15:15-16:30, Subsession TuCT1-14, 220
Legged Robots I - 2.3.14 Interactive
Session, 6 papers
15:15-16:30, Subsession TuCT1-25, 220
Legged Robots II - 2.3.25 Interactive
Session, 6 papers
09:40-10:55, Subsession WeAT1-14, 220
Legged Robots III - 3.1.14 Interactive
Session, 6 papers
11:30-12:45, Subsession WeBT1-14, 220
Legged Robots IV - 3.2.14 Interactive
Session, 6 papers
16:00-17:15, Subsession WeCT1-14, 220
Legged Robots V - 3.3.14 Interactive Session,
6 papers
Legged Robots I
1.1 SpaceBok: A
Dynamic Legged Robot for Space Exploration(ETH Zurich)
Philip Arm, Radek Zenkl, Patrick
Barton, Lars Beglinger, Alex Dietsche,
Luca Ferrazzini, Elias Hampp, Jan
Hinder, Camille Huber, David Schaufelberger,
Felix Schmitt, Benjamin Sun, Boris
Stolz, Hendrik Kolvenbach and Marco Hutter
Robotic Systems Lab | ETH Zurich(https://rsl.ethz.ch/):
[1]Marko Bjelonic, Lorenz Wellhausen,
Marco Hutter and Navinda Kottege,Walking Posture Adaptation for Legged Robot Navigation in
Confined Spaces,Russell Buchanan, Tirthankar
Bandyopadhyay, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 4: no. 2, pp.
2148-2155, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2019.
[2]Hendrik Kolvenbach, Christian Bärtschi,
Lorenz Wellhausen, Ruben Grandia and Marco Hutter, Haptic Inspection of Planetary Soils with Legged Robots,IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 4:
no. 2, pp. 1626-1632, New York, NY: IEEE, 2019
[3]Jemin Hwangbo, Joonho Lee, Alexey
Dosovitskiy, Carmine Dario Bellicoso, Vassilios Tsounis, Vladlen Koltun and
Marco Hutter,Learning agile and dynamic motor skills
for legged robots,Science Robotics,
vol. 4: no. 26, pp. eaau5872, Washington, DC: American Association for the
Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2019.
[4]Jan Carius, René Ranftl, Vladlen Koltun
and Marco Hutter,Trajectory Optimization for Legged Robots
with Slipping Motions,IEEE Robotics and
Automation Letters, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2019.
[5]C. Dario Bellicoso, Marko Bjelonic,
Lorenz Wellhausen, Kai Holtmann, Fabian Günther, Marco Tranzatto, Peter
Fankhauser and Marco Hutter,Advances in
real-world applications for legged robots,Journal of Field Robotics, vol. 35: no. 8, pp. 1311-1326,
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2018
[6] C. Dario Bellicoso, Fabian Jenelten,
Christian Gehring and Marco Hutter,Dynamic locomotion through online nonlinear motion
optimization for quadrupedal robots,IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 3: no. 3, pp.
2261-2268, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2018.
[7]Michael Neunert, Markus Stäuble, Markus
Giftthaler, Carmine Dario Bellicoso, Jan Carius, Christian Gehring, Marco
Hutter and Jonas Buchli,Whole-Body
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Through Contacts for Quadrupeds,IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 3:
no. 3, pp. 1458-1465, New York, NY: IEEE, 2018.
[8]Marco Hutter, Christian Gehring,
Andreas Lauber, Fabian Gunther, Carmine D. Bellicoso, Vassilios Tsounis, Péter
Fankhauser, Remo Diethelm, Samuel Bachmann, Michael Blösch, Hendrik Kolvenbach,
Marko Bjelonic, Linus Isler and Konrad Meyer,ANYmal - toward legged robots for harsh environments,Advanced Robotics, vol. 31: no. 17, pp.
918-931, London: Taylor & Francis, 2017
[9] Jemin Hwangbo, Inkyu Sa, Roland
Siegwart and Marco Hutter,Control of a
quadrotor with reinforcement learning,IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 2: no. 4, pp.
2096-2103, New York, NY: IEEE, 2017.
[10] Hendrik Kolvenbach, Giorgio
Valsecchi, Ruben Grandia, Antoni Ruiz, Fabian Jenelten and Marco Hutter,Tactile Inspection of Concrete Deterioration
in Sewers with Legged Robots,12th Conference on
Field and Service Robotics (FSR 2019), Tokyo, Japan, August 29-31, 2019.
[11] Vivian Medeiros S., Marko Bjelonic,
Edo Jelavic, Roland Siegwart, Marco Meggiolaro A. and Marco Hutter,Trajectory Optimization for Wheeled
Quadrupedal Robots Driving in Challenging Terrain,9th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals
and Machines (AMAM 2019), Lausanne, Switzerland, August 20-23, 2019.
[12] Timon Homberger, Lorenz Wellhausen,
Péter Fankhauser and Marco Hutter,Support Surface Estimation for Legged Robots,IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA), Montreal, Canada Zurich: ETH Zurich.
[13] Hendrik Kolvenbach, Dario Bellicoso,
Fabian Jenelten, Lorenz Wellhausen and Marco Hutter,Efficient Gait Selection for Quadrupedal
Robots on the Moon and Mars,14th International
Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space
(i-SAIRAS 2018), Madrid, Spain Noordwijk: ESA Conference Bureau, June 4-6,
[14] Hendrik Kolvenbach, Manuel
Breitenstein, Christian Gehring and Marco Hutter,Scalability Analysis of Legged Robots for Space
Exploration,68th International Astronautical Congress
(IAC 2017), Adelaide, Australia, pp.10399-10413, Red Hook, NY: Curran,
September 25-29, 2017.
[15] Thomas Bi, Péter Fankhauser, Dario
Bellicoso and Marco Hutter,Real-Time Dance
Generation to Music for a Legged Robot,25th IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent
Robots and Systems (IROS), Madrid, Spain, pp.1038-1044, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE,
October 1-5, 2018.
