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Assets Error Listings APP-OFA-XXXX (文档 ID 1460268.1)_app-ofa-48066




In this Document


Oracle Assets - Version to 12.2 [Release 11.5 to 12.2]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Form:FAXASSET.FMB - Asset Workbench
Form:FAXSUSTL.FMB - System Controls
FADEPR - Depreciation Program
FARET - Calculate Gains and Losses
FAMCP - Periodic Mass Copy
FAMAPT - Mass Additions Post
FAWDPR - What-If Analysis Program
FAMTFR - Mass Transfer
FAMPRET - Post Mass Retirements
FAXOLFIN - Financial Inquiry Form
FAXSUBCT - Book Control
FAXORIDE - Depreciation Override
FAXMADDS - Prepare Mass Additions
FAPROJ - Depreciation Projection



1. For Critical and Recommended patches refer to EBS Fixed Assets (FA) Information Center (DocID 1308325.1) under tab "Patch and Maintenance"

2. For Extended Support  refer to Note 883202.1: Patch Requirements for Extended Support of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11.5.10

3. For Financials Family Pack G refer to:

Note 290480.1: For complete information about Oracle Financials Family Pack G (11i.FIN_PF.G)
Note 290392.1: About Oracle Assets in Financials Family Pack G


This note consolidates known causes/fixes for issues within the Assets module that raise errors prefixed with APP-OFA-XXXXX.





  1. It is recommended that you use your browser's string search utility to quickly find the resolution to a problem you are encountering. If you are hitting an error, you may search for the error message to quickly locate the area of the note associated to your error.
  2. If you find that the patch for your release is not available for download, or requires a password, please contact Oracle Support for assistance.



Error String:

  • APP-OFA-47039: Error: Sum of the FA_DEPRN_DETAIL rows does not add to the FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY row for the DEPRN_EXPENSE/RESERVE account


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 and later

Reinstatement of a partial retirement allocates cost and reserve to terminated distributions. This may result in Depreciation (FADEPR) error:

APP-OFA-47039: Error: Sum of the FA_DEPRN_DETAIL rows does not add to the FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY row for the DEPRN_EXPENSE/RESERVE account

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 7396397: ME: REINSTATEMENT ALLOCATED TO TERMINATED DISTRIBUTION IN CORPORATE BOOK  as the cause.

R12.0:  Bug 7630422 & R12.1:  Bug 8522250

1. For R11i Customers, with file version fagundb.pls @ 115.58 (via FA.P roll-up Patch 7631346): Apply Patch 7631346which includes fixed file version fagundb.pls
Pre-req patches include: 11i.FA.P + 6317575 + 6781756

2. For R11i Customers, with file version fagundb.pls @ 115.74 (via FA.P roll-up Patch 7427746): Apply Patch 8449900which includes fixed file version fagundb.pls
Pre-req patches include: 7427746

3. For R12.0.x (R12.FA.A) Customers:
Apply Patch 7630422:R12.FA.A which includes fixed file version fagundb.pls 120.40.12000000.7

4. For R12.1.x (R12.FA.B) Customers:
Apply Patch 8706842:R12.FA.B which includes fixed file version fagundb.pls 120.44.12010000.8


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Error String:

  • APP-OFA-47131: Error: Unable to get current fiscal year


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 to 12.1 Depreciation (FADEPR) run fails with:

Depreciation Program Exception Report
APP-FND-01564: ORACLE error 1403 in fadgbi
Cause: fadgbi failed due to ORA-01403: no data found.

The SQL statement being executed at the time of the error was:
and was executed from the file.

APP-OFA-47131: Error: Unable to get current fiscal year
Cause: You have a database problem.
Action: Contact your system administrator.

Error: function fadgbi returned failure (called from FADEPR)


If you have already seen Note:108280.1 and are trying to setup the Asset Calendar
for the following year (FAXSUCAL) however you receive the following error when trying to arrow down:

APP-OFA-48467 The Start and End Dates are not within an existing fiscal year
Because of increased functionality in Oracle Assets Release 11i,
it is necessary to define the fiscal calendar at least one year in
advance of the current fiscal period for which you are running
depreciation. This is due to checks in the code to get the next
fiscal year start and end dates (before the current fiscal year is closed)
to calculate remaining lives and fiscal year differentials for formula-based
depreciation methods. This check is made by book_type_code, irregardless
of whether you are actually using the formula-based depreciation methods.
(N) Setup > Asset System > Fiscal Years

1. Query on your fiscal year.

You notice that when the Fiscal Year is re-queried the To Date column is
still white for any future years that are defined.

2. This indicates that the values have been entered, but not saved!
Click on save.

You will now be able to complete the Asset Calendar setup for the next fiscal
year and depreciation will complete successfully.


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Error String:

  • APP-OFA-47159: This asset category has not been defined for this depreciation book


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 to 12.1 When Preparing an Invoice for Create Mass Additions or When in Prepare Mass Additions (FAXMADDS), the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-47159: This Asset Category has not been defined for this depreciation book

The same error can occur when trying to prepare an invoice line and the asset book is not entered in the Mass Addition form before choosing the category.

Additions, reclassifications, and transfers need to occur across all books simultaneously. The category must, therefore, exist for all books that the asset belongs to and not just the corporate book.

Define the category in all the tax books attached to the corporate book under Setup > Asset System > Define Categories.

For Mass Reclass see DocID 1333011.1

2 12

On 12.0.3, When attempting to manually reclassify an asset (having the new asset category set up for both Corporate and Tax books containing the asset), the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-47159: This asset category has not been defined for this depreciation book

-- Steps To Reproduce:
The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Add an asset to both Tax and Corp book. 
2. Navigate to the Asset Workbench and re-query the asset for Tax book.
3. Attempt to reclassify the asset to another category in the Open window. The error message will be shown.

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 8366056 - R12 : CAN NOT PERFORM RECLASSIFICATION ASSET TRANSACTION : ERRORS WITH APP-47159  as the cause.

For R12.0.x (R12.FA.A) Customers:Apply Patch 8366056:R12.FA.A which includes these fixed file versions:
FAXASSET.fmb  120.189.12000000.41
FAXOLFIN.fmb  120.41.12000000.8


Alternate Solution:
Associate the new category for each book that the asset belongs to and not just the corporate book since reclasses (and transfers) need to occur across all books simultaneously.


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Error Strings:

  • APP-OFA-47169: This asset has no Distribution History information
  • APP-OFA-47125: fadppt : The following asset requires adjustment but has no distribution history records
  • APP-OFA-47039: Error: Sum of the FA_DEPRN_DETAIL rows does not add to the FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY row for the DEPRN_RESERVE account


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 12 On 12.0.6 in Production:
When attempting to run depreciation, the following error occurs for all assets:

APP-OFA-47169: This asset has no Distribution History information
APP-OFA-47125: fadppt : The following asset requires adjustment but has no distribution history
APP-OFA-47039: Error: Sum of the FA_DEPRN_DETAIL rows does not add to the FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY row for the DEPRN_RESERVE account.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Perfrom adjustments
2. Run depreciation
Patch 7606459 POST-RUP6 - FIXES FOR FA was not applied after upgrading to 12.0.6For R12.0.x (R12.FA.A) Customers: Apply Patch 7606459:R12.FA.A which includes fixed file version fadpdp.lpc 120.116.12000000.21


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Error Strings:

  • APP-OFA-47227: You must set up the category with default depreciation rules for at least one date range.


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 to 12.1 While defining a new FA book the following error occured:

APP-OFA-47227: You must set up the category with default depreciation rules for at least one date range.
Required setup of default rules was not been set when saving the category-book combination.

Navigate to Responsibility FA manager > Setup > Asset System > Category

1. Ensure that, at the bottom of the page, there is a Default rules button.

2. Enter the mandatory information in the second page for Default rules and Save.

Once the category book is defined with the default rules and saved, there should be no error.


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Error Strings:

  • APP-OFA-47333 You cannot perform this transaction because this asset is fully retired.


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 to 12.1

From Asset Workbench (FAXASSSET),

Unable to access transfer to form

Unable to reinstate a retired asset

Results in the following error:

APP-OFA-47333 You cannot perform this transaction because this asset is fully retired.

Choose a book in which you have not yet retired the asset or reinstate the asset, and then perform the transaction.

The retired asset was not reinstated.

Fix: Reinstate the retired asset.

1. Navigate to Inquiry > Transaction History.

2. Enter the Book & Asset Number of the asset.

3. Press the Find button.

4. Mouseclick the Transaction type field for the retired asset. (It is important to be in the correct field or the Reference Number retreived will not be correct).

5. Make a note of the Reference Number.

6. Go to the Asset Workbench and query the asset.

7. Click the Retirements button.

8. Once the Retirements screen is displayed:

a. Press F11 to query or select Query>Enter on the menu bar.

b. Enter the Reference Number noted above.

c. Press CTRL F11 to perform the query or select Query>Run from the menu bar.

9. Once the information appears on the screen, verify that the information is correct and press the Reinstate button.

10. Run the Calculate Gains and Losses program.

2 11.5 and later

Assets were retired via Assets Workbench (FAXASSET) and Mass Retirements. The depreciation period is closed. The assets in question are still  recorded with a status of PENDING in the new accounting period.

When the retired asset is re-queried, the following error occurs:


and the UNDO RETIREMENT button is greyed out.

This is not a bug, it is just a question of procedure/process that is
being followed.

In the Assets Workbench, query the asset. Click on Retirements.
Instead of just entering the book, do Query Enter then enter the book,
followed by Query Run. The retirement that was entered will appear providing
Calculate Gains & Losses was not run yet, and the UNDO RETIREMENT button will

Refer to: Bug 612627 , Bug 612620


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Error Strings:

  • APP-OFA-47350: you cannot add a CIP asset to this category / book because they do not have a CIP account set up


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 and later Unable to add a CIP asset.

APP-OFA-47350: you cannot add a CIP asset to this category / book because they do not have a CIP account set up

All the CIP accounts for the Asset Category in which you are adding the Assets in the Corporate book are set up
Allow CIP Assets flag is checked

The Allow CIP Assets box is checked but no accounts are set up for the category in the tax books.

To solve this problem, there are two options:

A) uncheck the Allow CIP Assets checkbox in the Book Controls form for the tax book.


B) setup all of the CIP accounts for the Asset Category for the Tax Book in which you are adding Assets.

Reference: NOTE:199975.1 - Book Control Defaults (FAXSUBCT)


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Error Strings:

  • APP-OFA-47412: Error: &PROGRAM did not get enough arguments


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5

On Release, after installing rollup Patch 7427746, when attempting to run report RX-only: What-If Depreciation Analysis (RXFAWD ), the following error occurs:
APP-OFA-47412: Error: &PROGRAM did not get enough arguments

Patch 7427746 applied

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 9818958: RXI: WHAT-IF DEPRECIATION ANALYSIS ERRORS AFTER PATCH 7427746 & PATCH 6968089  as the cause.

The problem is with the definition of concurrent program RXFAWD - RX-only: What-If Depreciation Analysis. It should call pro*C executable FARXWD and not PL/SQL definition RXFAWD.

For R11i Customers:

1. Please apply Patch 6968089and its pre-requisites in case they were not applied.

2. Then, apply Patch 9972474which includes fixed file version faqrx.ldt 115.2

Following update may be run for step2 as a workaround in case patch is no viable:

Back up table fa_rx_reports

create table fa_rx_reports_bak
as select * from fa_rx_reports;

Then run following update:

update fa_rx_reports
set concurrent_program_id = 36279, concurrent_program_name = 'RXFAWD'
where report_id = 67;
-- this should update 1 row only

[This section is not visible to customers.]

3. Please retest RXi report.


2 12 to 12.1

On 12.0.6, When attempting to run RXFAWD module: RX-only: What-If Depreciation Analysis,
the following error occurs:

Request ID: ###
APP-OFA-47412: Error: &PROGRAM did not get enough arguments
Cause: You have a database problem.
Action: Contact your system administrator.

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 8930129: WHAT-IF REPORT ENDS WITH ERROR MESSAGE IF NO DATA TO PROCESS  as the cause.

1. For R12.0.x (R12.FA.A) Customers: Apply Patch 8930129:R12.FA.A which includes fixed file version farxcwdb.pls  120.6.12000000.10

2. For R12.1.x (R12.FA.B) Customers: Apply Patch 9459597:R12.FA.B which includes fixed file version farxcwdb.pls  120.12.12010000.4


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Error Strings:

  • APP-OFA-47434: Error when Retiring an Asset
  • APP-OFA-47434: You must post your mass additions before you can retire this asset


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 to 12.1

On Asset Workbench (FAXASSET), when attempting to retire an asset. The following error occured when selecting Book in Retirements form:

The navigation path is: Asset > Asset Workbench > Find (button) > Retirements (button)

APP-OFA-47434 Error when Retiring an Asset 
APP-OFA-47434: You must post your mass additions before you can retire this asset 
Error received when selecting book in Retirements.

The asset had an outstanding mass additions. In this case it was in the "ON HOLD" queue.

The following query is used to validate that an asset is available for 
retirement..ie, the asset does not have any outstanding mass additions:

1. If Book and AssetID is known, run this SQL:



2. If Book and AssetID is NOT known, run this SQL:


If anything is returned by above script, mass addition will need to be posted or deleted prior to retiring the asset.



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Error String:

  • APP-OFA-47661: Error: Unable to insert into FA_DEPRN_DETAIL table


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 12

Depreciation Run (FADEPR) completes with the below error:

APP-OFA-47661: Error: Unable to insert into FA_DEPRN_DETAIL table

Cause: You have a database problem.

Action: Contact your system administrator.

APP-OFA-47715: Error: function fadaid returned failure (called from faddep)
Asset ID XXXXXX -> ** Failed **

Depreciation is failing when processing member asset which uses the CALCULATE tracking method. In fadp6, function fadaid, the deprn_source_code was being set to NULL due to other changes in other methods.For R12.0.x (R12.FA.A) Customers:
Apply Patch 7500709:R12.FA.A which includes fixed file version fadp6.lpc 120.33.12000000.7

On in Production:
Find depreciation errors for assets after perform mass transfer and impairment in the same period.

Depreciation errors with the below error:

APP-OFA-48208: fadais: 4 has the value of 1.
APP-OFA-48208: fadatd(1): has the value of After fetch.
APP-OFA-47661: Error: Unable to insert into FA_DEPRN_DETAIL table

Cause: You have a database problem.

Action: Contact your system administrator.

Distribution ID: 117789
Distribution ID: 117790
Error: function fadaid returned failure (called from faddep)
Error: function faddep returned failure (called from FADEPR)
APP-OFA-48208: famcpsob, sob_id has the value of 1.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Perform transfer and impairment in the same period

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 5984105: DEPRECIATION ERRORS WHEN TRANSFER AND IMPAIRMENT DONE IN THE SAME PERIOD
as the cause.

When process impairments inserted rows into FA_DEPRN_DETAIL
it inserted rows only for the current active distributions.
No row was inserted for the transfered out distribution.
In normal cases, running deprn will insert
row for transfered out distribution also with deprn_amount = 0
For R11i Customers: Apply Patch 6614619 which includes fixed file version FAXINDDB.pls 115.22

Note: Patch must be applied over patchset 11i.FA.P + ( 4970145 / 5964970 / 6314319 / 6317575 )


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Error String:

  • APP-OFA-47662: Error: Unable to insert records into FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY table


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 12.1 After upgrading from R11i to R12, depreciation (FADEPR) errors with:

APP-FND-01564: ORACLE error 1458 in fadais

Cause: fadais failed due to ORA-01458: invalid length inside variable character string

The SQL statement being executed at the time of the error was: and was executed from the file .
APP-OFA-47662: Error: Unable to insert records into FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY table

Cause: You have a database problem.

Action: Contact your system administrator.

APP-OFA-47016: Distribution ID: 0
APP-OFA-47016: Distribution ID: CORP BOOK
APP-OFA-47016: Distribution ID: 12345
Code Defect.

For R12.1 (R12.FA.B) Customers: Apply Patch 19066382:R12.FA.B - R12.1: FIXED ASSETS RECOMMENDED PATCH COLLECTION, AUG 2014


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Error String:

  • APP-OFA-47670: Error: Unable to validate depreciation period


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 and later

FADEPR errors in first run of depreciation:

APP-FND-01564: ORACLE error 1403 in fadccs
Cause: fadccs failed due to ORA-01403: no data found
The SQL statement being executed at the time of the error was: and was executed from the file .
APP-OFA-47670: Error: Unable to validate depreciation period
Cause: You have a database problem.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
Error: function fadccs returned failure (called from FADEPR)

There is a mismatch between the FA_BOOK_CONTROLS and FA_DEPRN_PERIODS tables concerning when the book was actually setup.


1st Row PERIOD_COUNTER = 24068
2nd Row PERIOD_COUNTER = 24069

Both these values should be 24068 based on FA_DEPRN_PERIODS table data.

The records indicate that SQL was used on the book during setup.
The issue is UNSUPPORTED. The SUPPORTED solution is to setup a new book and disable the book where depreciation completed in ERROR status.


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Error String:

  • APP-OFA-47685: Error: Unable to get information from FA_CALENDAR_PERIODS


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 and later Depreciation Projection Report (FAPROJ) errors with:

APP-FND-1564: ORACLE error 1403 in fazgtff
APP-OFA-47685: Error:Unable to get information from FA_CALENDAR_PERIODS

fajprj failed due to ORA-1403: no data found

General Ledger calendar period names may be different than the Oracle Asset calendar period names.

For example:

GL may have Jan-99 but FA may have JAN-99

With these 2 diagnostic queries we can see that the period names are different:

select set_of_books_id, period_name, closing_status 
from gl_period_statuses 
where set_of_books_id in 
(select set_of_books_id 
from fa_book_controls 
where book_type_code = '&your_deprn_book');


select period_name, period_counter, deprn_run 
from fa_deprn_periods 
where book_type_code = '&your_deprn_book' 
order by period_counter, period_name ;

Change the calendar period names to be the same. The report should complete successfully.

To change unused period names:

1. Navigate: Setup -> Asset System -> Calendars

2. Query the calendar in question.
3. Scroll to the last period.
4. From the Main menu select: Edit/Delete Record
5. Continue to delete as far back as necessary (or to where transactions have been entered for the period)
5. Re-ADD the periods deleted with the correct name.


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Error String:

  • APP-OFA-47693: Error: faddep - SQL error in main select


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 and later

When running Depreciation (FADEPR) the following error occurs:

APP-FND-01388: Cannot read value for profile option TIME_DIAGNOSTIC in routine &ROUTINE.
APP-OFA-47693: Error: faddep - SQL error in main select

Cause: You have a database problem.

Action: Contact your system administrator.

