git branch b1
echo '444' > aaa.txt
git commit -m '444' ./
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master)
$ git log --oneline
2920850 (HEAD -> master) 444
57a8f94 (b1) 333
3ac4fa8 222
afb705d 111
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master)
$ git branch b2 3ac4fa8 # 根据指定的提交对象来创建分支
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master)
$ git log --oneline
2920850 (HEAD -> master) 444
57a8f94 (b1) 333
3ac4fa8 (b2) 222
afb705d 111
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master)
$ cat .git/refs/heads/b2
创建好了分支之后,我们可以使用git checkout
git checkout {branchName}
rm -rf .git ./* git init echo '111' >> aaa.txt git add ./ git commit -m '111' ./ echo '222' >> aaa.txt git commit -m '222' ./ echo '333' >> aaa.txt git commit -m '333' ./ Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ git log --oneline 2130f83 (HEAD -> master) 333 86cbe2b 222 dad9d1a 111
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) # 在当前位置创建b1分支
$ git branch b1
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) # 指定提交对象来创建分支
$ git branch b2 86cbe2b
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master)
$ git log --oneline
2130f83 (HEAD -> master, b1) 333 # b1分支的位置
86cbe2b (b2) 222 # b2分支的位置
dad9d1a 111
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) # 切换到b1分支 $ git checkout b1 Switched to branch 'b1' Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (b1) # HEAD指针指向了b1分支 $ git log --oneline 2130f83 (HEAD -> b1, master) 333 86cbe2b (b2) 222 dad9d1a 111 Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (b1) # 编辑文件 $ echo "444" >> aaa.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (b1) # 提交 $ git commit -m "b1 444" ./ Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (b1) # 查看文件内容 $ cat aaa.txt 111 222 333 444 Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (b1) # 查看日志 $ git log --oneline 51b41c0 (HEAD -> b1) b1 444 # b1分支正在开发 2130f83 (master) 333 # master和b2分支留在原地 86cbe2b (b2) 222 dad9d1a 111 Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (b1) # 切换到master分支 $ git checkout master Switched to branch 'master' Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) # 查看日志 $ git log --oneline 2130f83 (HEAD -> master) 333 # HEAD指针指向了master分支 86cbe2b (b2) 222 dad9d1a 111 Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) # 查看master分支工作状态的文件内容(文件内容是旧版本的) $ cat aaa.txt 111 222 333
默认情况下使用git log
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master)
$ git log --oneline # 只能查询master分支之前版本的日志信息
2130f83 (HEAD -> master) 333
86cbe2b (b2) 222
dad9d1a 111
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) # 查询所有日志信息
$ git log --oneline --all
51b41c0 (b1) b1 444
2130f83 (HEAD -> master) 333
86cbe2b (b2) 222
dad9d1a 111
通常情况下,当前分支如果存在未提交的操作时,则无法切换到其他分支;所以我们切换分支时最好保证当前工作空间的状态为nothing to commit
rm -rf .git ./*
git init
echo '111' >> aaa.txt
git add ./
git commit -m '111' ./
git branch b1
echo '222' >> aaa.txt
git add ./
git commit -m '222' ./
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master)
$ git log --oneline --all
464d580 (HEAD -> master) 222
cc3429a (b1) 111
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) # 编辑文件 $ echo "333" >> aaa.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ git status On branch master Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: aaa.txt no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ git checkout b1 error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout: aaa.txt Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches. Aborting
rm -rf ./* .git
git init
echo '111' >> aaa.txt
git add ./
git commit -m '111' ./
git branch b1
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) # b1分支创建后整个工作空间还没有提交过任何一次文件,属于新分支
$ git log --oneline --all
4b3c6bc (HEAD -> master, b1) 111 # 指针还是指向master分支的
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) # 编辑master分支的文件内容 $ echo "222" >> aaa.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) # master分支的状态 $ git status On branch master Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: aaa.txt no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) # 切换到b1分支,发现能够切换成功 $ git checkout b1 Switched to branch 'b1' M aaa.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (b1) # b1分支的文件内容 $ cat aaa.txt 111 222 Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (b1) # b1分支的状态 $ git status On branch b1 Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: aaa.txt no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (b1) # 切换到master分支 $ git checkout master Switched to branch 'master' M aaa.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) # 提交操作 $ git commit -m "222" ./ Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) # 切换到b1分支 $ git checkout b1 Switched to branch 'b1' Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (b1) # 查看内容,发现影响消失了 $ cat aaa.txt 111
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (b1)
$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master)
$ echo "333" >> aaa.txt
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) # 切换到b1分支失败,此时b1分支不属于新分支了;
$ git checkout b1
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches.
