ClickHouse是俄罗斯最大的搜素引擎Yandex于2016年开源的列式数据库管理系统,使用C++ 语言编写, 主要应用于OLAP场景。
笔者注: 在单机亿级数据量的场景下可以达到毫秒级的查询性能,单机能处理百亿的数据量, 聚合、计数、求和等统计操作的性能是MySQL的100倍。
Zookeeper 安装3节点,版本要求在 ZooKeeper 3.4.5 或更高版本.
你可以配置任何现有的 ZooKeeper 集群,系统会使用里面的目录来存取元数据(该目录在创建可复制表时指定)。
如果配置文件中没有设置 ZooKeeper ,则无法创建复制表,并且任何现有的复制表都将变为只读。
在 ClickHouse 中,ZooKeeper 不参与任何实质性的数据传输。ZooKeeper 在 ClickHouse 中主要用在副本表数据的同步(ReplicatedMergeTree引擎)以及分布式表(Distributed)的操作上。因此需要确保zk集群的硬盘空间和高可用。
如果 Zookeeper 配置成功,可以查看 system.zookeeper 这张表,如果存在则表示配置成功,不存在请检查各节点关于 Zookeeper 的配置,同时也可以利用该表查看 Zookeeper 中的元数据信息
select * from system.zookeeper where path='/';
#关闭firewall 与 selinux 和 swap
systemctl disabled firewalled && systemctl stop firewalled
setenforce 0
sed -ri 's#(^SELINUX=).*#\1disabled#g' /etc/selinux/config
swapoff -a
sed -ri 's/.*swap.*/#&/' /etc/fstab
Zookeeper 安装3节点,版本要求在 ZooKeeper 3.4.5 或更高版本.
在每个服务器上你想存放的位置,新建一个文件夹来存放zk的配置信息,这里是 /usr/soft/zookeeper/ ,在每个服务器上依次运行以下启动命令:
docker run -d --name zookeeper_node --restart always \
-v /usr/soft/zookeeper/data:/data \
-v /usr/soft/zookeeper/datalog:/datalog \
-v /usr/soft/zookeeper/logs:/logs \
-v /usr/soft/zookeeper/conf:/conf \
--network host \
-e ZOO_MY_ID=1 zookeeper
docker run -d --name zookeeper_node --restart always \
-v /usr/soft/zookeeper/data:/data \
-v /usr/soft/zookeeper/datalog:/datalog \
-v /usr/soft/zookeeper/logs:/logs \
-v /usr/soft/zookeeper/conf:/conf \
--network host \
-e ZOO_MY_ID=2 zookeeper
docker run -d --name zookeeper_node --restart always \
-v /usr/soft/zookeeper/data:/data \
-v /usr/soft/zookeeper/datalog:/datalog \
-v /usr/soft/zookeeper/logs:/logs \
-v /usr/soft/zookeeper/conf:/conf \
--network host \
-e ZOO_MY_ID=3 zookeeper
mkdir -p /data/clickhouse/data
mkdir -p /data/clickhouse/logs
mkdir -p /data/clickhouse/conf
在每个节点 /data/clickhouse/conf 目录下放入文件:config.xml,注意检查端口,避免冲突。
- <?xml version="1.0"?>
- <!--
- NOTE: User and query level settings are set up in "users.xml" file.
- If you have accidentally specified user-level settings here, server won't start.
- You can either move the settings to the right place inside "users.xml" file
- or add <skip_check_for_incorrect_settings>1</skip_check_for_incorrect_settings> here.
- -->
- <clickhouse>
- <logger>
- <!-- Possible levels [1]:
- - none (turns off logging)
- - fatal
- - critical
- - error
- - warning
- - notice
- - information
- - debug
- - trace
- - test (not for production usage)
- [1]: https://github.com/pocoproject/poco/blob/poco-1.9.4-release/Foundation/include/Poco/Logger.h#L105-L114
- -->
- <level>trace</level>
- <log>/var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log</log>
- <errorlog>/var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.err.log</errorlog>
- <!-- Rotation policy
- See https://github.com/pocoproject/poco/blob/poco-1.9.4-release/Foundation/include/Poco/FileChannel.h#L54-L85
- -->
- <size>1000M</size>
- <count>10</count>
- <!-- <console>1</console> --> <!-- Default behavior is autodetection (log to console if not daemon mode and is tty) -->
- <!-- Per level overrides (legacy):
- For example to suppress logging of the ConfigReloader you can use:
- NOTE: levels.logger is reserved, see below.
- -->
- <!--
- <levels>
- <ConfigReloader>none</ConfigReloader>
- </levels>
- -->
- <!-- Per level overrides:
- For example to suppress logging of the RBAC for default user you can use:
- (But please note that the logger name maybe changed from version to version, even after minor upgrade)
- -->
- <!--
- <levels>
- <logger>
- <name>ContextAccess (default)</name>
- <level>none</level>
- </logger>
- <logger>
- <name>DatabaseOrdinary (test)</name>
- <level>none</level>
- </logger>
- </levels>
- -->
- </logger>
- <!-- Add headers to response in options request. OPTIONS method is used in CORS preflight requests. -->
- <!-- It is off by default. Next headers are obligate for CORS.-->
- <!-- http_options_response>
- <header>
- <name>Access-Control-Allow-Origin</name>
- <value>*</value>
- </header>
- <header>
- <name>Access-Control-Allow-Headers</name>
- <value>origin, x-requested-with</value>
- </header>
- <header>
- <name>Access-Control-Allow-Methods</name>
- <value>POST, GET, OPTIONS</value>
- </header>
- <header>
- <name>Access-Control-Max-Age</name>
- <value>86400</value>
- </header>
- </http_options_response -->
- <!-- It is the name that will be shown in the clickhouse-client.
- By default, anything with "production" will be highlighted in red in query prompt.
- -->
- <!--display_name>production</display_name-->
- <!-- Port for HTTP API. See also 'https_port' for secure connections.
- This interface is also used by ODBC and JDBC drivers (DataGrip, Dbeaver, ...)
- and by most of web interfaces (embedded UI, Grafana, Redash, ...).
- -->
- <http_port>8123</http_port>
- <!-- Port for interaction by native protocol with:
- - clickhouse-client and other native ClickHouse tools (clickhouse-benchmark, clickhouse-copier);
- - clickhouse-server with other clickhouse-servers for distributed query processing;
- - ClickHouse drivers and applications supporting native protocol
- (this protocol is also informally called as "the TCP protocol");
- See also 'tcp_port_secure' for secure connections.
- -->
- <tcp_port>10000</tcp_port>
- <!-- Compatibility with MySQL protocol.
- ClickHouse will pretend to be MySQL for applications connecting to this port.
- -->
- <mysql_port>9004</mysql_port>
- <!-- Compatibility with PostgreSQL protocol.
- ClickHouse will pretend to be PostgreSQL for applications connecting to this port.
- -->
- <postgresql_port>9005</postgresql_port>
- <!-- HTTP API with TLS (HTTPS).
- You have to configure certificate to enable this interface.
- See the openSSL section below.
- -->
- <!-- <https_port>8443</https_port> -->
- <!-- Native interface with TLS.
- You have to configure certificate to enable this interface.
- See the openSSL section below.
- -->
- <!-- <tcp_port_secure>9440</tcp_port_secure> -->
- <!-- Native interface wrapped with PROXYv1 protocol
- PROXYv1 header sent for every connection.
- ClickHouse will extract information about proxy-forwarded client address from the header.
- -->
- <!-- <tcp_with_proxy_port>9011</tcp_with_proxy_port> -->
- <!-- Port for communication between replicas. Used for data exchange.
- It provides low-level data access between servers.
- This port should not be accessible from untrusted networks.
