Fully-Convolutional One-Stage Object Detection
参考:EECS 498-007/598-005 Assignment 4-1: One-Stage Object Detector
FCOS: Fully Convolutional One-Stage Object Detection
FCOS: A Simple and Strong Anchor-free Object Detector
不同于使用Anchor去确定目标,FCOS是使用全卷积网络通过确定特征图上的每个位置来预测该点距离目标的距离(左上右下 LTRB),如下图:
该流程与第一版的网络的不同点在于最后将regression 和centre-ness分支放在一起。该文中使用的是第二版的网络。
在backbone中,使用RegNetX-400MF作为网络,在卷积层后输出特征C3,C4,C5。得到特征C3,C4,C5后通过1x1的卷积层得到减少通道尺寸后的特征,然后从上往下进行融合。在融合的时候,因为特征的大小不一样,所以将上一个特征进行两倍的上采样,通过Nearest Neighbor上采样。再将每层的特征再进行3x3,pooling为1的卷积得到新的特征图。
- # Add THREE lateral 1x1 conv and THREE output 3x3 conv layers.
- self.fpn_params = nn.ModuleDict()
- # Replace "pass" statement with your code
- self.fpn_params['l3'] = nn.Conv2d(dummy_out_shapes[0][1][1], self.out_channels, 1, 1, 0)
- self.fpn_params['l4'] = nn.Conv2d(dummy_out_shapes[1][1][1], self.out_channels, 1, 1, 0)
- self.fpn_params['l5'] = nn.Conv2d(dummy_out_shapes[2][1][1], self.out_channels, 1, 1, 0)
- lat3 = self.fpn_params['l3'](backbone_feats['c3']) # [2, 64, 28, 28]
- lat4 = self.fpn_params['l4'](backbone_feats['c4']) # [2, 64, 14, 14]
- lat5 = self.fpn_params['l5'](backbone_feats['c5']) # [2, 64, 7, 7]
Holds submodules in a dictionary.
ModuleDict can be indexed like a regular Python dictionary, but modules it contains are properly registered, and will be visible by all Module methods.
ModuleDict is an ordered dictionary that respects
the order of insertion, and
in update(), the order of the merged
(started from Python 3.6) or another ModuleDict (the argument to update()).Note that update() with other unordered mapping types (e.g., Python’s plain
before Python version 3.6) does not preserve the order of the merged mapping.Parameters
modules (iterable, optional) – a mapping (dictionary) of (string: module) or an iterable of key-value pairs of type (string, module)
输入的图像通过卷积后,得到C3,C4,C5特征图,然后将特征图进行一个1x1的卷积,得到新的特征图,将新的特征图用2倍的缩放,使用nearest neighbor上采样。将上层的特征图与下层的特征图进行融合。
- lat5_resize = nn.functional.interpolate(lat5, size=(lat4.shape[2], lat4.shape[3]), mode='nearest') # (14, 14)
- # merge after convolution lat4 with lat5_resize (2x upsample)
- lat4 = lat4 + lat5_resize
- lat4_resize = nn.functional.interpolate(lat4, size=(lat3.shape[2], lat3.shape[3]), mode='nearest')
- # merge lat4_resize with lat3
- lat3 = lat3 + lat4_resize
将新的特征图,再进行3x3的卷积,其中padding是1,stride是1。得到proposal 特征图P3,P4,P5。
- self.fpn_params['p3'] = nn.Conv2d(self.out_channels, self.out_channels, 3, 1, 1)
- self.fpn_params['p4'] = nn.Conv2d(self.out_channels, self.out_channels, 3, 1, 1)
