Of the three main 8-bit character sets, only ISO-8859-1 is produced by a standards organization. The three sets are identical for the 95 characters from 32 to 126, the ASCII character set. The ANSI character set, also known as Windows-1252, has become a Microsoft proprietary character set; it is a superset of ISO-8859-1 with the addition of 27 characters in locations that ISO designates for control codes. Apple’s proprietary MacRoman character set contains a similar variety of characters from 128 to 255, but with very few of them assigned the same numbers, and also assigns characters to the control-code positions.
The characters that appear in the first column of the following tables are generated from Unicode numeric character references, and so they should appear correctly in any Web browser that supports Unicode and that has suitable fonts available, regardless of the operating system.
- ANSI characters not present in ISO-8859-1
- ANSI characters not present in MacRoman
- ISO-8859-1 characters not present in ANSI
- ISO-8859-1 characters not present in MacRoman
- MacRoman characters not present in ANSI
- MacRoman characters not present in ISO-8859-1
Character | ANSI Number | Unicode Number | ANSI Hex | Unicode Hex | HTML 4.0 Entity | Unicode Name | Unicode Range |
€ | 128 | 8364 | 0x80 | U+20AC | € | euro sign | Currency Symbols |
‚ | 130 | 8218 | 0x82 | U+201A | ‚ | single low-9 quotation mark | General Punctuation |
ƒ | 131 | 402 | 0x83 | U+0192 | ƒ | Latin small letter f with hook | Latin Extended-B |
„ | 132 | 8222 | 0x84 | U+201E | „ | double low-9 quotation mark | General Punctuation |
… | 133 | 8230 | 0x85 | U+2026 | … | horizontal ellipsis | General Punctuation |
† | 134 | 8224 | 0x86 | U+2020 | † | dagger | General Punctuation |
‡ | 135 | 8225 | 0x87 | U+2021 | ‡ | double dagger | General Punctuation |
ˆ | 136 | 710 | 0x88 | U+02C6 | ˆ | modifier letter circumflex accent | Spacing Modifier Letters |
‰ | 137 | 8240 | 0x89 | U+2030 | ‰ | per mille sign | General Punctuation |
Š | 138 | 352 | 0x8A | U+0160 | Š | Latin capital letter S with caron | Latin Extended-A |
‹ | 139 | 8249 | 0x8B | U+2039 | ‹ | single left-pointing angle quotation mark | General Punctuation |
Œ | 140 | 338 | 0x8C | U+0152 | Œ | Latin capital ligature OE | Latin Extended-A |
Ž | 142 | 381 | 0x8E | U+017D | Latin capital letter Z with caron | Latin Extended-A | |
‘ | 145 | 8216 | 0x91 | U+2018 | ‘ | left single quotation mark | General Punctuation |
’ | 146 | 8217 | 0x92 | U+2019 | ’ | right single quotation mark | General Punctuation |
“ | 147 | 8220 | 0x93 | U+201C | “ | left double quotation mark | General Punctuation |
” | 148 | 8221 | 0x94 | U+201D | ” | right double quotation mark | General Punctuation |
• | 149 | 8226 | 0x95 | U+2022 | • | bullet | General Punctuation |
– | 150 | 8211 | 0x96 | U+2013 | – | en dash | General Punctuation |
— | 151 | 8212 | 0x97 | U+2014 | — | em dash | General Punctuation |
˜ | 152 | 732 | 0x98 | U+02DC | ˜ | small tilde | Spacing Modifier Letters |
™ | 153 | 8482 | 0x99 | U+2122 | ™ | trade mark sign | Letterlike Symbols |
š | 154 | 353 | 0x9A | U+0161 | š | Latin small letter s with caron | Latin Extended-A |
› | 155 | 8250 | 0x9B | U+203A | › | single right-pointing angle quotation mark | General Punctuation |
