配网连接中 | 配网连接成功 | 配网连接失败 |
开发平台:windows10、DevEco Studio 3.1 Release
系统:OpenHarmony 3.2 Release,API9(Full SDK
设备:SD100(工业平板设备、平台:RK3568、屏幕像素:1920 * 1200)
说明:通过DevEco Studio创建一个OpenHarmony的项目。
说明:在应用中涉及到使用相机和wifi的操作,需要动态申请一些必要的权限,我们可以在 EntryAbility.ts中实现,EntryAbility.ts继承UIAbility,用于管理应用的生面周期,在OnCreate是实例冷启动时触发,在此函数中实现权限申请。具体代码如下:
- let permissionList: Array<Permissions> = [
- "ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO",
- "ohos.permission.INTERNET",
- 'ohos.permission.CAMERA',
- 'ohos.permission.READ_MEDIA',
- 'ohos.permission.WRITE_MEDIA',
- 'ohos.permission.MEDIA_LOCATION',
- 'ohos.permission.LOCATION',
- 'ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION'
- ]
- onCreate(want, launchParam) {
- hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', '%{public}s', 'Ability onCreate');
- this.requestPermissions()
- }
- private requestPermissions() {
- let AtManager = abilityAccessCtrl.createAtManager()
- AtManager.requestPermissionsFromUser(this.context, permissionList).then(async (data) => {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} data permissions: ${JSON.stringify(data.permissions)}`)
- Logger.info(`${TAG} data authResult: ${JSON.stringify(data.authResults)}`)
- // 判断授权是否完成
- let resultCount: number = 0
- for (let result of data.authResults) {
- if (result === 0) {
- resultCount += 1
- }
- }
- let permissionResult : boolean = false
- if (resultCount === permissionList.length) {
- permissionResult = true
- }
- AppStorage.SetOrCreate(KEY_IS_PERMISSION, true)
- this.sendPermissionResult(permissionResult)
- })
- }
- sendPermissionResult(result : boolean) {
- let eventData: emitter.EventData = {
- data: {
- "result": result
- }
- };
- let innerEvent: emitter.InnerEvent = {
- priority: emitter.EventPriority.HIGH
- };
- emitter.emit(innerEvent, eventData);
- Logger.info(`${TAG} sendPermissionResult`)
- }
- onDestroy() {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} onDestroy`)
- emitter.off(EVENT_PERMISSION_ID)
- }
2、应用动态授权需要使用到@ohos.abilityAccessCtrl (程序访问控制管理),通过abilityAccessCtrl.createAtManager()获取到访问控制对象 AtManager。
3、通过AtManager.requestPermissionsFromUser() 拉起请求用户授权弹窗,由用户动态授权。
获取相机实例使用到媒体相机接口@ohos.multimedia.camera (相机管理)。
首先使用camera.getCameraManager方法获取相机管理器,然后使用cameraManager.getSupportedCameras方法得到设备列表, 这里默认点亮列表中的首个相机;
打开相机:使用 cameraManager.createCameraInput方法创建CameraInput实例,调用open方法打开相机;
获取拍照输出流,使用@ohos.multimedia.image接口的 createImageReceiver 方法创建ImageReceiver实例,并通过其getReceivingS_urfaceId()获取S_urfaceId,通过CameraManager.createPhotoOutput()函数构建拍照输出流,并将imageReceive 的 S_urfaceId与其建立绑定关系。
- import camera from '@ohos.multimedia.camera';
- import image from '@ohos.multimedia.image';
- import SaveCameraAsset from './SaveCameraAsset'
- import { QRCodeScanConst, SCAN_TYPE } from './QRCodeScanConst'
- import { Logger } from '@ohos/common'
- import common from '@ohos.app.ability.common'
- let TAG: string = 'CameraService'
- /**
- * 拍照保存图片回调
- */
- export interface FunctionCallBack {
- onCaptureSuccess(thumbnail: image.PixelMap, resourceUri: string): void
- onCaptureFailure(): void
- onRecordSuccess(thumbnail: image.PixelMap): void
- onRecordFailure(): void
- /**
- * 缩略图
- */
- thumbnail(thumbnail: image.PixelMap): void
- /**
- * AI 识别结果
- * @param result 识别结果
- */
- aiResult(result: string): void
- }
- export interface PreviewCallBack {
- onFrameStart()
- onFrameEnd()
- }
- export interface MetaDataCallBack {
- onRect(rect: camera.Rect)
- }
- export default class CameraService {
- private static instance: CameraService = null
- private mCameraManager: camera.CameraManager = null
- private mCameraCount: number = 0 // 相机总数
- private mCameraMap: Map<string, Array<camera.CameraDevice>> = new Map()
- private mCurCameraDevice: camera.CameraDevice = null
- private mCameraInput: camera.CameraInput = null
- private mPreviewOutput: camera.PreviewOutput = null
