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Apache Spark源码走读之22 -- 浅谈mllib中线性回归的算法实现




本文简要描述线性回归算法在Spark MLLib中的具体实现,涉及线性回归算法本身及线性回归并行处理的理论基础,然后对代码实现部分进行走读。



  1. 假设函数
  2. 为了找到最好的假设函数,需要找到合理的评估标准,一般来说使用损失函数来做为评估标准
  3. 根据损失函数推出目标函数
  4. 现在问题转换成为如何找到目标函数的最优解,也就是目标函数的最优化







 如何解决这些问题呢?可以采用收缩方法(shrinkage method),收缩方法又称为正则化(regularization)。 主要是岭回归(ridge regression)和lasso回归。通过对最小二乘估计加 入罚约束,使某些系数的估计为0。




  1. Y = A*X + B 假设函数
  2. 随机梯度下降法
  3. 岭回归或Lasso法,或什么都没有

那么Spark mllib针对线性回归的代码实现也是依据该步骤来组织的代码,其类图如下所示



  1. 利用最优化算法来求得最优解,optimizer.optimize
  2. 根据最优解创建相应的回归模型, createModel


  1. def runMiniBatchSGD(
  2. data: RDD[(Double, Vector)],
  3. gradient: Gradient,
  4. updater: Updater,
  5. stepSize: Double,
  6. numIterations: Int,
  7. regParam: Double,
  8. miniBatchFraction: Double,
  9. initialWeights: Vector): (Vector, Array[Double]) = {
  10. val stochasticLossHistory = new ArrayBuffer[Double](numIterations)
  11. val numExamples = data.count()
  12. val miniBatchSize = numExamples * miniBatchFraction
  13. // if no data, return initial weights to avoid NaNs
  14. if (numExamples == 0) {
  15. logInfo("GradientDescent.runMiniBatchSGD returning initial weights, no data found")
  16. return (initialWeights, stochasticLossHistory.toArray)
  17. }
  18. // Initialize weights as a column vector
  19. var weights = Vectors.dense(initialWeights.toArray)
  20. val n = weights.size
  21. /**
  22. * For the first iteration, the regVal will be initialized as sum of weight squares
  23. * if it's L2 updater; for L1 updater, the same logic is followed.
  24. */
  25. var regVal = updater.compute(
  26. weights, Vectors.dense(new Array[Double](weights.size)), 0, 1, regParam)._2
  27. for (i (c, v) match { case ((grad, loss), (label, features)) =>
  28. val l = gradient.compute(features, label, bcWeights.value, Vectors.fromBreeze(grad))
  29. (grad, loss + l)
  30. },
  31. combOp = (c1, c2) => (c1, c2) match { case ((grad1, loss1), (grad2, loss2)) =>
  32. (grad1 += grad2, loss1 + loss2)
  33. })
  34. /**
  35. * NOTE(Xinghao): lossSum is computed using the weights from the previous iteration
  36. * and regVal is the regularization value computed in the previous iteration as well.
  37. */
  38. stochasticLossHistory.append(lossSum / miniBatchSize + regVal)
  39. val update = updater.compute(
  40. weights, Vectors.fromBreeze(gradientSum / miniBatchSize), stepSize, i, regParam)
  41. weights = update._1
  42. regVal = update._2
  43. }
  44. logInfo("GradientDescent.runMiniBatchSGD finished. Last 10 stochastic losses %s".format(
  45. stochasticLossHistory.takeRight(10).mkString(", ")))
  46. (weights, stochasticLossHistory.toArray)
  47. }


  1. def aggregate[U: ClassTag](zeroValue: U)(seqOp: (U, T) => U, combOp: (U, U) => U): U = {
  2. // Clone the zero value since we will also be serializing it as part of tasks
  3. var jobResult = Utils.clone(zeroValue, sc.env.closureSerializer.newInstance())
  4. val cleanSeqOp = sc.clean(seqOp)
  5. val cleanCombOp = sc.clean(combOp)
  6. val aggregatePartition = (it: Iterator[T]) => it.aggregate(zeroValue)(cleanSeqOp, cleanCombOp)
  7. val mergeResult = (index: Int, taskResult: U) => jobResult = combOp(jobResult, taskResult)
  8. sc.runJob(this, aggregatePartition, mergeResult)
  9. jobResult
  10. }


  1. seqOp seqOp会被并行执行,具体由各个executor上的task来完成计算
  2. combOp combOp则是串行执行, 其中combOp操作在JobWaiter的taskSucceeded函数中被调用


