人脸识别按钮和门锁 433m红外接收模块
摄像头 火焰报警和雨滴传感器
手机端实时显示环境状态 手机端通过指令控制家电 网页实时视频监控
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<string.h>
- #include<stdlib.h>
- #include<pthread.h>
- #include<unistd.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/socket.h>
- #include <arpa/inet.h>
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include <curl/curl.h>
- #include"InputCommand.h"
- #include"contrlDevices.h"
- //为了线程里能调到链表头,要把这两个表头设置为全局变量
- struct Devices *pdeviceHead = NULL;
- struct InputCommander *pCommandHead = NULL;
- struct InputCommander *socketHandler = NULL;
- int c_fd;
- //定义互斥量(锁)
- pthread_mutex_t mutex;
- typedef unsigned char uint8;
- typedef unsigned int uint16;
- typedef unsigned long uint32;
- #define HIGH_TIME 32
- pthread_t writeThread;
- pthread_t voiceThread;
- pthread_t socketThread;
- pthread_t fireThread;
- pthread_t DHT11Thread;
- pthread_t readThread;
- pthread_t shakeThread;
- pthread_t windowThread;
- pthread_t keyThread;
- pthread_t cameraThread;
- pthread_t remoteThread;
- int tmp = 0;//设置火灾和振动的标志位
- int wintmp1 = 0;
- int wintmp2 = 0;
- #define key 6 //拍照按键
- char Message[4][100] = {"未启用!", "未启用!", "未启用!", "未启用!"};
- int write_flag = 0; //标记位,标记通知线程是否打开 1:打开 0:关闭
- int a = 0;
- int b = 0;
- extern uint32 databuf;
- struct Devices* findDeviceByName(char *name, struct Devices *phead)
- {
- struct Devices *tmp = phead;
- if(phead == NULL){
- return NULL;
- }else{
- while(tmp != NULL){
- if(strcmp(tmp->deviceName, name) == 0){
- return tmp;
- }
- tmp = tmp->next;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- struct InputCommander* findCommandByName(char *name, struct InputCommander *phead)
- {
- struct InputCommander *tmp = phead;
- if(phead == NULL){
- return NULL;
- }else{
- while(tmp != NULL){
- if(strcmp(tmp->commandName, name) == 0){
- return tmp;
- }
- tmp = tmp->next;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- void *window_thread(void *datas)
- {
- struct Devices *windowDeviceTmp = NULL;
- windowDeviceTmp = findDeviceByName("window", pdeviceHead);
- if(windowDeviceTmp == NULL)
- {
- printf("find window error\n");
- pthread_exit(NULL);
- }
- windowDeviceTmp->deviceInit(windowDeviceTmp->pinNum);
- while(1){
- if(digitalRead(5) == 0){ //没雨 开窗 5引脚就是检测是否有雨水
- sleep(1);
- b = 1;
- if(a != 0){
- windowDeviceTmp->open(windowDeviceTmp->pinNum);//正转 开窗
- sleep(5);
- windowDeviceTmp->deviceInit(windowDeviceTmp->pinNum);//停
- while(digitalRead(5) == 0);
- }
- }
- else if(digitalRead(5) == 1){
- sleep(1);
- a = 1;
- if(b != 0){
- windowDeviceTmp->close(windowDeviceTmp->pinNum);//反转 关窗
- sleep(5);
- windowDeviceTmp->deviceInit(windowDeviceTmp->pinNum);//停
- while(digitalRead(5) == 1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void *shake_thread(void *datas) //震动线程
- {
- int tmp1 = 0;
- struct Devices *shakeDeviceTmp = NULL;
- struct Devices *shakebuzzerDeviceTmp = NULL;
- shakeDeviceTmp = findDeviceByName("shake", pdeviceHead); //在设备工厂找到震动模块和震动蜂鸣器
- shakebuzzerDeviceTmp = findDeviceByName("shakebuzzer", pdeviceHead);
- if((shakeDeviceTmp == NULL)&&(shakebuzzerDeviceTmp == NULL))
- {
- printf("find shake or shakebuzzer error\n");
- pthread_exit(NULL);
- }
- shakeDeviceTmp->deviceInit(shakeDeviceTmp->pinNum); //震动初始化
- shakebuzzerDeviceTmp->deviceInit(shakebuzzerDeviceTmp->pinNum);//蜂鸣器初始化
- while(1)
- {
- //tmp = 1;
- if(digitalRead(26) == 1)
- {
- shakebuzzerDeviceTmp->open(shakebuzzerDeviceTmp->pinNum); //开震动蜂鸣器
- delay(3);
- shakebuzzerDeviceTmp->close(shakebuzzerDeviceTmp->pinNum);
- memset(Message[3], 0, sizeof Message[3]); //清空数组
- sprintf(Message[3], "无震动 "); //更新震动信息
- }
- else
- {
- memset(Message[3], 0, sizeof Message[3]); //清空数组
- sprintf(Message[3], "有震动! ");
- shakebuzzerDeviceTmp->close(shakebuzzerDeviceTmp->pinNum); //关震动蜂鸣器
- }
- }
- }
- void *fire_thread(void *datas) //火灾线程
- {
- struct Devices *fireDeviceTmp = NULL;
- struct Devices *buzzerDeviceTmp = NULL;
- fireDeviceTmp = findDeviceByName("fireIfOrNot", pdeviceHead); //在设备工厂找到火焰模块和火焰蜂鸣器
- buzzerDeviceTmp = findDeviceByName("buzzer", pdeviceHead);
- if((fireDeviceTmp == NULL)&&(buzzerDeviceTmp == NULL))
- {
- printf("find fire or buzzer error\n");
- pthread_exit(NULL);
- }
- fireDeviceTmp->deviceInit(fireDeviceTmp->pinNum); //火灾模块初始化
- buzzerDeviceTmp->deviceInit(buzzerDeviceTmp->pinNum);//蜂鸣器初始化
- while(1)
- {
