Demo基于Open Harmony系统使用ETS语言进行编写,本Demo主要通过设备认证、分布式拉起、分布式数据管理等功能来实现。
在DevEco Studio中点击File -> New Project ->[Standard]Empty Ability->Next,Language 选择ETS语言,最后点击Finish即创建成功。
build() { Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column}) { //发现设备 Button('发现设备', { type: ButtonType.Normal, stateEffect: true }) .borderRadius(8) .backgroundColor(0x317aff).width(90) .onClick(() =>{ this.fun() }) //设备认证 Button('authDevice', { type: ButtonType.Normal, stateEffect: true }) .borderRadius(8) .backgroundColor(0x317aff).width(90) .onClick(() =>{ this.authDevice() }) // 拉起应用 Button('拉起应用', { type: ButtonType.Normal, stateEffect: true }) .borderRadius(8) .backgroundColor(0x317aff).width(90) .onClick(() =>{ this.startAb() }) Stack({ alignContent:Alignment.TopEnd }){ Text('家庭账本') .fontSize(20) .fontWeight(FontWeight.Bold) .width('100%') .margin({left:12}) .onClick(() =>{ // routePage() this.fun() }) Image("/picture/add.png") .width(40) .height(40) .align(Alignment.Start) .margin({ right:12 }).onClick(() =>{ routePage() }) } .width(350) .height(60) .margin({ top:10, bottom:10 }) Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column, alignItems:ItemAlign.Start, }){ Text("2022年12月") .fontSize(20) .fontColor(Color.White) Text("结余") .fontSize(20) .fontColor(Color.White) .margin({ top:30 }).align(Alignment.Start) Text("总支出0|总收入0") .fontSize(16) .fontColor(Color.White) .margin({ top:10 }).align(Alignment.Start) } .backgroundColor("#665A5A") .height(230) .layoutWeight(1) .padding(10) .onClick(() =>{ routePage() }) Tabs() { TabContent() { ProjectList() } .tabBar("项目") TabContent() { Statistics() } .tabBar("统计") } } .width('100%') .height('100%') .padding({ left:12,right:12 }) }
底部TabContent 项目模块
@Component struct ProjectList { remoteDataManager = new RemoteDataManager() @State ProjectData: Array<any> = [] TestData:any[] = [] TestKvData: Array<any> = [] kvManager = null kvStore = null STORE_ID = 'store_accountbook' aboutToAppear(){ try { const config = { userInfo: { userId: '0', userType: 0 }, bundleName: 'com.example.accountbookets' } factory.createKVManager(config).then((manager) => { this.kvManager = manager let options = { createIfMissing: true, encrypt: false, backup: false, autoSync: true, kvStoreType: 1, securityLevel: 3 } this.kvManager.getKVStore(this.STORE_ID, options).then((store) => { this.kvStore = store this.kvStore.get("key2").then((data) => { this.ProjectData = JSON.parse(data) }) }).catch((err) => { }) }).catch((err) => { }) } catch (e) { } } @Builder ProjectItem(image, name, des,time,money) { Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Row,alignItems: ItemAlign.Center }){ Image($r("app.media.icon1")) .width(30) .height(30) Column() { Text(name) .fontSize(16) .fontColor(Color.Black) Text('11:20') .fontSize(16) .fontColor(Color.Gray) } .alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Start) .margin({left:15}) Text('HUAWEI') .fontSize(12) .fontColor(Color.Black) .margin({left:20}) Text(des) .fontSize(14) .fontColor(Color.Gray) .margin({left:15}) Column() { Text('-100') .fontSize(16) .fontColor(Color.Black) Text(time) .fontSize(16) .fontColor(Color.Gray) } .alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Start) .margin({left:20}) } .width(400) .height(50) .margin({top:10}) } build() { List() { ForEach(this.ProjectData, (item) => { ListItem() { this.ProjectItem(item.image, item.name, item.des,item.time,item.money) } .onClick(() => { }) }, (item) => JSON.stringify(item)) { } } } }
底部TabContent 统计模块
@Component struct Statistics{ build(){ Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Row}){ Tabs() { TabContent() { PayList() } .tabBar("支出分类") TabContent() { } .tabBar("成员分类") } } } }
