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signature=c717b14f61abe7fd68a7e74bade6b756,uaa/UAA-APIs.rst at 8461b60b5e314abeaae6b3a33418f61c2a1d7...


User Account and Authentication Service APIs

The User Account and Authentication Service (UAA):

is a separate application from Cloud Foundry the Cloud Controller

owns the user accounts and authentication sources (SAML, LDAP, Keystone)

is invoked via JSON APIs

supports standard protocols to provide single sign-on and delegated authorization to web applications in addition to JSON APIs to support the Cloud Controller and team features of Cloud Foundry

supports APIs and a basic login/approval UI for web client apps

supports APIs for user account management for an external web UI (i.e. www.cloudfoundry.com)

Rather than trigger arguments about how RESTful these APIs are we'll just refer to them as JSON APIs. Most of them are defined by the specs for the OAuth2, OpenID Connect, and SCIM standards.

The UAA itself is also performing authorization based on the scope claim in the JWT token for it's operation.

Here is a summary of the different scopes that are known to the UAA.

zones.read - scope required to invoke the /identity-zones endpoint to read identity zones

zones.write - scope required to invoke the /identity-zones endpoint to create and update identity zones

idps.read - read only scopes to retrieve identity providers under /identity-providers

idps.write - create and update identity providers under /identity-providers

clients.admin - super user scope to create, modify and delete clients

clients.write - scope required to create and modify clients. The scopes are limited to be prefixed with the scope holder's client id. For example, id:testclient authorities:client.write may create a client that has scopes that have the 'testclient.' prefix. Authorities are limited to uaa.resource

clients.read - scope to read information about clients

clients.secret - /oauth/clients/*/secret endpoint. Scope required to change the password of a client. Considered an admin scope.

scim.write - Admin write access to all SCIM endpoints, /Users, /Groups/.

scim.read - Admin read access to all SCIM endpoints, /Users, /Groups/.

scim.create - Reduced scope to be able to create a user using POST /Users (get verification links GET /Users/{id}/verify-link or verify their account using GET /Users/{id}/verify) but not be able to modify, read or delete users.

scim.userids - /ids/Users - Required to convert a username+origin to a user ID and vice versa.

scim.zones - Limited scope that only allows adding/removing a user to/from zone management groups under the path /Groups/zones

scim.invite - Scope required by a client in order to participate in invitations using the /invite_users endpoint.

password.write - /User*/*/password endpoint. Admin scope to change a user's password.

oauth.approval - /approvals endpoint. Scope required to be able to approve/disapprove clients to act on a user's behalf. This is a default scope defined in uaa.yml.

oauth.login - Scope used to indicate a login application, such as external login servers, to perform trusted operations, such as create users not authenticated in the UAA.

approvals.me - not currently used

openid - Required to access the /userinfo endpoint. Intended for OpenID clients.

groups.update - Allows a group to be updated. Can also be accomplished with scim.write

uaa.user - scope to indicate this is a user, also required in the token if using API Authorization Requests Code: ``GET /oauth/authorize` (non standard /oauth/authorize)`_

uaa.resource - scope to indicate this is a resource server, used for the /check_token endpoint

uaa.admin - scope to indicate this is the super user

uaa.none - scope to indicate that this client will not be performing actions on behalf of a user

Zone Management Scopes

zones..admin - scope that permits operations in a designated zone by authenticating against the default zone, such as create identity providers or clients in another zone (used together with the X-Identity-Zone-Id header)

zones..read - scope that permits reading the given identity zone (used together with the X-Identity-Zone-Id header)

zones..clients.admin - translates into clients.admin after zone switch is complete (used together with the X-Identity-Zone-Id header)

zones..clients.read - translates into clients.read after zone switch is complete (used together with the X-Identity-Zone-Id header)

zones..clients.write - translates into clients.write after zone switch is complete (used together with the X-Identity-Zone-Id header)

zones..scim.read - translates into scim.read after zone switch is complete (used together with the X-Identity-Zone-Id header)

zones..scim.create - translates into scim.create after zone switch is complete (used together with the X-Identity-Zone-Id header)

zones..scim.write - translates into scim.write after zone switch is complete (used together with the X-Identity-Zone-Id header)

zones..idps.read - translates into idps.read after zone switch is complete (used together with the X-Identity-Zone-Id header)

In several of the API calls, especially around the SCIM endpoints, /Users and /Groups

there is an option to specify filters. These filters are implemented in accordance with

a SCIM specification [on resource queries](http://www.simplecloud.info/specs/draft-scim-api-01.html#query-resources).

Filtering supports

Attribute operators

eq - equalsIgnoreCase

co - contains - in SQL becomes 'like %value%', case insensitive

sw - starts with - in SQL becomes 'like value%', case insensitive

pr - present - in SQL becomes 'IS NOT NULL'

gt - greater than - >

ge - greater or equal than - >=

lt - less than - <

le - less or equals than - <=

Logical operators

and - logical and

or - logical or

Grouping operators

Group expressions in parenthesis ( expression ) to set precedence for operators

There are four different data types

string literals - values must always be enclosed in double quotes ", and double quotes must be JSON escaped

(with a slash \)

date times - values must always be enclosed in double quotes, format is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'

boolean - values must be either true or false and not enclosed in quotes

numerical - values are not enclosed in quotes, and can contain numbers and a dot for decimal delimitation

For complete information on filters and pagination, please review the [specification](http://www.simplecloud.info/specs/draft-scim-api-01.html#query-resources)

The following column names can be used for querying a user

id - string, UUID of the user

username - string

email or emails.value - string

givenname - string

familyname - string

active - boolean

phonenumber - string

verified - boolean

origin - string

external_id - string

created or meta.created - date

lastmodified or meta.lastmodified - date

version or meta.version - number

The following column names can be used for querying a group

id - string, UUID of the group

displayname - string

created or meta.created - date

lastmodified or meta.lastmodified - date

version or meta.version - number

Several modes of operation and other optional features can be set in configuration files. Settings for a handful of standard scenarios can be externalized and switched using environment variables or system properties.

Internal username/password authentication source

The UAA manages a user account database. These accounts can be used for password based authentication similar to existing Cloud Foundry user accounts. The UAA accounts can be configured with password policy such as length, accepted/required character types, expiration times, reset policy, etc.

Other Authentication sources

LDAP - LDAP is currently supported for user authentication and group integration

SAML - SAML is currently supported for user authentication and group integration. Limitation is that the username returned from the SAML assertion should be an email address

Keystone - Keystone authentication is experimental and disabled in the Travis CI tests

An OAuth2 defined endpoint which accepts authorization code or refresh tokens and provides access_tokens, in the case of authorization code grant. This endpoint also supports client credentials and password grant, which takes the client id and client secret for the former, in addition to username and password in case of the latter. The access_tokens can then be used to gain access to resources within a resource server.

We support all standard OAuth2 grant types, documented in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749

Request: POST /oauth/token


POST /oauth/token


Basic authentication, client ID and client secret

(or client_id and client_secret can

be provided as url encoded form parameters)

Request Body

the authorization code (form encoded) in the case

of authorization code grant, e.g.:





OR the client credentials (form encoded) in the

case of client credentials grant, e.g.:





OR the client and user credentials (form encoded)

in the case of password grant, e.g.:







Response Codes

200 OK

Response Body






Additional user defined claims can be added to the token by sending them in the token request. The format of the request is as follows:


A sample password grant request is as follows:

POST /uaa/oauth/token HTTP/1.1

Host: localhost:8080

Accept: application/json

Authorization: Basic YXBwOmFwcGNsaWVudHNlY3JldA==


The access token will contain an az_attr claim like:


These attributes can be requested in an authorization code flow as well.

This section deals with machine interactions, not with browsers, although some of them may have browsable content for authenticated users. All machine requests have accept headers indicating JSON (or a derived media type perhaps).

The /userinfo and /oauth/token endpoints are specified in the OpenID Connect and OAuth2 standards and should be used by web applications on a cloud foundry instance.

The OAuth2 spec includes a scope parameter as part of the token granting request which contains a set of scope values. The spec leaves the business content of the scope up to the participants in the protocol - i.e. the scope values are completely arbitrary and can in principle be chosen by any Resource Server using the tokens. Clients of the Resource Server have to ask for a valid scope to get a token, but the Authorization Server itself attaches no meaning to the scope - it just passes the value through to the Resource Server. The UAA implementation of the Authorization Server has a couple of extra scope-related features (by virtue of being implemented in Spring Security where the features originate).

There is an optional step in client registration, where a client declares which scopes it will ask for, or alternatively where the Authorization Server can limit the scopes it can ask for. The Authorization Server can then check that token requests contain a valid scope (i.e. one of the set provided on registration).

The Resource Servers can each have a unique ID (e.g. a URI). And another optional part of a client registration is to provide a set of allowed resource ids for the client in question. The Authorization Server binds the allowed resource ids to the token and then provides the information via the /check_token endpoint (in the aud claim), so that a Resource Server can check that its own ID is on the allowed list for the token before serving a resource.

Resource IDs have some of the character of a scope, except that the clients themselves don't need to know about them - it is information exchanged between the Authorization and Resource Servers. The examples in this document use a scope parameter that indicates a resource server, e.g. a Cloud Controller instance. This is a suggested usage, but whether it is adopted by the real Cloud Controller is not crucial to the system. Similarly any Resource Server that wants to can check the allowed resource IDs if there are any, but it is not mandatory to do so.

This is a completely vanilla as per the OAuth2 spec, but we give a brief outline here for information purposes.

HTML Responses

Request: GET /oauth/authorize

Request Body: some parameters specified by the spec, appended to the query component using the application/x-www-form-urlencoded format,



scope=read write password

redirect_uri is optional if a redirect_uri has already been pre-registered for the client www

Request Header:

Cookie: JSESSIONID=ADHGFKHDSJGFGF; Path / - the authentication cookie for the client with UAA. If there is no cookie user's browser is redirected to /login, and will eventually come back to /oauth/authorize.