- if(digitalRead(25) == 1)
- {
- buzzerDeviceTmp->open(buzzerDeviceTmp->pinNum); //开火灾蜂鸣器
- memset(Message[2], 0, sizeof Message[2]); //清空数组
- sprintf(Message[2], "无火灾"); //更新火灾信息
- }
- else
- {
- buzzerDeviceTmp->close(buzzerDeviceTmp->pinNum); //关火灾蜂鸣器
- memset(Message[2], 0, sizeof Message[2]); //清空数组
- sprintf(Message[2], "有火灾! ");
- tmp = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- void *voice_thread(void* datas)//语音线程
- {
- struct InputCommander *voiceHandler;
- struct Devices *deviceTmp = NULL;
- int nread;
- voiceHandler = findCommandByName("voice", pCommandHead);//找语音节点
- if(voiceHandler == NULL)
- {
- printf("find voice error\n");
- pthread_exit(NULL);
- }
- else
- { //找到了
- if(voiceHandler->Init(voiceHandler, NULL, NULL) < 0)
- { //先初始化
- printf("voice init error\n");
- pthread_exit(NULL);//退出线程
- }
- else
- {
- printf("%s init success\n",voiceHandler->commandName);
- }
- pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); //加锁
- //语音读取一级指令的时候,为了避免其它线程对于 紧接着读取二级指令的干扰
- while(1)
- { //读数据
- memset(voiceHandler->command, '\0', sizeof(voiceHandler->command));
- nread = voiceHandler->getCommand(voiceHandler);//获取语音模块发来的数据
- printf("get voice command:%s\n", voiceHandler->command);
- if(nread == 0)
- {
- printf("nodata from voice\n");
- }
- else if(strstr(voiceHandler->command, "kycd") != NULL) //1如果收到数据
- {
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("livingRoomLight",pdeviceHead);//通过名子找到节点
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum);//开泳池灯
- }
- else if(strstr(voiceHandler->command, "gycd") != NULL)
- {
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("livingRoomLight",pdeviceHead);//通过名子找到节点
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum);//关泳池灯
- }
- else if(strstr(voiceHandler->command, "kwsd") != NULL) //
- {
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("upstairLight",pdeviceHead);//通过名子找到节点
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum);//开卧室灯
- }
- else if(strstr(voiceHandler->command, "gwsd") != NULL)
- {
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("upstairLight",pdeviceHead);//通过名子找到节点
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum);//关卧室灯
- }
- else if(strstr(voiceHandler->command, "kysd") != NULL)
- {
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("bathroomLight",pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum);//开浴室灯
- }
- else if(strstr(voiceHandler->command, "gysd") != NULL)
- {
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("bathroomLight",pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum);//关浴室灯
- }
- else if(strstr(voiceHandler->command, "kcfd") != NULL)
- {
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("restauranLight",pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum);//开厨房灯
- }
- else if(strstr(voiceHandler->command, "gcfd") != NULL)
- {
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("restauranLight",pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum);//关厨房灯
- }
- else if(strstr(voiceHandler->command, "kfs") != NULL) //开风扇
- {
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("fan",pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum);
- }
- else if(strstr(voiceHandler->command, "gfs") != NULL) //关风扇
- {
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("fan",pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum);
- }
- else if(strstr(voiceHandler->command, "quankai") != NULL)
- {
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("livingRoomLight",pdeviceHead);//通过名子找到节点
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum);//开泳池灯
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("upstairLight",pdeviceHead);//通过名子找到节点
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum);//开卧室灯
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("bathroomLight",pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum);//开浴室灯
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("restauranLight",pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum);//开厨房灯
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("fan",pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum);//开风扇
- }
- else if(strstr(voiceHandler->command, "quanguan") != NULL) //如果收到数据
- {
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("livingRoomLight",pdeviceHead);//通过名子找到节点