- private mPreviewOutputByImage: camera.PreviewOutput = null
- private mPhotoOutput: camera.PhotoOutput = null
- private mSaveCameraAsset: SaveCameraAsset = new SaveCameraAsset()
- private mCaptureSession: camera.CaptureSession
- private mMetadataOutput: camera.MetadataOutput
- private constructor() {
- }
- /**
- * 单例
- */
- public static getInstance(): CameraService {
- if (this.instance === null) {
- this.instance = new CameraService()
- }
- return this.instance
- }
- /**
- * 初始化
- */
- public async initCamera(): Promise<number> {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} initCamera`)
- if (this.mCameraManager === null) {
- this.mCameraManager = camera.getCameraManager(AppStorage.Get('context'))
- // 注册监听相机状态变化
- this.mCameraManager.on('cameraStatus', (cameraStatusInfo) => {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} camera Status: ${JSON.stringify(cameraStatusInfo)}`)
- })
- // 获取相机列表
- let cameras: Array<camera.CameraDevice> = this.mCameraManager.getSupportedCameras()
- if (cameras) {
- this.mCameraCount = cameras.length
- Logger.info(`${TAG} mCameraCount: ${this.mCameraCount}`)
- if (this.mCameraCount === 0) {
- return this.mCameraCount
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < cameras.length; i++) {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} --------------Camera Info-------------`)
- const tempCameraId: string = cameras[i].cameraId
- Logger.info(`${TAG} camera_id: ${tempCameraId}`)
- Logger.info(`${TAG} cameraPosition: ${cameras[i].cameraPosition}`)
- Logger.info(`${TAG} cameraType: ${cameras[i].cameraType}`)
- const connectionType = cameras[i].connectionType
- Logger.info(`${TAG} connectionType: ${connectionType}`)
- // 判断本地相机还是远程相机
- if (connectionType === camera.ConnectionType.CAMERA_CONNECTION_BUILT_IN) {
- // 本地相机
- this.displayCameraDevice(QRCodeScanConst.LOCAL_DEVICE_ID, cameras[i])
- } else if (connectionType === camera.ConnectionType.CAMERA_CONNECTION_REMOTE) {
- // 远程相机 相机ID格式 :deviceID__Camera_cameraID 例如:3c8e510a1d0807ea51c2e893029a30816ed940bf848754749f427724e846fab7__Camera_lcam001
- const cameraKey: string = tempCameraId.split('__Camera_')[0]
- Logger.info(`${TAG} cameraKey: ${cameraKey}`)
- this.displayCameraDevice(cameraKey, cameras[i])
- }
- }
- // todo test 选择首个相机
- this.mCurCameraDevice = cameras[0]
- Logger.info(`${TAG} mCurCameraDevice: ${this.mCurCameraDevice.cameraId}`)
- }
- }
- return this.mCameraCount
- }
- /**
- * 处理相机设备
- * @param key
- * @param cameraDevice
- */
- private displayCameraDevice(key: string, cameraDevice: camera.CameraDevice) {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} displayCameraDevice ${key}`)
- if (this.mCameraMap.has(key) && this.mCameraMap.get(key)?.length > 0) {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} displayCameraDevice has mCameraMap`)
- // 判断相机列表中是否已经存在此相机
- let isExist: boolean = false
- for (let item of this.mCameraMap.get(key)) {
- if (item.cameraId === cameraDevice.cameraId) {
- isExist = true
- break
- }
- }
- // 添加列表中没有的相机
- if (!isExist) {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} displayCameraDevice not exist , push ${cameraDevice.cameraId}`)
- this.mCameraMap.get(key).push(cameraDevice)
- } else {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} displayCameraDevice has existed`)
- }
- } else {
- let cameras: Array<camera.CameraDevice> = []
- Logger.info(`${TAG} displayCameraDevice push ${cameraDevice.cameraId}`)
- cameras.push(cameraDevice)
- this.mCameraMap.set(key, cameras)
- }
- }
- /**
- * 创建相机输入流
- * @param cameraIndex 相机下标
- * @param deviceId 设备ID
- */
- public async createCameraInput(cameraIndex?: number, deviceId?: string) {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} createCameraInput`)
- if (this.mCameraManager === null) {
- Logger.error(`${TAG} mCameraManager is null`)
- return
- }
- if (this.mCameraCount <= 0) {
