微信小程序点餐系统的开发是基于B/S结构来进行开发的,同时运用当下热门的Spring Boot技术,数据库采用MySQL来作为数据的存储和管理,很大的保障了数据的完整性,也为开发这个系统提供了安全性。
关键词:点餐系统 B/S结构 Spring Boot MySQL
With the development and continuous transformation of Internet technology, the method of placing orders in many milk tea shops on the market has become unable to meet the increasing customer flow. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, a system of Yihetang of City College was designed. The paper firstly introduces the development background and current situation of Yihetang ordering system of the City College, then elaborates the goal of designing the system, carries on the demand analysis of the system and develops the technical scheme design, and discusses the detailed design and realization of the system in detail.
The development of Yihetang ordering system of City College is based on B/S structure. At the same time, the popular spring boot technology is used, MySQL is used as data storage and management, which greatly guarantees the integrity of data and provides security for the development of this system.
According to the investigation of Yihetang ordering system of City College, the system summarizes all kinds of functions that need to be developed, which can well realize the addition, deletion, check and modification of data. It also optimizes the two modules of the system, the Wechat Mini Program and the background management, so that the system can meet the actual needs of different users under different permissions. The system layout is clear and easy to understand, which speeds up the management of order information. The system has been tested and studied many times, and the results are stable, easy to operate and fast. It is an information management system with many functions, strong security and practicability, various excellent function expansibility and simple maintenance. The system is fully functional, the interface layout is attractive, the function is more complete, the operation is simple, in line with the development trend of today's society
Keywords: Ordering system B/S structure Spring Boot MySQL
- package com.qingshop.mall.modules.wxapi.controller;
- import java.math.BigDecimal;
- import java.sql.Timestamp;
- import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Arrays;
- import java.util.Date;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- import java.util.Random;
- import java.util.stream.Collectors;
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
- import com.qingshop.mall.common.utils.UUIDUtil;
- import org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils;
- import org.slf4j.Logger;
- import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
- import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
- import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
- import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
- import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
- import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
- import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
- import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
- import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject;
- import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.conditions.query.QueryWrapper;
- import com.github.binarywang.wxpay.bean.order.WxPayMpOrderResult;
- import com.github.binarywang.wxpay.bean.request.WxPayUnifiedOrderRequest;
- import com.github.binarywang.wxpay.service.WxPayService;
- import com.qingshop.mall.common.bean.Rest;
- import com.qingshop.mall.common.utils.IpUtils;
- import com.qingshop.mall.common.utils.StringUtils;
- import com.qingshop.mall.common.utils.idwork.DistributedIdWorker;
- import com.qingshop.mall.common.utils.text.Convert;
- import com.qingshop.mall.framework.resolver.LoginUser;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.common.BaseController;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.entity.MallAddress;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.entity.MallCart;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.entity.MallCoupon;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.entity.MallCouponUser;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.entity.MallGoods;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.entity.MallGoodsSkudetail;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.entity.MallOrder;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.entity.MallOrderDetail;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.entity.MallOrderSerial;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.entity.MallRegion;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.entity.MallSaleArea;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.entity.MallShipFree;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.entity.MallShipRule;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.entity.MallShipSet;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.entity.MallUser;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.service.IMallAddressService;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.service.IMallCartService;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.service.IMallCouponService;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.service.IMallCouponUserService;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.service.IMallGoodsService;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.service.IMallGoodsSkudetailService;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.service.IMallOrderDetailService;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.service.IMallOrderSerialService;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.service.IMallOrderService;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.service.IMallRegionService;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.service.IMallSaleAreaService;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.service.IMallShipFreeService;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.service.IMallShipRuleService;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.service.IMallShipSetService;
- import com.qingshop.mall.modules.mall.service.IMallUserService;
