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ImGui (short for "Immediate Mode Graphical User Interface") is a lightweight and portable GUI library that is commonly used in game development and other interactive applications. It was developed by a programmer named Omar Cornut and is open-source.

The main principle behind ImGui is that it operates in an immediate mode, meaning that the user interface is rendered and updated every frame. This is different from traditional retained mode GUI systems where the interface is built and stored as a hierarchy of objects, and only updated when necessary.

ImGui provides a set of functions and macros that allow developers to create and manipulate UI elements such as windows, buttons, sliders, input fields, and more. These functions are called directly by the application code, instead of relying on a complex event and callback system.

The library is typically integrated into an existing rendering pipeline and requires a rendering context to function properly. ImGui uses a combination of custom drawing code and the underlying rendering API (such as OpenGL or DirectX) to render UI elements on the screen.

One of the key features of ImGui is its simplicity and ease of use. Developers can quickly prototype and create user interfaces by using a small set of intuitive functions. The library also provides a range of customization options, allowing developers to create interfaces that fit their specific needs and visual styles.

Overall, the ImGui library provides a straightforward and efficient way to create user interfaces in real-time applications. Its immediate mode design and lightweight nature make it a popular choice for game developers and others who need a simple and responsive UI system.

ImGui(即"Immediate Mode Graphical User Interface",即即时模式图形用户界面)是一个轻量级且可移植的GUI库,常用于游戏开发和其他交互式应用程序。它由程序员Omar Cornut开发,并且是开源的。







  1. imgui.h:这是ImGui的主头文件,包含了所有的公共函数和数据结构定义。它定义了UI元素(如窗口、按钮、滑块等)的创建和操作函数,并提供了一些全局函数和变量用于配置和管理ImGui。

  2. imgui.cpp:这个文件包含了ImGui库的主要实现代码。它包括了初始化函数(ImGui::CreateContext())、绘制函数(ImGui::Render())和事件处理函数(ImGui::NewFrame())等。在这个文件中,还定义了一些用于绘制UI元素的辅助函数,如矩形绘制函数(ImDrawList::AddRect())和文本绘制函数(ImDrawList::AddText())。

  3. imgui_demo.cpp:这是一个演示示例文件,展示了ImGui库的各种功能和用法。它包含了创建和操作不同类型的UI元素的代码,并通过ImGui::ShowDemoWindow()函数显示了一个演示窗口,展示了ImGui库的各种特性。

  4. imgui_widgets.cpp:这个文件包含了创建和操作UI元素的各种函数实现。例如,ImGui::Button()函数用于创建按钮,ImGui::SliderFloat()函数用于创建滑块等。这些函数使用底层的绘制函数和数据结构来实现UI元素的渲染和交互。

  5. imgui_draw.cpp:这个文件包含了UI元素的绘制函数的实现。它使用OpenGL或DirectX等底层的渲染API来绘制UI元素。这些函数使用一系列绘制指令来生成UI元素的几何图形,并将它们发送到渲染队列中进行渲染。

  6. imgui_internal.h:这个头文件包含了一些内部实用函数和数据结构的定义,供ImGui内部使用。这些函数和结构通常对开发人员是隐藏的,但在需要自定义ImGui库行为时可能会用到。