- See also 'interserver_http_credentials'.
- Data transferred over connections to this port should not go through untrusted networks.
- See also 'interserver_https_port'.
- -->
- <interserver_http_port>9009</interserver_http_port>
- <!-- Port for communication between replicas with TLS.
- You have to configure certificate to enable this interface.
- See the openSSL section below.
- See also 'interserver_http_credentials'.
- -->
- <!-- <interserver_https_port>9010</interserver_https_port> -->
- <!-- Hostname that is used by other replicas to request this server.
- If not specified, then it is determined analogous to 'hostname -f' command.
- This setting could be used to switch replication to another network interface
- (the server may be connected to multiple networks via multiple addresses)
- -->
- <!--
- <interserver_http_host>example.clickhouse.com</interserver_http_host>
- -->
- <!-- You can specify credentials for authenthication between replicas.
- This is required when interserver_https_port is accessible from untrusted networks,
- and also recommended to avoid SSRF attacks from possibly compromised services in your network.
- -->
- <!--<interserver_http_credentials>
- <user>interserver</user>
- <password></password>
- </interserver_http_credentials>-->
- <!-- Listen specified address.
- Use :: (wildcard IPv6 address), if you want to accept connections both with IPv4 and IPv6 from everywhere.
- Notes:
- If you open connections from wildcard address, make sure that at least one of the following measures applied:
- - server is protected by firewall and not accessible from untrusted networks;
- - all users are restricted to subset of network addresses (see users.xml);
- - all users have strong passwords, only secure (TLS) interfaces are accessible, or connections are only made via TLS interfaces.
- - users without password have readonly access.
- See also: https://www.shodan.io/search?query=clickhouse
- -->
- <!-- <listen_host>::</listen_host> -->
- <!-- Same for hosts without support for IPv6: -->
- <listen_host></listen_host>
- <!-- Default values - try listen localhost on IPv4 and IPv6. -->
- <!--
- <listen_host>::1</listen_host>
- <listen_host></listen_host>
- -->
- <!-- Don't exit if IPv6 or IPv4 networks are unavailable while trying to listen. -->
- <!-- <listen_try>0</listen_try> -->
- <!-- Allow multiple servers to listen on the same address:port. This is not recommended.
- -->
- <!-- <listen_reuse_port>0</listen_reuse_port> -->
- <!-- <listen_backlog>4096</listen_backlog> -->
- <max_connections>4096</max_connections>
- <!-- For 'Connection: keep-alive' in HTTP 1.1 -->
- <keep_alive_timeout>3</keep_alive_timeout>
- <!-- gRPC protocol (see src/Server/grpc_protos/clickhouse_grpc.proto for the API) -->
- <!-- <grpc_port>9100</grpc_port> -->
- <grpc>
- <enable_ssl>false</enable_ssl>
- <!-- The following two files are used only if enable_ssl=1 -->
- <ssl_cert_file>/path/to/ssl_cert_file</ssl_cert_file>
- <ssl_key_file>/path/to/ssl_key_file</ssl_key_file>
- <!-- Whether server will request client for a certificate -->
- <ssl_require_client_auth>false</ssl_require_client_auth>
- <!-- The following file is used only if ssl_require_client_auth=1 -->
- <ssl_ca_cert_file>/path/to/ssl_ca_cert_file</ssl_ca_cert_file>
- <!-- Default transport compression type (can be overridden by client, see the transport_compression_type field in QueryInfo).
- Supported algorithms: none, deflate, gzip, stream_gzip -->
- <transport_compression_type>none</transport_compression_type>
- <!-- Default transport compression level. Supported levels: 0..3 -->
- <transport_compression_level>0</transport_compression_level>
- <!-- Send/receive message size limits in bytes. -1 means unlimited -->
- <max_send_message_size>-1</max_send_message_size>
- <max_receive_message_size>-1</max_receive_message_size>
- <!-- Enable if you want very detailed logs -->
- <verbose_logs>false</verbose_logs>
- </grpc>
- <!-- Used with https_port and tcp_port_secure. Full ssl options list: https://github.com/ClickHouse-Extras/poco/blob/master/NetSSL_OpenSSL/include/Poco/Net/SSLManager.h#L71 -->
- <openSSL>
- <server> <!-- Used for https server AND secure tcp port -->
- <!-- openssl req -subj "/CN=localhost" -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout /etc/clickhouse-server/server.key -out /etc/clickhouse-server/server.crt -->
- <!-- <certificateFile>/etc/clickhouse-server/server.crt</certificateFile>
- <privateKeyFile>/etc/clickhouse-server/server.key</privateKeyFile> -->
- <!-- dhparams are optional. You can delete the <dhParamsFile> element.
- To generate dhparams, use the following command:
- openssl dhparam -out /etc/clickhouse-server/dhparam.pem 4096
- Only file format with BEGIN DH PARAMETERS is supported.
- -->
- <!-- <dhParamsFile>/etc/clickhouse-server/dhparam.pem</dhParamsFile>-->
- <verificationMode>none</verificationMode>
- <loadDefaultCAFile>true</loadDefaultCAFile>
- <cacheSessions>true</cacheSessions>
- <disableProtocols>sslv2,sslv3</disableProtocols>
- <preferServerCiphers>true</preferServerCiphers>
- </server>
- <client> <!-- Used for connecting to https dictionary source and secured Zookeeper communication -->
- <loadDefaultCAFile>true</loadDefaultCAFile>
- <cacheSessions>true</cacheSessions>
- <disableProtocols>sslv2,sslv3</disableProtocols>
- <preferServerCiphers>true</preferServerCiphers>
- <!-- Use for self-signed: <verificationMode>none</verificationMode> -->
- <invalidCertificateHandler>
- <!-- Use for self-signed: <name>AcceptCertificateHandler</name> -->
- <name>RejectCertificateHandler</name>
- </invalidCertificateHandler>
- </client>
- </openSSL>
- <!-- Default root page on http[s] server. For example load UI from https://tabix.io/ when opening http://localhost:8123 -->
- <!--
- <http_server_default_response><![CDATA[<html ng-app="SMI2"><head><base href="http://ui.tabix.io/"></head><body><div ui-view="" class="content-ui"></div><script src="http://loader.tabix.io/master.js"></script></body></html>]]></http_server_default_response>
- -->
- <!-- Maximum number of concurrent queries. -->
- <max_concurrent_queries>100</max_concurrent_queries>
- <!-- Maximum memory usage (resident set size) for server process.
- Zero value or unset means default. Default is "max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio" of available physical RAM.
- If the value is larger than "max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio" of available physical RAM, it will be cut down.
- The constraint is checked on query execution time.
- If a query tries to allocate memory and the current memory usage plus allocation is greater
- than specified threshold, exception will be thrown.
- It is not practical to set this constraint to small values like just a few gigabytes,
- because memory allocator will keep this amount of memory in caches and the server will deny service of queries.
- -->
- <max_server_memory_usage>0</max_server_memory_usage>
- <!-- Maximum number of threads in the Global thread pool.
- This will default to a maximum of 10000 threads if not specified.
- This setting will be useful in scenarios where there are a large number
- of distributed queries that are running concurrently but are idling most
- of the time, in which case a higher number of threads might be required.
- -->
- <max_thread_pool_size>10000</max_thread_pool_size>
- <!-- Number of workers to recycle connections in background (see also drain_timeout).
- If the pool is full, connection will be drained synchronously. -->
- <!-- <max_threads_for_connection_collector>10</max_threads_for_connection_collector> -->
- <!-- On memory constrained environments you may have to set this to value larger than 1.
- -->
- <max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio>0.9</max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio>
- <!-- Simple server-wide memory profiler. Collect a stack trace at every peak allocation step (in bytes).