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum);//关泳池灯
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("upstairLight",pdeviceHead);//通过名子找到节点
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum);//关卧室灯
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("bathroomLight",pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum);//关浴室灯
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("restauranLight",pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum);//关厨房灯
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("fan",pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum);//关风扇
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void *read_thread(void *datas)
- {
- int n_read;
- struct Devices *deviceTmp = NULL;
- while(1)
- {
- memset(socketHandler->command, '\0', sizeof(socketHandler->command));
- n_read = read(c_fd, socketHandler->command, sizeof(socketHandler->command));//客户端发来的数据存到 socketHandler->command
- if(n_read == -1){
- perror("read");
- }
- else if(n_read > 0){
- printf("\nget: %d,%s\n",n_read,socketHandler->command);//打印客户端发来的数据
- //if (strstr(socketHandler->command, "kwsd") != NULL)
- if(strstr(socketHandler->command, "kycd") != NULL) //1如果收到数据
- {
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("livingRoomLight",pdeviceHead);//通过名子找到节点
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum);//开泳池灯
- }
- else if(strstr(socketHandler->command, "gycd") != NULL)
- {
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("livingRoomLight",pdeviceHead);//通过名子找到节点
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum);//关泳池灯
- }
- else if(strstr(socketHandler->command, "kwsd") != NULL) //
- {
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("upstairLight",pdeviceHead);//通过名子找到节点
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum);//开卧室灯
- }
- else if(strstr(socketHandler->command, "gwsd") != NULL)
- {
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("upstairLight",pdeviceHead);//通过名子找到节点
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum);//关卧室灯
- }
- else if(strstr(socketHandler->command, "kysd") != NULL)
- {
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("bathroomLight",pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum);//开浴室灯
- }
- else if(strstr(socketHandler->command, "gysd") != NULL)
- {
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("bathroomLight",pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum);//关浴室灯
- }
- else if(strstr(socketHandler->command, "kcfd") != NULL)
- {
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("restauranLight",pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum);//开厨房灯
- }
- else if(strstr(socketHandler->command, "gcfd") != NULL)
- {
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("restauranLight",pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum);//关厨房灯
- }
- else if(strstr(socketHandler->command, "kfs") != NULL) //开风扇
- {
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("fan",pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum);
- }
- else if(strstr(socketHandler->command, "gfs") != NULL) //关风扇
- {
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("fan",pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum);
- }
- else if(strstr(socketHandler->command, "quankai") != NULL)
- {
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("livingRoomLight",pdeviceHead);//通过名子找到节点
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum);//开泳池灯
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("upstairLight",pdeviceHead);//通过名子找到节点
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum);//开卧室灯
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("bathroomLight",pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum);//开浴室灯
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("restauranLight",pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum);//开厨房灯
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("fan",pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum);//开风扇
- }
- else if(strstr(socketHandler->command, "quanguan") != NULL) //如果收到数据
- {
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("livingRoomLight",pdeviceHead);//通过名子找到节点
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum);//关泳池灯
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("upstairLight",pdeviceHead);//通过名子找到节点