Error: FETCHing cursor C1
Error: function faddep returned failure (called from FADEPR)

Gathering and maintaining statistics in the database for the FA Schema has not been run for sometime.Run "Gather Schema Statistics" concurrent program for FA schema, as follows:

Navigation using System Administrator responsibility:
1. Requests > Run
2. Then, query Name = Gather Schema Statistics
3. Then, query Schema Name = FA


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Error String:

  • APP-OFA-47715: Error: function fachkfar returned failure (called from faddep)
  • APP-OFA-47715: Error: function fajprj returned failure (called from FAPROJ)
  • APP-OFA-47715: Error: function faodda returned failure (called from faxcde)
  • APP-OFA-47715: Error: function faxcde returned failure (called from fadmlp)
  • APP-OFA-47715: Error: function faddaj returned failure (called from fadmlp)
  • APP-OFA-47715: Error: function fadmlp returned failure (called from faddep)
  • APP-OFA-47715: Mass Change Number:XX
  • APP-OFA-47715: Error: function FA_MASSCP_PKG.DO_MASS_COPY returned failure (called from FAMCP)
  • APP-OFA-47715: Error: function FARX_C_WD.WHATIF returned failure (called from FAWDPR)
  • APP-OFA-47715: Error: function faxbmt returned failure (called from FAMAPT)


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 12

Depreciation (FADEPR) failed for the State Tax book due to the following error:

APP-OFA-47715: Error: function fachkfar returned failure (called from faddep)
Asset ID XXXXX (XXXXX) -> ** Failed **

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 6665593: US STEEL: DEPRECIATION ERRORS IN TAX BOOK  as the cause.For R12.0.x (R12.FA.A) Customers: Apply Patch 8706840:R12.FA.A
2 12 to 12.1 Depreciation Projection (FAPROJ) errors with:

APP-OFA-48208: max_extent has the value of 600.
APP-OFA-47705: Book: FA_CORP
APP-FND-01388: Cannot read value for profile option CRL-FA ENABLED in routine &ROUTINE.
APP-OFA-48010: Error: Unable to select first depreciation date
Cause: You have a database problem.
Action: Contact your system administrator.

APP-OFA-47715: Error: function fajprj returned failure (called from FAPROJ)
Module Depreciation Projections ended with error


At beginning of Depreciation Projections (FAPROJ) program errors with:

APP-OFA-48208: max_extent has the value of 600.
APP-OFA-47705: Book: CORP
APP-FND-01388: Cannot read value for profile option FA_DEPRN_OVERRIDE_ENABLED in routine &ROUTINE.
APP-OFA-47715: Error: function fajprj returned failure (called from FAPROJ)
Module Depreciation Projections ended with error


At beginning of Depreciation Projections (FAPROJ) program errors with:

APP-OFA-48208: max_extent has the value of 2000.
APP-OFA-47705: Book: CORP BOOK
Program was terminated by signal 4


When attempting to run depreciation projection for an ALC (MRC) Book, the following error occurs.

APP-OFA-47454: Error: Unable to open cursor to get asset information
Cause: You have a database problem.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
APP-OFA-47715: Error: function fajprj returned failure (called from FAPROJ)
The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 8832375: R12.1:  DEPRECIATION PROJECTION REPORT NOT AVAILABLE FOR MRC REPORTING  as the cause.

Depreciation projection report was erroring due to a linking issue of the execuatble FAPROJ.  This problem was primarily occurring for MS-Windows platforms.


The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in unpublished Bug 14601349 - FAPROJ IS NOT SHOWING ALL PROJECTED DEPRN FOR MULTIDISTRIBUTED ASSETS.


MRC tables were not updated after MRC conversion as stated in unpublished Bug 8938340.

1. For R12.0.x (R12.FA.A) Customers: Apply Patch 8832375:R12.FA.A which includes fixed file versions:

src/project/fapr1.lpc   120.25.12000000.11
src/project/faprmn.opc  120.14.12000000.9

2. For R12.1.x (R12.FA.B) Customers: Apply Patch 8832375:R12.FA.B which includes fixed file versions:

src/project/fapr1.lpc  120.29.12010000.7
src/project/faprmn.opc  120.16.12010000.7


Apply Patch 14601349:R12.FA.B which includes fixed file versions:

src/project/fapr1.lpc  120.29.12010000.20
src/project/faprmn.opc  120.16.12010000.18

3 12 to 12.1

When running depreciation (FADEPR), the following errors occur:

APP-OFA-48208: faodda: This is messgae st error returned has the value of -6550.
APP-OFA-48208: faodda: h_reutrn_code has the value of 0.
APP-OFA-48208: faodda: h_ind_reutrn_code has the value of 0.
APP-OFA-47715: Error: function faodda returned failure (called from faxcde)
APP-OFA-47715: Error: function faxcde returned failure (called from fadmlp)
APP-OFA-47715: Error: function fadmlp returned failure (called from faddep)

This is due to a mismatch between the call from the pro*c code and version of the function in the database.1. For R12.0.x (R12.FA.A) Customers: Apply Patch 8706840:R12.FA.A which includes fixed file versions:

FADBOIS.pls  120.5.12000000.3
FADBOIB.pls  120.19.12000000.3

2. For R12.1.x (R12.FA.B) Customers: Apply Patch 8706842:R12.FA.B which includes fixed file versions:

FADBOIS.pls  120.5.12010000.3
FADBOIB.pls  120.19.12010000.3

4 12.1

In period of addition, when attempting to run Mass Change to altering the life for an asset after a partial cost retirement, the following error occurs.

Mass Change Number:XX

Book: XXYY
Request ID: XX
Life-to-date depreciation and year-to-date depreciation must be the same.
Mass Change failed for this asset. Please view the log file for details.

Number of successes: 0
Number of failures: 1
Module Mass Change ended with error

Steps to Replicate
1. Create an asset with retroactive depreciation start date
2. In period of addition perform a partial cost retirement
3. Run depreciation without closing the period
4. Run Mass Change changing the life of that asset

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 9682863: MASS COPY WILL FAIL IF ASSET WITH CURRENT PERIOD DPIS HAS CATCHUP  as the cause.

In Mass Change - Function validate_ytd_reserve has validation based on DPIS instead of prorate date.

Also see: Bug 11849435

For R12.1.x (R12.FA.B) Customers: Apply Patch 9682863:R12.FA.B which includes fixed file versions:

FAVVALS.pls  120.26.12010000.23
FAVVALB.pls  120.69.12010000.35
FAVCALB.pls  120.138.12010000.39

5 12.1

Periodic Mass Copy (FAMCPB) fails with the following error:

APP-OFA-47715: Error: function FA_MASSCP_PKG.DO_MASS_COPY returned failure (called from FAMCP)
APP-OFA-48400: APP-OFA-47715:

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in unpublished Bug 14661641 - R12 PERIODIC MASS COPY APP-OFA-47715: ERROR: FUNCTION FA_MASSCP_PKG.DO_MASS_COPY

1.  Bug Summary


Periodic Mass Copy was failing when the schema name for Fixed Assets is not "FA".


Modified so that schema name was not hard coded. 


2.  Fixed File:

R12.1, FA.B:
  FAMCPB.pls 120.51.12010000.19 or later


3.  Recommended Patch:

Apply Patch 17172687:R12.FA.B

6 11.5 to 12.1

When attempting to run What-If Analysis (FAWDPR) program, the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-47715: Error: function FARX_C_WD.WHATIF returned failure (called from FAWDPR)
APP-OFA-48400: APP-OFA-47715:

Number of successes: 8
Number of failures: 1
Module What-If Analysis ended with error
Start of log messages from FND_FILE
Error generating dynamic SQL statements for structure 101 of flexfield GL#.
Unhandled exception generating segments for structure 101 of flexfield GL#.
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
Unable to get concatenated segments for code combination 32757 in flexfield GL#.
Error committing analysis for asset_id 3141712 to interface table.

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in unpublished Bug 12327960. 

In function whatif_deprn, fa_rx_shared_pkg.g_seg_count was getting increased by 19 for each new batch causing another function to fail.  The error occurs when using more than one parallel request.

1.  Bug Summary


Whatif program does not complete successfully when FA: Number of Parallel Requests is set to 2 or more.


Modified function whatif_deprn.


2.  Fixed Files:


R12.0, FA.A:
farxcwdb.pls  120.6.12000000.12
FAWDPR2B.pls  120.10.12000000.10

R12.1, FA.B:
farxcwdb.pls 120.12.12010000.5 
FAWDPR2B.pls 120.16.12010000.3

3.  Recommended Patch:

A. For R11i Customers:  Apply Patch 12368563 which includes these fixed file versions:


B. For R12.0 (R12.FA.A) Customers: Apply Patch 13634282 which includes these fixed file versions:

fa/patch/115/sql/farxcwdb.pls 120.6.12000000.12
fa/patch/115/sql/FAWDPR2B.pls 120.10.12000000.10

C. For R12.1 (R12.FA.B) Customers: Apply Patch 12327960 which includes these fixed file versions:

fa/patch/115/sql/farxcwdb.pls 120.12.12010000.5
fa/patch/115/sql/FAWDPR2B.pls 120.16.12010000.3

7 12 to 12.1

When attempting to run Post Mass Additions (FAMAPT) after running depreciation without closing the period, the following error occurs:

Depreciation has been processed for the current period in book BOOK
Please rollback depreciation or close the current period to perform this transaction.
APP-OFA-47715: Error: function faxcdr returned failure (called from faxcds)
APP-OFA-47715: Error: function faxcds returned failure (called from faxcps)
APP-OFA-47715: Error: function faxcps returned failure (called from faxcbs)
APP-OFA-47715: Error: function faxcbs returned failure (called from faxbmt)
APP-OFA-47715: Error: function faxbmt returned failure (called from FAMAPT)
APP-OFA-48400: APP-OFA-47715

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Run depreciation without closing the period
2. Run Post Mass Additions

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 7669210: DEPRECIATION STATUS E AND ALLOWABLE TRANSACTIONS WITH AUTO ROLLBACK
as the cause.

Issue fixed on FAXCKBKB.pls 120.19.12000000.3 or higher.


1. For R12.0.x (R12.FA.A) Customers: Apply Patch 7669210:R12.FA.A which includes fixed file version FAXCKBKB.pls  120.19.12000000.3

2. For R12.1.1 (R12.FA.B) Customers: Apply Patch 7669210:R12.FA.B which includes fixed file version FAXCKBKB.pls  120.20.12010000.2

3.  Confirm the following file versions:
FAXCKBKB.pls  120.19.12000000.3
FAXCKBKB.pls  120.20.12010000.2

You can use the commands like the following:
strings -a $XX_TOP/filename|grep '$Header'

8 12 and later

When attempting to run depreciation in the Tax Book, for the first time since upgrade to Release 12, the following error occurs for several assets in the depreciation log file;

APP-OFA-47715: Error: function faddaj returned failure (called from fadmlp)
APP-OFA-47715: Error: function fadmlp returned failure (called from faddep)
Asset ID NNNNNN (<asset number>) -> ** Failed **
Program was terminated by signal 11

Data corruption coming from earlier pre-upgrade code.
Review of the asset trace outputs shows that some amounts for deprn_reserve and adjusted_cost in fa_deprn_summary table, and deprn_reserve in fa_deprn_detail table, have too many decimal places, which differs from the normal functional currency precision. This causes the depreciation to error on Release 12.

Please log a Service Request with Oracle Support, to request a datafix to fix the precision so that the depreciation can be run successfully.
When logging the Service Request, please upload the output of the Generate Asset Trace concurrent program, for each affected asset listed in the depreciation log file, and refer to this note number (Doc ID 1598008.1).





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Error String:

  • APP-OFA-47750: CIP Assets Must Have A Zero Cost


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 to 12.1

On Asset Workbench (FAXASSET), when manually adding CIP assets, the system errors with:

APP-OFA-47750  CIP Assets Must Have A Zero Cost

Source lines were not entered.

To manually add a CIP asset, use Quick or Detail Additions.  
CIP asset type and a zero cost must be entered.  
An asset with the type CIP does not depreciate until the asset is capitalized.

To add costs to a CIP asset, enter source lines for the asset.  
The source lines will be totaled for the cost of the asset when it is placed in service.  
The source lines can be accessed through the Asset Workbench as follows:

Assets -> Asset Workbench
Query CIP assets, select the CIP asset, then click on Source Lines button.


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Error String:

  • APP-OFA-47759: Life to Date Depreciation and Year-To-Date Depreciation must be the same.


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 to 12.1

While adding an asset in the Asset Workbench (FAXASSET), if entered with YTD = 0 and
Accumulated Depreciation > 0 for an asset added with DPIS in the current fiscal year,
receive the following error:

APP-OFA-47759: Life to Date Depreciation and Year-To-Date Depreciation must be the same.

This is intended functionality.

When adding an asset with the DPIS in the same fiscal year, then YTD and RESERVE
should be the same amount.

When adding asset with the DPIS in a prior fiscal year, then YTD and RESERVE would not
be the same amount.

When adding an asset with the DPIS in the current period, YTD and RESERVE = 0.

2 12.1

In period of addition, cannot change asset life after a partial retirement from Asset Workbench (FAXASSET).
When attempting to adjust the asset life the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-47759: Life to Date Depreciation and Year-To-Date Depreciation must be the same.

Step to Replicate
1. Create an asset with retroactive start date.
2. In the same period perform a partial cost retirement
3. Run depreciation without closing the period
4. Change the asset life from Asset Workbench

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 9887127: UNABLE TO UPDATE ASSETS AFTER RETIREMENT WITH NEXT MONTH CONVERTION
as the cause.

In Asset Workbench - Validation FA_BOOK_RSV_EQL_YTD need not be called in Period Of Addition and must be in sync with the validation call from API.

For R12.1.x (R12.FA.B) Customers:Apply Patch 9887127:R12.FA.B which includes fixed file version FAXASSET.fmb  120.208.12010000.67
and any pre-requisites.


Back To Top



Error String:

  • APP-OFA-47808: You must define a prorate period for this prorate convention.


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 and later

On Asset Workbench (FAXASSET), when attempting to adjust an asset, by changing the date placed in service, the following error occur:

APP-OFA-47808: You must define a prorate period for this prorate convention.

The prorate convention has not been defined out far enough to include the prorate date resulting from the attempted adjustment.

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

Using FA responsibility, go to:

1. Setup > Asset System > Calendars
2. Query the prorate calendar for the book this asset belongs to.
3. Define periods for this calendar through at least new prorate date, and SAVE.
4. Also, navigate to the Prorate Conventions form (Setup > Asset System > Prorate Conventions) and ensure the convention is set up similarly, and SAVE.
5. Perform the desired adjustment to the asset.


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Error Strings:

  • APP-OFA-48066: Error: Illegal value (0) for Adjusted_Capacity
  • APP-OFA-48066 Error: Illegal Value (0) for Capacity


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5

Running Depreciation results in the following error for 1 asset:

APP-OFA-48152: Asset number #######
APP-OFA-48066: Error: Illegal value (0) for Adjusted_Capacity

Cause: You have a database problem.

Action: Contact your system administrator.

APP-OFA-47715: Error: function faxcde returned failure (called from fadmlp)
APP-OFA-47715: Error: function fadmlp returned failure (called from faddep)
Asset ID ###### (########) -> ** Failed **
Depreciation: 1 assets processed
APP-OFA-47715: Error: function faddep returned failure (called from FADEPR)

The asset uses a Unit of Production (UOP) depreciation method in which the production capacity as defined in the original setup by the user is 0.The Depreciation code cannot process a 0 production capacity UOP asset. Further, a UOP asset that has a 0 production capacity contradicts the whole reason for using a UOP depreciation method.

No valid usable business case can be presented to have a setup like this. Amend the production capacity value to a value > 1

Depreciation Run (FADEPR) errors with:

APP-OFA-48066 Error: Illegal Value (0) for Capacity

Assets with error where added via Addition API or from ADI and use a Unit of Production (UOP) depreciation method.

Added UOP Asset via Addition API

The cause of this problem is due to not populating the Production Capacity
and Unit of Measure fields on the ADI worksheet or API.

While creating UOP assets via Addition API these fields have not been passed to the API, hence have been defaulted to 0 values or NULL.


FA_BOOKS table shows field values as follows:

For future ADI or API uploads on assets using a UOP method, ensure that the Production Capacity, Unit of Measure and Adjusted Capacity fields are populated on the ADI upload worksheet or in the API.

System error is expected as assets with UOP method but without any production capacity cannot be depreciated and accordingly the error has been thrown.

1. To fix the existing data that got uploaded, you will need to enter:

unit_of_measure = a valid value
production_capacity > 0
adjusted_capacity > 0
update fa_books
set unit_of_measure = '&value',
production_capacity = &value,
adjusted_capacity = &value
where transaction_header_id_in = &value
and asset_id = &AssetId
and book_type_code = '&Book'
  2. Re-Run Depreciation.


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Error Strings:

  • APP-OFA-48115: You cannot reverse capitalize assets for which you have already entered transactions


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 to 12.1 When trying to reverse the capitalization of an asset, the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48115: You cannot reverse capitalize assets for which you have already entered transactions
The system is behaving as it is intended.  Reverse capitalization is possible only in the period of capitalization, before depreciation is run for the asset, and if no transactions have been performed on the asset.

A workaround is to retire the capitalized asset and add a new replacement CIP asset.  The capitalized asset can alternatively be cost adjusted to zero and then retired in a later period for a net $0 retirement effect, with a new replacement CIP asset being added.


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Error Strings:

  • APP-OFA-48152: Program was terminated by signal 11
  • APP-OFA-48152:  Asset number 123456 FA_PROD_LTD_LIMIT


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 On, for Asset Retirement, Depreciation program (FADEPR) errors with:

The FADEPR completed in error with log:

APP-FND-01388: Cannot read value for profile option FA_LARGE_ROLLBACK_SEGMENT in routine &ROUTINE.
APP-OFA-48747: You can ignore this error, and the previous related error messages, unless you want
to use a dedicated rollback segment for mass programs. These messages do not indicate a failure in
this concurrent program. They indicate that FND was unable to retrieve a value from the large
rollback profile option, and that no explicit rollback segment will be used.
Depreciation Program Exception Report
Cost Initial Journal Entry program completed
APP-OFA-48152: Asset number 8878
Program was terminated by signal 11
Retirement transaction was stuck.To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Undo retirement
2. Run depreciation for current period.
3. Create Journals.
4. Redo retirement in next period.
5. Run depreciation for next period.
2 12 to 12.1

Depreciation (FADEPR) fails with:

APP-OFA-48152:  Asset number 123456 FA_PROD_LTD_LIMIT 
APP-OFA-47715: Error: function faxcde returned failure (called from fadmlp) 
APP-OFA-47715: Error: function fadmlp returned failure (called from faddep) 
Asset ID 123456 (123456) -> ** Failed **

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in unpublished Bug 14784782 - FADEPR FAILS WITH FA_PROD_LTD_LIMIT AFTER PATCH.


Patch 13878542 was applied.

1.  Bug Summary


Depreciation fails with FA_PROD_LTD_LIMIT error when production entered is more than production capacity.


Added new cursor variable to check production assets which are fully reserved.


2.  Fixed Files:

R12.0, FA.A:

FACDEB.pls  120.81.12000000.51
fadpdp.lpc  120.116.12000000.40

R12.1, FA.B:

FACDEB.pls  120.90.12010000.42 
fadpdp.lpc  120.131.12010000.26


3.  Recommended Patch:

Apply Patch 14784782.


Back To Top



Error Strings:

  • APP-OFA-48201: Error incorrect asset type and category combination for &category_id


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 to 12.1

When selecting the Done button, Prepare Mass Additions (FAXMADDS) errors with:

APP-OFA-48201: Error incorrect asset type and catergory combination for &category_id


When trying to reclassify a capitalized line, Prepare Mass Additions (FAXMADDS) errors with:

APP-OFA-48201: Error Incorrect Asset Type and Category Combination for &CATEGORY_ID

The addition is Type = Expense and the Depreciate flag is set to No.


