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private String currentBlockHash;


  • 构造函数

  • @param currentBlockHash


public BlockchainIterator(String currentBlockHash) {

this.currentBlockHash = currentBlockHash;



  • 判断是否有下一个区块

  • @return


public boolean hashNext() {

if (ByteUtils.ZERO_HASH.equals(currentBlockHash)) {

return false;


Block lastBlock = RocksDBUtils.getInstance().getBlock(currentBlockHash);

if (lastBlock == null) {

return false;


// 如果是创世区块

if (ByteUtils.ZERO_HASH.equals(lastBlock.getPrevBlockHash())) {

return true;


return RocksDBUtils.getInstance().getBlock(lastBlock.getPrevBlockHash()) != null;



  • 迭代获取区块

  • @return


public Block next() {

Block currentBlock = RocksDBUtils.getInstance().getBlock(currentBlockHash);

if (currentBlock != null) {

this.currentBlockHash = currentBlock.getPrevBlockHash();

return currentBlock;


return null;




  • 添加方法,用于获取迭代器实例

  • @return


public BlockchainIterator getBlockchainIterator() {

return new BlockchainIterator(lastBlockHash);



  • 打包交易,进行挖矿

  • @param transactions


public void mineBlock(List transactions) throws Exception {

String lastBlockHash = RocksDBUtils.getInstance().getLastBlockHash();

Block lastBlock = RocksDBUtils.getInstance().getBlock(lastBlockHash);

if (lastBlockHash == null) {

throw new Exception("ERROR: Fail to get last block hash ! ");


Block block = Block.newBlock(lastBlockHash, transactions,lastBlock.getHeight()+1);




  • 从交易输入中查询区块链中所有已被花费了的交易输出

  • @param address 钱包地址

  • @return 交易ID以及对应的交易输出下标地址

  • @throws Exception


private Map<String, int[]> getAllSpentTXOs(String address) {

// 定义TxId ——> spentOutIndex[],存储交易ID与已被花费的交易输出数组索引值

Map<String, int[]> spentTXOs = new HashMap<>();

for (BlockchainIterator blockchainIterator = this.getBlockchainIterator(); blockchainIterator.hashNext(); ) {

Block block = blockchainIterator.next();

for (Transaction transaction : block.getTransactions()) {

// 如果是 coinbase 交易,直接跳过,因为它不存在引用前一个区块的交易输出

if (transaction.isCoinbase()) {



for (TXInput txInput : transaction.getInputs()) {

if (txInput.canUnlockOutputWith(address)) {

String inTxId = Hex.encodeHexString(txInput.getTxId());

int[] spentOutIndexArray = spentTXOs.get(inTxId);

if (spentOutIndexArray == null) {

spentTXOs.put(inTxId, new int[]{txInput.getTxOutputIndex()});

} else {

spentOutIndexArray = ArrayUtils.add(spentOutIndexArray, txInput.getTxOutputIndex());

spentTXOs.put(inTxId, spentOutIndexArray);






return spentTXOs;



  • 查找钱包地址对应的所有未花费的交易

  • @param address 钱包地址

  • @return


private Transaction[] findUnspentTransactions(String address) throws Exception {

Map<String, int[]> allSpentTXOs = this.getAllSpentTXOs(address);

Transaction[] unspentTxs = {};

// 再次遍历所有区块中的交易输出

for (BlockchainIterator blockchainIterator = this.getBlockchainIterator(); blockchainIterator.hashNext(); ) {

Block block = blockchainIterator.next();

for (Transaction transaction : block.getTransactions()) {

String txId = Hex.encodeHexString(transaction.getTxId());

int[] spentOutIndexArray = allSpentTXOs.get(txId);

for (int outIndex = 0; outIndex < transaction.getOutputs().length; outIndex++) {

if (spentOutIndexArray != null && ArrayUtils.contains(spentOutIndexArray, outIndex)) {



// 保存不存在 allSpentTXOs 中的交易

if (transaction.getOutputs()[outIndex].canBeUnlockedWith(address)) {

unspentTxs = ArrayUtils.add(unspentTxs, transaction);





return unspentTxs;



  • 查找钱包地址对应的所有UTXO

  • @param address 钱包地址

  • @return


public TXOutput[] findUTXO(String address) throws Exception {

Transaction[] unspentTxs = this.findUnspentTransactions(address);

