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UE蓝图 函数调用(CallFunction)节点和源码

UE蓝图 函数调用(CallFunction)节点和源码


UE蓝图 Get节点和源码
UE蓝图 Set节点和源码
UE蓝图 Cast节点和源码
UE蓝图 分支(Branch)节点和源码
UE蓝图 入口(FunctionEntry)节点和源码
UE蓝图 返回结果(FunctionResult)节点和源码
UE蓝图 函数调用(CallFunction)节点和源码





在Unreal Engine(UE)的蓝图中,CallFunction节点用于在运行时调用一个特定的函数。这个节点通常用于执行那些已经定义好但需要在特定条件下触发的函数。以下是CallFunction节点的基本用法:

  1. 添加CallFunction节点:首先,你需要在你的蓝图中从“右键菜单” -> 在弹出框中输入函数的名字进行检索->选择你要使用的函数,添加一个CallFunction节点。

  2. 传递参数:如果所调用的函数需要参数,你需要将这些参数通过连线的方式传递给CallFunction节点的相应输入引脚。参数的类型和顺序必须与函数定义中的一致。

  3. 执行函数:当蓝图中的逻辑流程到达CallFunction节点时,它将执行所选择的函数。这意味着任何与该函数相关联的逻辑或行为都将被执行。

  4. 处理返回值:如果调用的函数有返回值,你可以在CallFunction节点的“Return Value”引脚处获取这个值。然后,你可以将这个返回值用于蓝图中的其他逻辑或传递给其他节点。

  5. 连接其他节点:你可以将CallFunction节点与其他节点连接起来,以创建更复杂的逻辑流程。例如,你可以使用Sequence节点来确保一系列操作按顺序执行,或者使用Parallel节点来同时执行多个操作。

  6. 编译和测试:完成蓝图编辑后,确保编译你的项目,并在游戏中测试CallFunction节点的行为,以确保它按照预期工作。



1. 事件处理


2. 条件逻辑


3. 延迟操作


4. 数据处理


5. AI和角色行为


6. 用户输入处理


7. 系统交互


8. 自定义逻辑



  • 创建输入引脚
	/** Modulo (A % B) */
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta=(DisplayName = "% (integer)", CompactNodeTitle = "%", Keywords = "% modulus"), Category="Math|Integer")
	static int32 Percent_IntInt(int32 A, int32 B = 1);

	/** Addition (A + B) */
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta=(DisplayName = "int + int", CompactNodeTitle = "+", Keywords = "+ add plus", CommutativeAssociativeBinaryOperator = "true"), Category="Math|Integer")
	static int32 Add_IntInt(int32 A, int32 B = 1);
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  • 调用FKCHandler_CallFunction.RegisterNets注册函数引脚
		for (UEdGraphPin* Pin : Node->Pins)
			const bool bIsConnected = (Pin->LinkedTo.Num() != 0);

			// if this pin could use a default (it doesn't have a connection or default of its own)
			if (!bIsConnected && (Pin->DefaultObject == nullptr))
				if (DefaultToSelfParamNames.Contains(Pin->PinName) && FKismetCompilerUtilities::ValidateSelfCompatibility(Pin, Context))
					ensure(Pin->PinType.PinSubCategoryObject != nullptr);
					ensure((Pin->PinType.PinCategory == UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Object) || (Pin->PinType.PinCategory == UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Interface));

					FBPTerminal* Term = Context.RegisterLiteral(Pin);
					Term->Type.PinSubCategory = UEdGraphSchema_K2::PN_Self;
					Context.NetMap.Add(Pin, Term);
				else if (RequiresSetValue.Contains(Pin->PinName))
					CompilerContext.MessageLog.Error(*NSLOCTEXT("KismetCompiler", "PinMustHaveConnection_Error", "Pin @@ must have a connection").ToString(), Pin);
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  • 调用Compile编译创建Statement
FBlueprintCompiledStatement* LatentStatement = nullptr;
for (FBPTerminal* Target : ContextTerms)
	FBlueprintCompiledStatement& Statement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
	Statement.FunctionToCall = Function;
	Statement.FunctionContext = Target;
	Statement.Type = KCST_CallFunction;
	Statement.bIsInterfaceContext = IsCalledFunctionFromInterface(Node);
	Statement.bIsParentContext = IsCalledFunctionFinal(Node);

	Statement.LHS = LHSTerm;
	Statement.RHS = RHSTerms;

	if (!bIsLatent)
		// Fixup ubergraph calls
		if (pSrcEventNode)
			UEdGraphPin* ExecOut = CompilerContext.GetSchema()->FindExecutionPin(**pSrcEventNode, EGPD_Output);

			CompilerContext.UbergraphContext->GotoFixupRequestMap.Add(&Statement, ExecOut);
			Statement.UbergraphCallIndex = 0;
		// Fixup latent functions
		if (LatentTargetNode && (Target == ContextTerms.Last()))
			check(LatentTargetParamIndex != INDEX_NONE);
			Statement.UbergraphCallIndex = LatentTargetParamIndex;
			Context.GotoFixupRequestMap.Add(&Statement, ThenExecPin);
			LatentStatement = &Statement;

	AdditionalCompiledStatementHandling(Context, Node, Statement);

	if(Statement.Type == KCST_CallFunction && Function->HasAnyFunctionFlags(FUNC_Delegate))
		CompilerContext.MessageLog.Error(*LOCTEXT("CallingDelegate_Error", "@@ is trying to call a delegate function - delegates cannot be called directly").ToString(), Node);
		// Sanitize the statement, this would have ideally been detected earlier but we need
		// to run AdditionalCompiledStatementHandling to satisify the DelegateNodeHandler
		// implementation:
		Statement.Type = KCST_CallDelegate;
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 *  UK2Node_CallFunction

UK2Node_CallFunction::UK2Node_CallFunction(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)
	: Super(ObjectInitializer)
	, bPinTooltipsValid(false)
	OrphanedPinSaveMode = ESaveOrphanPinMode::SaveAll;

bool UK2Node_CallFunction::HasDeprecatedReference() const
	UFunction* Function = GetTargetFunction();
	return (Function && Function->HasMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_DeprecatedFunction));

FEdGraphNodeDeprecationResponse UK2Node_CallFunction::GetDeprecationResponse(EEdGraphNodeDeprecationType DeprecationType) const
	FEdGraphNodeDeprecationResponse Response = Super::GetDeprecationResponse(DeprecationType);
	if (DeprecationType == EEdGraphNodeDeprecationType::NodeHasDeprecatedReference)
		// TEMP: Do not warn in the case of SpawnActor, as we have a special upgrade path for those nodes
		if (FunctionReference.GetMemberName() == FName(TEXT("BeginSpawningActorFromBlueprint")))
			Response.MessageType = EEdGraphNodeDeprecationMessageType::None;
			UFunction* Function = GetTargetFunction();
			if (ensureMsgf(Function != nullptr, TEXT("This node should not be able to report having a deprecated reference if the target function cannot be resolved.")))
				FString DetailedMessage = Function->GetMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_DeprecationMessage);
				Response.MessageText = FBlueprintEditorUtils::GetDeprecatedMemberUsageNodeWarning(GetUserFacingFunctionName(Function), FText::FromString(DetailedMessage));
	return Response;

FText UK2Node_CallFunction::GetFunctionContextString() const
	FText ContextString;

	// Don't show 'target is' if no target pin!
	UEdGraphPin* SelfPin = GetDefault<UEdGraphSchema_K2>()->FindSelfPin(*this, EGPD_Input);
	if(SelfPin != NULL && !SelfPin->bHidden)
		const UFunction* Function = GetTargetFunction();
		UClass* CurrentSelfClass = (Function != NULL) ? Function->GetOwnerClass() : NULL;
		UClass const* TrueSelfClass = CurrentSelfClass;
		if (CurrentSelfClass && CurrentSelfClass->ClassGeneratedBy)
			TrueSelfClass = CurrentSelfClass->GetAuthoritativeClass();

		const FText TargetText = FBlueprintEditorUtils::GetFriendlyClassDisplayName(TrueSelfClass);

		FFormatNamedArguments Args;
		Args.Add(TEXT("TargetName"), TargetText);
		ContextString = FText::Format(LOCTEXT("CallFunctionOnDifferentContext", "Target is {TargetName}"), Args);

	return ContextString;

FText UK2Node_CallFunction::GetNodeTitle(ENodeTitleType::Type TitleType) const
	FText FunctionName;
	FText ContextString;
	FText RPCString;

	if (UFunction* Function = GetTargetFunction())
		RPCString = UK2Node_Event::GetLocalizedNetString(Function->FunctionFlags, true);
		FunctionName = GetUserFacingFunctionName(Function);
		ContextString = GetFunctionContextString();
		FunctionName = FText::FromName(FunctionReference.GetMemberName());
		if ((GEditor != NULL) && (GetDefault<UEditorStyleSettings>()->bShowFriendlyNames))
			FunctionName = FText::FromString(FName::NameToDisplayString(FunctionName.ToString(), false));

	if(TitleType == ENodeTitleType::FullTitle)
		FFormatNamedArguments Args;
		Args.Add(TEXT("FunctionName"), FunctionName);
		Args.Add(TEXT("ContextString"), ContextString);
		Args.Add(TEXT("RPCString"), RPCString);

		if (ContextString.IsEmpty() && RPCString.IsEmpty())
			return FText::Format(LOCTEXT("CallFunction_FullTitle", "{FunctionName}"), Args);
		else if (ContextString.IsEmpty())
			return FText::Format(LOCTEXT("CallFunction_FullTitle_WithRPCString", "{FunctionName}\n{RPCString}"), Args);
		else if (RPCString.IsEmpty())
			return FText::Format(LOCTEXT("CallFunction_FullTitle_WithContextString", "{FunctionName}\n{ContextString}"), Args);
			return FText::Format(LOCTEXT("CallFunction_FullTitle_WithContextRPCString", "{FunctionName}\n{ContextString}\n{RPCString}"), Args);
		return FunctionName;

void UK2Node_CallFunction::GetPinHoverText(const UEdGraphPin& Pin, FString& HoverTextOut) const
	if (!bPinTooltipsValid)
		for (UEdGraphPin* P : Pins)
			if (!P->PinToolTip.IsEmpty() && ExpandAsEnumPins.Contains(P))


		bPinTooltipsValid = true;

	return UK2Node::GetPinHoverText(Pin, HoverTextOut);

void UK2Node_CallFunction::AllocateDefaultPins()

	UBlueprint* MyBlueprint = GetBlueprint();
	UFunction* Function = GetTargetFunction();
	// favor the skeleton function if possible (in case the signature has 
	// changed, and not yet compiled).
	if (!FunctionReference.IsSelfContext())
		UClass* FunctionClass = FunctionReference.GetMemberParentClass(MyBlueprint->GeneratedClass);
		if (UBlueprintGeneratedClass* BpClassOwner = Cast<UBlueprintGeneratedClass>(FunctionClass))
			// this function could currently only be a part of some skeleton 
			// class (the blueprint has not be compiled with it yet), so let's 
			// check the skeleton class as well, see if we can pull pin data 
			// from there...
			UBlueprint* FunctionBlueprint = CastChecked<UBlueprint>(BpClassOwner->ClassGeneratedBy, ECastCheckedType::NullAllowed);
			if (FunctionBlueprint)
				if (UFunction* SkelFunction = FindUField<UFunction>(FunctionBlueprint->SkeletonGeneratedClass, FunctionReference.GetMemberName()))
					Function = SkelFunction;

	// First try remap table
	if (Function == NULL)
		UClass* ParentClass = FunctionReference.GetMemberParentClass(GetBlueprintClassFromNode());

		if (ParentClass != NULL)
			if (UFunction* NewFunction = FMemberReference::FindRemappedField<UFunction>(ParentClass, FunctionReference.GetMemberName()))
				// Found a remapped property, update the node
				Function = NewFunction;

	if (Function == NULL)
		// The function no longer exists in the stored scope
		// Try searching inside all function libraries, in case the function got refactored into one of them.
		for (TObjectIterator<UClass> ClassIt; ClassIt; ++ClassIt)
			UClass* TestClass = *ClassIt;
			if (TestClass->IsChildOf(UBlueprintFunctionLibrary::StaticClass()))
				Function = FindUField<UFunction>(TestClass, FunctionReference.GetMemberName());
				if (Function != NULL)
					UClass* OldClass = FunctionReference.GetMemberParentClass(GetBlueprintClassFromNode());
						FText::Format(LOCTEXT("FixedUpFunctionInLibraryFmt", "UK2Node_CallFunction: Fixed up function '{0}', originally in '{1}', now in library '{2}'."),
							(OldClass != NULL) ? FText::FromString(*OldClass->GetName()) : LOCTEXT("FixedUpFunctionInLibraryNull", "(null)"),

	// Now create the pins if we ended up with a valid function to call
	if (Function != NULL)

	FCustomStructureParamHelper::UpdateCustomStructurePins(Function, this);


/** Util to find self pin in an array */
UEdGraphPin* FindSelfPin(TArray<UEdGraphPin*>& Pins)
	for(int32 PinIdx=0; PinIdx<Pins.Num(); PinIdx++)
		if(Pins[PinIdx]->PinName == UEdGraphSchema_K2::PN_Self)
			return Pins[PinIdx];
	return NULL;

void UK2Node_CallFunction::ReallocatePinsDuringReconstruction(TArray<UEdGraphPin*>& OldPins)
	// We had a bug where the class was being messed up by copy/paste, but the self pin class was still ok. This code fixes up those cases.
	UFunction* Function = GetTargetFunction();
	if (Function == NULL)
		if (UEdGraphPin* SelfPin = FindSelfPin(OldPins))
			if (UClass* SelfPinClass = Cast<UClass>(SelfPin->PinType.PinSubCategoryObject.Get()))
				if (UFunction* NewFunction = FindUField<UFunction>(SelfPinClass, FunctionReference.GetMemberName()))


	// Connect Execute and Then pins for functions, which became pure.