Capitalized assets were being reclassified from a capitalized to an expensed category.

The addition is being added to a category that has Capitalize enabled.
Expensed assets do not depreciate and, therefore, cannot be capitalized.
An expensed addition would need to be added to a category that is set up
for Expensed assets.


FA only allows assets to be reclassified between capitalized categories, 
or between expensed categories. Assets cannot be reclassified between
capitalized categories and expensed categories.

To resolve the problem, set the queue name of all affected lines to 'DELETE' and reload these assets into FA_MASS_ADDITIONS with correct category information.


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Error Strings:

  • APP-OFA-48202: Error: Mass Additions does not post with incorrect data


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 and later Mass Additions Post (FAMAPT) fails with:

Asset Key CCID cannot be NULL for MASS_ADDITION_ID

APP-OFA-48202: Error: Mass Additions does not post with incorrect data.
The Asset Key Flexfield has been defined as required but ASSET_KEY_CCID is null in FA_MASS_ADDITIONS1. Populate ASSET_KEY_CCID in FA_MASS_ADDITIONS for the failing mass additions


2. Modify the Asset Key Flexfield to be optional:
    a. Navigate to Setup>Financials>Flexfields>Key>Segments 
    b. In Key Flexfield Segments, click the flashlight icon on the toolbar
    c. In Find Key Flexfield, select Application: Oracle Assets and Flexfield Title:  Asset Key Flexfield
    d. Back in Key Flexfield Segments, click on Segments
    e. In Segments Summary, click on Open
    f. In Segments - Asset Key Flexfield, the Required box is checked for your Asset Key Flexfield
    g. Uncheck Required and save your changes
    h. Resubmit Mass Additions Post


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Error Strings:

  • APP-OFA-48208: faodda: This is messgae st error returned has the value of 0.
  • APP-OFA-48208: faodda: h_reutrn_code has the value of 0.
  • APP-OFA-48208: faodda: h_ind_reutrn_code has the value of -1.
  • APP-OFA-48208: In fadpdp has the value of Before prepare faxcdb.
  • APP-OFA-48208: In fadpdp has the value of Before execute faxcdb.
  • APP-OFA-48208: In fadpdp has the value of After Execute faxcdb.
  • APP-OFA-48208: max_extent has the value of <value>
  • APP-OFA-48208: mapt_info.deprn_reserve has the value of ######
  • APP-OFA-48208: mapt_info.ytd_deprn has the value of 0.
  • APP-OFA-48208: faodda(1) fa_deprn_override_enabled: has the value of Y.
  • APP-OFA-48208: entering has the value of first call to count_msg.
  • APP-OFA-48208: fadais: 4 has the value of 1.
  • APP-OFA-48208: checking corp book for pending retirements has the value of
  • APP-OFA-48208: FAGRIN: Fail to reinstate asset


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 FADEPR module: Depreciation Run

Has this error sequence in the log file over and over for many assets:

APP-OFA-48208: faodda: This is messgae st error returned has the value of 0.
APP-OFA-48208: faodda: h_reutrn_code has the value of 0.
APP-OFA-48208: faodda: h_ind_reutrn_code has the value of -1.
Error: function faodda returned failure (called from faxcde)
Error: function faxcde returned failure (called from fadmlp)
Error: function fadmlp returned failure (called from faddep)
Asset ID ####### (######) -> ** FAILED **
APP-OFA-48152: Asset number ########
FADEPR executable vs. package mismatchTo implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

a) Startup: ADADMIN

b) Select: 2. Maintain Applications Files menu

c) Then select: 1. Relink Applications programs

d) Enter list of products to link ('all' for all products) [all] : fa

e) Generate specific executables for each selected product [No] ? yes
2 11.5 Find that whenever depreciation projections (FAPROJ) is submitted, the resulting log is huge. The log shows the following errors over and over:
APP-OFA-48208: In fadpdp has the value of Before prepare faxcdb.
APP-OFA-48208: In fadpdp has the value of Before execute faxcdb.
APP-OFA-48208: In fadpdp has the value of After Execute faxcdb.

Expect excessive debug messages not to show up in the log if print debug is not turned on.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Navigate to Depreciation -> Projections
2. Populate the desired parameters
3. submit the program

The issue has the following business impact:
Due to this issue, users are continually hitting the Unix file size limit which causes file system space issues.
The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 7453678: JAPTAX07-4: DEPRECIATION IS VERY SLOW DUE TO MESSAGE APP-OFA-48208  as the cause.For R11i Customers: Apply Patch 8411438 which includes fixed file version fadpdp.lpc
3 11.5 When Depreciation Projection (FAPROJ) is run, the following message appears in the log:

APP-OFA-48208: max_extent has the value of <value>

Process completes successfully.

Is this cause for concern and can the message be suppressed?
This is current functionality.The 600 value is the default max extent value for the FA_PROJ_INTERIM_xxxx temp tables used by FAPROJ. This is merely an informational message indicating the Max Extent setting currently being used. You can manually override the default 600 value for Max Extents via the FA:Maximum Projection Extents profile. The message is for informational debug purposes and there is no way to suppress it.
4 11.5 to 12.1 Mass Additions Fails with APP-OFA-48208 and APP-OFA-48202:

APP-OFA-48208: mapt_info.deprn_reserve has the value of ######
APP-OFA-48208: mapt_info.ytd_deprn has the value of 0.
Life-to-date depreciation and year-to-date depreciation must be the same.
Mass Addition ID:XXX ==> ** FAILED **
APP-OFA-48202: Error: Mass Additions does not post with incorrect data.
This is intended behavior and current functionality.The YTD_DEPRN and DEPRN_RESERVE must be equal when loading lines that are in the current fiscal year.
5 12 When entering a negative depreciation override (FAXORIDE) on a positive cost asset the below error is received on the Group Adjustment process:

APP-OFA-48208: faodda(1) fa_deprn_override_enabled: has the value of Y.
APP-OFA-48208: entering has the value of first call to count_msg.
Error:Override amount entered causes the asset to overdepreciate

Cause:Overdepreciate flag is set to Do not allow for the asset

Action:Enter an override amount (maximum &FA_ADJ_COST) that will not cause depreciation to exceed the Net book value
The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 8487934: UOP GROUP ASSET OVERRIDE DEPRN LIMIT TOO STRICTLY ENFORCED
as the cause.

In function FAODDA validation was present to raise error if negative deprn override amount is entered for positive cost group and asset if over depreciate option is set to NO. Current reserve was not considered in the condition.


For R12.0.x (R12.FA.A) Customers: Apply Patch 8487934:R12.FA.A which includes these fixed file versions:

FACDES.pls   120.13.12000000.4
FACDEB.pls   120.81.12000000.18
FADBOIS.pls  120.5.12000000.2
FADBOIB.pls  120.19.12000000.2
fadpdp.lpc   120.116.12000000.25

6 11.5

When Performing Group Asset Adjustments Where adjustment_required_status = 'GADJ' holds up subsequent transactions and
Depreciation (FADEPR) fails with error indicating that an asset has an in process group adjustment.

Error: function fadpgadj returned failure (called from fadadp) 
Error: function fadadp returned failure (called from fadmlp) 
Error: function fadmlp returned failure (called from faddep) 
APP-OFA-48208: fadais: 4 has the value of 1.

-- Steps To Reproduce:
Run a number of group adjustments, have one Process Group Adjustment routine fail, leaving status on open books record for group asset in adjustment_required_status field GADJ. Depreciation will fail on that asset.

-- Business Impact:
Depreciation will fail.

Also, if a subsequent group adjustment of any type is undertaken on that asset prior to running depreciation, the form will return an error saying the group is locked due to an in process group adjustment.

This normally results from a Process Group Adjustment concurrent request finishing in error.

1) If condition allows (that is, deprn_status <> 'E') attempt to run Process Group Adjustment again. If that succeeds, it will resolve the issue. That can be run manually.


2)  If the adjustment verification indicates however that the adjustment values have not properly applied to the group, Support will need to log a bug for data fix.


DO NOT BYPASS the error, it causes corruption to do so.

7 12

FAMCP module: Periodic Mass Copy has the following warning in the execution report when trying to copy asset transactions that involve the addition and retirement taking place in the same period:

Asset Number Transaction Number Action
--------------- -------------------- ----------------------------------

In the Log File:

APP-OFA-48208: checking corp book for pending retirements has the value of 
Asset number #####
Transaction header id ####

Mass Copy of asset addition and retirement in the same period.

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in unpublished Bug 6082154: MASSCP: VALIDATION ON ADD/RET NEEDS TO BE INVESTIGATED/LIFTED
as the cause.

For R12.0.x (R12.FA.A) Customers: Apply Patch 8767487:R12.FA.A which includes fixed file version FAMCPB.pls  120.50.12000000.3

Note: Upgrade to package FAMCPB.pls (FA_MASSCP_PKG) version 120.51.12010000.3 or higher.

8 12.1

Calculate Gain and Loss program (FARET) errors with:

Error: function fa_gainloss_dpr_pkg.CALC_CATCHUP returned failure
APP-OFA-48208: at has the value of top of loop for get.
Error: function FA_GAINLOSS_UND_PKG.fagrin returned failure
APP-OFA-48208: at has the value of top of loop for get.
FAGRIN: Fail to reinstate asset XXXXXXX

Cause:        You have a database problem.

Action:        Contact your system administrator.

APP-OFA-48208: at has the value of top of loop for get.
Error: function FA_GAINLOSS_PKG.do_calc_gainloss_asset returned failure

Code defect. The issue was resolved after upgrading the FAVAMRTB.pls file.

For R12.1 (R12.FA.B) Customers: Apply Patch 14117544:R12.FA.B which includes fixed file version FAVAMRTB.pls  120.204.12010000.60


Back To Top



Error Strings:

  • APP-OFA-48253: You cannot split this Mass Addition


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 to 12.1

On Mass Additions (FAXMADDS), Split Mass Addition errors with:

APP-OFA-48253: You cannot split this Mass Addition

The addition is a single unit.

Single unit additions cannot be split.  Only multi unit additions can be split.


Back To Top



Error Strings:

  • APP-OFA-48269: Unknown error. Contact your system administrator.


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 When attempting to open Financial Inquiry from Asset Workbench (FAXASSET) the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48269 Unknown error. Contact your system administrator.
The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 6054298: APP-OFA-48289 WHEN QUERYING ASSET-BOOK INFORMATION IN FAXOLFIN  as the cause.To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. For R11i Customers: Apply Patch 6782525 which includes these fixed file versions:

forms/US/FAXOLFIN.fmb 115.80
forms/US/FAXASSET.fmb 115.465

2. After applying patch, check profile option value for FA: Japan 2007 Tax Reforms Features.

If Japan Tax feature is not used, then set value to 'NO' at site level.

To Change/Set Profile Option, FA: Japan 2007 Tax Reforms Features to 'No'.

System Administrator Responsibility
Profile -> System
2 11.5 When querying backdated assets in the Financial Inquiry form or the Asset Workbench the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48269 Unknown error. Contact your system administrator.

This happens for assets with a deprn_start_date or prorate_date earlier than the first period defined in FA_DEPRN_PERIODS for the related book.
The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 6402316: ME: APP-OFA-48289: UNKNOWN ERROR. AFTER SELECTING FINANCIAL INQUIRY BUTTON  as the cause.

When the DPIS for the asset is backdated to a period prior to the initial period of the book, and the prorate date is greater than the calendar period open date, then the query returns no date.
A check was added to query depr_when_acquired_flag before calculating the remaining life.

The same error occurs when the prorate date is earlier than the initial period.
To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

A) On 11i.FA.P, customers having versions FAXASSET.fmb 115.458 and FAXOLFIN.fmb 115.79:

Apply Patch 7827682 which includes fixed files or higher:
FAXASSET.fmb 115.458.458.7
FAXOLFIN.fmb 115.82
This patch must be applied over the Group Depreciation Patch 6945425 + Patch 7411267.

B) On 11i.FA.P, customers having versions FAXASSET.fmb 115.465 and FAXOLFIN.fmb 115.80:

Apply Patch 7559354 which includes fixed files:
FAXASSET.fmb 115.470.470.4
FAXOLFIN.fmb 115.82
This patch must be applied over JapanTax Reform 2007 - Phase 3 Patch 6512181 + Patch 7270134.

C) Also on 11i.FA.P, Patch 7588057 can be applied to install mainline codefixes:
FAXASSET.fmb 115.502
FAXOLFIN.fmb 115.82
This patch is applicable on JapanTax Reform 2007 - Phase 3/4 Rollup Patch 7326503 and Patch 7368126.


Back To Top



Error Strings:

  • APP-OFA-48289: Unknown error.
  • APP-OFA-48289: Unknown error. Please contact your system administrator.


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5

When attempting to click on the Financial Inquiry button on the Asset Workbench the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48289: Unknown error. Please contact your system administrator.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps, in the same sequence:
1. Open the Asset Workbench
2. Query the assets in the search window
3. After query, select an asset record and click on the 'Open' button
4. After the 'Asset Details' window opens, close the window and a question is prompted whether to save changes or not.
5. Click 'No' to exit the window and return to the Asset Workbench.
6. Click the 'Financial Inquiry' button
7. After the window opens, close the window by the 'cross' icon at right-upper corner
8. The error message 'APP-OFA-48289' is displayed.

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 6015221: FAXASSET APP OFA 48289: UNKNOWN ERROR AFTER PATCH 5731663  as the cause.

The issue is fixed in FAXASSET 115.410.410.8 and higher.

1. Apply Family Pack G for solution see Doc ID 290392.1


2. For 11i.FA.O customers: Apply Patch 6087078 which includes fixed file version FAXASSET.fmb 115.410.410.10


3. For 11i customers: Apply minimum baseline patch for extended support see Doc ID 883202.1:

Apply Patch 3653484 plus Patch 6317575 and Patch 7044061

Note: FAQ for Products in Extended Support Doc ID 757445.1

2 11.5

On : version, Financial and Transaction Inquiry (FAXOLFIN)

When attempting to click on the Financial Inquiry button on the Asset Workbench the following error occurs.

APP-OFA-48289: Unknown error. Please contact your system administrator.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Open the Asset Workbench
2. Query the assets in the search window
3. After query, select an asset record and click on the 'Financial Inquiry' button - the error message 'APP-OFA-48289' is displayed.

Patch 7044061 (containing fa5632467.sql) was applied after Patch 7427746 (containing famrc.odf 115.85). So the definition of view FA_DEPRN_DETAIL_MRC_V is not correct

This is caused by 2 patches applied :
This is a patch sequencing issue where a patch containing fa5632467.sql was applied after a patch containing famrc.odf

For example, if Patch 7044061 (containing fa5632467.sql) was applied after Patch 7427746 (containing famrc.odf 115.85).
This is the case seen here:

Patch # Type Driver File Platform Version Start Date End Date S Failure Reason 
======= ======== =============== ========== ========== ================== ================== = ========================= 
7044061 ONE-OFF u7044061.drv GENERIC -1 29-JUL-10 11:48:45 29-JUL-10 11:49:31 Y 
7044061 ONE-OFF u7044061.drv HP9000S800 -1 29-JUL-10 11:44:10 29-JUL-10 11:47:39 Y 
8349148 ONE-OFF u8349148.drv GENERIC -1 27-JUL-10 02:12:47 27-JUL-10 02:14:32 Y 
7427746 ONE-OFF u7427746.drv GENERIC -1 27-JUL-10 02:09:43 27-JUL-10 02:11:56 Y 
7427746 ONE-OFF u7427746.drv HP9000S800 -1 27-JUL-10 01:50:08 27-JUL-10 01:54:38 Y

Please test following solution in TEST instance first:

1) Navigate to $FA_TOP/patch/115/sql
Search for file fa5632467.sql
Save a copy : fa5632467.sav

2) Open fa5632467.sql
Modify fa5632467.sql to include the following two columns: FMCDD.CAPITAL_ADJUSTMENT, FMCDD.GENERAL_FUND.

For that , Search for procedure create_view1

add following 2 lines :




The resulting script should look like :


procedure create_view1(p_schema varchar2) is

l_stmt varchar2(32000);

cursor c_columns is
select column_name
from all_tab_columns
where owner = p_schema
and table_name = 'FA_DEPRN_DETAIL_MRC_V'
and column_name = 'DEPRN_EXPENSE_CCID';


l_stmt :=
'create or replace view ' || p_schema || '.FA_DEPRN_DETAIL_MRC_V as

execute immediate l_stmt;

end create_view1;



3) Submit the creation of the view :  

sqlplus apps/apps start fa5632467.sql

4) recompile both packages

Alter package FA_INS_DETAIL_PKG compile body;

Alter package FA_QUERY_BALANCES_PKG compile body;


5) verify they are valid :

select Status , object_name , object_type
from all_objects
where object_name in ('FA_QUERY_BALANCES_PKG' , 'FA_INS_DETAIL_PKG');

6) Rerun Mass additions post

7) Migrate the solution to Production

3 11.5

When trying to save an asset retirement, in the Asset Workbench (FAXASSET), the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48289: Unknown error. Please contact your system administrator.


Either a prorate calendar period or a prorate convention is not defined corresponding to the retirement prorate date for the retirement entered.

The form trace with binds shows the SQL statement before the "FA_SHARED_UNKNOWN_ERROR" is :



Check if the retirement prorate date is defined in the prorate calendar periods and/or prorate convention.

A) For the Prorate Calendar:

1. Navigate: Setup > Asset System > Calendars

2. Query the Prorate calendar

3. Query the calendar periods up to the last record (View > Records > Last)

4. Add more periods so that the retirement prorate date is included

B) For the Prorate Conventions:

1. Navigate: Setup > Asset System > Prorate Conventions

2. Query the Prorate convention

3. Query up to the last defined prorate date (View > Records > Last)

4. Add more prorate dates so that the retirement prorate date is included

After making the needed change, re-attempt the retirement transaction.

4 11.5

While querying the books, the error appears:

APP-OFA-48289: Unknown error. Please contact your system administrator.

It happens only for Spanish form.

Too long translation of meaning for lookup_code 'C' and lookup_type 'CP_STATUS_CODE' responsible for status of the request (Devoluciones: Introducir)

This status should be shown on Book Controls form for 'Depreciation Run' request, but because of too long a text the error occurs.

There is a simple on-site fix possible for this problem to modify the Spanish meaning of the lookup code for status of the request to shorter value.

Please log a Service Request for the fix and point to this note.

5 11.5

On : version, When attempting to query book name from Book Control (FAXSUBCT) or select a book from Asset Addition (FAXASSET) the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48289 Unknown error. Please contact your administrator and FRM-41830 List of values contains no entries.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Assets > Setup > Book control
2. Asset workbench > addition

HR hierarchy and security setup has been changed.

Need to run "Security List Maintenance" program after HR hierarchy and security setup has been changed.

Other: Request > Run > Security List Maintenance

6 12 to 12.1

When attempting to save data in the System Controls form (FAXSUSTL), the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48289 Unknown error


APP-OFA-48298: Unknown error. Please contact your system administrator

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Navigate to Setup - Asset System - System Controls
2. Enter details & save. Error appears.

