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paddle2.3-基于联邦学习实现FedAVg算法-CNN_cnn实现 联邦

cnn实现 联邦


1. 联邦学习介绍

2. 实验流程

3. 数据加载

4. 模型构建

5. 数据采样函数

6. 模型训练

1. 联邦学习介绍



本项目主要是升级1.8版本的联邦学习fedavg算法至2.3版本,内容取材于基于PaddlePaddle实现联邦学习算法FedAvg - 飞桨AI Studio星河社区

2. 实验流程


1. server初始化模型参数,所有的clients将这个初始模型下载到本地;

2. clients利用本地产生的数据进行SGD训练;

3. 选取K个clients将训练得到的模型参数上传到server;

4. server对得到的模型参数整合,所有的clients下载新的模型。

5. 重复执行2-5,直至收敛或达到预期要求

  1. import os
  2. import numpy as np
  3. import matplotlib
  4. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  5. import random
  6. import time
  7. import paddle
  8. import paddle.nn as nn
  9. import numpy as np
  10. from paddle.io import Dataset,DataLoader
  11. import paddle.nn.functional as F

3. 数据加载

  1. mnist_data_train=np.load('data/data2489/train_mnist.npy')
  2. mnist_data_test=np.load('data/data2489/test_mnist.npy')
  3. print('There are {} images for training'.format(len(mnist_data_train)))
  4. print('There are {} images for testing'.format(len(mnist_data_test)))
  5. # 数据和标签分离(便于后续处理)
  6. Label=[int(i[0]) for i in mnist_data_train]
  7. Data=[i[1:] for i in mnist_data_train]
  1. There are 60000 images for training
  2. There are 10000 images for testing

4. 模型构建

  1. class CNN(nn.Layer):
  2. def __init__(self):
  3. super(CNN,self).__init__()
  4. self.conv1=nn.Conv2D(1,32,5)
  5. self.relu = nn.ReLU()
  6. self.pool1=nn.MaxPool2D(kernel_size=2,stride=2)
  7. self.conv2=nn.Conv2D(32,64,5)
  8. self.pool2=nn.MaxPool2D(kernel_size=2,stride=2)
  9. self.fc1=nn.Linear(1024,512)
  10. self.fc2=nn.Linear(512,10)
  11. # self.softmax = nn.Softmax()
  12. def forward(self,inputs):
  13. x = self.conv1(inputs)
  14. x = self.relu(x)
  15. x = self.pool1(x)
  16. x = self.conv2(x)
  17. x = self.relu(x)
  18. x = self.pool2(x)
  19. x=paddle.reshape(x,[-1,1024])
  20. x = self.relu(self.fc1(x))
  21. y = self.fc2(x)
  22. return y

5. 数据采样函数

  1. # 均匀采样,分配到各个client的数据集都是IID且数量相等的
  2. def IID(dataset, clients):
  3. num_items_per_client = int(len(dataset)/clients)
  4. client_dict = {}
  5. image_idxs = [i for i in range(len(dataset))]
  6. for i in range(clients):
  7. client_dict[i] = set(np.random.choice(image_idxs, num_items_per_client, replace=False)) # 为每个client随机选取数据
  8. image_idxs = list(set(image_idxs) - client_dict[i]) # 将已经选取过的数据去除
  9. client_dict[i] = list(client_dict[i])
  10. return client_dict
  1. # 非均匀采样,同时各个client上的数据分布和数量都不同
  2. def NonIID(dataset, clients, total_shards, shards_size, num_shards_per_client):
  3. shard_idxs = [i for i in range(total_shards)]
  4. client_dict = {i: np.array([], dtype='int64') for i in range(clients)}
  5. idxs = np.arange(len(dataset))
  6. data_labels = Label
  7. label_idxs = np.vstack((idxs, data_labels)) # 将标签和数据ID堆叠
  8. label_idxs = label_idxs[:, label_idxs[1,:].argsort()]
  9. idxs = label_idxs[0,:]
  10. for i in range(clients):
  11. rand_set = set(np.random.choice(shard_idxs, num_shards_per_client, replace=False))
  12. shard_idxs = list(set(shard_idxs) - rand_set)
  13. for rand in rand_set:
  14. client_dict[i] = np.concatenate((client_dict[i], idxs[rand*shards_size:(rand+1)*shards_size]), axis=0) # 拼接
  15. return client_dict

  1. class MNISTDataset(Dataset):
  2. def __init__(self, data,label):
  3. self.data = data
  4. self.label = label
  5. def __getitem__(self, idx):
  6. image=np.array(self.data[idx]).astype('float32')
  7. image=np.reshape(image,[1,28,28])
  8. label=np.array(self.label[idx]).astype('int64')
  9. return image, label
  10. def __len__(self):
  11. return len(self.label)