Response Header: location as defined in the spec includes access_token if successful:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found

Location: https://www.cloudfoundry.example.com?code=F45jH

Set-Cookie: X-Uaa-Csrf=abcdef; Expires=Thu, 04-Aug-2016 18:10:38 GMT; HttpOnly

Response Codes:

302 - Found

Sample uaac command for this flow

uaac -t token authcode get -c app -s appclientsecret

Sample curl commands for this flow

curl -v "http://localhost:8080/uaa/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=app&scope=password.write&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.example.com%2Fcallback" --cookie cookies.txt --cookie-jar cookies.txt

curl -v http://localhost:8080/uaa/login.do -H "Referer: http://login.cloudfoundry.example.com/login" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "username=marissa&password=koala&X-Uaa-Csrf=abcdef" --cookie cookies.txt --cookie-jar cookies.txt

curl -v "http://localhost:8080/uaa/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=app&scope=password.write&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.example.com%2Fcallback" --cookie cookies.txt --cookie-jar cookies.txt

curl -v http://localhost:8080/uaa/oauth/authorize -d "scope.0=scope.password.write&user_oauth_approval=true" --cookie cookies.txt --cookie-jar cookies.txt

JSON Responses

If the client asks for a JSON response (with an Accept header), and

the user has not approved the grant yet, the UAA sends a JSON object

with some useful information that can be rendered for a user to read

and explicitly approve the grant:


"message":"To confirm or deny access POST to the following locations with the parameters requested.",


{"text":"Access your data with scope 'openid'","code":"scope.openid"},

{"text":"Access your 'cloud_controller' resources with scope 'read'","code":"scope.cloud_controller.read"},










The most useful information for constructing a user approval page is

the list of requested scopes, the client id and the requested redirect


Sample curl commands for this flow

curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" "http://localhost:8080/uaa/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=app&scope=password.write&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.example.com%2Fcallback" --cookie cookies.txt --cookie-jar cookies.txt

curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" http://localhost:8080/uaa/login.do -H "Referer: http://login.cloudfoundry.example.com/login" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "username=marissa&password=koala&X-Uaa-Csrf=abcdef" --cookie cookies.txt --cookie-jar cookies.txt

curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" "http://localhost:8080/uaa/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=app&scope=password.write&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.example.com%2Fcallback" --cookie cookies.txt --cookie-jar cookies.txt

curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" http://localhost:8080/uaa/oauth/authorize -d "scope.0=scope.password.write&user_oauth_approval=true" --cookie cookies.txt --cookie-jar cookies.txt

Request: GET /oauth/authorize

Request Parameters:




redirect_uri - optional if the client has a redirect URI already registered.

state - any random string - will be returned in the Location header as a query parameter

Request Header:

Authorization: Bearer - the authentication for this user

Response Header: Containing the code:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found

Location: https://www.cloudfoundry.example.com?code=F45jH&state=

or in case of error

Location: https://www.cloudfoundry.example.com?error=

Response Codes:

302 - Found

Notes about this API

The client must have autoapprove=true, or you will not get a code back

If the client doesn't have a redirect_uri registered, it is an required parameter of the request

The token must have scope "uaa.user" in order for this request to succeed

Sample curl commands for this flow

TOKEN can be fetched by: curl -v -XPOST -H"Application/json" -u "cf:" --data "username=marissa&password=koala&client_id=cf&grant_type=password&response_type=token" http://localhost:8080/uaa/oauth/token

See oauth2 token endpoint below for a more detailed description.


POST /oauth/token


Basic authentication, client ID and client secret

(or client_id and client_secret can

be provided as url encoded form parameters)

Request Body

the authorization code (form encoded), e.g.:






Response Codes

200 OK

Response Body






An OAuth2 defined endpoint to provide various tokens and authorization codes. An implicit grant is similar to an authorization code grant, but doesn't require a client secret.

For the cf flows, we use the OAuth2 Implicit grant type (to avoid a second round trip to /oauth/token and so cf does not need to securely store a client secret or user refresh tokens). The authentication method for the user is undefined by OAuth2 but a POST to this endpoint is acceptable, although a GET must also be supported (see OAuth2 section 3.1).

Effectively this means that the endpoint is used to authenticate and obtain an access token in the same request. Note the correspondence with the UI endpoints (this is similar to the /login endpoint with a different representation).


A GET mothod is used in the relevant section of the spec that talks about the implicit grant, but a POST is explicitly allowed in the section on the /oauth/authorize endpoint (see OAuth2 section 3.1).

All requests to this endpoint MUST be over SSL.

Request: POST /oauth/authorize

Request query component: some parameters specified by the spec, appended to the query component using the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" format,



scope=read write

redirect_uri - optional because it can be pre-registered, but a dummy is still needed where cf is concerned (it doesn't redirect) and must be pre-registered, see Client Registration Administration APIs.

Request body: contains the required information in JSON as returned from the login information API, e.g. username/password for internal authentication, or for LDAP, and others as needed for other authentication types. For example:


Response Header: location as defined in the spec includes access_token if successful:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found

Location: oauth:redirecturi#access_token=2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA&token_type=bearer

Response Codes:

302 - Found

This works similarly to the previous section, but does not require the credentials to be POSTed as is needed for browser flows.

The browser redirects to the /oauth/authorize endpoint with parameters in the query component as per the previous section.

The UAA presents the UI to authenticate the user and approve the scopes.

If the user authorizes the scopes for the requesting client, the UAA will redirect the browser to the redirect_uri provided (and pre-registered) by the client.

Since the reply parameters are encoded in the location fragment, the client application must get the access token in the reply fragment from user's browser -- typically by returning a page to the browser with some javascript which will post the access token to the client app.


POST /oauth/token


Basic authentication, client ID and client secret

(or client_id and client_secret can

be provided as url encoded form parameters)

Request Body

the username and password (form encoded), e.g.







Response Codes

200 OK

Response Body






Request: POST /oauth/token

Authorization: Basic auth with client_id and client_secret

(optionally client_id and client_secret can instead

be provided as url encoded form parameters)

Request query component: some parameters specified by the spec, appended to the query component using the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" format,grant_type=password






scope=read write - optional. Omit to receive the all claims.

redirect_uri - optional because it can be pre-registered, but a dummy is still needed where cf is concerned (it doesn't redirect) and must be pre-registered, see Client Registration Administration APIs.

Note: This is not the standard way of creating a user in the UAA. Please refer to the SCIM API endpoint at /Users.

In addition to the normal authentication of the /authenticate and /oauth/authorize endpoints described above (cookie-based for browser app and special case for cf) the UAA offers a special channel whereby a trusted client app can authenticate itself and then use the /oauth/authorize or /authenticate endpoint by providing minimal information about the user account (but not the password). This channel is provided so that authentication can be abstracted into a separate "Login" server. The default client id for the trusted app is login, and this client is registered in the default profile (but not in any other):

id: login,

secret: loginsecret,

scope: uaa.none,oauth.approvals

authorized_grant_types: client_credentials,

authorities: oauth.login

To authenticate the /oauth/authorize or /authenticate endpoint using this channel the Login Server has to provide a standard OAuth2 bearer token header _and_ some additional parameters to identify the user: source=login is mandatory, as is username and origin, plus optionally [email, given_name, family_name]. The UAA will lookup the user in its internal database and if it is found the request is authenticated. The UAA can be configured to automatically register authenicated users that are missing from its database, but this will only work if all the fields are provided. The response from the UAA (if the Login Server asks for JSON content) has enough information to get approval from the user and pass the response back to the UAA.

Using this trusted channel a Login Server can obtain create a user or perform an Oauth authorization (or tokens directly in the implicit grant) from the UAA, and also have complete control over authentication of the user, and the UI for logging in and approving token grants.

An authorization code grant has two steps (as normal), but instead of a UI response the UAA sends JSON:

This endpoint lets the login client to retrieve a user_id during an external authentication sequence.

So that the Authentication object in memory can always have a user_id available in the principal.

This endpoint is used when you authenticate a user with another provider not known to the UAA. This will create a shadow account in the UAA representing that user. The user can then be associated with groups so that token's can be generated on the user's behalf.

Request: POST /authenticate

Request query component: some parameters specified by the spec, appended to the query component using the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" format,

source=login - mandatory

username - the user whom the client is acting on behalf of (the authenticated user in the Login Server)

origin - the origin whom the user is authenticated through (the authenticated user in the Login Server)

email - the email of the user, optional

add_new - set to true to create a user that doesn't exist

Request header:

Accept: application/json

Authorization: Bearer

Request body: empty (or form encoded parameters as above)

Response header will include a cookie. This needs to be sent back in the second step (if required) so that the UAA can retrive the state from this request.

Response body if successful, and user approval is required (example):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK






the response body contains information about the user that is required for the login server to have access too.

Response Codes:

200 - OK

401 - UNAUTHORIZED (if the token is invalid or user did not exist and add_new was false)

Request: POST /oauth/authorize

Request query component: some parameters specified by the spec, appended to the query component using the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" format,


client_id - a registered client id

redirect_uri - a redirect URI registered with the client

state - recommended (a random string that the client app can correlate with the current user session)

source=login - mandatory

username - the user whom the client is acting on behalf of (the authenticated user in the Login Server)

origin - the origin whom the user is authenticated through (the authenticated user in the Login Server)

email - the email of the user, optional

given_name - the given (first) name of the user, optional

family_name - the family (last) name of the user, optional

Request header:

Accept: application/json

Authorization: Bearer

Request body: empty (or form encoded parameters as above)

Response header will include a cookie. This needs to be sent back in the second step (if required) so that the UAA can retrive the state from this request.

Response body if successful, and user approval is required (example):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


"message":"To confirm or deny access POST to the following locations with the parameters requested.",


{"text":"Access your data with scope 'openid'","code":"scope.openid"},

{"text":"Access your 'password' resources with scope 'write'","code":"scope.password.write"},



"auth_request":{...}, // The authorization request

"client": {






"redirect_uri": "http://app.cloudfoundry.com",






the response body contains useful information for rendering to a user for approval, e.g. each scope that was requested (prepended with "scope." to facilitate i18n lookups) including a default message text in English describing it.

Response Codes:

200 - OK

403 - FORBIDDEN (if the user has denied approval)

302 - FOUND (if the grant is already approved)

Just a normal POST with approval parameters to /oauth/authorize, including the cookie requested in Step 1 (just like a browser would do). For example:

POST /oauth/authorize

Cookie: JSESSIONID=fkserygfkseyrgfv




Location: https://app.cloudfoundry.com?code=jhkgh&state=kjhdafg

An endpoint that allows a resource server such as the cloud controller to validate an access token. Interactions between the resource server and the authorization provider are not specified in OAuth2, so we are adding this endpoint. The request should be over SSL and use basic auth with the shared secret between the UAA and the resource server (which is stored as a client app registration). The POST body should be the access token and the response includes the userID, user_name and scope of the token in json format. The client (not the user) is authenticated via basic auth for this call.

OAuth2 access tokens are opaque to clients, but can be decoded by resource servers to obtain all needed information such as userID, scope(s), lifetime, user attributes. If the token is encrypted witha shared sceret between the UAA are resource server it can be decoded without contacting the UAA. However, it may be useful -- at least during development -- for the UAA to specify a short, opaque token and then provide a way for the resource server to return it to the UAA to validate and open. That is what this endpoint does. It does not return general user account information like the /userinfo endpoint, it is specifically to validate and return the information represented by access token that the user presented to the resource server.

This endpoint mirrors the OpenID Connect /check_id endpoint, so not very RESTful, but we want to make it look and feel like the others. The endpoint is not part of any spec, but it is a useful tool to have for anyone implementing an OAuth2 Resource Server.

Request: uses basic authorization with base64(resource_server:shared_secret) assuming the caller (a resource server) is actually also a registered client and has uaa.resource authority:

POST /check_token HTTP/1.1

Host: server.example.com

Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Successful Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json











Checking for scopes:

The caller can specify a list of scopes in the request in order to validate that the token has those scopes.


POST /check_token HTTP/1.1

Host: server.example.com

Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-encoded




HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

Content-Type: application/json



"error_description":"Some requested scopes are missing: disallowed_scope"



The user_name is the same as you get from the OpenID Connect /userinfo endpoint. The user_id field is the same as you would use to get the full user profile from /Users.

Many of the fields in the response are a courtesy, allowing the caller to avoid further round trip queries to pick up the same information (e.g. via the /Users endpoint).

The aud claim is the resource ids that are the audience for the token. A Resource Server should check that it is on this list or else reject the token.

The client_id data represent the client that the token was granted for, not the caller. The value can be used by the caller, for example, to verify that the client has been granted permission to access a resource.

