1 ) 概述
方法2 )源码
定位到 packages/events/EventPluginHub.js#L172
function extractEvents( topLevelType: TopLevelType, targetInst: null | Fiber, nativeEvent: AnyNativeEvent, nativeEventTarget: EventTarget, ): Array<ReactSyntheticEvent> | ReactSyntheticEvent | null { let events = null; for (let i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) { // Not every plugin in the ordering may be loaded at runtime. const possiblePlugin: PluginModule<AnyNativeEvent> = plugins[i]; if (possiblePlugin) { // 这里要去调用 每个 plugin 的 extractEvents 方法 const extractedEvents = possiblePlugin.extractEvents( topLevelType, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget, ); if (extractedEvents) { events = accumulateInto(events, extractedEvents); } } } return events; }
注意这里的 possiblePlugin.extractEvents
我们专门专注下 changeEvent 的这个方法
定位到 packages/react-dom/src/events/ChangeEventPlugin.js#L263
const ChangeEventPlugin = { eventTypes: eventTypes, _isInputEventSupported: isInputEventSupported, // 注意这里 extractEvents: function( topLevelType, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget, ) { // 在这个方法里面,拿到了 targetNode // 因为这边传进来的呢是一个发布对象, 所以要通过这种方法拿到它的 node const targetNode = targetInst ? getNodeFromInstance(targetInst) : window; // 然后,要经过一系列的判断,主要去赋值了不同的 getTargetInstFunc let getTargetInstFunc, handleEventFunc; // 如果有返回这个instance,那么我们就可以去创建这个event了,这是什么意思呢? // 就是说我们这个 event plugin, 在所有的事件触发的过程当中,这个plugin都会被循环调用的 // 它是没有通过事件名称来调用不同的plugin这么一个设置的 // 所以这个判断是要放在每个pluggin里面自己去做。就是说根据这次触发的具体事件是什么? // 来判断我们要不要为它创建一个event,因为每个plugin在每次事件触发都会被调用 // 如果我们都生成事件,那么明显是不对的,肯定要对自己这个 plugin 关心的事件来去为它生成这个事件 if (shouldUseChangeEvent(targetNode)) { getTargetInstFunc = getTargetInstForChangeEvent; } else if (isTextInputElement(targetNode)) { if (isInputEventSupported) { getTargetInstFunc = getTargetInstForInputOrChangeEvent; } else { // polyfill 的这些先忽略 getTargetInstFunc = getTargetInstForInputEventPolyfill; handleEventFunc = handleEventsForInputEventPolyfill; } } else if (shouldUseClickEvent(targetNode)) { getTargetInstFunc = getTargetInstForClickEvent; } // 基于类型,得到了最终的处理函数 if (getTargetInstFunc) { const inst = getTargetInstFunc(topLevelType, targetInst); if (inst) { // 创建 event const event = createAndAccumulateChangeEvent( inst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget, ); return event; } } if (handleEventFunc) { handleEventFunc(topLevelType, targetNode, targetInst); } // When blurring, set the value attribute for number inputs if (topLevelType === TOP_BLUR) { handleControlledInputBlur(targetNode); } }, };
进入 shouldUseChangeEvent
function shouldUseChangeEvent(elem) {
const nodeName = elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
return (
nodeName === 'select' || (nodeName === 'input' && elem.type === 'file')
getTargetInstFunc = getTargetInstForChangeEvent;
进入 getTargetInstForChangeEvent
function getTargetInstForChangeEvent(topLevelType, targetInst) { // TOP_CHANGE 就是 change if (topLevelType === TOP_CHANGE) { return targetInst; } } // 注意 另外的文件中 // packages/react-dom/src/events/DOMTopLevelEventTypes.js#L41 export const TOP_CHANGE = unsafeCastStringToDOMTopLevelType('change'); // packages/events/TopLevelEventTypes.js#L27 export function unsafeCastStringToDOMTopLevelType( topLevelType: string, ): DOMTopLevelEventType { return topLevelType; }
进入 isTextInputElement
const supportedInputTypes: {[key: string]: true | void} = { color: true, date: true, datetime: true, 'datetime-local': true, email: true, month: true, number: true, password: true, range: true, search: true, tel: true, text: true, time: true, url: true, week: true, }; function isTextInputElement(elem: ?HTMLElement): boolean { // 获取 nodeName const nodeName = elem && elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(); // 判断在 input 的时候,是否符合支持的type类型 if (nodeName === 'input') { return !!supportedInputTypes[((elem: any): HTMLInputElement).type]; } if (nodeName === 'textarea') { return true; } return false; }
进入 getTargetInstForInputOrChangeEvent
// packages/react-dom/src/events/ChangeEventPlugin.js#L229 function getTargetInstForInputOrChangeEvent(topLevelType, targetInst) { if (topLevelType === TOP_INPUT || topLevelType === TOP_CHANGE) { return getInstIfValueChanged(targetInst); } } // packages/react-dom/src/events/ChangeEventPlugin.js#L106 function getInstIfValueChanged(targetInst) { const targetNode = getNodeFromInstance(targetInst); if (inputValueTracking.updateValueIfChanged(targetNode)) { return targetInst; } } // packages/react-dom/src/client/ReactDOMComponentTree.js#L69 export function getNodeFromInstance(inst) { if (inst.tag === HostComponent || inst.tag === HostText) { // In Fiber this, is just the state node right now. We assume it will be // a host component or host text. return inst.stateNode; } // Without this first invariant, passing a non-DOM-component triggers the next // invariant for a missing parent, which is super confusing. invariant(false, 'getNodeFromInstance: Invalid argument.'); }
进入 shouldUseClickEvent
* SECTION: handle `click` event
// checkbox 和 radio 的特殊处理
function shouldUseClickEvent(elem) {
// Use the `click` event to detect changes to checkbox and radio inputs.