œ | 156 | 339 | 0x9C | U+0153 | œ | Latin small ligature oe | Latin Extended-A |
ž | 158 | 382 | 0x9E | U+017E | Latin small letter z with caron | Latin Extended-A | |
Ÿ | 159 | 376 | 0x9F | U+0178 | Ÿ | Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis | Latin Extended-A |
Character | ANSI Number | Unicode Number | ANSI Hex | Unicode Hex | HTML 4.0 Entity | Unicode Name | Unicode Range |
Š | 138 | 352 | 0x8A | U+0160 | Š | Latin capital letter S with caron | Latin Extended-A |
Ž | 142 | 381 | 0x8E | U+017D | Latin capital letter Z with caron | Latin Extended-A | |
š | 154 | 353 | 0x9A | U+0161 | š | Latin small letter s with caron | Latin Extended-A |
ž | 158 | 382 | 0x9E | U+017E | Latin small letter z with caron | Latin Extended-A | |
¤ | 164 | 164 | 0xA4 | U+00A4 | ¤ | currency sign | Latin-1 Supplement |
¦ | 166 | 166 | 0xA6 | U+00A6 | ¦ | broken bar | Latin-1 Supplement |
| 173 | 173 | 0xAD | U+00AD | ­ | soft hyphen | Latin-1 Supplement |
² | 178 | 178 | 0xB2 | U+00B2 | ² | superscript two | Latin-1 Supplement |
³ | 179 | 179 | 0xB3 | U+00B3 | ³ | superscript three | Latin-1 Supplement |
¹ | 185 | 185 | 0xB9 | U+00B9 | ¹ | superscript one | Latin-1 Supplement |
¼ | 188 | 188 | 0xBC | U+00BC | ¼ | vulgar fraction one quarter | Latin-1 Supplement |
½ | 189 | 189 | 0xBD | U+00BD | ½ | vulgar fraction one half | Latin-1 Supplement |
¾ | 190 | 190 | 0xBE | U+00BE | ¾ | vulgar fraction three quarters | Latin-1 Supplement |
Ð | 208 | 208 | 0xD0 | U+00D0 | Ð | Latin capital letter Eth | Latin-1 Supplement |
× | 215 | 215 | 0xD7 | U+00D7 | × | multiplication sign | Latin-1 Supplement |
Ý | 221 | 221 | 0xDD | U+00DD | Ý | Latin capital letter Y with acute | Latin-1 Supplement |
Þ | 222 | 222 | 0xDE | U+00DE | Þ | Latin capital letter Thorn | Latin-1 Supplement |
ð | 240 | 240 | 0xF0 | U+00F0 | ð | Latin small letter eth | Latin-1 Supplement |
ý | 253 | 253 | 0xFD | U+00FD | ý | Latin small letter y with acute | Latin-1 Supplement |
þ | 254 | 254 | 0xFE | U+00FE | þ | Latin small letter thorn | Latin-1 Supplement |
ANSI is a superset of ISO-8859-1, and so there are no characters in this category.
Character | ISO Number | Unicode Number | ISO Hex | Unicode Hex | HTML 4.0 Entity | Unicode Name | Unicode Range |
¤ | 164 | 164 | 0xA4 | U+00A4 | ¤ | currency sign | Latin-1 Supplement |
¦ | 166 | 166 | 0xA6 | U+00A6 | ¦ | broken bar | Latin-1 Supplement |
| 173 | 173 | 0xAD | U+00AD | ­ | soft hyphen | Latin-1 Supplement |
² | 178 | 178 | 0xB2 | U+00B2 | ² | superscript two | Latin-1 Supplement |
³ | 179 | 179 | 0xB3 | U+00B3 | ³ | superscript three | Latin-1 Supplement |
¹ | 185 | 185 | 0xB9 | U+00B9 | ¹ | superscript one | Latin-1 Supplement |
¼ | 188 | 188 | 0xBC | U+00BC | ¼ | vulgar fraction one quarter | Latin-1 Supplement |
½ | 189 | 189 | 0xBD | U+00BD | ½ | vulgar fraction one half | Latin-1 Supplement |
¾ | 190 | 190 | 0xBE | U+00BE | ¾ | vulgar fraction three quarters | Latin-1 Supplement |
Ð | 208 | 208 | 0xD0 | U+00D0 | Ð | Latin capital letter Eth | Latin-1 Supplement |
× | 215 | 215 | 0xD7 | U+00D7 | × | multiplication sign | Latin-1 Supplement |
Ý | 221 | 221 | 0xDD | U+00DD | Ý | Latin capital letter Y with acute | Latin-1 Supplement |