UEdGraphPin* UK2Node_CallFunction::CreateSelfPin(const UFunction* Function)
	return FBlueprintNodeStatics::CreateSelfPin(this, Function);

void UK2Node_CallFunction::CreateExecPinsForFunctionCall(const UFunction* Function)
	bool bCreateSingleExecInputPin = true;
	bool bCreateThenPin = true;

	// If not pure, create exec pins
	if (!bIsPureFunc)
		// If we want enum->exec expansion, and it is not disabled, do it now
			TArray<FName> EnumNames;
			GetExpandEnumPinNames(Function, EnumNames);

			FProperty* PreviousInput = nullptr;

			for (const FName& EnumParamName : EnumNames)
				FProperty* Prop = nullptr;
				UEnum* Enum = nullptr;

				if (FByteProperty* ByteProp = FindFProperty<FByteProperty>(Function, EnumParamName))
					Prop = ByteProp;
					Enum = ByteProp->Enum;
				else if (FEnumProperty* EnumProp = FindFProperty<FEnumProperty>(Function, EnumParamName))
					Prop = EnumProp;
					Enum = EnumProp->GetEnum();
				else if (FBoolProperty* BoolProp = FindFProperty<FBoolProperty>(Function, EnumParamName))
					Prop = BoolProp;

				if (Prop != nullptr)
					const bool bIsFunctionInput = !Prop->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_ReturnParm) &&
						(!Prop->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_OutParm) ||
					const EEdGraphPinDirection Direction = bIsFunctionInput ? EGPD_Input : EGPD_Output;

					if (bIsFunctionInput)
						if (PreviousInput)
							bHasCompilerMessage = true;
							ErrorType = EMessageSeverity::Error;
							ErrorMsg = FString::Printf(TEXT("Parameter '%s' is listed as an ExpandEnumAsExecs input, but %s already was one. Only one is permitted."), *EnumParamName.ToString(), *PreviousInput->GetName());
						PreviousInput = Prop;

					if (Enum)
						// yay, found it! Now create exec pin for each
						int32 NumExecs = (Enum->NumEnums() - 1);
						for (int32 ExecIdx = 0; ExecIdx < NumExecs; ExecIdx++)
							bool const bShouldBeHidden = Enum->HasMetaData(TEXT("Hidden"), ExecIdx) || Enum->HasMetaData(TEXT("Spacer"), ExecIdx);
							if (!bShouldBeHidden)
								// Can't use Enum->GetNameByIndex here because it doesn't do namespace mangling
								const FString NameStr = Enum->GetNameStringByIndex(ExecIdx);

								UEdGraphPin* CreatedPin = nullptr;

								// todo: really only makes sense if there are multiple outputs
								if (bIsFunctionInput || EnumNames.Num() == 1)
									CreatedPin = CreatePin(Direction, UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Exec, *NameStr);
									CreatedPin = CreatePin(Direction, UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Exec, *NameStr);
									CreatedPin->PinFriendlyName = FText::FromString(FString::Printf(TEXT("(%s) %s"), *Prop->GetDisplayNameText().ToString(), *NameStr));


								if (Enum->HasMetaData(TEXT("Tooltip"), ExecIdx))
									FString EnumTooltip = Enum->GetMetaData(TEXT("Tooltip"), ExecIdx);

									if (const UEdGraphSchema_K2* const K2Schema = Cast<const UEdGraphSchema_K2>(GetSchema()))
										K2Schema->ConstructBasicPinTooltip(*CreatedPin, FText::FromString(EnumTooltip), CreatedPin->PinToolTip);
										CreatedPin->PinToolTip = EnumTooltip;
						// Create a pin for true and false, note that the order here does not match the
						// numeric order of bool, but it is more natural to put true first (e.g. to match branch node):
						ExpandAsEnumPins.Add(CreatePin(Direction, UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Exec, TEXT("True")));
						ExpandAsEnumPins.Add(CreatePin(Direction, UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Exec, TEXT("False")));

					if (bIsFunctionInput)
						// If using ExpandEnumAsExec for input, don't want to add a input exec pin
						bCreateSingleExecInputPin = false;
						// If using ExpandEnumAsExec for output, don't want to add a "then" pin
						bCreateThenPin = false;
		if (bCreateSingleExecInputPin)
			// Single input exec pin
			CreatePin(EGPD_Input, UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Exec, UEdGraphSchema_K2::PN_Execute);

		if (bCreateThenPin)
			UEdGraphPin* OutputExecPin = CreatePin(EGPD_Output, UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Exec, UEdGraphSchema_K2::PN_Then);
			// Use 'completed' name for output pins on latent functions
			if (Function->HasMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_Latent))
				OutputExecPin->PinFriendlyName = FText::FromName(UEdGraphSchema_K2::PN_Completed);

FName UK2Node_CallFunction::GetFunctionName() const
	return FunctionReference.GetMemberName();

void UK2Node_CallFunction::DetermineWantsEnumToExecExpansion(const UFunction* Function)
	bWantsEnumToExecExpansion = false;

	if (WantsExecPinsForParams(Function))
		TArray<FName> EnumNamesToCheck;
		GetExpandEnumPinNames(Function, EnumNamesToCheck);

		for (int32 i = EnumNamesToCheck.Num() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
			const FName& EnumParamName = EnumNamesToCheck[i];

			FByteProperty* EnumProp = FindFProperty<FByteProperty>(Function, EnumParamName);
			if ((EnumProp != NULL && EnumProp->Enum != NULL) || FindFProperty<FEnumProperty>(Function, EnumParamName))
				bWantsEnumToExecExpansion = true;
				FBoolProperty* BoolProp = FindFProperty<FBoolProperty>(Function, EnumParamName);
				if (BoolProp)
					bWantsEnumToExecExpansion = true;
		if (bWantsEnumToExecExpansion && EnumNamesToCheck.Num() > 0 && !bHasCompilerMessage)
			bHasCompilerMessage = true;
			ErrorType = EMessageSeverity::Warning;

			if (EnumNamesToCheck.Num() == 1)
				ErrorMsg = FText::Format(LOCTEXT("EnumToExecExpansionFailedFmt", "Unable to find enum parameter with name '{0}' to expand for @@"), FText::FromName(EnumNamesToCheck[0])).ToString();
				FString ParamNames;

				for (const FName& Name : EnumNamesToCheck)
					if (!ParamNames.IsEmpty())
						ParamNames += TEXT(", ");

					ParamNames += Name.ToString();

				ErrorMsg = FText::Format(LOCTEXT("EnumToExecExpansionFailedMultipleFmt", "Unable to find enum parameters for names:\n '{{0}}' \nto expand for @@"), FText::FromString(ParamNames)).ToString();

void UK2Node_CallFunction::GetExpandEnumPinNames(const UFunction* Function, TArray<FName>& EnumNamesToCheck)

	// todo: use metadatacache if/when that's accepted.
	const FString EnumParamString = GetAllExecParams(Function);

	TArray<FString> RawGroupings;
	EnumParamString.ParseIntoArray(RawGroupings, TEXT(","), false);
	for (FString& RawGroup : RawGroupings)

		TArray<FString> IndividualEntries;
		RawGroup.ParseIntoArray(IndividualEntries, TEXT("|"));

		for (const FString& Entry : IndividualEntries)
			if (Entry.IsEmpty())


void UK2Node_CallFunction::GeneratePinTooltip(UEdGraphPin& Pin) const
	ensure(Pin.GetOwningNode() == this);

	UEdGraphSchema const* Schema = GetSchema();
	check(Schema != NULL);
	UEdGraphSchema_K2 const* const K2Schema = Cast<const UEdGraphSchema_K2>(Schema);

	if (K2Schema == NULL)
		Schema->ConstructBasicPinTooltip(Pin, FText::GetEmpty(), Pin.PinToolTip);
	// get the class function object associated with this node
	UFunction* Function = GetTargetFunction();
	if (Function == NULL)
		Schema->ConstructBasicPinTooltip(Pin, FText::GetEmpty(), Pin.PinToolTip);

	GeneratePinTooltipFromFunction(Pin, Function);

bool UK2Node_CallFunction::CreatePinsForFunctionCall(const UFunction* Function)
	const UEdGraphSchema_K2* K2Schema = GetDefault<UEdGraphSchema_K2>();

	UClass* FunctionOwnerClass = Function->GetOuterUClass();

	bIsInterfaceCall = FunctionOwnerClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Interface);
	bIsPureFunc = (Function->HasAnyFunctionFlags(FUNC_BlueprintPure) != false);
	bIsConstFunc = (Function->HasAnyFunctionFlags(FUNC_Const) != false);

	// Create input pins

	UEdGraphPin* SelfPin = CreateSelfPin(Function);

	// Renamed self pin to target
	SelfPin->PinFriendlyName = LOCTEXT("Target", "Target");

	const bool bIsProtectedFunc = Function->GetBoolMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_Protected);
	const bool bIsStaticFunc = Function->HasAllFunctionFlags(FUNC_Static);

	UEdGraph const* const Graph = GetGraph();
	UBlueprint* BP = FBlueprintEditorUtils::FindBlueprintForGraph(Graph);
	if (BP != nullptr)
		const bool bIsFunctionCompatibleWithSelf = BP->SkeletonGeneratedClass->IsChildOf(FunctionOwnerClass);

		if (bIsStaticFunc)
			// For static methods, wire up the self to the CDO of the class if it's not us
			if (!bIsFunctionCompatibleWithSelf)
				UClass* AuthoritativeClass = FunctionOwnerClass->GetAuthoritativeClass();
				SelfPin->DefaultObject = AuthoritativeClass->GetDefaultObject();

			// Purity doesn't matter with a static function, we can always hide the self pin since we know how to call the method
			SelfPin->bHidden = true;
			if (Function->GetBoolMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_HideSelfPin))
				SelfPin->bHidden = true;
				SelfPin->bNotConnectable = true;
				// Hide the self pin if the function is compatible with the blueprint class and pure (the !bIsConstFunc portion should be going away soon too hopefully)
				SelfPin->bHidden = (bIsFunctionCompatibleWithSelf && bIsPureFunc && !bIsConstFunc);

	// Build a list of the pins that should be hidden for this function (ones that are automagically filled in by the K2 compiler)
	TSet<FName> PinsToHide;
	TSet<FName> InternalPins;
	FBlueprintEditorUtils::GetHiddenPinsForFunction(Graph, Function, PinsToHide, &InternalPins);

	const bool bShowWorldContextPin = ((PinsToHide.Num() > 0) && BP && BP->ParentClass && BP->ParentClass->HasMetaDataHierarchical(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_ShowWorldContextPin));

	// Create the inputs and outputs
	bool bAllPinsGood = true;
	for (TFieldIterator<FProperty> PropIt(Function); PropIt && (PropIt->PropertyFlags & CPF_Parm); ++PropIt)
		FProperty* Param = *PropIt;
		const bool bIsFunctionInput = !Param->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_ReturnParm) && (!Param->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_OutParm) || Param->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_ReferenceParm));
		const bool bIsRefParam = Param->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_ReferenceParm) && bIsFunctionInput;

		const EEdGraphPinDirection Direction = bIsFunctionInput ? EGPD_Input : EGPD_Output;

		UEdGraphNode::FCreatePinParams PinParams;
		PinParams.bIsReference = bIsRefParam;
		UEdGraphPin* Pin = CreatePin(Direction, NAME_None, Param->GetFName(), PinParams);
		const bool bPinGood = (Pin && K2Schema->ConvertPropertyToPinType(Param, /*out*/ Pin->PinType));

		if (bPinGood)
			// Check for a display name override
			const FString& PinDisplayName = Param->GetMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_DisplayName);
			if (!PinDisplayName.IsEmpty())
				Pin->PinFriendlyName = FText::FromString(PinDisplayName);
			else if (Function->GetReturnProperty() == Param && Function->HasMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_ReturnDisplayName))
				Pin->PinFriendlyName = Function->GetMetaDataText(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_ReturnDisplayName);

			//Flag pin as read only for const reference property
			Pin->bDefaultValueIsIgnored = Param->HasAllPropertyFlags(CPF_ConstParm | CPF_ReferenceParm) && (!Function->HasMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_AutoCreateRefTerm) || Pin->PinType.IsContainer());

			const bool bAdvancedPin = Param->HasAllPropertyFlags(CPF_AdvancedDisplay);
			Pin->bAdvancedView = bAdvancedPin;
			if(bAdvancedPin && (ENodeAdvancedPins::NoPins == AdvancedPinDisplay))
				AdvancedPinDisplay = ENodeAdvancedPins::Hidden;

			FString ParamValue;
			if (K2Schema->FindFunctionParameterDefaultValue(Function, Param, ParamValue))
				K2Schema->SetPinAutogeneratedDefaultValue(Pin, ParamValue);
			if (PinsToHide.Contains(Pin->PinName))
				const FString PinNameStr = Pin->PinName.ToString();
				const FString& DefaultToSelfMetaValue = Function->GetMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_DefaultToSelf);
				const FString& WorldContextMetaValue  = Function->GetMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_WorldContext);
				bool bIsSelfPin = ((PinNameStr == DefaultToSelfMetaValue) || (PinNameStr == WorldContextMetaValue));

				if (!bShowWorldContextPin || !bIsSelfPin)
					Pin->bHidden = true;
					Pin->bNotConnectable = InternalPins.Contains(Pin->PinName);


		bAllPinsGood = bAllPinsGood && bPinGood;

	// If we have 'enum to exec' parameters, set their default value to something valid so we don't get warnings
		TArray<FName> EnumNamesToCheck;
		GetExpandEnumPinNames(Function, EnumNamesToCheck);

		for (const FName& Name : EnumNamesToCheck)
			UEdGraphPin* EnumParamPin = FindPin(Name);
			if (UEnum* PinEnum = (EnumParamPin ? Cast<UEnum>(EnumParamPin->PinType.PinSubCategoryObject.Get()) : NULL))
				EnumParamPin->DefaultValue = PinEnum->GetNameStringByIndex(0);

	return bAllPinsGood;

void UK2Node_CallFunction::PostReconstructNode()

	// conform pins that are marked as SetParam:

	FCustomStructureParamHelper::UpdateCustomStructurePins(GetTargetFunction(), this);