TXOutput[] utxos = {};

if (unspentTxs == null || unspentTxs.length == 0) {

return utxos;


for (Transaction tx : unspentTxs) {

for (TXOutput txOutput : tx.getOutputs()) {

if (txOutput.canBeUnlockedWith(address)) {

utxos = ArrayUtils.add(utxos, txOutput);




return utxos;



  • 寻找能够花费的交易

  • @param address 钱包地址

  • @param amount 花费金额


public SpendableOutputResult findSpendableOutputs(String address, int amount) throws Exception {

Transaction[] unspentTXs = this.findUnspentTransactions(address);

int accumulated = 0;

Map<String, int[]> unspentOuts = new HashMap<>();

for (Transaction tx : unspentTXs) {

String txId = Hex.encodeHexString(tx.getTxId());

for (int outId = 0; outId < tx.getOutputs().length; outId++) {

TXOutput txOutput = tx.getOutputs()[outId];

if (txOutput.canBeUnlockedWith(address) && accumulated < amount) {

accumulated += txOutput.getValue();

int[] outIds = unspentOuts.get(txId);

if (outIds == null) {

outIds = new int[]{outId};

} else {

outIds = ArrayUtils.add(outIds, outId);


unspentOuts.put(txId, outIds);

if (accumulated >= amount) {






return new SpendableOutputResult(accumulated, unspentOuts);



  • 从 DB 从恢复区块链数据

  • @return

  • @throws Exception


public static Blockchain initBlockchainFromDB() throws Exception {

String lastBlockHash = RocksDBUtils.getInstance().getLastBlockHash();

if (lastBlockHash == null) {

throw new Exception("ERROR: Fail to init blockchain from db. ");


return new Blockchain(lastBlockHash);






package com.example.blockchain;

import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

import java.math.BigInteger;

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;

import lombok.Data;


  • 工作量证明

  • @author hanru




public class ProofOfWork {


  • 难度目标位

  • 0000 0000 0000 0000 1001 0001 0000 … 0001

  • 256位Hash里面前面至少有16个零


public static final int TARGET_BITS = 16;


  • 要验证的区块


private Block block;


  • 难度目标值


private BigInteger target;


  • 创建新的工作量证明对象

  • 对1进行移位运算,将1向左移动 (256 - TARGET_BITS) 位,得到我们的难度目标值

  • @param block

  • @return


public static ProofOfWork newProofOfWork(Block block) {





以8 bit为例

0000 0001

0010 0000



BigInteger targetValue = BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft((256 - TARGET_BITS));

return new ProofOfWork(block, targetValue);



  • 运行工作量证明,开始挖矿,找到小于难度目标值的Hash

  • @return


public PowResult run() {

long nonce = 0;

String shaHex = “”;

// System.out.printf(“开始进行挖矿:%s \n”, this.getBlock().getData());

System.out.printf(“开始进行挖矿: \n”);

long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

while (nonce < Long.MAX_VALUE) {

byte[] data = this.prepareData(nonce);

shaHex = DigestUtils.sha256Hex(data);

System.out.printf(“\r%d: %s”,nonce,shaHex);

if (new BigInteger(shaHex, 16).compareTo(this.target) == -1) {


System.out.printf(“耗时 Time: %s seconds \n”, (float) (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000);

System.out.printf(“当前区块Hash: %s \n\n”, shaHex);


} else {




return new PowResult(nonce, shaHex);



  • 根据block的数据,以及nonce,生成一个byte数组

  • 注意:在准备区块数据时,一定要从原始数据类型转化为byte[],不能直接从字符串进行转换

  • @param nonce

  • @return


private byte[] prepareData(long nonce) {

byte[] prevBlockHashBytes = {};

if (StringUtils.isNoneBlank(this.getBlock().getPrevBlockHash())) {

prevBlockHashBytes = new BigInteger(this.getBlock().getPrevBlockHash(), 16).toByteArray();


return ByteUtils.merge(


// this.getBlock().getData().getBytes(),








  • 验证区块是否有效

  • @return


public boolean validate() {

byte[] data = this.prepareData(this.getBlock().getNonce());

return new BigInteger(DigestUtils.sha256Hex(data), 16).compareTo(this.target) == -1;




package com.example.blockchain;

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;

import lombok.Data;

import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;




public class TXInput {


  • txId是前一次交易的ID


private byte[] txId;


  • 交易输出索引


private int txOutputIndex;