[16]Marko Bjelonic, C. Dario Bellicoso, M.
Efe Tiryaki and Marco Hutter,Skating with a
Force Controlled Quadrupedal Robot,IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots
and Systems (IROS 2018), Madrid, Spain, pp.7555-7561, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE,
October 1-5, 2018.
[17] Péter Fankhauser, Marko Bjelonic,
Dario Bellicoso, Takahiro Miki and Marco Hutter,Robust Rough-Terrain Locomotion with a Quadrupedal Robot,IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA 2018), Brisbane, Australia, pp.5761-5768, Piscataway, NJ:
IEEE, May 21-25, 2018.[18] Towards a Passive Adaptive Planar Foot with Ground
Orientation and Contact Force Sensing for Legged RobotsRoman Käslin, Hendrik
Kolvenbach, Laura Paez, Klajd Lika and Marco Hutter25th IEEE/RSJ International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Madrid, Spain,
pp.2707-2714, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, October 1-5, 2018.
[19] Foot-Eye Calibration of Legged Robot
KinematicsFabian Blöchliger, Michael Blösch, Péter Fankhauser, Marco Hutter and
Roland Siegwart19th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots
(CLAWAR 2016), London, England, pp.420-427, Singapore: World Scientific,
September 12-14, 2016.
1.2 Mini Cheetah:
A Platform for Pushing the Limits of Dynamic Quadruped Control(MIT Biomimetic
Robotics Lab)
Benjamin Katz1, Jared Di Carlo2 and Sangbae Kim1
一种新型的轻量化、低成本的四足机器人” 迷你猎豹”, 四足机器人的第一次基于离线轨迹优化的后空翻(backflips generated
by offline trajectory optimization,)用凸模型预测控制(CMPC)演示了机器人的动态快跑、快跑、跳跃和内旋步态,速度可达每秒2.45米。
MIT Biomimetic Robotics Lab(http://biomimetics.mit.edu/):
[1] Boussema, C., M. J. Powell, G. Bledt,
A. J. Ijspeert, P. M. Wensing, and S. Kim, “Gait Emergence and Disturbance
Recovery for Legged Robots via the Feasible Impulse Set”, IEEE Robotics
and Automation Letters, 2019 ,submitted
[2] Wensing, P. M., A. Wang, S. Seok, D.
Otten, J. Lang, and S. Kim, “Proprioceptive actuator design in the MIT
cheetah: Impact mitigation and high-bandwidth physical interaction for dynamic
legged robots”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2017.
麻省理工学院猎豹腿的弹簧处理冲击,使得它能够在动态跳跃过程中控制接触力,接触时间低至85 ms,峰值力超过450 N。猎豹的独特能力,在高速三维跑动和跳跃中实现强大的冲击力控制操作。
[3]Kim, S., and P. M. Wensing,
“Design of Dynamic Legged Robots”, Foundations and Trends® in
Robotics, vol. 5, pp. 117–190, 2017.
[4]Park, H.-W., Wensing, P. M., & Kim,S. (2017). High-speed bounding with the MIT Cheetah 2: Control design and experiments. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 36(2), 167–192. https://doi.org/10.1177/0278364917694244
本文介绍了麻省理工学院猎豹2的边界控制器(bounding controller)的设计与实现及其实验结果。控制框架在硬件中提供稳定的边界,速度高达6.4 m/s,总运输成本最低为0.47。这些结果是无约束实验四足机在效率和速度方面前所未有的成就。
[5] Hyun, D. J., Lee, J., Park, S., & Kim, S. (2016). Implementation of trot-to-gallop transition and subsequent gallop on the MIT Cheetah I. The International Journal of Robotics Research,
35(13), 1627–1650. https://doi.org/10.1177/0278364916640102
本文展示了机器人四足动物从小跑到疾驰的过渡和随后的稳定疾驰。麻省理工学院猎豹I是一个平面四足平台,用于高速运行,在跑步机上以3.2 m/s(弗劳德数为2.1)的速度完成这些任务。相位图表明,所提出的控制器在快跑和疾驰两种情况下都能实现稳定的极限环,从而使快跑能够在高速状态下转换为疾驰步态。
[6] Bledt, G., M. J. Powell, B. Katz, J. Di Carlo, P. M. Wensing, and S. Kim, “MIT Cheetah 3: Design and Control of a Robust, Dynamic Quadruped Robot”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robotics (IROS), 10/2018.
[7] Ramos, J., and S. Kim, “Dynamic Bilateral Teleoperation of the Cart-Pole: A Study Toward the Synchronization of Human Operator and Legged Robot”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robotics (IROS), 10/2018.
[8] Di Carlo, J., P… M. Wensing, B. Katz, G. Bledt, and S. Kim, “Dynamic Locomotion in the MIT Cheetah 3 Through Convex Model-Predictive Control”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robotics (IROS), 10/2018.
[9] Bledt, G., P. M. Wensing, S. Ingersoll, and S. Kim, “Contact Model Fusion for Event-Based Locomotion in Unstructured Terrains”, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA) Finalist Best Overall Paper & Finalist Best Student Paper, May, 2018.
[10] Ramos, J., and S. Kim, “Facilitating Model-Based Control through Software-Hardware
Co-Design”, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 05/2018.
[11]Bledt, G., P. M. Wensing, and S. Kim, “Policy-regularized model predictive control to stabilize diverse quadrupedal gaits for the MIT cheetah”, 2017 IEEE/RSJ International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Sept, 2017.
[12]. Ramos, J., and S. Kim, “Improving humanoid posture Teleoperation by Dynamic Synchronization through operator motion anticipation”, IEEE International Conference on
Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 06/2017.
1.4 《Stanford Doggo:一种开源的,准直接驱动的四足机器人》 Nathan Kau, Aaron Schultz, Natalie Ferrante, Patrick Slade
[1] Andrew D. Wilson, Jarvis A. Schultz, Alex R. Ansari & Todd D. Murphey. Dynamic Task
Execution using Active Parameter Identification with the Baxter Research Robot [J]. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2017, 14(1), 391-397.