- import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
- @RestController
- @RequestMapping("/wx/order")
- public class WxOrderController extends BaseController {
- private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WxOrderController.class);
- @Autowired
- private IMallGoodsService mallGoodService;
- @Autowired
- private IMallGoodsSkudetailService mallGoodsSkudetailService;
- @Autowired
- private IMallAddressService mallAddressService;
- @Autowired
- private IMallCartService mallCartService;
- @Autowired
- private IMallRegionService mallRegionService;
- @Autowired
- private IMallOrderService mallOrderService;
- @Autowired
- private IMallOrderDetailService mallOrderDetailService;
- @Autowired
- private IMallUserService mallUserService;
- @Autowired
- private WxPayService wxPayService;
- @Autowired
- private IMallOrderSerialService mallOrderSerialService;
- @Autowired
- private IMallShipSetService mallShipSetService;
- @Autowired
- private IMallSaleAreaService mallSaleAreaService;
- @Autowired
- private IMallShipFreeService mallShipFreeService;
- @Autowired
- private IMallShipRuleService mallShipRuleService;
- @Autowired
- private IMallCouponService mallCouponService;
- @Autowired
- private IMallCouponUserService mallCouponUserService;
- @ApiOperation(value = "订单列表数据", response = Rest.class)
- @GetMapping("/lists")
- public Rest index(@LoginUser Long userId, String dataType) {
- Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>();
- if (userId == null) {
- return Rest.failure(-1, "账号未授权");
- }
- QueryWrapper<MallOrder> ew = new QueryWrapper<MallOrder>();
- switch (dataType) {
- case "payment":
- ew.eq("order_status", 1);
- ew.eq("pay_status", 0);
- break;
- case "delivery":
- ew.eq("order_status", 1);
- ew.eq("pay_status", 1);
- ew.eq("ship_status", 0);
- break;
- case "received":
- ew.eq("order_status", 1);
- ew.eq("pay_status", 1);
- ew.eq("ship_status", 1);
- break;
- case "completed":
- ew.eq("pay_status", 1);
- ew.eq("ship_status", 2);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- ew.eq("user_id", userId).orderByDesc("create_time");
- List<MallOrder> orderList = mallOrderService.list(ew);
- for (MallOrder mallOrder : orderList) {
- List<MallOrderDetail> details = mallOrderDetailService.list(new QueryWrapper<MallOrderDetail>().eq("order_id", mallOrder.getOrderId()));
- mallOrder.setGoods(details);
- }
- result.put("list", orderList);
- return Rest.okData(result);
- }
- /**
- * 订单商品详情
- *
- * @return 详情数据
- */
- @ApiOperation(value = "订单商品详情", response = Rest.class)
- @RequestMapping("/detail")
- public Rest detail(@LoginUser Long userId, Long orderId) {
- try {
- Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- MallOrder mallOrder = mallOrderService.getById(orderId);
- List<MallOrderDetail> goods = mallOrderDetailService.list(new QueryWrapper<MallOrderDetail>().eq("order_id", mallOrder.getOrderId()));
- mallOrder.setGoods(goods);
- data.put("order", mallOrder);
- return Rest.okData(data);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log.error("商品详情数据查询失败!", e.getMessage());
- System.out.println(e.getMessage());
- }
- return Rest.failure("服务器异常!");
- }
- /**
- * 立即购买
- */
- @ApiOperation(value = "立即购买", response = Rest.class)
- @GetMapping("/buyNow")
- public Rest buyNow(@LoginUser Long userId, MallCart cart, Long couponId) {
- Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
- if (userId == null) {
- return Rest.failure(-1, "账号未授权");
- }
- BigDecimal couponPrice = new BigDecimal(0.00);
- if (couponId == null || couponId == -1L) {
- couponId = -1L;
- } else {
- MallCoupon coupon = mallCouponService.getById(couponId);
- couponPrice = coupon.getDiscount();
- }
- if (cart == null) {
- return Rest.failure();
- }
- Long skudetailId = cart.getSkudetailId();
- Integer number = cart.getNumber();
- Long goodsId = cart.getGoodsId();
- if (!ObjectUtils.allNotNull(skudetailId, number, goodsId)) {
- return Rest.failure();
- }
- if (number <= 0) {
- return Rest.failure();
- }
- // 判断商品是否可以购买
- MallGoods goods = mallGoodService.getById(goodsId);
- if (goods == null || goods.getIsShelf() != 1) {
- return Rest.failure("商品已下架");
- }
- // 取得规格的信息,判断规格库存
- MallGoodsSkudetail skudetail = mallGoodsSkudetailService.getById(skudetailId);
- if (skudetail == null || number > skudetail.getNumber()) {
- return Rest.failure("库存不足");
- }
- // 筛选出可用的优惠券
- QueryWrapper<MallCouponUser> ew = new QueryWrapper<MallCouponUser>();
- ew.eq("user_id", userId);
- ew.eq("status", 0);
- ew.lt("start_time", new Date());
- ew.gt("end_time", new Date());
- List<MallCoupon> availableCoupon = new ArrayList<>();
- List<MallCouponUser> couponUserList = mallCouponUserService.list(ew);
- List<Long> couponids = couponUserList.stream().map(m -> m.getCouponId()).collect(Collectors.toList());
- List<MallCoupon> couponList = new ArrayList<>();
- if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(couponids)) {
- couponList = (List<MallCoupon>) mallCouponService.listByIds(couponids);
- }
- Map<Long, MallCouponUser> couponUserMaps = couponUserList.stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(MallCouponUser::getCouponId, m -> m));
- BigDecimal goodsAmount = new BigDecimal(0.00);
- BigDecimal expressPrice = new BigDecimal(0.00);
- goodsAmount = skudetail.getGoodPrice().multiply(new BigDecimal(number));
- List<MallCart> goods_list = new ArrayList<>();
- MallCart buyNowCart = new MallCart();
- buyNowCart.setGoodsId(goodsId);
- buyNowCart.setPicUrl(goods.getPicUrl());
- buyNowCart.setNumber(number);
- buyNowCart.setGoodPrice(skudetail.getGoodPrice());
- buyNowCart.setGoodsName(goods.getGoodName());
- buyNowCart.setSpecifications(skudetail.getSkudetails());
- goods_list.add(buyNowCart);
- // 优惠券过滤
- MallGoods good = mallGoodService.getById(goodsId);
- Long categoryId = good.getCategoryId();
- for (MallCoupon mallCoupon : couponList) {
- Integer rangType = mallCoupon.getRangeType();
- Long rangeRelationId = mallCoupon.getRangeRelationId();
- BigDecimal limit = new BigDecimal(mallCoupon.getConditionNum());
- if (rangType == 0 && limit.compareTo(goodsAmount) != 1) {
- availableCoupon.add(mallCoupon);
- mallCoupon.setRangeRelationName("全场通用");
- }
- if (rangType == 1 && goodsId == rangeRelationId && limit.compareTo(goodsAmount) != 1) {