  • 解锁脚本


private String scriptSig;


  • 判断解锁数据是否能够解锁交易输出

  • @param unlockingData

  • @return


public boolean canUnlockOutputWith(String unlockingData) {

return this.getScriptSig().endsWith(unlockingData);




package com.example.blockchain;

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;

import lombok.Data;

import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;


  • @author hanru





public class TXOutput {


  • 数值金额


private int value;


  • 锁定脚本


private String scriptPubKey;


  • 判断解锁数据是否能够解锁交易输出

  • @param unlockingData

  • @return


public boolean canBeUnlockedWith(String unlockingData) {

return this.getScriptPubKey().endsWith(unlockingData);



创建 Transaction.java

package com.example.blockchain;

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;

import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

import java.util.Iterator;

import java.util.Map;

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;

import lombok.Data;

import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;




public class Transaction {

private static final int SUBSIDY = 10;


  • 交易的Hash


private byte[] txId;


  • 交易输入


private TXInput[] inputs;


  • 交易输出


private TXOutput[] outputs;


  • 设置交易ID


private void setTxId() {




  • 创建CoinBase交易

  • @param to 收账的钱包地址

  • @param data 解锁脚本数据

  • @return


public static Transaction newCoinbaseTX(String to, String data) {

if (StringUtils.isBlank(data)) {

data = String.format(“Reward to ‘%s’”, to);


// 创建交易输入

TXInput txInput = new TXInput(new byte[]{}, -1, data);

// 创建交易输出

TXOutput txOutput = new TXOutput(SUBSIDY, to);

// 创建交易

Transaction tx = new Transaction(null, new TXInput[]{txInput}, new TXOutput[]{txOutput});

// 设置交易ID


return tx;



  • 从 from 向 to 支付一定的 amount 的金额

  • @param from 支付钱包地址

  • @param to 收款钱包地址

  • @param amount 交易金额

  • @param blockchain 区块链

  • @return


public static Transaction newUTXOTransaction(String from, String to, int amount, Blockchain blockchain) throws Exception {

SpendableOutputResult result = blockchain.findSpendableOutputs(from, amount);

int accumulated = result.getAccumulated();

Map<String, int[]> unspentOuts = result.getUnspentOuts();

if (accumulated < amount) {

throw new Exception(“ERROR: Not enough funds”);


Iterator<Map.Entry<String, int[]>> iterator = unspentOuts.entrySet().iterator();

TXInput[] txInputs = {};

while (iterator.hasNext()) {

Map.Entry<String, int[]> entry = iterator.next();

String txIdStr = entry.getKey();

int[] outIdxs = entry.getValue();

byte[] txId = Hex.decodeHex(txIdStr.toCharArray());

for (int outIndex : outIdxs) {

txInputs = ArrayUtils.add(txInputs, new TXInput(txId, outIndex, from));



TXOutput[] txOutput = {};

txOutput = ArrayUtils.add(txOutput, new TXOutput(amount, to));

if (accumulated > amount) {

txOutput = ArrayUtils.add(txOutput, new TXOutput((accumulated - amount), from));


Transaction newTx = new Transaction(null, txInputs, txOutput);


return newTx;



  • 是否为 Coinbase 交易

  • @return


public boolean isCoinbase() {

return this.getInputs().length == 1

&& this.getInputs()[0].getTxId().length == 0

&& this.getInputs()[0].getTxOutputIndex() == -1;





package com.example.blockchain;

import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo;

import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.io.Input;

import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.io.Output;


  • 序列化工具类


public class SerializeUtils {


  • 序列化

  • @param object 需要序列化的对象

  • @return


public static byte[] serialize(Object object) {

Output output = new Output(4096, -1);

new Kryo().writeClassAndObject(output, object);

byte[] bytes = output.toBytes();


return bytes;



  • 反序列化

  • @param bytes 对象对应的字节数组

  • @return


public static Object deserialize(byte[] bytes) {

Input input = new Input(bytes);

Object obj = new Kryo().readClassAndObject(input);


return obj;




package com.example.blockchain;

import org.rocksdb.RocksDB;

import org.rocksdb.RocksDBException;

import java.util.HashMap;

import java.util.Map;


  • 数据库存储的工具类


public class RocksDBUtils {


  • 区块链数据文件


private static final String DB_FILE = “blockchain.db”;


  • 区块桶前缀


private static final String BLOCKS_BUCKET_KEY = “blocks”;