- self.fpn_params['p5'] = nn.Conv2d(self.out_channels, self.out_channels, 3, 1, 1)
- fpn_feats['p3'] = self.fpn_params['p3'](lat3)
- fpn_feats['p4'] = self.fpn_params['p4'](lat4)
- fpn_feats['p5'] = self.fpn_params['p5'](lat5)
视频1.1.2 FPN结构详解也提供了更详细的结构可供参考。
通过实现Head来预测分类,bounding box和center-ness
拿classification这一分支来讲,特征图输入给3x3的卷积层然后在给激活函数ReLU,然后再输入给相同的3x3的卷积层+ReLU,最后再进行一次3x3的卷积,得到classification。此时classification的shape跟输入的特征图的shape不一样。输入特征图的shape为(B, C, H, W), 而classification的shape为(B, H*W, C)。同理centre-ness和bounding box的shape为(B, H*W, 1)和(B, H*W, 4) 此处的4 是bounding box的四个点。
- inputSize = in_channels
- for out_channel in stem_channels:
- print('out_channel', out_channel)
- # class
- conv1 = nn.Conv2d(inputSize, out_channel, 3, 1, 1)
- relu1 = nn.ReLU()
- # init weight
- torch.nn.init.normal_(conv1.weight, 0, 0.01)
- # init bias
- # torch.nn.init.constant_(conv1.bias, 0)
- torch.nn.init.zeros_(conv1.bias)
- # append conv1 and relu1 to stem_cls
- stem_cls.append(conv1)
- stem_cls.append(relu1)
- # box
- conv2 = nn.Conv2d(inputSize, out_channel, 3, 1, 1)
- relu2 = nn.ReLU()
- # init weight
- torch.nn.init.normal_(conv2.weight, 0, 0.01)
- # init bias
- # torch.nn.init.constant_(conv1.bias, 0)
- torch.nn.init.zeros_(conv2.bias)
- # append conv1 and relu1 to stem_cls
- stem_box.append(conv2)
- stem_box.append(relu2)
- inputSize = out_channel
- self.pred_cls = nn.Conv2d(stem_channels[-1], num_classes, 3, 1, 1)
- torch.nn.init.normal_(self.pred_cls.weight, 0, 0.01)
- torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.pred_cls.bias)
- self.pred_box = nn.Conv2d(stem_channels[-1], 4, 3, 1, 1)
- torch.nn.init.normal_(self.pred_box.weight, 0, 0.01)
- torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.pred_box.bias)
- self.pred_ctr = nn.Conv2d(stem_channels[-1], 1, 3, 1, 1)
- torch.nn.init.normal_(self.pred_ctr.weight, 0, 0.01)
- torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.pred_ctr.bias)
feats_per_fpn_level 是前面FPN网络传递过来的特征{p3,p4,p5},每个特征的shape是(batch_size, fpn_channels, H, W)。最终我们要得到这三个预测值的shape分别为: 1. Classification logits: `(batch_size, H * W, num_classes)`. 2. Box regression deltas: `(batch_size, H * W, 4)` 3. Centerness logits: `(batch_size, H * W, 1)`
流程:特征->stem 层-> pred层;
- for level, feature in feats_per_fpn_level.items():
- # append each level's feature into dict
- class_logits[level] = self.pred_cls(self.stem_cls(feature))
- # print('========1', class_logits[level].shape) # ([2, 20, 14, 14])
- # reshape Classification logits: `(batch_size, H * W, num_classes)`.
