094; #endif #ifdef AUBO_I5l_PARAMS a2 = 0.608; a3 = 0.6395; d1 = 0.1215; d2 = 0.1215; d5 = 0.1025; d6 = 0.094; #endif #ifdef AUBO_I7_PARAMS a2 = 0.552; a3 = 0.495; d1 = 0.1632; d2 = 0.178; d5 = 0.1025; d6 = 0.094; #endif #ifdef AUBO_I10_PARAMS a2 = 0.647; a3 = 0.6005; d1 = 0.1632; d2 = 0.2013; d5 = 0.1025; d6 = 0.094; """ class Aubo_kinematics(): def __init__(self): self.a2 = 0.408 self.a3 = 0.376 self.d1 = 0.122 self.d2 = 0.1215 self.d5 = 0.1025 self.d6 = 0.094 self.ZERO_THRESH = 1e-4 self.ARM_DOF=6 def degree_to_rad(self,q): temp=[] for i in range(len(q)): temp.append(q[i]*pi/180) return temp def antiSinCos(self,sA,cA): eps = 1e-8 angle = 0 if((abs(sA) < eps)and(abs(cA) < eps)): return 0 if(abs(cA) < eps): angle = pi/2.0*self.SIGN(sA) elif(abs(sA) < eps): if (self.SIGN(cA) == 1): angle = 0 else: angle = pi else: angle = atan2(sA, cA) return angle def SIGN(self,x): return (x > 0) - (x < 0) def aubo_forward(self,q): q=self.degree_to_rad(q) T=[] for i in range(16): T.append(0) # print q q1 = q[0] q2 = q[1] q3 = q[2] q4 = q[3] q5 = q[4] q6 = q[5] C1 = cos(q1) C2 = cos(q2) C4 = cos(q4) C5 = cos(q5) C6 = cos(q6) C23 = cos(q2 - q3) C234 = cos(q2 - q3 + q4) C2345 = cos(q2 - q3 + q4 - q5) C2345p = cos(q2 - q3 + q4 + q5) S1 = sin(q1) S2 = sin(q2) S4 = sin(q4) S5 = sin(q5) S6 = sin(q6) S23 = sin(q2 - q3) S234 = sin(q2 - q3 + q4) T[0] = -C6 * S1 * S5 + C1 * (C234 * C5 * C6 - S234 * S6) T[1]= S1 * S5 * S6 - C1 * (C4 * C6 * S23 + C23 * C6 * S4 + C234 * C5 * S6) T[2] = C5 * S1 + C1 * C234 * S5 T[3] = (self.d2 + C5 * self.d6) * S1 - C1 * (self.a2 * S2 + (self.a3 + C4 * self.d5) * S23 + C23 * self.d5 * S4 - C234 * self.d6 * S5) T[4] = C234 * C5 * C6 * S1 + C1 * C6 * S5 - S1 * S234 * S6 T[5] = -C6 * S1 * S234 - (C234 * C5 * S1 + C1 * S5) * S6 T[6] = -C1 * C5 + C234 * S1 * S5 T[7] = -C1 * (self.d2 + C5 * self.d6) - S1 * (self.a2 * S2 + (self.a3 + C4 * self.d5) * S23 + C23 * self.d5 * S4 - C234 * self.d6 * S5) T[8] = C5 * C6 * S234 + C234 * S6 T[9] = C234 * C6 - C5 * S234 * S6 T[10] = S234 * S5 T[11] = self.d1 + self.a2 * C2 + self.a3 * C23 + self.d5 * C234 + self.d6 * C2345/2 - self.d6 * C2345p / 2 T[12]=0 T[13]=0 T[14]=0 T[15]=1 return T def aubo_inverse(self,T): q_reslut_dic={} q_reslut=[] singularity = False num_sols = 0 nx = T[0] ox = T[1] ax = T[2] px = T[3] ny = T[4] oy = T[5] ay = T[6] py = T[7] nz = T[8] oz = T[9] az = T[10] pz = T[11] # shoulder rotate joint (q1) // q1=[0,0] A1 = self.d6 * ay - py B1 = self.d6 * ax - px R1 = A1 * A1 + B1 * B1 - self.d2 * self.d2 if R1 < 0.0: return num_sols else: R12 = sqrt(R1) q1[0] = self.antiSinCos(A1, B1) - self.antiSinCos(self.d2, R12) q1[1] = self.antiSinCos(A1, B1) - self.antiSinCos(self.d2, -R12) for i in range(len(q1)): while q1[i] > pi: q1[i] -= 2 * pi while q1[i] < -pi: q1[i] += 2 * pi #// wrist 2 joint (q5) // q5=[[0,0],[0,0]] for i in range(len(q5)): C1 = cos(q1[i]) S1 = sin(q1[i]) B5 = -ay * C1 + ax * S1 M5 = (-ny * C1 + nx * S1) N5 = (-oy * C1 + ox * S1) R5 = sqrt(M5 * M5 + N5 * N5) q5[i][0] = self.antiSinCos(R5, B5) q5[i][1] = self.antiSinCos(-R5, B5) # #// wrist 3 joint (q6) // q6=0 q3=[0,0] q2=[0,0] q4=[0,0] for i in range(len(q3)): for j in range(len(q3)): #// wrist 3 joint (q6) // C1 = cos(q1[i]) S1 = sin(q1[i]) S5 = sin(q5[i][j]) A6 = (-oy * C1 + ox * S1) B6 = (ny * C1 - nx * S1) if fabs(S5) < self.ZERO_THRESH:# //the condition is only dependent on q1 singularity = True break else: q6 = self.antiSinCos(A6 * S5, B6 * S5) #/// joints (q3,q2,q4) // C6 = cos(q6) S6 = sin(q6) pp1 = C1 * (ax * self.d6 - px + self.d5 * ox * C6 + self.d5 * nx * S6) + S1 * (ay * self.d6 - py + self.d5 * oy * C6 + self.d5 * ny * S6) pp2 = -self.d1 - az * self.d6 + pz - self.d5 * oz * C6 - self.d5 * nz * S6 B3 = (pp1 * pp1 + pp2 * pp2 - self.a2 * self.a2 - self.a3 * self.a3) / (2 * self.a2 * self.a3) if((1 - B3 * B3) < self.ZERO_THRESH): singularity = True continue else: Sin3 = sqrt(1 - B3 * B3) q3[0] = self.antiSinCos(Sin3, B3) q3[1] = self.antiSinCos(-Sin3, B3) for k in range(len(q3)): C3 = cos(q3[k]) S3 = sin(q3[k]) A2 = pp1 * (self.a2 + self.a3 * C3) + pp2 * (self.a3 * S3) B2 = pp2 * (self.a2 + self.a3 * C3) - pp1 * (self.a3 * S3) q2[k] = self.antiSinCos(A2, B2) C2 = cos(q2[k]) S2 = sin(q2[k]) A4 = -C1 * (ox * C6 + nx * S6) - S1 * (oy * C6 + ny * S6) B4 = oz * C6 + nz * S6 A41 = pp1 - self.a2 * S2 B41 = pp2 - self.a2 * C2 q4[k] = self.antiSinCos(A4, B4) - self.antiSinCos(A41, B41) while(q4[k] > pi): q4[k] -= 2 * pi while(q4[k] < -pi): q4[k] += 2 * pi q_reslut=[q1[i],q2[k],q3[k],q4[k],q5[i][j],q6] q_reslut_dic.update({num_sols:q_reslut}) num_sols+=1 return q_reslut_dic,num_sols """ The Frobenius norm, sometimes also called the Euclidean norm (a term unfortunately also used for the vector L^2-norm), is matrix norm of an m×n matrix A defined as the square root of the sum of the absolute squares of its elements, """ def List_Frobenius_Norm(self,list_a,list_b): new_list=[] if len(list_a)==len(list_b): for i in range(len(list_a)): new_list.append(abs(list_a[i]-list_b[i])**2) else: print("please make sure the list has the same length") return sqrt(self.sum_list(new_list)) def sum_list(self,list_data): sum_data=0 for i in range(len(list_data)): sum_data+=list_data[i] return sum_data # //choose solution ;input all q_sols,and last q_old; # //out put the nearest q solution; # /** # * @brief chooseIKonRefJoint , choose mode == 0; # * @param q_sols rad # * @param q_ref # * @param q_choose # * @return # */ def chooseIKonRefJoint(self,q_sols,q_ref): nn = len(q_sols) if(nn == 0): return False,[] # print "nn---",nn sum_data = self.List_Frobenius_Norm(q_ref,q_sols[0]) err=0 index = 0 for i in range(len(q_sols)): err = self.List_Frobenius_Norm(q_ref,q_sols[i]) # print "err",err if(err < sum_data): index = i sum_data = err # print sum_data q_choose = q_sols[index] return True,q_choose """aubo rotation joint:-175 degree/175 degree,here is rad I wanna take a break so use degree""" def selectIK(self,q_sols,AngleLimit): q_sols_selected={} N = len(q_sols) # print "selectIK ---N---",N if( N == 0): return False,{} num = 0 valid = True for i in range(N): valid = True; for j in range(self.ARM_DOF): #drop greater than offical degree if(q_sols[i][j] > AngleLimit[j][1] or q_sols[i][j] < AngleLimit[j][0]): valid = False break #delete the sols about joint angular increase 2*pi greater than the legal angular if(valid): temp=q_sols[i] temp_1=q_sols[i] for j in range(self.ARM_DOF): temp[j] += 2*pi temp_1[j]-=2*pi if temp[j]>AngleLimit[j][1] or temp_1[j]<AngleLimit[j][0]: valid = False break if valid: q_sols_selected.update({num:q_sols[i]}) num+=1 num_sols = num; if(num > 0): return True,q_sols_selected else: return False,{} def GetInverseResult(self,T_target,q_ref): num_sols = 0 maxq = 175.0/180.0*pi AngleLimit = [(-maxq,maxq),(-maxq,maxq),(-maxq,maxq),(-maxq,maxq),(-maxq,maxq),(-maxq,maxq)] #inverse and remove zero list q_sols_all,num_sols = self.aubo_inverse(T_target) if(len(q_sols_all) != 0): for i in q_sols_all: print("num:"+str(i)+' '+"sols",q_sols_all[i]) #remove not in limited data ret2,q_sols_inlimit = self.selectIK(q_sols_all, AngleLimit) # print "q_sols_inlimit",q_sols_inlimit if((len(q_sols_inlimit) != 0) and (True == ret2)): ret3,q_result = self.chooseIKonRefJoint(q_sols_inlimit, q_ref) if(True == ret3): print(" find solution choose ") return q_result else: print(" No solution choose ") else: print("no valid sols ") else: print("inverse result num is 0") # return False def main(): ak47=Aubo_kinematics() # print ak47.aubo_forward([-3.3364,12.406,-81.09,-91.207,-86.08,0.164]) # print numpy.matrix(ak47.aubo_forward([-3.3364,12.406,-81.09,-91.207,-86.08,0.164])).reshape((4,4)) tt=[0.010016939985065143, -0.039901099098502056, -0.9991534232559417, -0.3, -0.999934201568705, 0.005186605233011846, -0.010231894219208601, -0.09507448660946277, 0.005590478198847001, 0.999190172798396, -0.039846519755429126, 0.5962177031402299, 0, 0, 0, 1] # tt=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.4, 0.0, -1.0, -0.0, -0.8500000000000001, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, -0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] # tt=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.4, 0.0, -1.0, -0.0, -0.4500000000000001, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, -0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] # q_dict,num=ak47.aubo_inverse(tt) # print q_dict,num # for i in range(len(q_dict)): # print i,q_dict[i] # print ak47.degree_to_rad([-3.3364,12.406,-81.09,-91.207,-86.08,0.164]) print ak47.GetInverseResult(tt,ak47.degree_to_rad([-3.3364,12.406,-81.09,-91.207,-86.08,0.164])) if __name__=="__main__": main()
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