@Component struct PayList { private PayData: PayBean[] = initializeOnStartup() @Builder PayItem(previewUrl, title, describe) { Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Row,alignItems: ItemAlign.Center }){ Image(previewUrl) .width(30) .height(30) Text(title) .fontSize(16) .fontColor(Color.Black) .margin({left:8}) Text('100%') .fontSize(12) .fontColor(Color.Black) .margin({left:8}) Progress({ value: 20, total: 150, style: ProgressStyle.Linear }).color(Color.Red).value(150).width(200) Text('-100') .fontSize(14) .fontColor(Color.Gray) .margin({left:8}) } .width(400) .height(50) .margin({top:10}) } build() { List() { ForEach(this.PayData, (item) => { ListItem() { this.PayItem(item.image, item.name, item.des) } .onClick(() => { console.info("点击我") router.push({ uri: "pages/VideoPlayer", }) }) }, (item) => JSON.stringify(item)) { } } } }
build() { Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column,alignItems: ItemAlign.Center}) { Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Row,alignItems: ItemAlign.Center}) { Image("/picture/icon_back.png") .width(35) .height(35) .onClick(() =>{ router.push({ uri: "pages/index", }) }) Text("加一笔") .fontSize(20) .fontWeight(FontWeight.Bold) .margin({left:20}) }.margin({top:10}) .padding({left:20}) .height(100) .width(500) Stack({ alignContent: Alignment.TopStart }){ Tabs() { TabContent() { pay({payTime:$strTime,payRemark:$strRemark,payType:$strType}) } .tabBar("支出") TabContent() { Income() } .tabBar("收入") } .height(450) }.width(500) .height(500) Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Row,alignItems: ItemAlign.Center, justifyContent: FlexAlign.Center }){ Text("输入金额") .fontColor(Color.Black) .fontSize(20) .margin({ right:15 }) .width(100) TextInput({ placeholder: '100', text:this.strMoney }) .type(InputType.Normal) .placeholderColor(Color.Gray) .placeholderFont({ size: 20, weight: 2}) .enterKeyType(EnterKeyType.Search) .caretColor(Color.Green) .width(250) .height(40) .borderRadius('20px') } .width(400) .height(50) Text('保存') .fontColor(Color.White) .fontSize(20) .margin({ top:20 }) .textAlign(TextAlign.Center) .width(380) .height(80) .backgroundColor("#FE4F16") .onClick(() =>{ TestData.push({image:"/picture/icon1.png",title:'canyin',des:'ceshi',time:'2021',money:'50'}) if (AppStorage.Get("key1") == null) { AppStorage.SetAndLink("key1", TestData) this.remoteDataManager.dataChange("key2", JSON.stringify(TestData)) }else{ this.TestStorageData = AppStorage.Get("key1") // // this.TestStorageData.push({image:"/picture/icon1.png",title:'canyin',des:'beizhu',time:'2021',money:'50'}) //具体代码 this.TestStorageData.push({image:"/picture/icon1.png",title:this.strType,des:this.strRemark,time:this.strTime,money:this.strMoney}) AppStorage.SetAndLink("key1", this.TestStorageData) let str = JSON.stringify(this.TestStorageData) this.TestKvData = JSON.parse(str) this.remoteDataManager.dataChange("key2", JSON.stringify(this.TestKvData)) } router.push({ uri: "pages/index", }) }) } .width('100%') .height('100%') }
@Component struct pay{ @Link payTime:string @Link payRemark:string @Link payType:string @State private index:number = 0 @State strType:string = "canyin" @State AccountData: Array<any> = [ { previewUrl: "/picture/icon1.png", title: "canyin" ,number:0}, { previewUrl: "/picture/icon2_2.png", title: "gouwu" ,number:1}, { previewUrl: "/picture/icon3_3.png", title: "jiaotong" ,number:2}, { previewUrl: "/picture/icon4_4.png", title: "fuwu" ,number:3}, { previewUrl: "/picture/icon5_5.png", title: "jiaoyu" ,number:4}, { previewUrl: "/picture/icon6_6.png", title: "yundong" ,number:5}, { previewUrl: "/picture/icon7_7.png", title: "luxing" ,number:6}, { previewUrl: "/picture/icon8_8.png", title: "yiliao" ,number:7}, // { previewUrl: "/picture/icon9_9.png", title: "生活" ,number:9}, // { previewUrl: "/picture/icon10_10.png", title: "宠物" ,number:10}, ] @Builder ProItem(previewUrl, title,number) { Stack() { Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column }) { if (this.index == number) { if (number == 0) { Image("/picture/icon1.png") .width(60) .height(60) }else if (number == 1) { Image("/picture/icon2.png") .width(60) .height(60) }else if (number == 2) { Image("/picture/icon3.png") .width(60) .height(60) }else if (number == 3) { Image("/picture/icon4.png") .width(60) .height(60) }else if (number == 4) { Image("/picture/icon5.png") .width(60) .height(60) }else if (number == 5) { Image("/picture/icon6.png") .width(60) .height(60) }else