Error Responses: see OAuth2 Error responses and this addition:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

Cache-Control: no-store

Pragma: no-cache

{ "error":"invalid_token" }

An endpoint that allows all tokens for a specific client to be revoked

* Request: uses token authorization and requires uaa.admin scope:

GET /oauth/token/revoke/client/{client-id} HTTP/1.1

Host: server.example.com

Authorization: Bearer token

Successful Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Error Response:

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized - Authentication is not sufficient

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden - Authenticated, but uaa.admin scope is not present

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found - Client ID is invalid

An endpoint that allows all tokens for a specific user to be revoked

* Request: uses token authorization and requires uaa.admin scope:

GET /oauth/token/revoke/user/{user-id} HTTP/1.1

Host: server.example.com

Authorization: Bearer token

Successful Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Error Response:

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized - Authentication is not sufficient

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden - Authenticated, but uaa.admin scope is not present

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found - User ID is invalid

An OAuth2 protected resource and an OpenID Connect endpoint. Given an appropriate access_token, returns information about a user. Defined fields include various standard user profile fields. The response may include other user information such as group membership.


GET /userinfo



An endpoint which returns login information, e.g prompts for authorization codes or one-time passwords. This allows cf to determine what login information it should collect from the user.

This call will be unauthenticated.


GET /login or GET /info

Request body


Response body


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json

"prompt": {

"email":["text", "validated email address"],

"password": ["password", "your UAA password" ]

"otp":["password", "security code"],


The UAA supports multi tenancy. This is referred to as identity zones. An identity zones is accessed through a unique subdomain. If the standard UAA responds to https://uaa. a zone on this UAA would be accessed through https://testzone1.uaa.

A zone contains a unique identifier as well as a unique subdomain:




"name":"The Twiglet Zone[testzone1]",


"description":"Like the Twilight Zone but tastier[testzone1].",




The subdomain field will be converted into lowercase upon creation or update of an identity zone.

This way the UAA has an easy way to query the database for a zone based on a hostname.

The UAA by default creates a default zone. This zone will always be present, the ID will always be

'uaa', and the subdomain is blank:


"id": "uaa",

"subdomain": "",

"name": "uaa",

"version": 0,

"description": "The system zone for backwards compatibility",

"created": 946710000000,

"last_modified": 946710000000


An identity zone is created using a POST with an IdentityZone object. If the object contains an id, this id will be used as the identifier, otherwise an identifier will be generated. Once a zone has been created, the UAA will start accepting requests on the subdomain defined in the subdomain field of the identity zone.

When an Identity Zone is created, an internal Identity Provider is automatically created with the default password policy.

POST and PUT requires the zones.write or zones..admin scope.


POST /identity-zones or PUT /identity-zones/{id}

Request Header

Authorization: Bearer Token containing zones.write or zones..admin

Request body



"id": "testzone1",

"subdomain": "testzone1",



"links": {

"homeRedirect": "http://some.redirect.com/redirect",

"logout": {

"disableRedirectParameter": false,

"redirectParameterName": "redirect",

"redirectUrl": "/configured_login",

"whitelist": [





"selfService": {

"passwd": "/configured_passwd",

"selfServiceLinksEnabled": false,

"signup": "/configured_signup"



"prompts": [


"name": "username",

"text": "Username",

"type": "text"



"name": "password",

"text": "Your Secret",

"type": "password"



"name": "passcode",

"text": "Temporary Authentication Code ( Get one at https://login.some.test.domain.com:555/uaa/passcode )",

"type": "password"



"samlConfig": {

"certificate": null,

"privateKey": null,

"privateKeyPassword": null,

"requestSigned": true,

"wantAssertionSigned": false


"tokenPolicy": {

"accessTokenValidity": 4800,

"refreshTokenValidity": 9600,

"activeKeyId": "key-id-1",

"keys": {

"key-id-1": {

"signingKey": "pr1V4T3_keY_t3xT"


"key-id-2": {

"signingKey": "an07h3r_PRivA73_K3y"





"name": "The Twiglet Zone",

"description": "Like the Twilight Zone but tastier."


Response body


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json


"id": "testzone1",

"subdomain": "testzone1",





"accessTokenValidity": 43200,

"refreshTokenValidity": 2592000




"requestSigned": false,

"wantAssertionSigned": false



"name": "The Twiglet Zone[testzone1]",

"version": 0,

"description": "Like the Twilight Zone but tastier[testzone1].",

"created": 1426260091139,

"last_modified": 1426260091139




201 - Created - and returns the created identity zone

200 - OK - for PUT and GET

400 - Bad Request

401 - Unauthorized

403 - Forbidden - insufficient scope

404 - Not Found - Update to non existent zone


Available Fields

Identity Zone Fields

============================== ==================== ========= ========================================================================================================================================================================

id String(36) Required Unique identifier for this zone, often set to same as subdomain

subdomain String(255) Required Unique subdomain for the running instance. May only contain legal characters for a sub domain name

name String(255) Required Human readable zone name

version int Optional Reserved for future use of E-Tag versioning

description String Optional Description of the zone

created epoch timestamp Auto UAA sets the creation date

last_modified epoch timestamp Auto UAA sets the modification date

Identity Zone Configuration (provided in JSON format as part of the ``config`` field on the Identity Zone - See class org.cloudfoundry.identity.uaa.zone.IdentityZoneConfiguration)

============================== ==================== ========= ========================================================================================================================================================================

tokenPolicy TokenPolicy Optional Various fields pertaining to the JWT access and refresh tokens. See `Token Policy` section below for details.

samlConfig SamlConfig Optional Various fields pertaining to SAML identity provider configuration. See ``SamlConfig`` section below for details.

Token Policy ``TokenPolicy`` (part of Identity Zone Configuration - See class org.cloudfoundry.identity.uaa.zone.TokenPolicy)

============================== ==================== ========= ========================================================================================================================================================================

accessTokenValidity int Optional How long the access token is valid for in seconds.

refreshTokenValidity int Optional How long the refresh token is valid for seconds.

keys Map Optional A map specifying current and historical JWT signing keys, with unique IDs for referring to them. For an explanation of key rotation, see ``/token_key``.

activeKeyId String Required The ID of the signing key that should be used for signing tokens. Optional if only one signing key is specified. For an explanation of key rotation, see ``/token_key``.

SAML Identity Provider Configuration ``SamlConfig`` (part of Identity Zone Configuration - See class org.cloudfoundry.identity.uaa.zone.SamlConfig)

============================== ==================== ========= ========================================================================================================================================================================

requestSigned Boolean Optional Exposed SAML metadata property. If ``true``, the service provider will sign all outgoing authentication requests. Defaults to ``true``.

wantAssertionSigned Boolean Optional Exposed SAML metadata property. If ``true``, all assertions received by the SAML provider must be signed. Defaults to ``true``.

certificate String Optional Exposed SAML metadata property. The certificate used to sign all communications. Reserved for future use.

privateKey String Optional Exposed SAML metadata property. The SAML provider's private key. Reserved for future use.

privateKeyPassword String Optional Exposed SAML metadata property. The SAML provider's private key password. Reserved for future use.

============================= ==================== ========= ========================================================================================================================================================================

Curl Example

POST (Token contains zones.write scope)

curl -v -H"Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \

-d '{"id":"testzone1","subdomain":"testzone1","name":"The Twiglet Zone","description":"Like the Twilight Zone but tastier."}' \

-H"Accept:application/json" \

-H"Content-Type:application/json" \



PUT (Token contains zones.write scope)

curl -v -H"Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \

-d '{"id":"testzone1","subdomain":"testzone-1","name":"The Twiglet Dash Zone","description":"Like the Twilight Zone but tastier."}' \

-H"Accept:application/json" \

-H"Content-Type:application/json" \

-XPUT http://localhost:8080/uaa/identity-zones/testzone1

Note that if you specify a subdomain in mixed or upper case, it will be converted into lower case before

stored in the database.


uaac target http://localhost:8080/uaa

uaac token client get admin -s adminsecret

uaac client update admin --authorities "uaa.admin,clients.read,clients.write,clients.secret,scim.read,scim.write,clients.admin,zones.write"

uaac token client get admin -s adminsecret

uaac -t curl -XPOST -H"Content-Type:application/json" -H"Accept:application/json" --data '{ "id":"testzone1", "subdomain":"testzone1", "name":"The Twiglet Zone[testzone1]", "version":0, "description":"Like the Twilight Zone but tastier[testzone1]."}' /identity-zones

uaac -t curl -H"X-Identity-Zone-Id:testzone1" -XPOST -H"Content-Type:application/json" -H"Accept:application/json" --data '{ "client_id" : "admin", "client_secret" : "adminsecret", "scope" : ["uaa.none"], "resource_ids" : ["none"], "authorities" : ["uaa.admin","clients.read","clients.write","clients.secret","scim.read","scim.write","clients.admin"], "authorized_grant_types" : ["client_credentials"]}' /oauth/clients

uaac target http://testzone1.localhost:8080/uaa

uaac token client get admin -s adminsecret

uaac token decode

All operations after this, are exactly the same as against the default zone.


GET /identity-zones

Request Header

Authorization: Bearer Token containing zones.read or zones..admin

Response code

200 OK

Response body


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json



"id": "uaa",

"subdomain": "",

"name": "uaa",

"version": 0,

"description": "The system zone for backwards compatibility",

"created": 946710000000,

"last_modified": 946710000000





"name":"The Twiglet Zone[testzone1]",


"description":"Like the Twilight Zone but tastier[testzone1].",






GET /identity-zones/{identityZoneId}

Request Header

Authorization: Bearer Token containing zones.read or zones..admin or zones..read

Response code

200 OK

Response body


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json


"id": "identity-zone-id",

"subdomain": "test",

"name": "test",

"version": 0,

"description": "The test zone",

"created": 946710000000,

"last_modified": 946710000000



DELETE /identity-zones/{identityZoneId}

Request Header

Authorization: Bearer Token containing zones.write

Response code

200 OK

Response body


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json


"id": "identity-zone-id",

"subdomain": "test",

"name": "test",

"version": 0,

"description": "The test zone",

"created": 946710000000,

"last_modified": 946710000000


With the zones.write scope, limited clients can be created in an identity zone through this endpoint. This client can only be used to support web SSO using the authorization code flow, and using the zone's internal Identity Provider.

Client limitations

Authorization Type






Allowed Providers



POST /identity-zones/{identityZoneId}/clients

Request Header

Authorization: Bearer Token containing zones.write

Request body



"client_id" : "limited-client",

"client_secret" : "limited-client-secret",

"authorized_grant_types" : ["authorization_code"],

"scope" : ["openid"],

"authorities" : ["uaa.resource"],

"allowedproviders" : ["uaa"]


Response body


HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Content-Type: application/json


"client_id" : "limited-client",

"client_secret" : "limited-client-secret",

"authorized_grant_types" : ["authorization_code"],

"scope" : ["openid"],

"authorities" : ["uaa.resource"],

"resource_ids" : ["none"],

"allowedproviders" : ["uaa"],

"createdwith" : "zones.write"




201 - Created - and returns the created client

400 - Bad Request - the client was rejected due to validation

401 - Unauthorized

403 - Forbidden - insufficient scope


Available Fields

====================== =============== ======== =======================================================

client_id String(36) Required Unique identifier for this client - used in API requests as basic auth or client_id parameter

client_secret String(255) Required Password for the client - used in API requests as basic auth or client_secret parameter

authorized_grant_types List Required Limited to ["authorization_code"]

scope List Required Limited to ["openid"]

authorities List Required Limited to ["uaa.resource"]

allowedproviders List Required Limited to ["uaa"]

autoapprove List Optional Set to ["openid"] if the UAA should auto approve this scope on the user's behalf

redirect_uri String Optional To enforce a secure redirect, set this to the applications destination URL

access_token_validity int Optional Value in seconds for how long an access token is valid for

refresh_token_validity int Optional Value in seconds for how long a refresh token is valid for

resource_ids List Auto Set to ["none"]

createdwith String Auto Set to "zones.write"

created epoch timestamp Auto UAA sets the creation date

last_modified epoch timestamp Auto UAA sets the modification date

Curl Example

POST (Token contains zones.write scope)

curl -v -H"Authorization:Bearer $TOKEN" \

-XPOST -H'Content-type: application/json' \

-d '{"client_id" : "limited-client", "client_secret" : "limited-client-secret", "authorized_grant_types" : ["authorization_code"],"scope" : ["openid"],"authorities" : ["uaa.resource"], "allowedproviders" : ["uaa"]}' \


A client created through this endpoint can be deleted through this endpoint as well using the zones.write scope. The deleted client is returned in the response.