[2] Anastasia Mavrommati, Jarvis A. Schultz & Todd D. Murphey. Real-time Dynamic-Mode
Scheduling Using Single-Integration Hybrid Optimization for Linear Time-Varying Systems [J], IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2016, 13(3), 1385-1398.
[3] Patrick Slade, Siobhan Powell & Michael F. Howland. Optimal control of a single leg hopper
by Liouvillian system reduction, 2017.
1.5 《带身体姿势控制的工作空间中央处理器组(CPG),可在全方位移动过程中实现稳定的定向视觉》 Samuel Shaw, Guillaume Sartoretti, Jake Olkin, William Paivine, Howie Choset
[1] Guillaume Sartoretti, Samuel Shaw, Katie Lam, Naixin Fan, Matthew Travers & Howie
Choset. Central Pattern Generator With Inertial Feedback for Stable Locomotion and Climbing in Unstructured Terrain [C]. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018.
[2] Francesco Ruscelli, Guillaume Sartoretti, Junyu Nan, Zhixin Feng, Matthew Travers & Howie Choset. Proprioceptive-Inertial Autonomous Locomotion for Articulated Robots [C]. 2018 IEEE nternational Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018.
[3] Guillaume Sartoretti, Yunfei Shi, William Paivine, Matthew Travers & Howie Choset. Distributed Learning for the Decentralized Control of Articulated Mobile Robots [C]. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018.
[4] Guillaume Sartoretti, Justin Kerr, Yunfei Shi, Glenn Wagner, T. K. Satish Kumar, Sven Koenig & Howie Choset. PRIMAL: Pathfinding via Reinforcement and Imitation Multi-Agent Learning [J]. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2018, 4(3), 2378 - 2385.
文章提出了PRIMAL——一种多代理寻径(Multi-agent path finding)框架,它扩展了分布式学习的工作,可以更好地规划在线路径。
1.6 《频率感知模型预测控制》 Ruben Grandia, Farbod Farshidian, Alexey Dosovitskiy, René Ranftl, Marco Hutter
[1] Ruben Grandia, Diego Pardo & Jonas Buchli. Contact Invariant Model Learning for Legged Robot Locomotion [J]. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2018, 3(3), 2291 - 2298.
[2] Ruben Grandia, Farbod Farshidian, René Ranftl & Marco Hutter. Feedback MPC for
Torque-Controlled Legged Robots [C]. 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2019.
[3] Farbod Farshidian, Edo Jelavic, Asutosh Satapathy, Markus Giftthaler & Jonas Buchli. Real-time motion planning of legged robots: A model predictive control approach [C]. 2017 IEEE-RAS 17th International Conference on Humanoid Robotics, 2017.
[4] Farbod Farshidian, Edo Jelavić, Alexander W. Winkler & Jonas Buchli. Robust whole-body motion control of legged robots [C]. 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2017.
[5] Farbod Farshidian, Michael Neunert, Alexander W. Winkler, Gonzalo Rey & Jonas Buchli. An efficient optimal planning and control framework for quadrupedal locomotion [C]. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2017.
[6] Alexander W. Winkler, Farbod Farshidian, Michael Neunert, Diego Pardo & Jonas Buchli. Online walking motion and foothold optimization for quadruped locomotion [C]. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2017.
[7] Michael Neunert, Farbod Farshidian, Alexander W. Winkler & Jonas Buchli. Trajectory Optimization Through Contacts and Automatic Gait Discovery for Quadrupeds [J]. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2017, 2(3), 1502 - 1509.
[8] Russell Buchanan, Tirthankar Bandyopadhyay, Marko Bjelonic, Lorenz Wellhausen, Marco Hutter & Navinda Kottege. Walking Posture Adaptation for Legged Robot Navigation in onfined Spaces [J]. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2019, 4(2), 2148 - 2155.
[9] Roman Käslin, Hendrik Kolvenbach, Laura Paez, Klajd Lika & Marco Hutter. Towards a Passive Adaptive Planar Foot with Ground Orientation and Contact Force Sensing for Legged Robots [C]. 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2018.
[10] Peter Fankhauser, Marko Bjelonic, C. Dario Bellicoso, Takahiro Miki & Marco Hutter. Robust Rough-Terrain Locomotion with a Quadrupedal Robot [C]. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2018.
[11] C. Dario Bellicoso, Fabian Jenelten, Christian Gehring & Marco Hutter. Dynamic Locomotion Through Online Nonlinear Motion Optimization for Quadrupedal Robots [J]. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2018, 3(3), 2261 - 2268.
Legged Robots II
2.1 《Mitigating energy loss in a robot hopping on a physically emulated dissipative substrate》Sonia Roberts and Daniel E. Koditschek
[1] F. Qian, D. Jerolmack, N. Lancaster, G. Nikolich, P. Reverdy, S. F. Roberts, T. Shipley, R. S. Van Pelt, T. M. Zobeck, and D. E. Koditschek, “Ground robotic measurement of aeolian processes,” Aeolian Research, vol. 27, pp. 1–11, 2017.
[2] G. Kenneally, A. De, and D. E. Koditschek, “Design principles for a family of direct-drive legged robots,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 900–907, 2016.
[3] G. C. Haynes, J. Pusey, R. Knopf, A. M. Johnson, and D. E. Koditschek, “Laboratory on legs: an architecture for adjustable morphology with legged robots,” in Unmanned Systems Technology XIV, vol. 8387, p. 83870W, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2012.
[4] C. M. Hubicki, J. J. Aguilar, D. I. Goldman, and A. D. Ames, “Tractable terrain-aware motion planning on granular media: an impulsive jumping study,” in Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on, pp. 3887–3892, IEEE, 2016.
[5] M. H. Raibert, Legged robots that balance. MIT press, 1986.