if (number == 6) { Image("/picture/icon7.png") .width(60) .height(60) }else if (number == 7) { Image("/picture/icon8.png") .width(60) .height(60) }else if (number == 8) { Image("/picture/icon9.png") .width(60) .height(60) }else if (number == 9) { Image("/picture/icon10.png") .width(60) .height(60) } }else{ if (number == 0) { Image("/picture/icon1_1.png") .width(60) .height(60) }else{ Image(previewUrl) .width(60) .height(60) } } Column() { Text(title) .fontSize(16) .fontColor(Color.Black) } .alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Center) } } .height(100) .width(100) .margin({ bottom: 16 }) } build(){ Flex({direction: FlexDirection.Column}){ Grid(){ ForEach(this.AccountData, (item) => { GridItem() { this.ProItem(item.previewUrl, item.title,item.number) } .onClick(() => { console.info("点击我") this.index = item.number this.payType = this.AccountData[this.index].title }) }, (item) => JSON.stringify(item)) { } } .rowsTemplate('1fr 1fr') .columnsTemplate('1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr') .columnsGap(8) .rowsGap(8) .height(200) // Time() // Remark() // ******************时间********************** Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Row,alignItems: ItemAlign.Center }){ Text("时间") .fontColor(Color.Black) .fontSize(20) .margin({ right:15 }) .width(70) TextInput({ placeholder: '输入收支时间', text: this.payTime }) .type(InputType.Normal) .placeholderColor(Color.Gray) .placeholderFont({ size: 20, weight: 2}) .enterKeyType(EnterKeyType.Search) .caretColor(Color.Green) .width(300) .height(40) .borderRadius('20px') .backgroundColor(Color.White) .onChange((value: string) => { this.payTime = value }) } .margin({ top:20,left:15 }) .width(200) //*******************备注******************** Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Row,alignItems: ItemAlign.Center }){ Text("备注") .fontColor(Color.Black) .fontSize(20) .margin({ right:15 }) .width(70) TextInput({ placeholder: '输入说明', text: this.payRemark }) .type(InputType.Normal) .placeholderColor(Color.Gray) .placeholderFont({ size: 20, weight: 2}) .enterKeyType(EnterKeyType.Search) .caretColor(Color.Green) // .layoutWeight(8) .height(40) .width(300) .borderRadius('20px') .backgroundColor(Color.White) .onChange((value: string) => { this.payRemark = value }) } .margin({ top:20,left:15 }) .width(50) .height(50) } .height('100%') .layoutWeight(1) } }
struct Income{
Flex({direction: FlexDirection.Column}){
@Component struct Time{ @State inputTime:string = '' build(){ Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Row,alignItems: ItemAlign.Center }){ Text("时间") .fontColor(Color.Black) .fontSize(20) .margin({ right:15 }) .width(70) TextInput({ placeholder: '2021', text: this.inputTime }) .type(InputType.Normal) .placeholderColor(Color.Gray) .placeholderFont({ size: 20, weight: 2}) .enterKeyType(EnterKeyType.Search) .caretColor(Color.Green) .width(300) .height(40) .borderRadius('20px') .backgroundColor(Color.White) } .margin({ top:20,left:15 }) .width(200) } }
@Component struct Remark{ @State inputRemark:string = '' build(){ Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Row,alignItems: ItemAlign.Center }){ Text("备注") .fontColor(Color.Black) .fontSize(20) .margin({ right:15 }) .width(70) TextInput({ placeholder: 'ceshe', text: this.inputRemark }) .type(InputType.Normal) .placeholderColor(Color.Gray) .placeholderFont({ size: 20, weight: 2}) .enterKeyType(EnterKeyType.Search) .caretColor(Color.Green) // .layoutWeight(8) .height(40) .width(300) .borderRadius('20px') .backgroundColor(Color.White) } .margin({ top:20,left:15 }) .width(50) .height(50) } }
设备认证是依赖 DeviceManager 组件来实现的,详细代码参考源码RemoteDeviceModel.ets
registerDeviceListCallback(callback) {
if (typeof (this.#deviceManager) === 'undefined') {
deviceManager.createDeviceManager('com.example.tictactoegame', (error, value) => {
if (error) return
this.#deviceManager = value;
} else {
var list = this.#deviceManager.getTrustedDeviceListSync();
if (typeof (list) != 'undefined' && typeof (list.length) != 'undefined') {