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) # 把之前编辑的内容删除
$ vi aaa.txt
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master)
$ cat aaa.txt
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) # 工作空间又回到了干净状态(所有的操作均已提交)
$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) # 编辑一个新的文件 $ echo "333" >> bbb.txt # 注意,此时创建了一个新的文件bbb.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ git status On branch master Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) bbb.txt nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) # 切换到b1分支,发现切换成功 $ git checkout b1 Switched to branch 'b1' Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (b1) $ ll total 2 -rw-r--r-- 1 Adminstrator 197121 5 Oct 23 09:23 aaa.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 Adminstrator 197121 4 Oct 23 09:23 bbb.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (b1) # b1的工作空间多了一个文件 $ git status On branch b1 Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) bbb.txt nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (b1) # 切换回master分支 $ git checkout master Switched to branch 'master' Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ git add ./ Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) # 提交操作 $ git commit -m "333-bbb" ./ Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) # 切换到b1分支 $ git checkout b1 Switched to branch 'b1' Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (b1) $ git status On branch b1 nothing to commit, working tree clean Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (b1) # b1工作空间的bbb.txt文件清除了 $ ll total 1 -rw-r--r-- 1 Adminstrator 197121 5 Oct 23 09:26 aaa.txt
rm -rf ./* .git
git init
echo '111' >> aaa.txt
git add ./
git commit -m '111' ./
git branch b1
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) # b1分支创建后整个工作空间还没有提交过任何一次文件,属于新分支
$ git log --oneline --all
19fd84b (HEAD -> master, b1) 111 # 指针还是指向master分支的
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ echo "222" >> aaa.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ git add ./ warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in aaa.txt. The file will have its original line endings in your working directory Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ git checkout b1 Switched to branch 'b1' M aaa.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (b1) $ git ls-files -s 100644 a30a52a3be2c12cbc448a5c9be960577d13f4755 0 aaa.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (b1) $ git cat-file -p a30a52a3 111 222
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (b1) $ git checkout master Switched to branch 'master' M aaa.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ git commit -m "222" ./ warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in aaa.txt. The file will have its original line endings in your working directory [master 2ae7cda] 222 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ git checkout b1 Switched to branch 'b1' Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (b1) $ git ls-files -s 100644 58c9bdf9d017fcd178dc8c073cbfcbb7ff240d6c 0 aaa.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (b1) $ git cat-file -p 58c9bdf9 111
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master)
$ echo "333" >> aaa.txt
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master)
$ git add ./
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in aaa.txt.
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master)
$ git checkout b1
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches.