	// Fixup self node, may have been overridden from old self node
	UFunction* Function = GetTargetFunction();
	const bool bIsStaticFunc = Function ? Function->HasAllFunctionFlags(FUNC_Static) : false;

	UEdGraphPin* SelfPin = FindPin(UEdGraphSchema_K2::PN_Self);
	if (bIsStaticFunc && SelfPin)
		// Wire up the self to the CDO of the class if it's not us
		if (UBlueprint* BP = GetBlueprint())
			UClass* FunctionOwnerClass = Function->GetOuterUClass();
			if (!BP->SkeletonGeneratedClass->IsChildOf(FunctionOwnerClass))
				SelfPin->DefaultObject = FunctionOwnerClass->GetAuthoritativeClass()->GetDefaultObject();
				// In case a non-NULL reference was previously serialized on load, ensure that it's set to NULL here to match what a new node's self pin would be initialized as (see CreatePinsForFunctionCall).
				SelfPin->DefaultObject = nullptr;

	if (UEdGraphPin* TypePickerPin = FDynamicOutputHelper::GetTypePickerPin(this))

	if (IsNodePure())
		// Remove any pre-existing breakpoint on this node since pure nodes cannot have breakpoints
		if (UBreakpoint* ExistingBreakpoint = FKismetDebugUtilities::FindBreakpointForNode(GetBlueprint(), this))
			// Remove the breakpoint
			FKismetDebugUtilities::StartDeletingBreakpoint(ExistingBreakpoint, GetBlueprint());

void UK2Node_CallFunction::NotifyPinConnectionListChanged(UEdGraphPin* Pin)

	// conform pins that are marked as SetParam:

	if (!ensure(Pin))

	FCustomStructureParamHelper::UpdateCustomStructurePins(GetTargetFunction(), this, Pin);

	// Refresh the node to hide internal-only pins once the [invalid] connection has been broken
	if (Pin->bHidden && Pin->bNotConnectable && Pin->LinkedTo.Num() == 0)

	if (bIsBeadFunction)
		if (Pin->LinkedTo.Num() == 0)
			// Commit suicide; bead functions must always have an input and output connection


void UK2Node_CallFunction::PinDefaultValueChanged(UEdGraphPin* Pin)

UFunction* UK2Node_CallFunction::GetTargetFunction() const
		// first look in the skeleton class:
		if(UFunction* SkeletonFn = GetTargetFunctionFromSkeletonClass())
			return SkeletonFn;

	UFunction* Function = FunctionReference.ResolveMember<UFunction>(GetBlueprintClassFromNode());
	return Function;

UFunction* UK2Node_CallFunction::GetTargetFunctionFromSkeletonClass() const
	UFunction* TargetFunction = nullptr;
	UClass* ParentClass = FunctionReference.GetMemberParentClass( GetBlueprintClassFromNode() );
	UBlueprint* OwningBP = ParentClass ? Cast<UBlueprint>( ParentClass->ClassGeneratedBy ) : nullptr;
	if( UClass* SkeletonClass = OwningBP ? OwningBP->SkeletonGeneratedClass : nullptr )
		TargetFunction = SkeletonClass->FindFunctionByName( FunctionReference.GetMemberName() );
	return TargetFunction;

UEdGraphPin* UK2Node_CallFunction::GetThenPin() const
	UEdGraphPin* Pin = FindPin(UEdGraphSchema_K2::PN_Then);
	check(Pin == nullptr || Pin->Direction == EGPD_Output); // If pin exists, it must be output
	return Pin;

UEdGraphPin* UK2Node_CallFunction::GetReturnValuePin() const
	UEdGraphPin* Pin = FindPin(UEdGraphSchema_K2::PN_ReturnValue);
	check(Pin == nullptr || Pin->Direction == EGPD_Output); // If pin exists, it must be output
	return Pin;

bool UK2Node_CallFunction::IsLatentFunction() const
	if (UFunction* Function = GetTargetFunction())
		if (Function->HasMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_Latent))
			return true;

	return false;

bool UK2Node_CallFunction::AllowMultipleSelfs(bool bInputAsArray) const
	if (UFunction* Function = GetTargetFunction())
		return CanFunctionSupportMultipleTargets(Function);

	return Super::AllowMultipleSelfs(bInputAsArray);

bool UK2Node_CallFunction::CanFunctionSupportMultipleTargets(UFunction const* Function)
	bool const bIsImpure = !Function->HasAnyFunctionFlags(FUNC_BlueprintPure);
	bool const bIsLatent = Function->HasMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_Latent);
	bool const bHasReturnParam = (Function->GetReturnProperty() != nullptr);

	return !bHasReturnParam && bIsImpure && !bIsLatent;

bool UK2Node_CallFunction::CanPasteHere(const UEdGraph* TargetGraph) const
	// Basic check for graph compatibility, etc.
	bool bCanPaste = Super::CanPasteHere(TargetGraph);

	// We check function context for placability only in the base class case; derived classes are typically bound to
	// specific functions that should always be placeable, but may not always be explicitly callable (e.g. InternalUseOnly).
	if(bCanPaste && GetClass() == StaticClass())
		const UEdGraphSchema_K2* K2Schema = GetDefault<UEdGraphSchema_K2>();
		uint32 AllowedFunctionTypes = UEdGraphSchema_K2::EFunctionType::FT_Pure | UEdGraphSchema_K2::EFunctionType::FT_Const | UEdGraphSchema_K2::EFunctionType::FT_Protected;
			AllowedFunctionTypes |= UEdGraphSchema_K2::EFunctionType::FT_Imperative;
		UFunction* TargetFunction = GetTargetFunction();
		if( !TargetFunction )
			TargetFunction = GetTargetFunctionFromSkeletonClass();
		if (!TargetFunction)
			// If the function doesn't exist and it is from self context, then it could be created from a CustomEvent node, that was also pasted (but wasn't compiled yet).
			bCanPaste = FunctionReference.IsSelfContext();
			bCanPaste = K2Schema->CanFunctionBeUsedInGraph(FBlueprintEditorUtils::FindBlueprintForGraphChecked(TargetGraph)->GeneratedClass, TargetFunction, TargetGraph, AllowedFunctionTypes, false);
	return bCanPaste;

bool UK2Node_CallFunction::IsActionFilteredOut(FBlueprintActionFilter const& Filter)
	bool bIsFilteredOut = false;
	for(UEdGraph* TargetGraph : Filter.Context.Graphs)
		bIsFilteredOut |= !CanPasteHere(TargetGraph);

	if(const UFunction* TargetFunction = GetTargetFunction())
		const bool bIsProtected = (TargetFunction->FunctionFlags & FUNC_Protected) != 0;
		const bool bIsPrivate = (TargetFunction->FunctionFlags & FUNC_Private) != 0;
		const UClass* OwningClass = TargetFunction->GetOwnerClass();
		if( (bIsProtected || bIsPrivate) && !FBlueprintEditorUtils::IsNativeSignature(TargetFunction) && OwningClass)
			OwningClass = OwningClass->GetAuthoritativeClass();
			// we can filter private and protected blueprints that are unrelated:
			bool bAccessibleInAll = true;
			for (const UBlueprint* Blueprint : Filter.Context.Blueprints)
				UClass* AuthoritativeClass = Blueprint->GeneratedClass;

					bAccessibleInAll = bAccessibleInAll && AuthoritativeClass == OwningClass;
				else if(bIsProtected)
					bAccessibleInAll = bAccessibleInAll && AuthoritativeClass->IsChildOf(OwningClass);

				bIsFilteredOut = true;

	return bIsFilteredOut;

static FLinearColor GetPalletteIconColor(UFunction const* Function)
	bool const bIsPure = (Function != nullptr) && Function->HasAnyFunctionFlags(FUNC_BlueprintPure);
	if (bIsPure)
		return GetDefault<UGraphEditorSettings>()->PureFunctionCallNodeTitleColor;
	return GetDefault<UGraphEditorSettings>()->FunctionCallNodeTitleColor;

FSlateIcon UK2Node_CallFunction::GetPaletteIconForFunction(UFunction const* Function, FLinearColor& OutColor)
	static const FName NativeMakeFunc(TEXT("NativeMakeFunc"));
	static const FName NativeBrakeFunc(TEXT("NativeBreakFunc"));

	if (Function && Function->HasMetaData(NativeMakeFunc))
		static FSlateIcon Icon("EditorStyle", "GraphEditor.MakeStruct_16x");
		return Icon;
	else if (Function && Function->HasMetaData(NativeBrakeFunc))
		static FSlateIcon Icon("EditorStyle", "GraphEditor.BreakStruct_16x");
		return Icon;
	// Check to see if the function is calling an function that could be an event, display the event icon instead.
	else if (Function && UEdGraphSchema_K2::FunctionCanBePlacedAsEvent(Function))
		static FSlateIcon Icon("EditorStyle", "GraphEditor.Event_16x");
		return Icon;
		OutColor = GetPalletteIconColor(Function);

		static FSlateIcon Icon("EditorStyle", "Kismet.AllClasses.FunctionIcon");
		return Icon;

FLinearColor UK2Node_CallFunction::GetNodeTitleColor() const
	return GetPalletteIconColor(GetTargetFunction());

FText UK2Node_CallFunction::GetTooltipText() const
	FText Tooltip;

	UFunction* Function = GetTargetFunction();
	if (Function == nullptr)
		return FText::Format(LOCTEXT("CallUnknownFunction", "Call unknown function {0}"), FText::FromName(FunctionReference.GetMemberName()));
	else if (CachedTooltip.IsOutOfDate(this))
		FText BaseTooltip = FText::FromString(GetDefaultTooltipForFunction(Function));

		FFormatNamedArguments Args;
		Args.Add(TEXT("DefaultTooltip"), BaseTooltip);

		if (Function->HasAllFunctionFlags(FUNC_BlueprintAuthorityOnly))
				NSLOCTEXT("K2Node", "ServerFunction", "Authority Only. This function will only execute on the server.")
			// FText::Format() is slow, so we cache this to save on performance
			CachedTooltip.SetCachedText(FText::Format(LOCTEXT("CallFunction_SubtitledTooltip", "{DefaultTooltip}\n\n{ClientString}"), Args), this);
		else if (Function->HasAllFunctionFlags(FUNC_BlueprintCosmetic))
				NSLOCTEXT("K2Node", "ClientFunction", "Cosmetic. This event is only for cosmetic, non-gameplay actions.")
			// FText::Format() is slow, so we cache this to save on performance
			CachedTooltip.SetCachedText(FText::Format(LOCTEXT("CallFunction_SubtitledTooltip", "{DefaultTooltip}\n\n{ClientString}"), Args), this);
			CachedTooltip.SetCachedText(BaseTooltip, this);
	return CachedTooltip;

void UK2Node_CallFunction::GeneratePinTooltipFromFunction(UEdGraphPin& Pin, const UFunction* Function)
	if (Pin.bWasTrashed)

	// figure what tag we should be parsing for (is this a return-val pin, or a parameter?)
	FString ParamName;
	FString TagStr = TEXT("@param");
	const bool bReturnPin = Pin.PinName == UEdGraphSchema_K2::PN_ReturnValue;
	if (bReturnPin)
		TagStr = TEXT("@return");
		ParamName = Pin.PinName.ToString();

	// grab the the function's comment block for us to parse
	FString FunctionToolTipText = Function->GetToolTipText().ToString();
	int32 CurStrPos = INDEX_NONE;
	int32 FullToolTipLen = FunctionToolTipText.Len();
	// parse the full function tooltip text, looking for tag lines
		CurStrPos = FunctionToolTipText.Find(TagStr, ESearchCase::IgnoreCase, ESearchDir::FromStart, CurStrPos);
		if (CurStrPos == INDEX_NONE) // if the tag wasn't found

		// advance past the tag
		CurStrPos += TagStr.Len();

		// handle people having done @returns instead of @return
		if (bReturnPin && CurStrPos < FullToolTipLen && FunctionToolTipText[CurStrPos] == TEXT('s'))

		// advance past whitespace
		while(CurStrPos < FullToolTipLen && FChar::IsWhitespace(FunctionToolTipText[CurStrPos]))

		// if this is a parameter pin
		if (!ParamName.IsEmpty())
			FString TagParamName;

			// copy the parameter name
			while (CurStrPos < FullToolTipLen && !FChar::IsWhitespace(FunctionToolTipText[CurStrPos]))

			// if this @param tag doesn't match the param we're looking for
			if (TagParamName != ParamName)

		// advance past whitespace (get to the meat of the comment)
		// since many doxygen style @param use the format "@param <param name> - <comment>" we also strip - if it is before we get to any other non-whitespace
		while(CurStrPos < FullToolTipLen && (FChar::IsWhitespace(FunctionToolTipText[CurStrPos]) || FunctionToolTipText[CurStrPos] == '-'))

		FString ParamDesc;
		// collect the param/return-val description
		while (CurStrPos < FullToolTipLen && FunctionToolTipText[CurStrPos] != TEXT('@'))
			// advance past newline
			while(CurStrPos < FullToolTipLen && FChar::IsLinebreak(FunctionToolTipText[CurStrPos]))

				// advance past whitespace at the start of a new line
				while(CurStrPos < FullToolTipLen && FChar::IsWhitespace(FunctionToolTipText[CurStrPos]))

				// replace the newline with a single space
				if(CurStrPos < FullToolTipLen && !FChar::IsLinebreak(FunctionToolTipText[CurStrPos]))
					ParamDesc.AppendChar(TEXT(' '));

			if (CurStrPos < FullToolTipLen && FunctionToolTipText[CurStrPos] != TEXT('@'))

		// trim any trailing whitespace from the descriptive text

		// if we came up with a valid description for the param/return-val
		if (!ParamDesc.IsEmpty())
			Pin.PinToolTip += ParamDesc;
			break; // we found a match, so there's no need to continue

	} while (CurStrPos < FullToolTipLen);

	// If we have no parameter or return value descriptions the full description will be relevant in describing the return value:
	if( bReturnPin && 
		Pin.PinToolTip.IsEmpty() && 
		FunctionToolTipText.Find(TEXT("@param")) == INDEX_NONE && 
		FunctionToolTipText.Find(TEXT("@return")) == INDEX_NONE)
		// for the return pin, default to using the function description if no @return tag was provided:
		Pin.PinToolTip = Function->GetToolTipText().ToString();

