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Differences between ANSI, ISO-8859-1 and MacRoman character sets

differencesbetween ansi, iso-8859-1 and macroman character sets

Character sets

Differences between ANSI, ISO-8859-1 and MacRoman character sets

Of the three main 8-bit character sets, only ISO-8859-1 is produced by a standards organization. The three sets are identical for the 95 characters from 32 to 126, the ASCII character set. The ANSI character set, also known as Windows-1252, has become a Microsoft proprietary character set; it is a superset of ISO-8859-1 with the addition of 27 characters in locations that ISO designates for control codes. Apple’s proprietary MacRoman character set contains a similar variety of characters from 128 to 255, but with very few of them assigned the same numbers, and also assigns characters to the control-code positions.

The characters that appear in the first column of the following tables are generated from Unicode numeric character references, and so they should appear correctly in any Web browser that supports Unicode and that has suitable fonts available, regardless of the operating system.

  1. ANSI characters not present in ISO-8859-1
  2. ANSI characters not present in MacRoman
  3. ISO-8859-1 characters not present in ANSI
  4. ISO-8859-1 characters not present in MacRoman
  5. MacRoman characters not present in ANSI
  6. MacRoman characters not present in ISO-8859-1

 HTML 4.0 
Unicode NameUnicode Range
12883640x80U+20AC€euro signCurrency Symbols
13082180x82U+201A‚single low-9 quotation markGeneral Punctuation
ƒ1314020x83U+0192ƒLatin small letter f with hookLatin Extended-B
13282220x84U+201E„double low-9 quotation markGeneral Punctuation
13382300x85U+2026…horizontal ellipsisGeneral Punctuation
13482240x86U+2020†daggerGeneral Punctuation
13582250x87U+2021‡double daggerGeneral Punctuation
ˆ1367100x88U+02C6ˆmodifier letter circumflex accentSpacing Modifier Letters
13782400x89U+2030‰per mille signGeneral Punctuation
Š1383520x8AU+0160ŠLatin capital letter S with caronLatin Extended-A
13982490x8BU+2039‹single left-pointing angle quotation markGeneral Punctuation
Œ1403380x8CU+0152ŒLatin capital ligature OELatin Extended-A
Ž1423810x8EU+017D Latin capital letter Z with caronLatin Extended-A
14582160x91U+2018‘left single quotation markGeneral Punctuation
14682170x92U+2019’right single quotation markGeneral Punctuation
14782200x93U+201C“left double quotation markGeneral Punctuation
14882210x94U+201D”right double quotation markGeneral Punctuation
14982260x95U+2022•bulletGeneral Punctuation
15082110x96U+2013–en dashGeneral Punctuation
15182120x97U+2014—em dashGeneral Punctuation
˜1527320x98U+02DC˜small tildeSpacing Modifier Letters
15384820x99U+2122™trade mark signLetterlike Symbols
š1543530x9AU+0161šLatin small letter s with caronLatin Extended-A
15582500x9BU+203A›single right-pointing angle quotation mark General Punctuation
œ1563390x9CU+0153œLatin small ligature oeLatin Extended-A
ž1583820x9EU+017E Latin small letter z with caronLatin Extended-A
Ÿ1593760x9FU+0178ŸLatin capital letter Y with diaeresisLatin Extended-A