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master)
$ git commit -m "333" ./
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master)
$ git log --oneline --all
f5d54ea (HEAD -> master) 333
2ae7cda 222
e9b98e3 (b1) 111
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ echo "444-bbb" >> bbb.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ git add ./ warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in bbb.txt. The file will have its original line endings in your working directory Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ git checkout b1 Switched to branch 'b1' A bbb.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (b1) # b1分支的暂存区也多了一个文件 $ git ls-files -s 100644 58c9bdf9d017fcd178dc8c073cbfcbb7ff240d6c 0 aaa.txt 100644 a864cef2a0696aabcc85e6e55f04dc12230bab84 0 bbb.txt
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (b1) $ git checkout master Switched to branch 'master' A bbb.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ git commit -m "444-bbb" ./ warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in bbb.txt. The file will have its original line endings in your working directory [master d76cc6f] 444-bbb 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 bbb.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ git checkout b1 Switched to branch 'b1' Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (b1) $ git ls-files -s 100644 58c9bdf9d017fcd178dc8c073cbfcbb7ff240d6c 0 aaa.txt
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (b1) $ git checkout master Switched to branch 'master' Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ echo "555-bbb" >> bbb.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ git add ./ warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in bbb.txt. The file will have its original line endings in your working directory Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ git checkout b1 error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout: bbb.txt Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches. Aborting
git switch
是Git 2.23版本推出的一个新的命令,专门用于分支的切换,而git checkout
rm -rf ./* .git
git init
echo '111' >> aaa.txt
git add ./
git commit -m '111' ./
使用git checkout恢复文件:
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ echo "222" >> aaa.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ git status On branch master Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: aaa.txt no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ git checkout aaa.txt Updated 1 path from the index Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ git status On branch master nothing to commit, working tree clean
使用git checkout恢复暂存区:
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ echo "222" >> aaa.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) # 添加到暂存区 $ git add ./ warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in aaa.txt. The file will have its original line endings in your working directory Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ git status On branch master Changes to be committed: (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage) modified: aaa.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ git reset aaa.txt Unstaged changes after reset: M aaa.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) $ git checkout aaa.txt Updated 1 path from the index Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (master) # 成功恢复 $ git status On branch master nothing to commit, working tree clean
但git switch
命令是专门用于切换分支的,并且git switch
使用git switch
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 ((89dda87...)) $ git log --oneline --all 033f6b5 (master) 222 89dda87 (HEAD) 111 Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 ((89dda87...)) $ git branch b1 Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 ((89dda87...)) $ git switch b1 Switched to branch 'b1' Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace/xiaohui/test01 (b1) $ git log --oneline --all 033f6b5 (master) 222 89dda87 (HEAD -> b1) 111
git merge {branchName}
rm -rf .git ./*
git init
echo '用户名+密码登录' >> login.txt
git add ./
git commit -m '用户名+密码登录功能完成' ./
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master)
$ git branch login
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master)
$ git log --oneline --all
2f5d87a (HEAD -> master, login) 用户名+密码登录功能完成
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master)
$ git checkout login
Switched to branch 'login'
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (login)
$ git log --oneline --all
2f5d87a (HEAD -> login, master) 用户名+密码登录功能完成
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (login)
$ echo "集成QQ登录" >> login.txt
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (login)
$ git commit -m "集成QQ登录" ./
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (login)
$ git log --oneline --all
a879a6c (HEAD -> login) 集成QQ登录
2f5d87a (master) 用户名+密码登录功能完成
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (login)
$ echo "集成微信登录" >> login.txt
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (login)
$ git commit -m "集成微信登录" ./
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (login)
$ git log --oneline --all
c5a2584 (HEAD -> login) 集成微信登录
a879a6c 集成QQ登录
2f5d87a (master) 用户名+密码登录功能完成