- availableCoupon.add(mallCoupon);
- mallCoupon.setRangeRelationName("仅限类别" + mallCoupon.getRangeRelationName() + "使用");
- }
- if (rangType == 2 && categoryId == rangeRelationId && limit.compareTo(goodsAmount) != 1) {
- availableCoupon.add(mallCoupon);
- mallCoupon.setRangeRelationName("仅限" + mallCoupon.getRangeRelationName() + "使用");
- }
- Long couponIdKey = mallCoupon.getCouponId();
- MallCouponUser couponUser = couponUserMaps.get(couponIdKey);
- mallCoupon.setStartTime(couponUser.getStartTime());
- mallCoupon.setEndTime(couponUser.getEndTime());
- }
- // 查询默认收货地址
- Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- params.put("user_id", userId);
- params.put("is_default", 1);
- MallAddress address = mallAddressService.getOne(new QueryWrapper<MallAddress>().allEq(params));
- List<MallAddress> addressList = mallAddressService.list(new QueryWrapper<MallAddress>().eq("user_id", userId));
- if (addressList.size() > 0) {
- data.put("exist_address", true);
- }
- if (ObjectUtils.allNotNull(address)) {
- // 校验当前地址是否支持配送
- String cityName = address.getCity();
- Map<String, Object> regionParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- regionParams.put("name", cityName);
- regionParams.put("level", 2);
- MallRegion mallRegion = mallRegionService.getOne(new QueryWrapper<MallRegion>().allEq(regionParams));
- String cityId = mallRegion.getId().toString();
- MallShipSet shipSet = mallShipSetService.getOne(null);
- // 销售区域
- Integer saleAreaType = shipSet.getSaleAreaType();
- if (saleAreaType == 0) {
- List<MallSaleArea> saleAreaList = mallSaleAreaService.list(null);
- List<String> saleIdsList = new ArrayList<String>();
- for (MallSaleArea mallSaleArea : saleAreaList) {
- String[] saleIds = Convert.toStrArray(mallSaleArea.getSaleIds());
- saleIdsList.addAll(Arrays.asList(saleIds));
- }
- if (!saleIdsList.contains(cityId)) {
- data.put("intra_region", true);
- data.put("express_price", expressPrice);
- data.put("order_pay_price", "");
- data.put("goods_list", goods_list);
- data.put("address", "");
- data.put("order_total_num", number);
- data.put("order_total_price", goodsAmount);
- data.put("couponId", couponId);
- data.put("couponPrice", couponPrice);
- data.put("availableCouponLength", availableCoupon.size());
- data.put("availableCoupon", availableCoupon);
- return new Rest(301, 0, data, "该区域不支持配送");
- }
- }
- // 自提快递
- Integer isSelfMention = shipSet.getIsSelfMention();
- if (isSelfMention == 1) {
- data.put("intra_region", true);
- data.put("express_price", expressPrice + "(用户自提费用)");
- data.put("order_pay_price", goodsAmount.add(expressPrice).subtract(couponPrice));
- data.put("goods_list", goods_list);
- data.put("address", address);
- data.put("order_total_num", number);
- data.put("order_total_price", goodsAmount);
- data.put("couponId", couponId);
- data.put("couponPrice", couponPrice);
- data.put("availableCouponLength", availableCoupon.size());
- data.put("availableCoupon", availableCoupon);
- return Rest.okData(data);
- }
- Integer freightType = shipSet.getFreightType();
- if (freightType == 1) {
- data.put("intra_region", true);
- data.put("express_price", expressPrice);
- data.put("order_pay_price", goodsAmount.add(expressPrice).subtract(couponPrice));
- data.put("goods_list", goods_list);
- data.put("address", address);
- data.put("order_total_num", number);
- data.put("order_total_price", goodsAmount);
- data.put("couponId", couponId);
- data.put("couponPrice", couponPrice);
- data.put("availableCouponLength", availableCoupon.size());
- data.put("availableCoupon", availableCoupon);
- return Rest.okData(data);
- }
- // 快递校验是否满足包邮条件
- List<MallShipFree> shipfreeList = mallShipFreeService.list(null);
- boolean isFreeship = false;
- for (MallShipFree shipfree : shipfreeList) {
- String[] shipfreeIds = Convert.toStrArray(shipfree.getFreeshipIds());
- long count = Arrays.stream(shipfreeIds).filter(str -> str.equals(cityId)).count();
- if (count > 0) {
- if (!(shipfree.getWeightFree().compareTo(skudetail.getGoodWeight()) == -1) || !(shipfree.getExpenseFee().compareTo(skudetail.getGoodPrice()) == -1)) {
- isFreeship = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // 包邮
- if (isFreeship) {
- data.put("intra_region", true);
- data.put("express_price", expressPrice);
- data.put("order_pay_price", goodsAmount.add(expressPrice).subtract(couponPrice));
- data.put("goods_list", goods_list);
- data.put("address", address);
- data.put("order_total_num", number);
- data.put("order_total_price", goodsAmount);
- data.put("couponId", couponId);
- data.put("couponPrice", couponPrice);
- data.put("availableCouponLength", availableCoupon.size());
- data.put("availableCoupon", availableCoupon);
- return Rest.okData(data);
- }
- // 计算自定义运费
- BigDecimal defaultWeight = shipSet.getDefaultWeight();
- BigDecimal defaultExpense = shipSet.getDefaultExpense();
- BigDecimal continueWeight = new BigDecimal(1.00);
- BigDecimal continueExpense = shipSet.getContinueExpense();
- List<MallShipRule> shipRuleList = mallShipRuleService.list(null);
- for (MallShipRule shipRule : shipRuleList) {
- String[] shipRuleIds = Convert.toStrArray(shipRule.getShipIds());
- long count = Arrays.stream(shipRuleIds).filter(str -> str.equals(cityId)).count();
- if (count > 0) {
- defaultWeight = shipRule.getDefaultWeight();
- defaultExpense = shipRule.getDefaultExpense();
- continueWeight = shipRule.getContinueWeight();
- continueExpense = shipRule.getContinueExpense();
- break;
- }
- }
- BigDecimal weight = skudetail.getGoodWeight();
- // 重量小于等于首重
- if (!(weight.compareTo(defaultWeight) == 1)) {
- data.put("express_price", defaultExpense);
- data.put("order_pay_price", goodsAmount.add(defaultExpense).subtract(couponPrice));
- } else {
- BigDecimal totalAdditional = weight.subtract(defaultWeight).divide(continueWeight);
- BigDecimal totalAdditionalFee = defaultExpense.add(totalAdditional.multiply(continueExpense));
- data.put("express_price", totalAdditionalFee);
- data.put("order_pay_price", goodsAmount.add(totalAdditionalFee).subtract(couponPrice));
- }
- data.put("intra_region", true);
- } else {
- data.put("intra_region", false);
- }
- data.put("goods_list", goods_list);
- data.put("address", address);