Þ | 222 | 222 | 0xDE | U+00DE | Þ | Latin capital letter Thorn | Latin-1 Supplement |
ð | 240 | 240 | 0xF0 | U+00F0 | ð | Latin small letter eth | Latin-1 Supplement |
ý | 253 | 253 | 0xFD | U+00FD | ý | Latin small letter y with acute | Latin-1 Supplement |
þ | 254 | 254 | 0xFE | U+00FE | þ | Latin small letter thorn | Latin-1 Supplement |
Character | Macintosh Number | Unicode Number | Macintosh Hex | Unicode Hex | HTML 4.0 Entity | Unicode Name | Unicode Range |
≠ | 173 | 8800 | 0xAD | U+2260 | ≠ | not equal to | Mathematical Operators |
∞ | 176 | 8734 | 0xB0 | U+221E | ∞ | infinity | Mathematical Operators |
≤ | 178 | 8804 | 0xB2 | U+2264 | ≤ | less-than or equal to | Mathematical Operators |
≥ | 179 | 8805 | 0xB3 | U+2265 | ≥ | greater-than or equal to | Mathematical Operators |
∂ | 182 | 8706 | 0xB6 | U+2202 | ∂ | partial differential | Mathematical Operators |
∑ | 183 | 8721 | 0xB7 | U+2211 | ∑ | n-ary summation | Mathematical Operators |
∏ | 184 | 8719 | 0xB8 | U+220F | ∏ | n-ary product | Mathematical Operators |
π | 185 | 960 | 0xB9 | U+03C0 | π | Greek small letter pi | Greek |
∫ | 186 | 8747 | 0xBA | U+222B | ∫ | integral | Mathematical Operators |
Ω | 189 | 937 | 0xBD | U+03A9 | Ω | Greek capital letter Omega | Greek |
√ | 195 | 8730 | 0xC3 | U+221A | √ | square root | Mathematical Operators |
≈ | 197 | 8776 | 0xC5 | U+2248 | ≈ | almost equal to | Mathematical Operators |
∆ | 198 | 8710 | 0xC6 | U+2206 | increment | Mathematical Operators | |
◊ | 215 | 9674 | 0xD7 | U+25CA | ◊ | lozenge | Geometric Shapes |
⁄ | 218 | 8260 | 0xDA | U+2044 | ⁄ | fraction slash | General Punctuation |
fi | 222 | 64257 | 0xDE | U+FB01 | Latin small ligature fi | Alphabetic Presentation Forms | |
fl | 223 | 64258 | 0xDF | U+FB02 | Latin small ligature fl | Alphabetic Presentation Forms | |
| 240 | 63743 | 0xF0 | U+F8FF | Apple logo | Private Use Area | |
ı | 245 | 305 | 0xF5 | U+0131 | Latin small letter dotless i | Latin Extended-A | |
˘ | 249 | 728 | 0xF9 | U+02D8 | breve | Spacing Modifier Letters | |
˙ | 250 | 729 | 0xFA | U+02D9 | dot above | Spacing Modifier Letters | |
˚ | 251 | 730 | 0xFB | U+02DA | ring above | Spacing Modifier Letters | |
˝ | 253 | 733 | 0xFD | U+02DD | double acute accent | Spacing Modifier Letters | |
˛ | 254 | 731 | 0xFE | U+02DB | ogonek | Spacing Modifier Letters | |
ˇ | 255 | 711 | 0xFF | U+02C7 | caron | Spacing Modifier Letters |
Character | Macintosh Number | Unicode Number | Macintosh Hex | Unicode Hex | HTML 4.0 Entity | Unicode Name | Unicode Range |
† | 160 | 8224 | 0xA0 | U+2020 | † | dagger | General Punctuation |
• | 165 | 8226 | 0xA5 | U+2022 | • | bullet | General Punctuation |
™ | 170 | 8482 | 0xAA | U+2122 | ™ | trade mark sign | Letterlike Symbols |
≠ | 173 | 8800 | 0xAD | U+2260 | ≠ | not equal to | Mathematical Operators |
∞ | 176 | 8734 | 0xB0 | U+221E | ∞ | infinity | Mathematical Operators |
≤ | 178 | 8804 | 0xB2 | U+2264 | ≤ | less-than or equal to | Mathematical Operators |
≥ | 179 | 8805 | 0xB3 | U+2265 | ≥ | greater-than or equal to | Mathematical Operators |
∂ | 182 | 8706 | 0xB6 | U+2202 | ∂ | partial differential | Mathematical Operators |
∑ | 183 | 8721 | 0xB7 | U+2211 | ∑ | n-ary summation | Mathematical Operators |