- Logger.error(`${TAG} not camera device`)
- return
- }
- if (this.mCameraInput) {
- this.mCameraInput.close()
- }
- if (deviceId && this.mCameraMap.has(deviceId)) {
- if (cameraIndex < this.mCameraMap.get(deviceId)?.length) {
- this.mCurCameraDevice = this.mCameraMap.get(deviceId)[cameraIndex]
- } else {
- this.mCurCameraDevice = this.mCameraMap.get(deviceId)[0]
- }
- }
- Logger.info(`${TAG} mCurCameraDevice: ${this.mCurCameraDevice?.cameraId}`)
- try {
- this.mCameraInput = this.mCameraManager.createCameraInput(this.mCurCameraDevice)
- Logger.info(`${TAG} mCameraInput: ${JSON.stringify(this.mCameraInput)}`)
- this.mCameraInput.on('error', this.mCurCameraDevice, (error) => {
- Logger.error(`${TAG} CameraInput error: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`)
- })
- await this.mCameraInput.open()
- } catch (err) {
- if (err) {
- Logger.error(`${TAG} failed to createCameraInput`)
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * 释放相机输入流
- */
- public async releaseCameraInput() {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} releaseCameraInput`)
- if (this.mCameraInput) {
- try {
- await this.mCameraInput.close()
- Logger.info(`${TAG} releaseCameraInput closed`)
- } catch (err) {
- Logger.error(`${TAG} releaseCameraInput ${err}}`)
- }
- this.mCameraInput = null
- }
- }
- /**
- * 创建相机预览输出流
- */
- public async createPreviewOutput(s_urfaceId: string, callback?: PreviewCallBack) {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} createPreviewOutput s_urfaceId ${s_urfaceId}`)
- if (this.mCameraManager === null) {
- Logger.error(`${TAG} createPreviewOutput mCameraManager is null`)
- return
- }
- // 获取当前相机设备支持的输出能力
- let cameraOutputCap = this.mCameraManager.getSupportedOutputCapability(this.mCurCameraDevice)
- if (!cameraOutputCap) {
- Logger.error(`${TAG} createPreviewOutput getSupportedOutputCapability error}`)
- return
- }
- Logger.info(`${TAG} createPreviewOutput cameraOutputCap ${JSON.stringify(cameraOutputCap)}`)
- let previewProfilesArray = cameraOutputCap.previewProfiles
- let previewProfiles: camera.Profile
- if (!previewProfilesArray || previewProfilesArray.length <= 0) {
- Logger.error(`${TAG} createPreviewOutput previewProfilesArray error}`)
- previewProfiles = {
- format: 1,
- size: {
- width: QRCodeScanConst.DEFAULT_WIDTH,
- height: QRCodeScanConst.DEFAULT_HEIGHT
- }
- }
- } else {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} createPreviewOutput previewProfile length ${previewProfilesArray.length}`)
- previewProfiles = previewProfilesArray[0]
- }
- Logger.info(`${TAG} createPreviewOutput previewProfile[0] ${JSON.stringify(previewProfiles)}`)
- try {
- this.mPreviewOutput = this.mCameraManager.createPreviewOutput(previewProfiles, s_urfaceId)
- Logger.info(`${TAG} createPreviewOutput success`)
- // 监听预览帧开始
- this.mPreviewOutput.on('frameStart', () => {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} createPreviewOutput camera frame Start`)
- if (callback) {
- callback.onFrameStart()
- }
- })
- this.mPreviewOutput.on('frameEnd', () => {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} createPreviewOutput camera frame End`)
- if (callback) {
- callback.onFrameEnd()
- }
- })
- this.mPreviewOutput.on('error', (error) => {
- Logger.error(`${TAG} createPreviewOutput error: ${error}`)
- })
- } catch (err) {
- Logger.error(`${TAG} failed to createPreviewOutput ${err}`)
- }
- }
- /**
- * 释放预览输出流
- */
- public async releasePreviewOutput() {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} releaseCamera PreviewOutput`)
- if (this.mPreviewOutput) {
- await this.mPreviewOutput.release()
- Logger.info(`${TAG} releaseCamera PreviewOutput release`)
- this.mPreviewOutput = null
- }
- }
- /**
- * 创建拍照输出流
- */
- public async createPhotoOutput(functionCallback: FunctionCallBack) {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} createPhotoOutput`)
