import re import os import email from email.header import decode_header from email.utils import parsedate_to_datetime def parse_eml(eml_fp, attr_dir): """ eml文件解析 :params eml_fp: eml文件路径 :params attr_dir: 附件保存目录 """ if not os.path.exists(attr_dir): os.makedirs(attr_dir) # 读取eml文件 with open(eml_fp, "r") as file: eml_content = file.read() # 转为email对象 msg = email.message_from_string(eml_content) # 邮件主题 subject_bytes, subject_encode = decode_header(msg["Subject"])[0] if subject_encode: subject = subject_bytes.decode(subject_encode) else: subject = subject_bytes print("主题:", subject) # 邮件发件人 from_ip = re.search("<(.*)>", msg["from"]).group(1) print("发件人邮箱:", from_ip) from_name = decode_header(msg["from"].split("<")[0].strip()) if from_name: if from_name[0] and from_name[0][1]: from_n = from_name[0][0].decode(from_name[0][1]) else: from_n = from_name[0][0] print("发件人名称:", from_n) # 邮件时间 received_date = parsedate_to_datetime(msg["date"]) print("接收时间:", received_date) # 邮件正文及附件 for par in msg.walk(): if not par.is_multipart(): # 判断是否为multipart,里面的数据不需要 name = par.get_param("name") # 获取附件的文件名 if name: # 附件 fname = decode_header(name)[0] if fname[1]: attr_name = fname[0].decode(fname[1]) else: attr_name = fname[0] print("附件名:", attr_name) # 解码附件内容 attr_data = par.get_payload(decode=True) attr_fp = os.path.join(attr_dir, attr_name) with open(attr_fp, 'wb') as f_write: f_write.write(attr_data) else: # 正文 text_char = par.get_content_charset() if "text/plain" in par["content-type"]: # 文本正文 body = par.get_payload(decode=True).decode(text_char) print("邮件正文:", body) else: # html格式正文 html_body = par.get_payload(decode=True).decode(text_char) print("HTML正文:", html_body) print("-" * 60)
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