  • 最新一个区块的hash


private static final String LAST_BLOCK_KEY = “l”;

private volatile static RocksDBUtils instance;


  • 获取RocksDBUtils的单例

  • @return


public static RocksDBUtils getInstance() {

if (instance == null) {

synchronized (RocksDBUtils.class) {

if (instance == null) {

instance = new RocksDBUtils();




return instance;


private RocksDBUtils() {




private RocksDB db;


  • block buckets


private Map<String, byte[]> blocksBucket;


  • 打开数据库


private void openDB() {

try {

db = RocksDB.open(DB_FILE);

} catch (RocksDBException e) {

throw new RuntimeException("打开数据库失败。。 ! ", e);




  • 初始化 blocks 数据桶


private void initBlockBucket() {

try {


byte[] blockBucketKey = SerializeUtils.serialize(BLOCKS_BUCKET_KEY);

byte[] blockBucketBytes = db.get(blockBucketKey);

if (blockBucketBytes != null) {

blocksBucket = (Map) SerializeUtils.deserialize(blockBucketBytes);

} else {

blocksBucket = new HashMap<>();

db.put(blockBucketKey, SerializeUtils.serialize(blocksBucket));


} catch (RocksDBException e) {

throw new RuntimeException("初始化block的bucket失败。。! ", e);




  • 保存区块

  • @param block


public void putBlock(Block block) {

try {

blocksBucket.put(block.getHash(), SerializeUtils.serialize(block));

db.put(SerializeUtils.serialize(BLOCKS_BUCKET_KEY), SerializeUtils.serialize(blocksBucket));

} catch (RocksDBException e) {

throw new RuntimeException("存储区块失败。。 ", e);




  • 查询区块

  • @param blockHash

  • @return


public Block getBlock(String blockHash) {

return (Block) SerializeUtils.deserialize(blocksBucket.get(blockHash));



  • 保存最新一个区块的Hash值

  • @param tipBlockHash


public void putLastBlockHash(String tipBlockHash) {

try {

blocksBucket.put(LAST_BLOCK_KEY, SerializeUtils.serialize(tipBlockHash));

db.put(SerializeUtils.serialize(BLOCKS_BUCKET_KEY), SerializeUtils.serialize(blocksBucket));

} catch (RocksDBException e) {

throw new RuntimeException("数据库存储最新区块hash失败。。 ", e);




  • 查询最新一个区块的Hash值

  • @return


public String getLastBlockHash() {

byte[] lastBlockHashBytes = blocksBucket.get(LAST_BLOCK_KEY);

if (lastBlockHashBytes != null) {

return (String) SerializeUtils.deserialize(lastBlockHashBytes);


return “”;



  • 关闭数据库


public void closeDB() {

try {


} catch (Exception e) {

throw new RuntimeException("关闭数据库失败。。 ", e);





package com.example.blockchain;

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Date;

import java.util.List;

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {


String address = “test”;

// 查询

Blockchain blockchain = Blockchain.createBlockchain(address);

TXOutput[] txOutputs = blockchain.findUTXO(address);

int balance = 0;

if (txOutputs != null && txOutputs.length > 0) {

for (TXOutput txOutput : txOutputs) {

balance += txOutput.getValue();



System.out.printf(“Balance of ‘%s’: %d\n”, address, balance);




腾讯、字节跳动、阿里、百度等BAT大厂 2019-2021面试真题解析




public String getLastBlockHash() {

byte[] lastBlockHashBytes = blocksBucket.get(LAST_BLOCK_KEY);

if (lastBlockHashBytes != null) {

return (String) SerializeUtils.deserialize(lastBlockHashBytes);


return “”;



  • 关闭数据库


public void closeDB() {

try {


} catch (Exception e) {

throw new RuntimeException("关闭数据库失败。。 ", e);





package com.example.blockchain;

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Date;

import java.util.List;

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {


String address = “test”;

// 查询

Blockchain blockchain = Blockchain.createBlockchain(address);

TXOutput[] txOutputs = blockchain.findUTXO(address);

int balance = 0;

if (txOutputs != null && txOutputs.length > 0) {

for (TXOutput txOutput : txOutputs) {

balance += txOutput.getValue();



System.out.printf(“Balance of ‘%s’: %d\n”, address, balance);





腾讯、字节跳动、阿里、百度等BAT大厂 2019-2021面试真题解析




