<image mode="widthFix" class="music-image" src="{{mush[number].coverImgUrl}}"></image>
<view class="music-title">{{mush[number].title}}</view>
<view class="music-name">{{mush[number].name}}</view>
<view class="music-button">
<view bindtap="song" data-song="last">上一首</view>
<view bindtap="music">{{play?'暂停':'播放'}}</view>
<view bindtap="song" data-song="next">下一首</view>
<view class="cu-progress">
<view class="cu-prucin" style="width:{{widthx}}%"></view>
<view class="cu-left">{{playback}}</view>
<view class="cu-right">{{duration}}</view>
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Page({ data: { mush:[ { dataUrl: 'https://sg-sycdn.kuwo.cn/0aa7401fc21b9471772053f52b7b114b/5ea69207/resource/n2/51/99/2920279725.mp3', title: '大眠(完整版)', coverImgUrl: 'http://img3.kuwo.cn/star/albumcover/300/27/41/2794992887.jpg', name:'王茗' }, { dataUrl: 'https://win-web-ra01-sycdn.kuwo.cn/0e5e32d3df6ce1e6539dba4737a1fbb3/5ea6921a/resource/n1/128/59/23/92451869.mp3', title: '说谎', coverImgUrl: 'http://img4.kuwo.cn/star/albumcover/300/19/4/3819650566.jpg', name: '林宥嘉' }, { dataUrl: 'https://nb01-sycdn.kuwo.cn/c17342605aaa3cca9cf57d8818e82dd2/5ea6922a/resource/n2/9/51/3345777648.mp3', title: '吻得太逼真', coverImgUrl:'http://img2.kuwo.cn/star/albumcover/300/53/99/3583178904.jpg',name:'张敬轩' } ], number:'0', interval:'', widthx:'0', duration:'', playback:'', play:false, bgmusic:'', }, onShow:function(e){ let that = this setTimeout(function () { that.data.bgmusic.pause(); },1000) }, onLoad: function (options) { let that = this wx.playBackgroundAudio({ dataUrl: that.data.mush[that.data.number].dataUrl, title: that.data.mush[that.data.number].title, coverImgUrl: that.data.mush[that.data.number].coverImgUrl, }) that.setData({ bgmusic: wx.getBackgroundAudioManager() }) that.data.bgmusic.play(); setTimeout(function () { if (getCurrentPages().length != 0) { getCurrentPages()[getCurrentPages().length - 1].scheduled() } },300) }, music:function(e){ let that = this if(!that.data.play){ that.data.bgmusic.play(); if (getCurrentPages().length != 0) { getCurrentPages()[getCurrentPages().length - 1].scheduled() } }else{ that.data.bgmusic.pause(); clearInterval(that.data.interval) } that.setData({ play: !that.data.play, }) }, song:function(e){ let that = this let song = e.currentTarget.dataset.song if(song == 'next'){ if (that.data.number < (that.data.mush.length-1)){ that.data.number++ }else{ that.data.number = 0 } } else if (song == 'last'){ if (0 < that.data.number) { that.data.number-- } else { that.data.number = (that.data.mush.length - 1) } }else{ wx.showToast({ title: '系统异常~', icon: 'none', duration: 3000 }) } that.setData({ number: that.data.number, play: true, widthx: '0', duration:'', }) if (getCurrentPages().length != 0) { getCurrentPages()[getCurrentPages().length - 1].onLoad() } }, scheduled: function (e) { let that = this that.data.interval = setInterval(function () { let a = '00' let b = '00' wx.getBackgroundAudioPlayerState({ success(res) { if (res.status == '2' && that.data.widthx == '100.00') { if (that.data.number < (that.data.mush.length - 1)) { that.data.number++ } else { that.data.number = 0 } that.setData({ number: that.data.number, play: true, widthx: '0', duration: '', }) if (getCurrentPages().length != 0) { getCurrentPages()[getCurrentPages().length - 1].onLoad() } } that.data.widthx = (res.currentPosition / (res.duration / 100)).toFixed(2) if (res.currentPosition > 59) { a = parseInt(res.currentPosition / 60) ? parseInt(res.currentPosition / 60) : '00' b = res.currentPosition - (a * 60) ? res.currentPosition - (a * 60) : '00' } else { a = '00' b = res.currentPosition ? res.currentPosition : '00' } a == undefined ? '00' : a if (JSON.stringify(a).length < 2) { a = '0' + JSON.stringify(a) } b == undefined ? '00' : b if (JSON.stringify(b).length < 2) { b = '0' + JSON.stringify(b) } that.data.play = res.status == 1 ? true : false if (that.data.duration == '' || that.data.duration == '00:00') { let c = parseInt(res.duration / 60) ? parseInt(res.duration / 60) : '00' let d = res.duration - (c * 60) ? res.duration - (c * 60) : '00' if (JSON.stringify(c).length < 2) { c = '0' + JSON.stringify(c) } if (JSON.stringify(d).length < 2) { d = '0' + JSON.stringify(d) } that.setData({ duration: c + ':' + d, }) } that.setData({ widthx: that.data.widthx, playback: a + ':' + b, play: that.data.play, }) } }) }, 300) }, })
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