The form code is not correctly compiled.

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Ask the DBA to regenerate the form FAXSUSTL via ADADMIN. 
2. Once the form regenerates successfully, re-test the issue.

If still not resolved, run the forms recompile for the FA product, select to compile the library files with them. 


1. Log on to the server.

2. start ADADMIN.

3. Use ADADMIN utility to regenerate the executable file FAXSUSTL.fmx.
- Run ADADMIN using the same user used to apply patches (i.e. applmgr)
- Choose the option . "Generate Application Files Menu"
- Now, choose option . "Generate Forms Files"
- Answer the following questions with the default value except for the following:
Enter list of products ('all' for all products) [all] : fa
Generate specific forms objects for each selected product [No] ? Y
- When the list of Oracle Assets Forms are displayed, type in FAXSUSTL.fmx
- ADADMIN will recompile the form using the new fmb.

4. Retest the issue.

5. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.

DocID 130686.1 - How to Generate Form, Library and Menu for Oracle Applications (11i and R12)

7 12

In the Asset Workbench, you receive the following error when clicking on FINANCIAL INQUIRY for assets having a prorate date after the current period:

APP-OFA-48289: UNKNOWN ERROR Please contact your system administrator.

After clicking the OK button, you can view the financial information for 2 of the 3 books the asset is in.

Patch 6784995 has been applied per Note 567182.1 but the issue persists.

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 7314162: R12: FAXASSET: APP-OFA-48289: UNKNOWN ERROR WHEN CLICKING ON FINANCIAL INQUIRY  as the cause.

In the INQUIRY_BOOKS package of the FAXASSET.fmb file, the query to calculate remaining life for an asset 
depreciation start date less than the calendar period close date is not handled correctly.

This is fixed in FAXASSET.fmb version 120.189.12000000.30 and later.

Apply one-off Patch 7654356:R12.FA.A or later to obtain FAXASSET.fmb version 120.189.12000000.32

8 11.5 to 12.1

When entering a negative depreciation amount for the depreciation override (FAXORIDE), the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48289 Unknown Error

This is intended functionality.  Entering a value in the override function is asking the application to calculate that amount of depreciation for the period.  An asset with a positive cost could never have a depreciation calculation of a negative value.  Thus a value of $-XX is not allowed via the depreciation override for a positive cost asset.

To accomplish a negative period depreciation amount, proceed as follows:

1.  Perform an unplanned deprecation adjustment for the negative amount desired. 
2.  Enter a Depreciation Override amount of $0 for the period. 
3.  Run Depreciation without closing the period and review the results.

9 12.1 and later

When attempting to define a new asset book in the Book Controls (FAXSUBCT) form, the following error occurs upon saving the record.

APP-OFA-48289: Unknown error: Please contact your system administrator.

The error occurs due to defining currency in the ledger setup, with currency code, is not picked from the list.

The error appears in the form trace with binds after the following SQL statement:


The query does not return rows because the currency in FND_CURRENCIES and GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS tables is not the same (for example , currency code is defined as USD in the currencies form and Usd is entered in the Accounting Setup Manager page when defining the ledger).

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Define the ledger in GL accounting setup manager with the correct currency code.
2. Retest the issue.

10 12 to 12.1

When attempting to acess the Financial Information form, the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48289 Unknown error.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Assets / Asset workbench / Select the asset previously created / Book
2. Add the asset to the tax book with date placed in service in the opened period
3. Assets / Asset workbench / Financial Inquiry => the error message AFF-OFA-48289 is displayed.

When clicking on OK, the financial information of the asset is displayed BUT only for the
coporate book.

The same error occurs if we follow the path: Inquiry / Financial Information

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 6124767: R12: APP-OFA-48289 ON FINANCIAL INFORMATION DUE TO NEXT MONTH PRORATE CONVENTION  as the cause.

SQL statement used to calculate the remaining life returns No data found when the Depreciate When Placed in Service checkbox is not selected for the prorate convention.

1. For R12.0.x (R12.FA.A) Customers: Apply Patch 8706840:R12.FA.Awhich includes these fixed file versions:

FAXASSET.fmb  120.189.12000000.58
FAXOLFIN.fmb  120.41.12000000.9

2. For R12.1.x (R12.FA.B) Customers: Apply Patch 8706842:R12.FA.Bwhich includes these fixed file versions:

FAXASSET.fmb  120.208.12010000.40
FAXOLFIN.fmb  120.48.12010000.3

11 12.1

On 12.1.3, When opening details of Mass Addition record in Prepare Mass Additions (FAXMADDS) window the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48289: Unknown error. Please contact your system administrator.

Value of FA_MASS_ADDITIONS.date_placed_in_service includes time portion hence it is not possible to fetch prorate_date

The SQL trace shows the following SQL (or similar) as the last one before the error occurs:

PARSING IN CURSOR #47657182806456 len=122 dep=0 uid=173 oct=3 lid=173 tim=1350636243185988 hv=3472371730 ad='b9a2c738' sqlid='42432jv7ghc0k'



BINDS #47657182806456:


oacdty=12 mxl=07(07) mxlc=00 mal=00 scl=00 pre=00

oacflg=03 fl2=1000000 frm=00 csi=00 siz=2008 off=0

kxsbbbfp=2b580d805e78 bln=07 avl=07 flg=05

value="9/26/2012 12:36:11"


oacdty=01 mxl=2000(255) mxlc=00 mal=00 scl=00 pre=00

oacflg=03 fl2=1000010 frm=01 csi=873 siz=0 off=8

kxsbbbfp=2b580d805e80 bln=2000 avl=05 flg=01


EXEC #47657182806456:c=0,e=113,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=0,r=0,dep=0,og=1,plh=1163357360,tim=1350636243186086

FETCH #47657182806456:c=0,e=2477,p=0,cr=232,cu=0,mis=0,r=0,dep=0,og=1,plh=1163357360,tim=1350636243188578

Please note r=0 in FETCH (meaning no rows are fetched) and time portion in value of Bind#0

FA_MASS_ADDITIONS.DATE_PLACED_IN_SERVICE is expected to have no time value (00:00:00)

The direct code issue in R12 has not been identified.

Run the following SQL in order to fix the offending data in FA_MASS_ADDITIONS table:

create table fa_mass_additions_truncdpis
as select * from fa_mass_additions
where posting_status <> 'POSTED'
and date_placed_in_service <> trunc(date_placed_in_service);

update fa_mass_additions
set date_placed_in_service = trunc(date_placed_in_service)
where posting_status <> 'POSTED'
and date_placed_in_service <> trunc(date_placed_in_service);
12 12 to 12.1

When attempting to navigate to the financial inquiry form (FAXOLFIN) via the Asset Workbench (FAXASSET), the following error occurs for assets with DPIS < Initial Date and Prorate Date > Initial Date.

APP-OFA-48289: Unknown error. Please contact your system administrator.


When trying to view financial information for certain assets via Financial Inquiry Form (FAXOLFIN.fmb) , the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48289: Unknown error. Please contact your system administrator.

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in unpublished Bug 16363198 - CANNOT OPEN SEVERAL ASSETS CORRECTLY IN FINANCIAL INFORMATION.

1.  Bug Summary


When attempting to view Financial Inquiry for some assets error APP-OFA-48289 occurs.


Modified query used for finding remaining life.


2.  Fixed Files:

R12.0, FA.A:

 FAXASSET.fmb version 120.189.12000000.136

 FAXOLFIN.fmb version 120.41.12000000.53

R12.1, FA.B:

 FAXASSET.fmb version 120.208.12010000.113

 FAXOLFIN.fmb version 120.48.12010000.47


3.  Recommended Patch:

Apply Patch 16363198 and its pre-requisites.

13 12

On : 12.0.6 version, SETUP

When attempting to add new asset book,
the following error occurs.

APP-OFA-48289: Unknown error. Please contact your system administrator.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Setup > Book Controls

The fiscal year does not start with the oldest date placed in service and the fiscal year 2012 starts with period number 2 and not period number 1.
The book cannot be set up as this query finds no rows:


because the fiscal year is started with period number 2 and not period number 1.

 To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Go into the Assets responsibility:

2. Navigate to Setup > Asset System > Fiscal years.

3. Set up a new fical year again starting with the oldest DPIS. Save

4. Navigate to Setup > Asset System > Calendars.

5. Delete XXX Assets Cal, save and set it up again starting with the period number 1 for the first period in a fiscal year. 

6. Retest the issue.

7. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.

14 11.5

An error is returned when attempting to save unit changes on the Assignments form:


APP-OFA-48289: Unknown error. Please contact your system administrator.

Mandatory flexfield qualifiers were not set.  All mandatory flexfield qualifiers such as "Balancing Segment," "Cost Center," etc. have to be checked.


Set and check all mandatory flexfield qualifiers such as "Balancing Segment," "Cost Center" and "Natural Account" in the Accounting Flexfield.

1.  FA Responsibility, Menu:  Setup>Financials>Key>Segments

2.  Use the "flashlight" within the APPLICATION field to select:  Application = General Ledger & Title = Accounting Flexfield

3.  Place cursor on your flexfield and select <SEGMENTS>

4.  Place cursor on each segment and select <FLEXFIELD QUALIFIERS>, ensure you have 1 segment checked as:

          - Cost Center Segment

          - Natural Account Segment

          - Balancing Segment

15 11.5

When retiring an asset in the Asset Workbench, the following error occurs:


APP-OFA-48289: Unknown Error. Please contact your system administrator


The cause of the issue is invalid / incorrect data in the fa_retirements table.  The value stored in the status field should be in uppercase.

The following SQL can identify the invalid / incorrect data:

select status from FA_RETIREMENTS 
where asset_id=&asset_id 
and book_type_code='&book_type_code';



1.  Run the following scripts in a TEST environment first:

select status from FA_RETIREMENTS 
where asset_id=&asset_id 
and book_type_code='&book_type_code';

SET status=upper(status)
where asset_id=&asset_id 
and book_type_code='&book_type_code';


2.  Once the scripts complete, confirm that the data is corrected by running:

select status from FA_RETIREMENTS 
where asset_id=&asset_id 
and book_type_code='&book_type_code';


16 12.2

When attempting to add quickcodes for Retirement, the following error occurs.

APP-OFA-48289: Unknown Error. Please contact your system administrator.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Log into FA responsibility
2. Setup > Asset System > QuickCodes
3. Try to add quick codes for retirement

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in unpublished Bug 17941966: CANNOT ADD QUICK CODES FOR ASSETS LOOKUP TYPES  as the cause.

Column rowid is used in select statement of joined view. This is fine in earlier releases but throws ORA-01445 error in 12.2.
In addition, also not able to add lookup for all lookup types.

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Download and review the readme and pre-requisites for Patch 17941966:R12.FA.C

2. Ensure that you have taken a backup of your system before applying 
the recommended patch. 

3. Apply the patch in a test environment. 

4. Confirm the following file versions: 
  FAXSULUT.fmb  120.2.12020000.2

5. Retest the issue. 

6. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.


Back To Top



Error String:

  • APP-OFA-48298: Depreciation is running on book. Please try transaction later.


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 to 12.1 Depreciation run (FADEPR) errors with:

APP-OFA-48298: Depreciation is running on book. Please try transaction later.

The deprn_status is stuck in  'S' ,  which is submit.  Thus the program 
considers depreciation running on this book.



The system was shutdown while depreciation was running.

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1.  Please run this script to check the book status:

select book_type_code, deprn_status, 
deprn_request_id, mass_request_id
from fa_book_controls where
book_type_code = '&BookTypeCode';


2.  If the deprn_status returns 'S' (submitted) or 'R' (running), run the following 
update script.  Else, STOP and log an SR with Support for assistance.

update fa_book_controls
set deprn_status = 'E'
where book_type_code = '&BookTypeCode';


3.  Rerun Depreciation


Back To Top



Error String:

  • APP-OFA-48301: Unknown server side error. Please contact your system administrator.


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5

When logged in as MRC Fixed Assets Manager, get the following error when trying to view Books information in reporting currency in View Financial Information form:

APP-OFA-48301: Unknown server side error. Please contact your system administrator.
(SQLERRM-User-Defined Exception)

In 11.5.10, reporting FA responsibilities are obsolete.

Transactions in reporting currency are now viewed from the primary FA responsibilities,
e.g. Fixed Assets Manager, using View Currency Details option.

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Log in with Primary FA responsibility
2. Navigate to Inquiry>Financial Information
3. Enter Asset Number
4. Click Find
5. Click Books
6. Under Tools, select View Currency Details.

The amounts will be displayed in both the Primary and Reporting currency.


Back To Top



Error String:

  • APP-OFA-48313: You cannot create identical distribution lines.


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5

From Asset Workbench (FAXASSET),

When changing an asset distribution, the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48313: You cannot create identical distribution lines


When attempting to add additional units with the same distribution information
(expense account and location), receive the following error:

APP-OFA-48313 You cannot create identical distribution lines.

A multi-distributed asset cannot have multiple identical distribution lines.
An asset's distribution lines cannot be combined into one distribution via the Assignment form.

The asset has to be adjusted with a combination of cost or unit adjustments.

Change the units in the Asset Workbench > Asset Details window to new # of units,
then go to the Assignments window.

1) Assign the additional X units to the same expense account but a different location.
Now there will be 2 rows one with original # of units and another with X units.

2) Save.

3) Then, put -X in the unit change column of the row to which X units were assigned,
and X in the unit change column of the original distribution.

4) Save. Now you should have one distribution again with the correct total units.

See: DocID 1663571.1


Back To Top



Error String:

  • APP-OFA-48317: The employee to which this distribution line is assigned is no longer valid.
  • APP-OFA-48317: The employee to which the distribution is assigned is no longer valid.
  • APP-OFA-48317: employee no longer valid


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 to 12.1 On When attempting to set mass addition to POST and save, from Prepare Mass Additions (FAXMADDS) Form, the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48317: The employee to which this distribution line is assigned is no longer valid.

The issue is caused by the following situation:
The employee was terminated after the invoice got transferred to the interface and/or prepared.

This issue was also discussed in Bug.5355184 
Developments response is that this is how LOV with validation in forms works. The value doesn't 
exist in the set of values that the LOV contains, therefore it cannot populate the field values. 
Since the error message is completely clear as to what the issue is, Development does not see this 
as a bug at all. Whether the value physically appears in the form or not, the employee still needs 
to be changed. This can be done via the form by a user employing the workaround you have already 
devised, or via the back end for all asset assignments that have this employee using this script:

where EMPLOYEE_ID = &Terminated_Emp 
where QUEUE_NAME not in ('POSTED'));


If the invoice originates in Purchasing, then it could also be that the employee is a contingent worker. Please see also Enhancement Request Bug.6246162 - NEED ABILITY TO ASSIGN ASSETS TO CONTINGENT WORKERS however, the solution to null out the employee_id remains the same also in this case.

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. In order to post and create the asset successfully, one has to assign the invoice to another active employee.


Data fix:

set EMPLOYEE_ID = '&Active_Emp_ID' -- Please pass Active Emp Id.
where EMPLOYEE_ID = '&Terminated_Emp_ID' -- Please pass the Employee Id, who was terminated.
where QUEUE_NAME not in ('POSTED'));



Note: Support NOT responsible for scripts run directly on production environments.



2. If NULL, ie no employee assignment is desired, then assign the invoice to another employee, save, then empty the employee field and save.

See: NOTE:342213.1 ; NOTE:1298731.1


Asset lines have been loaded into the fa_mass_additions interface table by SQL*Loader.

However, when opening the asset lines in the Prepare Mass Additions (FAXMADDS) Form and clicking on the Assignments tab, the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48317: The employee to which the distribution is assigned is no longer valid.

When clicking OK on the error message and the Assignments form opens, the Employee Name and Employee Number fields are blank.

An invalid value has been inserted into the mass additions interface table. The employee_number has been inserted and in fact it should be the employee_id.

In the Oracle Assets User Guide, Asset Setup chapter, in the description of each of the columns of the fa_mass_additions table, it is explained about the assigned_to column:-

'Use a value from the employee_id column in fa_employees. Note that employee_id is the unique internal identifier and not the same as the external identifier employee_number.'

The Oracle Assets Technical Reference Manual confirms that fa_employees is a view based on per_people_x.

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Change the SQL*Loader program such that the fa_mass_additions.assigned_to field is populated
with the employee_id and not the employee_number.

2. Ensure that fa_massadd_distributions.employee_id becomes populated automatically by trigger
also with the employee_id.

3. Re-test the problem by opening the loaded mass addition line in the Prepare Mass Additions > Assignments form and see that no error appears and the employee details are correctly displayed.

Web Applications Desktop Integrator (Web ADI) is used to upload Mass Addition lines.
The 'Employee Number' field on the Web ADI layout is entered.

Upload fails with:

Enter a valid Employee Number.

Or the upload goes through and then when querying the uploaded Mass Addition lines in the Prepare Mass Additions Form (FAXMADDS), the following error appears:-

APP-OFA-48317: The employee to which this distribution line is assigned to is no longer valid.

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 4702067: WEBADI: EMPLOYEE NUMBER MAPS INCORRECTLY: APP-OFA-48317: EMPLOYEE NOT VALID  as the cause.

After entering the "Employee Number" on the worksheet and uploading the data, the mapping to FA_MASSADD_DISTRIBUTIONS.EMPLOYEE_ID is the EMPLOYEE_NUMBER from the worksheet and not the actual EMPLOYEE_ID

For R11i Customers: Apply Patch 4059966: NEW FA WEBADI INTEGRATORS STAND ALONE PATCH

On When attempting to Press "Assignments" button on Prepare Mass Additions (FAXMADDS) Form, the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48317: employee no longer valid

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create mass additions line in WEB-ADI. Select assignment (use employee number, not employee ID). Upload record without errors or warnings.
2. (N) Prepare Mass Additions > (find mass-additions created in #1) > Open > Assignments. Press "Assignments" button and get above error.

Run SQL Script:
select val_id_col
from bne_interface_cols_b
where application_id = 140
and interface_code = 'FA_MASS_ADD_INTERFACE'
and interface_col_name ='ASSIGNED_TO';

Output returns:
Diagnostic script shows employee_number vs employee_id for the ASSIGNED_TO reference in bne_interface_cols_b.



Patch 7427746
Patch 4059966

Please execute the following:


update bne_interface_cols_b
set val_id_col = 'EMPLOYEE_ID'
where application_id = 140
and interface_code = 'FA_MASS_ADD_INTERFACE'
and interface_col_name ='ASSIGNED_TO';


2) Upload new records into FA_MASS_ADDITIONS table via WEB ADI.

3) Confirm no error in FAXMADDS relative to "employee no longer valid" messages on new records.

Note: For problem data sitting in FA_MASSADD_DISTRIBUTIONS table, NULL the assigned_to field and enter in Prepare Mass Additions > Assignments form thereafter.

where mass_addition_id = &id;


512When trying to add an asset in the asset workbench (FAXASSET), the assignment form does not show the employee LOV. 

When the user goes to the assignment form in the asset workbench for an existing asset, the following error appears:

APP-OFA-48317: The employee to which this distribution line is assigned is no longer valid
The profile option 'HR:Cross Business Group'  is blank at the application, responsibility and user levels.