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum);//关卧室灯
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("bathroomLight",pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum);//关浴室灯
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("restauranLight",pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum);//关厨房灯
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("fan",pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);//初始化
- deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum);//关风扇
- }
- }
- else{
- printf("client quit\n");
- write_flag = 0;
- pthread_cancel(writeThread);
- pthread_exit(NULL);
- }
- }
- }
- void *write_thread(void *datas) //实时向客户端发送消息
- {
- while (1)
- {
- delay(1000);
- write(c_fd, Message, 400);
- }
- }
- void *socket_thread(void* datas)
- {
- int n_read = 0;
- struct sockaddr_in c_addr;
- memset(&c_addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
- int clen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
- socketHandler = findCommandByName("socketServer", pCommandHead);//找socket节点
- if(socketHandler == NULL){
- printf("find socketHandler error\n");
- pthread_exit(NULL);
- }else{
- printf("%s init success\n",socketHandler->commandName);
- }
- socketHandler->Init(socketHandler, NULL, NULL);//找到就初始化
- while(1){ //只要有新的客户端接入 就创建新线程去对接
- c_fd = accept(socketHandler->sfd, (struct sockaddr *)&c_addr, &clen);
- pthread_create(&readThread, NULL, read_thread, NULL);//读客户端发来的数据
- if (write_flag == 0){
- write_flag = 1;
- pthread_create(&writeThread, NULL, write_thread, NULL);//往客户端发数据 比如温湿度
- }
- }
- }
- void *DHT11_thread(void* datas)
- {
- struct Devices *DHT11DeviceTmp = NULL;
- DHT11DeviceTmp = findDeviceByName("DHT11", pdeviceHead); //在设备工厂找到温湿度模块
- DHT11DeviceTmp->deviceInit(DHT11DeviceTmp->pinNum); //温湿度模块初始化
- while (1)
- {
- //pinMode(7, OUTPUT); // set mode to output
- // digitalWrite(7, 1); // output a high level
- delay(3000);
- if (DHT11DeviceTmp->deviceInit(DHT11DeviceTmp->pinNum))
- {
- // printf("Sensor data read ok!\n");
- memset(Message[0], 0, sizeof Message[0]); //清空数组
- memset(Message[1], 0, sizeof Message[1]);
- sprintf(Message[0], "湿度:%d.%d ", (databuf >> 24) & 0xff, (databuf >> 16) & 0xff);
- sprintf(Message[1], "温度:%d.%d ", (databuf >> 8) & 0xff, databuf & 0xff);
- //printf("shidu = %d.%d\n", (databuf >> 24) & 0xff, (databuf >> 16) & 0xff);
- //printf("wendu = %d.%d\n", (databuf >> 8) & 0xff, databuf & 0xff);
- databuf = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- printf("Sensor dosent ans!\n");
- databuf = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- void *remote_thread(void *datas)//433m线程
- {
- int val0 = 0, val1 = 0, val2 = 0, val3 = 0;
- int temp0 = 0, temp1 = 0,temp2 = 0,temp3 = 0;
- int count0 = 0, count1 = 0, count2 = 0, count3 = 0;
- struct Devices *deviceTmp = NULL;
- wiringPiSetup();
- pinMode(12, INPUT);
- pinMode(13, INPUT);
- pinMode(14, INPUT);
- pinMode(30, INPUT);
- digitalWrite(12, LOW);
- digitalWrite(13, LOW);
- digitalWrite(14, LOW);
- digitalWrite(30, LOW);
- while(1)
- {
- val0 = digitalRead(12);
- val1 = digitalRead(13);
- val2 = digitalRead(14);
- val3 = digitalRead(30);
- if (val0 == 1) //电风扇遥控信号
- {
- if(count0 == 0)
- {
- delay(500);
- if (temp0 == 0) //打开厨房灯
- {
- printf("433M:open restauranLight\n");
- temp0 = 1;
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("restauranLight", pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);
- deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum);
- while(val0 == 0);
- }
- else if (temp0 == 1) //关闭厨房灯
- {
- printf("433M:close restauranLight\n");
- temp0 = 0;
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("restauranLight", pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);
- deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum);
- }
- count0 = 1;
- }
- }
- else if (val0 == 0)
- {
- count0 = 0;
- }
- if (val1 == 1) //泳池灯遥控信号
- {
- if(count1 == 0)
- {
- delay(500);
- if (temp1 == 0) //打开泳池灯
- {
- printf("433M:open livingRoomLight\n");
- temp1 = 1;
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("livingRoomLight", pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);
- deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum);
- while(val1 == 0);
- }
- else if (temp1 == 1) //关闭泳池灯
- {
