距离(distance)是描述图像两点像素之间的远近关系的度量,常见的度量距离有欧式距离(Euchildean distance)、城市街区距离(City block distance)、棋盘距离(Chessboard distance)。
De = sqrt(((x2 - x1)*(x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1)*(y2 - y1)));
D4 = abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2);
D8 = max(abs(x1 - x2), (y1 - y2));
图1 三种距离示意图
图2 棋盘距离变换例子
确定了距离公式之后,根据直观的理解应该怎么计算呢?还是拿上面的例子进行说明,B代表着黑色背景的集合,里面有b1, b2, b3……等一些点;W代表着白色物体的集合,里面有w1,w2,w3……等一些点。现在我们就是要计算W集合里面的每一个点,到B集合的距离,那么我们就每一次取一个W里面的wi,然后根据距离公式,计算wi到B集合每一个点bj的距离Dij,取其中距离Dij 最小的值,作为最后的度量结果,直到W集合的每一个点都计算一遍。实际上,在进行计算距离这一步之前,还要遍历图像把像素点分成两个集合,这种直观的计算相对来说,较复杂且花费时间较长,因此前人发明一种快速计算距离变换的方法。
模板,对图像从下到上,从右到左进行扫描。3 * 3
和5 * 5
,分别如下图所示: 图3 倒角距离变换模板
AL P mask1
P BR mask2
F(p) = min( F(p), F(q)+D(p,q) ), 其中,q属于AL.
F(p) = min( F(p), F(q)+D(p,q) ), 其中,q属于BR.
void imageprocess::DistanceTransform(const cv::Mat& src_image, cv::Mat& dst_image) { //step1: check the input parameters: 检查输入参数 assert(!src_image.empty()); assert(src_image.channels() == 1); //step2: initialize dst_image : 初始化目标图像 cv::threshold(src_image, dst_image, 100, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY); //step3: pass throuth from top to bottom, left to right: 从上到下,从做到右遍历 for (size_t i = 1; i < dst_image.rows - 1; i++) { for (size_t j = 1; j < dst_image.cols; j++) { //AL AL //AL P //AL std::array<cv::Point, 4> AL; AL.at(0) = cv::Point( i - 1, j - 1 ); AL.at(1) = cv::Point( i - 1, j ); AL.at(2) = cv::Point( i, j - 1 ); AL.at(3) = cv::Point(i + 1, j - 1 ); int Fp = dst_image.at<uchar>(i, j); //Fq std::array<int, 4> Fq = { 0 }; Fq.at(0) = dst_image.at<uchar>(i - 1, j - 1); Fq.at(1) = dst_image.at<uchar>(i - 1, j); Fq.at(2) = dst_image.at<uchar>(i, j - 1); Fq.at(3) = dst_image.at<uchar>(i + 1, j - 1); std::array<int, 4> Dpq = { 0 }; std::array<int, 4> DpqAddFq = { 0 }; for (size_t k = 0; k < 4; k++) { //D(p, q) Dpq.at(k) = D4(i, AL.at(k).x, j, AL.at(k).y); //D(p,q) + F(q) DpqAddFq.at(k) = Dpq.at(k) + Fq.at(k); } //F(p) = min[F(p), D(p,q) + F(q)] std::sort(DpqAddFq.begin(), DpqAddFq.end()); auto min = DpqAddFq.at(0); Fp = std::min(Fp, min); dst_image.at<uchar>(i, j) = Fp; } } //step4: pass throuth from bottom to top, right to left: 从下到上,从右到左遍历 for (int i = dst_image.rows - 2; i > 0; i--) { for (int j = dst_image.cols - 2; j >= 0 ; j--) { // BR // P BR // BR BR std::array<cv::Point, 4> BR; BR.at(0) = cv::Point( i - 1, j + 1 ); BR.at(1) = cv::Point( i , j + 1 ); BR.at(2) = cv::Point( i + 1, j + 1 ); BR.at(3) = cv::Point( i + 1, j ); int Fp = dst_image.at<uchar>(i, j); //Fq std::array<int, 4> Fq = { 0 }; Fq.at(0) = dst_image.at<uchar>(i - 1, j + 1); Fq.at(1) = dst_image.at<uchar>(i, j + 1); Fq.at(2) = dst_image.at<uchar>(i + 1, j + 1); Fq.at(3) = dst_image.at<uchar>(i + 1, j); std::array<int, 4> Dpq = { 0 }; std::array<int, 4> DpqAddFq = { 0 }; for (size_t k = 0; k < 4; k++) { //D(p, q) Dpq.at(k) = D4(i, BR.at(k).x, j, BR.at(k).y); //D(p,q) + F(q) DpqAddFq.at(k) = Dpq.at(k) + Fq.at(k); } //F(p) = min[F(p), D(p,q) + F(q)] std::sort(DpqAddFq.begin(), DpqAddFq.end()); auto min = DpqAddFq.at(0); Fp = std::min(Fp, min); dst_image.at<uchar>(i, j) = static_cast<uchar>(Fp); } } } int imageprocess::D4(const int& x1, const int& x2, const int& y1, const int& y2) { return abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2); } int imageprocess::D8(const int& x1, const int& x2, const int& y1, const int& y2) { return cv::max(abs(x1 - x2), (y1 - y2)); }
/** @overload
@param src 8-bit, single-channel (binary) source image.
@param dst Output image with calculated distances. It is a 8-bit or 32-bit floating-point,
single-channel image of the same size as src .
@param distanceType Type of distance, see #DistanceTypes
@param maskSize Size of the distance transform mask, see #DistanceTransformMasks. In case of the
#DIST_L1 or #DIST_C distance type, the parameter is forced to 3 because a \f$3\times 3\f$ mask gives
the same result as \f$5\times 5\f$ or any larger aperture.
@param dstType Type of output image. It can be CV_8U or CV_32F. Type CV_8U can be used only for
the first variant of the function and distanceType == #DIST_L1.
CV_EXPORTS_W void distanceTransform( InputArray src, OutputArray dst,
int distanceType, int maskSize, int dstType=CV_32F);
#include<opencv2/opencv.hpp> using namespace cv; using namespace std; int main() { //初始化输入图像和变换结果图像 Mat mat(480, 480, CV_8UC1, Scalar(0)), transMatE, transMatD4, transMatD8; //给输入图像指定三个像素点作为距离变换原点(区域块) mat.at<uchar>(100, 200) = 1; mat.at<uchar>(200, 100) = 1; mat.at<uchar>(300, 300) = 1; //将将输入图像中1和0调换,使得原点距离为0 mat = 1 - mat; //显示原始图像(显示为黑色) imshow("原始图片", mat); //分别利用欧式距离、D4距离和D8距离作距离变换,将结果存入transMatD4、transMatD8和transMatE distanceTransform(mat, transMatE, DIST_L2, 0); distanceTransform(mat, transMatD4, DIST_L1, 0, CV_8U); distanceTransform(mat, transMatD8, DIST_C, 0); //欧式距离与D8距离作变换后,值为32位浮点数,以下代码将其值转为uchar类型 transMatE.convertTo(transMatE, CV_8U); transMatD8.convertTo(transMatD8, CV_8U); //显示距离变换结果 imshow("欧式距离变换后的图片", transMatE); imshow("D4距离变换后的图片", transMatD4); imshow("D8距离变换后的图片", transMatD8); waitKey(); return 0; }
- https://mangoroom.cn/opencv/distance-transfer.html
- https://blog.csdn.net/qq_35535744/article/details/95247601
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/38917770
- https://medium.com/on-coding/euclidean-distance-transform-d37e06958216
- https://blog.csdn.net/Trent1985/article/details/18081761
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