DELETE /identity-zones/{identityZoneId}/clients/{clientId}

Request Header

Authorization: Bearer Token containing zones.write

Request body


Response body


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json


"client_id" : "limited-client",

"client_secret" : "limited-client-secret",

"authorized_grant_types" : ["authorization_code"],

"scope" : ["openid"],

"authorities" : ["uaa.resource"],

"resource_ids" : ["none"],

"allowedproviders" : ["uaa"],

"createdwith" : "zones.write"




200 - OK - the client was deleted

400 - Bad Request - the client was not deleted because it was not created using this endpoint

401 - Unauthorized

403 - Forbidden - insufficient scope

404 - Not Found - Client does not exist

Curl Example

POST (Token contains zones.write scope) ::

curl -v -H"Authorization:Bearer $TOKEN" -XDELETE http://localhost:8080/uaa/identity-zones/testzone1/clients/limited-client

To create an arbitrary client in an Identity Zone, you must have the scope of zones..admin. See create_zone_administrator to assign that scope to a user, then as that user, use the /oauth/clients endpoints, being sure to include the X-Identity-Zone-Id: header.

Within an identity zone you can have one or more identity providers. Identity providers are authentication sources for a user. Each identity zone will have a default identity provider named uaa, with a type uaa and originKey='uaa'. This is the internal user database for each zone and is represented by the SCIM schema for users.

The UAA supports two additional types of identity providers, SAML and LDAP, and these providers can be created for a given zone.

Adding providers can be done by users that are Zone Administrators. These users are users in the UAA (default) zone, that have the scope zones.{zone id}.admin. You can also create clients or users in the zone itself with the scopes idps.read and idps.write to perform these operations.

Identity providers of type uaa are created with a default password policy. Password policies are JSON objects and can be updated by putting a new password policy object in the config field and doing an HTTP PUT. An example password policy can be found below.

A zone administrator has the scope zones.{zone id}.admin scope. In this example, we'll go ahead and use the cf-uaac Ruby Gem to simplify the commands a little bit.

Install the uaac gem

gem install cf-uaac

Target the UAA and get a token for the identity client

uaac target http://localhost:8080/uaa

uaac token client get identity -s identitysecret

Create the testzone1 zone

uaac curl -d '{"identity_zone":{"id":"testzone1","subdomain":"testzone1","name":"The Twiglet Zone[testzone1]","version":0,"description":"Like the Twilight Zone but tastier[testzone1].","created":1424995153031,"last_modified":1424995153031},"client_details":null}' -H"Accept:application/json" -H"Content-Type:application/json" -XPOST /identity-zone

We need a User ID in order to make a zone admin. We'll use test user marissa

uaac token client get admin -s adminsecret

user_id=uaac users -a id 'username eq "marissa"' |grep id |awk '{print $2}' && echo $user_id

echo $User_id

Get the identity token again and add zones.testzone1.admin to marissa

uaac token client get identity -s identitysecret

uaac curl -d '{"schemas":["urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0"],"displayName":"zones.testzone1.admin","members":[{"origin":"uaa","type":"USER","value":"'$user_id'"}],"meta":{"version":0,"created":"2015-02-26T16:59:13.614Z"}}' -H"Accept:application/json" -H"Content-Type:application/json" -XPOST /Groups/zones

Retrieve the zone administrator token (log in with marissa/koala)

uaac token authcode get -c identity -s identitysecret

uaac token decode

You will be able to see all tokens used by these steps in the ~/.uaac.yml file.


GET /identity-providers/{id} (returns a single provider) or GET /identity-providers (returns an array of providers)


X-Identity-Zone-Id (if using zones..admin scope against default UAA zone)

Scopes Required

zones..admin or idps.read

Request Parameters

active_only (optional parameter for /identity-providers). Set to true to retrieve only active Identity Providers

Response body


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json
















POST /identity-providers or PUT /identity-providers/{id}


X-Identity-Zone-Id (if using zones..admin scope against default UAA zone)

Scopes Required

zones..admin or idps.read and idps.write

Request body












Response body


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json















201 - Created - and returns the body of the created identity provider

200 - Ok - for PUT request to update the zone

400 - Bad Request

401 - Unauthorized

403 - Forbidden - insufficient scope

422 - Unprocessable Entity


Available Fields

Identity Provider Fields

================================ =============== ======== =======================================================

id String(36) Auto Unique identifier for this provider - GUID generated by the UAA

name String(255) Required Human readable name for this provider

type String Required Value must be either "saml", "ldap" or "internal"

originKey String Required Must be either an alias for a SAML/OAuth provider or the value "ldap" for an LDAP provider. If the type is "internal", the originKey is "uaa"

config String Required IDP Configuration in JSON format, see below

active boolean Optional When set to true, this provider is active. When a provider is deleted this value is set to false

identityZoneId String Auto Set to the zone that this provider will be active in. Determined either by the Host header or the zone switch header

created epoch timestamp Auto UAA sets the creation date

last_modified epoch timestamp Auto UAA sets the modification date

UAA Provider Configuration (provided in JSON format as part of the ``config`` field on the Identity Provider - See class org.cloudfoundry.identity.uaa.provider.UaaIdentityProviderDefinition

============================= =============== ======== =================================================================================================================================================================================================

minLength int Required Minimum number of characters for a user provided password, 0+

maxLength int Required Maximum number of characters for a user provided password, 1+

requireUpperCaseCharacter int Required Minimum number of upper case characters for a user provided password, 0+

requireLowerCaseCharacter int Required Minimum number of lower case characters for a user provided password, 0+

requireDigit int Required Minimum number of numbers for a user provided password, 0+

requireSpecialCharacter int Required Minimum number of special characters for a user provided password, 0+ Valid-List: !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~

expirePasswordInMonths int Required Password expiration in months 0+ (0 means expiration is disabled)

lockoutPeriodSeconds int Required Amount of time in seconds to lockout login attempts after ``lockoutAfterFailures`` attempts reached, 0+

lockoutAfterFailures int Required Number of login attempts allowed within ``countFailuresWithin`` seconds, 0+

countFailuresWithin int Required Amount of time in seconds for which past login failures are counted, starting from the current time, 0+

disableInternalUserManagement boolean Optional When set to true, user management is disabled for this provider, defaults to false

emailDomain List Optional List of email domains associated with the UAA provider. If null and no domains are explicitly matched with any other providers, the UAA acts as a catch-all, wherein the email will be associated with the UAA provider. Wildcards supported.

providerDescription String Optional Human readable name/description of this provider

SAML Provider Configuration (provided in JSON format as part of the ``config`` field on the Identity Provider - See class org.cloudfoundry.identity.uaa.provider.SamlIdentityProviderDefinition

====================== ====================== ======== =================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================

idpEntityAlias String Required Must match ``originKey`` in the provider definition

zoneId String Required Must match ``identityZoneId`` in the provider definition

metaDataLocation String Required SAML Metadata - either an XML string or a URL that will deliver XML content

nameID String Optional The name ID to use for the username, default is "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified". Currently the UAA expects the username to be a valid email address.

assertionConsumerIndex int Optional SAML assertion consumer index, default is 0

metadataTrustCheck boolean Optional Should metadata be validated, defaults to false

showSamlLink boolean Optional Should the SAML login link be displayed on the login page, defaults to false

linkText String Optional Required if the ``showSamlLink`` is set to true.

iconUrl String Optional Reserved for future use

emailDomain List Optional List of email domains associated with the SAML provider for the purpose of associating users to the correct origin upon invitation. If null or empty list, no invitations are accepted. Wildcards supported.

attributeMappings Map Optional List of UAA attributes mapped to attributes in the SAML assertion. Currently we support mapping given_name, family_name, email, phone_number and external_groups. Also supports custom user attributes to be populated in the id_token when the `user_attributes` scope is requested. The attributes are pulled out of the user records and have the format `user.attribute.: `

externalGroupsWhitelist List Optional List of external groups that will be included in the ID Token if the `roles` scope is requested.

providerDescription String Optional Human readable name/description of this provider

OAuth Provider Configuration (provided in JSON format as part of the ``config`` field on the Identity Provider - See class org.cloudfoundry.identity.uaa.provider.XOAuthIdentityProviderDefinition

====================== ====================== ======== =================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================

alias String Required Must match ``originKey`` in the provider definition

authUrl URL Required Must be a valid URL that returns the authorization code.

tokenUrl URL Required Must be a valid URL that returns the token

tokenKeyUrl URL Optional If specified, must be a valid URL that returns the verification key for the token.

tokenKey String Optional If tokenKeyUrl is not specified, this must be specified. It will be the verification key used to verify tokens.

showLinkText boolean Optional Defaults to true

linkText String Optional Required if the ``showLinkText`` is set to true.

relyingPartyId String Required The oauth client id for the UAA that is registered with this provider.

relyingPartySecret String Required The oauth client secret for the UAA that is registered with this provider.

skipSslValidation boolean Optional Defaults to false.

attributeMappings Map Optional List of UAA attributes mapped to attributes in the JWT. Currently we support mapping given_name, family_name, email, phone_number and external_groups. Also supports custom user attributes to be populated in the id_token when the `user_attributes` scope is requested. The attributes are pulled out of the user records and have the format `user.attribute.: `

externalGroupsWhitelist List Optional List of external groups that will be included in the ID Token if the `roles` scope is requested.

providerDescription String Optional Human readable name/description of this provider

LDAP Provider Configuration (provided in JSON format as part of the ``config`` field on the Identity Provider - See class org.cloudfoundry.identity.uaa.provider.LdapIdentityProviderDefinition

====================== ====================== ======== =================================================================================================================================================================================================

ldapProfileFile String Required Value must be "ldap/ldap-search-and-bind.xml" (until other configuration options are supported)

ldapGroupFile String Required Value must be "ldap/ldap-groups-map-to-scopes.xml" (until other configuration options are supported)

baseUrl String Required URL to LDAP server, starts with ldap:// or ldaps://

bindUserDn String Required Valid user DN for an LDAP record that has permission to search the LDAP tree

bindPassword String Required Password for user the above ``bindUserDn``

userSearchBase String Required search base - defines where in the LDAP tree the UAA will search for a user

userSearchFilter String Required user search filter used when searching for a user. {0} denotes the username in the search query.

groupSearchBase String Required search base - defines where in the LDAP tree the UAA will search for user groups, use the value `memberOf` to skip group search, and use the memberOf attributes of the user.

groupSearchFilter String Required Typically "memberOf={0}" group search filter used when searching for a group. {0} denotes the user DN in the search query, or the group DN in case of a nested group search.