this.deviceList = list;
this.#deviceManager.on('deviceStateChange', (data) => { switch (data.action) { case 0: this.deviceList[this.deviceList.length] = data.device; this.callback(); if (this.authCallback != null) { this.authCallback(); this.authCallback = null; } break; case 2: if (this.deviceList.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < this.deviceList.length; i++) { if (this.deviceList[i].deviceId === data.device.deviceId) { this.deviceList[i] = data.device; break; } } } this.callback(); break; case 1: if (this.deviceList.length > 0) { var list = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.deviceList.length; i++) { if (this.deviceList[i].deviceId != data.device.deviceId) { list[i] = data.device; } } this.deviceList = list; } this.callback(); break; default: break; } });
this.#deviceManager.on('deviceFound', (data) => {
for (let i = 0; i < this.discoverList.length; i++) {
if (that.discoverList[i].deviceId === data.device.deviceId) {
this.discoverList[this.discoverList.length] = data.device;
authDevice(deviceInfo, callback){ let extraInfo = { "targetPkgName": 'com.example.tictactoegame', "appName": 'com.example.tictactoegame', "appDescription": 'com.example.tictactoegame', "business": '0' }; let authParam = { "authType": 1, "appIcon": '', "appThumbnail": '', "extraInfo": extraInfo }; this.#deviceManager.authenticateDevice(deviceInfo, authParam, (err, data) => { if (err) { this.authCallback = null; } else { this.authCallback = callback; } }); }
import factory from '@ohos.data.distributedData';
registerDataListCallback(callback) { let that = this if (this.kvManager == null) { try { const config = { userInfo: { userId: '0', userType: 0 }, bundleName: 'com.example.tictactoegame' } factory.createKVManager(config).then((manager) => { that.kvManager = manager that.registerDataListCallback_(callback) }).catch((err) => { }) } catch (e) { } } else { this.registerDataListCallback_(callback) } }
registerDataListCallback_(callback) { let that = this if (that.kvManager == null) { callback() return } if (that.kvStore == null) { try { let options = { createIfMissing: true, encrypt: false, backup: false, autoSync: true, kvStoreType: 1, securityLevel: 3 } this.kvManager.getKVStore(this.STORE_ID, options).then((store) => { that.kvStore = store that._registerDataListCallback_(callback) }).catch((err) => { }) } catch (e) { } } else { this._registerDataListCallback_(callback) } }
_registerDataListCallback_(callback) {
let that = this
if (that.kvManager == null) {
this.kvStore.on('dataChange', 1, function(data) {
if (data) {
that.arr = data.updateEntries
startAbilityContinuation(deviceId) {
let wantValue = {
bundleName: 'com.example.tictactoegame',
abilityName: 'com.example.tictactoegame.MainAbility',
deviceId: deviceId,
parameters: {
uri: 'pages/Fight'
featureAbility.startAbility({ want: wantValue }).then(() => {
router.replace({ uri: 'pages/Fight' })
使用 FeatureAbility 模块的startAbility接口拉起远程设备app
startAbilityContinuation(deviceId) {
let wantValue = {
bundleName: 'com.example.tictactoegame',
abilityName: 'com.example.tictactoegame.MainAbility',
deviceId: deviceId,
parameters: {
uri: 'pages/Fight'
featureAbility.startAbility({ want: wantValue }).then(() => {
router.replace({ uri: 'pages/Fight' })
新建一个账单数据 添加到分布式数据
this.remoteDataManager.dataChange("key2", JSON.stringify(this.TestKvData))
private onPageShow() {
this.remoteDataManager.registerDataListCallback(() => {
let arr = this.remoteDataManager.arr[0]
this.strTest = arr.value.value
this.ProjectData = JSON.parse(this.strTest)
为了能让大家更好的学习鸿蒙(HarmonyOS NEXT)开发技术,这边特意整理了《鸿蒙开发学习手册》(共计890页),希望对大家有所帮助:https://qr21.cn/FV7h05
1. 应用开发导读(ArkTS)
2. ……
HarmonyOS 概念:https://qr21.cn/FV7h05
1. 基本概念
2. 构建第一个ArkTS应用
3. ……
1. 应用基础知识
2. 配置文件
3. 应用数据管理
4. 应用安全管理
5. 应用隐私保护
6. 三方应用调用管控机制
7. 资源分类与访问
8. 学习ArkTS语言
9. ……
基于ArkTS 开发:https://qr21.cn/FV7h05
1. Ability开发
2. UI开发
3. 公共事件与通知
4. 窗口管理
5. 媒体
6. 安全
7. 网络与链接
8. 电话服务
9. 数据管理
10. 后台任务(Background Task)管理
11. 设备管理
12. 设备使用信息统计
13. DFX
14. 国际化开发
15. 折叠屏系列
16. ……
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