- printf("433M:close livingRoomLight\n");
- temp1 = 0;
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("livingRoomLight", pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);
- deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum);
- }
- count1 = 1;
- }
- }
- else if (val1 == 0)
- {
- count1 = 0;
- }
- if (val2 == 1) //卧室灯遥控信号
- {
- if(count2 == 0)
- {
- delay(500);
- if (temp2 == 0) //打开卧室灯
- {
- printf("433M:open upstairLight\n");
- temp2 = 1;
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("upstairLight", pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);
- deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum);
- while(val2 == 0);
- }
- else if (temp2 == 1) //关闭卧室灯
- {
- printf("433M:close upstairLight\n");
- temp2 = 0;
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("upstairLight", pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);
- deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum);
- }
- count2 = 1;
- }
- }
- else if (val2 == 0)
- {
- count2 = 0;
- }
- if (val3 == 1) //浴室灯遥控信号
- {
- if(count3 == 0)
- {
- delay(500);
- if (temp3 == 0) //打开浴室灯
- {
- printf("433M:open bathroomLight\n");
- temp3 = 1;
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("bathroomLight", pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);
- deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum);
- while(val3 == 0);
- }
- else if (temp3 == 1) //关闭浴室灯
- {
- printf("433M:close bathroomLight\n");
- temp3 = 0;
- deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("bathroomLight", pdeviceHead);
- deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum);
- deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum);
- }
- count3 = 1;
- }
- }
- else if (val3 == 0)
- {
- count3 = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- void *cameraThread_func(void *data) //起线程的函数有格式要求
- {
- struct Devices *cameraTemp;
- cameraTemp = findDeviceByName("camera", pdeviceHead); //找到摄像头节点
- if (cameraTemp == NULL)
- {
- printf("find camera error\n");
- pthread_exit(NULL); //在线程中不用return
- }
- cameraTemp->justDoOnce(); //调用postUrl函数
- }
- void *key_thread()
- {
- // pinMode(door_Lock, OUTPUT); //将门锁端口置为输出
- int val;
- while (1)
- {
- val = digitalRead(key);
- // printf("key = %d\n", val);
- if (val == 0) //防止重复检测
- {
- delay(500);
- val = digitalRead(key);
- // printf("key = %d\n", val);
- if (val == 1) //按键按下,启动人脸识别线程
- {
- pthread_create(&cameraThread, NULL, cameraThread_func, NULL);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- int main()
- {
- char name[128];
- struct Devices *tmp = NULL;
- if(-1 == wiringPiSetup()){
- return -1;
- }
- //1.指令工厂初始化
- pCommandHead = addvoiceContrlToInputCommandLink(pCommandHead);//语音
- pCommandHead = addSocketContrlToInputCommandLink(pCommandHead);//socket
- //2.设备控制工厂初始化
- pdeviceHead = addBathroomLightToDeviceLink(pdeviceHead);
- pdeviceHead = addUpstairLightToDeviceLink(pdeviceHead);
- pdeviceHead = addRestauranLightToDeviceLink(pdeviceHead);
- pdeviceHead = addLivingRoomLightToDeviceLink(pdeviceHead);
- pdeviceHead = addfireToDeviceLink(pdeviceHead);//火灾模块
- pdeviceHead = addbuzzerToDeviceLink(pdeviceHead);//火灾蜂鸣器
- pdeviceHead = addshakebuzzerToDeviceLink(pdeviceHead);//震动蜂鸣器
- pdeviceHead = addfanToDeviceLink(pdeviceHead);
- pdeviceHead = addDHT11ToDeviceLink(pdeviceHead);
- pdeviceHead = addcameraToDeviceLink(pdeviceHead);//摄像头
- pdeviceHead = addShakeToDeviceLink(pdeviceHead);//震动模块
- pdeviceHead = addwindowToDeviceLink(pdeviceHead);
- //3.线程池建立
- //int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr, void *(*start_routine)(void*), void *arg)
- //3.1 语音线程
- pthread_create(&voiceThread, NULL, voice_thread, NULL);
- //3.2 socket线程
- pthread_create(&socketThread, NULL, socket_thread, NULL);
- //3.3火灾线程
- pthread_create(&fireThread, NULL, fire_thread, NULL);
- //3.4 摄像头线程 这里把摄像头设为了开机自启
- //3.5 温湿度线程
- pthread_create(&DHT11Thread, NULL, DHT11_thread, NULL);
- //3.6 震动线程
- pthread_create(&shakeThread, NULL, shake_thread, NULL);
- //3.7 窗户线程
- pthread_create(&windowThread, NULL, window_thread, NULL);
- //3.8 按钮线程
- pthread_create(&keyThread, NULL, key_thread, NULL);
- //3.9 433m线程
- pthread_create(&remoteThread, NULL, remote_thread, NULL);
- pthread_join(voiceThread, NULL);
- pthread_join(socketThread, NULL);
- pthread_join(fireThread, NULL);
