类型,可以为空,不为空时长度不超过8192个字节。import dataPreferences from '@ohos.data.preferences';
实例,读取指定文件 dataPreferences.getPreferences(this.context, 'mystore', (err, preferences) => {
if (err) {
console.error(`Failed to get preferences. Code:${err.code},message:${err.message}`);
console.info('Succeeded in getting preferences.');
// 进行相关数据操作
判断是否存在 preferences.put('startup', 'auto', (err) => {
if (err) {
console.error(`Failed to put data. Code:${err.code}, message:${err.message}`);
console.info('Succeeded in putting data.');
preferences.get('startup', 'default', (err, val) => {
if (err) {
console.error(`Failed to get value of 'startup'. Code:${err.code}, message:${err.message}`);
console.info(`Succeeded in getting value of 'startup'. val: ${val}.`);
preferences.delete('startup', (err) => {
if (err) {
console.error(`Failed to delete the key 'startup'. Code:${err.code}, message:${err.message}`);
console.info("Succeeded in deleting the key 'startup'.");
方法实现数据持久化preferences.flush((err) => {
if (err) {
console.error(`Failed to flush. Code:${err.code}, message:${err.message}`);
console.info('Succeeded in flushing.');
import preferences from '@ohos.data.preferences'; class PreferencesUtil{ prefMap: Map<string, preferences.Preferences> = new Map() async loadPreference(context, name: string){ try { // 加载preferences let pref = await preferences.getPreferences(context, name) this.prefMap.set(name, pref) console.log('testTag', `加载Preferences[${name}]成功`) } catch (e) { console.log('testTag', `加载Preferences[${name}]失败`, JSON.stringify(e)) } } async putPreferenceValue(name: string, key: string, value: preferences.ValueType){ if (!this.prefMap.has(name)) { console.log('testTag', `Preferences[${name}]尚未初始化!`) return } try { let pref = this.prefMap.get(name) // 写入数据 await pref.put(key, value) // 刷盘 await pref.flush() console.log('testTag', `保存Preferences[${name}.${key} = ${value}]成功`) } catch (e) { console.log('testTag', `保存Preferences[${name}.${key} = ${value}]失败`, JSON.stringify(e)) } } async getPreferenceValue(name: string, key: string, defaultValue: preferences.ValueType){ if (!this.prefMap.has(name)) { console.log('testTag', `Preferences[${name}]尚未初始化!`) return } try { let pref = this.prefMap.get(name) // 读数据 let value = await pref.get(key, defaultValue) console.log('testTag', `读取Preferences[${name}.${key} = ${value}]成功`) return value } catch (e) { console.log('testTag', `读取Preferences[${name}.${key} ]失败`, JSON.stringify(e)) } } } const preferencesUtil = new PreferencesUtil() export default preferencesUtil as PreferencesUtil
import UIAbility from '@ohos.app.ability.UIAbility';
import PreferencesUtil from '../common/util/PreferencesUtil'
export default class EntryAbility extends UIAbility {
async onCreate(want, launchParam) {
hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', '%{public}s', 'Ability onCreate running');
// 加载Preferences
await PreferencesUtil.loadPreference(this.context, 'MyPreferences')
)获取实例并赋值import IndexFontSizePanel from '../views/IndexFontSizePanel' import PreferencesUtil from '../common/util/PreferencesUtil' @Entry @Component struct Index { @State message: string = '页面列表' @State showPanel: boolean = false @Provide fontSize: number = 16 async aboutToAppear(){ this.fontSize = await PreferencesUtil.getPreferenceValue('MyPreferences', 'IndexFontSize', 16) as number } build() { Column() { // 字体修改面板 if(this.showPanel){ IndexFontSizePanel() .transition({ translate: { y: 115 } }) } } .width('100%') .height('100%') } }