mailAttributeName String Required the name of the attribute that contains the user's email address. In most cases this is "mail"

mailSubstitute String Optional If the user records do not contain an email address, the UAA can create one. It could be "{0}@unknown.org" where

mailSubstituteOverridesLdap boolean Optional Set to true only if you always wish to override the LDAP supplied user email address

autoAddGroups boolean Required Currently not used

groupSearchSubTree boolean Required Should the sub tree be searched for user groups

groupMaxSearchDepth int Required When searching for nested groups (groups within groups)

skipSSLVerification boolean Optional Set to true if you wish to skip SSL certificate verification

emailDomain List Optional List of email domains associated with the LDAP provider for the purpose of associating users to the correct origin upon invitation. If null or empty list, no invitations are accepted. Wildcards supported.

attributeMappings Map Optional List of UAA attributes mapped to attributes from LDAP. Currently we support mapping given_name, family_name, email, phone_number and external_groups.

externalGroupsWhitelist List Optional List of external groups (`DN` distinguished names`) that can be included in the ID Token if the `roles` scope is requested. See `UAA-LDAP.md UAA-LDAP.md`_ for more information

providerDescription String Optional Human readable name/description of this provider

Curl Example

POST (Creating a SAML provider):

curl -v -H"Authorization:Bearer $TOKEN" \


-H"Accept:application/json" \

-H"Content-Type:application/json" \

-H"X-Identity-Zone-Id:testzone1" \

-d '{"originKey":"simplesamlphp","name":"simplesamlphp for testzone1","type":"saml","config":"{\"metaDataLocation\":\"<?xml version=\\\"1.0\\\"?>\\n\\n \\n \\n begl1WVCsXSn7iHixtWPP8d/X+k=BmbKqA3A0oSLcn5jImz/l5WbpVXj+8JIpT/ENWjOjSd/gcAsZm1QvYg+RxYPBk+iV2bBxD+/yAE/w0wibsHrl0u9eDhoMRUJBUSmeyuN1lYzBuoVa08PdAGtb5cGm4DMQT5Rzakb1P0hhEPPEDDHgTTxop89LUu6xx97t2Q03Khy8mXEmBmNt2NlFxJPNt0FwHqLKOHRKBOE/+BpswlBocjOQKFsI9tG3TyjFC68mM2jo0fpUQCgj5ZfhzolvS7z7c6V201d9Tqig0/mMFFJLTN8WuZPavw22AJlMjsDY9my+4R9HKhK5U53DhcTeECs9fb4gd7p5BJy4vVp7tqqOg==\\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\\n \\n \\n \\n \\n 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\\n \\n \\n \\n \\n \\n \\n 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\\n \\n \\n \\n \\n urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient\\n \\n \\n \\n Filip\\n Hanik\\n fhanik@pivotal.io\\n \\n\",\"idpEntityAlias\":\"simplesamlphp\",\"zoneId\":\"testzone1\",\"nameID\":\"urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress\",\"assertionConsumerIndex\":0,\"metadataTrustCheck\":false,\"showSamlLink\":true,\"socketFactoryClassName\":\"org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol.DefaultProtocolSocketFactory\",\"linkText\":\"Login with TestZone1 Simple SAML PHP\",\"iconUrl\":null}","active":true,"identityZoneId":"testzone1"}' \


Curl Example

POST (Creating a OAuth provider)::

curl -v -H"Authorization:Bearer $TOKEN"

-XPOST -H"Accept:application/json" -H"Content-Type:application/json" -H"X-Identity-Zone-Id:testzone1" -d '{"originKey":"my-oauth-provider","name":"oauth-provider","type":"oauth","config":"{"authUrl":"http://auth.url","tokenUrl":"http://token.url","tokenKey":"my-token-key","alias":"oauth-idp-alias","linkText":"My Oauth","showLinkText":true,"skipSslValidation":false,"relyingPartyId":"my-uaa","relyingPartySecret":"secret"}"}' http://localhost:8080/uaa/identity-providers

Curl Example

POST (Creating an LDAP provider):

curl -v -H"Authorization:Bearer $TOKEN" \

-XPOST -H"Accept:application/json" \

-H"Content-Type:application/json" \

-H"X-Identity-Zone-Id:testzone1" \

-d '{"originKey":"ldap","name":"myldap for testzone1","type":"ldap","config":"{\"baseUrl\":\"ldaps://localhost:33636\",\"skipSSLVerification\":true,\"bindUserDn\":\"cn=admin,ou=Users,dc=test,dc=com\",\"bindPassword\":\"adminsecret\",\"userSearchBase\":\"dc=test,dc=com\",\"userSearchFilter\":\"cn={0}\",\"groupSearchBase\":\"ou=scopes,dc=test,dc=com\",\"groupSearchFilter\":\"member={0}\",\"mailAttributeName\":\"mail\",\"mailSubstitute\":null,\"ldapProfileFile\":\"ldap/ldap-search-and-bind.xml\",\"ldapGroupFile\":\"ldap/ldap-groups-map-to-scopes.xml\",\"mailSubstituteOverridesLdap\":false,\"autoAddGroups\":true,\"groupSearchSubTree\":true,\"maxGroupSearchDepth\":10,\"emailDomain\":[\"example.com\",\"another.example.com\"]}",\"attributeMappings\":{"phone_number":"phone","given_name":"firstName","external_groups":"roles","family_name":"lastName","email":"email"},"externalGroupsWhitelist":["admin","user"],"active":true,"identityZoneId":"testzone1"}' \


Curl Example

PUT (Updating a UAA provider):

curl -v -H"Authorization:Bearer $TOKEN" \

-XPUT -H"Accept:application/json" \

-H"Content-Type:application/json" \

-H"X-Identity-Zone-Id:testzone1" \

-d '{"originKey":"uaa","name":"uaa","type":"uaa","config":"{\"passwordPolicy\":{\"minLength\":6,\"maxLength\":128,\"requireUpperCaseCharacter\":1,\"requireLowerCaseCharacter\":1,\"requireDigit\":1,\"requireSpecialCharacter\":0,\"expirePasswordInMonths\":0}}"' \


Similar to how /identity-providers lets you create and update identity provider, an endpoint has been provided to test

your configuration prior to creating the provider. This test is performed in memory and all objects used to perform it are destroyed after the test has been completed.

The request is very similar to that of creating a provider, with the exception that you are also passing up username and password.

Note: This only works for LDAP providers at the moment


POST /identity-providers/test


X-Identity-Zone-Id (if using zones..admin scope against default UAA zone)

Scopes Required

zones..admin or idps.read and idps.write

Request body

example (a provider contains the fields defined above)




"name":"Test ldap provider",











Response body


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json




200 - Ok - Successful authentication

417 - Expectation Failed - Bad credentials

400 - Bad Request - Invalid configuration - result contains stack trace

403 - Forbidden - insufficient scope

500 - Internal Server Error - error information will only be in server logs

Curl Example

POST (Testing an LDAP provider):

curl -v -H"Authorization:Bearer $TOKEN" \

-XPOST -H"Accept:application/json" \

-H"Content-Type:application/json" \

-H"X-Identity-Zone-Id:testzone1" \

-d '{"provider":{"id":null,"originKey":"ldap","name":"Test ldap provider","type":"ldap","config":"{\"baseUrl\":\"ldap://localhost:33389\",\"bindUserDn\":\"cn=admin,ou=Users,dc=test,dc=com\",\"bindPassword\":\"adminsecret\",\"userSearchBase\":\"dc=test,dc=com\",\"userSearchFilter\":\"cn={0}\",\"groupSearchBase\":\"ou=scopes,dc=test,dc=com\",\"groupSearchFilter\":\"member={0}\",\"mailAttributeName\":\"mail\",\"mailSubstitute\":null,\"ldapProfileFile\":\"ldap/ldap-search-and-bind.xml\",\"ldapGroupFile\":\"ldap/ldap-groups-map-to-scopes.xml\",\"mailSubstituteOverridesLdap\":false,\"autoAddGroups\":true,\"groupSearchSubTree\":true,\"maxGroupSearchDepth\":10}","version":0,"created":1427829319730,"active":true,"identityZoneId":"testzone1","last_modified":1427829319730},"credentials":{"username":"marissa2","password":"ldap"}}' \


Deleting an identity provider does a hard delete. The identity provider and all related records will be deleted.


DELETE /identity-providers/


X-Identity-Zone-Id (if using zones..admin scope against default UAA zone)

Scopes Required

zones..admin or idps.write

Response body

example (a provider contains the fields defined above)




"name":"Test ldap provider",









200 - Ok - Successful authentication

404 - Not Found - Invalid provider ID

400 - Bad Request - Invalid configuration - result contains stack trace

403 - Forbidden - insufficient scope

500 - Internal Server Error - error information will only be in server logs

UAA supports the SCIM standard for

these APIs and endpoints. These endpoints are themselves secured by OAuth2, and access decision is done based on the 'scope' and 'aud' fields of the JWT OAuth2 token.

New users are automatically verified by default. Unverified users can be created by specifying their verified: false property in the request body of the POST to /Users, as shown in the example below. Unverified users must then go through the verification process. Obtaining a verification link (to send to the user) is outlined in the section Verify User Links: GET /Users/{id}/verify-link. Users may then use this link to complete the verification process, at which point they'll be able to login.


POST /Users


Authorization Bearer token

Scopes Required

scim.write or scim.create

Request body





"name": {

"formatted":"Joe User",









The ``userName`` / ``origin`` combination is unique in the UAA, but is allowed to change. Each user also has a fixed primary key which is a UUID (stored in the ``id`` field of the core schema).

Response Body


HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Content-Type: application/json

Location: https://example.com/Users/c72518a7-8f68-4de6-b9b7-22a14292ef3f

ETag: "0"





























Response Codes


201 - Created successfully

400 - Bad Request - unparseable, syntactically incorrect etc

401 - Unauthorized - Invalid token

403 - Forbidden - insufficient scope


Available Fields

User Fields

====================== =============== ======== =======================================================

id String(36) Auto Unique identifier for this provider - GUID generated by the UAA

userName String(255) Required Username, typically an email address

name Map Optional Map containing the fields

givenName String Optional First name

familyName String Optional Last name

emails List Required List of email addresses, currently only one is supported

active boolean Required Set to true to allow this user to login

verified boolean Required Set to true to indicate that this user has been verified.

origin String Optional Set the origin of this user. If empty default of 'uaa' will be set

schemas List Optional Singleton list of 'urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0'

externalId String Optional If this user has an external ID in another system

Curl Example

POST Create a user:

curl -v

-H"Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

-XPOST -H"Accept:application/json"


--data '{"userName":"JOE_tpcqlm","name":{"formatted":"Joe User","familyName":"User","givenName":"Joe"},"emails":[{"value":"joe@blah.com"}]}'



PUT /Users/{id}


Authorization Bearer token


If-Match with the value of the current version of the user, or * to disable version check

Scopes Required

scim.write or the user id in the token is {id}

Request body





"name": {

"formatted":"Joe User",









Response Body


HTTP/1.1 200 Ok

Content-Type: application/json

Location: https://example.com/Users/c72518a7-8f68-4de6-b9b7-22a14292ef3f

ETag: "1"





























Response Codes


201 - Created successfully

400 - Bad Request - unparseable, syntactically incorrect etc

401 - Unauthorized - Invalid token

403 - Forbidden - insufficient scope

404 - Not Found - non existent ID

409 - Conflict - If-Match header, version mismatch


Available Fields

User Fields

====================== =============== ======== =======================================================

id String(36) Auto Unique identifier for this provider - GUID generated by the UAA

userName String(255) Required Username, typically an email address

name Map Optional Map containing the fields

givenName String Optional First name

familyName String Optional Last name

emails List Required List of email addresses, currently only one is supported

active boolean Required Set to true to allow this user to login

verified boolean Required Set to true to indicate that this user has been verified.

