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Python的DAQ数据采集_py nidaq

py nidaq

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按照操作配置,使用python 相应命令实现数据连续采集


  1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. # from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui
  3. import sys
  4. from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore
  5. import pyqtgraph as pg
  6. import pprint
  7. import nidaqmx
  8. from nidaqmx.constants import AcquisitionType, TaskMode
  9. from nidaqmx.errors import DaqError
  10. import numpy as np
  11. from scipy.io import savemat
  12. from scipy import signal
  13. from time import sleep
  14. import datetime
  15. pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)# print setup
  16. system = nidaqmx.system.System.local()
  17. try:
  18. dev = system.devices.device_names[1]#according to the device number
  19. print(dev)
  20. except:
  21. print("check Nidaqmx driver or python version3.x or DO YOU connect the DAQ?")
  22. sys.exit()
  23. # plot cure sim
  24. # QtGui.QApplication.setGraphicsSystem('raster')
  25. app = QtGui.QApplication([]) #GUI
  26. win = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget(show=True, title="Basic plotting examples")
  27. win.resize(1000, 600) #1000*600
  28. win.setWindowTitle('pyqtgraph example: Plotting')
  29. # Enable antialiasing for prettier plots
  30. pg.setConfigOptions(antialias=True)
  31. p1 = win.addPlot(title="mmg updating plot")
  32. # define a filter,filter from scipy signal
  33. b, a = signal.butter(8, [0.01, 0.2], 'bandpass')
  34. filtered_data = {'ch1': [], 'ch2': [], 'ch3': [], 'ch4': []}
  35. """
  36. setup require task and then get data,dictionary
  37. """
  38. with nidaqmx.Task() as task:
  39. task.ai_channels.add_ai_voltage_chan(dev+"/ai0:3")
  40. task.timing.cfg_samp_clk_timing(
  41. rate=200, sample_mode=AcquisitionType.CONTINUOUS)
  42. # freq=1k,continuously get data
  43. # Python 2.X does not have nonlocal keyword.
  44. non_local_var = {'ch1': [], 'ch2': [], 'ch3': [], 'ch4': []}
  45. w_start = 0
  46. window = 30
  47. def callback(task_handle, every_n_samples_event_type,
  48. number_of_samples, callback_data):
  49. # print('Every N Samples callback invoked.')
  50. samples = np.array(task.read(number_of_samples_per_channel=200))
  51. #tranfer to array
  52. # print(np.shape(samples))
  53. non_local_var['ch1'].extend(samples[0, :])
  54. non_local_var['ch2'].extend(samples[1, :])
  55. non_local_var['ch3'].extend(samples[2, :])
  56. non_local_var['ch4'].extend(samples[3, :])
  57. data_ = signal.filtfilt(b, a, samples)
  58. filtered_data['ch1'].extend(data_[0, :])
  59. filtered_data['ch2'].extend(data_[1, :])
  60. filtered_data['ch3'].extend(data_[2, :])
  61. filtered_data['ch4'].extend(data_[3, :])
  62. # print(data_filtered)
  63. return 0
  64. task.register_every_n_samples_acquired_into_buffer_event(
  65. 200, callback)
  66. task.start()
  67. curve1 = p1.plot(non_local_var['ch1'], pen=(255, 0, 0), name="channel1")
  68. curve2 = p1.plot(non_local_var['ch2'], pen=(0, 255, 0), name="channel2")
  69. curve3 = p1.plot(non_local_var['ch3'], pen=(0, 0, 255), name="channel3")
  70. curve4 = p1.plot(non_local_var['ch4'], pen=(127, 127, 0), name="channel4")
  71. #ch1 use channel1 ,pen color
  72. p1.setXRange(0, 500) # data range
  73. start_time = pg.ptime.time()
  74. win.nextRow()
  75. p2 = win.addPlot()
  76. curve1_filtered = p2.plot(
  77. filtered_data['ch1'], pen=(255, 0, 0), name="channel1")
  78. curve2_filtered = p2.plot(
  79. filtered_data['ch2'], pen=(0, 255, 0), name="channel2")
  80. curve3_filtered = p2.plot(
  81. filtered_data['ch3'], pen=(0, 0, 255), name="channel3")
  82. curve4_filtered = p2.plot(
  83. filtered_data['ch4'], pen=(127, 127, 0), name="channel4")
  84. p2.setXRange(0, 500)
  85. def update():
  86. global curve1, curve2, curve3, curve4, window, p1, w_start, p2, curve1_filtered, curve2_filtered, curve3_filtered, curve4_filtered
  87. curve1.setData(non_local_var['ch1'][w_start:-1])
  88. curve2.setData(non_local_var['ch2'][w_start:-1])
  89. curve3.setData(non_local_var['ch3'][w_start:-1])
  90. curve4.setData(non_local_var['ch4'][w_start:-1])
  91. curve1_filtered.setData(filtered_data['ch1'][w_start:-1])
  92. curve2_filtered.setData(filtered_data['ch2'][w_start:-1])
  93. curve3_filtered.setData(filtered_data['ch3'][w_start:-1])
  94. curve4_filtered.setData(filtered_data['ch4'][w_start:-1])
  95. # acummlite the curve
  96. # curve1.setData(non_local_var['ch1'])
  97. # curve2.setData(non_local_var['ch2'])
  98. # curve3.setData(non_local_var['ch3'])
  99. # curve4.setData(non_local_var['ch4'])
  100. w_start = w_start+window
  101. # p1.enableAutoRange('xy',False)## stop auto scaling
  102. # print(pg.ptime.time()-start_time)
  103. timer = QtCore.QTimer()
  104. timer.timeout.connect(update)# connect
  105. sleep(0.5) # delay x s
  106. print(pg.ptime.time()-start_time)
  107. timer.start(1000) # every x ms go to func update
  108. input('Running task. Press Enter to stop and see number of '
  109. 'accumulated samples.\n')#wait the input to stop
  110. task.close()
  111. print(len(non_local_var['ch1']))
  112. today = datetime.date.today()
  113. date = str(today)
  114. try:
  115. dir_name = input('input a dir where you want to save the file:\n')
  116. import os
  117. os.chdir(dir_name)
  118. except FileNotFoundError as e:
  119. print(e)
  120. filename = input('input a saving name:\n')
  121. if input("save original data? y/n\n") == 'y':
  122. savemat('{0}_{1}_filtered.mat'.format(date, filename), non_local_var)
  123. savemat('{0}_{1}.mat'.format(date, filename), filtered_data)