- Data will be stored in system.trace_log table with query_id = empty string.
- Zero means disabled.
- -->
- <total_memory_profiler_step>4194304</total_memory_profiler_step>
- <!-- Collect random allocations and deallocations and write them into system.trace_log with 'MemorySample' trace_type.
- The probability is for every alloc/free regardless to the size of the allocation.
- Note that sampling happens only when the amount of untracked memory exceeds the untracked memory limit,
- which is 4 MiB by default but can be lowered if 'total_memory_profiler_step' is lowered.
- You may want to set 'total_memory_profiler_step' to 1 for extra fine grained sampling.
- -->
- <total_memory_tracker_sample_probability>0</total_memory_tracker_sample_probability>
- <!-- Set limit on number of open files (default: maximum). This setting makes sense on Mac OS X because getrlimit() fails to retrieve
- correct maximum value. -->
- <!-- <max_open_files>262144</max_open_files> -->
- <!-- Size of cache of uncompressed blocks of data, used in tables of MergeTree family.
- In bytes. Cache is single for server. Memory is allocated only on demand.
- Cache is used when 'use_uncompressed_cache' user setting turned on (off by default).
- Uncompressed cache is advantageous only for very short queries and in rare cases.
- Note: uncompressed cache can be pointless for lz4, because memory bandwidth
- is slower than multi-core decompression on some server configurations.
- Enabling it can sometimes paradoxically make queries slower.
- -->
- <uncompressed_cache_size>8589934592</uncompressed_cache_size>
- <!-- Approximate size of mark cache, used in tables of MergeTree family.
- In bytes. Cache is single for server. Memory is allocated only on demand.
- You should not lower this value.
- -->
- <mark_cache_size>5368709120</mark_cache_size>
- <!-- If you enable the `min_bytes_to_use_mmap_io` setting,
- the data in MergeTree tables can be read with mmap to avoid copying from kernel to userspace.
- It makes sense only for large files and helps only if data reside in page cache.
- To avoid frequent open/mmap/munmap/close calls (which are very expensive due to consequent page faults)
- and to reuse mappings from several threads and queries,
- the cache of mapped files is maintained. Its size is the number of mapped regions (usually equal to the number of mapped files).
- The amount of data in mapped files can be monitored
- in system.metrics, system.metric_log by the MMappedFiles, MMappedFileBytes metrics
- and in system.asynchronous_metrics, system.asynchronous_metrics_log by the MMapCacheCells metric,
- and also in system.events, system.processes, system.query_log, system.query_thread_log, system.query_views_log by the
- CreatedReadBufferMMap, CreatedReadBufferMMapFailed, MMappedFileCacheHits, MMappedFileCacheMisses events.
- Note that the amount of data in mapped files does not consume memory directly and is not accounted
- in query or server memory usage - because this memory can be discarded similar to OS page cache.
- The cache is dropped (the files are closed) automatically on removal of old parts in MergeTree,
- also it can be dropped manually by the SYSTEM DROP MMAP CACHE query.
- -->
- <mmap_cache_size>1000</mmap_cache_size>
- <!-- Cache size in bytes for compiled expressions.-->
- <compiled_expression_cache_size>134217728</compiled_expression_cache_size>
- <!-- Cache size in elements for compiled expressions.-->
- <compiled_expression_cache_elements_size>10000</compiled_expression_cache_elements_size>
- <!-- Path to data directory, with trailing slash. -->
- <path>/var/lib/clickhouse/</path>
- <!-- Multi-disk configuration example: -->
- <!--
- <storage_configuration>
- <disks>
- <default>
- <keep_free_space_bytes>0</keep_free_space_bytes>
- </default>
- <data>
- <path>/data/</path>
- <keep_free_space_bytes>0</keep_free_space_bytes>
- </data>
- <s3>
- <type>s3</type>
- <endpoint>http://path/to/endpoint</endpoint>
- <access_key_id>your_access_key_id</access_key_id>
- <secret_access_key>your_secret_access_key</secret_access_key>
- </s3>
- <blob_storage_disk>
- <type>azure_blob_storage</type>
- <storage_account_url>http://account.blob.core.windows.net</storage_account_url>
- <container_name>container</container_name>
- <account_name>account</account_name>
- <account_key>pass123</account_key>
- <metadata_path>/var/lib/clickhouse/disks/blob_storage_disk/</metadata_path>
- <cache_enabled>true</cache_enabled>
- <cache_path>/var/lib/clickhouse/disks/blob_storage_disk/cache/</cache_path>
- <skip_access_check>false</skip_access_check>
- </blob_storage_disk>
- </disks>
- <policies>
- <all>
- <volumes>
- <main>
- <disk>default</disk>
- <disk>data</disk>
- <disk>s3</disk>
- <disk>blob_storage_disk</disk>
- <max_data_part_size_bytes></max_data_part_size_bytes>
- <max_data_part_size_ratio></max_data_part_size_ratio>
- <perform_ttl_move_on_insert>true</perform_ttl_move_on_insert>
- <prefer_not_to_merge>false</prefer_not_to_merge>
- <load_balancing>round_robin</load_balancing>
- </main>
- </volumes>
- <move_factor>0.2</move_factor>
- </all>
- </policies>
- </storage_configuration>
- -->
- <!-- Path to temporary data for processing hard queries. -->
- <tmp_path>/var/lib/clickhouse/tmp/</tmp_path>
- <!-- Disable AuthType plaintext_password and no_password for ACL. -->
- <!-- <allow_plaintext_password>0</allow_plaintext_password> -->
- <!-- <allow_no_password>0</allow_no_password> -->`
- <!-- Policy from the <storage_configuration> for the temporary files.
- If not set <tmp_path> is used, otherwise <tmp_path> is ignored.
- Notes:
- - move_factor is ignored
- - keep_free_space_bytes is ignored
- - max_data_part_size_bytes is ignored
- - you must have exactly one volume in that policy
- -->
- <!-- <tmp_policy>tmp</tmp_policy> -->
- <!-- Directory with user provided files that are accessible by 'file' table function. -->
- <user_files_path>/var/lib/clickhouse/user_files/</user_files_path>
- <!-- LDAP server definitions. -->
- <ldap_servers>
- <!-- List LDAP servers with their connection parameters here to later 1) use them as authenticators for dedicated local users,
- who have 'ldap' authentication mechanism specified instead of 'password', or to 2) use them as remote user directories.
- Parameters:
- host - LDAP server hostname or IP, this parameter is mandatory and cannot be empty.
- port - LDAP server port, default is 636 if enable_tls is set to true, 389 otherwise.
- bind_dn - template used to construct the DN to bind to.
- The resulting DN will be constructed by replacing all '{user_name}' substrings of the template with the actual
- user name during each authentication attempt.
- user_dn_detection - section with LDAP search parameters for detecting the actual user DN of the bound user.
- This is mainly used in search filters for further role mapping when the server is Active Directory. The
- resulting user DN will be used when replacing '{user_dn}' substrings wherever they are allowed. By default,
- user DN is set equal to bind DN, but once search is performed, it will be updated with to the actual detected
- user DN value.
- base_dn - template used to construct the base DN for the LDAP search.
- The resulting DN will be constructed by replacing all '{user_name}' and '{bind_dn}' substrings
- of the template with the actual user name and bind DN during the LDAP search.
- scope - scope of the LDAP search.
- Accepted values are: 'base', 'one_level', 'children', 'subtree' (the default).
- search_filter - template used to construct the search filter for the LDAP search.
- The resulting filter will be constructed by replacing all '{user_name}', '{bind_dn}', and '{base_dn}'
- substrings of the template with the actual user name, bind DN, and base DN during the LDAP search.
- Note, that the special characters must be escaped properly in XML.
