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This beginner's roadmap lays out all the basics for web development. We’re going to go through each step–from figuring out what code editor to use, to what JavaScript framework or back-end language you can pick up. And we’ll also include links to resources where you can learn these skills.

该初学者的路线图列出了Web开发的所有基础知识。 我们将经历每个步骤-从确定要使用的代码编辑器,到可以选择JavaScript框架或后端语言。 我们还将包括指向资源的链接,您可以在其中学习这些技能。

The fact is, if you’re just starting out, all you need to know right now are the basics. You really don’t need to know every single technology, tool, or language in existence right from the get-go. (You’ll cross that bridge when you come to it, believe me!)

事实是,如果您刚刚起步,那么现在您需要了解的只是基础知识。 您真的不需要一开始就了解每种技术,工具或语言。 (相信我,您将跨过那座桥!)

By the end of this guide, you’ll have an understanding of the basics of web development, what skills you need to know, and where to find them!


1: What is web development: How websites work, front-end vs back-end, code editor‌‌

1:什么是网站开发 :网站的工作方式,前端与后端,代码编辑器

2: Basic front-end: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript‌‌

2:基本前端: HTML,CSS和JavaScript‌‌

3: Tools: Package managers, build tools, version control‌‌

3:工具 :程序包管理器,构建工具,版本控制

4a: Additional front-end: Sass, responsive design, JavaScript frameworks‌‌

4a:其他前端: Sass,响应式设计,JavaScript框架

4b: Basic back-end: Server and database management, programming language


In this roadmap, I recommend doing Steps 1, 2, and 3 in order. Then, depending on whether you want to focus on more front-end or back-end, you can do steps 4a or 4b in any order.

在此路线图中,我建议按顺序执行步骤1、2和3。 然后,根据要集中在前端还是后端上,可以按任意顺序执行步骤4a或4b。

I personally think it’s good idea for front-end web developers to know at least a bit of back-end, and vice versa. At the very least, knowing the basics of both will help you figure out if you like front-end or back-end better