- data.put("order_total_num", number);
- data.put("order_total_price", goodsAmount);
- data.put("couponId", couponId);
- data.put("couponPrice", couponPrice);
- data.put("availableCouponLength", availableCoupon.size());
- data.put("availableCoupon", availableCoupon);
- return Rest.okData(data);
- }
- /**
- * 立即购买下单
- */
- @ApiOperation(value = "立即购买下单", response = Rest.class)
- @PostMapping("/addOrderBuyNow")
- @Transactional
- public Rest addOrderBuyNow(@RequestBody String body, HttpServletRequest request, @LoginUser Long userId) {
- Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
- JSONObject json = JSONObject.parseObject(body);
- String skudetailId = json.getString("skudetailId");
- Integer number = json.getInteger("number");
- String goodsId = json.getString("goodsId");
- Long couponId = json.getLong("couponId");
- if (couponId == null) {
- return Rest.failure("优惠券不可使用");
- }
- BigDecimal couponPrice = new BigDecimal(0.00);
- if (couponId != -1L) {
- MallCoupon coupon = mallCouponService.getById(couponId);
- couponPrice = coupon.getDiscount();
- }
- if (!ObjectUtils.allNotNull(skudetailId, number, goodsId)) {
- return Rest.failure();
- }
- if (number <= 0) {
- return Rest.failure();
- }
- // 判断商品是否可以购买
- MallGoods goods = mallGoodService.getById(goodsId);
- if (goods == null || goods.getIsShelf() != 1) {
- return Rest.failure("商品已下架");
- }
- // 取得规格的信息,判断规格库存
- MallGoodsSkudetail skudetail = mallGoodsSkudetailService.getById(skudetailId);
- if (skudetail == null || number > skudetail.getNumber()) {
- return Rest.failure("库存不足,购买失败!");
- }
- BigDecimal goodsAmount = new BigDecimal(0.00);
- BigDecimal expressPrice = new BigDecimal(0.00);
- goodsAmount = skudetail.getGoodPrice().multiply(new BigDecimal(number));
- // 查询默认收货地址
- Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- params.put("user_id", userId);
- params.put("is_default", 1);
- MallAddress address = mallAddressService.getOne(new QueryWrapper<MallAddress>().allEq(params));
- if (ObjectUtils.allNotNull(address)) {
- // 校验当前地址是否支持配送
- String cityName = address.getCity();
- Map<String, Object> regionParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- regionParams.put("name", cityName);
- regionParams.put("level", 2);
- MallRegion mallRegion = mallRegionService.getOne(new QueryWrapper<MallRegion>().allEq(regionParams));
- String cityId = mallRegion.getId().toString();
- MallShipSet shipSet = mallShipSetService.getOne(null);
- // 销售区域
- Integer saleAreaType = shipSet.getSaleAreaType();
- if (saleAreaType == 0) {
- List<MallSaleArea> saleAreaList = mallSaleAreaService.list(null);
- List<String> saleIdsList = new ArrayList<String>();
- for (MallSaleArea mallSaleArea : saleAreaList) {
- String[] saleIds = Convert.toStrArray(mallSaleArea.getSaleIds());
- saleIdsList.addAll(Arrays.asList(saleIds));
- }
- if (!saleIdsList.contains(cityId)) {
- return Rest.failure("该区域不支持配送");
- }
- }
- // 自提快递
- Integer isSelfMention = shipSet.getIsSelfMention();
- if (isSelfMention == 1) {
- expressPrice = new BigDecimal(0.00);
- }
- Integer freightType = shipSet.getFreightType();
- if (freightType == 1) {
- expressPrice = new BigDecimal(0.00);
- }
- if (isSelfMention == 0 && freightType == 0) {
- // 快递校验是否满足包邮条件
- List<MallShipFree> shipfreeList = mallShipFreeService.list(null);
- boolean isFreeship = false;
- for (MallShipFree shipfree : shipfreeList) {
- String[] shipfreeIds = Convert.toStrArray(shipfree.getFreeshipIds());
- long count = Arrays.stream(shipfreeIds).filter(str -> str.equals(cityId)).count();
- if (count > 0) {
- if (!(shipfree.getWeightFree().compareTo(skudetail.getGoodWeight()) == -1) || !(shipfree.getExpenseFee().compareTo(skudetail.getGoodPrice()) == -1)) {
- isFreeship = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (isFreeship) { // 包邮
- expressPrice = new BigDecimal(0.00);
- } else { // 计算自定义运费
- BigDecimal defaultWeight = shipSet.getDefaultWeight();
- BigDecimal defaultExpense = shipSet.getDefaultExpense();
- BigDecimal continueWeight = new BigDecimal(1.00);
- BigDecimal continueExpense = shipSet.getContinueExpense();
- List<MallShipRule> shipRuleList = mallShipRuleService.list(null);
- for (MallShipRule shipRule : shipRuleList) {
- String[] shipRuleIds = Convert.toStrArray(shipRule.getShipIds());
- long count = Arrays.stream(shipRuleIds).filter(str -> str.equals(cityId)).count();
- if (count > 0) {
- defaultWeight = shipRule.getDefaultWeight();
- defaultExpense = shipRule.getDefaultExpense();
- continueWeight = shipRule.getContinueWeight();
- continueExpense = shipRule.getContinueExpense();
- break;
- }
- }
- BigDecimal weight = skudetail.getGoodWeight();
- // 重量小于等于首重
- if (!(weight.compareTo(defaultWeight) == 1)) {
- expressPrice = defaultExpense;
- } else {
- BigDecimal totalAdditional = weight.subtract(defaultWeight).divide(continueWeight);
- BigDecimal totalAdditionalFee = defaultExpense.add(totalAdditional.multiply(continueExpense));
- expressPrice = totalAdditionalFee;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- return Rest.failure("请先选择收货地址");
- }
- // 冻结库存
- if (mallGoodsSkudetailService.reduceStock(skudetail.getSkudetailId(), number) <= 0) {
- return Rest.failure("库存不足,购买失败!");
- }
- // 生成订单
- MallOrder mallOrder = new MallOrder();
- mallOrder.setOrderId(DistributedIdWorker.nextId());
- mallOrder.setUserId(userId);
- mallOrder.setOrderSn(Long.valueOf(this.getSerial("order_no")));
- mallOrder.setOrderStatus(1);
- mallOrder.setPayStatus(0);
- mallOrder.setShipStatus(0);
- mallOrder.setConsignee(address.getName());
- mallOrder.setMobile(address.getPhone());
- String consigerAddress = address.getProvince() + address.getCity() + address.getRegion() + address.getDetail();
- mallOrder.setAddress(consigerAddress);
- mallOrder.setTotalPrice(goodsAmount);
- mallOrder.setShipPrice(expressPrice);
- mallOrder.setCouponPrice(couponPrice);
- mallOrder.setOrderPrice(goodsAmount.add(expressPrice).subtract(couponPrice));
- if (mallOrderService.save(mallOrder)) {
- MallOrderDetail mallOrderDetail = new MallOrderDetail();
- mallOrderDetail.setOrderDetailId(DistributedIdWorker.nextId());
- mallOrderDetail.setOrderId(mallOrder.getOrderId());
- mallOrderDetail.setGoodsId(goods.getGoodsId());
- mallOrderDetail.setGoodsName(goods.getGoodName());
