1.main.py:主要的执行模块负责 初始化窗口 初始化参数设置 运行操作设置 生成随机的block形状 分数及等级计算
4.record.json: 存储分数
import pygame, time, random, sys from pygame.locals import * from record import * from color import * from block_template import * # 窗口大小 from color import BLACK, YELLOW WindowWidth = 640 WindowHeight = 480 CellSize = 20 # 单个格子大小 # 10X20 游戏面板 BoardWidth = 10 BoardHeight = 21 Blank = '.' # 表示空 # 移动时间间隔 MoveSideDuration = 0.2 MoveDownDuration = 0.15 Fps = 25 XMargin = int((WindowWidth - CellSize * BoardWidth) / 2) YMargin = WindowHeight - (CellSize * BoardHeight) - 5 BorderColor = WHITE # 边框色 BackgroundColor = BLACK # 背景色 Colors = (BLUE, GREEN, RED, YELLOW, PURPLE, BROWN) ColorNames = ['BLUE', 'GREEN', 'RED', 'YELLOW', 'PURPLE', 'BROWN'] TemplateSize = 5 # 各类形状 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Blocks = [S, Z, J, L, I, O, T] # 尝试使用字典存储,但是一层层的嵌套太过凌乱,改用两个列表 BlocksNmae = ['S', 'Z', 'J', 'L', 'I', 'O', 'T'] def main(): global FpsClock, WIN, Font, BigFont pygame.init() FpsClock = pygame.time.Clock() WIN = pygame.display.set_mode((WindowWidth, WindowHeight)) Font = pygame.font.SysFont('arial', 16) BigFont = pygame.font.SysFont('arial', 50) while True: max = getRecord() print('now record is : {}'.format(max)) score = runGame() if score >= max: setRecord(score) print('you get the highest score : {}'.format(score)) showTextScreen('get highest score :{}'.format(score)) else: print('game over !') showTextScreen('Game Over') def runGame(): print('\n----------------------------------\ngame start !') startTime = time.time() board = getBlankBoard() # 初始化 board # 上次移动时间,用于控制移动频率 lastMoveDownTime = time.time() lastMOveSideTime = time.time() lastFallTime = time.time() # 各方向是否移动 movingDown = False movingLeft = False movingRight = False score = 0 level, fallFrequency = calcStatuse(score) fallingBlock = getNewBlock() nextBlock = getNewBlock() # 主循环 while True: # print(board) # 切换到下一个方块 if fallingBlock == None: fallingBlock = nextBlock nextBlock = getNewBlock() lastFallTime = time.time() # game over if not isValidPosition(board, fallingBlock): return score # 键盘事件处理 for event in pygame.event.get(): # 松开按键,不做移动 if event.type == KEYUP: # # 暂停 # if (event.key == K_p): # # WIN.fill(BackgroundColor) # # showTextScreen('Paused') # pause until a key press # print('game pause !') # lastFallTime = time.time() # lastMoveDownTime = time.time() # lastMOveSideTime = time.time() if (event.key == K_a): movingLeft = False elif (event.key == K_d): movingRight = False elif (event.key == K_s): movingDown = False elif event.type == KEYDOWN: # 退出游戏 if event.key == K_ESCAPE: pygame.quit() sys.exit() # 暂停游戏 elif event.key == K_p: showTextScreen('Pause ') print('game pause !') lastFallTime = time.time() lastMoveDownTime = time.time() lastMOveSideTime = time.time() # 左右移动 elif (event.key == K_a) and isValidPosition(board, fallingBlock, adjX=-1): fallingBlock['x'] -= 1 movingLeft = True movingRight = False lastMOveSideTime = time.time() elif (event.key == K_d) and isValidPosition(board, fallingBlock, adjX=1): fallingBlock['x'] += 1 movingRight = True movingLeft = False lastMOveSideTime = time.time() # 按 W 旋转 elif (event.key == K_w): fallingBlock['rotation'] = (fallingBlock['rotation'] + 1) % len(Blocks[fallingBlock['shape']]) if not isValidPosition(board, fallingBlock): fallingBlock['rotation'] = (fallingBlock['rotation'] - 1) % len(Blocks[fallingBlock['shape']]) # # 反向旋转 # elif (event.key == K_q): # rotate the other direction # fallingBlock['rotation'] = (fallingBlock['rotation'] - 1) % len(Blocks[fallingBlock['shape']]) # if not isValidPosition(board, fallingBlock): # fallingBlock['rotation'] = (fallingBlock['rotation'] + 1) % len( # Blocks[fallingBlock['shape']]) # 加速下降 elif (event.key == K_s): movingDown = True if isValidPosition(board, fallingBlock, adjY=1): fallingBlock['y'] += 