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多个子目标命中的Hybrid Astar路径规划-目的、原理、代码实现、使用技巧和参考repo

多个子目标命中的Hybrid Astar路径规划-目的、原理、代码实现、使用技巧和参考repo


多个子目标命中的Hybrid Astar路径规划_哔哩哔哩_bilibili笔记:https://www.yuque.com/tmjtyj/jubjects/etfd8otx7a8a9kgq往期hybridAstar视频讲解:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1qu4y1h7oc/?spm_id_from=333.788.recommend_more_video.0多个子目标命中的Hybrid Astar路径规划;使用hybrid进行搜索;, 视频播放量 804、弹幕量 0、点赞数 25、投硬币枚数 2、收藏人数 65、转发人数 9, 视频作者 tmjtyj, 作者简介 持续输入,持续输出,相关视频:【轨迹优化】移植一下,参数还没调好,平均速度5ms左右,三角编队 APF 人工势场法 apf 动态路径规划 编队,想要路径规划好,Octomap 少不了,全局路径规划,两点之间没有障碍物是用直线插值方式计算全局路径,两点之间有障碍物走A*规划全局路径。,hybrid astar,通过窄通道,多机器人路径规划 多AGV路径规划基于改进A星与改进人工势场APF的多机器人路径规划 Astar APF 融合改进路径规划 A*算法 apf算法 多机器人,各类算法对比 路径规划 蚁群 ACO astar 改进,来个路径规划的Hello World,ROS 路径规划中,绘制固定路经,动态窗口法 DWA 动态障碍物 路径规划 dwa路径规划icon-default.png?t=N7T8https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1dA4m1w7rq/