[6] G. Kenneally and D. E. Koditschek, “Leg design for energy management in an lectromechanical robot,” in 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems (IROS), pp. 5712–5718, IEEE, 2015.
2.2 《Energy Efficient Navigation for Running Legged Robots》Mario Y. Harper, John V. Nicholson, Emmanuel G. Collins, Jr.2, Jason Pusey3 and Jonathan E. Clark2
[1] F. Qian, D. Jerolmack, N. Lancaster, G. Nikolich, P. Reverdy, S. F. Roberts, T. Shipley, R.
S. Van Pelt, T. M. Zobeck, and D. E. Koditschek, “Ground robotic measurement of
aeolian processes,”
[2] H.-W. Park, P. M. Wensing, and S. Kim, “High-speed bounding with the mit cheeah 2: Control design and experiments,”
[3] D. J. Blackman, J. V. Nicholson, J. L. Pusey, M. P. Austin, C. Young, J. M. Brown,
and J. E. Clark, “Leg design for running and jumping dynamics,” .
[5] M. Hutter, C. Gehring, A. Lauber, F. Gunther, C. D. Bellicoso, V. Tsounis, P. Fankhauser, R.
Diethelm, S. Bachmann, M. Blösch et al., “Anymal-toward legged robots for harsh environments,”
[6] M. Wermelinger, P. Fankhauser, R. Diethelm, P. Krüsi, R. Siegwart, and M. Hutter, “Navigation planning for legged robots in challenging terrain,”
[7] K. Hauser, T. Bretl, J.-C. Latombe, K. Harada, and B. Wilcox, “Motion planning for legged robots on varied terrain,”
[8]G. C. Haynes, J. Pusey, R. Knopf, A. M. Johnson, and D. E. Koditschek, “Laboratory on legs: an architecture for adjustable morphology with legged robots,”
[9] L. Ding, H. Gao, Z. Deng, J. Song, Y. Liu, G. Liu, and K. Iagnemma, “Footâ˘AS¸terrain interaction mechanics for legged robots: Modeling and experimental validation,”
2.3 《Force-controllable Quadruped Robot System with Capacitive-type Joint Torque Sensor》
Yoon Haeng Lee,
Young Hun Lee, Hyunyong Lee, Hansol Kang, Luong Tin Phan, Sungmoon Jin, Yong
Bum Kim, Dong-Yeop Seok, Seung Yeon Lee, Hyungpil Moon, Ja Choon Koo, and Hyouk
Ryeol Choi
作者及其团队开发出一个受力可控的四足机器人系统,该系统通过使用廉价位置编码器(τ= k·4θ)与致动器串联放置的弹性元件的变形,提供强大而出色的扭矩/力控制,可以抵御外部冲击,而无需使用昂贵的传感器。
[1] K. Loffler, M. Gienger, F. Pfeiffer, “Sensors and control concept of a biped robot."
[2]Y. H. Lee, et al., “Development of Torque Controllable Leg for RunningRobot,AiDIN-IV,”
[3]Hubicki, Christian, et al., “ATRIAS: Design and validation of a tetherfree 3D-capable spring-mass bipedal robot,"
[4]Seok, S., et al., “Design principles for highly efficient quadrupeds and implementation on
the MIT Cheetah robot,”
[5] G. Kenneally, A. De, and D. E. Koditschek, “Design Principles for a Family of Direct-Drive
Legged Robots,”
2.4《Fast and Continuous Foothold Adaptation for Dynamic Locomotionthrough CNNs》
Octavio Villarreal1, Victor Barasuol, Marco Camurri, Luca Franceschi,Michele Focchi,
Massimiliano Pontil, Darwin G. Caldwell and Claudio Semini
[1]Octavio Villarreal, Victor Barasuol, Marco Camurri, Michele Focchi, Luca Franceschi,
Massimiliano Pontil, Darwin G Caldwell, Claudio Semini,”Deep convolutional
terrain assessment for visual reactive footstep correction on dynamic legged
robots ”
[2]Claudio Semini, Victor Barasuol, Thiago Boaventura, Marco Frigerio, Michele Focchi, Darwin G Caldwell, Jonas Buchli,”Towards versatile legged robots through active
impedance control”
[3]C. Semini, V. Barasuol, J. Goldsmith, M. Frigerio, M. Focchi, Gao Y., D. Caldwell,”Design of
the Hydraulically-Actuated, Torque-Controlled Quadruped Robot HyQ2Max”
本文进行了灵活的四足机器人的新颖设计,能够在平坦/不平坦的地形上进行小跑/爬行,平衡和自动扶正; 设计了详细的方法找到合适的液压缸/阀门属性和连杆参数,着重优化执行器区域。
[4] Simona Nobili, Marco Camurri, Victor Barasuol, Michele Focchi, Darwin G. Caldwell, Claudio
Semini, Maurice Fallon,”Heterogeneous Sensor Fusion for Accurate State
Estimation of Dynamic Legged Robots”
[5]Marco Camurri, Maurice Fallon, Stéphane Bazeille, Andreea Radulescu, Victor Barasuol, Darwin
G. Caldwell, Claudio Semini,”Probabilistic Contact Estimation and Impact
Detection for State Estimation of Quadruped Robots”
[6]Michele Focchi, Romeo Orsolino, Marco Camurri, Victor Barasuol, Carlos Mastalli, Darwin G
Caldwell, Claudio Semini,”Heuristic Planning for Rough Terrain Locomotion in
Presence of External Disturbances and Variable Perception Quality”
[7]Elco Heijmink, Andreea Radulescu, Brahayam Ponton, Victor Barasuol, Darwin G. Caldwell,
Claudio Semini,”Learning Optimal Gait Parameters and Impedance Profiles for
Legged Locomotion”
[8]Yifu Gao, Victor Barasuol, Darwin G Caldwell, Claudio Semini,”Study on the morphological
parameters of quadruped robot designs considering ditch traversability”
