with new_table as(
select *,
#SQL架构中显示primary_flag ENUM('Y','N')
rank()over(partition by employee_id order by primary_flag asc) diyibushi_Y
from Employee
select employee_id , department_id
from new_table
where primary_flag = 'Y' or diyibushi_Y = 1
# Write your MySQL query statement below
select new_table.reports_to employee_id,
select reports_to ,count(*) reports_count,round(avg(age),0) average_age
from Employees
where reports_to <> 'null'
group by reports_to)new_table ,Employees E
where E.employee_id = new_table.reports_to
order by employee_id
# Write your MySQL query statement below
select distinct L2.account_id
from LogInfo L1,LogInfo L2
where L1.account_id = L2.account_id and
L1.ip_address <> L2.ip_address and
L1.logout >= L2.login and
L2.login >= L1.login
select product_id ,
sum(if(store = 'store1',price,null)) 'store1' ,
sum(if(store = 'store2',price,null)) 'store2' ,
sum(if(store = 'store3',price,null)) 'store3'
from Products
group by product_id
# Write your MySQL query statement below
select new_table.player_id , player_name,count(new_table.player_id) grand_slams_count
from (
select Wimbledon player_id from Championships
union all
select Fr_open from Championships
union all
select US_open from Championships
union all
select Au_open from Championships)new_table,Players P
where new_table.player_id = P.player_id
group by player_id
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