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

System Administrator Responsibility > Profile -> System

1. Query the profile option 'HR:Cross Business Group'

Enter the following in the find criteria:
a) Site is enabled (checked)
b) Application = Assets

2. Set the profile option 'HR:Cross Business Group' to YES and Save.


Back To Top



Error String:

  • APP-OFA-48353 The reversed depreciation amount cannot be greater than accumulated depreciation amount


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 On

When attempting to add negative unplanned depreciation to a standalone asset, with sufficient reserve to allow the transaction, asset workbench (FAXASSET) form results in the following error:

APP-OFA-48353 The reversed depreciation amount cannot be greater than accumulated depreciation amount

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Queried asset with positive cost and some reserve in Asset Workbench
2. Click on Books button.
3. Entered the books name 'TVA CORP BOOK'
4. Pressed the 'Unplanned Depreciation' button.
5. Entered a negative amount that is lower than the asset's existing reserve in the amount field and pressed the tab key, results in above error.
The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 7572701: CANNOT APPLY NEGATIVE UNPLANNED AMT TO STAND ALONE ASSET as the cause.

This bug causes the user to be unable to apply a negative unplanned amount to a standalone asset.
For R11i Customers: Apply Patch 7572701 which includes fixed file version FAXASSET.fmb 115.458.458.6

Successful patch installation checks:
Package body FA_ASSET_VAL_PVT, FA_ASSET_CALC_PVT should be recreated successfully and new version of the form FAXASSET.fmb 115.458.458.6 should be installed and generated.
212On 12.0.6, When trying to enter negative unplanned depreciation in the period of addition the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48353 The reversed depreciation amount cannot be greater than accumulated depreciation amount
The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in unpublished Bug 7526356: TST1206.XB5.QA. : UNABLE TO ENTER NEGATIVE UNPLANNED DEPRN IN THE PERIOD OF ADD
as the cause.

Modified the Condition to check valid unplanned depreciation amount in FA_UPL_VAL.validate_amount (FAXASSET.fmb) so that it does not throw any error in valid cases.
For R12.0.x (R12.FA.A) Customers:Apply Patch 7526356:R12.FA.A which includes fixed file version FAXASSET.fmb 120.189.12000000.33


Back To Top



Error Strings:

  • APP-OFA-48392: Unable to get the concurrent request status using procedure.
  • APP-OFA-48392: Unable to get the concurrent request status using procedure fnd_concurrent.get_request_status.
  • APP-OFA-48392: Amortization Start Date must be after Date Placed in Service.
  • APP-OFA-48392: The transaction date, date in service, and amortization start date must be within the current open period date range.
  • APP-OFA-48392: You cannot assign reserve to an asset placed in service in the current period.
  • APP-OFA-48392: The amounts you entered caused the result of the adjustment to be invalid for the amortization date you entered.
  • APP-OFA-48392: You must be on the last record to create a new record.
  • APP-OFA-48393: Could not get FND_CONCURRENT_REQUEST.Get_request_status
  • APP-OFA-48397: Amortization Start Date must be after Date Placed in Service.
  • APP-OFA-48676: You are attempting to overlap this amortization with a previous transaction. Proceed with this amortization?
  • APP-OFA-48392: The asset_dist_tbl structure contains invalid transaction units
  • APP-OFA-48392: In order to complete this transaction ensure that the Primary Book and it's Reporting book are in the same period
  • APP-OFA-48392: You must define a prorate period for this prorate convention
  • APP-OFA-48392: Please enter a Date Placed in Service that falls in the current period or a prior period.
  • APP-OFA-48392: You cannot change the cost of an asset which is in extended depreciation.
  • APP-OFA-48392: In order to complete this transaction first run depreciation for this period in all reporting books.
  • APP-OFA-48392: You cannot retire assets you added in the current period.
  • APP-OFA-48392: You cannot create a transaction which is overlapping or is in the same fiscal year of a previously entered impairment.
  • APP-OFA-48392: Depreciation has been processed for the current period in book XXXXXXXX (CORP or associated TAX book).
  • APP-OFA-48392: Unable to get prorate date information.
  • APP-OFA-48392: Year-to-date depreciation cannot exceed life-to-date depreciation.
  • APP-OFA-48392: Please wait for request &REQUEST_ID in book &BOOK to complete.
  • APP-OFA-48392: Please wait for request in book to complete.
  • APP-OFA-48392: Assets Transaction upgrade is either running or incomplete
  • APP-OFA-48392: You cannot create a transaction which is overlapping or backdated to the same fiscal year of a previously entered impairment
  • APP-OFA-48392: you must post your mass additions before you can retire this asset


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5

When attempting to modify an asset in the Asset Workbench the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48392: Unable to get the concurrent request status using procedure fnd_concurrent.get_request_status


When adding a new asset in Asset Workbench (FAXASSET), in the Assignments window, when 
clicking Done, an error message appears:

APP-OFA-48392: Unable to get the concurrent request status using procedure.

A previous incomplete process has locked any updates disabling the ability to update any asset. In table fa_book_controls the field mass_request_id is populated.


Invalid depreciation run status showing as 'Submitted'.

This can be seen in an asset trace or by running the following sql script:

select book_type_code, deprn_request_id, deprn_status, mass_request_id
from fa_book_controls
where book_type_code = '&book';

To implement the solution, please execute the following step:

  1. Check, if it is still available, what concurrent request, as populated in mass_request_id was and check for errors in the log file.
    As long as this request is not running... you will need to reset this with the following script: 

    **** WARNING: Do not proceed unless you are sure the request has ended ****

    If the deprn_status is not 'C' and/or the mass_request_id is not null then run the following update:

    1) Run this update:


    Update fa_book_controls
    set deprn_status = 'E',
    mass_request_id = NULL
    where book_type_code = '&book'
    and deprn_status = 'S';



    Note: Support NOT responsible for scripts run directly on production environments.

    2) Resubmit Run Depreciation WITHOUT Close Period option.

    3) Rollback Depreciation.

211.5The asset is capitalized and already amortized and uses the following month prorate convention.
The date placed in service should be set to 17-MAR-2007. The current open period is April 2007 and the Amortization Start Date defaults to 01-APR-2007. When saving the transaction, the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48392: Amortization Start Date must be after Date Placed in Service.
It is an intentional restriction.The cursor will return the prior adjustment transaction and throw the error. The only transactions that are excluded are ADDITION, ADDITION/VOID, GROUP ADDITION/VOID, GROUP ADDITION, REINSTATEMENT, TRANSFER IN, TRANSFER IN/VOID, and any retirement which has been reinstated.

When changing the DPIS on expensed assets, avoid amortizing the transaction as the effect on depreciation would still be the same, expensed. However, the asset is then amortized which can then prohibit further changes of the DPIS.

When attempting to adjust the Date Placed In Service (DPIS) of a depreciating asset, the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48392: Amortization Start Date must be after Date Placed in Service.


APP-OFA-48397: Amortization Start Date must be after Date Placed in Service.

No 'Amortize Adjustment' or 'Amortization Start Date' selections have been entered. The asset does not have a previous amortized adjustment.


The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in unpublished Bug 4246638.

In 'fa_asset_val_pvt.validate_dpis', cursor 'c_chk_trx_before_dpis' was not excluding distribution-related transactions.
This is fixed in FAVVALB.pls version 115.104 and higher.

The fix is available by applying the following standalone rollup patches:

1. For Customers on patchsets 11i.FA.M/N/O: Apply Patch 4902861.

2. For Customers on patchset 11i.FA.P: Apply Patch 4970145

Alternatively, the workaround would be to apply the following manual code-fix instructions:

Code-fix instructions:
1. Backup your current version of FAVVALB.pls under $FA_TOP/patch/115/sql.
2. Open FAVVALB.pls
3. Go to 'fa_asset_val_pvt.validate_dpis'
4. In cursor 'c_chk_trx_before_dpis', change this:


5. Save your changes.
6. Recompile the package.

If needed, a smaller older patch is available see archived Doc ID 299917.1
412When trying to change the date placed in service (DPIS) for a group asset in the addition period the following errors are received:

APP-OFA-48676: You are attempting to overlap this amortization with a previous transaction. Proceed with this amortization?

APP-OFA-48392: The transaction date, date in service, and amortization start date must be within the current open period date range.

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 7613544: UNABLE TO CHANGE THE DPIS OF A UOP GROUP ASSET ALREADY CREATED
as the cause.

In FAXGROUP.pld, amortization_start_date is modified to DPIS. This should not happen in the case of ENERGY assets.

The same behavior is expected if the public API is used. In FAPADJB.pls, the amortization_start_date is defaulted to DPIS if its value is not supplied.
For R12.0.x (R12.FA.A) Customers: Apply Patch 7719883:R12.FA.A
512.1 and later

On R12.1.2, When attempting to save a depreciation method adjustment in the asset workbench (FAXASSET), the following error occurs:


On R12.1 to 12.1.3 Asset Workbench (FAXASSET):
Create an asset and save. Requery asset just created and review depreciation method. Determine the method is incorrect. Update record and select 'Done' receive the following error message:

APP-OFA-48392: You cannot assign reserve to an asset placed in service in the current period.

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 10049604: R12.1.2 FA ERRORS APP-OFA-48392 YOU CANNOT ASSIGN RESERVE TO AN ASSET PLACED IN SERVICE  as the cause.


The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 9682863: MASS COPY WILL FAIL IF ASSET WITH CURRENT PERIOD DPIS HAS CATCHUP  as the cause.

1. For R12.1.x (R12.FA.B) Customers: Apply Patch 10085574:R12.FA.B which includes these fixed file versions: FAXASSET.fmb  120.208.12010000.60 
FAVCALB.pls  120.138.12010000.44 


2. For R12.1.x (R12.FA.B) Customers: Apply Patch 9887127:R12.FA.B + Patch 9961363:R12.FA.B which includes these fixed file versions:
FAXASSET.fmb  120.208.12010000.67
FAVCALB.pls   120.138.12010000.42

You can use the commands like the following to check file versions:

strings -a ffffffff |grep '$Header'



On R11.5.10.2 Asset Workbench (FAXASSET): Unable to assign full reserve to an asset placed in service in the current period results in the following error:

APP-OFA-48392: You cannot assign reserve to an asset placed in service in the current period.

Change in design of the Oracle Fixed Assets product.

Confirmed by Development:

Bug 2248873
In fa_books_trx3, added a validation to make sure reserve is not added in the current period. Fixed version: 11.5: FAXASSET.fmb 115.251

Bug 8525788
...this is the intended restriction put in 11i and now propagated to R12...
...It does not make sense to give reserve for such an asset... this restriction was added as part of the bugfix and it is valid in R12 also.

Accept this enhanced functionality or to bypass this, use the DPIS of previous month.

The change in behavior is actually apart of a bugfix.
If an asset is added in this period and has a date placed in service of the same, it would start to depreciate as of today. Hence having reserve already in place would not be logical.

712.1 and laterWhen attempting to perform source line transfer between two assets as an AMORTIZED adjustment the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48392: The amounts you entered caused the result of the adjustment to be invalid for the amortization date you entered.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Query an asset in Asset Workbench with single source line
2. Select the source line and transfer the whole amount to another asset as a amortized adjustment
(The amortization start date is defaulted to current open period date.)
The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 10094653: POST MASS ADDITIONS DOES NOT VALIDATE UOM AND CAPACITY FOR ENERGY UOP METHOD
as the cause.

The issue is missing outer join for outbk.set_of_books_id in cursor c_get_current_mc_amts
in FA_ASSET_VAL_PVT.validate_cost_change (FAVVALB.pls)

and outbk.asset_id(+) = p_asset_id
and outbk.book_type_code(+) = p_book_type_code
and outbk.set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id

This will cause incorrect accumulated cost as for reporting currency.
For R12.1.x (R12.FA.B) Customers: Apply Patch 9954409:R12.FA.B which includes fixed file version FAVVALB.pls 120.69.12010000.44

Trying to do a Reinstatement on an Asset that had 2 partial retirements, attempting the Reinstatement 
on the older of the 2 Partial Retirements results in the following error:

APP-OFA-48392 You must be on the last record to create a new record.

The following error may also be encountered:

APP-OFA-48397 Program exited with errors.

As per the intended functionality, only the most recent Partial Retirement can be deleted.To delete the most recent Partial Retirement for the asset:

1. Navigate to the Asset Workbench (Assets>Asset Workbench)
2. Query the asset
3. Click on Retirements (button)
4. In the menu bar, go to Query>Enter
5. Enter the name of the book
6. In the menu bar, go to Query>Run
7. Using the down-arrow, navigate to the last retirement transaction
8. Click on Reinstate (button).

On Release 12, Users are unable to change any asset information from the Asset Workbench form (FAXASSET) for a specific Book. The following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48392 Unable to get the concurrent request status using procedure FND_CONCURRENT.GET_REQUEST_STATUS

The cause of the issue is invalid value in FA_BOOK_CONTROLS.CREATE_ACCOUNTING_REQUEST_ID for the related Book.

CREATE_ACCOUNTING_REQUEST_ID is populated with Concurrent request ID of a Create Accounting program currently locking this book.
Therefore, after Create Accounting program completes , this column should be nulled out.

In case Create Accounting program is not running anymore for this Book and FA_BOOK_CONTROLS.CREATE_ACCOUNTING_REQUEST_ID wasn't set to Null and FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS table was purged , then the application cannot check the status of this request_id and raises the error :Unable to get the concurrent request status using procedure

For issues with DEPRN_REQUEST_ID ,DEPRN_STATUS or MASS_REQUEST_ID please read Note 412599.1 or Note 199678.1

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps first in a TEST instance:

1) Please run:

select book_type_code, deprn_request_id, deprn_status, mass_request_id, create_accounting_request_id
from fa_book_controls;

2) If the query returns a value for CREATE_ACCOUNTING_REQUEST_ID and related Book_type_code, then run following query:

DECODE(STATUS.LOOKUP_CODE, 'H', 'I', 'S', 'I', 'U', 'I', 'M', 'I', R.PHASE_CODE) 
AND R.REQUEST_ID = &create_accounting_request_id;


Note: FND_LOOKUPS is a view of selected columns from the table FND_LOOKUP_VALUES. This view contains information about the available QuickCodes in the language under which Oracle Applications is currently running at your site. 
This view is accessible from APPS schema.

If this query returns no row, it means the request has been purged from FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS table, then perform next step.

3) Run following update to unlock the book:


update fa_book_controls
where book_type_code='&asset_book';



4) Navigate to the Asset Workbench and test if assets can be updated for this Book.

1011.5 to 12.1

Transferring from two assignment lines to one or more new lines fails with error:

APP-OFA-48392: The asset_dist_tbl structure contains invalid transaction units.

Possible causes are:

1.  Null or zero units were entered
2.  Positive or negative units were entered incorrectly.
3.  Not enough units were entered

This is desired functionality. You can transfer from ONLY ONE assignment line to one or more new lines.

Perform such transfer in two steps: 
1. Transfer from first source line and save. 
2. Then, transfer from the second source line to the same destination line as in step 1 or to the new line.

Reference: DocID 1269754.1
Oracle Assets User Guide (Release 11i)
Part No. A81359-08
Chapter 3 - Asset Maintenance
Section: Transferring Assets, Page 3-11

Oracle Assets User Guide (Release 12.1)
Part No. E13586-02
Chapter 3 - Asset Maintenance
Section: Transferring Assets, Page 3-14


When trying to modify an asset in the Asset Workbench (FAXASSET) form, the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48392: In order to complete this transaction ensure that the Primary Book and it's Reporting book are in the same period.

In fa_mc_book_controls (or fa_book_controls), the field MASS_REQUEST_ID is NOT null.

This is confirmed by running:

SELECT set_of_books_id, book_type_code, deprn_status, mass_request_id, last_period_counter
FROM fa_book_controls
WHERE book_type_code = '&book';

SELECT set_of_books_id, book_type_code, deprn_status, mass_request_id, last_period_counter
FROM fa_mc_book_controls
WHERE book_type_code = '&book';

Ensure that there is no mass request being run with the request ID noted in the book controls table. Set the MASS_REQUEST_ID to NULL for the book in the affected FA table:

update fa_book_controls
set mass_request_id = NULL
where book_type_code = '&book';


update fa_mc_book_controls
set mass_request_id = NULL
where book_type_code = '&book';
1211.5 and later

When trying to enter a new asset in current period the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48392: You must define a prorate period for this prorate convention

 The system could not find a prorate period for used prorate convention.

The error message encountered when adding a new asset is pretty explicit. The system could not find a prorate period for your prorate convention.

1. For the prorate convention that was assigned to your asset:

o Go to Setup>Asset System>Prorate Conventions
o Query the convention
o Make sure that the prorate periods are defined for the current and next fiscal year.
If they are defined, make sure there are no gaps.

2. Do the same for the Fiscal Year, Depreciation and Prorate Calendars assigned to your asset book.

3. Also , please verify that the DPIS entered for the asset can be mapped to a prorate period for the prorate convention assigned under Setup>Asset System>Conventions.

4. Once done, try to add your new asset again and it should work successfully.

1311.5 to 12.1

On 12.1.3 version,

When attempting to perform Intercompany transfer, the following error occurs:


"Allow Intercompany Member Asset Assignments" checkbox was not checked.

From Fixed Asset Responsibility:

1. Navigate to Setup > Asset System > Book Controls
2. Go to tab: Accounting Rules
3. Check "Allow Intercompany Member Asset Assignments" to allow intercompany.


When attempting to change the Date Placed In Service (DPIS) for an asset in the Tax book, the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48392: Please enter a Date Placed in Service that falls in the current period or a prior period.

The Tax book is only open to Dec-07, and the DPIS is trying to be entered as 31-Aug-08.

Since the Aug-08 period is not yet open in the Tax book, so the asset cannot be adjusted to this DPIS.

This is intended functionality, the workaroudn is:

Run Depreciation for the next 8 periods in this Tax book to bring the open period to Aug-08


Enter a DPIS in Dec-07 or earlier.


Trying to add invoices to CIP assets, returns the following error:

APP-OFA-48392: You cannot change the cost of an asset which is in extended depreciation.

-- Steps to Reproduce --

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps: 
Navigate to Asset > Asset Workbench. Click Addition

1) Enter the Asset Description, Category, Key. 
2) Select the Type as CIP. 
3) Click Continue. 
4) Enter the Book Details. The depreciation method and other financial details defaults from Category. 
5) Click Assignments 
6) Enter the Depreciation Expense Code Combination and Location. 
7) Click Done. 
8) A CIP Asset is Created. 
9) Query the CIP Asset in Asset Workbench 
10) Click Source Line Button. 
11) Enter the Invoice Details. 
12) Enter the Amount. 
13) Click Done. -- error appears --

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in unpublished bug 7488766 - UNABLE TO CHANGE DEPRN METHOD

The problem was due to coding regarding member assets, specifically, in the adjustment api, validation for extended depreciation was called for all member assets for any adjustment. This raised errors for any adjustment on member assets.

Recently upgraded to 12.0.6 by applying the 12.0.6 patch plus the Nov CPC patches.

For R12.0.x (R12.FA.A) Customers: Apply Post 12.0.6 RUP Patch 7606459:R12.FA.Aand Patch 8319132:R12.FA.A which upgrades FAPADJB.pls to version 120.49.12000000.11.