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (login) $ git checkout master Switched to branch 'master' Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ cat login.txt 用户名+密码登录 Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ git merge login Updating 2f5d87a..c5a2584 Fast-forward login.txt | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ cat login.txt 用户名+密码登录 集成QQ登录 集成微信登录
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) # master与login分支指向的是同一个Commit对象
$ cat .git/refs/heads/login
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master)
$ cat .git/refs/heads/master
rm -rf .git ./*
git init
echo '用户名+密码登录' >> project.txt
git add ./
git commit -m '用户名+密码登录功能完成' ./
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master)
$ git branch login
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) # 查看不同轴的日志需要加上--graph
$ git log --oneline --all --graph
* 7c0b2a3 (HEAD -> master, login) 用户名+密码登录功能完成
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master)
$ git checkout login
Switched to branch 'login'
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (login)
$ echo "集成QQ登录" >> project.txt
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (login)
$ git commit -m "集成QQ登录" ./
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (login)
$ git log --oneline --all --graph
* 9c968e0 (HEAD -> login) 集成QQ登录
* 7c0b2a3 (master) 用户名+密码登录功能完成
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (login) $ git checkout master Switched to branch 'master' Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) # 查看master分支的project.txt文件,代码并没有合并过来 $ cat project.txt 用户名+密码登录 添加头像上传功能 Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) # 查看日志,处于不同轴开发路径 $ git log --oneline --all --graph * fecdb41 (HEAD -> master) 添加头像上传功能 | * 9c968e0 (login) 集成QQ登录 |/ * 7c0b2a3 用户名+密码登录功能完成
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master)
$ git merge login
Auto-merging project.txt
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in project.txt
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master|MERGING)
$ cat project.txt
<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> login
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master|MERGING) $ cat project.txt 用户名+密码登录 <<<<<<< HEAD 添加头像上传功能 ======= 集成QQ登录 >>>>>>> login Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master|MERGING) $ vi project.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master|MERGING) $ cat project.txt 用户名+密码登录 添加头像上传功能 集成QQ登录 Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master|MERGING) $ git commit -a -m "合并login分支,并解决代码冲突" [master 9ccdde2] 合并login分支,并解决代码冲突 Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ git log --oneline --all --graph * 9ccdde2 (HEAD -> master) 合并login分支,并解决代码冲突 # 解决冲突后提交产生一次新的版本 |\ | * 9c968e0 (login) 集成QQ登录 * | fecdb41 添加头像上传功能 |/ * 7c0b2a3 用户名+密码登录功能完成
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) # 切换为login分支 $ git checkout login Switched to branch 'login' Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (login) # login分支的代码 $ cat project.txt 用户名+密码登录 集成QQ登录 Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (login) $ git log --oneline --all --graph * 9ccdde2 (master) 合并login分支,并解决代码冲突 |\ | * 9c968e0 (HEAD -> login) 集成QQ登录 * | fecdb41 添加头像上传功能 |/ * 7c0b2a3 用户名+密码登录功能完成 Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (login) # 合并master分支 $ git merge master Updating 9c968e0..9ccdde2 Fast-forward project.txt | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (login) # 查看login分支的代码,发现master的代码被合并过来了 $ cat project.txt 用户名+密码登录 添加头像上传功能 集成QQ登录 Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (login) $ git log --oneline --all --graph * 9ccdde2 (HEAD -> login, master) 合并login分支,并解决代码冲突 |\ | * 9c968e0 集成QQ登录 * | fecdb41 添加头像上传功能 |/ * 7c0b2a3 用户名+密码登录功能完成
xiaohui | xiaolan |
创建abc.txt | |
内容为: | |
111 | |
222 | |
执行add | |
执行commit | |
执行update | |
修改内容为: | |
111aaa | |
222 | |
执行commit | |
修改内容为: | |
111bbb | |
222 | |
执行update(冲突) |
master分支 | test分支 |
创建abc.txt | |
内容为: | |
111 | |
222 | |
执行add | |
执行commit | |
创建分支 – 此时test分支的abc.txt的内容也是111、222 | |
修改内容为: | |
111aaa | |
222 | |
执行commit | |
切换到test分支 | |
修改内容为: | |
111 | |
222bbb | |
执行commit – 此时test分支和master分支已经不同轴了 | |
切换回master分支,合并test分支,属于快进合并,但会出现冲突 |
rm -rf .git ./* git init Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ vi aaa.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ cat aaa.txt 111 222 Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ git add ./ Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ git commit -m "111 222" ./
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master)
$ git branch test
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ git log --oneline --all --graph * d40d605 (HEAD -> master, test) 111 222 Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ vi aaa.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ cat aaa.txt 111aaa 222 Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ git commit -m "aaa" ./ Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ git log --oneline --all --graph * 09fe9cb (HEAD -> master) aaa * d40d605 (test) 111 222
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ git checkout test Switched to branch 'test' Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (test) $ vi aaa.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (test) # 注意,和master分支修改的文件内容不是同一行 $ cat aaa.txt 111 222bbb Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (test) $ git commit -m "bbb" ./ [test dfe1b42] bbb 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (test) # 查看日志,test与master分支已经不同轴 $ git log --oneline --all --graph * dfe1b42 (HEAD -> test) bbb | * 09fe9cb (master) aaa |/ * d40d605 111 222