1 lastMoveDownTime = time.time() elif event.key == K_SPACE: movingDown = False movingLeft = False movingRight = False for i in range(1, BoardHeight): if not isValidPosition(board, fallingBlock, adjY=i): break fallingBlock['y'] += i - 1 # 处理长按左右键 if (movingLeft or movingRight) and time.time() - lastMOveSideTime > MoveSideDuration: if movingLeft and isValidPosition(board, fallingBlock, adjX=-1): fallingBlock['x'] -= 1 elif movingRight and isValidPosition(board, fallingBlock, adjX=1): fallingBlock['x'] += 1 lastMOveSideTime = time.time() # 方块下落 if movingDown and time.time() - lastMoveDownTime > MoveDownDuration and isValidPosition(board, fallingBlock, adjY=1): fallingBlock['y'] += 1 lastMoveDownTime = time.time() if time.time() - lastFallTime > fallFrequency: # see if the block has landed if not isValidPosition(board, fallingBlock, adjY=1): addToBoard(board, fallingBlock) score += removeCompleteLines(board) level, fallFrequency = calcStatuse(score) fallingBlock = None else: fallingBlock['y'] += 1 lastFallTime = time.time() WIN.fill(BackgroundColor) drawBoard(board) drawStatus(score, level) drawNextBlock(nextBlock) if fallingBlock != None: drawBlock(fallingBlock) pygame.display.update() FpsClock.tick(Fps) # --------------------------------------------------主循环结束-------------------------------------------------------------# def makeTextObjs(text, font, color): surf = font.render(text, True, color) return surf, surf.get_rect() def terminate(): pygame.quit() sys.exit() def checkForKeyPress(): checkForQuit() for event in pygame.event.get([KEYDOWN, KEYUP]): if event.type == KEYDOWN: # print(event.key) continue return event.key return None # 暂停|| game over 显示提示 def showTextScreen(text): titleSurf, titleRect = makeTextObjs(text, BigFont, WHITE) titleRect.center = (int(WindowWidth / 2) - 3, int(WindowHeight / 2) - 3) WIN.blit(titleSurf, titleRect) pressKeySurf, pressKeyRect = makeTextObjs('Press a key to play.', Font, WHITE) pressKeyRect.center = (int(WindowWidth / 2), int(WindowHeight / 2) + 100) WIN.blit(pressKeySurf, pressKeyRect) while checkForKeyPress() == None: pygame.display.update() FpsClock.tick(1000) def checkForQuit(): for event in pygame.event.get(QUIT): terminate() for event in pygame.event.get(KEYUP): if event.key == K_ESCAPE: terminate() pygame.event.post(event) # 等级和下落频率 def calcStatuse(score): level = int(score / 5) + 1 fallFrequency = 0.3 - (level * 0.03) return level, fallFrequency # 生成一个新的 block def getNewBlock(): shapeNum = random.randint(0, len(Blocks) - 1) # 随机生成形状 colorNum = random.randint(0, len(Colors) - 1) # 随机颜色 newBlock = {'shape': shapeNum, 'rotation': random.randint(0, len(Blocks[shapeNum]) - 1), # 随机旋转状态 'x': int(BoardWidth / 2) - int(TemplateSize / 2), # 从中间生成 'y': -3, # 从屏幕上方生成 'color': colorNum } print('生成 {} 型方块,颜色:{}'.format(BlocksNmae[shapeNum], ColorNames[colorNum])) return newBlock def addToBoard(board, block): for x in range(TemplateSize): for y in range(TemplateSize): if Blocks[block['shape']][block['rotation']][y][x] != Blank: board[x + block['x']][y + block['y']] = block['color'] def getBlankBoard(): board = [] for i in range(BoardWidth): board.append([Blank] * BoardHeight) return board def isOnBoard(x, y): return x >= 0 and x < BoardWidth and y < BoardHeight def isValidPosition(board, block, adjX=0, adjY=0): for x in range(TemplateSize): for y in range(TemplateSize): isAboveBoard = y + block['y'] + adjY < 0 if isAboveBoard or Blocks[block['shape']][block['rotation']][y][x] == Blank: continue if not isOnBoard(x + block['x'] + adjX, y + block['y'] + adjY): return False if board[x + block['x'] + adjX][y + block['y'] + adjY] != Blank: return False return True def isCompleteLine(board, y): for x in range(BoardWidth): if board[x][y] == Blank: return False return True # 消去一行 def