- mallOrderDetail.setPicUrl(goods.getPicUrl());
- mallOrderDetail.setSkuDetailId(skudetail.getSkudetailId());
- mallOrderDetail.setGoodPrice(skudetail.getGoodPrice());
- mallOrderDetail.setGoodsSn(skudetail.getBusinessCode());
- mallOrderDetail.setNumber(number);
- mallOrderDetail.setSpecifications(skudetail.getSkudetails());
- mallOrderDetail.setComment(0L);
- mallOrderDetailService.save(mallOrderDetail);
- // 使用优惠券则更新优惠券状态
- if (couponId != -1L) {
- MallCouponUser couponUser = new MallCouponUser();
- couponUser.setOrderId(mallOrder.getOrderId());
- couponUser.setUsedTime(new Date());
- couponUser.setStatus(1);
- mallCouponUserService.update(couponUser, new QueryWrapper<MallCouponUser>().eq("user_id", userId).eq("coupon_id", couponId));
- }
- }
- // 微信支付
- MallUser user = mallUserService.getById(userId);
- WxPayMpOrderResult result = null;
- try {
- WxPayUnifiedOrderRequest orderRequest = new WxPayUnifiedOrderRequest();
- orderRequest.setOutTradeNo(String.valueOf(mallOrder.getOrderSn()));
- orderRequest.setOpenid(user.getWeixinOpenid());
- orderRequest.setBody("订单:" + mallOrder.getOrderSn());
- // 元转成分
- int fee = 0;
- BigDecimal actualPrice = mallOrder.getTotalPrice().subtract(mallOrder.getShipPrice());
- fee = actualPrice.multiply(new BigDecimal(100)).intValue();
- orderRequest.setTotalFee(fee);
- orderRequest.setSpbillCreateIp(IpUtils.getIpAddr(request));
- result = wxPayService.createOrder(orderRequest);
- data.put("payment", result);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- Map<String, Object> resultStr = new HashMap<>();
- resultStr.put("timeStamp", "");
- resultStr.put("nonceStr", "");
- resultStr.put("packageValue", "");
- resultStr.put("paySign", "");
- data.put("payment", resultStr);
- }
- return Rest.okData(data);
- }
- /**
- * 购物车购买
- */
- @ApiOperation(value = "购物车购买", response = Rest.class)
- @GetMapping("/cart")
- public Rest cart(@LoginUser Long userId, Long couponId) {
- Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
- if (userId == null) {
- return Rest.failure(-1, "账号未授权");
- }
- BigDecimal couponPrice = new BigDecimal(0.00);
- if (couponId == null || couponId == -1L) {
- couponId = -1L;
- } else {
- MallCoupon coupon = mallCouponService.getById(couponId);
- couponPrice = coupon.getDiscount();
- }
- // 查询默认收货地址
- Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- params.put("user_id", userId);
- params.put("is_default", 1);
- MallAddress address = mallAddressService.getOne(new QueryWrapper<MallAddress>().allEq(params));
- List<MallAddress> addressList = mallAddressService.list(new QueryWrapper<MallAddress>().eq("user_id", userId));
- List<MallCart> cartList = mallCartService.list(new QueryWrapper<MallCart>().eq("user_id", userId));
- // 筛选出可用的优惠券
- QueryWrapper<MallCouponUser> ew = new QueryWrapper<MallCouponUser>();
- ew.eq("user_id", userId);
- ew.eq("status", 0);
- ew.lt("start_time", new Date());
- ew.gt("end_time", new Date());
- List<MallCoupon> availableCoupon = new ArrayList<>();
- List<MallCouponUser> couponUserList = mallCouponUserService.list(ew);
- List<Long> couponIds = couponUserList.stream().map(m -> m.getCouponId()).collect(Collectors.toList());
- List<MallCoupon> couponList = new ArrayList<>();
- if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(couponIds)) {
- couponList = (List<MallCoupon>) mallCouponService.listByIds(couponIds);
- }
- Map<Long, MallCouponUser> couponUserMaps = couponUserList.stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(MallCouponUser::getCouponId, m -> m));
- Integer goodsCount = 0;
- BigDecimal goodsAmount = new BigDecimal(0.00);
- BigDecimal expressPrice = new BigDecimal(0.00);
- BigDecimal totalWeight = new BigDecimal(0.00);
- // 商品优惠价格过滤
- Map<Long, BigDecimal> goodMap = new HashMap<>();
- // 商品分类优惠价格过滤
- Map<Long, BigDecimal> categoryMap = new HashMap<>();
- for (MallCart cart : cartList) {
- // 判断商品是否可以购买
- MallGoods goods = mallGoodService.getById(cart.getGoodsId());
- if (goods == null || goods.getIsShelf() != 1) {
- return Rest.failure("商品已下架");
- }
- MallGoodsSkudetail skudetail = mallGoodsSkudetailService.getById(cart.getSkudetailId());
- // 取得规格的信息,判断规格库存
- if (skudetail == null || cart.getNumber() > skudetail.getNumber()) {
- return Rest.failure("库存不足,购买失败!");
- }
- goodsCount += cart.getNumber();
- BigDecimal goodPrice = skudetail.getGoodPrice().multiply(new BigDecimal(cart.getNumber()));
- goodsAmount = goodsAmount.add(goodPrice);
- totalWeight = totalWeight.add(skudetail.getGoodWeight().multiply(new BigDecimal(cart.getNumber())));
- cart.setPicUrl(goods.getPicUrl());
- cart.setGoodPrice(skudetail.getGoodPrice());
- cart.setGoodsName(goods.getGoodName());
- cart.setSpecifications(skudetail.getSkudetails());
- Long goodId = goods.getGoodsId();
- Long categoryId = goods.getCategoryId();
- if (goodMap.containsKey(goodId)) {
- goodMap.put(goodId, goodPrice.add(goodMap.get(goodId)));
- } else {
- goodMap.put(goodId, goodPrice);
- }
- if (categoryMap.containsKey(categoryId)) {
- categoryMap.put(categoryId, goodPrice.add(categoryMap.get(categoryId)));
- } else {
- categoryMap.put(categoryId, goodPrice);
- }
- }
- for (MallCoupon mallCoupon : couponList) {
- Integer rangType = mallCoupon.getRangeType();
- Long rangeRelationId = mallCoupon.getRangeRelationId();
- BigDecimal limit = new BigDecimal(mallCoupon.getConditionNum());
- if (rangType == 0 && limit.compareTo(goodsAmount) != 1) {
- availableCoupon.add(mallCoupon);
- mallCoupon.setRangeRelationName("全场通用");
- }
- if (rangType == 1 && categoryMap.containsKey(rangeRelationId) && limit.compareTo(categoryMap.get(rangeRelationId)) != 1) {
- availableCoupon.add(mallCoupon);
- mallCoupon.setRangeRelationName("仅限类别" + mallCoupon.getRangeRelationName() + "使用");
- }
- if (rangType == 2 && goodMap.containsKey(rangeRelationId) && limit.compareTo(goodMap.get(rangeRelationId)) != 1) {
- availableCoupon.add(mallCoupon);
- mallCoupon.setRangeRelationName("仅限" + mallCoupon.getRangeRelationName() + "使用");
- }
- Long couponIdKey = mallCoupon.getCouponId();
- MallCouponUser couponUser = couponUserMaps.get(couponIdKey);
- mallCoupon.setStartTime(couponUser.getStartTime());
- mallCoupon.setEndTime(couponUser.getEndTime());
- }
- if (addressList.size() > 0) {