	GetDefault<UEdGraphSchema_K2>()->ConstructBasicPinTooltip(Pin, FText::FromString(Pin.PinToolTip), Pin.PinToolTip);

FText UK2Node_CallFunction::GetUserFacingFunctionName(const UFunction* Function)
	FText ReturnDisplayName;

	if (Function != NULL)
		if (GEditor && GetDefault<UEditorStyleSettings>()->bShowFriendlyNames)
			ReturnDisplayName = Function->GetDisplayNameText();
			static const FString Namespace = TEXT("UObjectDisplayNames");
			const FString Key = Function->GetFullGroupName(false);

			ReturnDisplayName = Function->GetMetaDataText(TEXT("DisplayName"), Namespace, Key);
	return ReturnDisplayName;

FString UK2Node_CallFunction::GetDefaultTooltipForFunction(const UFunction* Function)
	FString Tooltip;

	if (Function != NULL)
		Tooltip = Function->GetToolTipText().ToString();

	if (!Tooltip.IsEmpty())
		// Strip off the doxygen nastiness
		static const FString DoxygenParam(TEXT("@param"));
		static const FString DoxygenReturn(TEXT("@return"));
		static const FString DoxygenSee(TEXT("@see"));
		static const FString TooltipSee(TEXT("See:"));
		static const FString DoxygenNote(TEXT("@note"));
		static const FString TooltipNote(TEXT("Note:"));

		Tooltip.Split(DoxygenParam, &Tooltip, nullptr, ESearchCase::IgnoreCase, ESearchDir::FromStart);
		Tooltip.Split(DoxygenReturn, &Tooltip, nullptr, ESearchCase::IgnoreCase, ESearchDir::FromStart);

		Tooltip.ReplaceInline(*DoxygenSee, *TooltipSee);
		Tooltip.ReplaceInline(*DoxygenNote, *TooltipNote);


		UClass* CurrentSelfClass = (Function != NULL) ? Function->GetOwnerClass() : NULL;
		UClass const* TrueSelfClass = CurrentSelfClass;
		if (CurrentSelfClass && CurrentSelfClass->ClassGeneratedBy)
			TrueSelfClass = CurrentSelfClass->GetAuthoritativeClass();

		FText TargetDisplayText = (TrueSelfClass != NULL) ? TrueSelfClass->GetDisplayNameText() : LOCTEXT("None", "None");

		FFormatNamedArguments Args;
		Args.Add(TEXT("TargetName"), TargetDisplayText);
		Args.Add(TEXT("Tooltip"), FText::FromString(Tooltip));
		return FText::Format(LOCTEXT("CallFunction_Tooltip", "{Tooltip}\n\nTarget is {TargetName}"), Args).ToString();
		return GetUserFacingFunctionName(Function).ToString();

FText UK2Node_CallFunction::GetDefaultCategoryForFunction(const UFunction* Function, const FText& BaseCategory)
	FText NodeCategory = BaseCategory;
	if( Function->HasMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_FunctionCategory) )
		FText FuncCategory;
		// If we are not showing friendly names, return the metadata stored, without localization
		if( GEditor && !GetDefault<UEditorStyleSettings>()->bShowFriendlyNames )
			FuncCategory = FText::FromString(Function->GetMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_FunctionCategory));
			// Look for localized metadata
			FuncCategory = FObjectEditorUtils::GetCategoryText(Function);

			// If the result is culture invariant, force it into a display string
			if (FuncCategory.IsCultureInvariant())
				FuncCategory = FText::FromString(FName::NameToDisplayString(FuncCategory.ToString(), false));

		// Combine with the BaseCategory to form the full category, delimited by "|"
		if (!FuncCategory.IsEmpty() && !NodeCategory.IsEmpty())
			NodeCategory = FText::Format(FText::FromString(TEXT("{0}|{1}")), NodeCategory, FuncCategory);
		else if (NodeCategory.IsEmpty())
			NodeCategory = FuncCategory;
	return NodeCategory;

FText UK2Node_CallFunction::GetKeywordsForFunction(const UFunction* Function)
	// If the friendly name and real function name do not match add the real function name friendly name as a keyword.
	FString Keywords;
	if( Function->GetName() != GetUserFacingFunctionName(Function).ToString() )
		Keywords = Function->GetName();

	if (ShouldDrawCompact(Function))
		Keywords.AppendChar(TEXT(' '));
		Keywords += GetCompactNodeTitle(Function);

	FText MetadataKeywords = Function->GetMetaDataText(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_FunctionKeywords, TEXT("UObjectKeywords"), Function->GetFullGroupName(false));
	FText ResultKeywords;

	if (!MetadataKeywords.IsEmpty())
		FFormatNamedArguments Args;
		Args.Add(TEXT("Name"), FText::FromString(Keywords));
		Args.Add(TEXT("MetadataKeywords"), MetadataKeywords);
		ResultKeywords = FText::Format(FText::FromString("{Name} {MetadataKeywords}"), Args);
		ResultKeywords = FText::FromString(Keywords);

	return ResultKeywords;

void UK2Node_CallFunction::SetFromFunction(const UFunction* Function)
	if (Function != NULL)
		bIsPureFunc = Function->HasAnyFunctionFlags(FUNC_BlueprintPure);
		bIsConstFunc = Function->HasAnyFunctionFlags(FUNC_Const);

		FunctionReference.SetFromField<UFunction>(Function, GetBlueprintClassFromNode());

FString UK2Node_CallFunction::GetDocumentationLink() const
	UClass* ParentClass = NULL;
	if (FunctionReference.IsSelfContext())
		if (HasValidBlueprint())
			UFunction* Function = FindUField<UFunction>(GetBlueprint()->GeneratedClass, FunctionReference.GetMemberName());
			if (Function != NULL)
				ParentClass = Function->GetOwnerClass();
		ParentClass = FunctionReference.GetMemberParentClass(GetBlueprintClassFromNode());
	if (ParentClass != NULL)
		return FString::Printf(TEXT("Shared/GraphNodes/Blueprint/%s%s"), ParentClass->GetPrefixCPP(), *ParentClass->GetName());

	return FString("Shared/GraphNodes/Blueprint/UK2Node_CallFunction");

FString UK2Node_CallFunction::GetDocumentationExcerptName() const
	return FunctionReference.GetMemberName().ToString();

FString UK2Node_CallFunction::GetDescriptiveCompiledName() const
	return FString(TEXT("CallFunc_")) + FunctionReference.GetMemberName().ToString();

bool UK2Node_CallFunction::ShouldDrawCompact(const UFunction* Function)
	return (Function != NULL) && Function->HasMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_CompactNodeTitle);

bool UK2Node_CallFunction::ShouldDrawCompact() const
	UFunction* Function = GetTargetFunction();

	return ShouldDrawCompact(Function);

bool UK2Node_CallFunction::ShouldDrawAsBead() const
	return bIsBeadFunction;

bool UK2Node_CallFunction::ShouldShowNodeProperties() const
	// Show node properties if this corresponds to a function graph
	if (FunctionReference.GetMemberName() != NAME_None && HasValidBlueprint())
		return FindObject<UEdGraph>(GetBlueprint(), *(FunctionReference.GetMemberName().ToString())) != NULL;
	return false;

FString UK2Node_CallFunction::GetCompactNodeTitle(const UFunction* Function)
	static const FString ProgrammerMultiplicationSymbol = TEXT("*");
	static const FString CommonMultiplicationSymbol = TEXT("\xD7");

	static const FString ProgrammerDivisionSymbol = TEXT("/");
	static const FString CommonDivisionSymbol = TEXT("\xF7");

	static const FString ProgrammerConversionSymbol = TEXT("->");
	static const FString CommonConversionSymbol = TEXT("\x2022");

	const FString& OperatorTitle = Function->GetMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_CompactNodeTitle);
	if (!OperatorTitle.IsEmpty())
		if (OperatorTitle == ProgrammerMultiplicationSymbol)
			return CommonMultiplicationSymbol;
		else if (OperatorTitle == ProgrammerDivisionSymbol)
			return CommonDivisionSymbol;
		else if (OperatorTitle == ProgrammerConversionSymbol)
			return CommonConversionSymbol;
			return OperatorTitle;
	return Function->GetName();

FText UK2Node_CallFunction::GetCompactNodeTitle() const
	UFunction* Function = GetTargetFunction();
	if (Function != NULL)
		return FText::FromString(GetCompactNodeTitle(Function));
		return Super::GetCompactNodeTitle();

void UK2Node_CallFunction::GetRedirectPinNames(const UEdGraphPin& Pin, TArray<FString>& RedirectPinNames) const
	Super::GetRedirectPinNames(Pin, RedirectPinNames);

	if (RedirectPinNames.Num() > 0)
		const FString OldPinName = RedirectPinNames[0];

		// first add functionname.param
		RedirectPinNames.Add(FString::Printf(TEXT("%s.%s"), *FunctionReference.GetMemberName().ToString(), *OldPinName));

		// if there is class, also add an option for class.functionname.param
		UClass* FunctionClass = FunctionReference.GetMemberParentClass(GetBlueprintClassFromNode());
		while (FunctionClass)
			RedirectPinNames.Add(FString::Printf(TEXT("%s.%s.%s"), *FunctionClass->GetName(), *FunctionReference.GetMemberName().ToString(), *OldPinName));
			FunctionClass = FunctionClass->GetSuperClass();

void UK2Node_CallFunction::FixupSelfMemberContext()
	UBlueprint* Blueprint = FBlueprintEditorUtils::FindBlueprintForNode(this);
	auto IsBlueprintOfType = [Blueprint](UClass* ClassType)->bool
		bool bIsChildOf  = Blueprint && (Blueprint->GeneratedClass != nullptr) && Blueprint->GeneratedClass->IsChildOf(ClassType);
		if (!bIsChildOf && Blueprint && (Blueprint->SkeletonGeneratedClass))
			bIsChildOf = Blueprint->SkeletonGeneratedClass->IsChildOf(ClassType);
		return bIsChildOf;

	UClass* MemberClass = FunctionReference.GetMemberParentClass();
	if (FunctionReference.IsSelfContext())
		// if there is a function that matches the reference in the new context
		// and there are no connections to the self pin, we just want to call
		// that function
		UEdGraphPin* SelfPin = GetDefault<UEdGraphSchema_K2>()->FindSelfPin(*this, EGPD_Input);
		if (!FunctionReference.ResolveMember<UFunction>(Blueprint) || (SelfPin && SelfPin->HasAnyConnections()))
			if (MemberClass == nullptr)
				// the self pin may have type information stored on it
				if (SelfPin)
					MemberClass = Cast<UClass>(SelfPin->PinType.PinSubCategoryObject.Get());
			// if we happened to retain the ParentClass for a self reference 
			// (unlikely), then we know where this node came from... let's keep it
			// referencing that function
			if (MemberClass != nullptr)
				if (!IsBlueprintOfType(MemberClass))
					FunctionReference.SetExternalMember(FunctionReference.GetMemberName(), MemberClass);
			// else, there is nothing we can do... the node will produce an error later during compilation
	else if (MemberClass != nullptr)
		if (IsBlueprintOfType(MemberClass))

void UK2Node_CallFunction::PostPasteNode()

	if (UFunction* Function = GetTargetFunction())
		if (Pins.Num() > 0)
			// After pasting we need to go through and ensure the hidden the self pins is correct in case the source blueprint had different metadata
			TSet<FName> PinsToHide;
			FBlueprintEditorUtils::GetHiddenPinsForFunction(GetGraph(), Function, PinsToHide);

			const bool bShowWorldContextPin = ((PinsToHide.Num() > 0) && GetBlueprint()->ParentClass->HasMetaDataHierarchical(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_ShowWorldContextPin));

			const FString& DefaultToSelfMetaValue = Function->GetMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_DefaultToSelf);
			const FString& WorldContextMetaValue = Function->GetMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_WorldContext);

			const UEdGraphSchema_K2* K2Schema = GetDefault<UEdGraphSchema_K2>();
			for (int32 PinIndex = 0; PinIndex < Pins.Num(); ++PinIndex)
				UEdGraphPin* Pin = Pins[PinIndex];
					const FString PinNameStr = Pin->PinName.ToString();

					const bool bIsSelfPin = ((PinNameStr == DefaultToSelfMetaValue) || (PinNameStr == WorldContextMetaValue));
					const bool bPinShouldBeHidden = ((Pin->SubPins.Num() > 0) || (PinsToHide.Contains(Pin->PinName) && (!bShowWorldContextPin || !bIsSelfPin)));

				if (bPinShouldBeHidden && !Pin->bHidden)
				Pin->bHidden = bPinShouldBeHidden;

void UK2Node_CallFunction::PostDuplicate(bool bDuplicateForPIE)
	if (!bDuplicateForPIE && (!this->HasAnyFlags(RF_Transient)))

void UK2Node_CallFunction::ValidateNodeDuringCompilation(class FCompilerResultsLog& MessageLog) const

	const UBlueprint* Blueprint = GetBlueprint();
	UFunction *Function = GetTargetFunction();
	if (Function == NULL)
		FString OwnerName;

		if (Blueprint != nullptr)
			OwnerName = Blueprint->GetName();
			if (UClass* FuncOwnerClass = FunctionReference.GetMemberParentClass(Blueprint->GeneratedClass))
				OwnerName = FuncOwnerClass->GetName();
		FString const FunctName = FunctionReference.GetMemberName().ToString();

		FText const WarningFormat = LOCTEXT("FunctionNotFoundFmt", "Could not find a function named \"{0}\" in '{1}'.\nMake sure '{2}' has been compiled for @@");
		MessageLog.Error(*FText::Format(WarningFormat, FText::FromString(FunctName), FText::FromString(OwnerName), FText::FromString(OwnerName)).ToString(), this);
	else if (WantsExecPinsForParams(Function) && bWantsEnumToExecExpansion == false)
		// will technically not have a properly formatted output for multiple params... but /shrug. 
		const FString EnumParamName = GetAllExecParams(Function);
		MessageLog.Warning(*FText::Format(LOCTEXT("EnumToExecExpansionFailedFmt", "Unable to find enum parameter with name '{0}' to expand for @@"), FText::FromString(EnumParamName)).ToString(), this);

	const UClass* BlueprintClass = Blueprint ? Blueprint->ParentClass : nullptr;
	const bool bIsEditorOnlyBlueprintBaseClass = !BlueprintClass || IsEditorOnlyObject(BlueprintClass);