[9]David Wisth, Marco Camurri, Maurice Fallon,”Robust Legged Robot State Estimation Using
Factor Graph Optimization”
[10]Andrzej Reinke, Marco Camurri, Claudio Semini,”A Factor Graph Approach to Multi-Camera
Extrinsic Calibration on Legged Robots”
本文提出了一种因子图方法来对四足机器人进行多摄像机校准。 我们已经证明了因子图框架代表了视觉惯性方法的有效且灵活的替代方案,其需要平滑运动和所有轴的平衡激励以提供可靠的结果。 另一方面,视觉运动学方法要求在末端执行器(即,基准标记支撑件)处的硬件修改是精确的
[11]Carlos Mastalli, Michele Focchi, Ioannis Havoutis, Andreea Radulescu, Sylvain Calinon,
Jonas Buchli, Darwin G Caldwell, Claudio Semini,”Trajectory and foothold
optimization using low-dimensional models for rough terrain locomotion”
[12]Bernardo Aceituno-Cabezas, Carlos Mastalli, Hongkai Dai, Michele Focchi, Andreea
Radulescu, Darwin G Caldwell, José Cappelletto, Juan C Grieco, Gerardo
Fernández-López, Claudio Semini,”Simultaneous contact, gait, and motion
planning for robust multilegged locomotion via mixed-integer convex
2.5《Keep Rollin’ – Whole-Body Motion Control and
Planning for Wheeled Quadrupedal Robots》Marko Bjelonic, C. Dario Bellicoso, Yvain de Viragh, Dhionis Sako,F. Dante Tresoldi, Fabian Jenelten and Marco Hutter
本文展示了动态运动策略的四足机器人,它结合了步行和驾驶的优点。开发的优化框架 - 工作紧密地集成了车轮引入的额外自由度。本文方法依赖于基于零点矩的运动优化,其不断更新参考轨迹。参考运动由分层全身控制器跟踪,该控制器通过求解包括非完整滚动约束在内的优先任务的序列来计算最优广义加速度和接触力。
[1]Marco Hutter, Christian Gehring, Andreas Lauber, Fabian Gunther, Carmine Dario Bellicoso,
Vassilios Tsounis, Péter Fankhauser, Remo Diethelm, Samuel Bachmann, Michael
Blösch, Hendrik Kolvenbach, Marko Bjelonic, Linus Isler, Konrad
Meyer,”ANYmal-toward legged robots for harsh environments”
[2]Marko Bjelonic, Navinda Kottege, Philipp Beckerle,”Proprioceptive control of an over-actuated hexapod robot in unstructured terrain”
[3]Timon Homberger, Marko Bjelonic, Navinda Kottege, Paulo VK Borge,”Terrain-dependant
control of hexapod robots using vision”
[4]Marco Hutter, Christian Gehring, Dominic Jud, Andreas Lauber, C Dario Bellicoso, Vassilios
Tsounis, Jemin Hwangbo, Karen Bodie, Peter Fankhauser, Michael Bloesch, Remo
Diethelm, Samuel Bachmann, Amir Melzer, Mark Hoepflinger,”Anymal-a highly
mobile and dynamic quadrupedal robot”
本文设计的机器的设计重点是户外适用性,简单的维护和用户友好的操作,以便在现实世界的场景中实现未来的操作。 使用关节执行器进行的性能测试表明,扭矩控制带宽超过70 Hz,具有高抗干扰能力,以及以最大速度移动时的冲击稳健性。 在一系列实验中证明,ANYmal可以执行步行步态,以中等速度动态地小跑,并且能够进行特殊操作以站立或爬行非常陡峭的楼梯。
[4] Christian Gehring, Stelian Coros, Marco Hutler, Carmine Dario Bellicoso, Huub Heijnen,
Remo Diethelm, Michael Bloesch, Péter Fankhauser, Jemin Hwangbo, Mark
Hoepflinger, Roland Siegwart,”Practice makes perfect: An optimization-based
approach to controlling agile motions for a quadruped robot”
[5] Jemin Hwangbo, Joonho Lee, Alexey Dosovitskiy, Dario Bellicoso, Vassilios Tsounis, Vladlen
Koltun, Marco Hutter,”Learning agile and dynamic motor skills for legged
[7]C Dario Bellicoso, Koen Kramer, Markus Stäuble, Dhionis Sako, Fabian Jenelten, Fabian
Bjelonic,Marco Hutter,”ALMA-Articulated Locomotion and Manipulation for a
Torque-Controllable Robot”
2.6《Computational Design of Robotic Devices
fromHigh-Level Motion Specifications》
Sehoon Ha,Member, IEEE,Stelian Coros,Member, IEEE,Alexander Alspach,Member, IEEE,James M. Bern,Student Member, IEEE,Joohyung Kim,Member, IEEE,Katsu Yamane,Member, IEEE
本文提出了一种新颖的启发式算法,该算法针对用户提供的运动任务优化机器人设备的设计。设计参数包括每肢的链接数,关节类型,链路长度和电机控制信号。关键点是将设计优化表示为一个最短路径发现问题,可以通过由新型启发式函数驱动的A *算法来解决。 通过为各种操纵器和腿式机器人生成优化设计来验证所提出的算法的鲁棒性。 此外,通过与两个基线算法(广度优先搜索和具有简单的基于错误的启发函数的A *算法)进行比较来证明算法的效率。
[1]Sehoon Ha, Stelian Coros, Alexander Alspach, Joohyung Kim, Katsu Yamane,”Joint
Optimization of Robot Design and Motion Parameters using the Implicit Function
[2]Visak CV Kumar, Sehoon Ha, C Karen Liu,”Expanding Motor Skills through Relay Neural Networks”
[3] Visak CV Kumar, Sehoon Ha, Katsu Yamane,”Improving model-based balance controllers using
reinforcement learning and adaptive sampling”
本文提出了一个学习框架,通过扩展吸引区域(RoA)来增强基于模型的最优控制器的性能。 训练控制策略时,使用深度强化学习技术在基于模型的控制器之上生成额外的控制信号。
[4]Tuomas Haarnoja, Aurick Zhou, Sehoon Ha, Jie Tan, George Tucker, Sergey Levine,”Learning to walk via deep reinforcement learning”
[5]Sehoon Ha, Stelian Coros, Alexander Alspach, Joohyung Kim, Katsu Yamane,”Task-based limb optimization for legged robots”
本文提出了这样一个模型来共同设计机器人的运动和腿部配置,从而优化性能的度量。 该框架首先规划了由质心和英尺组成的简化模型的轨迹。 然后,框架优化每个腿部连接的长度,同时解决相关的全身运动。
[6]Sehoon Ha, Stelian Coros, Alexander Alspach, Joohyung Kim, Katsu Yamane,”Computational co-optimization of design parameters and motion trajectories for robotic
