哈希表(Hash Table),也称为散列表,是一种利用哈希函数来实现键值对映射的数据结构。它通过将键转换为索引,然后将键值对存储在相应索引位置的数组中,以实现快速查找、插入和删除操作的数据结构。
哈希表是一种用于存储键值对的数据结构。哈希表使用哈希函数来计算将在其中插入或搜索元素的数组的索引。这是一个用于实现哈希表的 C++ 程序。
Begin Initialize the table size T_S to some integer value. Create a structure hashTableEntry to declare key k and value v. Create a class hashMapTable: Create a constructor hashMapTable to create the table. Create a hashFunc() function which return key mod T_S. Create a function Insert() to insert element at a key. Create a function SearchKey() to search element at a key. Create a function Remove() to remove element at a key. Call a destructor hashMapTable to destroy the objects created by the constructor. In main, perform switch operation and enter input as per choice. To insert key and values, call insert(). To search element, call SearchKey(). To remove element, call Remove(). End.
#include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> #include<string> #include<cstdio> using namespace std; const int T_S = 200; class HashTableEntry { public: int k; int v; HashTableEntry(int k, int v) { this->k= k; this->v = v; } }; class HashMapTable { private: HashTableEntry **t; public: HashMapTable() { t = new HashTableEntry * [T_S]; for (int i = 0; i< T_S; i++) { t[i] = NULL; } } int HashFunc(int k) { return k % T_S; } void Insert(int k, int v) { int h = HashFunc(k); while (t[h] != NULL && t[h]->k != k) { h = HashFunc(h + 1); } if (t[h] != NULL) delete t[h]; t[h] = new HashTableEntry(k, v); } int SearchKey(int k) { int h = HashFunc(k); while (t[h] != NULL && t[h]->k != k) { h = HashFunc(h + 1); } if (t[h] == NULL) return -1; else return t[h]->v; } void Remove(int k) { int h = HashFunc(k); while (t[h] != NULL) { if (t[h]->k == k) break; h = HashFunc(h + 1); } if (t[h] == NULL) { cout<<"No Element found at key "<<k<<endl; return; } else { delete t[h]; } cout<<"Element Deleted"<<endl; } ~HashMapTable() { for (int i = 0; i < T_S; i++) { if (t[i] != NULL) delete t[i]; delete[] t; } } }; int main() { HashMapTable hash; int k, v; int c; while (1) { cout<<"1.Insert element into the table"<<endl; cout<<"2.Search element from the key"<<endl; cout<<"3.Delete element at a key"<<endl; cout<<"4.Exit"<<endl; cout<<"Enter your choice: "; cin>>c; switch(c) { case 1: cout<<"Enter element to be inserted: "; cin>>v; cout<<"Enter key at which element to be inserted: "; cin>>k; hash.Insert(k, v); break; case 2: cout<<"Enter key of the element to be searched: "; cin>>k; if (hash.SearchKey(k) == -1) { cout<<"No element found at key "<<k<<endl; continue; } else { cout<<"Element at key "<<k<<" : "; cout<<hash.SearchKey(k)<<endl; } break; case 3: cout<<"Enter key of the element to be deleted: "; cin>>k; hash.Remove(k); break; case 4: exit(1); default: cout<<"\nEnter correct option\n"; } } return 0; }
1.Insert element into the table
2.Search element from the key
3.Delete element at a key
Enter your choice: 1
Enter element to be inserted: 1
Enter key at which element to be inserted: 1
1.Insert element into the table
2.Search element from the key
3.Delete element at a key
Enter your choice: 1
Enter element to be inserted: 2
Enter key at which element to be inserted: 2
1.Insert element into the table
2.Search element from the key
3.Delete element at a key
Enter your choice: 1
Enter element to be inserted: 4
Enter key at which element to be inserted: 5
1.Insert element into the table
2.Search element from the key
3.Delete element at a key
Enter your choice: 1
Enter element to be inserted: 7
Enter key at which element to be inserted: 6
1.Insert element into the table
2.Search element from the key
3.Delete element at a key
Enter your choice: 2
Enter key of the element to be searched: 7
No element found at key 7
1.Insert element into the table
2.Search element from the key
3.Delete element at a key
Enter your choice: 2
Enter key of the element to be searched: 6
Element at key 6 : 7
1.Insert element into the table
2.Search element from the key
3.Delete element at a key
Enter your choice: 3
Enter key of the element to be deleted: 1
Element Deleted
1.Insert element into the table
2.Search element from the key
3.Delete element at a key
Enter your choice: 4
在 C++ 中使用标准库中的 `unordered_map` 实现的哈希表示例代码:
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
// 声明一个哈希表,键为 string 类型,值为 int 类型
unordered_map<string, int> hashTable;
// 在哈希表中插入键值对
hashTable["Alice"] = 25;
hashTable["Bob"] = 30;
hashTable["Charlie"] = 35;
// 访问哈希表中的值
cout << "Alice's age: " << hashTable["Alice"] << endl;
// 修改哈希表中的值
hashTable["Bob"] = 32;
// 遍历哈希表
for (const auto& pair : hashTable) {
cout << pair.first << ": " << pair.second << endl;
// 检查特定键是否存在
if (hashTable.find("Charlie") != hashTable.end()) {
cout << "Charlie is in the hash table" << endl;
return 0;
在这个示例中,我们使用 `unordered_map` 类来实现哈希表,`unordered_map` 定义在 `<unordered_map>` 头文件中,并提供了丰富的操作来处理键值对的插入、访问、修改和遍历等操作。