- verification_cooldown - a period of time, in seconds, after a successful bind attempt, during which a user will be assumed
- to be successfully authenticated for all consecutive requests without contacting the LDAP server.
- Specify 0 (the default) to disable caching and force contacting the LDAP server for each authentication request.
- enable_tls - flag to trigger use of secure connection to the LDAP server.
- Specify 'no' for plain text (ldap://) protocol (not recommended).
- Specify 'yes' for LDAP over SSL/TLS (ldaps://) protocol (recommended, the default).
- Specify 'starttls' for legacy StartTLS protocol (plain text (ldap://) protocol, upgraded to TLS).
- tls_minimum_protocol_version - the minimum protocol version of SSL/TLS.
- Accepted values are: 'ssl2', 'ssl3', 'tls1.0', 'tls1.1', 'tls1.2' (the default).
- tls_require_cert - SSL/TLS peer certificate verification behavior.
- Accepted values are: 'never', 'allow', 'try', 'demand' (the default).
- tls_cert_file - path to certificate file.
- tls_key_file - path to certificate key file.
- tls_ca_cert_file - path to CA certificate file.
- tls_ca_cert_dir - path to the directory containing CA certificates.
- tls_cipher_suite - allowed cipher suite (in OpenSSL notation).
- Example:
- <my_ldap_server>
- <host>localhost</host>
- <port>636</port>
- <bind_dn>uid={user_name},ou=users,dc=example,dc=com</bind_dn>
- <verification_cooldown>300</verification_cooldown>
- <enable_tls>yes</enable_tls>
- <tls_minimum_protocol_version>tls1.2</tls_minimum_protocol_version>
- <tls_require_cert>demand</tls_require_cert>
- <tls_cert_file>/path/to/tls_cert_file</tls_cert_file>
- <tls_key_file>/path/to/tls_key_file</tls_key_file>
- <tls_ca_cert_file>/path/to/tls_ca_cert_file</tls_ca_cert_file>
- <tls_ca_cert_dir>/path/to/tls_ca_cert_dir</tls_ca_cert_dir>
- <tls_cipher_suite>ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:AES256-GCM-SHA384</tls_cipher_suite>
- </my_ldap_server>
- Example (typical Active Directory with configured user DN detection for further role mapping):
- <my_ad_server>
- <host>localhost</host>
- <port>389</port>
- <bind_dn>EXAMPLE\{user_name}</bind_dn>
- <user_dn_detection>
- <base_dn>CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com</base_dn>
- <search_filter>(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName={user_name}))</search_filter>
- </user_dn_detection>
- <enable_tls>no</enable_tls>
- </my_ad_server>
- -->
- </ldap_servers>
- <!-- To enable Kerberos authentication support for HTTP requests (GSS-SPNEGO), for those users who are explicitly configured
- to authenticate via Kerberos, define a single 'kerberos' section here.
- Parameters:
- principal - canonical service principal name, that will be acquired and used when accepting security contexts.
- This parameter is optional, if omitted, the default principal will be used.
- This parameter cannot be specified together with 'realm' parameter.
- realm - a realm, that will be used to restrict authentication to only those requests whose initiator's realm matches it.
- This parameter is optional, if omitted, no additional filtering by realm will be applied.
- This parameter cannot be specified together with 'principal' parameter.
- Example:
- <kerberos />
- Example:
- <kerberos>
- <principal>HTTP/clickhouse.example.com@EXAMPLE.COM</principal>
- </kerberos>
- Example:
- <kerberos>
- <realm>EXAMPLE.COM</realm>
- </kerberos>
- -->
- <!-- Sources to read users, roles, access rights, profiles of settings, quotas. -->
- <user_directories>
- <users_xml>
- <!-- Path to configuration file with predefined users. -->
- <path>users.xml</path>
- </users_xml>
- <local_directory>
- <!-- Path to folder where users created by SQL commands are stored. -->
- <path>/var/lib/clickhouse/access/</path>
- </local_directory>
- <!-- To add an LDAP server as a remote user directory of users that are not defined locally, define a single 'ldap' section
- with the following parameters:
- server - one of LDAP server names defined in 'ldap_servers' config section above.
- This parameter is mandatory and cannot be empty.
- roles - section with a list of locally defined roles that will be assigned to each user retrieved from the LDAP server.
- If no roles are specified here or assigned during role mapping (below), user will not be able to perform any
- actions after authentication.
- role_mapping - section with LDAP search parameters and mapping rules.
- When a user authenticates, while still bound to LDAP, an LDAP search is performed using search_filter and the
- name of the logged in user. For each entry found during that search, the value of the specified attribute is
- extracted. For each attribute value that has the specified prefix, the prefix is removed, and the rest of the
- value becomes the name of a local role defined in ClickHouse, which is expected to be created beforehand by
- CREATE ROLE command.
- There can be multiple 'role_mapping' sections defined inside the same 'ldap' section. All of them will be
- applied.
- base_dn - template used to construct the base DN for the LDAP search.
- The resulting DN will be constructed by replacing all '{user_name}', '{bind_dn}', and '{user_dn}'
- substrings of the template with the actual user name, bind DN, and user DN during each LDAP search.
- scope - scope of the LDAP search.
- Accepted values are: 'base', 'one_level', 'children', 'subtree' (the default).
- search_filter - template used to construct the search filter for the LDAP search.
- The resulting filter will be constructed by replacing all '{user_name}', '{bind_dn}', '{user_dn}', and
- '{base_dn}' substrings of the template with the actual user name, bind DN, user DN, and base DN during
- each LDAP search.
- Note, that the special characters must be escaped properly in XML.
- attribute - attribute name whose values will be returned by the LDAP search. 'cn', by default.
- prefix - prefix, that will be expected to be in front of each string in the original list of strings returned by
- the LDAP search. Prefix will be removed from the original strings and resulting strings will be treated
- as local role names. Empty, by default.
- Example:
- <ldap>
- <server>my_ldap_server</server>
- <roles>
- <my_local_role1 />
- <my_local_role2 />
- </roles>
- <role_mapping>
- <base_dn>ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com</base_dn>
- <scope>subtree</scope>
- <search_filter>(&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={bind_dn}))</search_filter>
- <attribute>cn</attribute>
- <prefix>clickhouse_</prefix>
- </role_mapping>
- </ldap>
- Example (typical Active Directory with role mapping that relies on the detected user DN):
- <ldap>
- <server>my_ad_server</server>
- <role_mapping>
- <base_dn>CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com</base_dn>
- <attribute>CN</attribute>
- <scope>subtree</scope>
- <search_filter>(&(objectClass=group)(member={user_dn}))</search_filter>
- <prefix>clickhouse_</prefix>
- </role_mapping>
- </ldap>
- -->
- </user_directories>
- <access_control_improvements>
- <!-- Enables logic that users without permissive row policies can still read rows using a SELECT query.
- For example, if there two users A, B and a row policy is defined only for A, then
- if this setting is true the user B will see all rows, and if this setting is false the user B will see no rows.
- By default this setting is false for compatibility with earlier access configurations. -->
- <users_without_row_policies_can_read_rows>false</users_without_row_policies_can_read_rows>
- <!-- By default, for backward compatibility ON CLUSTER queries ignore CLUSTER grant,
- however you can change this behaviour by setting this to true -->
- <on_cluster_queries_require_cluster_grant>false</on_cluster_queries_require_cluster_grant>
- <!-- By default, for backward compatibility "SELECT * FROM system.<table>" doesn't require any grants and can be executed
- by any user. You can change this behaviour by setting this to true.
- If it's set to true then this query requires "GRANT SELECT ON system.<table>" just like as for non-system tables.
