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kafka producer 异常处理_got error produce response in correla tion id 5017

got error produce response in correla tion id 5017324 on topic-partition bos

1 重试

if (error != Errors.NONE && canRetry(batch, error)) {
            // retry
            log.warn("Got error produce response with correlation id {} on topic-partition {}, retrying ({} attempts left). Error: {}",
                     this.retries - batch.attempts - 1,
            //重新把发送失败等着批次 加入到队列里面。
            this.accumulator.reenqueue(batch, now);
            this.sensors.recordRetries(batch.topicPartition.topic(), batch.recordCount);
        } else {

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2 超时

Sender.run. this.accumulator.abortExpiredBatches
    public List<RecordBatch> abortExpiredBatches(int requestTimeout, long now) {
        List<RecordBatch> expiredBatches = new ArrayList<>();
        int count = 0;
        for (Map.Entry<TopicPartition, Deque<RecordBatch>> entry : this.batches.entrySet()) {
            //获取到每个分区的队列 -》 队列里面对应的批次
            Deque<RecordBatch> dq = entry.getValue();
            TopicPartition tp = entry.getKey();
            // We only check if the batch should be expired if the partition does not have a batch in flight.
            // This is to prevent later batches from being expired while an earlier batch is still in progress.
            // Note that `muted` is only ever populated if `max.in.flight.request.per.connection=1` so this protection
            // is only active in this case. Otherwise the expiration order is not guaranteed.
            if (!muted.contains(tp)) {
                synchronized (dq) {
                    // iterate over the batches and expire them if they have been in the accumulator for more than requestTimeOut
                    RecordBatch lastBatch = dq.peekLast();
                    Iterator<RecordBatch> batchIterator = dq.iterator();
                    while (batchIterator.hasNext()) {
                        RecordBatch batch = batchIterator.next();
                        boolean isFull = batch != lastBatch || batch.records.isFull();
                        // check if the batch is expired
                        //TODO 判断一下是否超时
                        if (batch.maybeExpire(requestTimeout, retryBackoffMs, now, this.lingerMs, isFull)) {
                        } else {
                            // Stop at the first batch that has not expired.
        if (!expiredBatches.isEmpty())
            log.trace("Expired {} batches in accumulator", count);

        return expiredBatches;

    public boolean maybeExpire(int requestTimeoutMs, long retryBackoffMs, long now, long lingerMs, boolean isFull) {
        boolean expire = false;
        String errorMessage = null;
         * requestTimeoutMs:代表的是请求发送的超时的时间。默认值是30.
         * now:当前时间
         * lastAppendTime:批次的创建的时间(上一次重试的时间)
         * now - this.lastAppendTime 大于30秒,说明批次超时了 还没发送出去。
        if (!this.inRetry() && isFull && requestTimeoutMs < (now - this.lastAppendTime)) {
            expire = true;
            errorMessage = (now - this.lastAppendTime) + " ms has passed since last append";
             * lingerMs: 100ms,无论如何都要把消息发送出去的时间
             * createdMs:批次创建的时间
             * 已经大于30秒了。 说明也是超时了。
        } else if (!this.inRetry() && requestTimeoutMs < (now - (this.createdMs + lingerMs))) {
            expire = true;
            errorMessage = (now - (this.createdMs + lingerMs)) + " ms has passed since batch creation plus linger time";
             * 针对重试
             * lastAttemptMs: 上一次重试的时间(批次创建的时间)
             * retryBackoffMs: 重试的时间间隔
             * 说明也是超时了。
        } else if (this.inRetry() && requestTimeoutMs < (now - (this.lastAttemptMs + retryBackoffMs))) {
            expire = true;
            errorMessage = (now - (this.lastAttemptMs + retryBackoffMs)) + " ms has passed since last attempt plus backoff time";

        if (expire) {
            //TODO 处理超时的批次
            this.done(-1L, Record.NO_TIMESTAMP,
                      new TimeoutException("Expiring " + recordCount + " record(s) for " + topicPartition + " due to " + errorMessage));

        return expire;

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3 长时间没有响应的消息处理

    private void handleTimedOutRequests(List<ClientResponse> responses, long now) {
        List<String> nodeIds = this.inFlightRequests.getNodesWithTimedOutRequests(now, this.requestTimeoutMs);
        for (String nodeId : nodeIds) {
            // close connection to the node
            log.debug("Disconnecting from node {} due to request timeout.", nodeId);
            //我们猜应该是会去修改 连接的状态
            processDisconnection(responses, nodeId, now);

        // we disconnected, so we should probably refresh our metadata
        if (nodeIds.size() > 0)
    private void processDisconnection(List<ClientResponse> responses, String nodeId, long now) {
        connectionStates.disconnected(nodeId, now);
        for (ClientRequest request : this.inFlightRequests.clearAll(nodeId)) {
            log.trace("Cancelled request {} due to node {} being disconnected", request, nodeId);
            if (!metadataUpdater.maybeHandleDisconnection(request))
                responses.add(new ClientResponse(request, now, true, null));
    public void disconnected(String id, long now) {
        NodeConnectionState nodeState = nodeState(id);
        //sender -> 检查网络是否可以举报发送消息的条件 -> 是否可以尝试建立网络连接。
        //最后调用networkclient的poll方法(Selector 去完成的最后的网络连接)
        nodeState.state = ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED;
        nodeState.lastConnectAttemptMs = now;
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