Manually adding units of production (UOP) via the FAXMAPPR form, with MRC Books, errors with:

APP-OFA-48392: In order to complete this transaction first run depreciation for this period in all reporting books.

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 13069169 - ERROR WHEN MANUALLY ADDING THE UOP IN FAXMAPPR FORM WITH MRC BOOK  as the cause.

It was caused by an issue with a transaction approval package.

1. Bug Summary

Error occurs while entering production units though FAXMAPPR

Changed package checking process.

2. Fixed File:
R12.1 FA.B:

FAXMAPPR.fmb 120.7.12010000.8

3. Recommended Patch:
Apply Patch 13069169.



Trying to retire an asset in the corporate book results in the following error:

APP-OFA-48392: You cannot retire assets you added in the current period.

This asset is assigned to Tax Book which is still in the addition period.

Run Depreciation for the tax book beyond the addition period for this asset.

1812 to 12.1

When entering an adjustment for an asset with salvage value via the Asset Workbench (FAXASSET), the following error occurs:


The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in unpublished Bug 9161943 - R.TST1212: FA_BOOK_INVALID_SALVAGE ERROR ON DOING ASSET COST ADJUSTMENT  as the cause.

It is caused by the salvage value validation being called before the new adjusted reserve is recalculated.

1. For R12.0.x (R12.FA.A) Customers:Apply Patch 9371739:R12.FA.A which includes fixed file version FAVCALB.pls  120.126.12000000.45

2. For R12.1.x (R12.FA.B) Customers: Apply Patch 9263853:R12.FA.B which includes fixed file version FAVCALB.pls  120.138.12010000.30


On R12.1, When attempting to do the retirement after an impairment in the previous period but in the same year, the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48392: You cannot create a transaction which is overlapping or is in the same fiscal year of a previously entered impairment.

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in unpublished Bug 10328635 - IUREVAL:P2: ERROR WHEN TRYING TO RETIRE A PREVIOUSLY IMPAIRED ASSET  as the cause.

The function FA_ASSET_VAL_PVT.check_overlapping_impairment was preventing any transaction if there was an impairment in the current fiscal year.

1. Bug Summary

No transaction allowed on assets if they have impairment in the same fiscal year.

The check_overlapping_impairment function returned false if impairment exists on that asset in same fiscal year.  This was changed.

2. Fixed Files:
R12. FA.B:

FAPADJB.pls 120.54.12010000.28
FAPRETB.pls 120.78.12010000.28
FAPTFRB.pls 120.9.12010000.6
FAVVALB.pls 120.69.12010000.48

3. Recommended Patch:
Apply Patch 10328635:R12.FA.B

2011.5 to 12.1

From Asset Workbench (FAXASSET), When attempting to update Asset Number or Description the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48392: Depreciation has been processed for the current period in book XXXXXXXX (CORP or associated TAX book).

Depreciation has been run in the book named in the error.

Run Rollback Depreciation in the named book.

Navigation: FA Responsibility > Depreciation > Rollback Depreciation

If the only change desired is the asset number, this can actually be saved 
without rolling back. This is not the case with any other financial changes.

2111.5 to 12.1

From Asset Workbench (FAXASSET), When attempting to create an asset in the Quick Addition or Detail Additions the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48392: Unable to get prorate date information.

Incomplete Setup.

Extend the prorate calendar assigned to the book by one more year.


From Asset Workbench (FAXASSET), When adjusting asset cost from a negative amount to a positive amount, or the reverse, the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48392: Year-to-date depreciation cannot exceed life-to-date depreciation.

Note: This error can also occur during Periodic Mass Copy or when an asset is adjusted after a revaluation.

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 9488077 - FA: YTD DEPRECIATION CANNOT EXCEED LTD DEPRECIATION AFTER REVALUATION
as the cause.

For R12.1.x (R12.FA.B) Customers:

1. Apply Patch 10329295:R12.FA.B which includes fixed file version FAVCALB.pls  120.138.12010000.51


2. Apply any patch containing the version FAVCALB.pls 120.138.12010000.37 or higher.

2311.5 to 12.1

When attempting to perform any update/transaction on an asset from the Asset Workbench (FAXASSET), it fails with following error:

APP-OFA-48392: Please wait for request &REQUEST_ID in book &BOOK to complete.


APP-OFA-48392: Please wait for request in book to complete.

Mass Transfer (FAMTFR) or Mass Additions Post (FAMAPT) program was submitted for the Book the asset belongs to and it is still running.

When a Mass Transaction is submitted, it updates FA_BOOK_CONTROLS.MASS_REQUEST_ID for this Book with the request_id of this Mass transaction, hence locking the Book and prohibiting any new transaction in this Book until Mass Transfer completes.

This is intended functionality.

Mass Transactions (Post Mass Additions, Mass Reclass, Mass Retirements, etc..) programs all lock the asset tables during the duration of the concurrent request.
This is to not only update the applicable tables with the mass transaction event data but also to avoid updates, of that same data, before mass processing has been completed.

To process events please wait for the mass processing concurrent request to complete before entering any new transaction in that Book.

To avoid end user conflict you may consider scheduling Mass Transactions (i.e., Post Mass Additions) to run during end user down time.

2412 to 12.1

When attempting to add a new asset in R12, the following error occurs.

APP-OFA-48392 Assets Transaction upgrade is either running or incomplete for one or more reporting currencies associated with primary depreciation book.  You must first complete the upgrade before entering transactions in this book

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Asset workbench > quick addition

There were already assets in the book when the ALC ledger was created for the ledger the asset book belongs to and the ALC ledger setup was incomplete.
As MRC was enabled and the transaction upgrade was not run, there was data missing for the already existing assets in the reporting tables.

New assets could not be created as the setup was incomplete.



The ALC ledger created when setting up the primary ledger was disabled and a new ALC ledger was set up.

 To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Set the values for the Data Conversion Initialization for the reporting ledger:
First Future Conversion Period
Historical Conversion Rate Date
Historical Conversion Rate Type

2. Run MRC Setup - Assets Transactions Upgrade - Phase 1 to normal completion.

3. Update the conversion basis.

update fa_mc_conversion_rates
set conversion_basis = 'R'
where book_type_code = '&BOOK';


4. Then run MRC Setup - Assets Transactions Upgrade - Phase 2 to normal completion.

5. Retest the issue.

Please note:
MRC Upgrade Phase 3 is not supported in R12. 
No automated method is supported at this time for the population of beginning balances/journals into GL.  You will need to do your beginning balance population manually into the First Future Enterable Period in GL.

Reference:  NOTE:1294121.1 - The Concurrent Request "SLA Secondary/ALC Ledger Historic Upgrade" Fails for Assets


When attempting to retire an impaired asset in the same period the following error occurs.

APP-OFA-48392: You cannot create a transaction which is overlapping or backdated to the same fiscal year of a previously entered impairment.

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 13818080: IMPAIRED ASSET IN THE SAME FISCAL YEAR, WHILE DOING THE RETIRMENT GETTING A ERROR  as the cause.

For R12.1 (R12.FA.B) Customers: Apply Patch 13513616:R12.FA.B which includes fixed file versions:

fa/patch/115/sql/FAVCALB.pls  120.138.12010000.62
fa/patch/115/sql/FAVVALS.pls  120.26.12010000.27
fa/patch/115/sql/FAVVALB.pls  120.69.12010000.60


When attempting to reinstate a retirement, the following error occurs.

APP-OFA-48392: you must post your mass additions before you can retire this asset.

There is a retirement pending for the asset in a tax book.

Submit Calculate Gains and Losses for both the corporate and tax books.


When attempting an adjustment after a partial retirement, the following error occurs.


The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in unpublished Bug:13561441 - FA: CHANGE OF MESSAGE FA_ADJ_PENDING_RET


The error message has been replaced with the following:
APP-OFA-48392: You cannot do adjustment entry for this asset because a future dated retirement has been processed in the current period.
Cause: Oracle assets does not allow you to perform adjustments with future dated retirement in a single period.
Action: Perform your retirement after the adjustment.

1.  Bug Summary

Error message description is not correct when attempting to perform an adjustment after a partial retirement.



Modified ldt for messaging.


2.  Fixed File:

R12.1, FA.B:
fa12amg.ldt  120.9.12010000.43


3.  Recommended Patch:

Apply Patch 13561441.

Reference: NOTE:1278334.1 - Attempting any adjustment gives message 'FA_ADJ_PENDING_RET'



Back To Top



Error String:

  • APP-OFA-48393: Could not get FND_CONCURRENT_REQUEST.Get_request_status
  • APP-OFA-48393: Program exited with error Or APP-OFA-48395: Program exited with error


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
111.5 No transactions could be entered into the corporate book due to the following error:

APP-OFA-48393: Could not get FND_CONCURRENT_REQUEST.Get_request_status
The Mass_Request_ID contains the concurrent request ID of a mass transaction locking any assets in this book. The request id is stored in this column for the duration of the concurrent request. If there are no concurrent requests currently running for the Corporate Book, the value should be NULL.To implement the solution, please execute the following step:

  1. Run the following query: 

    select book_type_code, deprn_request_id, mass_request_id, deprn_status
    from fa_book_controls;


    **** WARNING: Make sure there are no mass request jobs running before performing below update ****


    update fa_book_controls
    set mass_request_id = NULL
    where book_type_code = '&book';



Performing a retirement via the Asset Workbench form (FAXASSET) errors with:

APP-OFA-48395 or APP-OFA-48393: Program exited with errors: 
Error: function FA_RETIREMENT_PUB.do_all_books_retirement returned failure 
Error: function FA_RETIREMENT_PUB.do_all_books_retirement returned failure.

Setup: Calendars are not defined out far enough.Define the Prorate and Depreciation Calendars further out. The recommendation is to define them at least 1 full year out.

The navigation path is: Setup : Asset System : Calendars

When clicking the "Save" icon in the Asset Workbench Assignment Form (FAXASSET) with no changes made, the following error appears:

APP-OFA-48393: Program exited with errors:
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
Error: function fa_trans_api_pub.do_transfer returned failure.

The form is expecting a transfer to be performed, and in not finding the expected data to do one, thus it errorsIf no transfer is being performed, it would be expected that a user simply hit "Cancel" to exit the form no save is required.
412 or later

On 12.0.6, When attempting to retire an asset in the period of addition, the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48393: Program exited with errors :

ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called

Error: function fa_trans_api_pub.do retirement returned failure

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Add an asset
2. Attempt to perform retirement in the same period.

Package body FAPRETB.pls (FA_RETIREMENTS_PKG) is invalid.
This prevents retirement to be executed.
Please perform the following, first on a Test instance:

1. Please run Compile Apps Schema from ADADMIN.

2. Check if there are any FA invalid objects left:
You can use:
AND OBJECT_NAME LIKE 'FA%'; --- use the Short Name for the product

If no invalid FA objects left and the issue is resolved, then you can migrate this solution to Production.


Back To Top



Error String:

  • APP-48393 Program exited with error Unable to get the concurrent request status using procedure FND_CONCURRENT.GET_REQUEST_STATUS
  • CHECK_BOOK_STATUS ended with error


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 and later Depreciation (FADEPR) ends with error:

APP-48393 Program exited with error Unable to get the concurrent request status using procedure FND_CONCURRENT.GET_REQUEST_STATUS.
Module: CHECK_BOOK_STATUS ended with error
The DEPRN_STATUS in the FA_BOOK_CONTROLS table was incorrectly set to 'S' after a failed depreciation run.To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
1. Verify the book status:
select book_type_code, deprn_request_id, mass_request_id, deprn_status
from fa_book_controls
where book_type_code = '&book_type_code';

If the deprn_status is anything other that 'S', DO NOT PROCEED with resetting the status.

Check to make sure there are no records in FA_DEPRN_DETAIL and FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY tables.

2. Get the period_counter:
Select period_counter from fa_deprn_periods
where book_type_code = '&book_type_code'
and period_close_date is null;

The period_counter is the current period counter number associated with the period you are trying to run depreciation for, and the book_type_code is the name of your Asset Book.

3. To re-run depreciation, you need to update the book status to 'E' for 'Error'

update fa_book_controls
set deprn_request_id = NULL,
deprn_status = 'E'
where deprn_status = 'S'
and book_type_code = '&book_type_code';

NOTE: Never under any circumstances update the deprn_status to 'C' for 'Complete'.


Back To Top



Error String:

  • APP-OFA-48394: Program exited with error
  • APP-OFA-48394: The reversed depreciation amount cannot be greater than the accumulated depreciation


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5

When adding assets with Post Mass Additions (FAMAPT) or with the Asset Workbench (FAXASSET), the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48394: Program exited with errors: 
ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called

Applied patches outlined in Oracle Note 883202.1 - Patch:6317575Patch:7044061Patch:6771614.
This was working fine before these patches were applied.
Cause is probably due to a version mismatch of file famrc.odfFor R11i Customers: Apply Patch 8552763which includes fixed file version famrc.odf 115.88
2 12 to 12.1

While attempting to delete newly added assets in period of Addition the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48394:Program exited with errors:
ORA-6503:PL/SQL:Function returned without value
Error:function fa_delete_pub.do_all_books returned failure
Error:function fa_deletion_pub.do_delete returned failure.

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in unpublished Bug 9586889: UNABLE TO DELETE ASSET IN PERIOD OF ADDITION  as the cause.

Asset can not be deleted in period of addition.

1. For R12.0.x (R12.FA.A) Customers: Apply Patch 9881625:R12.FA.A which includes fixed file version FAPDELB.pls  120.8.12000000.6

2. For R12.1.x (R12.FA.B) Customers: Apply Patch 9586889:R12.FA.B which includes fixed file version FAPDELB.pls  120.8.12010000.6

3 12

When attempting to add assets, the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48394:Program exited with errors.
ORA-06502:PL/SQL: numeric or value error character string buffer too small
Error:function fa_addition_pvt.initialize returned failure.
Error:function fa_addition_pub.do_addition returned failure

The error can also occur when performing periodic or initial mass copy if the tax book category default is a FLAT NBV method.

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 7627191: APP-OFA-48394 ERROR WHILE DOING QUICK ADDITIONS WITH FLAT NVB METHOD  as the cause.

For R12.0.x (R12.FA.A) Customers: Apply Patch 7627191:R12.FA.A which includes fixed file version FAVADDB.pls  120.38.12000000.9

Note: This issue has been fixed in file FAVADDB.pls version 120.38.12000000.9 or above.

4 11.5

When attempting to transfer an asset to another expense account through the Assignments form, the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48394: Program exited with errors:
Account Generator failed to generate a new code combination:
Account Type: AP_INTERCO
Book: BOOK
Distribution ID: #####
Concatenated Segments: XXXX-XXXX-XXX-XXX-XXX

Cause: The code combination for the generated segment does not exist and cannot be created because it would contain invalid segment values orbecause it has been disabled.

Getting account CCID

The issue is caused by the following incomplete setup:

In the Workflow Builder definition, the user-defined Account Generator Process being used has no setup for InterCo accounting.  The default goes straight from Get Account Name to the end of process.  There is no flow definition in between for the InterCo accounts used in the transaction.

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1.  On a desktop where the Workflow Builder is installed, pull up the FA Account Generator definition and save a copy via File - Save As.

2.  Define a workflow for the InterCompany accounts used in FA in the user-defined XX Account Generator Process.

  Observation:  The InterCo qualifier is the one default qualifier for the Accounting Flexfield that cannot be used in the Workflow definition.

3.  After performing the changes, save the definition via File > Save as on the desktop and in the database.

4.  In the Account Generation Processes form in the application, using the FA responsibility, query up the accounting flexfield structure and pick the user-defined XX FA Account Generator Process.  Save.

(N) Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Accounts

5.  Retest the issue by performing an Intercompany transfer in FA.

5 11.5

When attempting to transfer the asset to another expense account through the assignments screen, the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48394: Program exited with errors:
Account Generator failed to generate a new code combination:
Account Type: AP_INTERCO
Distribution ID: 14045
Concatenated Segments:

-- Steps To Reproduce:
The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Query the asset from the asset workbench. (N>Assets>Asset Workbench)
2. Open the 'Assignments' window.
3. Create a new assignment line with the new expense account.
4. The error message appears.


The issue is caused by the following setup:
The 'Balance Intercompany Journals' checkbox in the Journalling Tab of the Set of Books form in GL was unchecked.

The setup causes the issue because with the checkbox unchecked the system was unable to create the intercompany accounts at the time of the transaction in FA.

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Go into the General Ledger responsibility.

2. Navigate to Setup > Financials > Books > Define. Query up the Set of Books

3. Check the 'Balance Intercompany Journals' checkbox in the Journalling Tab of the Set of Books and Save.

4. Perform the Intercompany transfer in FA.

5. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.

6 11.5

When attempting to perform a reinstatement on a fully retired asset the following error occurs :

APP-OFA-48394: Program exited with errors:
You must be on the last record to create a new record.
Error: function FA_RETIREMENT_PUB.do_validation returned failure

The transaction_key was NULL for retirement transaction in fa_transaction_headers, it should be 'R'.

Trigger FA_TRANSACTION_HEADERS_BRI is responsible 
for inserting the value of the transaction_key with retirements/reinstatements.

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1) Re-enable the disabled triggers:

alter trigger FA_TRANSACTION_HEADERS_ARI compile;
alter trigger FA_TRANSACTION_HEADERS_BRI compile;
alter trigger FA_ASSET_HISTORY_BRU compile;
alter trigger FA_BOOKS_ARC1 compile;
alter trigger FA_BOOKS_ARC2 compile;

2) Set transaction_key to 'R' for retirement/reinstatement

Run the following script:


update fa_transaction_headers
set transaction_key = 'R'
where book_type_code = '&BOOK'
and transaction_type_code ='FULL RETIREMENT';



3) Reinstate again.

7 12

When trying to enter a negative unplanned depreciation amount via the Asset Workbench (FAXASSET), in the period of addition, for an asset which did not have any supplied reserve loaded on addition, the following error appears on screen:

APP-OFA-48394: The reversed depreciation amount cannot be greater than the accumulated depreciation


But the example asset has an accumulated depreciation amount in place (from a depreciation run in the period of addition done without closing the period), which is greater than the amount of the negative unplanned depreciation amount that the User is trying to enter.

The bug fix in Patch 7526356 is already in place (as described in Note 758543.1).

The described case is expected functionality, explained in the following bug;

Bug 8405368  - Unable To Perform Unplanned Depreciation On An Asset In The Period Added

On the face of this case, it seems as the case would be okay. That is, depreciation is run without closing the period, and the depreciation amount is positive. Then the user does a negative unplanned in that same period, but at an amount less than the depreciation reserve (which is the same as the period depreciation amount) for that period. Finally, when you re-run depreciation, the new reserve is still positive. 

However, the issue is this: when you do the negative unplanned, it rolls back the depreciation already calculated in the depreciation run (the run that was done without closing the period).
At this point, when you take the negative unplanned into account, the NBV of the asset is negative. This is illegal and why this is not considered a bug.

It does not matter that when you run depreciation again later, that the reserve and nbv would become positive as the user could in between have made another change (like change depreciation method) which would calculate less depreciation and so that when subsequently run, the depreciation amount calculated would be less than the NBV. This is why the negative unplanned depreciation in this case cannot be allowed.

