- <template>
- <div>
- <el-container>
- <el-main>
- <div class="box-card-left">
- <div id="threejs" style="border: 1px solid red"></div>
- </div>
- </el-main>
- </el-container>
- </div>
- </template>
- <script>
- // 引入轨道控制器扩展库OrbitControls.js
- import { OrbitControls } from "three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls.js";
- export default {
- data() {
- return {
- sphereGeometry: null,
- group: null,
- camera: null,
- mesh: null,
- renderer: null,
- requestAnimationFrame_time: null,
- B: null,
- lengthVal: 0,
- normalizeVal: null,
- css3DRenderer: null,
- };
- },
- mounted() {
- this.name = this.$route.query.name;
- this.init();
- },
- methods: {
- goBack() {
- this.$router.go(-1);
- },
- init() {
- // 创建场景对象
- this.scene = new this.$three.Scene();
- // 调用方法创建点模型 A
- this.createPoint([0,40,0]);
- // 调用方法创建点模型 B
- this.createPoint([50,0,0]);
- this.createBox();
- // 创建环境光对象
- const ambientLight = new this.$three.AmbientLight(0xffffff,0.8);
- this.scene.add(ambientLight);
- // 创建箭头对象
- /**
- * ArrowHelper(dir : Vector3, origin : Vector3, length : Number, hex : Number, headLength : Number, headWidth : Number )
- dir -- 基于箭头原点的方向. 必须为单位向量.
- origin -- 箭头的原点.
- length -- 箭头的长度. 默认为 1.
- hex -- 定义的16进制颜色值. 默认为 0xffff00.
- headLength -- 箭头头部(锥体)的长度. 默认为箭头长度的0.2倍(0.2 * length).
- headWidth -- The width of the head of the arrow. Default is 0.2 * headLength.
- */
- /**
- * 计算箭头需要的参数;箭头是从A指向B
- */
- const A = new this.$three.Vector3(0,40,0);
- const B = new this.$three.Vector3(50,0,0);
- // 箭头方向的单位向量
- const dir = B.clone().sub(A).normalize();
- // 箭头原点 是 A
- const origin = A;
- // 箭头长度---就是 A 点到 B 点的距离;使用 length()方法可以计算得到
- const length = B.clone().sub(A).length();
- const hex = 0xffddaa;
- const arrowHelper = new this.$three.ArrowHelper(dir, origin, length, hex);
- this.scene.add(arrowHelper);
- // 创建坐标轴辅助对象
- const axesHelper = new this.$three.AxesHelper(200);
- this.scene.add(axesHelper);
- // 创建相机对象
- this.camera = new this.$three.PerspectiveCamera();
- this.camera.position.set(150,150,150);
- this.camera.lookAt(0,0,0);
- // 创建渲染器对象
- this.renderer = new this.$three.WebGLRenderer();
- this.renderer.setSize(1000,800);
- this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera);
- window.document.getElementById("threejs").appendChild(this.renderer.domElement);
- const controls = new OrbitControls(this.camera, this.renderer.domElement);
- controls.addEventListener("change", e => {
- this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera);
- })
- },
- /**
- * 创建点模型的方法,
- * point_position: 数组类型,数组里有且只有三个元素,
- * */
- createPoint(point_position) {
- // 创建缓存几何体对象
- const bufferGeometry = new this.$three.BufferGeometry();
- // 创建类型化数组来存放顶点数据
- const vectors = new Float32Array(point_position);
- // 创建缓存属性来格式化顶点数据
- const bufferAttribute = new this.$three.BufferAttribute(vectors,3);
- // 设置缓存几何体的位置属性
- bufferGeometry.setAttribute("position", bufferAttribute);
- // 创建点材质对象
- const material = new this.$three.PointsMaterial({
- color: 0x99dd,
- size: 10
- });
- // 创建点模型对象
- const point = new this.$three.Points(bufferGeometry, material);
- this.scene.add(point);
- },
- createBox() {
- const geometry = new this.$three.BoxGeometry(50, 50, 50);
- const material = new this.$three.MeshLambertMaterial({
- color: 0x00ffff,
- });
- const mesh = new this.$three.Mesh(geometry, material);
- const p = mesh.geometry.attributes.position; // 顶点坐标集合
- const n = mesh.geometry.attributes.normal; // 顶点法线数据集合
- // 顶点数量
- const count = p.count;
- for(let i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
- // 该向量是单位向量了
- const dir = new this.$three.Vector3(n.getX(i), n.getY(i), n.getZ(i));
- // 箭头起点
- const origin = new this.$three.Vector3(p.getX(i), p.getY(i), p.getZ(i));
- const arrowHelper = new this.$three.ArrowHelper(dir, origin, 20);
- mesh.add(arrowHelper);
- }
- // mesh模型沿着 z 轴正向移动 50
- mesh.translateZ(50);
- this.scene.add(mesh);
- }
- },
- };
- </script>
- <style lang="less" scoped>
- .box-card-left {
- display: flex;
- align-items: flex-start;
- flex-direction: row;
- width: 100%;
- .box-right {
- img {
- width: 500px;
- user-select: none;
- }
- }
- }
- </style>

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