方法中修改实例值import PreferencesUtil from '../common/util/PreferencesUtil' @Component export default struct IndexFontSizePanel { @Consume fontSize: number fontSizLabel: object = { 14: '小', 16: '标准', 18: '大', 20: '特大', } build() { Column() { Text(this.fontSizLabel[this.fontSize]).fontSize(20) Row({ space: 5 }) { Text('A').fontSize(14).fontWeight(FontWeight.Bold) Slider({ min: 14, max: 20, step: 2, value: this.fontSize }) .showSteps(true) .trackThickness(6) .layoutWeight(1) .onChange(val => { // 修改字体大小 this.fontSize = val // 写入Preferences PreferencesUtil.putPreferenceValue('MyPreferences', 'IndexFontSize', val) }) Text('A').fontSize(20).fontWeight(FontWeight.Bold) }.width('100%') } .width('100%') .padding(15) .backgroundColor('#fff1f0f0') .borderRadius(20) } }
import relationalStore from '@ohos.data.relationalStore';
const STORE_CONFIG = {
name: 'RdbTest.db', // 数据库文件名
securityLevel: relationalStore.SecurityLevel.S1 // 数据库安全级别
// 建表Sql语句
relationalStore.getRdbStore(this.context, STORE_CONFIG, (err, store) => {
if (err) {
console.error(`Failed to get RdbStore. Code:${err.code}, message:${err.message}`);
console.info(`Succeeded in getting RdbStore.`);
store.executeSql(SQL_CREATE_TABLE); // 创建数据表
// 这里执行数据库的增、删、改、查等操作
const valueBucket = {
'NAME': 'Lisa',
'AGE': 18,
'SALARY': 100.5,
'CODES': new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
store.insert('EMPLOYEE', valueBucket, (err, rowId) => {
if (err) {
console.error(`Failed to insert data. Code:${err.code}, message:${err.message}`);
console.info(`Succeeded in inserting data. rowId:${rowId}`);
const valueBucket = { 'NAME': 'Rose', 'AGE': 22, }; // 创建表'EMPLOYEE'的predicates let predicates = new relationalStore.RdbPredicates('EMPLOYEE'); // 匹配表'EMPLOYEE'中'NAME'为'Lisa'的字段 predicates.equalTo('NAME', 'Lisa'); store.update(valueBucket, predicates, (err, rows) => { if (err) { console.error(`Failed to update data. Code:${err.code}, message:${err.message}`); return; } console.info(`Succeeded in updating data. row count: ${rows}`); })
let predicates = new relationalStore.RdbPredicates('EMPLOYEE');
predicates.equalTo('NAME', 'Lisa');
store.delete(predicates, (err, rows) => {
if (err) {
console.error(`Failed to delete data. Code:${err.code}, message:${err.message}`);
console.info(`Delete rows: ${rows}`);
let predicates = new relationalStore.RdbPredicates('EMPLOYEE');
predicates.equalTo('NAME', 'Rose');
let result = await store.query(predicates, ['ID', 'NAME', 'AGE', 'SALARY', 'CODES'])
// 准备数组保存结果
let tasks:any[]=[]
let id = result.getLong(result.getColumnIndex('ID'));
let name = result.getString(result.getColumnIndex('NAME'));
import relationalStore from '@ohos.data.relationalStore'; import TaskInfo from '../viewmodel/TaskInfo'; class TaskModel { private rdbStore: relationalStore.RdbStore private tableName: string = 'TASK' /** * 初始化任务表 */ initTaskDB(context){ // 1.rdb配置 const config = { name: 'MyApplication.db', securityLevel: relationalStore.SecurityLevel.S1 } // 2.初始化SQL语句 const sql = `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS TASK ( ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, NAME TEXT NOT NULL, FINISHED bit )` // 3.