- data.put("exist_address", true);
- }
- if (ObjectUtils.allNotNull(address)) {
- // 校验当前地址是否支持配送
- String cityName = address.getCity();
- Map<String, Object> regionParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- regionParams.put("name", cityName);
- regionParams.put("level", 2);
- MallRegion mallRegion = mallRegionService.getOne(new QueryWrapper<MallRegion>().allEq(regionParams));
- String cityId = mallRegion.getId().toString();
- MallShipSet shipSet = mallShipSetService.getOne(null);
- // 销售区域
- Integer saleAreaType = shipSet.getSaleAreaType();
- if (saleAreaType == 0) {
- List<MallSaleArea> saleAreaList = mallSaleAreaService.list(null);
- List<String> saleIdsList = new ArrayList<String>();
- for (MallSaleArea mallSaleArea : saleAreaList) {
- String[] saleIds = Convert.toStrArray(mallSaleArea.getSaleIds());
- saleIdsList.addAll(Arrays.asList(saleIds));
- }
- if (!saleIdsList.contains(cityId)) {
- data.put("intra_region", true);
- data.put("express_price", 0.00);
- data.put("goods_list", cartList);
- data.put("address", "");
- data.put("order_total_num", goodsCount);
- data.put("order_total_price", goodsAmount);
- data.put("order_pay_price", "");
- data.put("couponId", couponId);
- data.put("couponPrice", couponPrice);
- data.put("availableCouponLength", availableCoupon.size());
- data.put("availableCoupon", availableCoupon);
- return new Rest(301, 0, data, "该区域不支持配送");
- }
- }
- // 自提快递
- Integer isSelfMention = shipSet.getIsSelfMention();
- if (isSelfMention == 1) {
- data.put("intra_region", true);
- data.put("express_price", 0.00 + "(用户自提费用)");
- data.put("goods_list", cartList);
- data.put("address", address);
- data.put("order_total_num", goodsCount);
- data.put("order_total_price", goodsAmount);
- data.put("order_pay_price", expressPrice.add(goodsAmount).subtract(couponPrice));
- data.put("couponId", couponId);
- data.put("couponPrice", couponPrice);
- data.put("availableCouponLength", availableCoupon.size());
- data.put("availableCoupon", availableCoupon);
- return Rest.okData(data);
- }
- Integer freightType = shipSet.getFreightType();
- if (freightType == 1) {
- data.put("intra_region", true);
- data.put("express_price", 0.00);
- data.put("goods_list", cartList);
- data.put("address", address);
- data.put("order_total_num", goodsCount);
- data.put("order_total_price", goodsAmount);
- data.put("order_pay_price", expressPrice.add(goodsAmount).subtract(couponPrice));
- data.put("couponId", couponId);
- data.put("couponPrice", couponPrice);
- data.put("availableCouponLength", availableCoupon.size());
- data.put("availableCoupon", availableCoupon);
- return Rest.okData(data);
- }
- // 快递校验是否满足包邮条件
- List<MallShipFree> shipfreeList = mallShipFreeService.list(null);
- boolean isFreeship = false;
- for (MallShipFree shipfree : shipfreeList) {
- String[] shipfreeIds = Convert.toStrArray(shipfree.getFreeshipIds());
- long count = Arrays.stream(shipfreeIds).filter(str -> str.equals(cityId)).count();
- if (count > 0) {
- if (!(shipfree.getWeightFree().compareTo(totalWeight) == -1) || !(shipfree.getExpenseFee().compareTo(goodsAmount) == -1)) {
- isFreeship = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // 包邮
- if (isFreeship) {
- data.put("intra_region", true);
- data.put("express_price", 0.00);
- data.put("goods_list", cartList);
- data.put("address", address);
- data.put("order_total_num", goodsCount);
- data.put("order_total_price", goodsAmount);
- data.put("order_pay_price", expressPrice.add(goodsAmount).subtract(couponPrice));
- data.put("couponId", couponId);
- data.put("couponPrice", couponPrice);
- data.put("availableCouponLength", availableCoupon.size());
- data.put("availableCoupon", availableCoupon);
- return Rest.okData(data);
- }
- // 计算自定义运费
- BigDecimal defaultWeight = shipSet.getDefaultWeight();
- BigDecimal defaultExpense = shipSet.getDefaultExpense();
- BigDecimal continueWeight = new BigDecimal(1.00);
- BigDecimal continueExpense = shipSet.getContinueExpense();
- List<MallShipRule> shipRuleList = mallShipRuleService.list(null);
- for (MallShipRule shipRule : shipRuleList) {
- String[] shipRuleIds = Convert.toStrArray(shipRule.getShipIds());
- long count = Arrays.stream(shipRuleIds).filter(str -> str.equals(cityId)).count();
- if (count > 0) {
- defaultWeight = shipRule.getDefaultWeight();
- defaultExpense = shipRule.getDefaultExpense();
- continueWeight = shipRule.getContinueWeight();
- continueExpense = shipRule.getContinueExpense();
- break;
- }
- }
- // 重量小于等于首重
- if (!(totalWeight.compareTo(defaultWeight) == 1)) {
- data.put("express_price", defaultExpense);
- } else {
- BigDecimal totalAdditional = totalWeight.subtract(defaultWeight).divide(continueWeight);
- BigDecimal totalAdditionalFee = defaultExpense.add(totalAdditional.multiply(continueExpense));
- data.put("express_price", totalAdditionalFee);
- }
- data.put("intra_region", true);
- } else {
- data.put("intra_region", false);
- }
- data.put("goods_list", cartList);
- data.put("address", address);
- data.put("order_total_num", goodsCount);
- data.put("order_total_price", goodsAmount);
- data.put("express_price", expressPrice);
- data.put("order_pay_price", goodsAmount.add(expressPrice).subtract(couponPrice));
- data.put("couponId", couponId);
- data.put("couponPrice", couponPrice);
- data.put("availableCouponLength", availableCoupon.size());
- data.put("availableCoupon", availableCoupon);
- return Rest.okData(data);
- }
- /**
- * 购物车购买-下单
- */
- @ApiOperation(value = "购物车购买-下单", response = Rest.class)
- @PostMapping("/addOrderFromCart")
- @Transactional
- public Rest addOrderFromCart(@LoginUser Long userId, HttpServletRequest request, @RequestBody String body) {
- Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
- try {
- if (userId == null) {
- return Rest.failure(-1, "账号未授权");
- }
- JSONObject json = JSONObject.parseObject(body);
- Long couponId = json.getLong("couponId");
- if (couponId == null) {
- return Rest.failure("优惠券不可使用");
- }
- BigDecimal couponPrice = new BigDecimal(0.00);
- if (couponId != -1L) {
- MallCoupon coupon = mallCouponService.getById(couponId);
- couponPrice = coupon.getDiscount();
- }
- Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- params.put("user_id", userId);