 HTML 4.0 
Unicode NameUnicode Range
Š1383520x8AU+0160ŠLatin capital letter S with caron Latin Extended-A
Ž1423810x8EU+017D Latin capital letter Z with caronLatin Extended-A
š1543530x9AU+0161šLatin small letter s with caronLatin Extended-A
ž1583820x9EU+017E Latin small letter z with caronLatin Extended-A
¤1641640xA4U+00A4¤currency signLatin-1 Supplement
¦1661660xA6U+00A6¦broken barLatin-1 Supplement
­1731730xADU+00AD­soft hyphenLatin-1 Supplement
²1781780xB2U+00B2²superscript twoLatin-1 Supplement
³1791790xB3U+00B3³superscript threeLatin-1 Supplement
¹1851850xB9U+00B9¹superscript oneLatin-1 Supplement
¼1881880xBCU+00BC¼vulgar fraction one quarterLatin-1 Supplement
½1891890xBDU+00BD½vulgar fraction one halfLatin-1 Supplement
¾1901900xBEU+00BE¾vulgar fraction three quartersLatin-1 Supplement
Ð2082080xD0U+00D0ÐLatin capital letter EthLatin-1 Supplement
×2152150xD7U+00D7×multiplication signLatin-1 Supplement
Ý2212210xDDU+00DDÝLatin capital letter Y with acuteLatin-1 Supplement
Þ2222220xDEU+00DEÞLatin capital letter ThornLatin-1 Supplement
ð2402400xF0U+00F0ðLatin small letter ethLatin-1 Supplement
ý2532530xFDU+00FDýLatin small letter y with acuteLatin-1 Supplement
þ2542540xFEU+00FEþLatin small letter thornLatin-1 Supplement

ANSI is a superset of ISO-8859-1, and so there are no characters in this category.

 HTML 4.0 
Unicode NameUnicode Range
¤1641640xA4U+00A4¤currency signLatin-1 Supplement
¦1661660xA6U+00A6¦broken barLatin-1 Supplement
­1731730xADU+00AD­soft hyphenLatin-1 Supplement
²1781780xB2U+00B2²superscript twoLatin-1 Supplement
³1791790xB3U+00B3³superscript threeLatin-1 Supplement
¹1851850xB9U+00B9¹superscript oneLatin-1 Supplement
¼1881880xBCU+00BC¼vulgar fraction one quarterLatin-1 Supplement
½1891890xBDU+00BD½vulgar fraction one halfLatin-1 Supplement
¾1901900xBEU+00BE¾vulgar fraction three quartersLatin-1 Supplement
Ð2082080xD0U+00D0ÐLatin capital letter EthLatin-1 Supplement
×2152150xD7U+00D7×multiplication signLatin-1 Supplement
Ý2212210xDDU+00DDÝLatin capital letter Y with acute Latin-1 Supplement
Þ2222220xDEU+00DEÞLatin capital letter ThornLatin-1 Supplement
ð2402400xF0U+00F0ðLatin small letter ethLatin-1 Supplement
ý2532530xFDU+00FDýLatin small letter y with acuteLatin-1 Supplement
þ2542540xFEU+00FEþLatin small letter thornLatin-1 Supplement

Character Macintosh 
 HTML 4.0 
Unicode NameUnicode Range
17388000xADU+2260≠not equal toMathematical Operators
17687340xB0U+221E∞infinityMathematical Operators
17888040xB2U+2264≤less-than or equal toMathematical Operators
17988050xB3U+2265≥greater-than or equal toMathematical Operators
18287060xB6U+2202∂partial differentialMathematical Operators
18387210xB7U+2211∑n-ary summationMathematical Operators
18487190xB8U+220F∏n-ary productMathematical Operators
π1859600xB9U+03C0πGreek small letter piGreek
18687470xBAU+222B∫integralMathematical Operators
Ω1899370xBDU+03A9ΩGreek capital letter Omega Greek
19587300xC3U+221A√square rootMathematical Operators
19787760xC5U+2248≈almost equal toMathematical Operators
19887100xC6U+2206 incrementMathematical Operators
21596740xD7U+25CA◊lozengeGeometric Shapes
21882600xDAU+2044⁄fraction slashGeneral Punctuation
222642570xDEU+FB01 Latin small ligature fiAlphabetic Presentation Forms
223642580xDFU+FB02 Latin small ligature flAlphabetic Presentation Forms
240637430xF0U+F8FF Apple logoPrivate Use Area
ı2453050xF5U+0131 Latin small letter dotless iLatin Extended-A
˘2497280xF9U+02D8 breveSpacing Modifier Letters
˙2507290xFAU+02D9 dot aboveSpacing Modifier Letters
˚2517300xFBU+02DA ring aboveSpacing Modifier Letters
˝2537330xFDU+02DD double acute accentSpacing Modifier Letters
˛2547310xFEU+02DB ogonekSpacing Modifier Letters
ˇ2557110xFFU+02C7 caronSpacing Modifier Letters

