转自:https://shenchunxu.blog.csdn.net/article/details/70054161 有删改
该模块包含了实现DICOM网络通信的所有函数集,即:DICOM上层有限状态机(DICOM Upper Layer Finite State Machine),关联控制服务元素(Association Control Service Element, ACSE)以及DICOM消息服务元素(DICOM Message Service Element, DIMSE)。
- assoc.h: 这个文件包含程序,为DICOM应用提供关联管理。它维护描述活动关联的结构,提供对关联特定信息的访问。也提供程序帮助关联协议association negotiation(presentation contexts, abstract syntaxes, transfer syntaxes, maximum PDU length, and other extended negotiation)。该包使用了DICOM上层机制接收/发送关联请求/响应。每一个活动的关联由T_ASC_Association结构表示,包含了所有相关的信息。模块前缀ASC_。
- dimse.h: 这个文件包含程序,为DICOM应用提供dimse层的服务。
- echoscu: DICOM verification (C-ECHO) SCU
- findscu: DICOM query (C-FIND) SCU
- movescu: DICOM retrieve (C-MOVE) SCU
- storescp: DICOM storage (C-STORE) SCP
- storescu: DICOM storage (C-STORE) SCU
- termscu: DICOM termination SCU
dcmpstat: 一个描述状态(presentation state)库和可用工具。 This module contains classes that implement a high-level API for the DICOM Softcopy Grayscale Presentation State Storage SOP Class. It also contains various support classes that are used by DICOMscope, a free DICOM viewer that has been developed as a demonstrator for presentation states. See http://dicom.offis.de/dscope。
- DVPresentationState: 一个灰度软拷贝描述状态。这个类管理着一个描述状态对象的数据结构。描述状态可以创建、读、写和更改。在dvpstat.h中定义。
- DVInterface: 这个接口类是用来帮助软拷贝描述状态浏览器工作的。这个类管理着数据库机制,允许开始和停止网络交互,并访问图像和描述状态。在dviface.h中定义。
- DVPSStoredPrint: the representation of a Stored Print object。在文件dvpssp.h中定义。
- dcmmkcrv: Add 2D curve data to image
- dcmmklut: Create DICOM look-up tables
- dcmp2pgm: Read DICOM image and presentation state and render bitmap
- dcmprscp: DICOM basic grayscale print management SCP
- dcmprscu: Print spooler for presentation state viewer
- dcmpschk: Checking tool for presentation states
- dcmpsmk: Create DICOM grayscale softcopy presentation state
- dcmpsprt: Read DICOM images and presentation states and render print job
- dcmpsrcv: Network receive for presentation state viewer
- dcmpssnd: Network send for presentation state viewer
- DcmSignature: this class provides the main interface to the dcmsign module - it allows to create, examine and verify digital signatures in DICOM datasets or items. The methods in this class do not handle digital signatures embedded in sequence items within the dataset, other than providing helper functions that allow to locate and attach the sub-items separately. 在dcsignat.h中定义。
- SiSecurityProfile: 所有安全框架的抽象基类。abstract base class for all security profiles. 在sisprof.h文件中定义。
- SiCertificate: a class representing X.509 public key certificates. 在sicert.h文件中定
- SiPrivateKey: a class representing a private key. 在siprivat.h文件中定义。
- SiMAC: a base class for all classes that implement hash functions. 在simac.h文件中定义。
- dcmsign: Sign and Verify DICOM Files
dcmsr是一个结构化报表库和可用工具。这个模块包括一些类来读、写、创建、修改、访问、打印和显示DICOM结构化报表文档。 所支持的SOP类列表由DSRTypes::E_DocumentType提供。
- DSRDocument: Interface class for 'dcmsr' (DICOM Structured Reporting Documents). This class supports reading, writing, creation, printing and rendering of DICOM SR documents (according to DICOM PS 3.x-2004, formerly known as Supplement 23). The list of supported SOP classes is available in file "dsrtypes.h". 在dsrdoc.h中定义。
- DSRDocumentTree: 管理SR文档树的类。在dsrdoctr.h中定义。
- DSRContentItem: Interface class for content items. This class allows to access the document tree nodes without using any pointers. 在dsrcitem.h中定义。
- DSRCodedEntryValue: Class for coded entry values. 在dsrcodvl.h中定义。
- dsr2html: Render DICOM SR file and data set to HTML
- dsr2xml: Convert DICOM SR file and data set to XML
- dsrdump: Dump DICOM SR file and data set
- xml2dsr: Convert DICOM SR file and data set to XML
d cmtls是网络库的安全扩展。This module contains classes that implement DICOM network communication tunneled through a Transport Layer Security (TLS) connection, conforming to the DICOM "Security Enhancements One" extension (formerly Supplement 31). This module requires the external OpenSSL library.
- DcmTLSTransportLayer: factory class which creates secure TLS transport layer connections and maintains the parameters common to all TLS transport connections in one application (e.g. the pool of trusted certificates, the key and certificate to be used for authentication and the list of ciphersuite to be used for association negotiation.)。在tlslayer.h文件中定义。
- DcmTLSConnection: this class represents a TLS (Transport Layer Security) V1 based secure transport connection.
dcmwlm是一个设备工作表(Modality Worklist)数据库服务器。
这个模块包含类,作为一个SCP,为实现DICOM Modality Worklist Management Service的应用提供支持。基于这些类的SCP可以从C-Find-RSP返回消息中找到相关信息。
- WlmActivityManager: This class encapsulates data structures and operations for basic worklist management service class providers. 在wlmactmg.h文件中定义。
- WlmDataSource: This class encapsulates data structures and operations for connecting to an arbitrary data source in the framework of the DICOM basic worklist management service. 在wlds.h文件中定义。
- WlmDataSourceFileSystem: This class encapsulates data structures and operations for connecting to a file-based data source in the framework of the DICOM basic worklist management service. 在wldsfs.h文件中定义。
- WlmFileSystemInteractionManager: This class encapsulates data structures and operations for managing data base interaction in the framework of the DICOM basic worklist management service. 在wlfsim.h文件中定义。
- wlmscpfs: DICOM Basic Worklist Management SCP (based on data files)
This module contains a simple image archive that manages a number of storage areas and allows images to be stored in these storage areas using the DICOM Storage Service Class. It also allows image attributes to be queried and images to be retrieved using the DICOM Query/Retrieve Service Class.
- dcmqridx: Register a DICOM image file in an image database index file
- dcmqrscp: DICOM image archive (central test node)
- dcmqrti: The Terminal Initiator Telnet Client Program
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