1. 目的和背景







2. 实现原理





3. 代码实现和技巧


  1. origin: -10,-10
  2. width:100m
  3. height:100m


  1. Pose2D startPose(-5, 0, 1.7);
  2. Pose2D endPose(85, 80, -1.7);

3.1. 生成最短折线路径
  1. /// @brief 将astar路径分段。拉直
  2. /// @param mapPlan 二值化的占据地图,5cm分辨率
  3. /// @param path astar稀疏的路径点
  4. /// @return 返回拉直的路径点,也是比较稀疏的/或者原始的astar路径
  5. std::vector<LOCALCV::Point> PathShorten(TMapData &mapPlan, std::vector<LOCALCV::Point> &path)
  6. {
  7. // 传入的是像素路径点
  8. auto TaceSegSparse = [&](LOCALCV::Point point_one, LOCALCV::Point point_two) -> std::vector<LOCALCV::Point> {
  9. std::vector<LOCALCV::Point> path_sparse;
  10. path_sparse.push_back(point_one);
  11. const float k_seg_len = 0.5 / 0.05; // [pixel,]每一个小段的长度0.5m,对应10个像素距离
  12. float dis = sqrt((point_one.x - point_two.x) * (point_one.x - point_two.x) + (point_one.y - point_two.y) * (point_one.y - point_two.y));
  13. int seg_num = dis / k_seg_len + 0.5;
  14. if (seg_num < 2) {
  15. return path_sparse;
  16. }
  17. float delta_x = (point_two.x - point_one.x) / (1.f * seg_num);
  18. float delta_y = (point_two.y - point_one.y) / (1.f * seg_num);
  19. for (int i = 1; i < seg_num; i++) {
  20. LOCALCV::Point seg_point(point_one.x + delta_x * i + 0.5f, point_one.y + delta_y * i + 0.5f);
  21. path_sparse.push_back(seg_point);
  22. }
  23. return path_sparse;
  24. };
  25. auto TacePathSparse = [=](std::vector<LOCALCV::Point> basePoints) -> std::vector<LOCALCV::Point> {
  26. if (basePoints.size() < 3) {
  27. return basePoints;
  28. }
  29. std::vector<LOCALCV::Point> ret;
  30. for (unsigned int i = 0; i < basePoints.size() - 1; i++) {
  31. std::vector<LOCALCV::Point> temp = TaceSegSparse(basePoints[i], basePoints[i + 1]);
  32. // ret.emplace_back(basePoints[i]);
  33. ret.insert(ret.end(), temp.begin(), temp.end());
  34. }
  35. ret.emplace_back(basePoints.back());
  36. return ret;
  37. };
  38. // 优化拉直拉短
  39. auto path_points_sparse = TacePathSparse(path);
  40. std::vector<LOCALCV::Point> path_adjusted;
  41. bool is_path_adjust_work = false;
  42. do {
  43. path_adjust::PathShorten pp(path_points_sparse.size());
  44. if (path_points_sparse.size() < 3) {
  45. break;
  46. }
  47. for (size_t i = 0; i < path_points_sparse.size() - 1; i++) {
  48. auto point_one = path_points_sparse[i];
  49. auto point_two = path_points_sparse[i + 1];
  50. float dis = sqrt((point_one.x - point_two.x) * (point_one.x - point_two.x) + (point_one.y - point_two.y) * (point_one.y - point_two.y));
  51. pp.AddEdge(i, i + 1, dis);
  52. }
  53. for (size_t i = 0; i < path_points_sparse.size() - 2; i++) {
  54. // linehit
  55. int meetHit = 0;
  56. for (size_t j = i + 2; j < path_points_sparse.size(); j++) {
  57. int x1 = path_points_sparse[i].x;
  58. int y1 = path_points_sparse[i].y;
  59. int x2 = path_points_sparse[j].x;
  60. int y2 = path_points_sparse[j].y;
  61. int hitX;
  62. int hitY;
  63. if (LOCALCV::CCommonAlg::LineHit(hitX, hitY, 128, x1, y1, x2, y2,
  64. &mapPlan.map[0], mapPlan.mapParam.width, mapPlan.mapParam.height)) {
  65. // FLOGD("hitPoint = (%.2f, %.2f)", slamMap.idx2x(hitX), slamMap.idx2y(hitY));
  66. meetHit++; // 连线发生hit最大允许向前搜索的次数
  67. // note todo 这里注释掉之后路径会更短,但是增加耗时
  68. // if (meetHit > 5) {
  69. // break;
  70. // } else {
  71. // continue;
  72. // }
  73. } else {
  74. //
  75. auto point_one = path_points_sparse[i];
  76. auto point_two = path_points_sparse[j];
  77. float dis = sqrt((point_one.x - point_two.x) * (point_one.x - point_two.x) + (point_one.y - point_two.y) * (point_one.y - point_two.y));
  78. pp.AddEdge(i, j, dis);
  79. }
  80. }
  81. }
  82. std::vector<int> ret = pp.GetShortestPath();
  83. for (auto item : ret) {
  84. path_adjusted.push_back(path_points_sparse[item]);
  85. }
  86. if (path_adjusted.size() < path_points_sparse.size()) {
  88. is_path_adjust_work = true;
  89. }
  90. } while (0);
  91. // end 优化拉直
  92. if (is_path_adjust_work == true) {
  93. return path_adjusted;
  94. } else {
  95. return path;
  96. }
  97. }
3.2. 搜索过程中增加气泡带,限制搜索空间
  1. // 绘制路径上的区域[局部走廊/气泡带BubbleZone],5个车身宽度足迹,四十个像素,只考虑路径足迹范围,用于优化voronoi生成时间
  2. // TODO 这里改成动态分配,预防图片太大
  3. {
  4. cv::Mat mask = cv::Mat::zeros(planMapCv_raw.rows, planMapCv_raw.cols, CV_8UC1);
  5. planMapCv = planMapCv_raw.clone();
  6. planMapCv.setTo(0);
  7. // cv::line(mask, cv::Point(333,6666), cv::Point(200,200),cv::Scalar(255,255,255),40,8,0);
  8. for (unsigned int i = 0; i < astarPath.size() - 1; i++) {
  9. cv::line(mask, cv::Point(astarPath[i].X, astarPath[i].Y),
  10. cv::Point(astarPath[i + 1].X, astarPath[i + 1].Y),
  11. cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255), 20 * 4, 8, 0); // 这里绘制的是圆头直线,相当于圆形;astarPath路径点是稀疏的
  12. }
  13. // todo 注意在边缘画上黑线
  14. // cv::imwrite("mask.bmp", mask); // 读写文件很耗时to delete
  15. planMapCv_raw.copyTo(planMapCv, mask);
  16. // cv::imwrite("planMapCv.bmp", planMapCv); // 读写文件很耗时to delete
  17. }
3.3. [key]多个子目标的生成