Use a workaround to correct the reserve in the period of addition for such assets. The potential workarounds are;

1. Adjust the depreciation reserve in the Asset Workbench - Books form directly, to the desired value.

2. Enter a Depreciation Override amount for the current period, so that when the depreciation runs for the current period, it takes the supplied amount in place of the calculated amount for this period. This could be worked so that the override amount supplied would reduce the accumulated depreciation to the desired end point when the depreciation is run. The Depreciation Override functionality is explained in the Oracle Assets User Guide, in the Depreciation chapter. The Oracle Assets User Guide can be downloaded from My Oracle Support.

Reference: NOTE:758543.1 - Unable To Enter Negative Unplanned Depreciation Amount In The Period Of Addition

8 11.5

When attempting to reassign the asset location (transfer), the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48394: Program exited with errors

Account Generator failed to generate a new code combination:
Account Type: ASSET_COST
Book: xxxxx
Distribution ID:xxxxxx
Concatenated Segments:

Value xxxxxx has expired.

Setup:  Wrong active date of the CCID and Natural Account.
This asset exists in two books, both of which will be affected by this transfer since distribution changes are not book specific.

The tax book seems to no longer be used and it is presently in prior year.
The natural account and CCID are enabled forward than the last open period of tax book.


The tax book is presently in 2008,but the natural account is enable from 01-Apr-2009, and the CCID is enabled from 05-May-2010

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Go into the GL responsibility

2. Navigate to Setup -> Financials -> Flexfields -> Key -> Values
Remove the "from" effective date on segment value in this issue.

3. Navigate to Setup -> Accounts -> Combinations

Set the "from" effective date of CCID in the issue as '01-Jan-1900'

4. Retest the issue.

5. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.


Back To Top



Error String:

  • APP-OFA-48395: Program exited with error
  • APP-OFA-48395: Please delete the lease before changing the category


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 and later

When performing a unit adjustment (for example. changing the units from 1 to 2 for an asset), the following error is received:

APP-OFA-48395: Program exited with errors:
Error: function fa_interco_pvt.do_intercompany returned failure
Error: function fa_interco_pvt.do_all_books returned failure
Error: function FA_DISTRIBUTION_PVT.do_distribution returned failure
Error: function FA_UNIT_ADJ_PUB.do_unit_adjustment returned failure

Since the unit change is in the same distribution and just the units are changing, there should not be any intercompany transaction happening for this adjustment.

This is caused by using the segment numbering notation of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 (and so on) for the accounting key flexfield.

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Navigate to Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Key>Segments.

2. Query back the accounting flexfields used by the General Ledger Set of Books to which your asset book is attached.

3. Unfreeze the flexfield.

4. Navigate to the segments.

5. Change the segment numbering notation from 10,20,30,40... to 1,2,3,4,...

6. Freeze and recompile the flexfield, then perform the Unit adjustment again.

2 12

On 12.0.6, When attempting to change the date placed in service in the Asset Workbench (FAXASSET), Books form, on an asset with depreciation ran (but period not closed) gets the following error:

APP-OFA-48395: Program exited with errors:

You cannot change the date placed in service of an asset which is in extended depreciation.

Error: function FA_ASSET_VAL_PVT.validate_extended_asset returned failure 
Error: function fa_adjustment_pub.do_all_books returned failure 
Error: function fa_adjustments_pub.do_adjustment returned failure.

-- Steps To Reproduce: 
The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps: 
1. Navigate to Assets:Asset Workbench 
2. Query asset 
3. Click on Books 
4. Enter book information 
5. Tab to bottom Depreciation region 
6. Tab over to Date in service field and change it. 
7. Save and gets the error.

Was able to perform this in 12.0.5, but after the RUP6 patch and Nov CPC patches were applied, was unable to do this.

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in unpublished Bug.7488766 - UNABLE TO CHANGE DEPRN METHOD
as the cause.

In the adjustment API, validation for extended depreciation was called for all member assets for any adjustment. This raised errors for any adjustment on member assets.

For R12.0.x (R12.FA.A) Customers: Apply Patch 7606459:R12.FA.A
3 12

On R12.0.x, When attempting to retire an asset, the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48395 Program exited with error

ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called
ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called 
Error: Function da_deprn_rollback_pub.do_all_books returned failure 
Error: Function da_deprn_rollback_pub.do_rollback returned failure 
Error: Function FA_RETIREMENT_PUB.do_retirement returned failure.

Invalid package body for package FA_DEPRN_ROLLBACK_PVT (FAVDRBB.pls | 120.10.12000000.7).

When recompiling the package body of the package FA_DEPRN_ROLLBACK_PVT, the following errors appear:

PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "MT"."GUARANTEE_RATE_METHOD_FLAG": invalid identifier 
PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored 
PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "MT"."GUARANTEE_RATE_METHOD_FLAG": invalid identifier 
PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored 
PLS-00302: component 'GUARANTEE_RATE_METHOD_FLAG' must be declared 
PL/SQL: Statement ignored 
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'FAXGFR' 
PL/SQL: Statement ignored 
PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "RATE_IN_USE": invalid identifier 
PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored

For R12.0.x (R12.FA.A) Customers: Apply Patch 8221289:R12.FA.A which includes fixed file version farat.odf  120.4.12000000.3

You can use the commands like the following:

strings -a $FA_TOP/patch/115/odf/farat.odf | grep '$Header:'

4 12.1

When attempting to reclassify an asset from a leased category to a non-leased category.

Per Note.1054053.1 the correct procedure is to first remove the Lease Number from the asset, save, and then it is possible to reclassify the asset from the leased category, to a non-leased category.

However, after deleting the Lease Number in the Asset Workbench - Asset Details window and saving, when the asset is re-queried, the lease number has not been deleted.

Hence it is not possible to reclassify the asset as the following error message cannot be overcome;

APP-OFA-48395: Please delete the lease before changing the category.

Note, the customer already has the Bug 8974754/ Note 988176.1 codefix in place on 12.1 in FAVRCUTB.pls 120.15.12010000.3

Steps to Reproduce
1. Navigate to Asset Workbench - Asset Details form.
2. Query a leased asset with a lease number assigned.
3. Remove the lease number and save.
4. Requery the asset and find the lease number still populated.


After deleting the Lease Number in the Asset Workbench - Asset Details window and saving, when the asset is re-queried, the lease number has not been deleted and this then prevents reclassification to a non-lease category.

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Download and review the readme and pre-requisites for Patch.9979494:R12.FA.B.
The patch currently requires a password for downloading.
Then please download and apply Patch.10048017:R12.FA.B

2. Ensure that you have taken a backup of your system before applying the recommended patch. 

3. Apply the patch in a test environment. 

4. Confirm the following file versions: 
FAXASSET.fmb 120.208.12010000.68
You can use the commands like the following: 
strings -a $FA_TOP/filename |grep '$Header' 

5. Retest the issue, ensuring that the removal of the lease number is saved before attempting to reclassify the asset to a non-leased category.

6. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.

Note: For Release 12.0, Patch.10367972:R12.FA.Acontaining FAXASSET.fmb 120.189.12000000.90 can be applied to fix the issue.

Reference: Note 1054053.1


Back To Top



Error Strings:

  • APP-OFA-48396: Program exited with errors.
  • APP-OFA-48396: You cannot retire assets you added in the current period


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 12 to 12.1

On R12, Asset Workbench (FAXASSET), Unable To Reclass Leased Assets To Owned Category.
When attempting to reclass a Leased Asset to an Owned Asset, the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48396: Program exited with errors.
ORA-014003: no data found

-- Steps To Reproduce:
The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Open Asset Workbench
2. Find a leased asset 
3. Click Open
4. Delete the Lease number
5. change the category from Leased to Owned
6. Click Done
7. Error received

-- Business Impact:
The issue has the following business impact:
Due to this issue, users cannot change leased assets to fully owned assets.

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 8974754: UNABLE TO RECLASS LEASED ASSET TO OWNED CATEGORY IN R12  as the cause.

When attempting to change an asset from a Leased category to an Owned throwing no data found error.

Technical Description
In Function validate_cat_types (). The Bug 3507682 fix used select 1 from dual and which is returning 0 when the query is executed so it throwing no data found error.

1. For R12.0.x (R12.FA.A) Customers: Apply Patch 9230173:R12.FA.A which includes fixed file version FAVRCUTB.pls  120.15.12000000.1.1200061.2

2. For R12.1.x (R12.FA.B) Customers: Apply Patch 19066382:R12.FA.B which includes fixed file version FAVRCUTB.pls 120.15.12010000.6

2 11.5

On Asset Workbench (FAXASSET), when entering a new assignment or transfer the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48396: Program exited with errors:
ORA-01403: no data found
Error: Function FA_TRANSFER_XIT_PKG.fauticoar returned failure
Error: Function FA_TRANSFER_XIT_PKG.fautfr returned failure
Error: Function FA_DISTRIBUTION_PVT.do_distribution returned failure
Error: Function FA_TRANSFER_PUB.do_transfer returned failure

Due to error, customer is not able to enter transfers.

There were 2 hidden segments in the accounting flexfield.

All segments of the accounting flexfield must be displayed, though they can use default values.
When doing an asset transfer, the system must be able to create all values for the new distribution, including the complete CCID.

Display the segement and populate or provide a default value for usage on those segments so they can populate at build.

NOTE:1020910.102 - Do all segments of the accounting flexfield have to be enabled and displayed?
NOTE:106367.1 - Accounting Key Flexfield - Segment Display Option

3 11.5

Trying to retire an asset via the retirements form gives the following error:

APP-OFA-48396: Program exited with errors
You cannot retire assets you added in the current period.

Error function
FA_RETIREMENT_PUB.do_all_books_retirement returned failure.
Error: function FA_RETIREMENT_PUB.do_retirement returned failure

The same retirement via Mass Retirement fails with the following error:

You cannot retire assets you added in the current period.
User-Defined Exception
Error: function FA_RETIREMENT_PUB.do_all_books_retirement returned failure
Error: function FA_RETIREMENT_PUB.do_retirement returned failure
This asset failed during retirement. Please view logfile for details.
Error: function fa_cua_mass_ext_ret_pkg returned failure

The asset is still in the addition period for all books (Tax and Corporate).

APP-OFA-48396: You cannot retire assets you added in the current period.

There is a pending retirement transaction in the tax book.

1)  Run Calculate Gains and Losses for any tax book which has a Pending Retirement transaction.

2)  Re-attempt the retirement transaction.

4 11.5

When changing the category for a newly capitalized asset the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48396: Program exited with errors
Error in selecting information from FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY.
Error: function FA_INS_DETAIL_PKG.faxindd returened failure
ERROR: function FA_DISTRIBUTION_PVT.do_distribution returened failure
Error: function fa-reclass_PVT.do_reclass returned failure.
Error: function FA_RECLASS_PUB.do_reclass returned failure

CIP-IN-TAX functionality is enabled and mrc_converted_flag is NO for the tax book.

Thus the MRC setup is incorrect for the Tax book.

Correct the MRC setup for the Tax book or do a fresh MRC setup.

Reference: NOTE:126117.1 - Assets and MRC (Multiple Reporting Currencies)


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Error Strings:

  • APP-OFA-48397 Program exited with errors unable to get the concurrent request status using procedure FND_CURRENT.GET_REQUEST_STATUS
  • CHECK_BOOK_STATUS ended with error
  • ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 to 12.1 When running depreciation, the following error message appears in the form:

APP-OFA-48397 Program exited with errors
unable to get the concurrent request status using procedure
Module CHECK_BOOK_STATUS ended with error
The DEPRN_STATUS in the FA_BOOK_CONTROLS table was incorrectly set to 'S' after a failed depreciation run.Verify the book status:
SQL> select book_type_code, deprn_request_id, mass_request_id, deprn_status
from fa_book_controls
where book_type_code = '&book_type_code';

Please log a service request with Oracle Fixed Assets Support for guidance on the following steps:

If the deprn_status is anything other than 'S', DO NOT PROCEED with resetting the status.

Check to make sure there are no records in FA_DEPRN_DETAIL and FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY tables.

1. Get the period_counter:
SQL> select period_counter
from fa_deprn_periods
where book_type_code = '&book_type_code'
and period_close_date is null;

The period_counter is the current period counter number associated with the period you are trying to run depreciation for, and the book_type_code is the name of your Asset Book.

2. Check the FA_DEPRN_DETAIL and FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY tables for records:
SQL> select count(*)
from fa_deprn_summary
where book_type_code = '&book_type_code'
and period_counter = &period_counter
and deprn_amount is not null;
SQL> select count(*)
from fa_deprn_detail
where book_type_code = '&book_type_code'
and period_counter = &period_counter
and deprn_amount is not null;

If step 2 return 0 rows then run the following script:
SQL> update fa_book_controls
set deprn_request_id = NULL,
deprn_status = 'E'
where deprn_status = 'S'
and book_type_code = '&book_type_code';
3. Rerun Depreciation.

NOTE: Never under any circumstances update the deprn_status to 'C' for 'Complete'.

4. If the SQL in step 2 returns rows, Please log a service request with Oracle Fixed Assets Support for guidance.
211.5 and laterWhen attempting to enter Unplanned Depreciation using the Asset Workbench, and checking the 'Amortize From Current Period' checkbox the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48397: Program exited with errors:
ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called
Error: function fa_unplanned_pvt.do_unplanned returned failure
Error: function fa_unplanned_pub.do_all_books returned failure
Error: function fa_unplanned_pub.do_unplanned returned failure
Getting Debug information
Applying Patch 9800906produced invalid object FA_AMORT_PVT.
Recompiling returns errors:

-------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
12778/16 PL/SQL: Statement ignored
12778/25 PLS-00302: component 'COST_FRAC' must be declared
13173/16 PL/SQL: Statement ignored
13173/25 PLS-00302: component 'COST_FRAC' must be declared
13175/16 PL/SQL: Statement ignored
13175/81 PLS-00302: component 'COST_FRAC' must be declared
For R11i Customers: Apply Patch 9347165(instead of patch 9800906) which includes fixed file version FAVAMRTB.pls

Pre-req patches include: 11i.FA.M/N/O + Rollup:4902861 + 1-off 8995517

Please ensure you have file version FAVAMRTB.pls 115.167 or 115.167.167.x


Back To Top



Error Strings:

  • APP-OFA-48398: Program exited with error


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 to 12.2 Adding asset errors out with calendar message:

APP-OFA-48398: Program exited with error:
Cache: Error retrieving fraction of calendar year for:

Calendar Type: UCC Day Celanda
Fiscal Year: 2011

Cause: You have a database problem.
Action: Contact your system administrator.

ORA-01403: no data found

Error: function fa_cache_pkg.fazcff returned failure
Error: function fa_cde_pkg.faxcfyf retruned failure
Error: function fa_cde_pkg.faxcde retruned failure
Error: function fa_exp_pkg.faxexp retruned failure
Error: function fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset retruned failure
The UCC Day Daily Calendar is like:

01-JAN-2011 31-JAN-2011

Hence incomplete.
Your daily calendar is NOT complete.
You need to set it up for the FULL fiscal year and the next year.

Hence, by arrowing down further up to 31-DEC-2012... would take 5 minutes.
2 11.5

On Asset Workbench (FAXASSET), when attempting source line transfers the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48398: Program exited with errors:


User-Defined Exception

Error: function FA_AMORT_PVT.faxama retruned failure 
Error: function fa_adjustment_pvt.do_adjustment returned failure 
Error: function fa_adjustment_pub.do_all_books returned failure 
Error: function fa_adjustment_pub.do_adjustment returned failure 
Error: function fa_inv_xfr_pub.do_transfer returned failure

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 6604235: IN ASSET WORKBENCH, FA_DIFF_SIGN_LIMIT ERROR HAPPENS
as the cause.

The FA_ASSET_CALC_PVT.calc_deprn_limit_adj_rec_cost function was failing resulting in error message FA_DIFF_SIGN_LIMIT.

For R11i Customers: Apply Patch 6766312which includes fixed file versions:

FAVAMRTB.pls  115.218   
FAVCALB.pls   115.190   
FAVCALS.pls   115.24 

3 11.5

Get the following errors when attempting to reinstate a Group Asset retired in a prior period:

APP-OFA-48398 Program Exited with errors:
ORA-1400: cannot insert NULL into ("FA"."FA_BOOKS"."COST")
Error: function fa_books_pkg.insert_row returned failure
ORA-1400: cannot insert NULL into ("FA"."FA_BOOKS"."COST")
Error: function fa_adjustment_pvt.do_adjustment returned failure
Error: function fa_group_retirement_pvt.do_reinstatement returned failure
Error: function FA_RETIREMENT_PUB.do_sub_regular_reinstatement returned failure
Error: function FA_RETIREMENT_PUB.do_sub_regular_reinstatement returned failure

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in unpublished Bug 3561799: APP-OFA-48398 ATTEMPTING TO REINSTATE MEMBER ASSET RETIRED IN PRIOR PERIOD
as the cause.

When building member asset information, reinstatement was ignored which caused ORA-1400 when inserting a record into FA_BOOKS.

For 11i.FA.M Customers: Apply Patch 3563138which includes fixed file version FAVAMRTB.pls


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Error String:

  • APP-OFA-48400: ORA-01403: no data found
  • APP-OFA-48400: ORA-04063: package body "APPS.FA_MASSADD_PKG" has errors
  • APP-OFA-48400: Error: function FARX_C_WD.WHATIF returned failure (called from FAWDPR)
  • APP-OFA-48400: Error: function famgpi returned failure (called from FAMTFR)
  • FAMAPT: Mass Additions Post Errors with APP-OFA-48400
  • FAMAPT: Mass Additions Post Errors with APP-OFA-48400: ORA-01403: no data found
  • FAMAPT: Mass Additions Post Errors with APP-OFA-48400: Error: function famgpi returned failure (called from FAMAPT)
  • FAMAPT: Mass Additions Post Errors with APP-OFA-48400: Function Famgpi Returned Failure (Called From Famapt) for Asset Category
  • FAMAPT: Mass Additions Post Errors with APP-OFA-48400: Function Famgpi Returned Failure (Called From Famapt) for Asset Source Lines from ADI
  • FAMAPT: Mass Additions Post Errors with APP-OFA-48400: ORA-06550: LINE 1, COLUMN 7
  • FAMAPT: Mass Additions Post Errors with APP-OFA-48400: ORA-06550: line 1, column 7
  • FAMAPT: Mass Additions Post Errors with APP-OFA-48400: ORA-06500: PL/SQL: storage error
  • FAMPRET: Post Mass Retirements Errors with APP-OFA-48400: ORA-06550: line 1, column 7


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 to 12

Calculate Gains and Losses (FARET) errors with:


Depreciation has been processed for the current period in book CORPORATE BOOK.
Please rollback depreciation or close the current period to perform this transaction.
Error: function faxcdr returned failure (called from faxcds)
Error: function faxcds returned failure (called from faxcps)
Error: function faxcps returned failure (called from faxptb)
Error: function faxptb returned failure (called from faxcbs)
Error: function faxcbs returned failure (called from faxbmt)
Error: function faxbmt returned failure (called from FARET)
APP-OFA-48400: ORA-01403: no data found


APP-OFA-47715: Error: function faxcds returned failure (called from faxcps)
APP-OFA-47715: Error: function faxcps returned failure (called from faxptb)
APP-OFA-47715: Error: function faxptb returned failure (called from faxcbs)
APP-OFA-47715: Error: function faxcbs returned failure (called from faxbmt)
APP-OFA-47715: Error: function faxbmt returned failure (called from FARET)
APP-OFA-48400: ORA-01403: no data found

The cause of the error in the tax book depreciation is the status of the depreciation of the corporate book is S (Submitted).