- pthread_join(DHT11Thread, NULL);
- pthread_join(writeThread, NULL);
- pthread_join(shakeThread, NULL);
- pthread_join(windowThread, NULL);
- pthread_join(keyThread, NULL);
- pthread_join(cameraThread, NULL);
- pthread_join(remoteThread, NULL);
- return 0;
- }
- #include<stdlib.h>
- #include<wiringPi.h>
- #include <curl/curl.h>
- typedef unsigned int bool;
- struct Devices
- {
- char deviceName[128]; //
- int status; //状态 : 开/关
- int pinNum;
- int (*open)(int pinNum);
- int (*close)(int pinNum);
- int (*deviceInit)(int pinNum);
- int (*readStatus)(int pinNum);
- int (*changeStatus)(int status);
- //摄像头相关的
- void (*justDoOnce)();
- char* (*getFace)();
- char* (*getPicFromOCRBase64)();
- size_t (*readData)();
- struct Devices *next;
- };
- struct Devices* addBathroomLightToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead);
- struct Devices* addUpstairLightToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead);
- struct Devices* addRestauranLightToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead);
- struct Devices* addLivingRoomLightToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead);
- struct Devices* addfireToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead);
- struct Devices* addfanToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead);
- struct Devices* addDHT11ToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead);
- struct Devices *addShakeToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead);
- struct Devices* addbuzzerToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead);//火灾蜂鸣器
- struct Devices* addshakebuzzerToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead);//震动蜂鸣器
- struct Devices* addwindowToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead);
- struct Devices *addcameraToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead);//摄像头结点
- #include<stdlib.h>
- #include<wiringPi.h>
- struct InputCommander //
- {
- char commandName[128];//名字
- char deviceName[128];//设备名
- char command[32]; //指令
- int (*Init)(struct InputCommander *voicer, char *ipAdress, char *port);//操作函数 : 串口号 ip 端口号
- int (*getCommand)(struct InputCommander *voicer);//
- char log[1024]; //日志
- int fd;
- char port[12];//端口号
- char ipAddress[32];//ip地址
- int sfd;
- struct InputCommander *next;
- };
- struct InputCommander* addvoiceContrlToInputCommandLink(struct InputCommander *phead);
- struct InputCommander* addSocketContrlToInputCommandLink(struct InputCommander *phead);
- #include"contrlDevices.h"
- #include<stdlib.h>
- #include<fcntl.h>
- int bathroomLightOpen(int pinNum)
- {
- digitalWrite(pinNum,LOW);
- }
- int bathroomLightClose(int pinNum)
- {
- digitalWrite(pinNum,HIGH);
- }
- int bathroomLightCloseInit(int pinNum)
- {
- pinMode(pinNum,OUTPUT);
- digitalWrite(pinNum,HIGH);
- }
- int bathroomLightCloseStatus(int status)
- {
- }
- struct Devices bathroomLight = { //这里是在定义的同时赋值
- .deviceName = "bathroomLight",
- .pinNum = 22,
- .open = bathroomLightOpen,
- .close = bathroomLightClose,
- .deviceInit = bathroomLightCloseInit,
- .changeStatus = bathroomLightCloseStatus
- };
- struct Devices* addBathroomLightToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead)
- {
- if(phead == NULL){
- return &bathroomLight;
- }
- else{
- bathroomLight.next = phead;
- phead = &bathroomLight;
- return phead;
- }
- }
- #include"contrlDevices.h"
- #include<stdlib.h>
- #include<fcntl.h>
- int windowOpen(int pinNum)
- {
- digitalWrite(2,LOW);
- digitalWrite(3,HIGH);
- }
- int windowClose(int pinNum)
- {
- digitalWrite(2,HIGH);
- digitalWrite(3,LOW);
- }
- int windowCloseInit(int pinNum)//用的L9110电机实现正反转,所以要初始化两个引脚
- {
- pinMode(2,OUTPUT);
- pinMode(3,OUTPUT);
- digitalWrite(2,LOW);
- digitalWrite(3,LOW);//2和3都配置为低电平 默认不转
- pinMode(4,OUTPUT);
- digitalWrite(4,HIGH);
- pinMode(0,OUTPUT); //门锁初始化
- digitalWrite(0,HIGH);
- }
- int windowCloseStatus(int status)
- {
- }
- struct Devices window = {
- .deviceName = "window",
- .pinNum = 2,
- .open = windowOpen,
- .close = windowClose,
- .deviceInit = windowCloseInit,
- .changeStatus = windowCloseStatus
- };
- struct Devices* addwindowToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead)
- {
- if(phead == NULL){
- return &window;
- }
- else{
- window.next = phead;
- phead = &window;
- return phead;
- }
- }
- #include"contrlDevices.h"
- #include<stdlib.h>