- Exceptions: a few system tables ("tables", "columns", "databases", and some constant tables like "one", "contributors")
- are still accessible for everyone; and if there is a SHOW privilege (e.g. "SHOW USERS") granted the corresponding system
- table (i.e. "system.users") will be accessible. -->
- <select_from_system_db_requires_grant>false</select_from_system_db_requires_grant>
- <!-- By default, for backward compatibility "SELECT * FROM information_schema.<table>" doesn't require any grants and can be
- executed by any user. You can change this behaviour by setting this to true.
- If it's set to true then this query requires "GRANT SELECT ON information_schema.<table>" just like as for ordinary tables. -->
- <select_from_information_schema_requires_grant>false</select_from_information_schema_requires_grant>
- </access_control_improvements>
- <!-- Default profile of settings. -->
- <default_profile>default</default_profile>
- <!-- Comma-separated list of prefixes for user-defined settings. -->
- <custom_settings_prefixes></custom_settings_prefixes>
- <!-- System profile of settings. This settings are used by internal processes (Distributed DDL worker and so on). -->
- <!-- <system_profile>default</system_profile> -->
- <!-- Buffer profile of settings.
- This settings are used by Buffer storage to flush data to the underlying table.
- Default: used from system_profile directive.
- -->
- <!-- <buffer_profile>default</buffer_profile> -->
- <!-- Default database. -->
- <default_database>default</default_database>
- <!-- Server time zone could be set here.
- Time zone is used when converting between String and DateTime types,
- when printing DateTime in text formats and parsing DateTime from text,
- it is used in date and time related functions, if specific time zone was not passed as an argument.
- Time zone is specified as identifier from IANA time zone database, like UTC or Africa/Abidjan.
- If not specified, system time zone at server startup is used.
- Please note, that server could display time zone alias instead of specified name.
- Example: Zulu is an alias for UTC.
- -->
- <!-- <timezone>UTC</timezone> -->
- <!-- You can specify umask here (see "man umask"). Server will apply it on startup.
- Number is always parsed as octal. Default umask is 027 (other users cannot read logs, data files, etc; group can only read).
- -->
- <!-- <umask>022</umask> -->
- <!-- Perform mlockall after startup to lower first queries latency
- and to prevent clickhouse executable from being paged out under high IO load.
- Enabling this option is recommended but will lead to increased startup time for up to a few seconds.
- -->
- <mlock_executable>true</mlock_executable>
- <!-- Reallocate memory for machine code ("text") using huge pages. Highly experimental. -->
- <remap_executable>false</remap_executable>
- <![CDATA[
- Uncomment below in order to use JDBC table engine and function.
- To install and run JDBC bridge in background:
- * [Debian/Ubuntu]
- export MVN_URL=https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/clickhouse/clickhouse-jdbc-bridge/
- export PKG_VER=$(curl -sL $MVN_URL/maven-metadata.xml | grep '<release>' | sed -e 's|.*>\(.*\)<.*|\1|')
- wget https://github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-jdbc-bridge/releases/download/v$PKG_VER/clickhouse-jdbc-bridge_$PKG_VER-1_all.deb
- apt install --no-install-recommends -f ./clickhouse-jdbc-bridge_$PKG_VER-1_all.deb
- clickhouse-jdbc-bridge &
- * [CentOS/RHEL]
- export MVN_URL=https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/clickhouse/clickhouse-jdbc-bridge/
- export PKG_VER=$(curl -sL $MVN_URL/maven-metadata.xml | grep '<release>' | sed -e 's|.*>\(.*\)<.*|\1|')
- wget https://github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-jdbc-bridge/releases/download/v$PKG_VER/clickhouse-jdbc-bridge-$PKG_VER-1.noarch.rpm
- yum localinstall -y clickhouse-jdbc-bridge-$PKG_VER-1.noarch.rpm
- clickhouse-jdbc-bridge &
- Please refer to https://github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-jdbc-bridge#usage for more information.
- ]]>
- <!--
- <jdbc_bridge>
- <host></host>
- <port>9019</port>
- </jdbc_bridge>
- -->
- <include_from>/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/metrika.xml</include_from>
- <!-- Reloading interval for embedded dictionaries, in seconds. Default: 3600. -->
- <builtin_dictionaries_reload_interval>3600</builtin_dictionaries_reload_interval>
- <!-- Maximum session timeout, in seconds. Default: 3600. -->
- <max_session_timeout>3600</max_session_timeout>
- <!-- Default session timeout, in seconds. Default: 60. -->
- <default_session_timeout>60</default_session_timeout>
- <!-- Sending data to Graphite for monitoring. Several sections can be defined. -->
- <!--
- interval - send every X second
- root_path - prefix for keys
- hostname_in_path - append hostname to root_path (default = true)
- metrics - send data from table system.metrics
- events - send data from table system.events
- asynchronous_metrics - send data from table system.asynchronous_metrics
- -->
- <!--
- <graphite>
- <host>localhost</host>
- <port>42000</port>
- <timeout>0.1</timeout>
- <interval>60</interval>
- <root_path>one_min</root_path>
- <hostname_in_path>true</hostname_in_path>
- <metrics>true</metrics>
- <events>true</events>
- <events_cumulative>false</events_cumulative>
- <asynchronous_metrics>true</asynchronous_metrics>
- </graphite>
- <graphite>
- <host>localhost</host>
- <port>42000</port>
- <timeout>0.1</timeout>
- <interval>1</interval>
- <root_path>one_sec</root_path>
- <metrics>true</metrics>
- <events>true</events>
- <events_cumulative>false</events_cumulative>
- <asynchronous_metrics>false</asynchronous_metrics>
- </graphite>
- -->
- <!-- Serve endpoint for Prometheus monitoring. -->
- <!--
- endpoint - mertics path (relative to root, statring with "/")
- port - port to setup server. If not defined or 0 than http_port used
- metrics - send data from table system.metrics
- events - send data from table system.events
- asynchronous_metrics - send data from table system.asynchronous_metrics
- status_info - send data from different component from CH, ex: Dictionaries status
- -->
- <!--
- <prometheus>
- <endpoint>/metrics</endpoint>
- <port>9363</port>
- <metrics>true</metrics>
- <events>true</events>
- <asynchronous_metrics>true</asynchronous_metrics>
- <status_info>true</status_info>
- </prometheus>
- -->
- <!-- Query log. Used only for queries with setting log_queries = 1. -->
- <query_log>
- <!-- What table to insert data. If table is not exist, it will be created.
- When query log structure is changed after system update,
- then old table will be renamed and new table will be created automatically.
- -->
- <database>system</database>
- <table>query_log</table>
- <!--
- PARTITION BY expr: https://clickhouse.com/docs/en/table_engines/mergetree-family/custom_partitioning_key/
- Example:
- event_date
- toMonday(event_date)
- toYYYYMM(event_date)
- toStartOfHour(event_time)
- -->
- <partition_by>toYYYYMM(event_date)</partition_by>
- <!--
- Table TTL specification: https://clickhouse.com/docs/en/engines/table-engines/mergetree-family/mergetree/#mergetree-table-ttl
- Example:
- event_date + INTERVAL 1 WEEK
- event_date + INTERVAL 7 DAY DELETE
- event_date + INTERVAL 2 WEEK TO DISK 'bbb'
- <ttl>event_date + INTERVAL 30 DAY DELETE</ttl>
- -->
- <!-- Instead of partition_by, you can provide full engine expression (starting with ENGINE = ) with parameters,
- Example: <engine>ENGINE = MergeTree PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(event_date) ORDER BY (event_date, event_time) SETTINGS index_granularity = 1024</engine>
- -->
- <!-- Interval of flushing data. -->
- <flush_interval_milliseconds>7500</flush_interval_milliseconds>
- </query_log>
- <!-- Trace log. Stores stack traces collected by query profilers.