- if (!this.mCameraManager) {
- Logger.error(`${TAG} createPhotoOutput mCameraManager is null`)
- return
- }
- // 通过宽、高、图片格式、容量创建ImageReceiver实例
- const receiver: image.ImageReceiver = image.createImageReceiver(QRCodeScanConst.DEFAULT_WIDTH, QRCodeScanConst.DEFAULT_HEIGHT, image.ImageFormat.JPEG, 8)
- const imageS_urfaceId: string = await receiver.getReceivingS_urfaceId()
- Logger.info(`${TAG} createPhotoOutput imageS_urfaceId: ${imageS_urfaceId}`)
- let cameraOutputCap = this.mCameraManager.getSupportedOutputCapability(this.mCurCameraDevice)
- Logger.info(`${TAG} createPhotoOutput cameraOutputCap ${cameraOutputCap}`)
- if (!cameraOutputCap) {
- Logger.error(`${TAG} createPhotoOutput getSupportedOutputCapability error}`)
- return
- }
- let photoProfilesArray = cameraOutputCap.photoProfiles
- let photoProfiles: camera.Profile
- if (!photoProfilesArray || photoProfilesArray.length <= 0) {
- // 使用自定义的配置
- photoProfiles = {
- format: camera.CameraFormat.CAMERA_FORMAT_JPEG,
- size: {
- width: QRCodeScanConst.DEFAULT_WIDTH,
- height: QRCodeScanConst.DEFAULT_HEIGHT
- }
- }
- } else {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} createPhotoOutput photoProfile length ${photoProfilesArray.length}`)
- photoProfiles = photoProfilesArray[0]
- }
- Logger.info(`${TAG} createPhotoOutput photoProfile ${JSON.stringify(photoProfiles)}`)
- try {
- this.mPhotoOutput = this.mCameraManager.createPhotoOutput(photoProfiles, imageS_urfaceId)
- Logger.info(`${TAG} createPhotoOutput mPhotoOutput success`)
- // 保存图片
- this.mSaveCameraAsset.saveImage(receiver, functionCallback)
- } catch (err) {
- Logger.error(`${TAG} createPhotoOutput failed to createPhotoOutput ${err}`)
- }
- }
- /**
- * 释放拍照输出流
- */
- public async releasePhotoOutput() {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} releaseCamera PhotoOutput`)
- if (this.mPhotoOutput) {
- await this.mPhotoOutput.release()
- Logger.info(`${TAG} releaseCamera PhotoOutput release`)
- this.mPhotoOutput = null
- }
- }
- public async createSession() {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} createSession`)
- this.mCaptureSession = await this.mCameraManager.createCaptureSession()
- Logger.info(`${TAG} createSession mCaptureSession ${this.mCaptureSession}`)
- this.mCaptureSession.on('error', (error) => {
- Logger.error(`${TAG} CaptureSession error ${JSON.stringify(error)}`)
- })
- try {
- this.mCaptureSession?.beginConfig()
- this.mCaptureSession?.addInput(this.mCameraInput)
- if (this.mPreviewOutputByImage != null) {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} createSession addOutput PreviewOutputByImage`)
- this.mCaptureSession?.addOutput(this.mPreviewOutputByImage)
- }
- if (this.mPreviewOutput != null) {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} createSession addOutput PreviewOutput`)
- this.mCaptureSession?.addOutput(this.mPreviewOutput)
- }
- if (this.mPhotoOutput != null) {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} createSession addOutput PhotoOutput`)
- this.mCaptureSession?.addOutput(this.mPhotoOutput)
- }
- if (this.mMetadataOutput != null) {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} createSession addOutput mMetadataOutput`)
- this.mCaptureSession?.addOutput(this.mMetadataOutput)
- }
- } catch (err) {
- if (err) {
- Logger.error(`${TAG} createSession beginConfig fail err:${JSON.stringify(err)}`)
- }
- }
- try {
- await this.mCaptureSession?.commitConfig()
- } catch (err) {
- if (err) {
- Logger.error(`${TAG} createSession commitConfig fail err:${JSON.stringify(err)}`)
- }
- }
- try {
- await this.mCaptureSession?.start()
- } catch (err) {
- if (err) {
- Logger.error(`${TAG} createSession start fail err:${JSON.stringify(err)}`)
- }
- }
- if (this.mMetadataOutput) {
- this.mMetadataOutput.start().then(() => {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} Callback returned with metadataOutput started`)
