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关于iOS审核2.3.1的分析与解决方案_2.3.1 performance: accurate metadata

2.3.1 performance: accurate metadata

本人最近在不同项目中分别遇到了不同的被拒邮件,其中有一条则比较特殊:Guideline 2.3.1 - Performance


发件人 Apple

2. 3 Performance: Accurate Metadata

Guideline 2.3.1 - Performance

We discovered that your app contains hidden features. Attempting to hide features, functionality or content in your app is considered egregious behavior and can lead to removal from the Apple Developer Program.

Specifically, your app allows users to save or download music, video, or other media content without authorization from the relevant third-party sources.

If you feel that we have misunderstood how your app functions and that your app is compliant with the App Store Review Guidelines, please reply to this message in Resolution Center to explain how this feature works.

The next submission of this app may require a longer review time, and this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until this issue is resolved.

Next Steps

- Review the Performance section of the App Store Review Guidelines.
- Ensure your app, as well as any third-party code and SDKs implemented in your app, are compliant with all sections of the App Store Review Guidelines and the Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program.
- Revise or remove the hidden features from your app. Once your app is fully compliant, resubmit your app for review.

Submitting apps designed to mislead or harm customers or evade the review process may result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account. Review the Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program to learn more about our policies regarding termination.


1、必须要改代码!关键点在邮件的正文第二段:Specifically, your app allows users to save or download music, video, or other media content without authorization from the relevant third-party sources. 当然,相同的2.3.1,不同的Specifically,而这不同的Specifically就是问题的关键点!




Specifically, we were not able to complete the In App Purchase. When tapped on the price icons, your app produced a same error message.


Specifically, we found that your app includes AliPay , which provides access to external payment mechanisms and enables the purchase of content, services, or functionality by means other than the in-app purchase API.


Specifically, your app contains real money gambling functionality without the necessary licensing and permissions.


Specifically, we found that your app includes third party payment mechanism, which provides access to external payment mechanisms and enables the purchase of content, services, or functionality by means other than the in-app purchase API.

Specifically, we found that your app includes PGPay SDK, which provides access to external payment mechanisms and enables the purchase of content, services, or functionality by means other than the in-app purchase API.

Specifically, we found that your app includes third party payment mechanism, which provides access to external payment mechanisms and enables the purchase of content, services, or functionality by means other than the in-app purchase API.


Specifically, your app contains financial transactions without the necessary authorization.


  • 针对邮件中指出的内容(Specifically一段)明确大概的方向,是支付类的还是金融类的,还是其它类型的;
  • 如果不是首次提审,则根据上个已上线版本和当前版本进行综合对比,找出新增的内容,然后再跟上一点确定的方向来进行综合对比,缩小可能出问题的范围;
  • 如果首次提审,建议保守一点,第一版只上基础功能,不要涉及敏感类型,比如一个娱乐项目或者是游戏类的项目,基本上都是包含会员和充值功能的,如果公司/个人真的不差钱,直接走苹果内购的可以忽略,全部走苹果内购而完全不导入支付宝支付和微信支付,这样的话就不影响,否则娱乐和游戏项目建议初版可以设置免费赠送会员或者暂时不上架会员系统,等上架稳定后再逐步上架这些功能;
  • 根据以上几点,进一步缩小范围,直至在保证一个相对安全的层级再考虑提审
  • 找出可能存在的问题后尽量彻底地修改,比如某些问题只是因为某个关键字,那么直接修改或删除关键字即可,而有些问题不仅涉及到关键字,还涉及到业务逻辑,甚至是页面展示效果,就要一并处理后再提审
  • 关于我的邮件,我是这样分析的:苹果反馈是因为我在未经用户授权而下载或保存视频、音频或其他媒体资源,再综合上个版本,我们先在此次更新中可能相关的地方是我在设置中添加了一下“用户拍照使用照片后自动把拍的照片保存到手机系统相册的设置”,具体效果如下图所示,我首先修改了“自动保存”关键字,提审,又被拒,后隐藏了此功能的展示,目前正在等待审核,由于上次的修改不彻底,这次的审核可能要延审一天了,这次基本上就能保证上线了,等后边有结果我会及时更新博客以供有需要的朋友参考


  1. 切记不要盲目重复提审!重复的提审只会造成延审的时间一直在加长;
  2. 有人说苹果的审核和随机,指不定什么时候就拒绝了,事实究竟是怎样我们暂且不论,仅针对2.3.1这一项,我个人认为基本上不存在侥幸和误判,当然也不排除某些购物类的APP在没改动支付方式的前提下突然收到支付类的2.3.1,这种情况也大多是因为在APP中真的有切换支付通道的操作,极个别确实是苹果的误判,那么这种误判的操作完全可以走申诉或者直接回复邮件解释来处理;
  3. 有朋友说他曾经上架了一款摄影类的APP,在某个版本审核时候给他了2.3.1,经过他多次尝试终于发现问题出在了他的APP中有一句话“宅男福利”,而这个关键字直接被苹果判为涉黄,遗憾的是当时我没找他要邮件原文,而当他把只个关键词删除之后立马上架成功





发件人 Apple

2. 3 Performance: Accurate Metadata

Thank you for providing this information.
We will continue the review, and we will notify you if there are any further issues.
Best regards,
App Store Review


另外,从审核结果来看,首次说延审,大概率不会真的延审,第二次延审:时间间隔在24小时以上,所以说一定要好好把握住这两次宝贵的机会!如果这两次提审仍然被拒,首先要思考一下代码上是否有遗漏,然后可以通过申诉或者直接在“resolution center”回复邮件来明确问题的所在