- params.put("is_default", 1);
- MallAddress address = mallAddressService.getOne(new QueryWrapper<MallAddress>().allEq(params));
- List<MallCart> cartList = mallCartService.list(new QueryWrapper<MallCart>().eq("user_id", userId));
- MallUser user = mallUserService.getById(userId);
- List<MallOrderDetail> goodList = new ArrayList<>();
- Integer goodsCount = 0;
- BigDecimal goodsAmount = new BigDecimal(0.00);
- BigDecimal expressPrice = new BigDecimal(0.00);
- BigDecimal totalWeight = new BigDecimal(0.00);
- List<Long> cartIds = new ArrayList<>();
- for (MallCart cart : cartList) {
- cartIds.add(cart.getCartId());
- MallGoods goods = mallGoodService.getById(cart.getGoodsId());
- if (goods == null || goods.getIsShelf() != 1) {
- return Rest.failure("商品已下架");
- }
- MallGoodsSkudetail skudetail = mallGoodsSkudetailService.getById(cart.getSkudetailId());
- if (skudetail == null || cart.getNumber() > skudetail.getNumber()) {
- return Rest.failure("商品【"+ goods.getGoodName() +"】库存不足,购买失败!");
- }
- goodsCount += cart.getNumber();
- goodsAmount = goodsAmount.add(skudetail.getGoodPrice().multiply(new BigDecimal(cart.getNumber())));
- totalWeight = totalWeight.add(skudetail.getGoodWeight().multiply(new BigDecimal(cart.getNumber())));
- MallOrderDetail mallOrderDetail = new MallOrderDetail();
- mallOrderDetail.setOrderDetailId(DistributedIdWorker.nextId());
- mallOrderDetail.setGoodsId(goods.getGoodsId());
- mallOrderDetail.setGoodsName(goods.getGoodName());
- mallOrderDetail.setPicUrl(goods.getPicUrl());
- mallOrderDetail.setSkuDetailId(skudetail.getSkudetailId());
- mallOrderDetail.setGoodPrice(skudetail.getGoodPrice());
- mallOrderDetail.setGoodsSn(skudetail.getBusinessCode());
- mallOrderDetail.setNumber(cart.getNumber());
- mallOrderDetail.setSpecifications(skudetail.getSkudetails());
- mallOrderDetail.setComment(0L);
- goodList.add(mallOrderDetail);
- // 冻结库存
- if (skudetail.getNumber() - cart.getNumber() < 0) {
- return Rest.failure("商品库存不足,购买失败!");
- }
- // 更新库存
- if (mallGoodsSkudetailService.reduceStock(skudetail.getSkudetailId(), cart.getNumber()) == 0) {
- return Rest.failure("商品库存不足,购买失败!");
- }
- ;
- }
- if (ObjectUtils.allNotNull(address)) {
- // 校验当前地址是否支持配送
- String cityName = address.getCity();
- Map<String, Object> regionParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- regionParams.put("name", cityName);
- regionParams.put("level", 2);
- MallRegion mallRegion = mallRegionService.getOne(new QueryWrapper<MallRegion>().allEq(regionParams));
- String cityId = mallRegion.getId().toString();
- MallShipSet shipSet = mallShipSetService.getOne(null);
- // 销售区域
- Integer saleAreaType = shipSet.getSaleAreaType();
- if (saleAreaType == 0) {
- List<MallSaleArea> saleAreaList = mallSaleAreaService.list(null);
- List<String> saleIdsList = new ArrayList<String>();
- for (MallSaleArea mallSaleArea : saleAreaList) {
- String[] saleIds = Convert.toStrArray(mallSaleArea.getSaleIds());
- saleIdsList.addAll(Arrays.asList(saleIds));
- }
- if (!saleIdsList.contains(cityId)) {
- return Rest.failure("该区域不支持配送");
- }
- }
- // 自提快递
- Integer isSelfMention = shipSet.getIsSelfMention();
- if (isSelfMention == 1) {
- expressPrice = new BigDecimal(0.00);
- }
- Integer freightType = shipSet.getFreightType();
- if (freightType == 1) {
- expressPrice = new BigDecimal(0.00);
- }
- if (isSelfMention == 0 && freightType == 0) {
- // 快递校验是否满足包邮条件
- List<MallShipFree> shipfreeList = mallShipFreeService.list(null);
- boolean isFreeship = false;
- for (MallShipFree shipfree : shipfreeList) {
- String[] shipfreeIds = Convert.toStrArray(shipfree.getFreeshipIds());
- long count = Arrays.stream(shipfreeIds).filter(str -> str.equals(cityId)).count();
- if (count > 0) {
- if (!(shipfree.getWeightFree().compareTo(totalWeight) == -1) || !(shipfree.getExpenseFee().compareTo(goodsAmount) == -1)) {
- isFreeship = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // 包邮
- if (isFreeship) {
- expressPrice = new BigDecimal(0.00);
- } else {
- // 计算自定义运费
- BigDecimal defaultWeight = shipSet.getDefaultWeight();
- BigDecimal defaultExpense = shipSet.getDefaultExpense();
- BigDecimal continueWeight = new BigDecimal(1.00);
- BigDecimal continueExpense = shipSet.getContinueExpense();
- List<MallShipRule> shipRuleList = mallShipRuleService.list(null);
- for (MallShipRule shipRule : shipRuleList) {
- String[] shipRuleIds = Convert.toStrArray(shipRule.getShipIds());
- long count = Arrays.stream(shipRuleIds).filter(str -> str.equals(cityId)).count();
- if (count > 0) {
- defaultWeight = shipRule.getDefaultWeight();
- defaultExpense = shipRule.getDefaultExpense();
- continueWeight = shipRule.getContinueWeight();
- continueExpense = shipRule.getContinueExpense();
- break;
- }
- }
- // 重量小于等于首重
- if (!(totalWeight.compareTo(defaultWeight) == 1)) {
- expressPrice = defaultExpense;
- } else {
- BigDecimal totalAdditional = totalWeight.subtract(defaultWeight).divide(continueWeight);
- BigDecimal totalAdditionalFee = defaultExpense.add(totalAdditional.multiply(continueExpense));
- expressPrice = totalAdditionalFee;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- data.put("intra_region", false);
- }
- // 订单编号
- MallOrder mallOrder = new MallOrder();
- mallOrder.setOrderId(DistributedIdWorker.nextId());
- mallOrder.setUserId(userId);
- mallOrder.setOrderSn(Long.valueOf(this.getSerial("order_no")));
- mallOrder.setOrderStatus(1);
- mallOrder.setPayStatus(0);
- mallOrder.setShipStatus(0);
- mallOrder.setConsignee(address.getName());
- mallOrder.setMobile(address.getPhone());
- String consigerAddress = address.getProvince() + address.getCity() + address.getRegion() + address.getDetail();
- mallOrder.setAddress(consigerAddress);
- mallOrder.setTotalPrice(goodsAmount);
- mallOrder.setShipPrice(expressPrice);
- mallOrder.setCouponPrice(couponPrice);
- mallOrder.setOrderPrice(goodsAmount.add(expressPrice).subtract(couponPrice));
- // 订单生成成功
- if (mallOrderService.save(mallOrder)) {
- for (MallOrderDetail mallOrderDetail : goodList) {
- mallOrderDetail.setOrderId(mallOrder.getOrderId());
- }
- // 保存订单明细
- mallOrderDetailService.saveBatch(goodList);
- // 商品移出购物车
- mallCartService.removeByIds(cartIds);
- // 使用优惠券则更新优惠券状态
- if (couponId != -1L) {
- MallCouponUser couponUser = new MallCouponUser();