- batch_size = class_logits[level].shape[0]
- num_cls = class_logits[level].shape[1]
- # reshape [2, 20, 14, 14] to [2, 14*14, 20]
- # -1 => 2*20*14*14/2*20
- # permute into desire order
- class_logits[level] = class_logits[level].view(batch_size, num_cls, -1).permute(0, 2, 1)
- boxreg_deltas[level] = self.pred_box(self.stem_box(feature))
- # reshape Box regression deltas: `(batch_size, H * W, 4)`
- boxreg_deltas[level] = boxreg_deltas[level].view(batch_size, 4, -1).permute(0, 2, 1)
- centerness_logits[level] = self.pred_ctr(self.stem_box(feature))
- # reshape Centerness logits: `(batch_size, H * W, 1)`
- centerness_logits[level] = centerness_logits[level].view(batch_size, 1, -1).permute(0, 2, 1)
不同于分类模型,输入的是照片和label,其中label一般都是one-hot 向量。但在该模型中,每张照片都有大量的预测框;每一类的标签不与整张照片相关联而是与预测框相关联。
在FCOS中,使用GT target(Ground Truth Target)。每个GT target关联了三个参数:类别,bounding box,centre-ness。因为最后输出的三个预测值都与FPN层输出的特征图的每个位置有关,所以我们可以将GT boxes直接与FPN层的特征图的位置相关联。而GT box由标签、左上角坐标及右下角坐标构成,是一个5维的向量。
通过训练网络,我们首先要得到特征图中的每一个位置,有了位置我们才有预测框(bounding box),才能预测到目标。
每层的特征图的大小为:(batch_size, channels, H / stride, W / stride)
- # Replace "pass" statement with your code
- # get x (0.5+i) i[0, 28(H)] ([2, 64, 28(H), 28(W)])
- x = level_stride * torch.arange(0.5, feat_shape[2] + 0.5, step=1, device=device, dtype=dtype)
- # get y (0.5+j) j [0, 28(W)] ([2, 64, 28(H), 28(W)])
- y = level_stride * torch.arange(0.5, feat_shape[3] + 0.5, step=1, device=device, dtype=dtype)
- # create a grid of these x y
- (xGrid, yGrid) = torch.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='xy')
- # xGrid shape [14, 14], [7, 7], [4, 4]
- # add a new dimension of size 1 at the specified position (-1 in this case) in the tensor.
- xGrid = xGrid.unsqueeze(dim=-1)
- # print(xGrid.shape)
- yGrid = yGrid.unsqueeze(dim=-1)
- # concat these two and reshape to (H*W, 2)
- location_coords[level_name] = torch.cat((xGrid,yGrid),dim=2).view(feat_shape[3]*feat_shape[2],2)
- # print(torch.cat((xGrid, yGrid), dim=2).shape)
得到了特征图中的位置后,我们就可以与GT box相匹配了。
- def fcos_match_locations_to_gt(
- locations_per_fpn_level: TensorDict,
- strides_per_fpn_level: Dict[str, int],
- gt_boxes: torch.Tensor,
- ) -> TensorDict:
- """
- Match centers of the locations of FPN feature with a set of GT bounding
- boxes of the input image. Since our model makes predictions at every FPN
- feature map location, we must supervise it with an appropriate GT box.
- There are multiple GT boxes in image, so FCOS has a set of heuristics to
- assign centers with GT, which we implement here.
- NOTE: This function is NOT BATCHED. Call separately for GT box batches.
- Args:
- locations_per_fpn_level: Centers at different levels of FPN (p3, p4, p5),
- that are already projected to absolute co-ordinates in input image
- dimension. Dictionary of three keys: (p3, p4, p5) giving tensors of
- shape `(H * W, 2)` where H = W is the size of feature map.
- strides_per_fpn_level: Dictionary of same keys as above, each with an
- integer value giving the stride of corresponding FPN level.
- See `common.py` for more details.
- gt_boxes: GT boxes of a single image, a batch of `(M, 5)` boxes with
- absolute co-ordinates and class ID `(x1, y1, x2, y2, C)`. In this
- codebase, this tensor is directly served by the dataloader.
- Returns:
- Dict[str, torch.Tensor]
- Dictionary with same keys as `shape_per_fpn_level` and values as
- tensors of shape `(N, 5)` GT boxes, one for each center. They are
- one of M input boxes, or a dummy box called "background" that is
- `(-1, -1, -1, -1, -1)`. Background indicates that the center does
- not belong to any object.
- """
- matched_gt_boxes = {
- level_name: None for level_name in locations_per_fpn_level.keys()
- }
- # Do this matching individually per FPN level.
- for level_name, centers in locations_per_fpn_level.items():
- # Get stride for this FPN level.