[7]Sehoon Ha, Stelian Coros, Alexander Alspach, James M Bern, Joohyung Kim, Katsu
Yamane,”Computational design of robotic devices from high-level motion
[8]Sehoon Ha, Alexander Nicholas Alspach, Joohyung Kim, Katsu Yamane, Stelian
Coros,”Computational design of robots from high-level task specifications”
Legged Robots III
3.1《Realizing Learned Quadruped Locomotion
Behaviors through Kinematic Motion Primitives》Abhik Singla,Shounak Bhattacharya,Dhaivat Dholakiya,Shalabh Bhatnagar,Ashitava Ghosal,Bharadwaj Amrutur,Shishir Kolathaya
[1]Abhik Singla,Partha Pratim Roy,Debi Prosad Dogra,“Visual rendering of shapes on
2D display devices guided by hand gestures”
3.2《Single-shot Foothold Selection and Constraint
Evaluation for Quadruped Locomotion》Dominik Belter, Jakub Bednarek, Hsiu-Chin Lin, Guiyang Xin, Michael Mistry
[1]Dominik Belter,Jan Wietrzykowski,Piotr Skrzypczyński,“Employing Natural Terrain
Semantics in Motion Planning for a Multi-Legged Robot”
[2]Dominik Belter,Michał Nowicki,“Optimization-based legged odometry and sensor
fusion for legged robot continuous localization”
[3]Dominik Belter,Michał Nowicki,Piotr Skrzypczyński,“Modeling spatial uncertainty of
point features in feature-based RGB-D SLAM”
[4]Michal R Nowicki,Dominik Belter,Aleksander Kostusiak,Petr Cízek,Jan Faigl,Piotr
Skrzypczynski,“An experimental study on feature-based SLAM for
multi-legged robots with RGB-D sensors”
3.3《Optimized Jumping on the MIT Cheetah 3 Robot》Quan Nguyen, Matthew J. Powell, Benjamin Katz,Jared Di Carlo, and Sangbae Kim
[1]Thomas Albini,Natalia F. Callaway,Glenn J. Jaffe,William Feuer,Janet Davis,Debra
Goldstein,Careen Lowder,Phoebe Lin,Quan Nguyen,Sunil Srivastava,David
Callanan,Anat Galor,Raquel Goldhardt,Harry Flynn,“MUST Beg to Differ”
[2]Toan Dinh,TuanKhoa Nguyen,HoangPhuong Phan,Quan Nguyen,Jisheng Han,Sima
Dimitrijev,NamTrung Nguyen,Dzung Viet Dao,“Thermoresistance of p ‐Type
4H–SiC Integrated MEMS Devices for High‐Temperature SensingThermoresistance of
p ‐Type 4H–SiC Integrated MEMS Devices for High‐Temperature Sensing”
[3]Dirk Tempelaar,Bart Rienties,Quan Nguyen,“A multi-modal study into students’
timing and learning regulation: time is ticking”
[4]Clayton E. Friedman,Quan Nguyen,Samuel W. Lukowski,Abbigail Helfer,Han Sheng Chiu,Jason Miklas,Shiri Levy,Shengbao Suo,Jing-Dong Jackie Han,Pierre Osteil,Guangdun
Peng,Naihe Jing,Greg J. Baillie,Anne Senabouth,Angelika N. Christ,Timothy J.
Bruxner,Charles E. Murry,Emily S. Wong,Jun Ding,Yuliang Wang,James
Hudson,Hannele Ruohola-Baker,Ziv Bar-Joseph,Patrick P.L. Tam,Joseph E.
Powell,Nathan J. Palpant,“Single-Cell Transcriptomic Analysis of Cardiac
Differentiation from Human PSCs Reveals HOPX-Dependent Cardiomyocyte
[5]Maciej Daniszewski,Quan Nguyen,Hun S. Chy,Vikrant Singh,Duncan E. Crombie,Tejal
Kulkarni,Helena H. Liang,Priyadharshini Sivakumaran,Grace E. Lidgerwood,Damian
Hernández,Alison Conquest,Louise A. Rooney,Sophie Chevalier,Stacey B.
Andersen,Anne Senabouth,James C. Vickers,David A. Mackey,Jamie E. Craig,Andrew
L. Laslett,Alex W. Hewitt,Joseph E. Powell,Alice Pébay,“Single cell profiling
identifies key pathways expressed by iPSCs cultured in different commercial
[6]Bart Rienties,Tim Lewis,Ruth McFarlane,Quan Nguyen,Lisette Toetenel,“Analytics
in online and offline language learning environments: the role of learning
design to understand student online engagement”
[7]Dirk Tempelaar,Bart Rienties,Jenna Mittelmeier,Quan Nguyen,“Student profiling
in a dispositional learning analytics application using formative
[8]Quan Nguyen,Bart Rienties,Lisette Toetenel,Rebecca Ferguso,Denise
Whitelock,“Examining the designs of computer-based assessment and its
impact on student engagement, satisfaction, and pass rates”
[9]William Rhoades,Drew Dickson,Quan Nguyen,Diana Do,“Management of macular edema due
to central retinal vein occlusion – The role of aflibercept”
[10]Yousef Dhafiri,Khalid Al Rubaie,Omar Kirat,William May,Quan Nguyen,Igor
Kozak,“Multifocal choroiditis with retinal vasculitis, optic neuropathy,
and keratoconus in a young Saudi male”
3.4《CENTAURO: A Hybrid Locomotion and High Power
Resilient Manipulation Platform》Navvab Kashiri,
Lorenzo Baccelliere, Luca Muratore, Arturo Laurenzi, Zeyu Ren,Enrico Mingo
Hoffman, Malgorzata Kamedula, Giuseppe Francesco Rigano,Jorn Malzahn, Stefano
Cordasco, Paolo Guria, Alessio Margan, Nikos G. Tsagaraki
[1]JinohLee,Maolin Jin,Navvab Kashiri,Darwin G. Caldwell,Nikolaos G.