- couponUser.setOrderId(mallOrder.getOrderId());
- couponUser.setUsedTime(new Date());
- couponUser.setStatus(1);
- mallCouponUserService.update(couponUser, new QueryWrapper<MallCouponUser>().eq("user_id", userId).eq("coupon_id", couponId));
- }
- }
- WxPayMpOrderResult result = null;
- WxPayUnifiedOrderRequest orderRequest = new WxPayUnifiedOrderRequest();
- orderRequest.setOutTradeNo(String.valueOf(mallOrder.getOrderSn()));
- orderRequest.setOpenid(user.getWeixinOpenid());
- orderRequest.setBody("订单:" + mallOrder.getOrderSn());
- // 元转成分
- int fee = 0;
- BigDecimal actualPrice = mallOrder.getOrderPrice();
- fee = actualPrice.multiply(new BigDecimal(100)).intValue();
- orderRequest.setTotalFee(fee);
- orderRequest.setSpbillCreateIp(IpUtils.getIpAddr(request));
- result = wxPayService.createOrder(orderRequest);
- data.put("payment", result);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- Map<String, Object> resultStr = new HashMap<>();
- resultStr.put("timeStamp", "");
- resultStr.put("nonceStr", "");
- resultStr.put("packageValue", "");
- resultStr.put("paySign", "");
- data.put("payment", resultStr);
- }
- return Rest.okData(data);
- }
- private String getSerial(String prefix) {
- Timestamp nowDate = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
- SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
- String nowDateIntString = formatter.format(nowDate);
- String serialCode = prefix + "_" + nowDateIntString.substring(0, 8);
- Integer serialNo = 1;
- List<MallOrderSerial> mallSerials = mallOrderSerialService.list(new QueryWrapper<MallOrderSerial>().eq("serial_code", serialCode));
- if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(mallSerials)) {
- MallOrderSerial mallSerial = mallSerials.get(0);
- serialNo = (int) (mallSerial.getSerialNo() + 1);
- mallSerial.setSerialNo(mallSerial.getSerialNo() + 1);
- mallOrderSerialService.updateById(mallSerial);
- } else {
- MallOrderSerial mallSerial = new MallOrderSerial();
- mallSerial.setSerialId(DistributedIdWorker.nextId());
- mallSerial.setSerialCode(serialCode);
- mallSerial.setSerialNo(1);
- mallOrderSerialService.save(mallSerial);
- }
- String maxSerialNo = "";
- if (1 == serialNo.toString().length()) {
- maxSerialNo = "00000" + serialNo;
- } else if (2 == serialNo.toString().length()) {
- maxSerialNo = "0000" + serialNo;
- } else if (3 == serialNo.toString().length()) {
- maxSerialNo = "000" + serialNo;
- } else if (4 == serialNo.toString().length()) {
- maxSerialNo = "00" + serialNo;
- } else if (5 == serialNo.toString().length()) {
- maxSerialNo = "0" + serialNo;
- } else if (6 == serialNo.toString().length()) {
- maxSerialNo = serialNo.toString();
- }
- return nowDateIntString.substring(0, 8) + maxSerialNo + createBookingCode();
- }
- /**
- * 取消订单
- */
- @ApiOperation(value = "取消订单", response = Rest.class)
- @PostMapping("/cancelOrder")
- @Transactional
- public Rest cancelOrder(@RequestBody String body, @LoginUser Long userId) {
- if (userId == null) {
- return Rest.failure(-1, "账号未授权");
- }
- JSONObject json = JSONObject.parseObject(body);
- String orderId = json.getString("orderId");
- if ("".equals(orderId)) {
- return Rest.failure("操作失败");
- }
- MallOrder order = new MallOrder();
- order.setOrderId(Long.valueOf(orderId));
- order.setOrderStatus(0);
- if (mallOrderService.updateById(order)) {
- List<MallOrderDetail> orderDetail = mallOrderDetailService.list(new QueryWrapper<MallOrderDetail>().eq("order_id", orderId));
- if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(orderDetail)) {
- Map<Long, Integer> orderSkudetailMap = orderDetail.stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(MallOrderDetail::getSkuDetailId, MallOrderDetail::getNumber));
- List<MallGoodsSkudetail> skuDetail = mallGoodsSkudetailService.list(new QueryWrapper<MallGoodsSkudetail>().in("skudetail_id", orderSkudetailMap.keySet()));
- for (MallGoodsSkudetail mallGoodsSkudetail : skuDetail) {
- Long skuDetailId = mallGoodsSkudetail.getSkudetailId();
- Integer orderSkuNumber = orderSkudetailMap.get(skuDetailId);
- // 归还库存
- if(mallGoodsSkudetailService.addStock(skuDetailId, orderSkuNumber) == 0) {
- throw new RuntimeException("商品货品库存增加失败");
- }
- }
- List<MallCouponUser> mallCouponUserList = mallCouponUserService.list(new QueryWrapper<MallCouponUser>().eq("user_id", userId).eq("order_id", orderId));
- if(mallCouponUserList.size() > 0) {
- //归还优惠券
- for (MallCouponUser mallCouponUser : mallCouponUserList) {
- mallCouponUser.setOrderId(null);
- mallCouponUser.setUsedTime(null);
- mallCouponUser.setStatus(0);
- }
- mallCouponUserService.updateBatchById(mallCouponUserList);
- }
- }
- return Rest.ok();
- } else {
- return Rest.failure("操作失败");
- }
- }
- /**
- * 确认收货
- */
- @ApiOperation(value = "确认收货", response = Rest.class)
- @PostMapping("/receipt")
- public Rest receipt(@RequestBody String body, @LoginUser Long userId) {
- if (userId == null) {
- return Rest.failure(-1, "账号未授权");
- }
- JSONObject json = JSONObject.parseObject(body);
- String orderId = json.getString("orderId");
- if ("".equals(orderId)) {
- return Rest.failure("操作失败");
- }
- MallOrder order = new MallOrder();
- order.setOrderId(Long.valueOf(orderId));
- order.setOrderStatus(2);
- order.setShipStatus(2);
- order.setConfirmTime(new Date());
- if (mallOrderService.updateById(order)) {
- return Rest.ok("收货成功");
- } else {
- return Rest.failure("操作失败");
- }
- }
- private String createBookingCode() {
- Random random = new Random();
- int num = random.nextInt(10000);
- String code = String.format("%04d", num);
- return code;
- }
- /**
- * 付款(后来新增)
- */
- @ApiOperation(value = "付款", response = Rest.class)
- @PostMapping("/pay")
- public Rest pay(@RequestBody String body) {
- JSONObject json = JSONObject.parseObject(body);
- String orderId = json.getString("order_id");
- if ("".equals(orderId)) {
- return Rest.failure("操作失败");
- }
- MallOrder order = mallOrderService.getById(orderId);
- order.setPayStatus(1);
- order.setShipStatus(0);
- order.setPayId(UUIDUtil.uuid());
- order.setPayTime(new Date());
- if (mallOrderService.updateById(order)) {
- return Rest.ok("支付成功");
- } else {
- return Rest.failure("操作失败");
- }
- }
- }
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