∏ | 184 | 8719 | 0xB8 | U+220F | ∏ | n-ary product | Mathematical Operators |
π | 185 | 960 | 0xB9 | U+03C0 | π | Greek small letter pi | Greek |
∫ | 186 | 8747 | 0xBA | U+222B | ∫ | integral | Mathematical Operators |
Ω | 189 | 937 | 0xBD | U+03A9 | Ω | Greek capital letter Omega | Greek |
√ | 195 | 8730 | 0xC3 | U+221A | √ | square root | Mathematical Operators |
≈ | 197 | 8776 | 0xC5 | U+2248 | ≈ | almost equal to | Mathematical Operators |
∆ | 198 | 8710 | 0xC6 | U+2206 | increment | Mathematical Operators | |
… | 201 | 8230 | 0xC9 | U+2026 | … | horizontal ellipsis | General Punctuation |
Œ | 206 | 338 | 0xCE | U+0152 | Œ | Latin capital ligature OE | Latin Extended-A |
œ | 207 | 339 | 0xCF | U+0153 | œ | Latin small ligature oe | Latin Extended-A |
– | 208 | 8211 | 0xD0 | U+2013 | – | en dash | General Punctuation |
— | 209 | 8212 | 0xD1 | U+2014 | — | em dash | General Punctuation |
“ | 210 | 8220 | 0xD2 | U+201C | “ | left double quotation mark | General Punctuation |
” | 211 | 8221 | 0xD3 | U+201D | ” | right double quotation mark | General Punctuation |
‘ | 212 | 8216 | 0xD4 | U+2018 | ‘ | left single quotation mark | General Punctuation |
’ | 213 | 8217 | 0xD5 | U+2019 | ’ | right single quotation mark | General Punctuation |
◊ | 215 | 9674 | 0xD7 | U+25CA | ◊ | lozenge | Geometric Shapes |
Ÿ | 217 | 376 | 0xD9 | U+0178 | Ÿ | Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis | Latin Extended-A |
⁄ | 218 | 8260 | 0xDA | U+2044 | ⁄ | fraction slash | General Punctuation |
€ | 219 | 8364 | 0xDB | U+20AC | € | euro sign | Currency Symbols |
‹ | 220 | 8249 | 0xDC | U+2039 | ‹ | single left-pointing angle quotation mark | General Punctuation |
› | 221 | 8250 | 0xDD | U+203A | › | single right-pointing angle quotation mark | General Punctuation |
fi | 222 | 64257 | 0xDE | U+FB01 | Latin small ligature fi | Alphabetic Presentation Forms | |
fl | 223 | 64258 | 0xDF | U+FB02 | Latin small ligature fl | Alphabetic Presentation Forms | |
‡ | 224 | 8225 | 0xE0 | U+2021 | ‡ | double dagger | General Punctuation |
‚ | 226 | 8218 | 0xE2 | U+201A | ‚ | single low-9 quotation mark | General Punctuation |
„ | 227 | 8222 | 0xE3 | U+201E | „ | double low-9 quotation mark | General Punctuation |
‰ | 228 | 8240 | 0xE4 | U+2030 | ‰ | per mille sign | General Punctuation |
| 240 | 63743 | 0xF0 | U+F8FF | Apple logo | Private Use Area | |
ı | 245 | 305 | 0xF5 | U+0131 | Latin small letter dotless i | Latin Extended-A | |
ˆ | 246 | 710 | 0xF6 | U+02C6 | ˆ | modifier letter circumflex accent | Spacing Modifier Letters |
˜ | 247 | 732 | 0xF7 | U+02DC | ˜ | small tilde | Spacing Modifier Letters |
˘ | 249 | 728 | 0xF9 | U+02D8 | breve | Spacing Modifier Letters | |
˙ | 250 | 729 | 0xFA | U+02D9 | dot above | Spacing Modifier Letters | |
˚ | 251 | 730 | 0xFB | U+02DA | ring above | Spacing Modifier Letters | |
˝ | 253 | 733 | 0xFD | U+02DD | double acute accent | Spacing Modifier Letters | |
˛ | 254 | 731 | 0xFE | U+02DB | ogonek | Spacing Modifier Letters | |
ˇ | 255 | 711 | 0xFF | U+02C7 | caron | Spacing Modifier Letters |
Copyright © 2000 Alan Wood
Created 18th June 2000 Last modified 12th November 2000
Send comments or questions to Alan Wood
From: http://www.alanwood.net/demos/charsetdiffs.html