Character Macintosh 
 HTML 4.0 
Unicode NameUnicode Range
16082240xA0U+2020†daggerGeneral Punctuation
16582260xA5U+2022•bulletGeneral Punctuation
17084820xAAU+2122™trade mark signLetterlike Symbols
17388000xADU+2260≠not equal toMathematical Operators
17687340xB0U+221E∞infinityMathematical Operators
17888040xB2U+2264≤less-than or equal toMathematical Operators
17988050xB3U+2265≥greater-than or equal toMathematical Operators
18287060xB6U+2202∂partial differentialMathematical Operators
18387210xB7U+2211∑n-ary summationMathematical Operators
18487190xB8U+220F∏n-ary productMathematical Operators
π1859600xB9U+03C0πGreek small letter piGreek
18687470xBAU+222B∫integralMathematical Operators
Ω1899370xBDU+03A9ΩGreek capital letter OmegaGreek
19587300xC3U+221A√square rootMathematical Operators
19787760xC5U+2248≈almost equal toMathematical Operators
19887100xC6U+2206 incrementMathematical Operators
20182300xC9U+2026…horizontal ellipsisGeneral Punctuation
Œ2063380xCEU+0152ŒLatin capital ligature OELatin Extended-A
œ2073390xCFU+0153œLatin small ligature oeLatin Extended-A
20882110xD0U+2013–en dashGeneral Punctuation
20982120xD1U+2014—em dashGeneral Punctuation
21082200xD2U+201C“left double quotation markGeneral Punctuation
21182210xD3U+201D”right double quotation markGeneral Punctuation
21282160xD4U+2018‘left single quotation markGeneral Punctuation
21382170xD5U+2019’right single quotation markGeneral Punctuation
21596740xD7U+25CA◊lozengeGeometric Shapes
Ÿ2173760xD9U+0178ŸLatin capital letter Y with diaeresis Latin Extended-A
21882600xDAU+2044⁄fraction slashGeneral Punctuation
21983640xDBU+20AC€euro signCurrency Symbols
22082490xDCU+2039‹single left-pointing angle quotation markGeneral Punctuation
22182500xDDU+203A›single right-pointing angle quotation mark General Punctuation
222642570xDEU+FB01 Latin small ligature fiAlphabetic Presentation Forms
223642580xDFU+FB02 Latin small ligature flAlphabetic Presentation Forms
22482250xE0U+2021‡double daggerGeneral Punctuation
22682180xE2U+201A‚single low-9 quotation markGeneral Punctuation
22782220xE3U+201E„double low-9 quotation markGeneral Punctuation
22882400xE4U+2030‰per mille signGeneral Punctuation
240637430xF0U+F8FF Apple logoPrivate Use Area
ı2453050xF5U+0131 Latin small letter dotless iLatin Extended-A
ˆ2467100xF6U+02C6ˆmodifier letter circumflex accentSpacing Modifier Letters
˜2477320xF7U+02DC˜small tildeSpacing Modifier Letters
˘2497280xF9U+02D8 breveSpacing Modifier Letters
˙2507290xFAU+02D9 dot aboveSpacing Modifier Letters
˚2517300xFBU+02DA ring aboveSpacing Modifier Letters
˝2537330xFDU+02DD double acute accentSpacing Modifier Letters
˛2547310xFEU+02DB ogonekSpacing Modifier Letters
ˇ2557110xFFU+02C7 caronSpacing Modifier Letters


Copyright © 2000 Alan Wood

Created 18th June 2000   Last modified 12th November 2000

Send comments or questions to Alan Wood

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From: http://www.alanwood.net/demos/charsetdiffs.html