Tsagarakis,“Inversion-free force tracking control of piezoelectric
actuatorsusing fast finite-time integral terminal sliding-mode”
[2]Emmanouiln Spyrakos-Papastavridis,Navvab Kashiri,Peter R.N. Childs,Nikos G.
Tsagarakis,“Online impedance regulation techniques for compliant humanoid
Legged Robots IV
4.1 《低摩擦路面下stealth walking步态的产生Generation of Stealth Walking Gait on
Low-Friction Road Surface》 Asano,Fumihiko
作者研究了在没有控制力矩的情况下,利用stealth walking法生成的欠驱动步行者的自适应行走步态。通过应用角动量约束控制(AMCC),实现无摩擦情景(模拟)以及低摩擦情景(现实)下的稳定行走。并通过数学和数值研究,从抗滑特性的角度讨论了双肢支撑阶段上肢控制的优化问题。
[1]F. Asano,“Stealth walking of 3-link planar underactuated biped,” Proc.of the IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.
4118–4124, 2017.
[2]F. Asano, K.Matsuura, S. Kobayashi and Y. Kikuchi, “Motion generation and analysis of high-speed stealth walking on stairs,” Proc. of the 12th IFAC Symp. on Robot Control, 046, 2018.
[3]F.Asano,“Stealth walking with reduced double-limb support phase and its extension to careful legged locomotion,”on Multibody System Dynamics,2018
[4]F. Asano,“High-speed Stealth Walking of Underactuated Biped Utilizing Effects of Upper-body Control and Semicircular Feet,”Proc.of the IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.4375-4380,2018.
[5]T.Kinugasa, K.Hosoda, M.Iribe,F.Asano, Y.Sugimoto,"Special Issue on Dynamically
and Biologically Inspired Legged Locomotion"on Journal of Robotics and
4.2 《腿型机器人的支撑面评估Support Surface Estimation for Legged Robots》Timon Homberger, Lorenz Wellhausen, Peter Fankhauser, Marco Hutter
[1] P. Fankhauser,“Perceptive locomotion for legged robots in rough terrain,” Ph.D. dissertation,
ETH Zurich, 2018.
[2]P. Ross, A. English, D. Ball, B. Upcroft, and P. Corke, “Finding the ground hidden in the
grass: Traversability estimation in vegetation.”
[3]J. Z. Kolter, Y. Kim, and A. Y. Ng, “Stereo vision and terrain modeling for quadruped
robots,” in 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May
2009, pp. 1557–1564.
4.3 《力矩可控机器人的ALMA关节运动与操纵ALMA - Articulated Locomotion and Manipulation for a Torque-Controllable Robot》C. Dario Bellicoso, Koen Kramer, Markus St ¨ auble, Dhionis Sako,Fabian Jenelten, Marko Bjelonic, Marco Hutter
[1]C. D. Bellicoso, M. Bjelonic, L. Wellhausen, K. Holtmann, F. Gunther, ¨M. Tranzatto,
P. Fankhauser, and M. Hutter, “Advances in real-world applications for legged
robots,” accepted for Journal of Field Robotics,2018.
[2]B. U. Rehman, D. G. Calwell, and C. Semini, “Centaur robots a survey,” in Human-centric
Robotics-Proceedings Of The 20th International Conference Clawar 2017. World
Scientific, 2017, pp.247–258.
4.4《四足机器人多功能动态运动的实时模型预测控制Real-time Model Predictive Control for Versatile Dynamic Motions in Quadrupedal Robots》 Yanran Ding, bhishek Pandala, and Hae-Won Park
[1]Y Ding, HW Park “Design and Experimental Implementation of a Quasi-Direct-Drive Leg for Optimized Jumping” IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) September 24–28, 2017
[2]Yanran Ding, Chuanzheng Li, Hae-Won Park,“Single Leg
Dynamic Motion Planning with Mixed-Integer Convex Optimization” IEEE/RSJ
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems,2018
[3]Quadrupedal galloping control for a wide range of speed via vertical impulse scaling[J].
Hae-Won Park,Sangbae Kim. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. 2015
4.5《基于可行脉冲集的步行机器人在线步态转换与干扰恢复Online Gait
Transitions and Disturbance Recovery for Legged Robots via the Feasible Impulse
Set》 Chiheb Boussema, Matthew J. Powell, Gerardo Bledt ,Auke J. Ijspeert, Patrick M. Wensing and Sangbae Kim
[1]Patrick M. Wensing, Luther R. Palmer, David E. Orin "Efficient recursive dynamics
algorithms for operational-space control with application to legged
locomotion"Autonomous Robots, 2015, Vol.38 (4), pp.363-381
4.6《被动行走和跑步:ATRIAS实况演示的经验教训Walking and Running with Passive Compliance: Lessons from Engineering a Live Demonstration of the ATRIAS Biped》 Christian Hubicki, Andy Abate, Patrick Clary, Siavash Rezazadeh, Mikhail Jones, Andrew Peekema ,Johnathan Van Why,
Ryan Domres, Albert Wu, William Martin ,Hartmut Geyer , and Jonathan Hurst
[1]Christian Hubicki, Jesse Grimes, Mikhail Jones, Daniel Renjewski,Alexander Sprowitz;,Andy
Abate,Jonathan Hurst,“ATRIAS: Design and
validation of a tether-free 3D-capable spring-mass bipedal robot”,The
International Journal of Robotics Research,SAGE Publications,2016,pp.1497-1521
Legged Robots V
5.1 Self-Modifying
Morphology Experiments with DyRET: Dynamic Robot for Embodied Testing*
Tønnes F. Nygaard , Charles P. Martin ,
Jim Torresen and Kyrre Glette
[1] T. F. Nygaard, E. Samuelsen, and K. Glette, “Overcoming initial convergence in multi-objective evolution of robot control and morphology using a two-phase approach,” in 2017 Applications of Evolutionary Computation (EvoStar17), G. Squillero and K. Sim, Eds. Springer
International Publishing, 2017, pp. 825–836
[2] T. F. Nygaard, C. P. Martin, E. Samuelsen, J. Torresen, and K. Glette, “Real-world evolution adapts robot morphology and control to hardware limitations,” in 2018 Genetic and Evolutionary
Computation Conference (GECCO18). ACM, 2018, pp. 125–132.