	// This error is disabled while we figure out how we can identify uncooked only
	// blueprints that want to make use of uncooked only APIs:
	#if 0
	const bool bIsUncookedOnlyFunction = Function && Function->GetOutermost()->HasAllPackagesFlags(PKG_UncookedOnly);
	if (	bIsUncookedOnlyFunction &&
			// Only allow calls to uncooked only functions from editor only/uncooked only
			// contexts:
			!(	GetOutermost()->HasAnyPackageFlags(PKG_UncookedOnly|PKG_EditorOnly) ||
				bIsEditorOnlyBlueprintBaseClass ))
		MessageLog.Error(*LOCTEXT("UncookedOnlyError", "Attempting to call uncooked only function @@ in runtime blueprint").ToString(), this);
	#endif //0
	// Ensure that editor module BP exposed UFunctions can only be called in blueprints for which the base class is also part of an editor module
	// Also check for functions wrapped in WITH_EDITOR 
	if (Function && Blueprint &&
		(IsEditorOnlyObject(Function) || Function->HasAnyFunctionFlags(FUNC_EditorOnly)))
		if (!bIsEditorOnlyBlueprintBaseClass)
			FString const FunctName = Function->GetName();
			FText const WarningFormat = LOCTEXT("EditorFunctionFmt", "Cannot use the editor function \"{0}\" in this runtime Blueprint. Only for use in Editor Utility Blueprints and Blutilities.");
			MessageLog.Error(*FText::Format(WarningFormat, FText::FromString(FunctName)).ToString(), this);

	if (Function)
		// enforce UnsafeDuringActorConstruction keyword
		if (Function->HasMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_UnsafeForConstructionScripts))
			// emit warning if we are in a construction script
			UEdGraph const* const Graph = GetGraph();
			bool bNodeIsInConstructionScript = UEdGraphSchema_K2::IsConstructionScript(Graph);

			if (bNodeIsInConstructionScript == false)
				// IsConstructionScript() can return false if graph was cloned from the construction script
				// in that case, check the function entry
				TArray<const UK2Node_FunctionEntry*> EntryPoints;

				if (EntryPoints.Num() == 1)
					UK2Node_FunctionEntry const* const Node = EntryPoints[0];
					if (Node)
						UFunction* const SignatureFunction = Node->FunctionReference.ResolveMember<UFunction>(Node->GetBlueprintClassFromNode());
						bNodeIsInConstructionScript = SignatureFunction && (SignatureFunction->GetFName() == UEdGraphSchema_K2::FN_UserConstructionScript);

			if ( bNodeIsInConstructionScript )
				MessageLog.Warning(*LOCTEXT("FunctionUnsafeDuringConstruction", "Function '@@' is unsafe to call in a construction script.").ToString(), this);

		// enforce WorldContext restrictions
		const bool bInsideBpFuncLibrary = Blueprint && (BPTYPE_FunctionLibrary == Blueprint->BlueprintType);
		if (!bInsideBpFuncLibrary && 
			Function->HasMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_WorldContext) && 
			UClass* ParentClass = Blueprint->ParentClass;
			if (ParentClass && !FBlueprintEditorUtils::ImplementsGetWorld(Blueprint) && !ParentClass->HasMetaDataHierarchical(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_ShowWorldContextPin))
				MessageLog.Warning(*LOCTEXT("FunctionUnsafeInContext", "Function '@@' is unsafe to call from blueprints of class '@@'.").ToString(), this, ParentClass);

		if(Blueprint && !FBlueprintEditorUtils::IsNativeSignature(Function))
			// enforce protected function restriction
			const bool bCanTreatAsError = Blueprint->GetLinkerCustomVersion(FFrameworkObjectVersion::GUID) >= FFrameworkObjectVersion::EnforceBlueprintFunctionVisibility;

			const bool bIsProtected = (Function->FunctionFlags & FUNC_Protected) != 0;
			const bool bFuncBelongsToSubClass = Blueprint->SkeletonGeneratedClass->IsChildOf(Function->GetOuterUClass());
			if (bIsProtected && !bFuncBelongsToSubClass)
					MessageLog.Error(*LOCTEXT("FunctionProtectedAccessed", "Function '@@' is protected and can't be accessed outside of its hierarchy.").ToString(), this);
					MessageLog.Note(*LOCTEXT("FunctionProtectedAccessedNote", "Function '@@' is protected and can't be accessed outside of its hierarchy - this will be an error if the asset is resaved.").ToString(), this);

			// enforce private function restriction
			const bool bIsPrivate = (Function->FunctionFlags & FUNC_Private) != 0;
			const bool bFuncBelongsToClass = bFuncBelongsToSubClass && (Blueprint->SkeletonGeneratedClass == Function->GetOuterUClass());
			if (bIsPrivate && !bFuncBelongsToClass)
					MessageLog.Error(*LOCTEXT("FunctionPrivateAccessed", "Function '@@' is private and can't be accessed outside of its defined class '@@'.").ToString(), this, Function->GetOuterUClass());
					MessageLog.Note(*LOCTEXT("FunctionPrivateAccessedNote", "Function '@@' is private and can't be accessed outside of its defined class '@@' - this will be an error if the asset is resaved.").ToString(), this, Function->GetOuterUClass());

	FDynamicOutputHelper::VerifyNode(this, MessageLog);

	for (UEdGraphPin* Pin : Pins)
		if (Pin && Pin->PinType.bIsWeakPointer && !Pin->PinType.IsContainer())
			const FString ErrorString = FText::Format(
				LOCTEXT("WeakPtrNotSupportedErrorFmt", "Weak pointers are not supported as function parameters. Pin '{0}' @@"),
			MessageLog.Error(*ErrorString, this);

void UK2Node_CallFunction::Serialize(FArchive& Ar)


	if (Ar.IsLoading())
			UFunction* Function = FindUField<UFunction>(CallFunctionClass_DEPRECATED, CallFunctionName_DEPRECATED);
			const bool bProbablySelfCall = (CallFunctionClass_DEPRECATED == NULL) || ((Function != NULL) && (Function->GetOuterUClass()->ClassGeneratedBy == GetBlueprint()));

			FunctionReference.SetDirect(CallFunctionName_DEPRECATED, FGuid(), CallFunctionClass_DEPRECATED, bProbablySelfCall);

			FGuid FunctionGuid;

			if (UBlueprint::GetGuidFromClassByFieldName<UFunction>(GetBlueprint()->GeneratedClass, FunctionReference.GetMemberName(), FunctionGuid))
				const bool bSelf = FunctionReference.IsSelfContext();
				FunctionReference.SetDirect(FunctionReference.GetMemberName(), FunctionGuid, (bSelf ? NULL : FunctionReference.GetMemberParentClass((UClass*)NULL)), bSelf);

		// Consider the 'CPF_UObjectWrapper' flag on native function call parameters and return values.
		if (Ar.CustomVer(FReleaseObjectVersion::GUID) < FReleaseObjectVersion::PinTypeIncludesUObjectWrapperFlag)
			if (UFunction* TargetFunction = GetTargetFunction())
				if (TargetFunction->IsNative())
					for (TFieldIterator<FProperty> PropIt(TargetFunction); PropIt && (PropIt->PropertyFlags & CPF_Parm); ++PropIt)
						if (UEdGraphPin* Pin = FindPin(PropIt->GetFName()))
							if (const FMapProperty* MapProperty = CastField<FMapProperty>(*PropIt))
								if (MapProperty->KeyProp && MapProperty->KeyProp->HasAllPropertyFlags(CPF_UObjectWrapper))
									Pin->PinType.bIsUObjectWrapper = 1;

								if (MapProperty->ValueProp && MapProperty->ValueProp->HasAllPropertyFlags(CPF_UObjectWrapper))
									Pin->PinType.PinValueType.bTerminalIsUObjectWrapper = true;
							else if (const FSetProperty* SetProperty = CastField<FSetProperty>(*PropIt))
								if (SetProperty->ElementProp && SetProperty->ElementProp->HasAllPropertyFlags(CPF_UObjectWrapper))
									Pin->PinType.PinValueType.bTerminalIsUObjectWrapper = true;
							else if(const FArrayProperty* ArrayProperty = CastField<FArrayProperty>(*PropIt))
								if(ArrayProperty->Inner && ArrayProperty->Inner->HasAllPropertyFlags(CPF_UObjectWrapper))
									Pin->PinType.PinValueType.bTerminalIsUObjectWrapper = true;
							else if (PropIt->HasAllPropertyFlags(CPF_UObjectWrapper))
								Pin->PinType.bIsUObjectWrapper = 1;

		if (!Ar.IsObjectReferenceCollector())
			// Don't validate the enabled state if the user has explicitly set it. Also skip validation if we're just duplicating this node.
			const bool bIsDuplicating = (Ar.GetPortFlags() & PPF_Duplicate) != 0;
			if (!bIsDuplicating && !HasUserSetTheEnabledState())
				if (const UFunction* Function = GetTargetFunction())
					// Enable as development-only if specified in metadata. This way existing functions that have the metadata added to them will get their enabled state fixed up on load.
					if (GetDesiredEnabledState() == ENodeEnabledState::Enabled && Function->HasMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_DevelopmentOnly))
						SetEnabledState(ENodeEnabledState::DevelopmentOnly, /*bUserAction=*/ false);
					// Ensure that if the metadata is removed, we also fix up the enabled state to avoid leaving it set as development-only in that case.
					else if (GetDesiredEnabledState() == ENodeEnabledState::DevelopmentOnly && !Function->HasMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_DevelopmentOnly))
						SetEnabledState(ENodeEnabledState::Enabled, /*bUserAction=*/ false);

void UK2Node_CallFunction::PostPlacedNewNode()

	// Try re-setting the function given our new parent scope, in case it turns an external to an internal, or vis versa

	// Set the node to development only if the function specifies that
	if (const UFunction* Function = GetTargetFunction())
		if (Function->HasMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_DevelopmentOnly))
			SetEnabledState(ENodeEnabledState::DevelopmentOnly, /*bUserAction=*/ false);

FNodeHandlingFunctor* UK2Node_CallFunction::CreateNodeHandler(FKismetCompilerContext& CompilerContext) const
	return new FKCHandler_CallFunction(CompilerContext);

void UK2Node_CallFunction::ExpandNode(class FKismetCompilerContext& CompilerContext, UEdGraph* SourceGraph)
	Super::ExpandNode(CompilerContext, SourceGraph);

	const UEdGraphSchema_K2* Schema = CompilerContext.GetSchema();
	UFunction* Function = GetTargetFunction();

	// connect DefaultToSelf and WorldContext inside static functions to proper 'self'  
	if (SourceGraph && Schema->IsStaticFunctionGraph(SourceGraph) && Function)
		TArray<UK2Node_FunctionEntry*> EntryPoints;
		if (1 != EntryPoints.Num())
			CompilerContext.MessageLog.Warning(*FText::Format(LOCTEXT("WrongEntryPointsNumFmt", "{0} entry points found while expanding node @@"), EntryPoints.Num()).ToString(), this);
		else if (UEdGraphPin* BetterSelfPin = EntryPoints[0]->GetAutoWorldContextPin())
			const FString& DefaultToSelfMetaValue = Function->GetMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_DefaultToSelf);
			const FString& WorldContextMetaValue = Function->GetMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_WorldContext);

			struct FStructConnectHelper
				static void Connect(const FString& PinName, UK2Node* Node, UEdGraphPin* BetterSelf, const UEdGraphSchema_K2* InSchema, FCompilerResultsLog& MessageLog)
					UEdGraphPin* Pin = Node->FindPin(PinName);
					if (!PinName.IsEmpty() && Pin && !Pin->LinkedTo.Num())
						const bool bConnected = InSchema->TryCreateConnection(Pin, BetterSelf);
						if (!bConnected)
							MessageLog.Warning(*LOCTEXT("DefaultToSelfNotConnected", "DefaultToSelf pin @@ from node @@ cannot be connected to @@").ToString(), Pin, Node, BetterSelf);
			FStructConnectHelper::Connect(DefaultToSelfMetaValue, this, BetterSelfPin, Schema, CompilerContext.MessageLog);
			if (!Function->HasMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_CallableWithoutWorldContext))
				FStructConnectHelper::Connect(WorldContextMetaValue, this, BetterSelfPin, Schema, CompilerContext.MessageLog);

	// If we have an enum param that is expanded, we handle that first
			TArray<FName> EnumNamesToCheck;
			GetExpandEnumPinNames(Function, EnumNamesToCheck);

			bool bAlreadyHandleInput = false;

			UEdGraphPin* OutMainExecutePin = nullptr;
			UK2Node_ExecutionSequence* SpawnedSequenceNode = nullptr;
			int32 OutSequenceIndex = 0;

			const auto LinkIntoOutputChain = [&OutMainExecutePin, &SpawnedSequenceNode, &OutSequenceIndex, &CompilerContext, this, SourceGraph, Schema](UK2Node* Node)
				if (!OutMainExecutePin)
					// Create normal exec output -- only once though.
					OutMainExecutePin = CreatePin(EGPD_Output, UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Exec, UEdGraphSchema_K2::PN_Then);
					// set up a sequence so we can call one after another.
					if (!SpawnedSequenceNode)
						SpawnedSequenceNode = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_ExecutionSequence>(this, SourceGraph);
						CompilerContext.MovePinLinksToIntermediate(*OutMainExecutePin, *SpawnedSequenceNode->GetThenPinGivenIndex(OutSequenceIndex++));
						Schema->TryCreateConnection(OutMainExecutePin, SpawnedSequenceNode->Pins[0]);

