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vue-router2.0,子路由的使用_vue-router 子路由redirect

vue-router 子路由redirect

Redirect and Alias


Redirecting is also done in the routes configuration. To redirect from /a to /b:

  1. const router = new VueRouter({
  2. routes: [
  3. { path: '/a', redirect: '/b' }
  4. ]
  5. })

The redirect can also be targeting a named route:

  1. const router = new VueRouter({
  2. routes: [
  3. { path: '/a', redirect: { name: 'foo' }}
  4. ]
  5. })

Or even use a function for dynamic redirecting:

  1. const router = new VueRouter({
  2. routes: [
  3. { path: '/a', redirect: to => {
  4. // the function receives the target route as the argument
  5. // return redirect path/location here.
  6. }}
  7. ]
  8. })

For other advanced usage, checkout the example.


A redirect means when the user visits /a, and URL will be replaced by /b, and then matched as /b. But what is an alias?

An alias of /a as /b means when the user visits /b, the URL remains /b, but it will be matched as if the user is visiting /a.

The above can be expressed in the route configuration as:

  1. const router = new VueRouter({
  2. routes: [
  3. { path: '/a', component: A, alias: '/b' }
  4. ]
  5. })

An alias gives you the freedom to map a UI structure to an arbitrary URL, instead of being constrained by the configuration's nesting structure.



import Vue from 'vue'
  import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
  const Home = { template: '<div><h1>Home</h1><router-view></router-view></div>' }
  const Foo = { template: '<div>foo</div>' }
  const Bar = { template: '<div>bar</div>' }
  const Baz = { template: '<div>baz</div>' }
  const Default = { template: '<div>default</div>' }
  const router = new VueRouter({
  mode: 'history',
  base: __dirname,
  routes: [
  { path: '/home', component: Home,
  children: [
  // absolute alias
  { path: 'foo', component: Foo, alias: '/foo' },
  // relative alias (alias to /home/bar-alias)
  { path: 'bar', component: Bar, alias: 'bar-alias' },
  // multiple aliases
  { path: 'baz', component: Baz, alias: ['/baz', 'baz-alias'] },
  // default child route with empty string as alias.
  { path: 'default', component: Default, alias: '' }
  new Vue({
  template: `
  <div id="app">
  <h1>Route Alias</h1>
  <li><router-link to="/foo">
  /foo (renders /home/foo)
  <li><router-link to="/home/bar-alias">
  /home/bar-alias (renders /home/bar)
  <li><router-link to="/baz">
  /baz (renders /home/baz)</router-link>
  <li><router-link to="/home/baz-alias">
  /home/baz-alias (renders /home/baz)
  <li><router-link to="/home">
  /home (renders /home/default)
  <router-view class="view"></router-view>