origin String Optional Set the origin of this user. If empty default of 'uaa' will be set

schemas List Optional Singleton list of 'urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0'

externalId String Optional If this user has an external ID in another system

Curl Example

PUT Create a user:

curl -v


-H"Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"




--data '{"userName":"JOE_tpcqlsm","name":{"formatted":"Joe User","familyName":"User","givenName":"Joe"},"emails":[{"value":"joe@blah.com"}]}'



PATCH /Users/{id}


Authorization Bearer token


If-Match with the value of the current version of the user, or * to disable version check

Scopes Required

scim.write or the user id in the token is {id}

Request body



"name": {

"formatted":"Joe User",





Response Body


HTTP/1.1 200 Ok

Content-Type: application/json

Location: https://example.com/Users/c72518a7-8f68-4de6-b9b7-22a14292ef3f

ETag: "1"





























Response Codes


201 - Created successfully

400 - Bad Request - unparseable, syntactically incorrect etc

401 - Unauthorized - Invalid token

403 - Forbidden - insufficient scope

404 - Not Found - non existent ID

409 - Conflict - If-Match header, version mismatch


Available Fields

User Fields

====================== =============== ======== =======================================================

id String(36) Auto Unique identifier for this provider - GUID generated by the UAA

userName String(255) Optional Username, typically an email address

name Map Optional Map containing the fields

givenName String Optional First name

familyName String Optional Last name

emails List Optional List of email addresses, currently only one is supported

active boolean Optional Set to true to allow this user to login

verified boolean Optional Set to true to indicate that this user has been verified.

origin String Optional Set the origin of this user. If empty default of 'uaa' will be set

schemas List Optional Singleton list of 'urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0'

externalId String Optional If this user has an external ID in another system

meta.attributes String[] Optional List of attributes, whose values shall be deleted

Curl Example

PATCH Update a user:

curl -v


-H"Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"




--data '{"name":{"formatted":"Joe User","familyName":"User","givenName":"Joe"}}'


The UAA has two modes of deleting a user. Either a hard delete, or setting active=false

This behavior is controlled by the boolean property scim.delete.deactivate


DELETE /Users/{id}


Authorization Bearer token


If-Match with the value of the current version of the user, or * to disable version check

Scopes Required


Response Body


HTTP/1.1 200 Ok

Content-Type: application/json

Location: https://example.com/Users/c72518a7-8f68-4de6-b9b7-22a14292ef3f

ETag: "2"





























Response Codes


200 - Ok success

401 - Unauthorized - Invalid token

403 - Forbidden - insufficient scope

404 - Not Found - non existent ID

Curl Example

DELETE Delete a user:

curl -v


-H"Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"




Request: PUT /Users/{id}/password

Authorization: Authorization header containing an OAuth2 bearer token with:

scope = password.write

aud = password


user_id = {id} i.e id of the user whose password is being updated


Authorization: Bearer URh3jpUFIvZ96G9o

Content-Type: application/json

Accept: application/json







HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8



"message":"password updated"


Response Codes:

200 - Updated successfully

400 - Bad Request

401 - Unauthorized

404 - Not found

Example CURL

$ curl 'http://localhost:8080/Users/a9717027-b838-40bd-baca-b9f9d38a440d/password' -i -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer tURh3jpUFIvZ96G9o' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{"oldPassword":"secr3T","password":"n3wAw3som3Passwd"}'


SCIM specifies that a password change is a PATCH, but since this isn't supported by many clients, we have used PUT. SCIM offers the option to use POST with a header override - if clients want to send X-HTTP-Method-Override they can ask us to add support for that.

Retrieve verification code from /password_resets endpoint.

Include code and new_password in body of call to /password_change endpoint to complete the password reset.

Request: POST /password_resets

Authorization: Authorization header containing an OAuth2 bearer token with:

scope = oauth.login

Request Parameters:

client_id; the id of the client requesting the password reset (optional)

redirect_uri; the eventual URI that will be redirected after the user finishes resetting their password (optional)

the redirect_uri whitelist that can be set per client accepts wildcards, and matches against this redirect_uri using Ant-style path pattern matching (as per )

Request Body:

Authorization: Bearer URh3jpUFIvZ96G9o

Content-Type: application/json

example@email.com // username of user for whom to reset password


HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8





Response Codes:

201 - Created

400 - Bad Request

401 - Unauthorized

403 - Forbidden

404 - Not found

409 - Conflict

Example CURL

$ curl 'http://localhost:8080/password_resets' -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d example@email.com

Request: POST /password_change

Authorization: Authorization header containing an OAuth2 bearer token with:

scope = oauth.login

Request Body:

Authorization: Bearer URh3jpUFIvZ96G9o

Content-Type: application/json






HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8


"username": "example",

"email": "example@email.com",

"code": "OFoEP8", // autologin code

"user_id": "d6aa012a-b7bb-4dea-9128-3586f9c3d738"


Response Codes:

200 - OK

400 - Bad Request

401 - Unauthorized

403 - Forbidden

404 - Not found

Example CURL

$ curl 'http://localhost:8080/password_change' -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"code":"1yw7VS","new_password":"example-password"}'

Retrieve verification code from /email_verifications endpoint.

Include code in body of call to /email_changes endpoint to complete the email change.

Request: POST /email_verifications

Authorization: Authorization header containing an OAuth2 bearer token with:

scope = oauth.login

Request Body:

Authorization: Bearer URh3jpUFIvZ96G9o

Content-Type: application/json







HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

6FfI4o // verification code

Response Codes:

201 - Created

400 - Bad Request

401 - Unauthorized

403 - Forbidden

404 - Not found

409 - Conflict

Example CURL

$ curl 'http://localhost:8080/email_verifications' -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"userId":"d6aa012a-b7bb-4dea-9128-3586f9c3d738","email":"example@newemail.com","client_id":"some_client"}'

Request: POST /email_changes

Authorization: Authorization header containing an OAuth2 bearer token with:

scope = oauth.login

Request Body:

Authorization: Bearer URh3jpUFIvZ96G9o

Content-Type: application/json

6FfI4o // verification code


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8


"username": "example",

"userId": "d6aa012a-b7bb-4dea-9128-3586f9c3d738",

"redirect_url": "preregistered.redirect/url",

"email": "example@newemail.com"


Response Codes:

200 - OK

400 - Bad Request

401 - Unauthorized

403 - Forbidden

Example CURL

$ curl 'http://localhost:8080/email_changes' -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d 6FfI4o

Request: GET /Users/{id}/verify-link

Request Parameters:

client_id; the id of the client requesting the verification link (optional)

redirect_uri; the eventual URI that will be redirected after the user finishes resetting their password (optional)

the redirect_uri whitelist that can be set per client accepts wildcards, and matches against this redirect_uri using Ant-style path pattern matching (as per )

Request Headers: Authorization header containing an OAuth2 bearer token with:

scope = scim.create

Request Body:

Host: example.com

Accept: application/json

Authorization: Bearer h480djs93hd8

Response Body:


"verify_link": "http://myuaa.cloudfoundry.com/verify_user?code=yuT6rd"


Response Codes:

200 - Success

400 - Bad Request

401 - Unauthorized

403 - Forbidden

404 - Not Found; Scim Resource Not Found

405 - Method Not Allowed; User Already Verified

Request: GET /Users/{id}/verify

Request Headers: Authorization header containing an OAuth2 bearer token with:

scope = scim.write

aud = scim


user_id = {id} i.e id of the user whose verify status is being set to true

Request Body:

Host: example.com

Accept: application/json

Authorization: Bearer h480djs93hd8

Response Body: the updated details

Response Codes:

200 - Updated successfully

400 - Bad Request

401 - Unauthorized

404 - Not found

Get information about a user. This is needed by to convert names and email addresses to immutable ids, and immutable ids to display names. The implementation provides the core schema from the specification, but not all attributes are handled in the back end at present (e.g. only one email address per account).

Filters: note that, per the specification, attribute values are comma separated and the filter expressions can be combined with boolean keywords ("or" and "and").

Request: GET /Users?attributes={requestedAttributes}&filter={filter}

Request Headers: Authorization header containing an OAuth2 bearer token with:

scope = scim.read

aud = scim

Response Body (for GET /Users?attributes=id&filter=emails.value eq 'bjensen@example.com'):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json










Query for the existence of a specific username.

Response Body (for GET /Users?attributes=userName&filter=userName eq 'bjensen'):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json


"resources": [


"userName": "bjensen"



"startIndex": 1,

"itemsPerPage": 100,

"totalResults": 1,



Response Codes:

200 - Success

400 - Bad Request

401 - Unauthorized

Request: DELETE /Users/{id}

Request Headers:

Authorization header containing an OAuth2 bearer token with:

scope = scim.write

aud = scim

If-Match the ETag (version id) for the value to delete

Request Body: Empty

Response Body: Empty

Response Codes:

200 - Success

401 - Unauthorized

404 - Not found

Deleting accounts is handled in the back end logically using the active flag, so to see a list of deleted users you can filter on that attribute (filters by default have it set to true), e.g.

Request: GET /Users?attributes=id,userName&filter=userName co 'bjensen' and active eq false

Response Body: list of users matching the filter

There is a SCIM-like endpoint for converting usernames to names, with the same filter and attribute syntax as /Users. It must be supplied with a filter parameter. It is a special purpose endpoint for use as a user id/name translation api, and is should be disabled in production sites by setting scim.userids_enabled=false in the UAA configuration. It will be used by cf so it has to be quite restricted in function (i.e. it's not a general purpose groups or users endpoint). Otherwise the API is the same as /Users.

This endpoint has a few restrictions, the only two fields that are allowed for filtering are id and userName and the only valid filter operator is the eq operator.

Wildcard searches such as sw or co are not allowed. This endpoint requires the scope scim.userids to be present in the token.

Request: GET /ids/Users

Response Body: list of users matching the filter


"itemsPerPage": 100,

"resources": [


"id": "309cc3b7-ec9a-4180-9ba1-5d73f12e97ea",

"origin": "uaa",

"userName": "marissa"



"schemas": [



"startIndex": 1,

"totalResults": 1


ENDPOINT DEPRECATED - Will always return score:0 and requiredScore:0

Request: POST /password/score

POST /password/score HTTP/1.1

Host: uaa.example.com

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-encoded



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json

X-Cf-Warnings: Endpoint+deprecated

{"score": 0, "requiredScore": 0}

The UAA supports the notion of inviting users. When a user is invited by providing an email address, the system will

locate the appropriate authentication provider and create the user account.

The invitation endpoint then returns the corresponding user_id and inviteLink.

Batch processing is allowed by specifying more than one email address.

The endpoint takes two parameters, a client_id (optional) and a redirect_uri.

When a user accepts the invitation, the user will be redirected to the redirect_uri.

The redirect_uri will be validated against allowed redirect_uri for the client.

Request: POST /invite_users



"emails": [








Response Body: list of users matching the filter








In addition to SCIM users, UAA also supports/implements SCIM_groups for managing group-membership of users. These endpoints too are secured by OAuth2 bearer tokens.

Request: POST /Groups

Request Headers: Authorization header containing an OAuth2 bearer token with:

scope = scim.write

aud = scim

Request Body:




{ "type":"USER","authorities":["READ"],"value":"3ebe4bda-74a2-40c4-8b70-f771d9bc8b9f","origin":"uaa" }


"description":"A description for the group"


The displayName is unique in the UAA, but is allowed to change. Each group also has a fixed primary key which is a UUID (stored in the id field of the core schema).

