用于通用文本拆分,它根据分隔符的层次结构拆分文本,从双换行符开始,然后是单换行符 、空格,最后是单个字符。这种方法旨在通过优先考虑段落和句子等自然边界的拆分来保持文本的结构和连贯性。RecursiveCharacterTextSplitternnn
旨在根据标题结构拆分 Markdown 文档。它将标头元数据保留在生成的块中,从而允许上下文感知拆分和使用文档结构的潜在下游任务。MarkdownHeaderTextSplitter
通过导入必要的库并加载 OpenAI API 密钥来设置环境:
import os
from langchain_openai import OpenAI
from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv
_ = load_dotenv(find_dotenv())
client = OpenAI(
from langchain_text_splitters import (
chunk_size = 26 chunk_overlap = 4 r_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter( chunk_size=chunk_size, chunk_overlap=chunk_overlap ) c_splitter = CharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=chunk_size, chunk_overlap=chunk_overlap) text1 = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" print(r_splitter.split_text(text1)) # Output: ['abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'] text2 = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefg" print(r_splitter.split_text(text2)) # Output: ['abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', 'wxyzabcdefg'] text3 = "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z" print(r_splitter.split_text(text3)) # Output: ['a b c d e f g h i j k l m', 'l m n o p q r s t u v w x', 'w x y z'] print(c_splitter.split_text(text3)) # Output: ['a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z'] # Set the separator for CharacterTextSplitter c_splitter = CharacterTextSplitter( chunk_size=chunk_size, chunk_overlap=chunk_overlap, separator=" " ) print(c_splitter.split_text(text3)) # Output: ['a b c d e f g h i j k l m', 'l m n o p q r s t u v w x', 'w x y z']
这些示例演示了如何根据指定的 和 拆分文本,而如何基于单个字符分隔符(在本例中为空格)拆分文本。
some_text = """When writing documents, writers will use document structure to group content. \ This can convey to the reader, which idea's are related. For example, closely related ideas \ are in sentances. Similar ideas are in paragraphs. Paragraphs form a document. \n\n \ Paragraphs are often delimited with a carriage return or two carriage returns. \ Carriage returns are the "backslash n" you see embedded in this string. \ Sentences have a period at the end, but also, have a space.\ and words are separated by space.""" c_splitter = CharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=450, chunk_overlap=0, separator=" ") r_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter( chunk_size=450, chunk_overlap=0, separators=["\n\n", "\n", " ", ""] ) chunks = c_splitter.split_text(some_text) print("Chunks: ", chunks) print("Length of chunks: ", len(chunks)) # Chunks: ['When writing documents, writers will use document structure to group content. This can convey to the reader, which idea's are related. For example, closely related ideas are in sentances. Similar ideas are in paragraphs. Paragraphs form a document. \n\n Paragraphs are often delimited with a carriage return or two carriage returns. Carriage returns are the "backslash n" you see embedded in this string. Sentences have a period at the end, but also,', 'have a space.and words are separated by space.'] # Length of chunks: 2 chunks = r_splitter.split_text(some_text) print("Chunks: ", chunks) print("Length of chunks: ", len(chunks)) # Chunks: ["When writing documents, writers will use document structure to group content. This can convey to the reader, which idea's are related. For example, closely related ideas are in sentances. Similar ideas are in paragraphs. Paragraphs form a document.", 'Paragraphs are often delimited with a carriage return or two carriage returns. Carriage returns are the "backslash n" you see embedded in this string. Sentences have a period at the end, but also, have a space.and words are separated by space.'] # Length of chunks: 2