- stride = strides_per_fpn_level[level_name]
- # get feature location's centre
- x, y = centers.unsqueeze(dim=2).unbind(dim=1)
- x0, y0, x1, y1 = gt_boxes[:, :4].unsqueeze(dim=0).unbind(dim=2)
- pairwise_dist = torch.stack([x - x0, y - y0, x1 - x, y1 - y], dim=2)
- # Pairwise distance between every feature center and GT box edges:
- # shape: (num_gt_boxes, num_centers_this_level, 4)
- pairwise_dist = pairwise_dist.permute(1, 0, 2)
- # The original FCOS anchor matching rule: anchor point must be inside GT.
- match_matrix = pairwise_dist.min(dim=2).values > 0
- # Multilevel anchor matching in FCOS: each anchor is only responsible
- # for certain scale range.
- # Decide upper and lower bounds of limiting targets.
- pairwise_dist = pairwise_dist.max(dim=2).values
- lower_bound = stride * 4 if level_name != "p3" else 0
- upper_bound = stride * 8 if level_name != "p5" else float("inf")
- match_matrix &= (pairwise_dist > lower_bound) & (
- pairwise_dist < upper_bound
- )
- # Match the GT box with minimum area, if there are multiple GT matches.
- gt_areas = (gt_boxes[:, 2] - gt_boxes[:, 0]) * (
- gt_boxes[:, 3] - gt_boxes[:, 1]
- )
- # Get matches and their labels using match quality matrix.
- match_matrix = match_matrix.to(torch.float32)
- match_matrix *= 1e8 - gt_areas[:, None]
- # Find matched ground-truth instance per anchor (un-matched = -1).
- match_quality, matched_idxs = match_matrix.max(dim=0)
- matched_idxs[match_quality < 1e-5] = -1
- # Anchors with label 0 are treated as background.
- matched_boxes_this_level = gt_boxes[matched_idxs.clip(min=0)]
- matched_boxes_this_level[matched_idxs < 0, :] = -1
- matched_gt_boxes[level_name] = matched_boxes_this_level
- return matched_gt_boxes
红色框是与之匹配的GT box
候选框回归有四个预测值,分别是(left, top, right, bottom),及特征图的位置到候选框的距离。
位置(黄色点):(xc, yc)shape(N, 2)
GT box:(x1, y1, x2, y2) shape(N, 4) 不含标签或(N, 5)含标签
l = (xc - x1) / stride t = (yc - y1) / stride r = (x2 - xc) / stride b = (y2 - yc) / stride
- deltas = torch.empty(gt_boxes.shape[0], 4).to(device=gt_boxes.device, dtype=gt_boxes.dtype)
- # GT box have co-ordinates `(x1, y1, x2, y2)`
- # location (xc, yc)
- # l = (xc - x1) /stride
- deltas[:, 0] = (locations[:, 0] - gt_boxes[:, 0]) / stride
- # t = (yc - y1) / stride
- deltas[:, 1] = (locations[:, 1] - gt_boxes[:, 1]) / stride
- # r = (x2 - xc) / stride
- deltas[:, 2] = (gt_boxes[:, 2] - locations[:, 0]) / stride
- # b = (y2 - yc) / stride
- deltas[:, 3] = (gt_boxes[:, 3] - locations[:, 1]) / stride
如果GT box是背景的话,此时默认背景框的值为(-1,-1,-1,-1)或(-1,-1,-1,-1,-1),就要将deltas设置为(-1,-1,-1,-1)。
找到GT box中值为(-1,-1,-1,-1)的框。找到GT box的4四列,然后计算每行的和是否等于-4。若等于-4,那么置deltas为-1。
- # If GT boxes are "background", then deltas must be `(-1, -1, -1, -1)`.
- # You may assume that all the background boxes will be `(-1, -1, -1, -1)` or `(-1, -1, -1, -1, -1)`.