[3] T. F. Nygaard, “DyRET GitHub
repository.” [Online]. Available: https://github.com/dyret-robot/dyret documentation
[4] J. Nordmoen, K. O. Ellefsen, and K. Glette, “Combining mapelites and incremental evolution to generate gaits for a mammalian quadruped robot,” in Applications of Evolutionary Computation, K. Sim and P. Kaufmann, Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018, pp. 719–733.
[5] T. F. Nygaard, J. Torresen, and K. Glette, “Multi-objective evolution of fast and stable gaits on a physical quadruped robotic platform,” in 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational
Intelligence (SSCI), 2016, pp. 1–8.
5.2 Experimental Validation
of High-Efficiency Hydraulic Direct-Drive System for a Biped Humanoid Robot —Comparison with Valve-Based Control System
J. Shimizu, T. Otani, H. Mizukami, K. Hashimoto, and A. Takanishi, Member, IEEE
[1] Y. Ogura, K. Shimomura, H. Kondo, A. Morishima, T. Okubo, S. Momoki, H. O. Lim and A. Takanishi, “Human-like Walking with Knee Stretched, Heel-contact and Toe-off Motion by a Humanoid robot,” Proc. 2006 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 3976-3981, 2006.
[2] T. Otani, K. Hashimoto, S. Hamamoto, S. Miyamae, M. Sakaguchi, Y. Kawakami, H.O. Lim and A. Takanishi, “Knee Joint Mechanism That Mimics Elastic Characteristics and Bending in Human Running,” Proc. 2015 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 5156-5161, 2015.
[3] J. Shimizu, T. Otani, K. Hashimoto, A. Takanishi, “Downsizing the Motors of a Biped Robot Using a Hydraulic Direct Drive System,” Proc. 2018 IEEE-RAS Int. Conf. on Humanoid Robots, pp. 580-586, 2018.
5.3 Experimental Demonstration of High-Performance Robotic Balancing
Josephus J. M. Driessen, Antonios E. Gkikakis , Roy Featherstone and B. Roodra P. Singh
[1] M. Azad and R. Featherstone, “Angular momentum based balance controller for an under-actuated planar robot,”
Autonomous Robots, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 93–107, 2016.
[2] J. J. M. Driessen, R. Featherstone, and A. E. Gkikakis, “An actuator design criterion to maximize physical balance recovery,” in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Madrid, Spain, October 2018.
[3] R. Featherstone, “Quantitative Measures of a Robot’s Ability to Balance,” in Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems, Rome, Italy, July 13–17, 2015. [Online]. Available: http://www.
5.4 Design of Anti-skid Foot with Passive Slip Detection Mechanism forConditional Utilization
of Heterogeneous Foot Pads
Jaejun Park, Do Hun Kong and Hae-Won Park
[1] Y. Ding and H.-W. Park, “Design and experimental implementation of a quasi-direct-drive leg for optimized jumping,”
in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Sept
2017, pp. 300–305.
[2] H.-W. Park, S. Park, and S. Kim,
“Variable-speed quadrupedal bounding using impulse planning: Untethered
high-speed 3d running of mit cheetah 2,” in Robotics and automation (ICRA),
2015 IEEE international conference on. IEEE, 2015, pp. 5163–5170.
[3] H.-W. Park, P. M. Wensing, and S. Kim,
“High-speed bounding with the mit cheetah 2: Control design and experiments,”
The International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 167–192,
[4] H.-W. Park, P. Wensing, and S. Kim,
“Online planning for autonomous running jumps over obstacles in high-speedquadrupeds,” in Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems, Rome, Italy, July 2015
5.5 Trajectory
Optimization for Wheeled-Legged Quadrupedal Robots using Linearized ZMP Constraints. Yvain de Viragh,Marko Bjelonic, C. Dario Bellicoso, Fabian Jenelten, and Marco Hutter
[1] M. Hutter et al., “ANYmal – toward legged robots for harsh environments,” Adv. Robot., vol. 31, pp. 918–931, 2017.
[2] A. W. Winkler, C. D. Bellicoso, M. Hutter, and J. Buchli, “Gait and trajectory optimization for legged systems through phase-based endeffector parameterization,” IEEE Robot. Autom. Lett.,
vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 1560–1567, Jul. 2018.
[3] C. D. Bellicoso, F. Jenelten, P. Fankhauser, C. Gehring, J. Hwangbo, and M. Hutter, “Dynamic locomotion and whole-body control for quadrupedal robots,” in Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intell. Robots Syst., Sep. 2017, pp. 3359–3365.
[4] C. D. Bellicoso, F. Jenelten, C. Gehring, and M. Hutter, “Dynamic locomotion through online nonlinear motion optimization for quadrupedal robots,” IEEE Robot. Autom. Lett., vol. 3, no.
3,pp. 2261–2268, Jul. 2018.
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