// This approach works across all browsers, whereas `change` does not fire
// until `blur` in IE8.
const nodeName = elem.nodeName;
return (
nodeName &&
nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input' &&
(elem.type === 'checkbox' || elem.type === 'radio')
进入 getTargetInstForClickEvent
function getTargetInstForClickEvent(topLevelType, targetInst) {
if (topLevelType === TOP_CLICK) {
return getInstIfValueChanged(targetInst);
进入 createAndAccumulateChangeEvent
function createAndAccumulateChangeEvent(inst, nativeEvent, target) {
const event = SyntheticEvent.getPooled(
event.type = 'change';
// Flag this event loop as needing state restore.
return event;
,就是说在react当中所有的事件对象是通过一个 pool 来进行一个存储的enqueueStateRestore
和 accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches
// packages/events/SyntheticEvent.js#L335
function addEventPoolingTo(EventConstructor) {
EventConstructor.eventPool = [];
EventConstructor.getPooled = getPooledEvent; // 注意这里
EventConstructor.release = releasePooledEvent;
// packages/events/SyntheticEvent.js#L300 function getPooledEvent(dispatchConfig, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeInst) { const EventConstructor = this; // 存在poll if (EventConstructor.eventPool.length) { const instance = EventConstructor.eventPool.pop(); EventConstructor.call( instance, dispatchConfig, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeInst, ); return instance; } // pool 里面没有,则创建一个新的 return new EventConstructor( dispatchConfig, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeInst, ); }
和 new EventConstructor
export function enqueueStateRestore(target: EventTarget): void {
// 判断了这个 restoreTarget 公共变量是否存在
if (restoreTarget) {
if (restoreQueue) {
} else {
restoreQueue = [target];
// restoreTarget 不存在,则对其进行赋值
} else {
restoreTarget = target;
这个方法才是真正要去从每个节点上面去获取它的 listener 的一个过程// packages/events/EventPropagators.js#L115 export function accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches(events) { // 其实就是对 events 这个数组里面,它的每一个节点去调用这个方法 forEachAccumulated(events, accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSingle); } function accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSingle(event) { // 存在 phasedRegistrationNames 则调用 traverseTwoPhase if (event && event.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames) { traverseTwoPhase(event._targetInst, accumulateDirectionalDispatches, event); } } // 在 event 对象上 插入 listener 的过程 function accumulateDirectionalDispatches(inst, phase, event) { // 忽略 if (__DEV__) { warningWithoutStack(inst, 'Dispatching inst must not be null'); } // 获取 listener const listener = listenerAtPhase(inst, event, phase); if (listener) { // 注意这里 event._dispatchListeners 和 下面的 event._dispatchInstances 保持两者一一对应的关系 event._dispatchListeners = accumulateInto( event._dispatchListeners, listener, ); event._dispatchInstances = accumulateInto(event._dispatchInstances, inst); } } function listenerAtPhase(inst, event, propagationPhase: PropagationPhases) { const registrationName = event.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames[propagationPhase]; return getListener(inst, registrationName); } // packages/events/EventPluginHub.js#L126 export function getListener(inst: Fiber, registrationName: string) { let listener; // TODO: shouldPreventMouseEvent is DOM-specific and definitely should not // live here; needs to be moved to a better place soon const stateNode = inst.stateNode; if (!stateNode) { // Work in progress (ex: onload events in incremental mode). return null; } const props = getFiberCurrentPropsFromNode(stateNode); // 从 dom tree上获取 props if (!props) { // Work in progress. return null; } listener = props[registrationName]; if (shouldPreventMouseEvent(registrationName, inst.type, props)) { return null; } invariant( !listener || typeof listener === 'function', 'Expected `%s` listener to be a function, instead got a value of `%s` type.', registrationName, typeof listener, ); return listener; } // packages/shared/ReactTreeTraversal.js#L86 export function traverseTwoPhase(inst, fn, arg) { const path = []; // 找到所有上层节点,并存入 path while (inst) { path.push(inst); inst = getParent(inst); } // 下面是核心,执行两个阶段的回调,捕获和冒泡 let i; for (i = path.length; i-- > 0; ) { // 注意这个 i 的顺序 // path[i]:节点, arg:event fn(path[i], 'captured', arg); // captured 是从 window 向下触发的 } for (i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { // 注意这个 i 的顺序 fn(path[i], 'bubbled', arg); // bubbled 是从下向 window 方向的 } // 基于上面两个 循环 // 这样的话,就不需要在 event 对象上面单独维护 capture 的这个事件的它的一个数组 // 还有 bubble 的事件的一个速度,只需要放在同一个数组里面,然后按照这个数组的顺序去触发就可以了 } // packages/shared/ReactTreeTraversal.js#L10 function getParent(inst) { do { inst = inst.return; // TODO: If this is a HostRoot we might want to bail out. // That is depending on if we want nested subtrees (layers) to bubble // events to their parent. We could also go through parentNode on the // host node but that wouldn't work for React Native and doesn't let us // do the portal feature. } while (inst && inst.tag !== HostComponent); if (inst) { return inst; // 返回的 inst 是一个 HostComponent } return null; }
以上,生产 event 对象,然后去挂载它的事件,这个过程是非常的复杂的
react 团队把整个事件系统去重新抽象的这么一个过程,而且设计的超级复杂
目前为止,通过 ChangeEventPlugin 来了解了整个 event 对象的处理过程
但每一个 plugin 或多或少有一些自己的一些区别,这里不再赘述
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