index | address | end | size |
0 | 0 | 639 | 640 |
index | address | end | size |
0 | 630 | 639 | 10 |
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include<ctype.h> #define MAX 640 struct node //定义分区 { int address, size; struct node *next; }; typedef struct node RECT; /*-----函数定义-------*/ void firstfit(RECT *head,int application); //针对首次适应分配算法分配分区 void bestfit(RECT *head,int application); //针对最佳适应分配算法分配分区 void worstfit(RECT *head,int application); //针对最坏适应分配算法分配分区 int backcheck(RECT *head,RECT *back1); //合法性检查 void recycle(RECT *head,RECT *heada,RECT *back1); //回收分区 void print(RECT *head); //输出已分配分区表或空闲分区 /*-----变量定义-------*/ RECT *head,*heada,*back,*assign1,*p; int application1,maxblocknum; char way; //用于定义分配方式:首先适应(f)、最佳适应(b)、最差适应(w) int main() { char choose; int check; RECT *allocated; // head=malloc(sizeof(RECT)); //建立空闲分区表的初始状态 p=malloc(sizeof(RECT)); head->size=MAX; head->address=0; head->next=p; maxblocknum=1; //初始只有一块空闲区 p->size=MAX; p->address=0; p->next=NULL; print(head); //输出空闲分区表的初始状态 printf("Enter the way (first, best or worst (f/b/w))\n"); scanf("%c",&way); heada=malloc(sizeof(RECT)); //建立已分配分区表的初始状态 heada->size=0; heada->address=0; heada->next=NULL; //print(heada); //输出空闲分区表的初始状态 //way='f'; do { printf("Enter the allocate or reclaim (a/r),or press other key to exit.\n"); scanf(" %c",&choose); //选择分配或回收 if(tolower(choose)=='a') //a为分配 { printf("Input application:\n"); scanf("%d",&application1); //输入申请空间大小 if(tolower(way)=='f') firstfit(head,application1); //首先适应算法分配 else if(tolower(way)=='b') bestfit(head,application1); //调用最佳适应分配算法函数分配内存 else worstfit(head,application1); //最坏适应算法分配 if (assign1->address==-1) //分配不成功 printf("Too large application! Allocation fails! \n\n"); else{//分配成功 printf("Allocation Success! ADDRESS=%5d\n",assign1->address); printf("\n*********Unallocated Table**********\n"); print(head); //输出 printf("\n*********Allocated Table************\n"); print(heada); } } else if (tolower(choose)=='r') //回收内存 { back=malloc(sizeof(RECT)); printf("Input address and Size:\n"); scanf("%d%d",&back->address,&back->size);//输入回收地址和大小 check=backcheck(head,back); if (check==1) { recycle(head,heada,back); printf("\n*********Unallocated Table**********\n"); print(head); //输出 printf("\n*********Allocated Table************\n"); print(heada); } } }while(tolower(choose)=='a'||tolower(choose)=='r'); exit(0); } //main() end. /*-------内存回收函数,back1为回收节点到地址-------*/ void recycle(RECT *head,RECT *heada,RECT *back1) { RECT *before, *after, *back2; int insert = 0, del; back2 = malloc(sizeof(RECT)); back2->address = back1->address; back2->size = back1->size; back2->next = back1->next; before = head; after = head->next; if (head->next == NULL) // 没有空闲区,直接回收 { head->size = back1->size; head->next = back1; maxblocknum++; back1->next = NULL; } else { while (!insert&&after!=NULL) // 遍历空闲区 { if (back1->address == after->size + after->address) /*要回收的内存在当前空闲区之后,与上一块合并*/ {//第一种情况,回收区与相邻低地址合并 after->size+=back1->size; insert=1; // before->next = after->next; // back->size = after->size + back1->size; // free(after); // after = NULL; }else if(back1->address+back1->size==after->address) { //第二种情况,回收区与相邻高地址合并 after->size+=back1->size; after->address=back1->address; insert=1; }else if(before->address<back1->address&&after->address>back1->address) { //第三种情况,回收区与相邻的高地址、低地址合并,被夹在中间 before->size+=back1->size+after->size; insert=1; } after = after->next; before = before->next; } //第四种情况,回收区独自一块,需要在空闲表中新增一项 before = head; /*将回收节点插入到合适到位置*/ after = head->next; do { if (after == NULL) { before->next = back1; back1->next = after; insert = 1; } else { before = before->next; after = after->next; } } while (!insert); if (head->size < back1->size) /*修改最大块值和最大块数*/ { head->size = back1->size; maxblocknum++; } else { if (head->size == back1->size) maxblocknum++; } } // 修改已分配分区表,删除相应节点 before = heada; after = heada->next; del = 0; while (!del &&after != NULL) // 1,循环在已删除或者遍历结束时退出,将回收区从已分配分区表中删除 { if ((after->address == back2->address) && (after->size == back2->size)) { before->next = after->next; free(after); del = 1; } else { before = before->next; after = after->next; } } heada->size--; } /*------------------首次适应分配算法------------*/ void firstfit(RECT *head,int application) { RECT *after, *before, *assign; assign = malloc(sizeof(RECT)); // 申请分配空间 assign->size = application; assign->next = NULL; if (application > head->size || application < 0) assign->address = -1; // 申请无效 else { before = head; after = head->next; while (after->size < application) // 遍历链表,查找合适到节点 { before = before->next; after = after->next; } if (after->size == application) // 若节点大小等于申请大小则完全分配 { if (after->size == head->size) maxblocknum--; before->next = after->next; // 指向后面的空闲区 assign->address = after->address; // 将这个同样大小的地址直接赋给分配的对象 free(after); } else { if (after->size == head->size) // 这个可分配空间等于剩余总的空闲空间 maxblocknum--; after->size = after->size - application; // 大于申请空间则截取相应大小分配 assign->address = after->address + after->size; // 分配靠后的地址 } if (maxblocknum == 0) // 修改最大数和头节点 { before = head; head->size = 0; maxblocknum = 1; while (before != NULL) // 遍历空闲区 { if (before->size > head->size) { head->size = before->size; maxblocknum = 1; } else if (before->size == head->size) maxblocknum++; before = before->next; } } } assign1 = assign; // 修改已分配分区表,添加节点 after = heada; while (after->next != NULL) after = after->next; after->next = assign; heada->size++; } /*-----------------最佳适应分配算法--------------*/ void bestfit(RECT *head,int application) { RECT *after, *before, *assign; assign = malloc(sizeof(RECT)); // 申请分配空间 assign->size = application; assign->next = NULL; if (application > head->size || application < 0) assign->address = -1; // 申请无效 else { before = head; RECT* ptr = head->next; int tmp=0; //找到第一块最合适的空闲分区,即空间大于application的最小分区 while (ptr!=NULL) // 遍历链表,查找合适到节点 { if(ptr->size>=application){ if(!tmp||ptr->size<tmp){ after=ptr; tmp=ptr->size; } } ptr=ptr->next; } if (after->size == application) // 若节点大小等于申请大小则完全分配 { if (after->size == head->size) maxblocknum--; before->next = after->next; // 指向后面的空闲区 assign->address = after->address; // 将这个同样大小的地址直接赋给分配的对象 free(after); } else { if (after->size == head->size) // 这个可分配空间等于剩余总的空闲空间 maxblocknum--; after->size = after->size - application; // 大于申请空间则截取相应大小分配 assign->address = after->address + after->size; // 分配靠后的地址 } if (maxblocknum == 0) // 修改最大数和头节点 { before = head; head->size = 0; maxblocknum = 1; while (before != NULL) // 遍历空闲区 { if (before->size > head->size) { head->size = before->size; maxblocknum = 1; } else if (before->size == head->size) maxblocknum++; before = before->next; } } } assign1 = assign; // 修改已分配分区表,添加节点 after = heada; while (after->next != NULL) after = after->next; after->next = assign; heada->size++; } /*-----------------最坏适应分配算法--------------*/ void worstfit(RECT *head,int application) { RECT *after, *before, *assign; assign = malloc(sizeof(RECT)); // 申请分配空间 assign->size = application; assign->next = NULL; if (application > head->size || application < 0) assign->address = -1; // 申请无效 else { before = head; RECT* ptr = head->next; int tmp=0; //找到最大的空闲分区进行分配 while (ptr!=NULL) // 遍历链表,查找合适到节点 { if(ptr->size>=application){ if(ptr->size>tmp){ after=ptr; tmp=ptr->size; } } ptr=ptr->next; } if (after->size == application) // 若节点大小等于申请大小则完全分配 { if (after->size == head->size) maxblocknum--; before->next = after->next; // 指向后面的空闲区 assign->address = after->address; // 将这个同样大小的地址直接赋给分配的对象 free(after); } else { if (after->size == head->size) // 这个可分配空间等于剩余总的空闲空间 maxblocknum--; after->size = after->size - application; // 大于申请空间则截取相应大小分配 assign->address = after->address + after->size; // 分配靠后的地址 } if (maxblocknum == 0) // 修改最大数和头节点 { before = head; head->size = 0; maxblocknum = 1; while (before != NULL) // 遍历空闲区 { if (before->size > head->size) { head->size = before->size; maxblocknum = 1; } else if (before->size == head->size) maxblocknum++; before = before->next; } } } assign1 = assign; // 修改已分配分区表,添加节点 after = heada; while (after->next != NULL) after = after->next; after->next = assign; heada->size++; } /*-----------------打印输出链表--------------*/ void print(RECT *output) { RECT *before; int index; before=output->next; index=0; if(output->next==NULL) printf("NO part for print!\n"); else { printf("index****address****end*****size**** \n"); while(before!=NULL) { printf("------------------------------------\n"); printf(" %-9d%- 9d%- 9d%- 9d\n",index,before->address,before->address+before->size-1,before->size); printf("------------------------------------\n"); index++; before=before->next; } } } /*检查回收块到合法性,back1为要回收到节点地址*/ int backcheck(RECT *head,RECT *back1) { RECT *before; int check=1; if(back1->address<0 || back1->size<0) check=0; //地址和大小不能为负数 before=head->next; while((before!=NULL)&&check) //地址不能和空闲区表中节点出现重叠 if(((back1->address<before->address)&&(back1->address+back1->size>before->address))||((back1->address>=before->address)&&(back1->address<before->address+before->size))) check=0; else before=before->next; if(check==0) printf("Error input!\n"); return check; }
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