6. 模型训练

  1. class ClientUpdate(object):
  2. def __init__(self, data, label, batch_size, learning_rate, epochs):
  3. dataset = MNISTDataset(data,label)
  4. self.train_loader = DataLoader(dataset,
  5. batch_size=batch_size,
  6. shuffle=True,
  7. drop_last=True)
  8. self.learning_rate = learning_rate
  9. self.epochs = epochs
  10. def train(self, model):
  11. optimizer=paddle.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=self.learning_rate,parameters=model.parameters())
  12. criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='mean')
  13. model.train()
  14. e_loss = []
  15. for epoch in range(1,self.epochs+1):
  16. train_loss = []
  17. for image,label in self.train_loader:
  18. # image=paddle.to_tensor(image)
  19. # label=paddle.to_tensor(label.reshape([label.shape[0],1]))
  20. output=model(image)
  21. loss= criterion(output,label)
  22. # print(loss)
  23. loss.backward()
  24. optimizer.step()
  25. optimizer.clear_grad()
  26. train_loss.append(loss.numpy()[0])
  27. t_loss=sum(train_loss)/len(train_loss)
  28. e_loss.append(t_loss)
  29. total_loss=sum(e_loss)/len(e_loss)
  30. return model.state_dict(), total_loss

  1. train_x = np.array(Data)
  2. train_y = np.array(Label)
  1. BATCH_SIZE = 32
  2. # 通信轮数
  3. rounds = 100
  4. # client比例
  5. C = 0.1
  6. # clients数量
  7. K = 100
  8. # 每次通信在本地训练的epoch
  9. E = 5
  10. # batch size
  11. batch_size = 10
  12. # 学习率
  13. lr=0.001
  14. # 数据切分
  15. iid_dict = IID(mnist_data_train, 100)
  1. def training(model, rounds, batch_size, lr, ds,L, data_dict, C, K, E, plt_title, plt_color):
  2. global_weights = model.state_dict()
  3. train_loss = []
  4. start = time.time()
  5. # clients与server之间通信
  6. for curr_round in range(1, rounds+1):
  7. w, local_loss = [], []
  8. m = max(int(C*K), 1) # 随机选取参与更新的clients
  9. S_t = np.random.choice(range(K), m, replace=False)
  10. for k in S_t:
  11. # print(data_dict[k])
  12. sub_data = ds[data_dict[k]]
  13. sub_y = L[data_dict[k]]
  14. local_update = ClientUpdate(sub_data,sub_y, batch_size=batch_size, learning_rate=lr, epochs=E)
  15. weights, loss = local_update.train(model)
  16. w.append(weights)
  17. local_loss.append(loss)
  18. # 更新global weights
  19. weights_avg = w[0]
  20. for k in weights_avg.keys():
  21. for i in range(1, len(w)):
  22. # weights_avg[k] += (num[i]/sum(num))*w[i][k]
  23. weights_avg[k]=weights_avg[k]+w[i][k]
  24. weights_avg[k]=weights_avg[k]/len(w)
  25. global_weights[k].set_value(weights_avg[k])
  26. # global_weights = weights_avg
  27. # print(global_weights)
  28. #模型加载最新的参数
  29. model.load_dict(global_weights)
  30. loss_avg = sum(local_loss) / len(local_loss)
  31. if curr_round % 10 == 0:
  32. print('Round: {}... \tAverage Loss: {}'.format(curr_round, np.round(loss_avg, 5)))
  33. train_loss.append(loss_avg)
  34. end = time.time()
  35. fig, ax = plt.subplots()
  36. x_axis = np.arange(1, rounds+1)
  37. y_axis = np.array(train_loss)
  38. ax.plot(x_axis, y_axis, 'tab:'+plt_color)
  39. ax.set(xlabel='Number of Rounds', ylabel='Train Loss',title=plt_title)
  40. ax.grid()
  41. fig.savefig(plt_title+'.jpg', format='jpg')
  42. print("Training Done!")
  43. print("Total time taken to Train: {}".format(end-start))
  44. return model.state_dict()
  45. #导入模型
  46. mnist_cnn = CNN()
  47. mnist_cnn_iid_trained = training(mnist_cnn, rounds, batch_size, lr, train_x,train_y, iid_dict, C, K, E, "MNIST CNN on IID Dataset", "orange")

  1. Round: 10... Average Loss: [0.024]
  2. Round: 20... Average Loss: [0.015]
  3. Round: 30... Average Loss: [0.008]
  4. Round: 40... Average Loss: [0.003]
  5. Round: 50... Average Loss: [0.004]
  6. Round: 60... Average Loss: [0.002]
  7. Round: 70... Average Loss: [0.002]
  8. Round: 80... Average Loss: [0.002]
  9. Round: 90... Average Loss: [0.001]
  10. Round: 100... Average Loss: [0.]
  11. Training Done!
  12. Total time taken to Train: 759.6239657402039