获取rdb relationalStore.getRdbStore(context, config, (err, rdbStore) => { if(err){ console.log('testTag', '获取rdbStore失败!') return } // 执行Sql rdbStore.executeSql(sql) console.log('testTag', '创建task表成功!') // 保存rdbStore this.rdbStore = rdbStore }) } /** * 查询任务列表 */ async getTaskList(){ // 1.构建查询条件 let predicates = new relationalStore.RdbPredicates(this.tableName) // 2.查询 let result = await this.rdbStore.query(predicates, ['ID', 'NAME', 'FINISHED']) // 3.解析查询结果 // 3.1.定义一个数组,组装最终的查询结果 let tasks: TaskInfo[] = [] // 3.2.遍历封装 while(!result.isAtLastRow){ // 3.3.指针移动到下一行 result.goToNextRow() // 3.4.获取数据 let id = result.getLong(result.getColumnIndex('ID')) let name = result.getString(result.getColumnIndex('NAME')) let finished = result.getLong(result.getColumnIndex('FINISHED')) // 3.5.封装到数组 tasks.push({id, name, finished: !!finished}) } console.log('testTag', '查询到数据:', JSON.stringify(tasks)) return tasks } /** * 添加一个新的任务 * @param name 任务名称 * @returns 任务id */ addTask(name: string): Promise<number>{ return this.rdbStore.insert(this.tableName, {name, finished: false}) } /** * 根据id更新任务状态 * @param id 任务id * @param finished 任务是否完成 */ updateTaskStatus(id: number, finished: boolean) { // 1.要更新的数据 let data = {finished} // 2.更新的条件 let predicates = new relationalStore.RdbPredicates(this.tableName) predicates.equalTo('ID', id) // 3.更新操作 return this.rdbStore.update(data, predicates) } /** * 根据id删除任务 * @param id 任务id */ deleteTaskById(id: number){ // 1.删除的条件 let predicates = new relationalStore.RdbPredicates(this.tableName) predicates.equalTo('ID', id) // 2.删除操作 return this.rdbStore.delete(predicates) } } let taskModel = new TaskModel(); export default taskModel as TaskModel;
import UIAbility from '@ohos.app.ability.UIAbility';
import hilog from '@ohos.hilog';
import window from '@ohos.window';
import TaskModel from '../model/TaskModel';
export default class EntryAbility extends UIAbility {
async onCreate(want, launchParam) {
// 初始化任务表
import TaskModel from '../../model/TaskModel' // 总任务数量 @Link totalTask: number @Link finishTask: number // 任务数组 @State tasks: TaskInfo[] = [] aboutToAppear(){ // 查询任务列表 console.log('testTag', '初始化组件,查询任务列表') TaskModel.getTaskList() .then(tasks => { this.tasks = tasks // 更新任务状态 this.handleTaskChange() }) } handleTaskChange(){ // 1.更新任务总数量 this.totalTask = this.tasks.length // 2.更新已完成任务数量 this.finishTask = this.tasks.filter(item => item.finished).length }
handleAddTask(name: string){ // 1.新增任务 TaskModel.addTask(name) .then(id => { console.log('testTag', '处理新增任务: ', name) // 回显到数组页面 this.tasks.push(new TaskInfo(id, name)) // 2.更新任务完成状态 this.handleTaskChange() // 3.关闭对话框 this.dialogController.close() }) .catch(error => console.log('testTag', '新增任务失败:', name, JSON.stringify(error))) }
@Builder DeleteButton(index: number, id: number){ Button(){ Image($r('app.media.ic_public_delete_filled')) .fillColor(Color.White) .width(20) } .width(40) .height(40) .type(ButtonType.Circle) .backgroundColor(Color.Red) .margin(5) .onClick(() => { // 删除任务 TaskModel.deleteTaskById(id) .then(() => { this.tasks.splice(index, 1) console.log('testTag', `尝试删除任务,index: ${index}`) this.handleTaskChange() }) .catch(error => console.log('testTag', '删除任务失败,id = ', id, JSON.stringify(error))) }) }
模块import notificationManager from '@ohos.notificationManager';
let request: notificationManager.NotificationRequest = {
id: 1,
content: {
// 通知内容:...