- See query_profiler_real_time_period_ns and query_profiler_cpu_time_period_ns settings. -->
- <trace_log>
- <database>system</database>
- <table>trace_log</table>
- <partition_by>toYYYYMM(event_date)</partition_by>
- <flush_interval_milliseconds>7500</flush_interval_milliseconds>
- </trace_log>
- <!-- Query thread log. Has information about all threads participated in query execution.
- Used only for queries with setting log_query_threads = 1. -->
- <query_thread_log>
- <database>system</database>
- <table>query_thread_log</table>
- <partition_by>toYYYYMM(event_date)</partition_by>
- <flush_interval_milliseconds>7500</flush_interval_milliseconds>
- </query_thread_log>
- <!-- Query views log. Has information about all dependent views associated with a query.
- Used only for queries with setting log_query_views = 1. -->
- <query_views_log>
- <database>system</database>
- <table>query_views_log</table>
- <partition_by>toYYYYMM(event_date)</partition_by>
- <flush_interval_milliseconds>7500</flush_interval_milliseconds>
- </query_views_log>
- <!-- Uncomment if use part log.
- Part log contains information about all actions with parts in MergeTree tables (creation, deletion, merges, downloads).-->
- <part_log>
- <database>system</database>
- <table>part_log</table>
- <partition_by>toYYYYMM(event_date)</partition_by>
- <flush_interval_milliseconds>7500</flush_interval_milliseconds>
- </part_log>
- <!-- Uncomment to write text log into table.
- Text log contains all information from usual server log but stores it in structured and efficient way.
- The level of the messages that goes to the table can be limited (<level>), if not specified all messages will go to the table.
- <text_log>
- <database>system</database>
- <table>text_log</table>
- <flush_interval_milliseconds>7500</flush_interval_milliseconds>
- <level></level>
- </text_log>
- -->
- <!-- Metric log contains rows with current values of ProfileEvents, CurrentMetrics collected with "collect_interval_milliseconds" interval. -->
- <metric_log>
- <database>system</database>
- <table>metric_log</table>
- <flush_interval_milliseconds>7500</flush_interval_milliseconds>
- <collect_interval_milliseconds>1000</collect_interval_milliseconds>
- </metric_log>
- <!--
- Asynchronous metric log contains values of metrics from
- system.asynchronous_metrics.
- -->
- <asynchronous_metric_log>
- <database>system</database>
- <table>asynchronous_metric_log</table>
- <!--
- Asynchronous metrics are updated once a minute, so there is
- no need to flush more often.
- -->
- <flush_interval_milliseconds>7000</flush_interval_milliseconds>
- </asynchronous_metric_log>
- <!--
- OpenTelemetry log contains OpenTelemetry trace spans.
- -->
- <opentelemetry_span_log>
- <!--
- The default table creation code is insufficient, this <engine> spec
- is a workaround. There is no 'event_time' for this log, but two times,
- start and finish. It is sorted by finish time, to avoid inserting
- data too far away in the past (probably we can sometimes insert a span
- that is seconds earlier than the last span in the table, due to a race
- between several spans inserted in parallel). This gives the spans a
- global order that we can use to e.g. retry insertion into some external
- system.
- -->
- <engine>
- engine MergeTree
- partition by toYYYYMM(finish_date)
- order by (finish_date, finish_time_us, trace_id)
- </engine>
- <database>system</database>
- <table>opentelemetry_span_log</table>
- <flush_interval_milliseconds>7500</flush_interval_milliseconds>
- </opentelemetry_span_log>
- <!-- Crash log. Stores stack traces for fatal errors.
- This table is normally empty. -->
- <crash_log>
- <database>system</database>
- <table>crash_log</table>
- <partition_by />
- <flush_interval_milliseconds>1000</flush_interval_milliseconds>
- </crash_log>
- <!-- Session log. Stores user log in (successful or not) and log out events.
- Note: session log has known security issues and should not be used in production.
- -->
- <!-- <session_log>
- <database>system</database>
- <table>session_log</table>
- <partition_by>toYYYYMM(event_date)</partition_by>
- <flush_interval_milliseconds>7500</flush_interval_milliseconds>
- </session_log> -->
- <!-- Profiling on Processors level. -->
- <processors_profile_log>
- <database>system</database>
- <table>processors_profile_log</table>
- <partition_by>toYYYYMM(event_date)</partition_by>
- <flush_interval_milliseconds>7500</flush_interval_milliseconds>
- </processors_profile_log>
- <!-- <top_level_domains_path>/var/lib/clickhouse/top_level_domains/</top_level_domains_path> -->
- <!-- Custom TLD lists.
- Format: <name>/path/to/file</name>
- Changes will not be applied w/o server restart.
- Path to the list is under top_level_domains_path (see above).
- -->
- <top_level_domains_lists>
- <!--
- <public_suffix_list>/path/to/public_suffix_list.dat</public_suffix_list>
- -->
- </top_level_domains_lists>
- <!-- Configuration of external dictionaries. See:
- https://clickhouse.com/docs/en/sql-reference/dictionaries/external-dictionaries/external-dicts
- -->
- <dictionaries_config>*_dictionary.xml</dictionaries_config>
- <!-- Configuration of user defined executable functions -->
- <user_defined_executable_functions_config>*_function.xml</user_defined_executable_functions_config>
- <!-- Uncomment if you want data to be compressed 30-100% better.
- Don't do that if you just started using ClickHouse.
- -->
- <!--
- <compression>
- <!- - Set of variants. Checked in order. Last matching case wins. If nothing matches, lz4 will be used. - ->
- <case>
- <!- - Conditions. All must be satisfied. Some conditions may be omitted. - ->
- <min_part_size>10000000000</min_part_size> <!- - Min part size in bytes. - ->
- <min_part_size_ratio>0.01</min_part_size_ratio> <!- - Min size of part relative to whole table size. - ->
- <!- - What compression method to use. - ->
- <method>zstd</method>
- </case>
- </compression>
- -->
- <!-- Configuration of encryption. The server executes a command to
- obtain an encryption key at startup if such a command is
- defined, or encryption codecs will be disabled otherwise. The
- command is executed through /bin/sh and is expected to write
- a Base64-encoded key to the stdout. -->
- <encryption_codecs>
- <!-- aes_128_gcm_siv -->
- <!-- Example of getting hex key from env -->
- <!-- the code should use this key and throw an exception if its length is not 16 bytes -->
- <!--key_hex from_env="..."></key_hex -->
- <!-- Example of multiple hex keys. They can be imported from env or be written down in config-->
- <!-- the code should use these keys and throw an exception if their length is not 16 bytes -->
- <!-- key_hex id="0">...</key_hex -->
- <!-- key_hex id="1" from_env=".."></key_hex -->
- <!-- key_hex id="2">...</key_hex -->
- <!-- current_key_id>2</current_key_id -->
- <!-- Example of getting hex key from config -->
- <!-- the code should use this key and throw an exception if its length is not 16 bytes -->
- <!-- key>...</key -->
- <!-- example of adding nonce -->
- <!-- nonce>...</nonce -->
- <!-- /aes_128_gcm_siv -->
- </encryption_codecs>
- <!-- Allow to execute distributed DDL queries (CREATE, DROP, ALTER, RENAME) on cluster.