The asset traces for the corp and tax books show the deprn_status of the corp book "CORPORATE BOOK" is S.
It means the depreciation for the corp book CORPORATE BOOK has been submitted and canceled before completion.
This causes the error in the depreciation run of one of the associated tax books "TAX BOOK".


Depreciation status for both corporate and tax books is in S (submitted) status.  You cannot perform any transaction or run concurrent programs on a book where deprn status is S.

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Check deprn_status for both corporate and tax books:

select book_type_code, deprn_request_id, mass_request_id, deprn_status
where book_type_code in ('&CORPORATE_BOOK','&TAX BOOK');

2. If deprn_status = S and/or either mass_request_id or deprn_request_id is not null a data fix is required.
Please log a service request with Oracle Fixed Assets Support for datafix.
2 11.5 and later

Periodic Mass Copy (FAMCP) errors with:

Some retirement transactions are pending.  Please run the Calculate Gains and Losses program. If you wish to cancel or undo the retirement, please query it first.

Error: function fampcrs returned failure (called from FAMCP)
APP-OFA-48400: ORA-01403: no data found

There are some retirements that are not processed in the corporate book that are causing the error.

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Run the following query to identify all assets that are selected for retirement in the corporate book:

SELECT asset_id, book_type_code, date_retired
FROM fa_retirements
WHERE status in ('PENDING', 'REINSTATE') ;

2. Review the assets selected.  Process the retirement(s) by running Calculate Gain and Loss or by querying the asset and deleting the retirement as per business requirements.

3. Run Periodic Mass Copy again.
3 11.5 to 12.1

Mass Additions Post (FAMAPT) errors with APP-OFA-48400
Depreciation has been processed for the current period in book XXXXXXXX (CORP or associated TAX book).
Error: function faxptb returned failure (called from faxcbs)
Error: function faxcbs returned failure (called from faxbmt)
Error: function faxbmt returned failure (called from FAMAPT)
APP-OFA-48400: ORA-01403: no data found

Depreciation has been run for the book(s) without closing the period.

Navigation: FA Responsibility > Depreciation > Rollback Depreciation

1.  Run Rollback Depreciation for ALL associated books that have depreciation run without closing the period (CORP and TAX) then,

2.  Run Mass Additions Post for the CORP book.

4 11.5 to 12.1

Mass Additions Post (FAMAPT) ends in error:
Error: function faxcms returned failure (called from faxcps)
Error: function faxcps returned failure (called from faxptb)
Error: function faxptb returned failure (called from faxcbs)
Error: function faxcbs returned failure (called from faxbmt)
Error: function faxbmt returned failure (called from FAMAPT)
APP-OFA-48400: ORA-01403: no data found
The depreciation run (FADEPR) can also fail with this error.
The same solution applies.

The mass_request_id for the tax book still had a value.

Run the following SQL script:
Select book_type_code, deprn_status, mass_request_id
from fa_book_controls
where distribution_source_book = '&book'; --Posting Book

The deprn_status of the tax book should be 'C' and the mass_request_id should be null.  Please update the columns as needed.
Note:  Never set the deprn_status to 'C' unless instructed to do so by Oracle Support.

If the deprn_status is not 'C' and the mass_request_id is not null then run the following update:

Update fa_book_controls
set deprn_status = 'E',
mass_request_id = NULL
where book_type_code = '&book'; --Tax Book


5 11.5 to 12.1

Mass Additions Post (FAMAPT) errors with:

APP-OFA-48400: Error: function famgpi returned failure (called from FAMAPT)
Error: Rate_adjustment_factor calculated is out of range

Asset period_counter_life_complete column was already populated in FA_BOOKS
when trying to add the mass addition id.

Add the mass addition line to an asset for which the life is not yet complete.

6 11.5 to 12.1

Mass Additions Post (FAMAPT) errors with:

APP-OFA-48400: Error: function famgpi returned failure (called from FAMAPT)

ORA-01403: no data found
Error: function fa_cache_pkg.fazccbd returned failure
Error: function fa_asset_calc_pvt.calc_fin_info returned failure
Error: function fa_addition_pub.do_addition returned failure
Mass Addition ID: 999999 ==> ** FAILED **
Error: function fa_massadd_pkg.do_mass_addition returned failure
Cache: Error retrieving row from FA_CATEGORY_BOOK_DEFAULTS table for:
Category ID: 999

Asset Category has not been setup in the TAX book and the 'Allow CIP in TAX' flag is enabled

Setup the Asset Category also for the associated TAX book(s).

7 11.5 to 12.1

Mass Additions Post (FAMAPT) errors with:

Asset source lines added to FA_MASS_ADDITIONS table from ADI.
APP-OFA-48400: Error: function famgpi returned failure (called from FAMAPT)

The Date Placed in Service (DPIS) was earlier than the system-defined Earliest Date Placed in Service setup for Oracle Assets.

Change DPIS on the source lines to be equal to or later than the Earliest Date Placed in Service.

8 11.5 to 12.1

When attempting to run Post Mass Additions (FAMAPT) the following error occurs:


APP-OFA-48400: ORA-06550: LINE 1, COLUMN 7


APP-OFA-48400: ORA-06550: line 1, column 7

Patch 4970145 was not applied properly

FA.P rollup patch supplies file versions :

famapt.opc 115.123
FAMAPTB.pls 115.36

You have :

famapt.opc 115.119
FAMAPTB.pls 115.36

Incompatible file versions not correct after applying Patch 4970145.

This issue has been fixed in file 'famapt.opc' and version 115.123 or higher.

Re-apply Patch 4970145 and check for file version 'famapt.opc' 115.123

You can use the commands like the following:
strings -a $XX_TOP/filename |grep '$Header'

9 11.5 to 12.1

Mass Additions Post (FAMAPT) ends in error:


APP-OFA-48400: ORA-06500: PL/SQL: storage error
ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_MSG_PUB", lin
Program was terminated by signal 4
APP-OFA-48400: ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 16408 bytes

Too many debug messages.

Posting more than 10,000 mass addition lines.

Set the profile option 'FA: Print Debug' to NO

10 12.1 and later

On 12.1.2 version, FA Addition

When running Post Mass Additions (FAMAPT) for an addition added through Web ADI, the following error occurs.

APP-OFA-48400: ORA-04063: package body "APPS.FA_MASSADD_PKG" has errors

A couple of packages cannot load the library unit APPS.FA_API_TYPES (referenced by APPS.FA_CIP_PUB) and APPS.FA_API_TYPES (referenced by APPS.FA_ADJUSTMENT_PUB). This occurs on older versions of the FAPTYPES.pls (FA_API_TYPES) package.

The Diagnostics: AppsCheck shows an error for the following packages:


For R12.1.x (R12.FA.B) Customers:

Apply Patch 9526835:R12.FA.B which includes fixed file version FAPTYPES.pls  120.33.12010000.6

11 11.5

FAWDPR module: What-If Analysis Program fails due to the following errors:

Request ID: 2617711
Error: function FARX_C_WD.WHATIF returned failure (called from FAWDPR)
APP-OFA-48400: Error: function FARX_C_WD.WHATIF returned failure (called from FAWDPR)

Number of successes: 0
Number of failures: 0
Module What-If Analysis ended with error

Profile option FA: Number of Parallel Requests value is set to a value greater than 1.

As per Development update in Bug 7212196: FAWDPR: APP-OFA-48400: ERROR: FUNCTION FARX_C_WD.WHATIF RETURNED FAILURE

Set the profile option FA: Number of Parallel Requests to 1.

If the profile option must be set to a value greater than 1 for other FA processes, create a new responsibility solely for the purpose of running What-If Analysis Report and set the profile at the 
responsibility level for the new FA responsibility.

12 11.5

On, FAMTFR module: Mass Transfer errors with:

Error: function famgpi returned failure (called from FAMTFR) APP-OFA-48400: 
Error: function famgpi returned failure (called from FAMTFR) 

If the asset description is more than 30 characters, the error is received.

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in unpublished Bug 8359142 - MASS TRANSFER FAILS WITH NO ERROR MESSAGE WHEN DESCRIPTION > 30 CHARS.

For R11i Customers: Apply Patch 9840804 which includes fixed file version FAMTFRB.pls

13 12

Post Mass Retirements (FAMPRET) runs and processes all records but still has an error in the log (no errors on record processing).

Sample log:
Batch Name:
Request ID: ######
Number of failures: 0
Number of successes: 2
APP-OFA-48400: ORA-01403: no data found

Number of successes: 2
Number of failures: 0
Module Mass Retirements ended with error

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 5175646: POST MASS RETIREMENTS ENDS IN ERROR WITH ALL ASSETS SUCCESSFULLY PROCESSED  as the cause.

Leaving the batch name blank triggers the ORA-1403: No Data Found error during logging.

For R12.0.x (R12.FA.A) Customers: Apply Patch 9313206:R12.FA.A which includes fixed file version faxmreb.pls  120.27.12000000.4.1200061.2
14 11.5

Post Mass Retirements (FAMPRET) is ending in error:

FAMPRET module: Post Mass Retirements

APP-OFA-48400: ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of argum

Number of successes: 0
Number of failures: 0
Module Mass Retirements ended with error


The Post Mass Retirements process (FAMPRET) does not process all the records having a review_status of 'POST'.

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 4655220: ESC SEV 2 POST MASS RETIREMENTS IS NOT POSTING ALL THE DATA
as the cause.

When running the Post Mass External Retirements program when multiple partial retirements exist within a batch for the same asset, some of those retirements may not be processed requiring re-running of the program.

1. For 11i.FA.O Customers: Apply one-off Patch 4692881 which includes these fixed file versions:

FACXTREMS.pls 115.8
FACXTREMB.pls 115.36
fampret.opc 115.20

2. Manually relink FAMPRET through adadmin.


3. Alternatively, the following rollup patches will supply this fix:

a) For 11i.FA.P Customers: Apply rollup Patch 4970145

b) For 11i.FA.M/N/O Customers: Apply rollup Patch 4902861


Back To Top



Error String:

  • APP-OFA-48588: Depreciation has been processed for the current period in book &BOOK.


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5

When submitting a mass request, the following error is received when trying to enter the book:

APP-OFA-48588: Depreciation has been processed for the current period in book &BOOK.
Please rollback depreciation or close the current period to perform this transaction.

Most mass requests cannot be run if depreciation has been run in the open period. In 11i, the ability to run depreciation without closing the period posed new restrictions on the approval of various transactions (including mass transactions).
When depreciation is submitted without opting to close the period, it will commit assets and still end up with a "completed" status. In short, mass transactions cannot be permitted in such cases. Specifically, if either of the following is true, mass transactions cannot be submitted:
1. Addition / CIP Addition rows exist in FA_ADJUSTMENTS for the open
period for this book. These would have been commited by Create Journal Entry (CJE) (the initial code called in the depreciation module).
2. Rows in FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY for the open period for this book
(created by the main depreciation engine)
Additionally, mass transactions affecting distribution related information (such as Mass Reclass, Mass Transfers) will also check the associated tax books for the above conditions. Even though the corporate book is the book selected as the book for the transaction, distribution (assignment) related information is shared across books and can lead to corruption if the tax books are not checked.
Rollback depreciation or close the period. Then, re-submit the mass transaction.


Back To Top



Error String:

  • APP-OFA-48678: Date must be in a future asset period.


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5 to 12.1

A Mass Addition was created from AP with a transaction type of Future Add and a queue of New. In the next period, the Process Pending Transaction (FAPPT) program ended normally. When changing the queue status from 'New' to 'Post' in Prepare Mass Additions, the following error occurs:


Manually created Mass Addition (addition to an asset) is not posted but instead remains in queue, COST ADJUSTMENT, if transaction date is in a previous period than the current open period. Expect the addition to be added/posted to the asset making use of the past period transaction date.

When trying to overwrite the transaction again with a date before the current period the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48678: Date must be in a future asset period.

In AP, when Mass Additions Create is run to transfer invoice lines to FA, the program will pick up all invoice lines with a GL date if the GL date of the invoice line is greater than the end date defined for the current open period, the transaction_type_code will be set to FUTURE ADD as it will be considered a future addition.

Run Mass Additions Create for 27-FEB-10. The program will pick up all invoice lines with GL date The current open period in FA is JAN-10 which is defined to be from 01-JAN-10 to 31-JAN-10.
All invoice lines with a GL date between 01-FEB-10 and 27-FEB-10 will be set to FUTURE ADD as the GL date falls in a future period for FA. If a line is set as a transaction_type_code of FUTURE ADD, the transaction date cannot be a date in the current period.


When mass additions create was run, it was run before the period was opened so it was a future line. Depreciation was run while the line was in the ON-HOLD or NEW queue and thus Process Pending Transactions didn't pick it up. Now the form will not allow the queue to be set to POST due to validation that prevents it.

Any FUTURE ADD transactions must be in the POST queue when depreciation is run, then the Process Pending Transaction (FAPPT) process runs for the next open period.
If they were not in the POST queue at the time the Process Pending Transaction runs, they will not post.

To get missed items to post:
Null out the transaction_type_code and transaction_date so that the invoices can be processed in the correct period via FAMAPT (Post Mass Additions Program).

The transaction type can be modifed via SQL:

Note: Support NOT responsible for scripts run directly on production environments.

set transaction_type_code = NULL, 
transaction_date = NULL 
where mass_addition_id = &mass_addition_id


To prevent this issue, in the future, ensure the queue is updated from NEW to POST before Depreciation is run, then the Process Pending Transactions will post the item.


Back To Top



Error String:

  • APP-OFA-48763: One or more records have not been updated.


Seq Release Symptom/Presentation Cause Fix
1 11.5

After applying Patch 7040403 or Patch 6317575, When attempting to Post All mass additions in the Prepare Mass Additions form (FAXMADDS), the following error occurs:

APP-OFA-48763: One or more records have not been updated.
Requery the records that were not successfully updated based on your last query.
Number of successes :0
Number of failure : 5

Cause: the lines have either failed validation or were not updated successfully to the desired queue.

Changes: Patch 7040403 or Patch 6317575

For Patch 7040403: The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 8320343: 'POST ALL' STILL NOT WORKING - APP-OFA-48763 ERROR - AFTER PATCH 7040403
as the cause.


For Patch 6317575: The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 6597560/Bug.7002804 FAXMADDS:APP-OFA-48763:CANNOT POST ALL IN MASS ADDITIONS SUMMARY
as the cause.

The bug applies to this issue after Patch 6476594 but also after Patch 6317575 (in fact both patches are almost identical, latter does not supply some Japanese specific data).

User is not able to set all the transactions to POST queue because deprn method is passed as null for the batch. No Defaulting is done.
Package FA_MASSADD_SPECIAL_PKG.do_validate has been modified to default deprn_method from fa_category_book_defaults using asset category and book type code.

This issue has been fixed in file FAMADSB.pls and version 115.11 or higher.

1. For R11i Customers: Apply Rollup Patch 7427746: Dec 2008 Assets 11i Consolidated RUP


2. Apply one-off Patch 7040403applicable on top of 11i.FA.P.

Please note that a similar error could also be caused by required fields not populated for the Mass Additions lines.
Please review your Mass Additions and verify if single lines can be manually set to POST queue.
If not, then complete the required fields in Prepare Mass Additions before setting them to the POST queue.
2 12.1

In the Mass Additions Summary window, the following error occurs when changing the queue to 'Post All' from the menu:

APP-OFA-48763: One or more records have not been updated.
Requery the records that were not successfully updated based on your last query
However, the queue can be changed to 'POST' in the Mass Additions form.  The 'Sum Units' checkbox is selected.

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in published Bug 16038304: POST ALL DOESN'T WORK WHEN INVOICES MERGED WITH 'SUM UNITS' BOX CHECKED  as the cause.

1.  Bug Summary

'POST ALL' fails for identical parent and child invoice distribution lines.

Added new variable in function 'validate_duplicate_dist'.
2.  Fixed File:
R12.1, FA.B:

 FAVVALB.pls  120.69.12010000.67
3.  Recommended Patch:

Apply Patch 16038304.


3 12 to 12.1

When attempting to run Post All in Mass Addition Summary, the following error occurs.

APP-OFA-48763: One or more records have not been updated. Requery the records that were not successfully updated based on your last query.
Number of Successes: 0
Number of Failures: 57
Cause: The lines have either failed validation or were not updated successfully to the desired queue.
Action: The form will now requery those lines which still meet your original search criteria.
Please review the lines which have not been updated for missing or invalid information, then retry.
To see a detailed explanation of why the lines failed validation, or were not updated successfully, update the queue manually for each record, then save your changes.

The cause of this problem has been identified and verified in unpublished Bug 11895180: POST ALL MASS ADDITIONS FAILS WITH APP-OFA-48763  as the cause.

1. For R12.0.x (R12.FA.A) Customers: Apply Patch 12312294:R12.FA.A which includes fixed file version FAVVALB.pls  120.65.12000000.58

2. For R12.1.x (R12.FA.B) Customers: Apply Patch 11895180:R12.FA.B which includes fixed file version FAVVALB.pls  120.69.12010000.54


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NOTE:133442.1  - Oracle Assets Troubleshooting Guide for Mass Additions Post (FAMAPT)

NOTE:342213.1  - R11i FAMAPT: Mass Additions Post Errors With "The Employee To Which This Distribution Line Is Assigned Is No Longer Valid"

NOTE:290392.1  - About Oracle Assets in Financials Family Pack G






NOTE:299917.1  - Asset Workbench (FAXASSET): Errors With 'APP-OFA-48392: Amortization Start Date must be after Date Placed in Service' When Changing Date Placed in Service
NOTE:1298731.1  - R12 Mass Additions Creation process Passes PO Requestor or Deliver into FA
NOTE:223088.1  - Mass Additions Post (FAMAPT) Ends with APP-OFA-48400, APP-FND-500 Unknown Printer





NOTE:1308325.1  - Information Center: Overview for Oracle Fixed Assets (FA) R11i and R12


NOTE:1308470.1  - FAMAPT Mass Additions Post Errors With APP-OFA-48400 ORA-01403 ORA-06550
NOTE:1269754.1  - How To Transfer Units from Multiple Distributions to a Single Distribution Without APP-OFA-48395, APP-OFA-48392?

NOTE:199678.1  - Depreciation Ends with Error in FND_CONCURRENT.GET_REQUEST_STATUS
NOTE:438507.1  - Unable To Run Depreciation Or To Rollback Depreciation. Fail To Get Lock On FA_BOOK_CONTROLS


NOTE:235137.1  - FAMAPT: Error Retrieving Row from FA_CATEGORY_BOOK_DEFAULTS Table; ORA-1403


NOTE:130686.1  - How to Generate Form, Library and Menu for Oracle Applications (11i and R12)
