<template> <view> <!-- 渲染出每句歌词 --> <view class="other-big" :style="{'top':top}"> <view class="other" :style="{'color':index==nowlirics?'#EB4A38':'#00000' , 'transform':'translateY('+ height + 'px)'}" v-for="(item,index) in arr" :key="index" style="text-align: center;"> {{item.words}} </view> </view> <!-- 歌词进度条 --> <view class="other-width"> <view class="wrap"> <slider class="" min="0" step="1" :value="nowtimes" activeColor="#BB2C08" backgroundColor="#e9e9e9" block-size="14" block-color="#ffffff" @change="moved" @changing="moved" :max="maxTime" :activeColor="color"></slider> </view> </view> <!-- 播放、暂停按钮 --> <view class="other-flex"> <view class="other-img"> <image src="https://i.loli.net/2020/11/09/yovmgqYdaxblGAc.png" mode=""></image> <image @click="onBegin()" src="https://i.loli.net/2020/11/09/dwnCQBH8pGkhaxR.png" mode="" v-show="playbool"></image> <image @click="onStop()" src="https://i.loli.net/2020/11/09/vyPNSZQOURFqsg5.png" mode="" v-show="!playbool"></image> <image src="https://i.loli.net/2020/11/09/GjUxzkapWyDVi8n.png" mode=""></image> </view> </view> </view> </template>
<script> export default { data() { return { playbool: false, url: "", lyric: "", maxTime: "", arr: "", nowtimes: 0, ok: true, seconds: 0, play: true, nowlirics: '', top: '10px', scrollTop: 0, height: "" } }, onLoad() { var that = this var http = "https://tree.xingyuncm.cn/" // 请求歌词 uni.request({ url: http + '/lyric', method: "GET", data: { id: "1297802566" }, success: (tik) => { var left = tik.data.lrc.lyric.split("\n"); // console.log(left) that.lyric = tik.data.lrc.lyric; // 声明一个空数组 var arr = [] left.forEach((val, i) => { var words = val.split("]") //分割歌词 var time = words[0].slice(1, 10) //选择从下标为1到下标为10的字符串 // 向arr数组添加内容(时间和歌词) arr.push({ // 歌词时间转换 time: ((time.slice(0, 2) - 0) * 60) + (time.slice(3, 5) - 0) + ((time.slice(6, 9) - 0) / 1000), //歌词时间转换为秒 words: words[1] ? words[1] : "" }) }) that.arr = arr // console.log(that.arr); that.maxTime = arr[arr.length - 2].time; // 请求歌曲链接 wx.request({ url: http + '/song/url', method: "GET", data: { id: "1297802566" }, success: (res) => { // console.log(res.data.data[0].url) var that = this; const bgAudioMannager = uni.getBackgroundAudioManager(); bgAudioMannager.title = "lll"; bgAudioMannager.singer = "lll"; bgAudioMannager.src = res.data.data[0].url; // 当前进度除以总时长 bgAudioMannager.onTimeUpdate(function() { // console.log(bgAudioMannager.duration, "总时间") // console.log(bgAudioMannager.currentTime, "当前时间"); that.nowtimes = Number(bgAudioMannager.currentTime); var realtime = Number(bgAudioMannager.currentTime) for (var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) { if (realtime < arr[i].time) { var newi = i - 1; that.nowlirics = newi; that.top = (newi * -30) + 250 + "px"; // console.log(that.top) var height = 250 - newi * 30 // console.log(height); that.height = height break; } } }) bgAudioMannager.onEnded(() => { bgAudioMannager.play() }); } }) } }) }, methods: { // 播放 onBegin() { this.playbool = false; // 获取背景音频管理器播放 const bgAudioMannager = uni.getBackgroundAudioManager(); bgAudioMannager.play() }, // 暂停 onStop() { // 获取背景音频管理器暂停 this.playbool = true; const bgAudioMannager = uni.getBackgroundAudioManager(); bgAudioMannager.pause() }, moved(e) { // 拖动进度条跳转到指定时间 const bgAudioMannager = uni.getBackgroundAudioManager(); bgAudioMannager.seek(e.detail.value) this.nowtimes = e.detail.value; }, } } </script>
<style> .other-big { height: 700rpx; overflow: hidden; overflow-y: scroll; line-height: 60rpx; padding-bottom: 300rpx; } .wrap { width: 80%; } .other-width { display: flex; justify-content: center; margin-top: 10%; } .other-img image { width: 5vh; height: 5vh; margin: 1%; } .other-img { background-color: #DBF1E1; width: 50%; border-radius: 50rpx; display: flex; justify-content: center; padding: 2%; } .other-flex { display: flex; justify-content: center; } .other { transform: translateY(150px); height: 30px; } </style>
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