- #include<fcntl.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <stdint.h>
- typedef unsigned char uint8;
- typedef unsigned int uint16;
- typedef unsigned long uint32;
- #define HIGH_TIME 32
- int pinNumber = 7;
- uint32 databuf;
- int DHT11CloseInit(int pinNum)
- {
- uint8 crc;
- uint8 i;
- pinMode(pinNumber, OUTPUT); // set mode to output
- digitalWrite(pinNumber, 0); // output a high level
- delay(25);
- digitalWrite(pinNumber, 1); // output a low level
- pinMode(pinNumber, INPUT); // set mode to input
- pullUpDnControl(pinNumber, PUD_UP);
- delayMicroseconds(27);
- if (digitalRead(pinNumber) == 0) //SENSOR ANS
- {
- while (!digitalRead(pinNumber))
- ; //wait to high
- for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
- {
- while (digitalRead(pinNumber))
- ; //data clock start
- while (!digitalRead(pinNumber))
- ; //data start
- delayMicroseconds(HIGH_TIME);
- databuf *= 2;
- if (digitalRead(pinNumber) == 1) //1
- {
- databuf++;
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
- {
- while (digitalRead(pinNumber))
- ; //data clock start
- while (!digitalRead(pinNumber))
- ; //data start
- delayMicroseconds(HIGH_TIME);
- crc *= 2;
- if (digitalRead(pinNumber) == 1) //1
- {
- crc++;
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int DHT11Open(int pinNum)
- {
- }
- int DHT11Close(int pinNum)
- {
- }
- int DHT11CloseStatus(int status)
- {
- }
- struct Devices DHT11 = { //这里是在定义的同时赋值
- .deviceName = "DHT11",
- .pinNum = 7,
- .open = DHT11Open,
- .close = DHT11Close,
- .deviceInit = DHT11CloseInit,
- .changeStatus = DHT11CloseStatus
- };
- struct Devices* addDHT11ToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead)
- {
- if(phead == NULL){
- return &DHT11;
- }
- else{
- DHT11.next = phead;
- phead = &DHT11;
- return phead;
- }
- }
- #include<unistd.h>
- #include<wiringPi.h>
- #include<stdlib.h>
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<string.h>
- #include<wiringSerial.h>
- #include"InputCommand.h"
- int voiceGetCommand(struct InputCommander *voicer)
- {
- int nread = 0;
- memset(voicer->command, '\0', sizeof(voicer->command));
- nread = read(voicer->fd, voicer->command, sizeof(voicer->command));
- if(nread == 0){
- printf("voice no datas\n");
- }else{
- return nread;
- }
- }
- int voiceInit(struct InputCommander *voicer, char *ipAdress, char *port)
- {
- int fd;
- if((fd = serialOpen("/dev/ttyAMA0",9600))==-1)//初始化串口,波特率9600
- {
- printf("voice init error\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- voicer->fd = fd;
- return fd;
- }
- struct InputCommander voiceContrl = {
- .commandName = "voice",
- .deviceName = "/dev/ttyAMA0",//设备名
- .command = {'\0'}, //指令
- .Init = voiceInit,//串口初始化
- .getCommand = voiceGetCommand,
- .log = {'\0'},
- .next = NULL
- };
- struct InputCommander* addvoiceContrlToInputCommandLink(struct InputCommander *phead)
- {
- if(phead == NULL){
- return &voiceContrl;
- }
- else{
- voiceContrl.next = phead;
- phead = &voiceContrl;
- return phead;
- }
- }
- #include<unistd.h>
- #include<wiringPi.h>
- #include<stdlib.h>
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<wiringSerial.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/socket.h>
- #include <arpa/inet.h>
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include"InputCommand.h"
- int socketGetCommand(struct InputCommander *socketMes)
- {
- int c_fd;
- int n_read = 0;
- struct sockaddr_in c_addr;
- memset(&c_addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
- int clen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
- //4. accept
- c_fd = accept(socketMes->sfd, (struct sockaddr *)&c_addr, &clen);
- n_read = read(c_fd, socketMes->command, sizeof(socketMes->command));
- if(n_read == -1){
- perror("read");
- }else if(n_read > 0){
- printf("\nget: %d\n",n_read);
- }else{
- printf("client quit\n");
- }
- return n_read;
- }
- int socketInit(struct InputCommander *socketMes, char *ipAdress, char *port)
- {
- int s_fd;
- struct sockaddr_in s_addr;
- memset(&s_addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
- //1.socket
- s_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if (s_fd == -1)
- {
- perror("socket");
- exit(-1);
- }
- s_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- s_addr.sin_port = htons(atoi(socketMes->port)); //atoi()把ascii转成整形数
- //htons()返回网络字节序的值(大段字节序)