				// Hook up execution to the branch node
				if (!SpawnedSequenceNode)
					Schema->TryCreateConnection(OutMainExecutePin, Node->GetExecPin());
					UEdGraphPin* SequenceOutput = SpawnedSequenceNode->GetThenPinGivenIndex(OutSequenceIndex);

					if (!SequenceOutput)
						SequenceOutput = SpawnedSequenceNode->GetThenPinGivenIndex(OutSequenceIndex);

					Schema->TryCreateConnection(SequenceOutput, Node->GetExecPin());

			for (const FName& EnumParamName : EnumNamesToCheck)
				UEnum* Enum = nullptr;

				if (FByteProperty* ByteProp = FindFProperty<FByteProperty>(Function, EnumParamName))
					Enum = ByteProp->Enum;
				else if (FEnumProperty* EnumProp = FindFProperty<FEnumProperty>(Function, EnumParamName))
					Enum = EnumProp->GetEnum();

				UEdGraphPin* EnumParamPin = FindPin(EnumParamName);
				if (Enum && EnumParamPin)
					// Expanded as input execs pins
					if (EnumParamPin->Direction == EGPD_Input)
						if (bAlreadyHandleInput)
							CompilerContext.MessageLog.Error(TEXT("@@ Already provided an input enum parameter for ExpandEnumAsExecs. Only one is permitted."), this);

						bAlreadyHandleInput = true;

						// Create normal exec input
						UEdGraphPin* ExecutePin = CreatePin(EGPD_Input, UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Exec, UEdGraphSchema_K2::PN_Execute);

						// Create temp enum variable
						UK2Node_TemporaryVariable* TempEnumVarNode = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_TemporaryVariable>(this, SourceGraph);
						TempEnumVarNode->VariableType.PinCategory = UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Byte;
						TempEnumVarNode->VariableType.PinSubCategoryObject = Enum;
						// Get the output pin
						UEdGraphPin* TempEnumVarOutput = TempEnumVarNode->GetVariablePin();

						// Connect temp enum variable to (hidden) enum pin
						Schema->TryCreateConnection(TempEnumVarOutput, EnumParamPin);

						// Now we want to iterate over other exec inputs...
						for (int32 PinIdx = Pins.Num() - 1; PinIdx >= 0; PinIdx--)
							UEdGraphPin* Pin = Pins[PinIdx];
							if (Pin != NULL &&
								Pin != ExecutePin &&
								Pin->Direction == EGPD_Input &&
								Pin->PinType.PinCategory == UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Exec)
								// Create node to set the temp enum var
								UK2Node_AssignmentStatement* AssignNode = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_AssignmentStatement>(this, SourceGraph);

								// Move connections from fake 'enum exec' pint to this assignment node
								CompilerContext.MovePinLinksToIntermediate(*Pin, *AssignNode->GetExecPin());

								// Connect this to out temp enum var
								Schema->TryCreateConnection(AssignNode->GetVariablePin(), TempEnumVarOutput);

								// Connect exec output to 'real' exec pin
								Schema->TryCreateConnection(AssignNode->GetThenPin(), ExecutePin);

								// set the literal enum value to set to
								AssignNode->GetValuePin()->DefaultValue = Pin->PinName.ToString();

								// Finally remove this 'cosmetic' exec pin
					// Expanded as output execs pins
					else if (EnumParamPin->Direction == EGPD_Output)
						// Create a SwitchEnum node to switch on the output enum
						UK2Node_SwitchEnum* SwitchEnumNode = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_SwitchEnum>(this, SourceGraph);
						UEnum* EnumObject = Cast<UEnum>(EnumParamPin->PinType.PinSubCategoryObject.Get());


						// Connect (hidden) enum pin to switch node's selection pin
						Schema->TryCreateConnection(EnumParamPin, SwitchEnumNode->GetSelectionPin());

						// Now we want to iterate over other exec outputs corresponding to the enum.
						// the first pins created are the ExpandEnumAsExecs pins, and they're all made at the same time.
						for (int32 PinIdx = Enum->NumEnums() - 2; PinIdx >= 0; PinIdx--)
							UEdGraphPin* Pin = Pins[PinIdx];

							if (Pin &&
								Pin != OutMainExecutePin &&
								Pin->Direction == EGPD_Output &&
								Pin->PinType.PinCategory == UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Exec)
								if (UEdGraphPin* FoundPin = SwitchEnumNode->FindPin(Pin->PinName))
									if (!FoundPin->LinkedTo.Contains(Pin))
										// Move connections from fake 'enum exec' pin to this switch node
										CompilerContext.MovePinLinksToIntermediate(*Pin, *FoundPin);

										// Finally remove this 'cosmetic' exec pin
								// Have passed the relevant entries... no more work to do here.
				else if(EnumParamPin && !EnumParamPin->PinType.IsContainer() && EnumParamPin->PinType.PinCategory == UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Boolean)
					if (EnumParamPin->Direction == EGPD_Input)
						// Create normal exec input
						UEdGraphPin* ExecutePin = CreatePin(EGPD_Input, UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Exec, UEdGraphSchema_K2::PN_Execute);
						// Create temp bool variable
						UK2Node_TemporaryVariable* TempBoolVarNode = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_TemporaryVariable>(this, SourceGraph);
						TempBoolVarNode->VariableType.PinCategory = UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Boolean;
						// Get the output pin
						UEdGraphPin* TempBoolVarOutput = TempBoolVarNode->GetVariablePin();
						// Connect temp enum variable to (hidden) bool pin
						Schema->TryCreateConnection(TempBoolVarOutput, EnumParamPin);
						// create a true entry and a false:
						const auto CreateAssignNode = [Schema, &CompilerContext, this, SourceGraph, TempBoolVarOutput, ExecutePin](UEdGraphPin* FakePin, const TCHAR* DefaultValue)
							UK2Node_AssignmentStatement* AssignNode = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_AssignmentStatement>(this, SourceGraph);

							// Move connections from fake 'enum exec' pint to this assignment node
							CompilerContext.MovePinLinksToIntermediate(*FakePin, *AssignNode->GetExecPin());

							// Connect this to out temp enum var
							Schema->TryCreateConnection(AssignNode->GetVariablePin(), TempBoolVarOutput);

							// Connect exec output to 'real' exec pin
							Schema->TryCreateConnection(AssignNode->GetThenPin(), ExecutePin);

							// set the literal enum value to set to
							AssignNode->GetValuePin()->DefaultValue = DefaultValue;

						UEdGraphPin* TruePin = FindPinChecked(TEXT("True"), EEdGraphPinDirection::EGPD_Input);
						UEdGraphPin* FalsePin = FindPinChecked(TEXT("False"), EEdGraphPinDirection::EGPD_Input);

						CreateAssignNode(TruePin, TEXT("True"));
						CreateAssignNode(FalsePin, TEXT("False"));

						// remove fake false/true nodes:
					else if (EnumParamPin->Direction == EGPD_Output)
						// Create a Branch node to switch on the output bool:
						UK2Node_IfThenElse* IfElseNode = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_IfThenElse>(this, SourceGraph);


						// Connect (hidden) bool pin to branch node
						Schema->TryCreateConnection(EnumParamPin, IfElseNode->GetConditionPin());

						UEdGraphPin* TruePin = FindPinChecked(TEXT("True"), EEdGraphPinDirection::EGPD_Output);
						UEdGraphPin* FalsePin = FindPinChecked(TEXT("False"), EEdGraphPinDirection::EGPD_Output);

						// move true connection to branch node:
						CompilerContext.MovePinLinksToIntermediate(*TruePin, *IfElseNode->GetThenPin());
						// move false connection to branch node:
						CompilerContext.MovePinLinksToIntermediate(*FalsePin, *IfElseNode->GetElsePin());

						// remove fake false/true nodes:

		if ( Function )
			TArray<FString> AutoCreateRefTermPinNames;
			const bool bHasAutoCreateRefTerms = Function->HasMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_AutoCreateRefTerm);
			if ( bHasAutoCreateRefTerms )
				CompilerContext.GetSchema()->GetAutoEmitTermParameters(Function, AutoCreateRefTermPinNames);

			for (UEdGraphPin* Pin : Pins)
				const bool bIsRefInputParam = Pin && Pin->PinType.bIsReference && (Pin->Direction == EGPD_Input) && !CompilerContext.GetSchema()->IsMetaPin(*Pin);
				if (!bIsRefInputParam)

				const bool bHasConnections = Pin->LinkedTo.Num() > 0;
				const bool bCreateDefaultValRefTerm = bHasAutoCreateRefTerms && 
					!bHasConnections && AutoCreateRefTermPinNames.Contains(Pin->PinName.ToString());

				if (bCreateDefaultValRefTerm)
					const bool bHasDefaultValue = !Pin->DefaultValue.IsEmpty() || Pin->DefaultObject || !Pin->DefaultTextValue.IsEmpty();

					// copy defaults as default values can be reset when the pin is connected
					const FString DefaultValue = Pin->DefaultValue;
					UObject* DefaultObject = Pin->DefaultObject;
					const FText DefaultTextValue = Pin->DefaultTextValue;
					bool bMatchesDefaults = Pin->DoesDefaultValueMatchAutogenerated();

					UEdGraphPin* ValuePin = InnerHandleAutoCreateRef(this, Pin, CompilerContext, SourceGraph, bHasDefaultValue);
					if ( ValuePin )
						if (bMatchesDefaults)
							// Use the latest code to set default value
							ValuePin->DefaultValue = DefaultValue;
							ValuePin->DefaultObject = DefaultObject;
							ValuePin->DefaultTextValue = DefaultTextValue;
				// since EX_Self does not produce an addressable (referenceable) FProperty, we need to shim
				// in a "auto-ref" term in its place (this emulates how UHT generates a local value for 
				// native functions; hence the IsNative() check)
				else if (bHasConnections && Pin->LinkedTo[0]->PinType.PinSubCategory == UEdGraphSchema_K2::PSC_Self && Pin->PinType.bIsConst && !Function->IsNative())
					InnerHandleAutoCreateRef(this, Pin, CompilerContext, SourceGraph, /*bForceAssignment =*/true);

	// Then we go through and expand out array iteration if necessary
	const bool bAllowMultipleSelfs = AllowMultipleSelfs(true);
	UEdGraphPin* MultiSelf = Schema->FindSelfPin(*this, EEdGraphPinDirection::EGPD_Input);
	if(bAllowMultipleSelfs && MultiSelf && !MultiSelf->PinType.IsArray())
		const bool bProperInputToExpandForEach = 
			(1 == MultiSelf->LinkedTo.Num()) && 
			(nullptr != MultiSelf->LinkedTo[0]) && 
			CallForEachElementInArrayExpansion(this, MultiSelf, CompilerContext, SourceGraph);

UEdGraphPin* UK2Node_CallFunction::InnerHandleAutoCreateRef(UK2Node* Node, UEdGraphPin* Pin, FKismetCompilerContext& CompilerContext, UEdGraph* SourceGraph, bool bForceAssignment)
	const bool bAddAssigment = !Pin->PinType.IsContainer() && bForceAssignment;

	UK2Node_TemporaryVariable* LocalVariable = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_TemporaryVariable>(Node, SourceGraph);
	LocalVariable->VariableType = Pin->PinType;
	LocalVariable->VariableType.bIsReference = false;
	if (!bAddAssigment)
		if (!CompilerContext.GetSchema()->TryCreateConnection(LocalVariable->GetVariablePin(), Pin))
			CompilerContext.MessageLog.Error(*LOCTEXT("AutoCreateRefTermPin_NotConnected", "AutoCreateRefTerm Expansion: Pin @@ cannot be connected to @@").ToString(), LocalVariable->GetVariablePin(), Pin);
			return nullptr;
		// TODO connect to dest..
		UK2Node_PureAssignmentStatement* AssignDefaultValue = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_PureAssignmentStatement>(Node, SourceGraph);
		const bool bVariableConnected = CompilerContext.GetSchema()->TryCreateConnection(AssignDefaultValue->GetVariablePin(), LocalVariable->GetVariablePin());
		UEdGraphPin* AssignInputPit = AssignDefaultValue->GetValuePin();
		const bool bPreviousInputSaved = AssignInputPit && CompilerContext.MovePinLinksToIntermediate(*Pin, *AssignInputPit).CanSafeConnect();
		const bool bOutputConnected = CompilerContext.GetSchema()->TryCreateConnection(AssignDefaultValue->GetOutputPin(), Pin);
		if (!bVariableConnected || !bOutputConnected || !bPreviousInputSaved)
			CompilerContext.MessageLog.Error(*LOCTEXT("AutoCreateRefTermPin_AssignmentError", "AutoCreateRefTerm Expansion: Assignment Error @@").ToString(), AssignDefaultValue);
			return nullptr;
		return AssignInputPit;
	return nullptr;

void UK2Node_CallFunction::CallForEachElementInArrayExpansion(UK2Node* Node, UEdGraphPin* MultiSelf, FKismetCompilerContext& CompilerContext, UEdGraph* SourceGraph)
	const UEdGraphSchema_K2* Schema = CompilerContext.GetSchema();
	check(Node && MultiSelf && SourceGraph && Schema);
	const bool bProperInputToExpandForEach = 
		(1 == MultiSelf->LinkedTo.Num()) && 
		(NULL != MultiSelf->LinkedTo[0]) && 

	UEdGraphPin* ThenPin = Node->FindPinChecked(UEdGraphSchema_K2::PN_Then);

	// Create int Iterator
	UK2Node_TemporaryVariable* IteratorVar = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_TemporaryVariable>(Node, SourceGraph);
	IteratorVar->VariableType.PinCategory = UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Int;

	// Initialize iterator
	UK2Node_AssignmentStatement* InteratorInitialize = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_AssignmentStatement>(Node, SourceGraph);
	InteratorInitialize->GetValuePin()->DefaultValue = TEXT("0");
	Schema->TryCreateConnection(IteratorVar->GetVariablePin(), InteratorInitialize->GetVariablePin());
	CompilerContext.MovePinLinksToIntermediate(*Node->GetExecPin(), *InteratorInitialize->GetExecPin());