  1. // step 计算子目标点
  2. std::vector<Pose2D> sub_goals;
  3. do {
  4. // 对astarPath 中的长直线段采样
  5. const double k_subGoal_dis_interval = 0.5f; // 间隔0.5m采样一个路径点
  6. const double K_cut_segment_thresh = 1.f; // 长度至少为1m才采样
  7. std::vector<Pose2D> pose_sparse_list; // 原始路径点pose,物理坐标
  8. for (auto item : astarPath) {
  9. pose_sparse_list.push_back(Pose2D(mapData.mapParam.idx2x(item.X), mapData.mapParam.idx2y(item.Y), 0));
  10. }
  11. for (size_t i = 0; i < pose_sparse_list.size() - 1; i++) {
  12. float dist = pose_sparse_list[i].GetDistance(pose_sparse_list[i+1]);
  13. if (dist < K_cut_segment_thresh || dist < k_subGoal_dis_interval) {
  14. continue;
  15. }
  16. LineSegment2d segment({pose_sparse_list[i].X, pose_sparse_list[i].Y}, {pose_sparse_list[i + 1].X, pose_sparse_list[i + 1].Y});
  17. Pose2D segment_start; // 线段上的起始位姿
  18. segment_start.X = segment.start().x();
  19. segment_start.Y = segment.start().y();
  20. segment_start.SetPhi(segment.heading());
  21. int num_inserts = std::ceil(dist / k_subGoal_dis_interval) - 1;
  22. for (int j = 1; j <= num_inserts; ++j) {
  23. float ratio = static_cast<float>(j) / (num_inserts + 1);
  24. // new_poses.push_back(interpolate(path.poses[i], path.poses[i + 1], ratio));
  25. sub_goals.push_back(segment_start + Pose2D(ratio * segment.length(), 0, 0)); // 计算线段上的子目标点
  26. }
  27. }
  28. // poseEnd
  29. sub_goals.push_back(poseEnd);
  30. } while (0);
3.4. 单次命中单个子目标的代码实现
  1. bool hybrid_a_star::DubinsShotSubGoal(Node *current_node, Pose2D subGoal, float real_dubins_radius, Node **newNode)
  2. {
  3. Pose2D start = GetNodeSegEnd(current_node);
  4. Pose2D endPose = subGoal;
  5. // start
  6. double q0[] = {start.X, start.Y, start.Phi()};
  7. if (q0[2] < 0) {
  8. q0[2] = WrapTo2Pi(q0[2]);
  9. }
  10. // goal
  11. double q1[] = {endPose.X, endPose.Y, endPose.Phi()};
  12. if (q1[2] < 0) {
  13. q1[2] = WrapTo2Pi(q1[2]);
  14. }
  15. // initialize the path
  16. DubinsSimple::DubinsPath path;
  17. // calculate the path
  18. int res = DubinsSimple::dubins_init(q0, q1, real_dubins_radius, &path);
  19. if (res != 0) {
  20. return false;
  21. }
  22. std::vector<Pose2D> path_lists;
  23. float x = 0.f;
  24. // x += k_dubins_step_size; // 防止路径点重叠,重叠了也无所谓,每个路径点的pose角度是单独算出来的,和下一个路径点没有关系
  25. float length = dubins_path_length(&path);
  26. if (length < 0.01f) {
  27. return false;
  28. }
  29. while (x <= length) {
  30. double q[3];
  31. dubins_path_sample(&path, x, q); // 在曲线上按照x长度取点
  32. Pose2D pose(q[0], q[1], WrapToPi(q[2]));
  33. // collision check
  34. if (CheckPoseCollisionSafe(pose) == false) {
  35. return false;
  36. }
  37. path_lists.push_back(pose);
  38. x += k_dubins_step_size;
  39. }
  40. {
  41. int index = Pose2Index(path_lists.back());
  42. double added_cost = 0.0;
  43. added_cost += STEER_COST * fabs(0); // 转角,曲率代价,增大此项可减少尖锐的曲率 【转角与astar转角趋势相同时减小该项,顺应astar路径的转角趋势】
  44. // note todo 最好使用real_dubins_radius计算steer angle
  45. // added_cost += STEER_CHANGE_COST * fabs(WrapToPi(path_lists.back().Phi() - start.Phi())); // 转角变化代价,增大此项可减少频繁转弯【这里可以结合astar路径做调整,在astar路径长直段避免转角变化,在转弯处允许变化】
  46. double cost = current_node->cost ;//+ added_cost ;//length * 10; // 这里arc_len最好乘上一个系数,arc_len用于优化路径长度
  47. auto neighbor_node = new Node(index, start, length, 0, current_node->state_grid_index, cost, true);
  48. // 记录子目标点命中时候的dubins路径
  49. *newNode = neighbor_node;
  50. mSubGoalPaths[neighbor_node] = path_lists;
  51. }
  52. return true;
  53. }
3.5. 【key】命中多个子目标