- Works only if ZooKeeper is enabled. Comment it if such functionality isn't required. -->
- <distributed_ddl>
- <!-- Path in ZooKeeper to queue with DDL queries -->
- <path>/clickhouse/task_queue/ddl</path>
- <!-- Settings from this profile will be used to execute DDL queries -->
- <!-- <profile>default</profile> -->
- <!-- Controls how much ON CLUSTER queries can be run simultaneously. -->
- <!-- <pool_size>1</pool_size> -->
- <!--
- Cleanup settings (active tasks will not be removed)
- -->
- <!-- Controls task TTL (default 1 week) -->
- <!-- <task_max_lifetime>604800</task_max_lifetime> -->
- <!-- Controls how often cleanup should be performed (in seconds) -->
- <!-- <cleanup_delay_period>60</cleanup_delay_period> -->
- <!-- Controls how many tasks could be in the queue -->
- <!-- <max_tasks_in_queue>1000</max_tasks_in_queue> -->
- </distributed_ddl>
- <!-- Settings to fine tune MergeTree tables. See documentation in source code, in MergeTreeSettings.h -->
- <!--
- <merge_tree>
- <max_suspicious_broken_parts>5</max_suspicious_broken_parts>
- </merge_tree>
- -->
- <!-- Protection from accidental DROP.
- If size of a MergeTree table is greater than max_table_size_to_drop (in bytes) than table could not be dropped with any DROP query.
- If you want do delete one table and don't want to change clickhouse-server config, you could create special file <clickhouse-path>/flags/force_drop_table and make DROP once.
- By default max_table_size_to_drop is 50GB; max_table_size_to_drop=0 allows to DROP any tables.
- The same for max_partition_size_to_drop.
- Uncomment to disable protection.
- -->
- <!-- <max_table_size_to_drop>0</max_table_size_to_drop> -->
- <!-- <max_partition_size_to_drop>0</max_partition_size_to_drop> -->
- <!-- Example of parameters for GraphiteMergeTree table engine -->
- <graphite_rollup_example>
- <pattern>
- <regexp>click_cost</regexp>
- <function>any</function>
- <retention>
- <age>0</age>
- <precision>3600</precision>
- </retention>
- <retention>
- <age>86400</age>
- <precision>60</precision>
- </retention>
- </pattern>
- <default>
- <function>max</function>
- <retention>
- <age>0</age>
- <precision>60</precision>
- </retention>
- <retention>
- <age>3600</age>
- <precision>300</precision>
- </retention>
- <retention>
- <age>86400</age>
- <precision>3600</precision>
- </retention>
- </default>
- </graphite_rollup_example>
- <!-- Directory in <clickhouse-path> containing schema files for various input formats.
- The directory will be created if it doesn't exist.
- -->
- <format_schema_path>/var/lib/clickhouse/format_schemas/</format_schema_path>
- <!-- Default query masking rules, matching lines would be replaced with something else in the logs
- (both text logs and system.query_log).
- name - name for the rule (optional)
- regexp - RE2 compatible regular expression (mandatory)
- replace - substitution string for sensitive data (optional, by default - six asterisks)
- -->
- <query_masking_rules>
- <rule>
- <name>hide encrypt/decrypt arguments</name>
- <regexp>((?:aes_)?(?:encrypt|decrypt)(?:_mysql)?)\s*\(\s*(?:'(?:\\'|.)+'|.*?)\s*\)</regexp>
- <!-- or more secure, but also more invasive:
- (aes_\w+)\s*\(.*\)
- -->
- <replace>\1(???)</replace>
- </rule>
- </query_masking_rules>
- <!-- Uncomment to use custom http handlers.
- rules are checked from top to bottom, first match runs the handler
- url - to match request URL, you can use 'regex:' prefix to use regex match(optional)
- methods - to match request method, you can use commas to separate multiple method matches(optional)
- headers - to match request headers, match each child element(child element name is header name), you can use 'regex:' prefix to use regex match(optional)
- handler is request handler
- type - supported types: static, dynamic_query_handler, predefined_query_handler
- query - use with predefined_query_handler type, executes query when the handler is called
- query_param_name - use with dynamic_query_handler type, extracts and executes the value corresponding to the <query_param_name> value in HTTP request params
- status - use with static type, response status code
- content_type - use with static type, response content-type
- response_content - use with static type, Response content sent to client, when using the prefix 'file://' or 'config://', find the content from the file or configuration send to client.
- <http_handlers>
- <rule>
- <url>/</url>
- <methods>POST,GET</methods>
- <headers><pragma>no-cache</pragma></headers>
- <handler>
- <type>dynamic_query_handler</type>
- <query_param_name>query</query_param_name>
- </handler>
- </rule>
- <rule>
- <url>/predefined_query</url>
- <methods>POST,GET</methods>
- <handler>
- <type>predefined_query_handler</type>
- <query>SELECT * FROM system.settings</query>
- </handler>
- </rule>
- <rule>
- <handler>
- <type>static</type>
- <status>200</status>
- <content_type>text/plain; charset=UTF-8</content_type>
- <response_content>config://http_server_default_response</response_content>
- </handler>
- </rule>
- </http_handlers>
- -->
- <send_crash_reports>
- <!-- Changing <enabled> to true allows sending crash reports to -->
- <!-- the ClickHouse core developers team via Sentry https://sentry.io -->
- <!-- Doing so at least in pre-production environments is highly appreciated -->
- <enabled>false</enabled>
- <!-- Change <anonymize> to true if you don't feel comfortable attaching the server hostname to the crash report -->
- <anonymize>false</anonymize>
- <!-- Default endpoint should be changed to different Sentry DSN only if you have -->
- <!-- some in-house engineers or hired consultants who're going to debug ClickHouse issues for you -->
- <endpoint>https://6f33034cfe684dd7a3ab9875e57b1c8d@o388870.ingest.sentry.io/5226277</endpoint>
- </send_crash_reports>
- <!-- Uncomment to disable ClickHouse internal DNS caching. -->
- <!-- <disable_internal_dns_cache>1</disable_internal_dns_cache> -->
- <!-- You can also configure rocksdb like this: -->
- <!--
- <rocksdb>
- <options>
- <max_background_jobs>8</max_background_jobs>
- </options>
- <column_family_options>
- <num_levels>2</num_levels>
- </column_family_options>
- <tables>
- <table>
- <name>TABLE</name>
- <options>
- <max_background_jobs>8</max_background_jobs>
- </options>
- <column_family_options>
- <num_levels>2</num_levels>
- </column_family_options>
- </table>
- </tables>
- </rocksdb>
- -->
- <!-- Uncomment if enable merge tree metadata cache -->
- <!--merge_tree_metadata_cache>
- <lru_cache_size>268435456</lru_cache_size>
- <continue_if_corrupted>true</continue_if_corrupted>
- </merge_tree_metadata_cache-->
- </clickhouse>

在每个节点 /data/clickhouse/conf 目录下放入文件:metrika.xml,注意每个节点的副本名称都需要修改,不能冲突。本次我们搭建的是一个2节点,无副本的集群。
注意 所有节点/etc/hosts要把需要的zk和ck主机名配置进去。
- <?xml version="1.0"?>
- <yandex>
- <remote_servers>
- <!-- 单分片多副本集群 -->
- <clickhouse_cluster> <!-- 集群名称 -->
- <shard>
- <internal_replication>true</internal_replication>
- <replica>
- <host>bigdata1</host>
- <port>10000</port>
- <user>clickhouse</user>
- <password>clickhouse</password>
- </replica>
- </shard>
- <shard>
- <internal_replication>true</internal_replication>
- <replica>
- <host>bigdata2</host>
- <port>10000</port>
- <user>clickhouse</user>
- <password>clickhouse</password>
- </replica>
- </shard>
- </clickhouse_cluster>
- </remote_servers>
- <zookeeper>
- <node index="1">
- <host>bigdata1</host>
- <port>2181</port>
- </node>
- <node index="2">
- <host>bigdata2</host>
- <port>2181</port>
- </node>
- <node index="3">
- <host>bigdata3</host>
- <port>2181</port>
- </node>
- </zookeeper>
- <!-- 宏变量 每个副本名称不能相同 shard理解违分片标志,replica所处的shard-->
- <macros>
- <shard>single</shard>
- <replica>r1</replica> <!-- 每个节点的名称不同,依次:r1,r2,r3 -->
- </macros>
- </yandex>

在实际生产环境中,为了能够达到高可用,会对每个分片进行备份,即对每个节点的本地表进行备份,将分片和副本组合使用,组合的方式采用环形复制拓扑,充分利用两者的优势。如下图所示为一个 3 分片 + 1 副本的分布式表。
- <!-- worker-01 配置 -->
- <macros>
- <shard>01</shard>
- <replica>03</replica>
- <host>worker_01</host>
- </macros>
- <!-- worker-02 配置 -->
- <macros>
- <shard>02</shard>
- <replica>01</replica>
- <host>worker_02</host>
- </macros>
- <!-- worker-03 配置 -->
- <macros>
- <shard>03</shard>
- <replica>02</replica>
- <host>worker_03</host>
- </macros>

在每个节点 /data/clickhouse/conf 目录下放入文件:users.xml,用于资源配置。
- <clickhouse>
- <!-- See also the files in users.d directory where the settings can be overridden. -->
- <!-- Profiles of settings. -->
- <profiles>
- <!-- Default settings. -->
- <default>
- <max_memory_usage>10000000000</max_memory_usage>
- <max_memory_usage_for_all_queries>10000000000</max_memory_usage_for_all_queries>
- <max_execution_time>300</max_execution_time>
- <max_bytes_before_external_group_by>5000000000</max_bytes_before_external_group_by>
- </default>
- <!-- Profile that allows only read queries. -->
- <readonly>
- <readonly>1</readonly>
- </readonly>
- </profiles>
- <!-- Users and ACL. -->
- <users>
- <!-- If user name was not specified, 'default' user is used. -->
- <default>
- <!-- See also the files in users.d directory where the password can be overridden.