showDeliveryTime: true, // 是否显示分发时间
deliveryTime: new Date().getTime(), // 通知发送时间
groupName: 'wechat', // 组通知名称
slotType: notify.SlotType.SOCIAL_COMMUNICATION // 通道类型
... //其它属性查看相关文档
notificationManager.publish(request, (err) => {
if (err) {
console.error(`Failed to publish notification. Code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`);
console.info('Succeeded in publishing notification.');
// 取消 id=10 的通知
// 取消当前应用所有通知
let notificationRequest = {
id: 1,
content: {
contentType: notificationManager.ContentType.NOTIFICATION_CONTENT_BASIC_TEXT, // 普通文本类型通知
normal: {
title: '通知标题',
text: '通知内容详情',
additionalText: '通知附加内容',
let notificationRequest = {
id: 1,
content: {
contentType: notificationManager.ContentType.NOTIFICATION_CONTENT_LONG_TEXT, // 长文本类型通知
longText: {
title: '通知标题',
text: '通知内容详情',
additionalText: '通知附加内容',
longText: '通知中的长文本、很长很长。。。',
briefText: '通知概要总结',
expandedTitle: '通知展开时的标题',
let notificationRequest = {
id: 1,
content: {
contentType: NotificationManager.ContentType.NOTIFICATION_CONTENT_MULTILINE, // 多行文本类型通知
multiLine: {
title: '通知标题',
text: '通知内容详情',
additionalText: '通知附加内容',
briefText: '通知概要总结',
longTitle: '展开时的标题,有多行,我很宽',
lines: ['第一行', '第二行', '第三行', '第四行'],
// 需要获取图片PixelMap信息 let imagePixelMap: PixelMap = undefined; let notificationRequest: notificationManager.NotificationRequest = { id: 1, content: { contentType: notificationManager.ContentType.NOTIFICATION_CONTENT_PICTURE, picture: { title: '通知标题', text: '通知内容详情', additionalText: '通知附加内容', briefText: '通知概要总结', expandedTitle: '通知展开时的标题', picture: imagePixelMap } } };
信息async aboutToAppear() {
// 获取资源管理器
let rm = getContext(this).resourceManager;
// 读取图片
let file = await rm.getMediaContent($r('app.media.watchGT4'))
// 创建PixelMap
.then(value => this.pixel = value)
.catch(reason => console.log('testTag', '加载图片异常', JSON.stringify(reason)))
import notify from '@ohos.notificationManager' import image from '@ohos.multimedia.image' @Entry @Component struct NotificationPage { // 全局任务id idx: number = 100 // 图象 pixel: PixelMap async aboutToAppear() { // 获取资源管理器 let rm = getContext(this).resourceManager; // 读取图片 let file = await rm.getMediaContent($r('app.media.watchGT4')) // 创建PixelMap image.createImageSource(file.buffer).createPixelMap() .then(value => this.pixel = value) .catch(reason => console.log('testTag', '加载图片异常', JSON.stringify(reason))) } build() { Column({space: 20}) { Button(`发送normalText通知`) .onClick(() => this.publishNormalTextNotification()) Button(`发送longText通知`) .onClick(() => this.publishLongTextNotification()) Button(`发送multiLine通知`) .onClick(() => this.publishMultiLineNotification()) Button(`发送Picture通知`) .onClick(() => this.publishPictureNotification()) } .width('100%') .height('100%') .padding(5) .backgroundColor('#f1f2f3') } //通知普通文本 publishNormalTextNotification() { let request: notify.NotificationRequest = { id: this.idx++, content: { contentType: notify.ContentType.NOTIFICATION_CONTENT_BASIC_TEXT, normal: { title: '通知标题' + this.idx, text: '通知内容详情', additionalText: '通知附加内容' } }, showDeliveryTime: true, deliveryTime: new Date().getTime(), groupName: 'wechat', slotType: notify.SlotType.SOCIAL_COMMUNICATION } this.publish(request) } //通知长文本 publishLongTextNotification() { let request: notify.NotificationRequest = { id: this.idx++, content: { contentType: notify.ContentType.NOTIFICATION_CONTENT_LONG_TEXT, longText: { title: '通知标题' + this.idx, text: '通知内容详情', additionalText: '通知附加内容', longText: '通知中的长文本,我很长,我很长,我很长,我很长,我很长,我很长,我很长', briefText: '通知概要和总结', expandedTitle: '通知展开时的标题' + this.idx } } } this.publish(request) } //通知多行文本 publishMultiLineNotification() { let request: notify.NotificationRequest = { id: this.idx++, content: { contentType: notify.ContentType.NOTIFICATION_CONTENT_MULTILINE, multiLine: { title: '通知标题' + this.idx, text: '通知内容详情', additionalText: '通知附加内容', briefText: '通知概要和总结', longTitle: '展开时的标题,我很宽,我很宽,我很宽', lines: [ '第一行', '第二行', '第三行', '第四行', ] } } } this.publish(request) } //通知图片类型 publishPictureNotification() { let request: notify.NotificationRequest = { id: this.idx++, content: { contentType: notify.ContentType.NOTIFICATION_CONTENT_PICTURE, picture: { title: '通知标题' + this.idx, text: '通知内容详情', additionalText: '通知附加内容', briefText: '通知概要和总结', expandedTitle: '展开后标题' + this.idx, picture: this.pixel } } } this.publish(request) } // 发送文本 private publish(request: notify.NotificationRequest) { notify.publish(request) .then(() => console.log('notify test', '发送通知成功')) .then(reason => console.log('notify test', '发送通知失败', JSON.stringify(reason))) } }
NotificationManager.isSupportTemplate('downloadTemplate').then((data) => {
console.info(`[ANS] isSupportTemplate success`);
let isSupportTpl: boolean = data; // isSupportTpl的值为true表示支持支持downloadTemplate模板类通知,false表示不支持
// ...