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (test) # 切换回master分支 $ git checkout master Switched to branch 'master' Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) # 合并test分支,属于快进合并,但是会产生冲突 $ git merge test Auto-merging aaa.txt CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in aaa.txt Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result. Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master|MERGING) $ cat aaa.txt <<<<<<< HEAD 111aaa 222 ======= 111 222bbb >>>>>>> test Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master|MERGING) $ vi aaa.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master|MERGING) $ cat aaa.txt 111aaa 222bbb Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master|MERGING) # 解决冲突 $ git commit -a -m "master合并test分支" [master adaec78] master合并test分支 Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ git log --oneline --all --graph * adaec78 (HEAD -> master) master合并test分支 |\ | * 7b14536 (test) bbb * | eeca4c9 aaa |/ * 5f41035 111 222
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ git checkout test Switched to branch 'test' Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ git log --oneline --all --graph * adaec78 (master) master合并test分支 |\ | * 7b14536 (HEAD -> test) bbb * | eeca4c9 aaa |/ * 5f41035 111 222 Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (test) $ cat aaa.txt 111 222bbb Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (test) $ git merge master Updating 7b14536..adaec78 Fast-forward aaa.txt | 3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (test) $ cat aaa.txt 111aaa 222bbb Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ git log --oneline --all --graph * adaec78 (HEAD -> test, master) master合并test分支 |\ | * 7b14536 () bbb * | eeca4c9 aaa |/ * 5f41035 111 222
master分支 | test分支 |
创建abc.txt | |
内容为: | |
111 | |
222 | |
执行add | |
执行commit | |
创建分支 – 此时test分支的abc.txt的内容也是111、222 | |
修改内容为: | |
111aaa | |
222 | |
执行commit | |
切换到test分支 | |
修改内容为: | |
111 | |
222bbb | |
执行commit – 此时test分支和master分支已经不同轴了 | |
合并master分支的代码,属于典型合并,出现代码冲突。 |
rm -rf .git ./* git init Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ vi aaa.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ cat aaa.txt 111 222 Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ git add ./ Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ git commit -m "111 222" ./
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master)
$ git branch test
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master)
$ git log --oneline --all --graph
* 45fa06b (HEAD -> master, test) 111 222
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ git checkout master Already on 'master' Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ vi aaa.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ cat aaa.txt 111aaa 222 Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ git commit -m "aaa" ./ Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ git log --oneline --all --graph * c86283b (HEAD -> master) aaa * 45fa06b (test) 111 222
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (master) $ git checkout test Switched to branch 'test' Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (test) $ vi aaa.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (test) $ cat aaa.txt 111 222bbb Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (test) $ git commit -m "bbb" ./ [test e61df5a] bbb 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (test) $ git log --oneline --all --graph * e61df5a (HEAD -> test) bbb | * c86283b (master) aaa |/ * 45fa06b 111 222
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (test) $ git merge master Auto-merging aaa.txt CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in aaa.txt Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result. Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (test|MERGING) $ cat aaa.txt <<<<<<< HEAD 111 222bbb ======= 111aaa 222 >>>>>>> master Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (test|MERGING) $ vi aaa.txt Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (test|MERGING) $ cat aaa.txt 111aaa 222bbb Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (test|MERGING) $ git commit -a -m "合并master分支,并解决冲突" [test 448d619] 合并master分支,并解决冲突 Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (test) $ git log --oneline --all --graph * 448d619 (HEAD -> test) 合并master分支,并解决冲突 |\ | * c86283b (master) aaa * | e61df5a bbb |/ * 45fa06b 111 222
Adminstrator@LAPTOP-OC90J78H MINGW64 ~/Desktop/workspace (test) $ git log --oneline --all --graph * 448d619 (HEAD -> test) 合并master分支,并解决冲突 ### 给大家的福利 **零基础入门** 对于从来没有接触过网络安全的同学,我们帮你准备了详细的学习成长路线图。可以说是最科学最系统的学习路线,大家跟着这个大的方向学习准没问题。 ![](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/img_convert/95608e9062782d28f4f04f821405d99a.png) 同时每个成长路线对应的板块都有配套的视频提供: ![在这里插入图片描述](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/direct/a91b9e8100834e9291cfcf1695d8cd42.png#pic_center) 因篇幅有限,仅展示部分资料 **网上学习资料一大堆,但如果学到的知识不成体系,遇到问题时只是浅尝辄止,不再深入研究,那么很难做到真正的技术提升。** **[需要这份系统化资料的朋友,可以点击这里获取](https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/618540462)** **一个人可以走的很快,但一群人才能走的更远!不论你是正从事IT行业的老鸟或是对IT行业感兴趣的新人,都欢迎加入我们的的圈子(技术交流、学习资源、职场吐槽、大厂内推、面试辅导),让我们一起学习成长!**
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