- print('gt_boxes shape', gt_boxes.shape)
- deltas[gt_boxes[:, :4].sum(dim=1) == -4] = -1
- # x_min = c_x - l * s
- # y_min = c_y - t * s
- # x_max = c_x + r * s
- # y_max = c_y + b * s
- deltas = deltas.clip(min=0)
- output_boxes = torch.empty(deltas.size()).to(device=deltas.device, dtype=deltas.dtype)
- output_boxes[:, 3] = locations[:, 1] + stride * deltas[:, 3]
- output_boxes[:, 2] = locations[:, 0] + stride * deltas[:, 2]
- output_boxes[:, 1] = locations[:, 1] - stride * deltas[:, 1]
- output_boxes[:, 0] = locations[:, 0] - stride * deltas[:, 0]
centre ness 是用来调整在模型中每个位置的分类的值。用于判断特征图上的某一像素距离检测框中心的距离。目的是为了提高模型的特征图的位置的准确度,第一版的论文也有指出为何centre ness 对模型特征图位置准确度提高有用。
- center_ness = torch.empty(deltas.shape[0]).to(device=deltas.device, dtype=deltas.dtype)
- center_ness = torch.sqrt(torch.min(deltas[:, 0], deltas[:, 2]) * torch.min(deltas[:, 1], deltas[:, 3]) /
- torch.max(deltas[:, 0], deltas[:, 2]) * torch.max(deltas[:, 1], deltas[:, 3]))
使用Fcal Loss,Fcal Loss,交叉熵损失函数的进阶版本,用来解决分类不均衡的问题。
1. 通过softmax来计算GT box类是否是背景的概率
p = torch.sigmoid(inputs)
2. 通过交叉熵损失来计算GT box类的概率,所以上述公式中的-log(p_t)实际是计算的交叉熵损失
ce_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, targets, reduction="none")
3. 因为GT box是否是背景的分布不均衡,所以要增加一个权重alpha来解决这个问题。而当GT box =1 时,α ∈ [0, 1] ,GT box = -1时,1−α
# 1-p 背景的概率 p_t = p * targets + (1 - p) * (1 - targets)4.计算loss
loss = ce_loss * ((1 - p_t) ** gamma)
- # First calculate box reg loss, comparing predicted boxes and GT boxes.
- dummy_gt_deltas = fcos_get_deltas_from_locations(
- dummy_locations, dummy_gt_boxes, stride=32
- )
- # Multiply with 0.25 to average across four LTRB components.
- loss_box = 0.25 * F.l1_loss(
- dummy_pred_boxreg_deltas, dummy_gt_deltas, reduction="none"
- )
- # No loss for background:
- loss_box[dummy_gt_deltas < 0] *= 0.0
- print("Box regression loss (L1):", loss_box)
因为centreness的预测值和GT target的值都在[0,1]之前,所以使用二元交叉熵函数最好不过了。
- # Now calculate centerness loss.