}).catch((err) => {
console.error(`[ANS] isSupportTemplate failed, error[${err}]`);
let template = {
data: {
title: '标题:',
fileName: 'music.mp4', // 文件名
progressValue: 30, //进度条当前值
progressMaxValue:100, // 进度条最大值
let notificationRquest = {
id: 1,
slotType: notify.SlotType.OTHER_TYPES,
template: template, //进度条模板
content: {
contentType: notify.ContentType.NOTIFICATION_CONTENT_BASIC_TEXT,
normal: {
title: template.data.title + template.data.fileName,
text: "sendTemplate",
additionalText: "30%"
deliveryTime: new Date().getTime(),
showDeliveryTime: true
import notify from '@ohos.notificationManager' import promptAction from '@ohos.promptAction' enum DownloadState { NOT_BEGIN = '未开始', DOWNLOADING = '下载中', PAUSE = '已暂停', FINISHED = '已完成', } @Component export default struct DownloadCard { // 下载进度 @State progressValue: number = 0 progressMaxValue: number = 100 // 任务状态 @State state: DownloadState = DownloadState.NOT_BEGIN // 下载的文件名 filename: string = '圣诞星.mp4' // 模拟下载的任务的id taskId: number = -1 // 通知id notificationId: number = 999 isSupport: boolean = false async aboutToAppear(){ // 1.判断当前系统是否支持进度条模板 this.isSupport = await notify.isSupportTemplate('downloadTemplate') } build() { Row({ space: 10 }) { Image($r('app.media.ic_files_video')).width(50) Column({ space: 5 }) { Row() { Text(this.filename) Text(`${this.progressValue}%`).fontColor('#c1c2c1') } .width('100%') .justifyContent(FlexAlign.SpaceBetween) Progress({ value: this.progressValue, total: this.progressMaxValue, }) Row({ space: 5 }) { Text(`${(this.progressValue * 0.43).toFixed(2)}MB`) .fontSize(14).fontColor('#c1c2c1') Blank() if (this.state === DownloadState.NOT_BEGIN) { Button('开始').downloadButton() .onClick(() => this.download()) } else if (this.state === DownloadState.DOWNLOADING) { Button('取消').downloadButton().backgroundColor('#d1d2d3') .onClick(() => this.cancel()) Button('暂停').downloadButton() .onClick(() => this.pause()) } else if (this.state === DownloadState.PAUSE) { Button('取消').downloadButton().backgroundColor('#d1d2d3') .onClick(() => this.cancel()) Button('继续').downloadButton() .onClick(() => this.download()) } else { Button('打开').downloadButton() .onClick(() => this.open()) } }.width('100%') } .layoutWeight(1) } .width('100%') .borderRadius(20) .padding(15) .backgroundColor(Color.White) } cancel() { // 取消定时任务 if(this.taskId > 0){ clearInterval(this.taskId); this.taskId = -1 } // 清理下载任务进度 this.progressValue = 0 // 标记任务状态:未开始 this.state = DownloadState.NOT_BEGIN // 取消通知 notify.cancel(this.notificationId) } download() { // 清理旧任务 if(this.taskId > 0){ clearInterval(this.taskId); } // 开启定时任务,模拟下载 this.taskId = setInterval(() => { // 判断任务进度是否达到100 if(this.progressValue >= 100){ // 任务完成了,应该取消定时任务 clearInterval(this.taskId) this.taskId = -1 // 并且标记任务状态为已完成 this.state = DownloadState.FINISHED // 发送通知 this.publishDownloadNotification() return } // 模拟任务进度变更 this.progressValue += 2 // 发送通知 this.publishDownloadNotification() }, 500) // 标记任务状态:下载中 this.state = DownloadState.DOWNLOADING } pause() { // 取消定时任务 if(this.taskId > 0){ clearInterval(this.taskId); this.taskId = -1 } // 标记任务状态:已暂停 this.state = DownloadState.PAUSE // 发送通知 this.publishDownloadNotification() } open() { promptAction.showToast({ message: '功能未实现' }) } publishDownloadNotification(){ // 1.