  1. // 命中子目标
  2. // todo 优化:如果起始终止位姿距离很近就只给一个终点位姿作为子目标点,不要命中中间的其他点。
  3. {
  4. valid_sub_goal = false;
  5. // 确定子目标点的范围;
  6. int index_fathest = mSubGoals.size() - 1; // 当前搜索的最远的子目标点的序号 Farthest
  7. {
  8. // 子目标点在十米范围内
  9. const float k_SubGoalDisInReach = 10.f;
  10. int index = std::max(sub_goal_counter, 0);
  11. float dis_sum = 0;
  12. do {
  13. if (index == mSubGoals.size() - 1) {
  14. break;
  15. }
  16. index++;
  17. if (index == mSubGoals.size() - 1) {
  18. break;
  19. }
  20. dis_sum += mSubGoals[index].GetDistance(mSubGoals[index - 1]);
  21. if (dis_sum > k_SubGoalDisInReach) {
  22. break;
  23. }
  24. } while (1);
  25. index_fathest = index;
  26. }
  27. // 子目标点在十米范围内
  28. for (int i = index_fathest /*mSubGoals.size() - 1*/; i > sub_goal_counter; --i) {
  29. Pose2D sub_goal = mSubGoals[i];
  30. // 使用dubins连接并判断是否命中
  31. do {
  32. // bool hybrid_a_star::DubinsShotSubGoal(Node *current_node, Pose2D subGoal, float real_dubins_radius, Node *newNode)
  33. Node *newNode = nullptr;
  34. // 使用多个半径命中,优先使用大的半径命中
  35. bool res = false;
  36. for (float dubins_radius = k_dubins_radius_max; dubins_radius >= k_dubins_radius_min; dubins_radius -= k_dubins_radius_add_step) {
  37. res = DubinsShotSubGoal(current_node_ptr, sub_goal, dubins_radius, &newNode); // k_dubins_radius_min
  38. if (res == true) {
  39. break; // 优先命中就结束
  40. }
  41. }
  42. // 未命中则换一个目标点
  43. if (res == false) {
  44. break;
  45. }
  46. if (mCloseList.find(newNode->state_grid_index) != mCloseList.end()) {
  47. // 已经搜索和扩展过的
  48. delete newNode;
  49. break;
  50. }
  51. if (mOpenList.find(newNode->state_grid_index) == mOpenList.end()) {
  52. // 计算G+H
  53. // 直接命中到终点,结束搜索
  54. if (i == mSubGoals.size() - 1) {
  55. m_terminal_node_ptr_ = newNode;
  56. return true; // 命中终点
  57. }
  58. double f_cost = newNode->cost + ComputeH(newNode);
  59. mOpenList.insert(std::make_pair(newNode->state_grid_index, newNode));
  60. openset_.insert(std::make_pair((uint64_t)(f_cost * 1000), newNode->state_grid_index));
  61. } else if (mOpenList.find(newNode->state_grid_index) != mOpenList.end()) {
  62. delete newNode;
  63. break;
  64. }
  65. sub_goal_counter = i;
  66. valid_sub_goal = true; // 能够直接用dubins命中voronoi节点
  67. } while(0);
  68. }
  69. if (valid_sub_goal) {
  70. continue;
  71. }
  72. } // end 命中子目标
  73. // 扩展节点
  74. GetNeighborNodes(current_node_ptr, neighbor_nodes);
  75. for (unsigned int i = 0; i < neighbor_nodes.size(); ++i) {
  76. neighbor_node_ptr = neighbor_nodes[i];
  77. int neighbor_node_index = neighbor_node_ptr->state_grid_index;// Pose2Index(GetNodeSegEnd(neighbor_node_ptr));
  78. if(mCloseList.find(neighbor_node_index) != mCloseList.end()) {
  79. // 已经搜索和扩展过的
  80. delete neighbor_node_ptr;
  81. continue;
  82. }
  83. if (mOpenList.find(neighbor_node_index) == mOpenList.end() ) {
  84. // 计算G+H
  85. double f_cost = neighbor_node_ptr->cost + ComputeH(neighbor_node_ptr);
  86. mOpenList.insert(std::make_pair(neighbor_node_ptr->state_grid_index, neighbor_node_ptr));
  87. openset_.insert(std::make_pair((uint64_t)(f_cost * 1000), neighbor_node_ptr->state_grid_index));
  88. } else if (mOpenList.find(neighbor_node_index) != mOpenList.end()) {
  89. // 判断G的大小
  90. // if (neighbor_node_ptr->cost < mOpenList[neighbor_node_index]->cost) {
  91. // delete mOpenList[neighbor_node_index];
  92. // double f_cost = neighbor_node_ptr->cost + ComputeH(neighbor_node_ptr);
  93. mOpenList.insert(std::make_pair(neighbor_node_ptr->state_grid_index, neighbor_node_ptr));
  94. // mOpenList[neighbor_node_ptr->state_grid_index] = neighbor_node_ptr;
  95. // openset_.insert(std::make_pair(f_cost*1000, neighbor_node_ptr->state_grid_index));
  96. // } else {
  97. delete neighbor_node_ptr;
  98. // }
  99. }
  100. }