- }).catch((err) => {
- Logger.error(`${TAG} Failed to metadataOutput start ${err.code}`)
- })
- }
- Logger.info(`${TAG} createSession mCaptureSession start`)
- }
- public async releaseSession() {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} releaseCamera Session`)
- if (this.mCaptureSession) {
- await this.mCaptureSession.release()
- Logger.info(`${TAG} releaseCamera Session release`)
- this.mCaptureSession = null
- }
- }
- /**
- * 拍照
- */
- public async takePicture() {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} takePicture`)
- if (!this.mCaptureSession) {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} takePicture session is release`)
- return
- }
- if (!this.mPhotoOutput) {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} takePicture mPhotoOutput is null`)
- return
- }
- try {
- const photoCaptureSetting: camera.PhotoCaptureSetting = {
- quality: camera.QualityLevel.QUALITY_LEVEL_HIGH,
- rotation: camera.ImageRotation.ROTATION_0,
- location: {
- latitude: 0,
- longitude: 0,
- altitude: 0
- },
- mirror: false
- }
- await this.mPhotoOutput.capture(photoCaptureSetting)
- } catch (err) {
- Logger.error(`${TAG} takePicture err:${JSON.stringify(err)}`)
- }
- }
- /**
- * 获取设备的相机列表
- * @param deviceId 设备ID
- */
- public getDeviceCameras(deviceId: string): Array<camera.CameraDevice> {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} getDeviceCameras ${deviceId} size ${this.mCameraMap.size}`)
- return this.mCameraMap.get(deviceId)
- }
- public getCameraCount(): number {
- return this.mCameraCount
- }
- /**
- * 释放相机
- */
- public async releaseCamera(): Promise<boolean> {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} releaseCamera`)
- let result: boolean = false
- let tempStartTime: number = new Date().getTime()
- try {
- await this.releaseCameraInput()
- await this.releasePhotoOutput()
- await this.releasePreviewOutput()
- await this.releaseSession()
- result = true
- } catch (err) {
- Logger.error(`${TAG} releaseCamera fail ${JSON.stringify(err)}`)
- }
- let tempTime: number = new Date().getTime() - tempStartTime
- Logger.info(`${TAG} releaseCamera finish time: ${tempTime}`)
- return result
- }
- public async selectPic() {
- Logger.info("getSingleImageFromAlbum start")
- let context = AppStorage.Get('context') as common.UIAbilityContext
- let abilityResult = await context.startAbilityForResult({
- bundleName: 'com.ohos.photos',
- abilityName: 'com.ohos.photos.MainAbility',
- parameters: {
- uri: 'singleselect' // 只选取单个文件
- }
- })
- if (abilityResult.want === null || abilityResult.want === undefined) {
- Logger.info("getSingleImageFromAlbum end. abilityResult.want is null.")
- return null
- }
- if (abilityResult.want.parameters === null || abilityResult.want.parameters === undefined) {
- Logger.info("getSingleImageFromAlbum end. abilityResult.want.parameters is null.")
- return null
- }
- let images = abilityResult.want.parameters['select-item-list']
- let imageUri = images[0]
- Logger.info("getSingleImageFromAlbum end. uri:" + imageUri)
- return imageUri
- }
- }
- import image from '@ohos.multimedia.image'
- import { FunctionCallBack } from './CameraService'
- import { Logger } from '@ohos/common'
- import CodeRuleUtil from '../utils/CodeRuleUtil'
- const TAG: string = 'SaveCameraAsset'
- /**
- * 保存相机拍照的资源
- */
- export default class SaveCameraAsset {
- constructor() {
- }
- /**
- * 保存拍照图片
- * @param imageReceiver 图像接收对象
- * @param thumbWidth 宽度
- * @param thumbHeight 高度
- * @param callback 回调
- */
- public saveImage(imageReceiver: image.ImageReceiver, callback: FunctionCallBack) {
- console.info(`${TAG} saveImage`)
- let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(4096)
- const imgWidth: number = imageReceiver.size.width
- const imgHeight: number = imageReceiver.size.height
- Logger.info(`${TAG} saveImage size ${JSON.stringify(imageReceiver.size)}`)