  1. val z = sc. parallelize (List (1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6),2)
  2. z.aggregate (0)(math.max(_, _), _ + _)
  3. // 运 行 结 果 为 9
  4. res0: Int = 9

仔细观察一下运行时的日志输出, aggregate提交的job由一个stage(stage0)组成,由于整个数据集被分成两个partition,所以为stage0创建了两个task并行处理。


讲完了aggregate函数的执行过程, 回过头来继续讲组成seqOp的gradient.compute函数。


  1. class LeastSquaresGradient extends Gradient {
  2. override def compute(data: Vector, label: Double, weights: Vector): (Vector, Double) = {
  3. val brzData = data.toBreeze
  4. val brzWeights = weights.toBreeze
  5. val diff = brzWeights.dot(brzData) - label
  6. val loss = diff * diff
  7. val gradient = brzData * (2.0 * diff)
  8. (Vectors.fromBreeze(gradient), loss)
  9. }
  10. override def compute(
  11. data: Vector,
  12. label: Double,
  13. weights: Vector,
  14. cumGradient: Vector): Double = {
  15. val brzData = data.toBreeze
  16. val brzWeights = weights.toBreeze
  17. //dot表示点积,是接受在实数R上的两个向量并返回一个实数标量的二元运算,它的结果是欧几里得空间的标准内积。
  18. //两个向量的点积写作a·b。点乘的结果叫做点积,也称作数量积
  19. val diff = brzWeights.dot(brzData) - label
  20. //下面这句话完成y += a*x
  21. brzAxpy(2.0 * diff, brzData, cumGradient.toBreeze)
  22. diff * diff
  23. }
  24. }


说 开 了 其 实 一 点 也 不 稀 奇, 由 于 计 算 中 有 大 量 的 矩 阵(Matrix)及 向量(Vector)计算,为了更好支持和封装这些计算引入了breeze库。

Breeze, Epic及Puck是scalanlp中三大支柱性项目, 具体可参数www.scalanlp.org



  1. val update = updater.compute(
  2. weights, Vectors.fromBreeze(gradientSum / miniBatchSize), stepSize, i, regParam)


  1. class SquaredL2Updater extends Updater {
  2. override def compute(
  3. weightsOld: Vector,
  4. gradient: Vector,
  5. stepSize: Double,
  6. iter: Int,
  7. regParam: Double): (Vector, Double) = {
  8. // add up both updates from the gradient of the loss (= step) as well as
  9. // the gradient of the regularizer (= regParam * weightsOld)
  10. // w' = w - thisIterStepSize * (gradient + regParam * w)
  11. // w' = (1 - thisIterStepSize * regParam) * w - thisIterStepSize * gradient
  12. val thisIterStepSize = stepSize / math.sqrt(iter)
  13. val brzWeights: BV[Double] = weightsOld.toBreeze.toDenseVector
  14. brzWeights :*= (1.0 - thisIterStepSize * regParam)
  15. brzAxpy(-thisIterStepSize, gradient.toBreeze, brzWeights)
  16. val norm = brzNorm(brzWeights, 2.0)
  17. (Vectors.fromBreeze(brzWeights), 0.5 * regParam * norm * norm)
  18. }
  19. }



  1. class LinearRegressionModel (
  2. override val weights: Vector,
  3. override val intercept: Double)
  4. extends GeneralizedLinearModel(weights, intercept) with RegressionModel with Serializable {
  5. override protected def predictPoint(
  6. dataMatrix: Vector,
  7. weightMatrix: Vector,
  8. intercept: Double): Double = {
  9. weightMatrix.toBreeze.dot(dataMatrix.toBreeze) + intercept
  10. }
  11. }




  1. import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LinearRegressionWithSGD
  2. import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint
  3. import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors
  4. // Load and parse the data
  5. val data = sc.textFile("mllib/data/ridge-data/lpsa.data")
  6. val parsedData = data.map { line =>
  7. val parts = line.split(',')
  8. LabeledPoint(parts(0).toDouble, Vectors.dense(parts(1).split(' ').map(_.toDouble)))
  9. }
  10. // Building the model
  11. val numIterations = 100
  12. val model = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(parsedData, numIterations)
  13. // Evaluate model on training examples and compute training error
  14. val valuesAndPreds = parsedData.map { point =>
  15. val prediction = model.predict(point.features)
  16. (point.label, prediction)
  17. }
  18. val MSE = valuesAndPreds.map{case(v, p) => math.pow((v - p), 2)}.mean()
  19. println("training Mean Squared Error = " + MSE)