- inet_aton(socketMes->ipAddress, &(s_addr.sin_addr)); //aton()把字符串形式的IP转换成网络能识别的格式
- //解决服务器程序结束后端口被占用的情况
- int opt = 1;
- setsockopt(s_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt, sizeof(opt));
- //2.bind
- bind(s_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&s_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
- //3.listen
- listen(s_fd, 10);
- printf("socket server listening...\n");
- socketMes->sfd = s_fd;
- return s_fd;
- }
- struct InputCommander socketContrl = {
- .commandName = "socketServer",
- .command = {'\0'}, //指令
- .port = "8083",
- .ipAddress = "",
- .Init = socketInit,//初始化
- .getCommand = socketGetCommand,
- .log = {'\0'},
- .next = NULL
- };
- struct InputCommander* addSocketContrlToInputCommandLink(struct InputCommander *phead)
- {
- if(phead == NULL){
- return &socketContrl;
- }
- else{
- socketContrl.next = phead;
- phead = &socketContrl;
- return phead;
- }
- }
- #include "contrlDevices.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <curl/curl.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #define door_lock 0 //门锁
- void postUrl();
- size_t readData1(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *stream);
- char* getFace1();
- char* getPicFromOCRBase641(char *Filepath);
- struct Devices* addcameraToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead);
- int cameraInit(int pinNum);
- char ocrRetBuf[1024] = {'\0'};
- size_t readData1(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *stream)
- //回调函数,把从后台的数据拷贝给ocrRetBuf
- {
- strncpy(ocrRetBuf,ptr,1024);//ocrRetBuf接收从OCR后台返回的数据,并打印
- printf("%s\n",ocrRetBuf);
- }
- char* getFace1()
- {
- printf("pai zhao zhong\n");
- //system("raspistill -q 5 -t 1 -o image.jpg");
- system("wget -O ./image.jpg ");
- while(access("./image.jpg",F_OK) != 0); //判断是否拍照完毕
- printf("paizhao wanbi\n");
- char* base64BufFaceRec = getPicFromOCRBase641("./image.jpg");
- //system("rm image.jpg");
- return base64BufFaceRec; //返回刚才拍照的base64
- }
- char *getPicFromOCRBase641(char *Filepath)
- {
- int fd;
- int filelen;
- char cmd[128]={'\0'};
- sprintf(cmd,"base64 %s > tmpFile",Filepath);
- system(cmd);
- fd=open("./tmpFile",O_RDWR);
- filelen=lseek(fd,0,SEEK_END);//计算文件大小
- lseek(fd,0,SEEK_SET); //移动光标到头
- char *bufpic=(char *)malloc(filelen+2);
- memset(bufpic,'\0',filelen+2);
- read(fd,bufpic,filelen+128); //把内容读到bufpic内
- system("rm -rf tmpFile");//删除这个临时文件
- close(fd);
- return bufpic; //返回bufpic这个地址
- }
- void postUrl()
- {
- CURL *curl;
- CURLcode res;
- char* key = "5xxxsWxxxGfP2pmxxxchSJ"; //翔云平台购买人脸识别后的key
- char* secret = "396xxxd33xxx487exxxf139axxx6d789"; //翔云平台购买人脸识别后的secret
- int typeId = 21;
- char* format = "xml";
- char* base64BufPic1 = getFace1();
- char* base64BufPic2 = getPicFromOCRBase641("lit1.jpg");
- int len = strlen(key)+strlen(secret)+strlen(base64BufPic1)+strlen(base64BufPic2)+128;
- char* postString = (char* )malloc(len);
- memset(postString,'\0',len);
- sprintf(postString,"img1=%s&img2=%s&key=%s&secret=%s&typeId=%d&format=%s",base64BufPic1,base64BufPic2,key,secret,typeId,format);//根据平台的传参格式编写
- curl = curl_easy_init();
- if(curl){
- curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, postString); //指定post内容,传入参数
- curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, "https://netocr.com/api/faceliu.do");// 指定url
- curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION,readData1); //回调函数readDate读取返回值
- res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
- printf("OK:%d\n",res);
- if(strstr(ocrRetBuf,"是") != NULL){ //判断翔云后台返回的字符串中有没有“是”
- printf("the same person\n");
- digitalWrite(door_lock, LOW); //打开门锁
- delay(3000); //等待3s
- digitalWrite(door_lock, HIGH); //关闭门锁
- }
- else{
- printf("different person\n");
- }
- curl_easy_cleanup(curl);
- }
- }
- int cameraInit(int pinNum)//该函数无用
- {
- pinMode(0,OUTPUT);
- digitalWrite(0,HIGH);
- }
- struct Devices camera = {
- .deviceName = "camera",
- .deviceInit = cameraInit,
- .pinNum = 0, //此引脚号无用
- .justDoOnce = postUrl,
- .getFace = getFace1,
- .getPicFromOCRBase64 = getPicFromOCRBase641,
- .readData = readData1
- };
- struct Devices* addcameraToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead)
- {
- if(phead == NULL){
- return &camera;
- }
- else{
- camera.next = phead;
- phead = &camera;
- }
- }
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