paper:Real-Time Scene Text Detection with Differentiable Binarization and Adaptive Scale Fusion
本文是对DBNet的改进,关于DBNet的介绍具体可见场景文本检测算法 可微分二值化DBNet原理与代码解析,本文新提出了一种自适应尺度融合模块Adaptive Scale Fusion(ASF)module来自适应地融合多尺度的特征,将ASF应用于分割网络,显著地增强了其检测不同尺度文本实例的能力。
其中,在FPN的多层输出和最终的预测特征图之间加入了ASF module。
scale attention的完整过程定义如下
这里以mmocr的实现为例,注意在文章中作者提出的ASF是一个spatial attention模块,但在官方实现https://github.com/MhLiao/DB/blob/master/decoders/feature_attention.py中,作者给出了三种不同注意力机制的实现,除了文章中提到的spatial attention,还有channel attention以及两者结合的spatial-channel attention。MMOCR只移植了spatial-channel attention的实现即ScaleChannelSpatialAttention,具体如下
- class ScaleChannelSpatialAttention(BaseModule):
- """Spatial Attention module in Real-Time Scene Text Detection with
- Differentiable Binarization and Adaptive Scale Fusion.
- This was partially adapted from https://github.com/MhLiao/DB
- Args:
- in_channels (int): A numbers of input channels.
- c_wise_channels (int): Number of channel-wise attention channels.
- out_channels (int): Number of output channels.
- init_cfg (dict or list[dict], optional): Initialization configs.
- """
- def __init__(
- self,
- in_channels: int, # 256
- c_wise_channels: int, # 64
- out_channels: int, # 4
- init_cfg: Optional[Union[Dict, List[Dict]]] = [
- dict(type='Kaiming', layer='Conv', bias=0)
- ]
- ) -> None:
- super().__init__(init_cfg=init_cfg)
- self.avg_pool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1)
- # Channel Wise
- self.channel_wise = Sequential(
- ConvModule(
- in_channels,
- c_wise_channels,
- 1,
- bias=False,
- conv_cfg=None,
- norm_cfg=None,
- act_cfg=dict(type='ReLU'),
- inplace=False),
- ConvModule(
- c_wise_channels,
- in_channels,
- 1,
- bias=False,
- conv_cfg=None,
- norm_cfg=None,
- act_cfg=dict(type='Sigmoid'),
- inplace=False))
- # Spatial Wise
- self.spatial_wise = Sequential(
- ConvModule(
- 1,
- 1,
- 3,
- padding=1,
- bias=False,
- conv_cfg=None,
- norm_cfg=None,
- act_cfg=dict(type='ReLU'),
- inplace=False),
- ConvModule(
- 1,
- 1,
- 1,
- bias=False,
- conv_cfg=None,
- norm_cfg=None,
- act_cfg=dict(type='Sigmoid'),
- inplace=False))
- # Attention Wise
- self.attention_wise = ConvModule(
- in_channels,
- out_channels,
- 1,
- bias=False,
- conv_cfg=None,
- norm_cfg=None,
- act_cfg=dict(type='Sigmoid'),
- inplace=False)
- def forward(self, inputs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
- """
- Args:
- inputs (Tensor): A concat FPN feature tensor that has the shape of
- :math:`(N, C, H, W)`.
- Returns:
- Tensor: An attention map of shape :math:`(N, C_{out}, H, W)`
- where :math:`C_{out}` is ``out_channels``.
- """
- # (4,256,160,160)
- out = self.avg_pool(inputs) # (4,256,1,1)
- out = self.channel_wise(out) # (4,256,1,1)
- out = out + inputs # (4,256,160,160)
- inputs = torch.mean(out, dim=1, keepdim=True) # (4,1,160,160)
- out = self.spatial_wise(inputs) + out # (4,1,160,160)+(4,256,160,160)->(4,256,160,160)
- out = self.attention_wise(out) # (4,4,160,160)
- return out

这里设batch_size=4,input_size=(640, 640),FPN的4层输出经过上采样后得到统一大小的feature map,即列表[(4,64,160,160),(4,64,160,160),(4,64,160,160),(4,64,160,160)],然后沿通道拼接得到shape=(4,256,160,160)的输出,然后经过一个3x3的卷积层输出shape不变还是(4,256,160,160)得到ASF模块的输入。
- for i, out in enumerate(outs):
- enhanced_feature.append(attention[:, i:i + 1] * outs[i])
- out = torch.cat(enhanced_feature, dim=1)
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