	// Do loop branch
	UK2Node_IfThenElse* Branch = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_IfThenElse>(Node, SourceGraph);
	Schema->TryCreateConnection(InteratorInitialize->GetThenPin(), Branch->GetExecPin());
	CompilerContext.MovePinLinksToIntermediate(*ThenPin, *Branch->GetElsePin());

	// Do loop condition
	UK2Node_CallFunction* Condition = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_CallFunction>(Node, SourceGraph); 
	Condition->SetFromFunction(UKismetMathLibrary::StaticClass()->FindFunctionByName(GET_FUNCTION_NAME_CHECKED(UKismetMathLibrary, Less_IntInt)));
	Schema->TryCreateConnection(Condition->GetReturnValuePin(), Branch->GetConditionPin());
	Schema->TryCreateConnection(Condition->FindPinChecked(TEXT("A")), IteratorVar->GetVariablePin());

	// Array size
	UK2Node_CallArrayFunction* ArrayLength = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_CallArrayFunction>(Node, SourceGraph); 
	ArrayLength->SetFromFunction(UKismetArrayLibrary::StaticClass()->FindFunctionByName(GET_FUNCTION_NAME_CHECKED(UKismetArrayLibrary, Array_Length)));
	CompilerContext.CopyPinLinksToIntermediate(*MultiSelf, *ArrayLength->GetTargetArrayPin());
	Schema->TryCreateConnection(Condition->FindPinChecked(TEXT("B")), ArrayLength->GetReturnValuePin());

	// Get Element
	UK2Node_CallArrayFunction* GetElement = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_CallArrayFunction>(Node, SourceGraph); 
	GetElement->SetFromFunction(UKismetArrayLibrary::StaticClass()->FindFunctionByName(GET_FUNCTION_NAME_CHECKED(UKismetArrayLibrary, Array_Get)));
	CompilerContext.CopyPinLinksToIntermediate(*MultiSelf, *GetElement->GetTargetArrayPin());
	Schema->TryCreateConnection(GetElement->FindPinChecked(TEXT("Index")), IteratorVar->GetVariablePin());

	// Iterator increment
	UK2Node_CallFunction* Increment = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_CallFunction>(Node, SourceGraph); 
	Increment->SetFromFunction(UKismetMathLibrary::StaticClass()->FindFunctionByName(GET_FUNCTION_NAME_CHECKED(UKismetMathLibrary, Add_IntInt)));
	Schema->TryCreateConnection(Increment->FindPinChecked(TEXT("A")), IteratorVar->GetVariablePin());
	Increment->FindPinChecked(TEXT("B"))->DefaultValue = TEXT("1");

	// Iterator assigned
	UK2Node_AssignmentStatement* IteratorAssign = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_AssignmentStatement>(Node, SourceGraph);
	Schema->TryCreateConnection(IteratorAssign->GetVariablePin(), IteratorVar->GetVariablePin());
	Schema->TryCreateConnection(IteratorAssign->GetValuePin(), Increment->GetReturnValuePin());
	Schema->TryCreateConnection(IteratorAssign->GetThenPin(), Branch->GetExecPin());

	// Connect pins from intermediate nodes back in to the original node
	Schema->TryCreateConnection(Branch->GetThenPin(), Node->GetExecPin());
	Schema->TryCreateConnection(ThenPin, IteratorAssign->GetExecPin());
	Schema->TryCreateConnection(GetElement->FindPinChecked(TEXT("Item")), MultiSelf);

FName UK2Node_CallFunction::GetCornerIcon() const
	if (const UFunction* Function = GetTargetFunction())
		if (Function->HasAllFunctionFlags(FUNC_BlueprintAuthorityOnly))
			return TEXT("Graph.Replication.AuthorityOnly");		
		else if (Function->HasAllFunctionFlags(FUNC_BlueprintCosmetic))
			return TEXT("Graph.Replication.ClientEvent");
		else if(Function->HasMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_Latent))
			return TEXT("Graph.Latent.LatentIcon");
	return Super::GetCornerIcon();

FSlateIcon UK2Node_CallFunction::GetIconAndTint(FLinearColor& OutColor) const
	return GetPaletteIconForFunction(GetTargetFunction(), OutColor);

bool UK2Node_CallFunction::ReconnectPureExecPins(TArray<UEdGraphPin*>& OldPins)
	if (IsNodePure())
		// look for an old exec pin
		UEdGraphPin* PinExec = nullptr;
		for (int32 PinIdx = 0; PinIdx < OldPins.Num(); PinIdx++)
			if (OldPins[PinIdx]->PinName == UEdGraphSchema_K2::PN_Execute)
				PinExec = OldPins[PinIdx];
		if (PinExec)

			// look for old then pin
			UEdGraphPin* PinThen = nullptr;
			for (int32 PinIdx = 0; PinIdx < OldPins.Num(); PinIdx++)
				if (OldPins[PinIdx]->PinName == UEdGraphSchema_K2::PN_Then)
					PinThen = OldPins[PinIdx];
			if (PinThen)

				// reconnect all incoming links to old exec pin to the far end of the old then pin.
				if (PinThen->LinkedTo.Num() > 0)
					UEdGraphPin* PinThenLinked = PinThen->LinkedTo[0];
					while (PinExec->LinkedTo.Num() > 0)
						UEdGraphPin* PinExecLinked = PinExec->LinkedTo[0];
					return true;
	return false;

void UK2Node_CallFunction::InvalidatePinTooltips()
	bPinTooltipsValid = false;

void UK2Node_CallFunction::ConformContainerPins()
	// helper functions for type propagation:
	const auto TryReadTypeToPropagate = [](UEdGraphPin* Pin, bool& bOutPropagated, FEdGraphTerminalType& TypeToPropagete)
		if (Pin && !bOutPropagated)
			if (Pin->HasAnyConnections() || !Pin->DoesDefaultValueMatchAutogenerated() )
				bOutPropagated = true;
				if (Pin->LinkedTo.Num() != 0)
					TypeToPropagete = Pin->LinkedTo[0]->GetPrimaryTerminalType();
					TypeToPropagete = Pin->GetPrimaryTerminalType();

	const auto TryReadValueTypeToPropagate = [](UEdGraphPin* Pin, bool& bOutPropagated, FEdGraphTerminalType& TypeToPropagete)
		if (Pin && !bOutPropagated)
			if (Pin->LinkedTo.Num() != 0 || !Pin->DoesDefaultValueMatchAutogenerated())
				bOutPropagated = true;
				if (Pin->LinkedTo.Num() != 0)
					TypeToPropagete = Pin->LinkedTo[0]->PinType.PinValueType;
					TypeToPropagete = Pin->PinType.PinValueType;
	const UEdGraphSchema_K2* Schema = CastChecked<UEdGraphSchema_K2>(GetSchema());

	const auto TryPropagateType = [Schema](UEdGraphPin* Pin, const FEdGraphTerminalType& TerminalType, bool bTypeIsAvailable)
				const FEdGraphTerminalType PrimaryType = Pin->GetPrimaryTerminalType();
				if( PrimaryType.TerminalCategory != TerminalType.TerminalCategory ||
					PrimaryType.TerminalSubCategory != TerminalType.TerminalSubCategory ||
					PrimaryType.TerminalSubCategoryObject != TerminalType.TerminalSubCategoryObject)
					// terminal type changed:
					if (Pin->SubPins.Num() > 0 && Pin->PinType.PinCategory != UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Wildcard)

					Pin->PinType.PinCategory = TerminalType.TerminalCategory;
					Pin->PinType.PinSubCategory = TerminalType.TerminalSubCategory;
					Pin->PinType.PinSubCategoryObject = TerminalType.TerminalSubCategoryObject;

					// Also propagate the CPF_UObjectWrapper flag, which will be set for "wrapped" object ptr types (e.g. TSubclassOf).
					Pin->PinType.bIsUObjectWrapper = TerminalType.bTerminalIsUObjectWrapper;
					// Reset default values
					if (!Schema->IsPinDefaultValid(Pin, Pin->DefaultValue, Pin->DefaultObject, Pin->DefaultTextValue).IsEmpty())
						Schema->ResetPinToAutogeneratedDefaultValue(Pin, false);
				// reset to wildcard:
				if (Pin->SubPins.Num() > 0)

				Pin->PinType.PinCategory = UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Wildcard;
				Pin->PinType.PinSubCategory = NAME_None;
				Pin->PinType.PinSubCategoryObject = nullptr;
				Pin->PinType.bIsUObjectWrapper = false;
				Schema->ResetPinToAutogeneratedDefaultValue(Pin, false);

	const auto TryPropagateValueType = [](UEdGraphPin* Pin, const FEdGraphTerminalType& TerminalType, bool bTypeIsAvailable)
		if (Pin)
			if (bTypeIsAvailable)
				Pin->PinType.PinValueType.TerminalCategory = TerminalType.TerminalCategory;
				Pin->PinType.PinValueType.TerminalSubCategory = TerminalType.TerminalSubCategory;
				Pin->PinType.PinValueType.TerminalSubCategoryObject = TerminalType.TerminalSubCategoryObject;
				Pin->PinType.PinValueType.TerminalCategory = UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Wildcard;
				Pin->PinType.PinValueType.TerminalSubCategory = NAME_None;
				Pin->PinType.PinValueType.TerminalSubCategoryObject = nullptr;
	const UFunction* TargetFunction = GetTargetFunction();
	if (TargetFunction == nullptr)

	// find any pins marked as SetParam
	const FString& SetPinMetaData = TargetFunction->GetMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_SetParam);

	// useless copies/allocates in this code, could be an optimization target...
	TArray<FString> SetParamPinGroups;
		SetPinMetaData.ParseIntoArray(SetParamPinGroups, TEXT(","), true);

	for (FString& Entry : SetParamPinGroups)
		// split the group:
		TArray<FString> GroupEntries;
		Entry.ParseIntoArray(GroupEntries, TEXT("|"), true);
		// resolve pins
		TArray<UEdGraphPin*> ResolvedPins;
		for(UEdGraphPin* Pin : Pins)
			if (GroupEntries.Contains(Pin->GetName()))

		// if nothing is connected (or non-default), reset to wildcard
		// else, find the first type and propagate to everyone else::
		bool bReadyToPropagatSetType = false;
		FEdGraphTerminalType TypeToPropagate;
		for (UEdGraphPin* Pin : ResolvedPins)
			TryReadTypeToPropagate(Pin, bReadyToPropagatSetType, TypeToPropagate);

		for (UEdGraphPin* Pin : ResolvedPins)
			TryPropagateType( Pin, TypeToPropagate, bReadyToPropagatSetType );

	const FString& MapPinMetaData = TargetFunction->GetMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_MapParam);
	const FString& MapKeyPinMetaData = TargetFunction->GetMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_MapKeyParam);
	const FString& MapValuePinMetaData = TargetFunction->GetMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_MapValueParam);

	if(!MapPinMetaData.IsEmpty() || !MapKeyPinMetaData.IsEmpty() || !MapValuePinMetaData.IsEmpty() )
		// if the map pin has a connection infer from that, otherwise use the information on the key param and value param:
		bool bReadyToPropagateKeyType = false;
		FEdGraphTerminalType KeyTypeToPropagate;
		bool bReadyToPropagateValueType = false;
		FEdGraphTerminalType ValueTypeToPropagate;

		UEdGraphPin* MapPin = MapPinMetaData.IsEmpty() ? nullptr : FindPin(MapPinMetaData);
		UEdGraphPin* MapKeyPin = MapKeyPinMetaData.IsEmpty() ? nullptr : FindPin(MapKeyPinMetaData);
		UEdGraphPin* MapValuePin = MapValuePinMetaData.IsEmpty() ? nullptr : FindPin(MapValuePinMetaData);

		TryReadTypeToPropagate(MapPin, bReadyToPropagateKeyType, KeyTypeToPropagate);
		TryReadValueTypeToPropagate(MapPin, bReadyToPropagateValueType, ValueTypeToPropagate);
		TryReadTypeToPropagate(MapKeyPin, bReadyToPropagateKeyType, KeyTypeToPropagate);
		TryReadTypeToPropagate(MapValuePin, bReadyToPropagateValueType, ValueTypeToPropagate);

		TryPropagateType(MapPin, KeyTypeToPropagate, bReadyToPropagateKeyType);
		TryPropagateType(MapKeyPin, KeyTypeToPropagate, bReadyToPropagateKeyType);

		TryPropagateValueType(MapPin, ValueTypeToPropagate, bReadyToPropagateValueType);
		TryPropagateType(MapValuePin, ValueTypeToPropagate, bReadyToPropagateValueType);

FText UK2Node_CallFunction::GetToolTipHeading() const
	FText Heading = Super::GetToolTipHeading();

	struct FHeadingBuilder
		FHeadingBuilder(FText InitialHeading) : ConstructedHeading(InitialHeading) {}

		void Append(FText HeadingAddOn)
			if (ConstructedHeading.IsEmpty())
				ConstructedHeading = HeadingAddOn;
				ConstructedHeading = FText::Format(FText::FromString("{0}\n{1}"), HeadingAddOn, ConstructedHeading);

		FText ConstructedHeading;
	FHeadingBuilder HeadingBuilder(Super::GetToolTipHeading());

	if (const UFunction* Function = GetTargetFunction())
		if (Function->HasAllFunctionFlags(FUNC_BlueprintAuthorityOnly))
			HeadingBuilder.Append(LOCTEXT("ServerOnlyFunc", "Server Only"));	
		if (Function->HasAllFunctionFlags(FUNC_BlueprintCosmetic))
			HeadingBuilder.Append(LOCTEXT("ClientOnlyFunc", "Client Only"));
			HeadingBuilder.Append(LOCTEXT("LatentFunc", "Latent"));

	return HeadingBuilder.ConstructedHeading;

void UK2Node_CallFunction::GetNodeAttributes( TArray<TKeyValuePair<FString, FString>>& OutNodeAttributes ) const
	UFunction* TargetFunction = GetTargetFunction();
	const FString TargetFunctionName = TargetFunction ? TargetFunction->GetName() : TEXT( "InvalidFunction" );
	OutNodeAttributes.Add( TKeyValuePair<FString, FString>( TEXT( "Type" ), TEXT( "Function" ) ));
	OutNodeAttributes.Add( TKeyValuePair<FString, FString>( TEXT( "Class" ), GetClass()->GetName() ));
	OutNodeAttributes.Add( TKeyValuePair<FString, FString>( TEXT( "Name" ), TargetFunctionName ));