- Password could be specified in plaintext or in SHA256 (in hex format).
- If you want to specify password in plaintext (not recommended), place it in 'password' element.
- Example: <password>qwerty</password>.
- Password could be empty.
- If you want to specify SHA256, place it in 'password_sha256_hex' element.
- Example: <password_sha256_hex>65e84be33532fb784c48129675f9eff3a682b27168c0ea744b2cf58ee02337c5</password_sha256_hex>
- Restrictions of SHA256: impossibility to connect to ClickHouse using MySQL JS client (as of July 2019).
- If you want to specify double SHA1, place it in 'password_double_sha1_hex' element.
- Example: <password_double_sha1_hex>e395796d6546b1b65db9d665cd43f0e858dd4303</password_double_sha1_hex>
- If you want to specify a previously defined LDAP server (see 'ldap_servers' in the main config) for authentication,
- place its name in 'server' element inside 'ldap' element.
- Example: <ldap><server>my_ldap_server</server></ldap>
- If you want to authenticate the user via Kerberos (assuming Kerberos is enabled, see 'kerberos' in the main config),
- place 'kerberos' element instead of 'password' (and similar) elements.
- The name part of the canonical principal name of the initiator must match the user name for authentication to succeed.
- You can also place 'realm' element inside 'kerberos' element to further restrict authentication to only those requests
- whose initiator's realm matches it.
- Example: <kerberos />
- Example: <kerberos><realm>EXAMPLE.COM</realm></kerberos>
- How to generate decent password:
- Execute: PASSWORD=$(base64 < /dev/urandom | head -c8); echo "$PASSWORD"; echo -n "$PASSWORD" | sha256sum | tr -d '-'
- In first line will be password and in second - corresponding SHA256.
- How to generate double SHA1:
- Execute: PASSWORD=$(base64 < /dev/urandom | head -c8); echo "$PASSWORD"; echo -n "$PASSWORD" | sha1sum | tr -d '-' | xxd -r -p | sha1sum | tr -d '-'
- In first line will be password and in second - corresponding double SHA1.
- -->
- <password></password>
- <!-- List of networks with open access.
- To open access from everywhere, specify:
- <ip>::/0</ip>
- To open access only from localhost, specify:
- <ip>::1</ip>
- <ip></ip>
- Each element of list has one of the following forms:
- <ip> IP-address or network mask. Examples: or or
- 2a02:6b8::3 or 2a02:6b8::3/64 or 2a02:6b8::3/ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::.
- <host> Hostname. Example: server01.clickhouse.com.
- To check access, DNS query is performed, and all received addresses compared to peer address.
- <host_regexp> Regular expression for host names. Example, ^server\d\d-\d\d-\d\.clickhouse\.com$
- To check access, DNS PTR query is performed for peer address and then regexp is applied.
- Then, for result of PTR query, another DNS query is performed and all received addresses compared to peer address.
- Strongly recommended that regexp is ends with $
- All results of DNS requests are cached till server restart.
- -->
- <networks>
- <ip>::/0</ip>
- </networks>
- <!-- Settings profile for user. -->
- <profile>default</profile>
- <!-- Quota for user. -->
- <quota>default</quota>
- <!-- User can create other users and grant rights to them. -->
- <!-- <access_management>1</access_management> -->
- </default>
- </users>
- <!-- Quotas. -->
- <quotas>
- <!-- Name of quota. -->
- <default>
- <!-- Limits for time interval. You could specify many intervals with different limits. -->
- <interval>
- <!-- Length of interval. -->
- <duration>3600</duration>
- <!-- No limits. Just calculate resource usage for time interval. -->
- <queries>0</queries>
- <errors>0</errors>
- <result_rows>0</result_rows>
- <read_rows>0</read_rows>
- <execution_time>0</execution_time>
- </interval>
- </default>
- </quotas>
- </clickhouse>

create database if not exists tutorial;
CREATE ROLE dba;GRANT all ON *.* TO dba;
CREATE USER dba_u@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH sha256_password BY '密码';
GRANT dba TO dba_u;
GRANT all ON tutorial.* TO 'dba_u';
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d clickhouse
version: '2' services: clickhouse: container_name: clickhouse image: clickhouse/clickhouse-server: restart: always privileged: true environment: - TZ=Asia/Shanghai - CLICKHOUSE_USER=clickhouse - CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD=clickhouse - CLICKHOUSE_DEFAULT_ACCESS_MANAGEMENT=1 volumes: - /data/clickhouse/data:/var/lib/clickhouse - /data/clickhouse/logs:/var/log/clickhouse-server - /data/clickhouse/conf/config.xml:/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml - /data/clickhouse/conf/users.xml:/etc/clickhouse-server/users.xml - /data/clickhouse/conf/metrika.xml:/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/metrika.xml - /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts hostname: bigdata1 ulimits: nofile: soft: 262144 hard: 262144 network_mode: 'host'
数据库 - ClickHouse安装及集群搭建 - 个人文章 - SegmentFault 思否
Docker快速搭建Clickhouse集群(3分片3副本) - 爱码网
CREATE TABLE default.test ON CLUSTER clickhouse_cluster
name String DEFAULT 'lemonNan' COMMENT '姓名',
age int DEFAULT 18 COMMENT '年龄',
gongzhonghao String DEFAULT 'lemonCode' COMMENT '公众号',
my_time DateTime64(3, 'UTC') COMMENT '时间'
) ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree()
ORDER BY my_time
CREATE TABLE t_cluster ON CLUSTER clickhouse_cluster (
id Int16,
name String,
birth Date
)ENGINE = MergeTree()
CREATE TABLE default.dist_t_cluster ON CLUSTER clickhouse_cluster as t_cluster engine = Distributed(clickhouse_cluster, default, t_cluster, rand());
insert into dist_t_cluster values(1, 'aaa', '2021-02-01'), (2, 'bbb', '2021-02-02');
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