4. 测试代码


  1. // 选取多个随机位姿
  2. void testHybridMany()
  3. {
  4. auto copyFileWithIndex = [](int i) -> void {
  5. std::string sourceFilePath = "/tmp/debug_record/hybrid_canvas.png"; // hybrid_canvas.png
  6. std::string destinationFilePath;
  7. // 构建目标文件路径
  8. std::stringstream ss;
  9. ss << sourceFilePath.substr(0, sourceFilePath.find_last_of(".")) << "_" << i << sourceFilePath.substr(sourceFilePath.find_last_of("."));
  10. ss >> destinationFilePath;
  11. // 打开源文件和目标文件
  12. std::ifstream sourceFile(sourceFilePath, std::ios::binary);
  13. std::ofstream destinationFile(destinationFilePath, std::ios::binary);
  14. // 拷贝文件内容
  15. destinationFile << sourceFile.rdbuf();
  16. // 关闭文件
  17. sourceFile.close();
  18. destinationFile.close();
  19. };
  20. std::default_random_engine generator;
  21. std::uniform_real_distribution<double> distribution(-2, 2);
  22. std::uniform_real_distribution<double> distribution_angle(-3, 3);
  23. for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
  24. TestHybrid test;
  25. test.SetVisulization(true);
  26. TMapData mapData({-10, -10, 50 * 20, 50 * 20}, 255);
  27. for (float x = 0; x < 35; x += 6) {
  28. for (float y = 0; y < 35; y += 6) {
  29. int xInt = mapData.x2idx(x);
  30. int yInt = mapData.y2idx(y);
  31. LOCALCV::CCommonAlg::circleMat(0, xInt + RandomInt(10, 20), yInt + RandomInt(10, 20), 10 + RandomInt(10, 40), &mapData.map[0], mapData.mapParam.width, mapData.mapParam.height,
  32. 0, mapData.mapParam.width, 0, mapData.mapParam.height);
  33. }
  34. }
  35. Pose2D startPose(-5 + distribution(generator), 0 + distribution(generator), 1.7 + distribution_angle(generator));
  36. Pose2D endPose(35 + distribution(generator), 32 + distribution(generator), -1.7 + distribution_angle(generator));
  37. bool res = test.test(mapData, startPose, endPose);
  38. FLOGD("test hybrid result is %d", res);
  39. if (res == false) {
  40. continue;
  41. }
  42. copyFileWithIndex(i); // 拷贝结果另存
  43. }
  44. }

5. 测试结果

6. 改进


额外的,如果从起点开始扩展,close set在一定半径距离 节点数目达到指定数目后无法扩展即认为起点被困;如果从终点开始扩展,close set在一定半径距离内节点数目达到指定数目无法扩展即认为终点被困;






7. 参考repo

7.1. 下载地址

GitHub - tanujthakkar/Voronoi-Based-Hybrid-Astar: Voronoi Based Hybrid A* for Tractor-Trailer Systems



7.2. 实现要点