- centerness_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(
- dummy_pred_ctr_logits, dummy_gt_centerness, reduction="none"
- )
- # No loss for background:
- centerness_loss[dummy_gt_centerness < 0] *= 0.0
- print("Centerness loss (BCE):", centerness_loss)
每一个位置都有三个预测值,若该值被认定为是背景,则box regression 和centreness regression的loss都为0,因为GT target没有定义。
将backbone(含FPN)和prediction net组合在一起
- self.backbone = DetectorBackboneWithFPN(fpn_channels)
- self.pred_net = FCOSPredictionNetwork(num_classes, fpn_channels, stem_channels)
- fpn_info = self.backbone(images)
- pred_cls_logits, pred_boxreg_deltas, pred_ctr_logits = self.pred_net(fpn_info)
- fpn_shape = {"p3": fpn_info["p3"].shape, "p4": fpn_info["p4"].shape, "p5": fpn_info["p5"].shape}
- locations_per_fpn_level = get_fpn_location_coords(fpn_shape, self.backbone.fpn_strides, device=images.device)
- matched_gt_boxes = []
- # Replace "pass" statement with your code
- for i in range(images.shape[0]):
- matched_gt_boxes.append(
- fcos_match_locations_to_gt(locations_per_fpn_level, self.backbone.fpn_strides, gt_boxes[i, :, :]))
- matched_gt_deltas = []
- # Replace "pass" statement with your code
- for i in range(images.shape[0]):
- matched_delta = {}
- for level_name, feat_location in locations_per_fpn_level.items():
- matched_delta[level_name] = fcos_get_deltas_from_locations(feat_location,
- matched_gt_boxes[i][level_name],
- self.backbone.fpn_strides[level_name])
- matched_gt_deltas.append(matched_delta)
- # Calculate predicted boxes from the predicted deltas. Similar structure
- # as `matched_gt_boxes` above. Fill this list:
- pred_boxes = []
- # Replace "pass" statement with your code
- for i in range(images.shape[0]):
- pred_box = {}
- for level_name in locations_per_fpn_level.keys():
- pred_box[level_name] = fcos_apply_deltas_to_locations(pred_boxreg_deltas[level_name][i],
- locations_per_fpn_level[level_name],
- self.backbone.fpn_strides[level_name])
- pred_boxes.append(pred_box)
- # calculate the gt class
- gt_classes = matched_gt_boxes[:, :, 4].clone()
- # set background's gt class to -1
- bg_mask = gt_classes == -1
- # set gt classes's background class to 0
- gt_classes[bg_mask] = 0
- # set one hot coding to gt classes
- gt_classes_one_hot = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(gt_classes.long(), self.num_classes)
- gt_classes_one_hot = gt_classes_one_hot.to(gt_boxes.dtype)
- # set the background one hot to 0
- gt_classes_one_hot[bg_mask] = 0
- # calculate the classification's loss
- loss_cls = sigmoid_focal_loss(inputs=pred_cls_logits, targets=gt_classes_one_hot)
- # reshape the prediction boxes to (N , 4)
- pred_boxreg_deltas = pred_boxreg_deltas.reshape(-1, 4)
- # reshape the matched gt box to ( N, 4)
- matched_gt_deltas = matched_gt_deltas.reshape(-1, 4)
- # Find the background images
- matched_boxes = matched_gt_boxes[:, :, 4].clone().reshape(-1)
- background_mask = matched_boxes == -1
- # we can compare the loss of L1 loss and IoU loss
- # Calculate the box loss by iou loss
- loss_box = loss_box = torchvision.ops.generalized_box_iou_loss(pred_boxes.reshape(-1, 4),
- matched_gt_boxes[:, :, :4].reshape(-1, 4),
- reduction="none")
- # Do not count the loss of background images
- loss_box[background_mask] = 0
- # reshape to vector
- pred_ctr_logits = pred_ctr_logits.view(-1)
- # get the centreness
- gt_centerness = fcos_make_centerness_targets(matched_gt_deltas)
- # calculate the centreness loss by BEC
- loss_ctr = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(pred_ctr_logits, gt_centerness, reduction="none")
- loss_ctr[gt_centerness <= 0] = 0
1. 挑选出得分最高的框
2. 通过IoU > 阀值(比如:0.7),来排除最低得分的框
3. 若每个框都涉及,那继续按照步骤1处理
在该照片中:IoU(蓝, 橙) = 0.78 IoU(蓝, 紫) = 0.05 IoU(蓝, 黄) = 0.07 ,得到蓝框
IoU(紫, 黄) = 0.74,得到紫框。
1. 一阶目标检测(one-stage object detection)整理归纳
2. FCOS: Fully Convolutional One-Stage Object Detection
3. FCOS: A Simple and Strong Anchor-free Object Detector
4. EECS 498-007 / 598-005Deep Learning for Computer Vision
5. Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection
7. FCOS Walkthrough: The Fully Convolutional Approach to Object Detection
8. FCOS网络解析
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