- // 接收图片回调
- imageReceiver.on('imageArrival', async () => {
- console.info(`${TAG} saveImage ImageArrival`)
- // 使用当前时间命名
- imageReceiver.readNextImage((err, imageObj: image.Image) => {
- if (imageObj === undefined) {
- Logger.error(`${TAG} saveImage failed to get valid image error = ${err}`)
- return
- }
- // 根据图像的组件类型从图像中获取组件缓存 4-JPEG类型
- imageObj.getComponent(image.ComponentType.JPEG, async (errMsg, imgComponent) => {
- if (imgComponent === undefined) {
- Logger.error(`${TAG} getComponent failed to get valid buffer error = ${errMsg}`)
- return
- }
- if (imgComponent.byteBuffer) {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} getComponent imgComponent.byteBuffer ${imgComponent.byteBuffer.byteLength}`)
- buffer = imgComponent.byteBuffer
- // todo 内置解码库不开源
- let resultRGB: string = qr.decode(buffer)
- Logger.info(`${TAG} AI uimg result RGB ${resultRGB}`)
- if (callback) {
- callback.aiResult(CodeRuleUtil.getRuleResult(resultRGB))
- }
- } else {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} getComponent imgComponent.byteBuffer is undefined`)
- }
- "dependencies": {
- "jsqr": "^1.4.0",
- "@ohos/zxing": "^2.0.0"
- }
ssid :热点的SSID,编码格式为UTF-8。
pwd :热点的密钥
securityType :加密类型,这可以参看wifiManager.WifiSecurityType
- /**
- * 结果解析类
- */
- export type ResultType = {
- ssid: string,
- pwd: string,
- securityType : number
- }
- const SEPARATOR: string = '##'
- export class Analytic {
- constructor() {
- }
- getResult(msg: string): ResultType {
- let result: ResultType = null
- if (msg && msg.length > 0 && msg.indexOf(SEPARATOR) >= 0) {
- let resultArr: string[] = msg.split(SEPARATOR)
- if (resultArr.length >= 4) {
- result = {
- ssid: resultArr[1],
- pwd: resultArr[2],
- securityType: parseInt(resultArr[3])
- }
- }
- }
- return result
- }
- }
- import { WifiConnectStatus } from '../model/Constant'
- import router from '@ohos.router';
- import { Logger } from '@ohos/common'
- import wifi from '@ohos.wifiManager';
- import { ResultType } from '../model/AnalyticResult'
- import { WifiModel } from '../model/WifiModel'
- /**
- * 网络连接页面
- */
- const TAG: string = '[ConnectPage]'
- const MAX_TIME_OUT: number = 60000 // 最大超时时间
- @Entry
- @Component
- struct ConnectPage {
- @State mConnectSsid: string = ''
- @State mConnectStatus: WifiConnectStatus = WifiConnectStatus.CONNECTING
- @State mConnectingAngle : number = 0
- @State mConnectFailResource : Resource = $r('app.string.connect_wifi_fail')
- private linkedInfo: wifi.WifiLinkedInfo = null
- private mWifiModel: WifiModel = new WifiModel()
- private mTimeOutId: number = -1
- private mAnimationTimeOutId : number = -1
- async aboutToAppear() {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} aboutToAppear`)
- this.showConnecting()
- let wifiResult: ResultType = router.getParams()['wifiResult']
- Logger.info(`${TAG} wifiResult : ${JSON.stringify(wifiResult)}`)
- // 如果wifi是开的,就记录下状态,然后扫描wifi,并获取连接信息
- if (!wifi.isWifiActive()) {
- Logger.info(TAG, 'enableWifi')
- try {
- wifi.enableWifi()
- } catch (error) {
- Logger.error(`${TAG} wifi enable fail, ${JSON.stringify(error)}`)
- }
- }
- await this.getLinkedInfo()
- // 启动监听
- this.addListener()
- if (wifiResult == null) {
- Logger.info(TAG, 'wifiResult is null')
- this.mConnectFailResource = $r('app.string.scan_code_data_error')
- this.mConnectStatus = WifiConnectStatus.FAIL
- } else {
- this.mConnectSsid = wifiResult.ssid
- Logger.info(`${TAG} connect wifi ${this.mConnectSsid}`)
- this.disposeWifiConnect(wifiResult)
- }
- }
- /**
- * 启动超时任务
- */
- startTimeOut(): void {
- Logger.info(TAG, `startTimeOut`)
- this.mTimeOutId = setTimeout(() => {
- // 如果超过1分钟没有连接上网络,则认为网络连接超时
- try {
- this.mConnectFailResource = $r('app.string.connect_wifi_fail')
- this.mConnectStatus = WifiConnectStatus.FAIL
- wifi.disconnect();
- } catch (error) {
