Here you will get an introduction to artificial intelligence.
First of all let us quickly recall what we have learnt in previous blog posts to get an idea of what we already have covered and shouldn’t invest time on. So far, we’ve learnt about Machine Learning concepts, the algorithms, packages and IDEs etc. Now when we are quite familiar about the term Machine Learning, it is time to explore further in the domain. It is time to understand what Artificial Intelligence is? Many people use Machine Learning and AI interchangeably and think both of them as the same. But the fact is they are not the same as inferred by majority. Come let’s understand how these two terms (ML and AI) are not the same.
首先,让我们快速回顾一下以前在博客文章中学到的内容,以了解我们已经介绍的内容,不应浪费时间。 到目前为止,我们已经了解了机器学习的概念,算法,包和IDE等。现在,当我们对机器学习一词非常熟悉时,就该在该领域进行进一步的探索了。 是时候了解什么是人工智能了? 许多人互换使用机器学习和AI,并认为两者是相同的。 但事实是,它们与多数人推论的并不相同。 快来让我们了解一下这两个术语(ML和AI)是如何不同的。
As we can see in the image above it is quite clear that we see AI and ML differently instead a single domain. In other words “ML is a subset of AI.”
正如我们在上图中所看到的,很明显,我们看到AI和ML的方式有所不同,而不是单个域。 换句话说,“ ML是AI的子集。”
Artificial Intelligence can be thought of as a broader term in which a machine is expected to behave humanly. Whereas on the other hand as we are already aware that in ML we train our machine providing to do a specific task by providing it some data.
人工智能可以被认为是广义的术语,指的是机器会表现出人类的行为。 另一方面,正如我们已经知道的那样,在ML中,我们通过提供一些数据来训练提供特定任务的机器。
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