FText UK2Node_CallFunction::GetMenuCategory() const
	UFunction* TargetFunction = GetTargetFunction();
	if (TargetFunction != nullptr)
		return GetDefaultCategoryForFunction(TargetFunction, FText::GetEmpty());
	return FText::GetEmpty();

bool UK2Node_CallFunction::HasExternalDependencies(TArray<class UStruct*>* OptionalOutput) const
	UFunction* Function = GetTargetFunction();
	const UClass* SourceClass = Function ? Function->GetOwnerClass() : nullptr;
	const UBlueprint* SourceBlueprint = GetBlueprint();
	bool bResult = (SourceClass != nullptr) && (SourceClass->ClassGeneratedBy != SourceBlueprint);
	if (bResult && OptionalOutput)

	// All structures, that are required for the BP compilation, should be gathered
	for (UEdGraphPin* Pin : Pins)
		UStruct* DepStruct = Pin ? Cast<UStruct>(Pin->PinType.PinSubCategoryObject.Get()) : nullptr;

		UClass* DepClass = Cast<UClass>(DepStruct);
		if (DepClass && (DepClass->ClassGeneratedBy == SourceBlueprint))
			//Don't include self

		if (DepStruct && !DepStruct->IsNative())
			if (OptionalOutput)
			bResult = true;

	const bool bSuperResult = Super::HasExternalDependencies(OptionalOutput);
	return bSuperResult || bResult;

UEdGraph* UK2Node_CallFunction::GetFunctionGraph(const UEdGraphNode*& OutGraphNode) const
	OutGraphNode = nullptr;

	// Search for the Blueprint owner of the function graph, climbing up through the Blueprint hierarchy
	UClass* MemberParentClass = FunctionReference.GetMemberParentClass(GetBlueprintClassFromNode());
	if(MemberParentClass != nullptr)
		UBlueprintGeneratedClass* ParentClass = Cast<UBlueprintGeneratedClass>(MemberParentClass);
		if(ParentClass != nullptr && ParentClass->ClassGeneratedBy != nullptr)
			UBlueprint* Blueprint = Cast<UBlueprint>(ParentClass->ClassGeneratedBy);
			while(Blueprint != nullptr)
				UEdGraph* TargetGraph = nullptr;
				const FName FunctionName = FunctionReference.GetMemberName();
				for (UEdGraph* const Graph : Blueprint->FunctionGraphs) 
					if (Graph->GetFName() == FunctionName)
						TargetGraph = Graph;

				if (!TargetGraph)
					for (const FBPInterfaceDescription& Interface : Blueprint->ImplementedInterfaces)
						for (UEdGraph* const Graph : Interface.Graphs)
							if (Graph->GetFName() == FunctionName)
								TargetGraph = Graph;

						if (TargetGraph)

				if((TargetGraph != nullptr) && !TargetGraph->HasAnyFlags(RF_Transient))
					// Found the function graph in a Blueprint, return that graph
					return TargetGraph;
					// Did not find the function call as a graph, it may be a custom event
					UK2Node_CustomEvent* CustomEventNode = nullptr;

					TArray<UK2Node_CustomEvent*> CustomEventNodes;
					FBlueprintEditorUtils::GetAllNodesOfClass(Blueprint, CustomEventNodes);

					for (UK2Node_CustomEvent* const CustomEvent : CustomEventNodes)
						if(CustomEvent->CustomFunctionName == FunctionReference.GetMemberName())
							OutGraphNode = CustomEvent;
							return CustomEvent->GetGraph();

				ParentClass = Cast<UBlueprintGeneratedClass>(Blueprint->ParentClass);
				Blueprint = ParentClass != nullptr ? Cast<UBlueprint>(ParentClass->ClassGeneratedBy) : nullptr;
	return nullptr;

bool UK2Node_CallFunction::IsStructureWildcardProperty(const UFunction* Function, const FName PropertyName)
	if (Function && !PropertyName.IsNone())
		TArray<FString> Names;
		FCustomStructureParamHelper::FillCustomStructureParameterNames(Function, Names);
		if (Names.Contains(PropertyName.ToString()))
			return true;
	return false;

bool UK2Node_CallFunction::IsWildcardProperty(const UFunction* InFunction, const FProperty* InProperty)
	if (InProperty)
		return FEdGraphUtilities::IsSetParam(InFunction, InProperty->GetFName()) || FEdGraphUtilities::IsMapParam(InFunction, InProperty->GetFName());
	return false;

void UK2Node_CallFunction::AddSearchMetaDataInfo(TArray<struct FSearchTagDataPair>& OutTaggedMetaData) const

	if (UFunction* TargetFunction = GetTargetFunction())
		OutTaggedMetaData.Add(FSearchTagDataPair(FFindInBlueprintSearchTags::FiB_NativeName, FText::FromString(TargetFunction->GetName())));

TSharedPtr<SWidget> UK2Node_CallFunction::CreateNodeImage() const
	// For set, map and array functions we have a cool icon. This helps users quickly
	// identify container types:
	if (UFunction* TargetFunction = GetTargetFunction())
		UEdGraphPin* NodeImagePin = FEdGraphUtilities::FindArrayParamPin(TargetFunction, this);
		NodeImagePin = NodeImagePin ? NodeImagePin : FEdGraphUtilities::FindSetParamPin(TargetFunction, this);
		NodeImagePin = NodeImagePin ? NodeImagePin : FEdGraphUtilities::FindMapParamPin(TargetFunction, this);
			// Find the first array param pin and bind that to our array image:
			return SPinTypeSelector::ConstructPinTypeImage(NodeImagePin);

	return TSharedPtr<SWidget>();

UObject* UK2Node_CallFunction::GetJumpTargetForDoubleClick() const
	// If there is an event node, jump to it, otherwise jump to the function graph
	const UEdGraphNode* ResultEventNode = nullptr;
	UEdGraph* FunctionGraph = GetFunctionGraph(/*out*/ ResultEventNode);
	if (ResultEventNode != nullptr)
		return const_cast<UEdGraphNode*>(ResultEventNode);
		return FunctionGraph;

bool UK2Node_CallFunction::CanJumpToDefinition() const
	const UFunction* TargetFunction = GetTargetFunction();
	const bool bNativeFunction = (TargetFunction != nullptr) && (TargetFunction->IsNative());
	return bNativeFunction || (GetJumpTargetForDoubleClick() != nullptr);

void UK2Node_CallFunction::JumpToDefinition() const
	// For native functions, try going to the function definition in C++ if available
	if (UFunction* TargetFunction = GetTargetFunction())
		if (TargetFunction->IsNative())
			// First try the nice way that will get to the right line number
			bool bSucceeded = false;
			const bool bNavigateToNativeFunctions = GetDefault<UBlueprintEditorSettings>()->bNavigateToNativeFunctionsFromCallNodes;
					bSucceeded = FSourceCodeNavigation::NavigateToFunction(TargetFunction);

				// Failing that, fall back to the older method which will still get the file open assuming it exists
				if (!bSucceeded)
					FString NativeParentClassHeaderPath;
					const bool bFileFound = FSourceCodeNavigation::FindClassHeaderPath(TargetFunction, NativeParentClassHeaderPath) && (IFileManager::Get().FileSize(*NativeParentClassHeaderPath) != INDEX_NONE);
					if (bFileFound)
						const FString AbsNativeParentClassHeaderPath = FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(NativeParentClassHeaderPath);
						bSucceeded = FSourceCodeNavigation::OpenSourceFile(AbsNativeParentClassHeaderPath);
				// Inform user that the function is native, give them opportunity to enable navigation to native
				// functions:
				FNotificationInfo Info(LOCTEXT("NavigateToNativeDisabled", "Navigation to Native (c++) Functions Disabled"));
				Info.ExpireDuration = 10.0f;
				Info.CheckBoxState = bNavigateToNativeFunctions ? ECheckBoxState::Checked : ECheckBoxState::Unchecked;
				Info.CheckBoxStateChanged = FOnCheckStateChanged::CreateStatic(
					[](ECheckBoxState NewState)
						const FScopedTransaction Transaction(LOCTEXT("ChangeNavigateToNativeFunctionsFromCallNodes", "Change Navigate to Native Functions from Call Nodes Setting"));
						UBlueprintEditorSettings* MutableEditorSetings = GetMutableDefault<UBlueprintEditorSettings>();
						MutableEditorSetings->bNavigateToNativeFunctionsFromCallNodes = (NewState == ECheckBoxState::Checked) ? true : false;
				Info.CheckBoxText = LOCTEXT("EnableNavigationToNative", "Navigate to Native Functions from Blueprint Call Nodes?");


	// Otherwise, fall back to the inherited behavior which should go to the function entry node

FString UK2Node_CallFunction::GetPinMetaData(FName InPinName, FName InKey)
	FString MetaData = Super::GetPinMetaData(InPinName, InKey);

	// If there's no metadata directly on the pin then check for metadata on the function
	if (MetaData.IsEmpty())
		if (UFunction* Function = GetTargetFunction())
			// Find the corresponding property for the pin
			if (FProperty* Property = Function->FindPropertyByName(InPinName))
				MetaData = Property->GetMetaData(InKey);

	return MetaData;

bool UK2Node_CallFunction::IsConnectionDisallowed(const UEdGraphPin* MyPin, const UEdGraphPin* OtherPin, FString& OutReason) const
	bool bIsDisallowed = Super::IsConnectionDisallowed(MyPin, OtherPin, OutReason);
	if (!bIsDisallowed && MyPin != nullptr)
		if (MyPin->bNotConnectable)
			bIsDisallowed = true;
			OutReason = LOCTEXT("PinConnectionDisallowed", "This parameter is for internal use only.").ToString();
		else if (UFunction* TargetFunction = GetTargetFunction())
			const bool bIsObjectType = (MyPin->PinType.PinCategory == UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Object ||
				MyPin->PinType.PinCategory == UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_SoftObject) &&
				(OtherPin->PinType.PinCategory == UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Object ||
				OtherPin->PinType.PinCategory == UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_SoftObject);

			if (// Strictly speaking this first check is not needed, but by not disabling the connection here we get a better reason later:
				(	OtherPin->PinType.IsContainer() 
					// make sure we don't allow connections of mismatched container types (e.g. maps to arrays)
					&& (OtherPin->PinType.ContainerType != MyPin->PinType.ContainerType)
					&& (
						(FEdGraphUtilities::IsSetParam(TargetFunction, MyPin->PinName) && !MyPin->PinType.IsSet()) ||
						(FEdGraphUtilities::IsMapParam(TargetFunction, MyPin->PinName) && !MyPin->PinType.IsMap()) ||
						(FEdGraphUtilities::IsArrayDependentParam(TargetFunction, MyPin->PinName) && !MyPin->PinType.IsArray())
				bIsDisallowed = true;
				OutReason = LOCTEXT("PinSetConnectionDisallowed", "Containers of containers are not supported - consider wrapping a container in a Structure object").ToString();
			// Do not allow exec pins to be connected to a wildcard if this is a container function
			else if(MyPin->PinType.PinCategory == UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Wildcard && OtherPin->PinType.PinCategory == UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Exec)
				bIsDisallowed = true;
				OutReason = LOCTEXT("PinExecConnectionDisallowed", "Cannot create a container of Exec pins.").ToString();
			else if (bIsObjectType && MyPin->Direction == EGPD_Input && MyPin->PinType.IsContainer() && OtherPin->PinType.IsContainer())
				// Check that we can actually connect the dependent pins to this new array
				const UEdGraphSchema_K2* K2Schema = Cast<UEdGraphSchema_K2>(GetSchema());

				// Gather all pins that would be dependent on on the container type
				TArray<UEdGraphPin*> DependentPins;
					for (UEdGraphPin* Pin : Pins)
						if (Pin->Direction == EGPD_Input && Pin != MyPin && FEdGraphUtilities::IsDynamicContainerParam(TargetFunction, Pin->PinName))

				for (UEdGraphPin* Pin : DependentPins)
					// If the pins are both containers, then ArePinTypesCompatible will fail incorrectly.
					if (OtherPin->PinType.ContainerType != Pin->PinType.ContainerType)

					UClass* Context = nullptr;
					UBlueprint* Blueprint = GetBlueprint();
					if (Blueprint)
						Context = Blueprint->GeneratedClass;

					const bool ConnectResponse = K2Schema->ArePinTypesCompatible(Pin->PinType, OtherPin->PinType, Context, /* bIgnoreArray = */ true);

					if (!ConnectResponse)
						// For sets, we have to check if the other pin is a valid child that can actually 
						// be connected in cases like the "Union" function
						UStruct const* OutputObject = (OtherPin->PinType.PinSubCategory == UEdGraphSchema_K2::PSC_Self) ? Context : Cast<UStruct>(OtherPin->PinType.PinSubCategoryObject.Get());
						UStruct const* InputObject = (Pin->PinType.PinSubCategory == UEdGraphSchema_K2::PSC_Self) ? Context : Cast<UStruct>(Pin->PinType.PinSubCategoryObject.Get());

						if (OtherPin->PinType.IsSet() && OutputObject && InputObject && OutputObject->IsChildOf(InputObject))
							bIsDisallowed = false;
							// Display the necessary tooltip on the pin hover, and log it if we are compiling
							FFormatNamedArguments MessageArgs;
							MessageArgs.Add(TEXT("PinAType"), UEdGraphSchema_K2::TypeToText(Pin->PinType));
							MessageArgs.Add(TEXT("PinBType"), UEdGraphSchema_K2::TypeToText(OtherPin->PinType));
							UBlueprint* BP = GetBlueprint();
							UEdGraph* OwningGraph = GetGraph();

							OutReason = FText::Format(LOCTEXT("DefaultPinIncompatibilityMessage", "{PinAType} is not compatible with {PinBType}."), MessageArgs).ToString();
							return true;

	return bIsDisallowed;
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