The origin value shows what identity provider was responsible for making the connection between the user and the group. For example, if this

relationship came from an LDAP user, it would have origin=ldap. The description is optional and will appear when the user is asked to approve groups for clients.

Response Body:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Content-Type: application/json

Location: https://example.com/v1/Groups/uid=123456

ETag: "0"











{ "type":"USER","authorities":["READ"],"value":"3ebe4bda-74a2-40c4-8b70-f771d9bc8b9f","origin":"uaa" }



Response Codes:

201 - Created successfully

400 - Bad Request (unparseable, syntactically incorrect etc)

401 - Unauthorized

The members.value sub-attributes MUST refer to a valid SCIM resource id in the UAA, i.e the UUID of an existing SCIM user or group.

Request: PUT /Groups/{id}

Request Headers:

Authorization header containing an OAuth2 bearer token with:

scope = scim.write OR groups.update

aud = scim


user_id =

+ (optional) ``If-Match`` the ``ETag`` (version id) for the value to update

Request Body:

Host: example.com

Accept: application/json

Authorization: Bearer h480djs93hd8

If-Match: "2"












{"type":"USER","authorities":["READ", "WRITE"],"value":"40c44bda-8b70-f771-74a2-3ebe4bda40c4","origin":"uaa"}


"description": "A new description"


Response Body:

As for create operation, returns the entire, updated record, with the Location header pointing to the resource.

Response Codes:

200 - Updated successfully

400 - Bad Request

401 - Unauthorized

404 - Not found

As with the create operation, members.value sub-attributes MUST refer to a valid SCIM resource id in the UAA, i.e the UUID of a an existing SCIM user or group.

Request: PATCH /Groups/{id}

Request Headers:

Authorization header containing an OAuth2 bearer token with:

scope = scim.write OR groups.update

aud = scim


user_id =

+ (optional) ``If-Match`` the ``ETag`` (version id) for the value to update

Request Body:

Host: example.com

Accept: application/json

Authorization: Bearer h480djs93hd8

If-Match: "2"









{"type":"USER","authorities":["READ", "WRITE"],"value":"40c44bda-8b70-f771-74a2-3ebe4bda40c4","origin":"uaa"}


"description": "A new description"


Response Body:

As for create operation, returns the entire, updated record, with the Location header pointing to the resource.

Response Codes:

200 - Updated successfully

400 - Bad Request

401 - Unauthorized

404 - Not found

409 - Conflict

As with the create operation, members.value sub-attributes MUST refer to a valid SCIM resource id in the UAA, i.e the UUID of a an existing SCIM user or group.

Get information about a group, including its members and what roles they hold within the group itself, i.e which members are group admins vs. which members are just members, and so on.

Filters: note that, per the specification, attribute values are comma separated and the filter expressions can be combined with boolean keywords ("or" and "and").

Request: GET /Groups?attributes={requestedAttributes}&filter={filter}

Request Headers: Authorization header containing an OAuth2 bearer token with:

scope = scim.read

aud = scim

Response Body (for GET /Groups?attributes=id&filter=displayName eq "uaa.admin"):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json










Response Codes:

200 - Success

400 - Bad Request

401 - Unauthorized

Request: DELETE /Groups/{id}

Request Headers:

Authorization header containing an OAuth2 bearer token with:

scope = scim.write

aud = scim

If-Match the ETag (version id) for the value to delete

Request Body: Empty

Response Body: Empty

Response Codes:

200 - Success

401 - Unauthorized

404 - Not found

Deleting a group also removes the group from the 'groups' sub-attribute on users who were members of the group.

Create a Zone Manager (add a user to any of the zone management groups): POST /Groups/zones

Request: POST /Groups/zones

Request Headers: Authorization header containing an OAuth2 bearer token with:

scope = scim.zones

aud = scim

Request Body:








The displayName is unique in the UAA, but is allowed to change. Each group also has a fixed primary key which is a UUID (stored in the id field of the core schema).

The following zone management scopes are supported:

zones.{zone id}.admin

zones.{zone id}.idps.read

zones.{zone id}.clients.admin

zones.{zone id}.clients.write

zones.{zone id}.clients.read

zones.{zone id}.scim.read

zones.{zone id}.scim.write

zones.{zone id}.scim.create

Response Body:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Content-Type: application/json

Location: https://example.com/v1/Groups/uid=123456

ETag: "0"


"id": "2bfee27f-513f-436d-8cee-0ab08c21d2f3",

"schemas": [



"displayName": "zones.MyZoneId.admin",

"members": [


"origin": "uaa",

"type": "USER",

"value": "bf7c1859-0c8b-423f-9b94-0cbf14322431"



"meta": {

"version": 0,

"created": "2015-01-27T12:35:09.725Z",

"lastModified": "2015-01-27T12:35:09.725Z"



Response Codes:

201 - Created successfully

400 - Bad Request (unparseable, syntactically incorrect etc)

401 - Unauthorized

403 - Forbidden (authenticated but insufficient scopes)

The members.value sub-attributes MUST refer to a valid SCIM resource id in the UAA, i.e the UUID of an existing SCIM user or group.

Request: DELETE /Groups/zones/{userId}/{zoneId}/{scope}

Request Headers:

Authorization header containing an OAuth2 bearer token with:

scope = scim.zones (in the default UAA zone)

aud = scim

If-Match the ETag (version id) for the value to delete

Request Body: Empty

Response Body: Empty

Response Codes:

200 - Success

401 - Unauthorized

403 - Forbidden

404 - Not found

The scope path variable can be one of the following






Retrieves external group mappings in the form of a search result.

The API GET /Groups/External/list is deprecated

Request: GET /Groups/External

Request Headers: Authorization header containing an OAuth2 bearer token with:

scope = scim.read

aud = scim

Request(Query) Parameters:

startIndex - the start index of the pagination, default value is 1

count - the number of results to retrieve, default value is 100

filter - scim search filter, possible field names are groupId, externalGroup and displayName

Request Body:


Response Body

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok

Content-Type: application/json














Response Codes:

200 - Results retrieved successfully

401 - Unauthorized

403 - Forbidden - valid token but not enough privileges or invalid method

Creates a group mapping with an internal UAA groups (scope) and an external group, for example LDAP DN.

Request: POST /Groups/External

Request Headers: Authorization header containing an OAuth2 bearer token with:

scope = scim.write

aud = scim

Request Body(using group name):






Request Body(using group ID):






The displayName is unique in the UAA, but is allowed to change. Each group also has a fixed primary key which is a UUID (stored in the id field of the core schema).

It is possible to substitute the displayName field with a groupId field containing the UUID.

Response Body:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Content-Type: application/json

Location: https://example.com/v1/Groups/uid=123456

ETag: "0"














Response Codes:

201 - Created successfully

400 - Bad Request (unparseable, syntactically incorrect etc)

401 - Unauthorized

Removes the group mapping between an internal UAA groups (scope) and an external group, for example LDAP DN.

The API DELETE /Groups/External/id/{groupId}/{externalGroup} is deprecated

Request: DELETE /Groups/External/groupId/3ebe4bda-74a2-40c4-8b70-f771d9bc8b9f/externalGroup/cn=superusers,ou=scopes,dc=test,dc=com/origin/ldap

Request Headers: Authorization header containing an OAuth2 bearer token with:

scope = scim.write

aud = scim

Response Body:

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok

Content-Type: application/json

Location: https://example.com/v1/Groups/uid=123456

ETag: "0"













Response Codes:

200 - Deleted successfully

400 - Bad Request (unparseable, syntactically incorrect etc)

401 - Unauthorized

Removes the group mapping between an internal UAA groups (scope) and an external group, for example LDAP DN.

The API DELETE /Groups/External/{displayName}/{externalGroup} is deprecated

Request: DELETE /Groups/External/displayName/internal.everything/externalGroup/cn=superusers,ou=scopes,dc=test,dc=com/origin/ldap

Request Headers: Authorization header containing an OAuth2 bearer token with:

scope = scim.write

aud = scim

Response Body:

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok

Content-Type: application/json

Location: https://example.com/v1/Groups/uid=123456

ETag: "0"














Response Codes:

200 - Deleted successfully

400 - Bad Request (unparseable, syntactically incorrect etc)

401 - Unauthorized

OAuth2 protected resources which deal with listing and revoking access tokens. To revoke a token with DELETE clients need to provide a jti (token identifier, not the token value) which can be obtained from the token list via the corresponding GET. This is to prevent token values from being logged in the server (DELETE does not have a body).

An endpoint which returns the JSON Web Token (JWT) key, used by the UAA to sign JWT access tokens, and to be used by authorized clients to verify that a token came from the UAA. The key is in JSON Web Key format. For complete information about JSON Web Keys, see RFC 7517 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7517).

In the case when the token key is symmetric, signer key and verifier key are the same, then this call is authenticated with client credentials using the HTTP Basic method.

JWT signing keys are specified via the identity zone configuration (see /identity-zones). An identity zone token policy can be configured with multiple keys for purposes of key rotation. When adding a new key, set its ID as the activeKeyId to use it to sign all new tokens. /check_token will continue to verify tokens signed with the previous signing key for as long as it is present in the keys of the identity zone's token policy. Remove it to invalidate all those tokens.

JWT tokens issued by the UAA contain a kid field, indicating which key should be used for verification of the token. In the case that this is not the primary key, use GET /token_keys to retrieve all currently valid keys, and select the key that matches the token's kid.


GET /token_key

Request body


Response body


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: text/plain






HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: text/plain




"value":"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA0m59l2u9iDnMbrXHfqkO\nrn2dVQ3vfBJqcDuFUK03d+1PZGbVlNCqnkpIJ8syFppW8ljnWweP7+LiWpRoz0I7\nfYb3d8TjhV86Y997Fl4DBrxgM6KTJOuE/uxnoDhZQ14LgOU2ckXjOzOdTsnGMKQB\nLCl0vpcXBtFLMaSbpv1ozi8h7DJyVZ6EnFQZUWGdgTMhDrmqevfx95U/16c5WBDO\nkqwIn7Glry9n9Suxygbf8g5AzpWcusZgDLIIZ7JTUldBb8qU2a0Dl4mvLZOn4wPo\njfj9Cw2QICsc5+Pwf21fP+hzf+1WSRHbnYv8uanRO0gZ8ekGaghM/2H6gqJbo2nI\nJwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----",






The algorithm ("alg") tells the caller how to use the value (it is the

result of algorithm method in the Signer implementation used in the

token endpoint). In this case it is an HMAC (symmetric) key, but you

might also see an asymmetric RSA public key with algorithm


An endpoint which returns the list of JWT keys. To support key rotation, this list specifies the IDs of all currently valid keys. JWT tokens issued by the UAA contain a kid field, indicating which key should be used for verification of the token.