判断当前系统是否支持进度条模板 if(!this.isSupport){ // 当前系统不支持进度条模板 return } // 2.准备进度条模板的参数 let template = { name: 'downloadTemplate', data: { progressValue: this.progressValue, progressMaxValue: this.progressMaxValue } } let request: notify.NotificationRequest = { id: this.notificationId, template: template, content: { contentType: notify.ContentType.NOTIFICATION_CONTENT_BASIC_TEXT, normal: { title: this.filename + ': ' + this.state, text: '', additionalText: this.progressValue + '%' } } } // 3.发送通知 notify.publish(request) .then(() => console.log('test', '通知发送成功')) .catch(reason => console.log('test', '通知发送失败!', JSON.stringify(reason))) } } @Extend(Button) function downloadButton() { .width(75).height(28).fontSize(14) }
)import NotificationManager from '@ohos.notificationManager';
import wantAgent from '@ohos.app.ability.wantAgent';
let wantAgentInfo = { wants: [ { deviceId: '', bundleName: 'com.example.test', abilityName: 'com.example.test.MainAbility', action: '', entities: [], uri: '', parameters: {} } ], operationType: wantAgent.OperationType.START_ABILITY, requestCode: 0, wantAgentFlags:[wantAgent.WantAgentFlags.CONSTANT_FLAG] }
实例 // 用于保存创建成功的WantAgent对象,后续使用其完成触发的动作。
let wantAgentObj = null;
wantAgent.getWantAgent(wantAgentInfo, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
console.error('[WantAgent]getWantAgent err=' + JSON.stringify(err));
} else {
console.info('[WantAgent]getWantAgent success');
wantAgentObj = data;
let notificationRequest = {
content: {
// ....
id: 1,
label: 'TEST',
wantAgent: wantAgentObj,
import wantAgent, { WantAgent } from '@ohos.app.ability.wantAgent' import promptAction from '@ohos.promptAction' @Component export default struct DownloadCard { // 存放wantAgent实例 wantAgentInstance: WantAgent async aboutToAppear(){ // 1.判断当前系统是否支持进度条模板 this.isSupport = await notify.isSupportTemplate('downloadTemplate') // 2.创建拉取当前应用的行为意图 // 2.1.创建wantInfo信息 let wantInfo: wantAgent.WantAgentInfo = { wants: [ { bundleName: 'com.example.myapplication', abilityName: 'EntryAbility', } ], requestCode: 0, operationType: wantAgent.OperationType.START_ABILITY, wantAgentFlags: [wantAgent.WantAgentFlags.CONSTANT_FLAG] } // 2.2.创建wantAgent实例 this.wantAgentInstance = await wantAgent.getWantAgent(wantInfo) } build() { ···· // 同进度条通知代码示例 } open() { promptAction.showToast({ message: '功能未实现' }) } publishDownloadNotification(){ // 1.判断当前系统是否支持进度条模板 if(!this.isSupport){ // 当前系统不支持进度条模板 return } // 2.准备进度条模板的参数 let template = { name: 'downloadTemplate', data: { progressValue: this.progressValue, progressMaxValue: this.progressMaxValue } } let request: notify.NotificationRequest = { id: this.notificationId, template: template, // 通知意图 wantAgent: this.wantAgentInstance, content: { contentType: notify.ContentType.NOTIFICATION_CONTENT_BASIC_TEXT, normal: { title: this.filename + ': ' + this.state, text: '', additionalText: this.progressValue + '%' } } } // 3.发送通知 notify.publish(request) .then(() => console.log('test', '通知发送成功')) .catch(reason => console.log('test', '通知发送失败!', JSON.stringify(reason))) } } @Extend(Button) function downloadButton() { .width(75).height(28).fontSize(14) }
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