- Logger.error(TAG, `failed,code:${JSON.stringify(error.code)},message:${JSON.stringify(error.message)}`)
- }
- }
- /**
- * 取消超时任务
- */
- cancelTimeOut() {
- Logger.info(TAG, `cancelTimeOut id:${this.mTimeOutId}`)
- if (this.mTimeOutId >= 0) {
- clearTimeout(this.mTimeOutId)
- this.mTimeOutId = -1
- }
- }
- // 监听wifi的变化
- addListener() {
- // 连接状态改变时,修改连接信息
- wifi.on('wifiConnectionChange', async state => {
- Logger.info(TAG, `wifiConnectionChange: ${state}`)
- // 判断网络是否连接 0=断开 1=连接
- if (state === 1) {
- this.mConnectStatus = WifiConnectStatus.SUCCESS
- this.cancelTimeOut()
- }
- await this.getLinkedInfo()
- })
- // wifi状态改变时,先清空wifi列表,然后判断是否是开启状态,如果是就扫描
- wifi.on('wifiStateChange', state => {
- Logger.info(TAG, `wifiStateLisener state: ${state}`)
- })
- }
- // 获取有关Wi-Fi连接的信息,存入linkedInfo
- async getLinkedInfo() {
- try {
- let wifiLinkedInfo = await wifi.getLinkedInfo()
- if (wifiLinkedInfo === null || wifiLinkedInfo.bssid === '') {
- this.linkedInfo = null
- return
- }
- this.linkedInfo = wifiLinkedInfo
- } catch (err) {
- Logger.info(`getLinkedInfo failed err is ${JSON.stringify(err)}`)
- }
- }
- /**
- * 处理wifi连接
- * @param wifiResult
- */
- disposeWifiConnect(wifiResult: ResultType): void {
- this.mConnectStatus = WifiConnectStatus.CONNECTING
- if (this.linkedInfo) {
- // 说明wifi已经连接,需要确认需要连接的wifi和已连接的wifi是否为相同
- let linkedSsid: string = this.linkedInfo.ssid;
- if (linkedSsid === wifiResult.ssid) {
- Logger.info(`${TAG} The same ssid`);
- this.mConnectStatus = WifiConnectStatus.SUCCESS
- return;
- }
- // 如果wifi不同,则先断开网络连接,再重新连接
- try {
- wifi.disconnect();
- this.connectWifi(wifiResult.ssid, wifiResult.pwd, wifiResult.securityType)
- } catch (error) {
- Logger.error(TAG, `failed,code:${JSON.stringify(error.code)},message:${JSON.stringify(error.message)}`)
- }
- } else {
- this.connectWifi(wifiResult.ssid, wifiResult.pwd, wifiResult.securityType)
- }
- }
- private connectWifi(ssid: string, pwd: string, securityType : number) {
- this.startTimeOut()
- this.mWifiModel.connectNetwork(ssid, pwd, securityType)
- }
- async gotoIndex() {
- try {
- let options: router.RouterOptions = {
- url: "pages/Index"
- }
- await router.replaceUrl(options)
- } catch (error) {
- Logger.error(`${TAG} go to index fail, err: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`)
- }
- }
- showConnecting() {
- this.mConnectingAngle = 0
- this.mAnimationTimeOutId = setTimeout(() => {
- this.mConnectingAngle = 360
- }, 500)
- }
- closeConnecting() {
- if (this.mAnimationTimeOutId > -1) {
- clearTimeout(this.mAnimationTimeOutId)
- }
- }
- aboutToDisappear() {
- wifi.off('wifiConnectionChange')
- wifi.off('wifiStateChange')
- this.cancelTimeOut()
- this.closeConnecting()
- }
- build() {
- Column() {
- // back
- Row() {
- Image($r('app.media.icon_back'))
- .width(30)
- .height(30)
- .objectFit(ImageFit.Contain)
- .onClick(() => {
- router.back()
- })
- }
- .width('90%')
- .height('10%')
- .justifyContent(FlexAlign.Start)
- .alignItems(VerticalAlign.Center)
- Stack() {
- // 背景
- Column() {
- Image($r('app.media.bg_connect_wifi'))
- .width('100%')
- .height('100%')
- .objectFit(ImageFit.Contain)
- .rotate({
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- z: 1,
- centerX: '50%',
- centerY: '49%',
- angle: this.mConnectingAngle
- })
- .animation({
- duration: 2000, // 动画时长
- curve: Curve.Linear, // 动画曲线
- delay: 0, // 动画延迟
- iterations: -1, // 播放次数
- playMode: PlayMode.Normal // 动画模式
- })
- }
- Column({ space: 20 }) {
- if (this.mConnectStatus === WifiConnectStatus.SUCCESS) {
- // 连接成功
- Image($r('app.media.icon_connect_wifi_success'))
- .width(80)
- .height(80)
- .objectFit(ImageFit.Contain)
- Text($r('app.string.connect_wifi_success'))
- .fontSize(32)
- .fontColor($r('app.color.connect_wifi_text'))
- Text(this.mConnectSsid)
- .fontSize(22)
- .fontColor($r('app.color.connect_wifi_text'))
- } else if (this.mConnectStatus === WifiConnectStatus.FAIL) {
- // 连接失败