removeCompleteLines(board): numLinesRemoved = 0 y = BoardHeight - 1 # y从最底部开始向上扫 while y >= 0: if isCompleteLine(board, y): for pullDownY in range(y, 0, -1): for x in range(BoardWidth): board[x][pullDownY] = board[x][pullDownY - 1] for x in range(BoardWidth): board[x][0] = Blank numLinesRemoved += 1 else: y -= 1 return numLinesRemoved def convertToPixelCoords(boxx, boxy): return (XMargin + (boxx * CellSize)), (YMargin + (boxy * CellSize)) def drawBox(boxx, boxy, colorNum, pixelx=None, pixely=None): if colorNum == Blank: return if pixelx == None and pixely == None: pixelx, pixely = convertToPixelCoords(boxx, boxy) pygame.draw.rect(WIN, Colors[colorNum], (pixelx + 1, pixely + 1, CellSize - 1, CellSize - 1)) def drawBoard(board): # 画边框 pygame.draw.rect(WIN, BorderColor, (XMargin - 3, YMargin - 7, (BoardWidth * CellSize) + 8, (BoardHeight * CellSize) + 8), 5) pygame.draw.rect(WIN, BackgroundColor, (XMargin, YMargin, CellSize * BoardWidth, CellSize * BoardHeight)) for x in range(BoardWidth): for y in range(BoardHeight): drawBox(x, y, board[x][y]) # 写字 分数和等级 def drawStatus(score, level): # 得分 scoreSurf = Font.render('Score: {}'.format(score), True, WHITE) scoreRect = scoreSurf.get_rect() scoreRect.topleft = (WindowWidth - 150, 20) WIN.blit(scoreSurf, scoreRect) # 级别 levelSurf = Font.render('Level: {}'.format(level), True, WHITE) levelRect = levelSurf.get_rect() levelRect.topleft = (WindowWidth - 150, 50) WIN.blit(levelSurf, levelRect) # 历史最高分 recordSurf = Font.render('record: {}'.format(getRecord()), True, WHITE) recordRect = recordSurf.get_rect() recordRect.topleft = (WindowWidth - 150, 70) WIN.blit(recordSurf, recordRect) def drawBlock(block, pixelx=None, pixely=None): # 一个5x5 列表 ,元素 Blank 和 数字(代表颜色) shapeToDraw = Blocks[block['shape']][block['rotation']] if pixelx == None and pixely == None: pixelx, pixely = convertToPixelCoords(block['x'], block['y']) for x in range(TemplateSize): for y in range(TemplateSize): if shapeToDraw[y][x] != Blank: drawBox(None, None, block['color'], pixelx + (x * CellSize), pixely + (y * CellSize)) def drawNextBlock(block): nextSurf = Font.render('Next:', True, WHITE) nextRect = nextSurf.get_rect() nextRect.topleft = (WindowWidth - 150, 160) WIN.blit(nextSurf, nextRect) drawBlock(block, pixelx=WindowWidth - 150, pixely=200) # if __name__ == '__main__': # main() main()
''' 颜色 ''' WHITE = (255, 255, 255) GRAY = (185, 185, 185) BLACK = (0, 0, 0) RED = (155, 0, 0) GREEN = (0, 155, 0) BLUE = (0, 0, 155) YELLOW = (155, 155, 0) PURPLE = (160, 32, 240) BROWN = (139, 69, 19)
''' 七种类型 及其 各种旋转状态 ''' S = [['.....', '.....', '..OO.', '.OO..', '.....'], ['.....', '..O..', '..OO.', '...O.', '.....']] Z = [['.....', '.....', '.OO..', '..OO.', '.....'], ['.....', '..O..', '.OO..', '.O...', '.....']] I = [['..O..', '..O..', '..O..', '..O..', '.....'], ['.....', '.....', 'OOOO.', '.....', '.....']] O = [['.....', '.....', '.OO..', '.OO..', '.....']] J = [['.....', '.O...', '.OOO.', '.....', '.....'], ['.....', '..OO.', '..O..', '..O..', '.....'], ['.....', '.....', '.OOO.', '...O.', '.....'], ['.....', '..O..', '..O..', '.OO..', '.....']] L = [['.....', '...O.', '.OOO.', '.....', '.....'], ['.....', '..O..', '..O..', '..OO.', '.....'], ['.....', '.....', '.OOO.', '.O...', '.....'], ['.....', '.OO..', '..O..', '..O..', '.....']] T = [['.....', '..O..', '.OOO.', '.....', '.....'], ['.....', '..O..', '..OO.', '..O..', '.....'], ['.....', '.....', '.OOO.', '..O..', '.....'], ['.....', '..O..', '.OO..', '..O..', '.....']]
import json ''' 处理历史最高记录 ''' def getRecord(): with open('record.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) return data['score'] def setRecord(score): data={'score':score } with open('record.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(data,f)
{"score": 10}
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