GET /token_keys

Request body


Response body


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: text/plain





"value":"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA0m59l2u9iDnMbrXHfqkO\nrn2dVQ3vfBJqcDuFUK03d+1PZGbVlNCqnkpIJ8syFppW8ljnWweP7+LiWpRoz0I7\nfYb3d8TjhV86Y997Fl4DBrxgM6KTJOuE/uxnoDhZQ14LgOU2ckXjOzOdTsnGMKQB\nLCl0vpcXBtFLMaSbpv1ozi8h7DJyVZ6EnFQZUWGdgTMhDrmqevfx95U/16c5WBDO\nkqwIn7Glry9n9Suxygbf8g5AzpWcusZgDLIIZ7JTUldBb8qU2a0Dl4mvLZOn4wPo\njfj9Cw2QICsc5+Pwf21fP+hzf+1WSRHbnYv8uanRO0gZ8ekGaghM/2H6gqJbo2nI\nJwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----",









"value":"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA0m59l2u9iDnMbrXHfqkO\nrn2dVQ3vfBJqcDuFUK03d+1PZGbVlNCqnkpIJ8syFppW8ljnWweP7+LiWpRoz0I7\nfYb3d8TjhV86Y997Fl4DBrxgM6KTJOuE/uxnoDhZQ14LgOU2ckXjOzOdTsnGMKQB\nLCl0vpcXBtFLMaSbpv1ozi8h7DJyVZ6EnFQZUWGdgTMhDrmqevfx95U/16c5WBDO\nkqwIn7Glry9n9Suxygbf8g5AzpWcusZgDLIIZ7JTUldBb8qU2a0Dl4mvLZOn4wPo\njfj9Cw2QICsc5+Pwf21fP+hzf+1WSRHbnYv8uanRO0gZ8ekGaghM/2H6gqJbo2nI\nJwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----",








GET /oauth/clients

Request body

client details

Response code

200 OK if successful with client details in JSON response

Response body


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

{"foo": {

"client_id" : "foo",

"name" : "Foo Client Name",

"scope" : ["uaa.none"],

"resource_ids" : ["none"],

"authorities" : ["cloud_controller.read","cloud_controller.write","scim.read"],

"authorized_grant_types" : ["client_credentials"],

"lastModified" : 1426260091149


"bar": {

"client_id" : "bar",

"name" : "Bar Client Name",

"scope" : ["cloud_controller.read","cloud_controller.write","openid"],

"resource_ids" : ["none"],

"authorities" : ["uaa.none"],

"authorized_grant_types" : ["authorization_code"],

"lastModified" : 1426260091145



GET /oauth/clients/{client_id}

Request body

client details

Response code

200 OK if successful with client details in JSON response

Response body


HTTP/1.1 200 OK


"client_id" : "foo",

"name" : "Foo Client Name",

"scope" : ["uaa.none"],

"resource_ids" : ["none"],

"authorities" : ["cloud_controller.read","cloud_controller.write","scim.read"],

"authorized_grant_types" : ["client_credentials"],

"lastModified" : 1426260091145



POST /oauth/clients

Request body

client details

Response code

201 CREATED if successful

Response body

the client details

Example request:

POST /oauth/clients


"client_id" : "foo",

"name" : "Foo Client Name",

"client_secret" : "fooclientsecret", // optional for untrusted clients

"scope" : ["uaa.none"],

"resource_ids" : ["none"],

"authorities" : ["cloud_controller.read","cloud_controller.write","openid"],

"authorized_grant_types" : ["client_credentials"],

"access_token_validity": 43200



(Also available for grant types that support it: refresh_token_validity.)


PUT /oauth/clients/{client_id}

Request body

client details

Response code

200 OK if successful

Response body

the updated details


PUT /oauth/clients/foo


"client_id" : "foo",

"name" : "New Foo Client Name",

"scope" : ["uaa.none"],

"resource_ids" : ["none"],

"authorities" : ["cloud_controller.read","cloud_controller.write","openid"],

"authorized_grant_types" : ["client_credentials"]



N.B. the secret will not be changed, even if it is included in the

request body (use the secret change endpoint instead).


DELETE /oauth/clients/{client_id}

Request body


Response code

200 OK

Response body

the old client


PUT /oauth/clients/{client_id}/secret

Request body

secret change request

Reponse code

200 OK if successful

Response body

a status message (hash)


PUT /oauth/clients/foo/secret


"oldSecret": "fooclientsecret",

"secret": "newclientsceret"



POST /oauth/clients/tx

Request body

an array of client details

Response code

201 CREATED if successful

Response body

an array of client details


either all clients get registered or none

Scope Required


Example request:

POST /oauth/clients/tx


"client_id" : "foo",

"name" : "Foo Client Name",

"client_secret" : "fooclientsecret", // optional for untrusted clients

"scope" : ["uaa.none"],

"resource_ids" : ["none"],

"authorities" : ["cloud_controller.read","cloud_controller.write","openid"],

"authorized_grant_types" : ["client_credentials"],

"access_token_validity": 43200



"client_id" : "bar",

"name" : "Bar Client Name",

"client_secret" : "barclientsecret", // optional for untrusted clients

"scope" : ["uaa.none"],

"resource_ids" : ["none"],

"authorities" : ["cloud_controller.read","cloud_controller.write","openid"],

"authorized_grant_types" : ["client_credentials"],

"access_token_validity": 43200



PUT /oauth/clients/tx

Request body

an array of client details

Response code

200 OK if successful

Response body

an array of client details


either all clients get updated or none

Scope Required



PUT /oauth/clients/tx


"client_id" : "foo",

"name" : "New Foo Client Name",

"scope" : ["uaa.none"],

"resource_ids" : ["none"],

"authorities" : ["cloud_controller.read","cloud_controller.write","openid"],

"authorized_grant_types" : ["client_credentials"]



"client_id" : "bar",

"name" : "New Bar Client Name",

"scope" : ["uaa.none"],

"resource_ids" : ["none"],

"authorities" : ["cloud_controller.read","cloud_controller.write","openid"],

"authorized_grant_types" : ["client_credentials"]


N.B. the secret will not be changed, even if it is included in the

request body (use the secret change endpoint instead).


POST /oauth/clients/tx/modify

Request body

an array of client details

Response code

200 OK if successful

Response body

an array of client details


either all clients get added/updated/deleted or no changes are performed

Scope Required



The 'secret' and 'update,secret' will change the secret and delete approvals.

To change secret without deleting approvals use the /oauth/clients/tx/secret API

Example request:

POST /oauth/clients/tx/modify


"client_id" : "foo",

"name" : "Foo Client Name",

"client_secret" : "fooclientsecret", // optional for untrusted clients

"scope" : ["uaa.none"],

"resource_ids" : ["none"],

"authorities" : ["cloud_controller.read","cloud_controller.write","openid"],

"authorized_grant_types" : ["client_credentials"],

"access_token_validity": 43200,

"action" : "add"



"client_id" : "bar",

"name" : "New Bar Client Name",

"client_secret" : "barclientsecret", // ignored and not required for an update

"scope" : ["uaa.none"],

"resource_ids" : ["none"],

"authorities" : ["cloud_controller.read","cloud_controller.write","openid"],

"authorized_grant_types" : ["client_credentials"],

"access_token_validity": 43200,

"action" : "update"



"client_id" : "bar",

"client_secret" : "barclientsecret", //new secret - if changed, approvals are deleted

"scope" : ["uaa.none"],

"resource_ids" : ["none"],

"authorities" : ["cloud_controller.read","cloud_controller.write","openid"],

"authorized_grant_types" : ["client_credentials"],

"access_token_validity": 43200,

"action" : "update,secret"



"client_id" : "zzz",

"action" : "delete"



"client_id" : "zzz",

"client_secret" : "zzzclientsecret", // new password, if changed client approvals are deleted

"action" : "secret"



POST /oauth/clients/tx/secret

Request body

an array of secret change request

Reponse code

200 OK if successful

Response body

a list of all the clients that had their secret changed.


either all clients' secret changed or none

Scope Required



The 'secret' and 'update,secret' will change the secret and delete approvals.

To change secret without deleting approvals use the /oauth/clients/tx/secret API


POST /oauth/clients/tx/secret


"clientId" : "foo",

"oldSecret": "fooclientsecret",

"secret": "newfooclientsceret"


"clientId" : "bar",

"oldSecret": "barclientsecret",

"secret": "newbarclientsceret"



POST /oauth/clients/tx/delete

Request body

an array of clients to be deleted

Response code

200 OK

Response body

an array of the deleted clients


either all clients get deleted or none

The UAA also supports creating and modifying clients that are considered 'restricted'.

The definition of a restricted client is a client that does not have any UAA admin scopes/

The operations to the the restricted endpoints follow the same syntax as creating, updating

clients using the regular APIs. If the client being created or updated contains

a restricted scopes or authorities, a 400 Bad Request is returned.


GET /oauth/clients/restricted

Request body


Response code

200 OK if successful

Response body

List - a list of scopes that are considered admin scopes in the UAA


POST /oauth/clients/restricted

Request body


Response code

201 CREATED if successful, 400 if validation of restricted scopes fails

Response body

ClientDetails - the newly created client


PUT /oauth/clients/restricted/{client_id}

Request body


Response code

200 OK if successful, 400 if validation of restricted scopes fails

Response body

ClientDetails - the newly created client


PUT /oauth/client/{client_id}/meta

Request body

ClientMetadata (same as example payload in Response body)

Response code

200 OK if successful with client details in JSON response

Response body


HTTP/1.1 200 OK


"clientId" : "foo",

"showOnHomePage" : true,

"appLaunchUrl" : "http://foo.com/url",

"appIcon" : "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" // base64 encoded image


Scope Required

clients.write or clients.admin


GET /oauth/clients/{client_id}/meta

Request body


Response code

200 OK if successful with client details in JSON response

Response body


HTTP/1.1 200 OK


"clientId" : "foo",

"showOnHomePage" : true,

"appLaunchUrl" : "http://foo.com/url",

"appIcon" : "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" // base64 encoded image


Scope Required

clients.read or clients.admin


GET /oauth/clients/meta

Request body


Response code

200 OK if successful with client details in JSON response

Response body


HTTP/1.1 200 OK


"clientId" : "foo",

"showOnHomePage" : true,

"appLaunchUrl" : "http://foo.com/url",

"appIcon" : "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" // base64 encoded image


"clientId" : "bar",

"showOnHomePage" : true,

"appLaunchUrl" : "http://bar.com/url",

"appIcon" : "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" // base64 encoded image


Web app clients need UI endpoints for the OAuth2 and OpenID

redirects. Clients that do not ask for a JSON content type will get

HTML. Note that these UIs are whitelabeled and the branded versions

used in Cloud Foundry are deployed in a separate component (the Login Server).

Request: GET /login?error={error}

Response Body: form with all the relevant prompts

Response Codes: 200 - Success

Request: POST /login.do

Request Body, example -- depends on configuration (e.g. do we need OTP / PIN / password etc.):


Response Header, includes location if redirect, and cookie for subsequent interaction (e.g. authorization):

Location: http://myapp.cloudfoundry.com/mycoolpage

Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=ldfjhsdhafgkasd

Set-Cookie: X-Uaa-Csrf=abcdef; Expires=Thu, 04-Aug-2016 18:10:38 GMT; HttpOnly

Response Codes:

302 - Found

200 - Success

The UAA can act as a Single Sign On server for the Cloud Foundry

platform (and possibly user apps as well), so if a user logs out they log out of all the apps.

Request: GET /oauth/authorize/confirm_access

Request Body: HTML form posts back to /oauth/authorize:

Do you approve the application "foo" to access your CloudFoundry

resources with scope "read_cloudfoundry"? Approve/Deny.

Response Codes:

200 - Success

The precise form of this request is not given by the spec (which just says "obtain authorization"), but the response is.

Request: POST /oauth/authorize?user_oauth_approval=true

Request Header (needed to ensure the currently authenticated client is the one that is authorizing):

Cookie: JSESSIONID=ldfjhsdhafgkasd

Response Header: location as defined in the spec (e.g. includes auth code for that grant type, and error information)

Response Codes:

302 - Found


GET /login

Response Code

302 - Found

Response Headers

Location: http://www.google.com/etc/blah

Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=ldfjhsdhafgkasd


GET /saml/metadata

Response Code

200 - Found

Response Headers

Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8