- Image($r('app.media.icon_connect_wifi_fail'))
- .width(80)
- .height(80)
- .objectFit(ImageFit.Contain)
- Text(this.mConnectFailResource)
- .fontSize(32)
- .fontColor($r('app.color.connect_wifi_text'))
- Button($r('app.string.reconnect_wifi'))
- .width(260)
- .height(55)
- .backgroundColor($r('app.color.connect_fail_but_bg'))
- .onClick(() => {
- this.gotoIndex()
- })
- } else {
- // 连接中
- Image($r('app.media.icon_connect_wifi'))
- .width(100)
- .height(100)
- .objectFit(ImageFit.Contain)
- Text($r('app.string.connect_wifi_hint'))
- .fontSize(16)
- .fontColor($r('app.color.connect_wifi_text'))
- Text($r('app.string.connecting_wifi'))
- .fontSize(32)
- .fontColor($r('app.color.connect_wifi_text'))
- Text(this.mConnectSsid)
- .fontSize(22)
- .fontColor($r('app.color.connect_wifi_text'))
- }
- }
- .width('100%')
- .height('100%')
- .justifyContent(FlexAlign.Center)
- .alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Center)
- }
- .width('100%')
- .height('80%')
- }
- .width('100%')
- .height('100%')
- .backgroundColor($r('app.color.connect_bg'))
- }
- }
- Image($r('app.media.bg_connect_wifi'))
- .width('100%')
- .height('100%')
- .objectFit(ImageFit.Contain)
- .rotate({
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- z: 1,
- centerX: '50%',
- centerY: '49%',
- angle: this.mConnectingAngle
- })
- .animation({
- duration: 2000, // 动画时长
- curve: Curve.Linear, // 动画曲线
- delay: 0, // 动画延迟
- iterations: -1, // 播放次数
- playMode: PlayMode.Normal // 动画模式
- })
- import wifi from '@ohos.wifiManager'
- import { Logger } from '@ohos/common'
- const TAG: string = '[WiFiModel]'
- export type WifiType = {
- ssid: string,
- bssid: string,
- securityType: wifi.WifiSecurityType,
- rssi: number,
- band: number,
- frequency: number,
- timestamp: number
- }
- export class WifiModel {
- async getScanInfos(): Promise<Array<WifiType>> {
- Logger.info(TAG, 'scanWifi begin')
- let wifiList: Array<WifiType> = []
- let result: Array<wifi.WifiScanInfo> = []
- try {
- result = await wifi.getScanResults()
- } catch (err) {
- Logger.info(TAG, `scan info err: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`)
- return wifiList
- }
- Logger.info(TAG, `scan info call back: ${result.length}`)
- for (var i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) {
- wifiList.push({
- ssid: result[i].ssid,
- bssid: result[i].bssid,
- securityType: result[i].securityType,
- rssi: result[i].rssi,
- band: result[i].band,
- frequency: result[i].frequency,
- timestamp: result[i].timestamp
- })
- }
- return wifiList
- }
- connectNetwork(wifiSsid: string, psw: string, securityType : number): void {
- Logger.debug(TAG, `connectNetwork bssid=${wifiSsid} securityType:${securityType}`)
- // securityType 加密类型默认:Pre-shared key (PSK)加密类型
- let deviceConfig: wifi.WifiDeviceConfig = {
- ssid: wifiSsid,
- preSharedKey: psw,
- isHiddenSsid: false,
- securityType: securityType
- }
- try {
- wifi.connectToDevice(deviceConfig)
- Logger.info(TAG, `connectToDevice success`)
- } catch (err) {
- Logger.error(TAG, `connectToDevice fail err is ${JSON.stringify(err)}`)
- }
- try {
- wifi.addDeviceConfig(deviceConfig)
- } catch (err) {
- Logger.error(TAG, `addDeviceConfig fail err is ${JSON.stringify(err)}`)
- }
- }
- }
网络连接主要是通过wifi.connectToDevice(deviceConfig)实现,其中:deviceConfig: wifi.WifiDeviceConfig为WLAN配置信息,在连接网络时必填三个参数ssid、preSharedKey、securityType。
有很多小伙伴不知道学习哪些鸿蒙开发技术?不知道需要重点掌握哪些鸿蒙应用开发知识点?但是又不知道从哪里下手,而且学习时频繁踩坑,最终浪费大量时间。所以本人整理了一些比较合适的鸿蒙(HarmonyOS NEXT)学习路径和一些资料的整理供小伙伴学习
一、鸿蒙(HarmonyOS NEXT)最新学习路线
有了路线图,怎么能没有学习资料呢,小编也准备了一份联合鸿蒙官方发布笔记整理收纳的一套系统性的鸿蒙(OpenHarmony )学习手册(共计1236页)与鸿蒙(OpenHarmony )开发入门教学视频,内容包含:(ArkTS、ArkUI开发组件、Stage模型、多端部署、分布式应用开发、音频、视频、WebGL、OpenHarmony多媒体技术、Napi组件、OpenHarmony内核、Harmony南向开发、鸿蒙项目实战等等)鸿蒙(HarmonyOS NEXT)…等技术知识点。
二、HarmonyOS Next 最新全套视频教程
三、《鸿蒙 (OpenHarmony)开发基础到实战手册》
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