我们还可以拆分真实世界的文档,例如 PDF 和 Notion 数据库:
from langchain.document_loaders import PyPDFLoader, NotionDirectoryLoader # Load a PDF document loader = PyPDFLoader("docs/cs229_lectures/MachineLearning-Lecture01.pdf") pages = loader.load() text_splitter = CharacterTextSplitter( separator="\n", chunk_size=1000, chunk_overlap=150, length_function=len ) docs = text_splitter.split_documents(pages) print("Pages in the original document: ", len(pages)) print("Length of chunks after splitting pages: ", len(docs)) # Pages in the original document: 22 # Length of chunks after splitting pages: 353
此代码使用 加载 PDF 文档,将页面拆分为较小的块,并打印原始页数和生成的块数。PyPDFLoaderCharacterTextSplitter
# Load a Notion database
loader = NotionDirectoryLoader("docs/Notion_DB")
notion_db = loader.load()
docs = text_splitter.split_documents(notion_db)
print("Pages in the original notion document: ", len(notion_db))
print("Length of chunks after splitting pages: ", len(docs))
# Pages in the original notion document: 52
# Length of chunks after splitting pages: 353
类似地,我们可以加载一个 Notion 数据库,将文档拆分为块,并打印原始文档的数量和生成的块。NotionDirectoryLoader
from langchain.text_splitter import TokenTextSplitter
text_splitter = TokenTextSplitter(chunk_size=1, chunk_overlap=0)
text1 = "foo bar bazzyfoo"
# Output: ['foo', ' bar', ' b', 'az', 'zy', 'foo']
text_splitter = TokenTextSplitter(chunk_size=10, chunk_overlap=0)
docs = text_splitter.split_documents(pages)
# Output: Document(page_content='MachineLearning-Lecture01 \n', metadata={'source': 'docs/cs229_lectures/MachineLearning-Lecture01.pdf', 'page': 0})
# Output: {'source': 'docs/cs229_lectures/MachineLearning-Lecture01.pdf', 'page': 0}
在此示例中,我们使用 to 根据令牌计数拆分文本。我们可以调整 and 参数来控制拆分行为。TokenTextSplitterchunk_sizechunk_overlap
LangChain还提供了上下文感知拆分的工具,旨在在拆分过程中保留文档结构和语义上下文。它根据文档的标题结构拆分 Markdown 文档,并将标题元数据保留在生成的块中:MarkdownHeaderTextSplitter
from langchain.document_loaders import NotionDirectoryLoader from langchain.text_splitter import MarkdownHeaderTextSplitter markdown_document = """# Title\n\n \ ## Chapter 1\n\n \ Hi this is Jim\n\n Hi this is Joe\n\n \ ### Section \n\n \ Hi this is Lance \n\n ## Chapter 2\n\n \ Hi this is Molly""" headers_to_split_on = [ ("#", "Header 1"), ("##", "Header 2"), ("###", "Header 3"), ] markdown_splitter = MarkdownHeaderTextSplitter(headers_to_split_on=headers_to_split_on) md_header_splits = markdown_splitter.split_text(markdown_document) print(md_header_splits[0]) # Output: Document(page_content='Hi this is Jim \nHi this is Joe', metadata={'Header 1': 'Title', 'Header 2': 'Chapter 1'}) print(md_header_splits[1]) # Output: Document(page_content='Hi this is Lance', metadata={'Header 1': 'Title', 'Header 2': 'Chapter 1', 'Header 3': 'Section'})
在此示例中,我们定义一个带有标题的 Markdown 文档,并根据标题结构拆分文档。生成的块保留标头元数据,这对于利用文档结构的下游任务非常有用。MarkdownHeaderTextSplitter
我们还可以将此拆分器Notion 数据库:
loader = NotionDirectoryLoader("docs/Notion_DB")
docs = loader.load()
txt = " ".join([d.page_content for d in docs])
headers_to_split_on = [
("#", "Header 1"),
("##", "Header 2"),
markdown_splitter = MarkdownHeaderTextSplitter(headers_to_split_on=headers_to_split_on)
md_header_splits = markdown_splitter.split_text(txt)
此代码加载一个 Notion 数据库,将文档内容联接到单个字符串中,拆分字符串,并打印第一个生成的块。MarkdownHeaderTextSplitter
无论您是处理通用文本、Markdown 文档、代码片段还是其他类型的内容,LangChain 的文本拆分器都提供了灵活性和自定义选项,可以有效地拆分您的文档。通过了解文档拆分中涉及的细微差别和注意事项,可以优化语言模型和下游任务的性能和准确性。
但苦于知识传播途径有限,很多互联网行业朋友无法获得正确的资料得到学习提升,故此将并将重要的 AI大模型资料
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